Is it difficult to open your bakery. What is needed in order to open a mini bakery? How to choose a bakery room

Fragrance fresh baking, warm bread with a crispy crust - all this brings amazing and pleasant memories from childhood. But the owners of supermarkets know exactly what this smell also causes visitors to make spontaneous purchases, and therefore they will gladly provide areas for rent for small bakeries. Given that hot bread and delicious drinks are quickly bought, you can confidently say: this business can and should be profitable. How to open mini bakery? Not so simple. Financial investments will be needed, you will need to collect a considerable package of documents, but the result is worth it: this business refers to the number of highly profitable.

What and how will we be a stove?

The first thing you need to decide, getting ready for the opening of minibar, is the most convenient format of her work. You can organize the production of the full cycle, and you can restrict ourselves to baking using semi-finished products. The advantage of the first method is a wide range that can be constantly changing and complemented, however, the attachments will be needed more significant than in the second case. If you choose the second way of organizing production, then the choice of products you can implement buyers will largely depend on what the semi-finished suppliers offer you.

Another important question that will have to decide: what kind of bakery products you plan to produce. To do this, learn the market and answer important questions:

  • Are there any other bakeries?
  • Who is engaged in the supply of bread to nearby shops?
  • Is there a number of coffee shops, cafes, restaurants, cooking, which you could offer baking?

It is important to know that the production of drift is much more profitable than baking usual bread: In this case, you will have to compete with large combine that work in this market has long been and feel confident.

To find "their" buyers, your bakery does not hurt your own style, and the original pastries on exclusive recipes, which you only make it will help to create it.

We choose and repair the room

Mini-bakery combined with the trading hall should be placed in a crowded place with high passability. A good option is on the territory of the existing shopping center or supermarket. You can stay in a separate room, but there must be transport stops, offices, institutions, shopping and entertainment centers nearby. But there should be no competitors nearby - therefore, the study of the area needs to be treated more than seriously.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe room for the production and sale of products can be 80-150 square meters. Meters - this will be enough to place everything you need.

Important! According to the sanitary standards, the bakery should in no case be in the basement.

The next stage is the repair: the territory of the bakery must be brought in a strict compliance of sanitary and epidemiological requirements:

We draw up documents

To start activity, you need to register an enterprise. The most appropriate for the production and implementation of bakery products is a form of ownership - C (if local regulations allow it, then).

To sell your products in retail, you will need a cash register, it needs to be purchased and registered in the tax.

But on this collection of the necessary papers does not end, but only begins. Working with food requires compliance with sanitary standards and obtain a large number of permits. Among them:

  • resolution of Rospotrebnadzor for the placement of food production;
  • conclusion of fire supervision on compliance with fire safety requirements;
  • sanitary and hygienic conclusion on the premises of the bakery and produced there are finished products;
  • certificates of conformity for all implemented products;
  • certificates for products;
  • approved manufacturing control program;
  • contracts for garbage collection and disposal of daylight lamps;
  • contracts with relevant organizations to carry out disinsection and derativational, as well as disinfective measures regarding the premises of the bakery, its ventilation system, and, if necessary, on the disinfection of a car delivery;
  • contract with laundry;
  • all the necessary internal sanitary journals;
  • sanitary books for the entire staff of the bakery.

Having finished the collection and design of all documents, you can go to the next step.

Purchase of equipment and products

To withstand all the necessary production technologies, the following equipment will need to be installed in the mini-bakery:

  • sifter flour;
  • tester-creator;
  • refrigerator;
  • massive car;
  • molding machine;
  • cabinet for proofing;
  • bake;
  • racks for storing finished products.

In addition, there will be displayed showcases for trading bilbo-bunny products and a standard set of office furniture and technology.

The main raw material with which any bakery works is, of course, the top of the top variety. It requires special conditions to store it, so you cannot create large reserves: you have to negotiate with wholesale regular supplies.

Other ingredients - eggs, milk, yeast, sugar, salt, spices, jams, nuts, etc. - Purchased by small batches in accordance with the recipes of flour products.

Mini Bakery Staff

In this business, it depends on this business, if not all, then a lot. Baking - the case is very difficult, it requires exact following recipes, compliance with the proportions, sequences of the process of the technological process. A small mistake can lead to big trouble - damage the whole batch of products, so employees need to be invited to professional and responsible.

First of all, this concerns the main person in the bakery - technologist. He will have to develop a recipe and control how precisely it is followed. In addition, you will need several bakers - their number may vary, depending on production capacity and operation mode, is usually 2-4 people.

We will also need sellers working alone and cleaners. For accounting, you can hire a specialist, but in most cases it is advisable to use outsourcing.

If you are planning to deliver products on catering establishments and shopping points, you will need a driver, movers and packers.

Sales Organization

By organizing the production process, you can not forget about the search for markets. To attract retail buyers to the store with a bakery, you will need a bright sign, advertising posters in places where your potential customers, flyers and promoters are located in large quantities that will hand them out.

But if you want a stable profit, you should search for wholesale buyers: cafes, coffee shops, shops, offices, buffets. It is even better to conclude contracts with wholesalers who will buy some of the products and sell it in their own vending points.

However, a small coffee shop for two or three tables can be organized in a bakery, if the area allows to offer visitors warm buns and fragrant drinks right in place.

We consider income and expenses

To answer the question, how much the opening of the bakery is worth, we will calculate all costs, one-time and constant.

  • Repair of the premises will cost 150-200 thousand rubles.
  • Furniture and equipment - production and trading - will cost from 1.2 million rubles and higher.
  • Rental, utility payments and salary staff will cost 220-250 thousand rubles per month.
  • Monthly purchase of raw materials - from 350 thousand rubles and higher.

And this means that it is possible to start the opening of the bakery of the full cycle, having about one and a half million on "one-time" attachments, and more than half a million - on monthly expenses.

By drawing up a mini-bakery business plan, it must be borne in mind that on the day there can be made from 0.5 to 1.3 tons of finished products. The profitability of baking baking and buns is 50-60%, thus a bakery can be paid off for one and a half or two years. But the profitability of bread production is much lower - about 20%, so if it becomes the main product, to return the invested funds, it will only be three years later.

If you are interested in the maximum payback, the bread is made only as a supplement to the basic range and exclusively if there is sustainable demand.

♦ Starting investment in business: 640,000 rubles
♦ Bakery payback period: 18-24 months
♦ Business profitability: 50-55%

We have long been accustomed to the fact that bread is produced on bakeries. However, now the rapid growth demonstrates such an unexpected industry as the manufacture of bakery products.

Idea open Pakery Many entrepreneurs supported enthusiasm.

Such a business is not only very aesthetic and brings moral satisfaction to its owner, but also demonstrates high profitability and payback in a short time.

If you read this article, then also interested in what is needed to open your company from scratch in this area.

So, spread all the details of the business "on the shelves".

Business Bakery Plan: Planning

No wonder so many entrepreneurs are interested: how to open bakery. This business brings great benefits to owners and quickly pays off.

Summary of the Bakery project

Start will have to be so unloved by all the entrepreneurs of paper rolls.

The initiator of the business will need to create a competent project of the bakery and a business plan from scratch. With them, he goes to the "Crusade" in all sorts of instances: Fire inspection, Occupational Safety, Sanitary and Epidemic Station, Environmental Inspectorate, other organizations. All of them must approve the documentation prepared by the bakery.

And you should not expect that everything will go fast and easy. Every day, representatives of these instances consider dozens of projects. And if they didn't look like everyone, in the field of business would have begun a real chaos!

Potential problems and all their headaches can be shifted to specialists to resolve such issues if your business has a sufficient budget to pay for their services.

Advertising campaign of bakery

Like any other type of business, the bakery will not be able to develop and pay off without the permanent flow of customers. To do this, it is necessary to develop an advertising campaign and consider the promotion strategy.

Pay attention to such options:

  • use modern technologies to the maximum: Create a separate site for the establishment, promote it with the help of the order of contextual advertising, SMM specialists, you can enable the use of social networks;
  • to attract customer customers in the territorial sign, leaflets are used, which distribute in the nearest points of people's clusters, also in mailboxes and in adjacent orientation institutions;
  • the best advertising is the provision of services at the highest level and at affordable prices, which will attract customers through the "Sarafan Radio".

Where to open a bakery: room

Without anything, almost none of the types of business do so without the question of finding a suitable room.

The right choice will speed up the bakery payback process will save the problems of verifying services and flowing out of them.

The criteria are not so much to keep them everything was impossible.

  1. If you plan to open a full bakery from scratch, and not its mini-version, the room is better to rent.
    Purchased real estate will not only force a solid to seek budget, but in the future will bring losses and problems, if suddenly the business will be unsuccessful and it will have to sell it.
  2. To obtain a resolution from the SES, it is necessary that the premises of the bakery meets such requirements:
    • in addition to natural air circulation, an additional ventilation system is needed;
    • the premises are conducted by sewage and water supply;
    • place in the basement or semi-oiled parts of the building such a business is categorically prohibited;
    • outdoor coating should not pass water;
    • in addition to the premises of the bakery itself, you need to equip the room for personnel, an inventory for equipment, a warehouse, a toilet.
  3. To implement baking, it is advisable to allocate a part of the premises for the organization of the cafe, which will sell bakery products and hot drinks.
  4. On the number of customers of the future institution will affect such features of the location:
    • finding the nearby competing organizations;
    • neighborhood with points of large cluster of people (metro stations, stops, transitions, trade and business centers, other);
    • how easy it is to get into-sign - sign, pointers, accessibility of the entrance;
    • appointments located nearby buildings (schools, offices, government agencies).
  5. When choosing a premises for bakery, you need to pay attention to the state of the wiring, the presence of an emergency exit, to know what was located at this point earlier.

Bakery raw materials suppliers

High-quality raw materials is the key to the manufacture of delicious baking in the bakery, which will attract new customers. For his deliveries it is worth choosing two different organizations so that in the event of problems in one of them, the business did not stop without the necessary ingredients.
  • In the first place in importance is, of course, flour.
    It cannot be saved on it - order the highest grade for the institution.
    Before the opening, buy a large stock of this consumor and put stored in stock.
    Regularly check the "crust" for the remaining number and compliance with storage conditions.
    In addition to white flour, whole-grain, but, as a rule, can be required in the bakery business, but, as a rule, in smaller volumes.
  • Ingredients that are not spent in such quantities, but can be kept for a long time, also purchase for the bakery of the future.
    It is sugar, vanillin, cinnamon, baking powder for dough, yeast, salt.
  • But such perishable foods, like milk, eggs, oil must be ordered small but regular supplies and store in the refrigerator at the recommended temperature.

Bakery staff

The basis of any business is carefully selected to the staff.

For the bakery, the list of workers looks like this:

K-V.Salary (rub.)TOTAL (rub.)
Accountant1 15 000 15 000
Baker2 22 000 44 000
Confectioner2 23 000 23 000
Assistant Pecary4 15 000 60 000
Technician tuning and repairing equipment1 - -
Laberaent1 22 000 22 000
Waiter cashier4 15 000 60 000
Cleaners rooms1 12 000 12 000

The list for bakery business can be adjusted depending on the specialization and volume of work specifically your bakery.

The official responsibilities of the manager usually performs the business initiator itself.

Most of the staff should undergo advanced training courses and constantly improve the level of business quality. It also concerns those team members who already have extensive experience in bakeries or organizations from related regions.

It is important that every employee of the Bakery has a valid sanitary book with all the necessary seals.

Sales of the Bakery project

Do you know ...
The first bunch of bread was baked in Egypt about 8,000 years ago. Papiral scrolls and hieroglyphs on the walls of the pyramids did not save the name of the baker, however, it is known that he made the discovery completely accidentally. Forgetting the flour, diluted with water in the morning, in the morning, he found a ruddy cake in the morning.

Potion business implementation plan

The process of organizing a business in baking bakery products from scratch seems very difficult. The opening of the bakery will be easier if splitting the whole process into separate stages.

Consider the necessary steps:

  1. Registration necessary for business documentation (registration of emergency, Choice of taxation system for business, registration of the organization, compilation of a business plan).
  2. Search for bakery facilities, which will meet the stated requirements.
    In the event of a cafe organization to implement baking, the list of necessary parameters increases.
  3. Conducting your own marketing research on business or a delegation of the task in the relevant company.
  4. Development of the business project of the future bakery.
  5. Selection of equipment supplier, inventory.
    It is necessary to determine what will be needed for the start of work from scratch, in what amount, to conclude contracts for the supply.
    Do not save, performing work yourself, whatever simple it seems.
    As practice shows, "homemade" style usually looks cheap and does not contribute to the development of the business, but rather even scares customers.
  7. Selection and order of external advertising funds for the bakery and café.
  8. Running an advertising campaign on billboards, on TV and radio.
  9. Selection of furniture for the premises of bakery and cafes.
  10. Performance in the bakery of repair and finishing works, the decor of the premises in accordance with the designed style.
  11. Installation in a bakery purchased previous equipment.
  12. Search staff staff, learning and briefing.
  13. Start of the work of the bakery.

An interesting video about how Petersburger Alexander,

he organized a small bakery in his own apartment.

As they say, himself and the boss, and subordinate:

How to calculate the cost of opening and promoting bakeries?

"Do not be afraid to make mistakes, do not be afraid to experiment, do not worry a lot to work. Perhaps you will not succeed, perhaps the circumstances will be stronger than you, but then, if you do not try, you will be bitter and offensive for not trying. Because if you try, you have two options: either it turns out or not. And if you do not do anything, then the option is only one. So do not be afraid. Make! Try! Work! Learn! Look for the right people who will help you. And work again. "
Evgeny Kaspersky

Bakery opening costs

Monthly expenses

Revenue from business opening

As mentioned above, the opening of the bakery is attractive for many business figures at the expense of the rapid payback of the case and the high level of profitability. Another weighty plus - the demand for bread is the same regardless of the season.

According to the average indicators, the bakery pays off for 1.5-2 years of work.

The level of profitability is 50-55%.

However, if limiting the types of products produced to one bread alone, the figure will decrease to 20%, and the payback period will stretch up to 3 years. This once again emphasizes the need for diversity in the range and bonuses from the functioning of the cafe during the bakery.

Download Ready Business Bakery Plan With quality guarantee.
Business plan content:
1. Privacy
2. Summary
3. Stages of project implementation
4. Characteristics of the facility
5. Marketing Plan
6. Technical and Economic Equipment Data
7. Financial plan
8. Risk assessment
9. Financial and Economic Justification of Investments
10. Conclusions

The following tips will help newcomers in business to understand, how to open a bakery That's right, so that she brings profit and did not go bankrupt.

  1. You need to choose a certain specialization.
    A special type of baking, which produces only your bakery, will be a competitive advantage and attract regular customers.
  2. To analyze potential customers and marketing situations at the selected location to open from scratch, it is worth contacting a specialized firm.
    The cost of their services will pay off thanks to more targeted work of the bakery.
  3. You can sell products to retail stores, conclude contracts with trading networks or make deliveries to individual firms (cafes, restaurants, hotels).
    But you can also right in the bakery building. Then buyers from the nearest surroundings will be built in line for fresh pastries, and become regular customers.
  4. Please note that equipment suppliers often conduct training courses for those bakery workers who will work on it.
    Do not ignore this opportunity and send to improve the qualifications even those who have extensive experience.
  5. It is not necessary to hire an accountant and a customer cleaner.
    It can be hired workers with hourly pay.

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How to open a bakery from scratch - This is a question, more exciting novice entrepreneurs, Planning to do bread makeup. If you do not know where to start and how much fun is, we are happy to help. In the article, we will try to give the most detailed answer to the main questions regarding this topic.

Mini bakery as a business

Most Russians are confident that the opening of his own business, including bakeries, is the thing costly and small players in this segment of the market inaccessible. But this is an erroneous opinion, since the mini-bakery is a small enterprise that does not require significant financial injections.

The bakery can function both independently and as part of supermarkets and other similar institutions. Moreover, over time, you can afford to expand the business and create a whole bakery network. After all, it is profitable, as bakery products and previously in demand, and remains such a day.

If you are interested in a similar perspective, then we will help to understand this issue and tell me how to open mini-bakery and where to start your business.

How to open mini bakery

To open your business associated with baking bakery products, a number of steps must be taken. In particular:

However, the main step is to register as an IP or the creation of LLC in the presence of several founders (see: Independent registration of IP in 2018 - 2019: how to arrange). If you are already such, then add-ons will need additions in the form of the code of the activity you are going to do. At the same time, the retail code must also be added, as it will certainly want to independently implement their products through their own trading points.

Those who are planning to open bakery in the form of LLC, we recommend reading the article "Rights and Responsibilities of Members of Ltd.".

How to open a bakery confectionery from scratch

The entrepreneur can open not just a bakery dealing only by baking bakery products, but also combine it with confectionery. In this case, it is not necessary to forget that sweets in the form of cakes, cakes, cookies, gingerbread and other delicacies are a specific product, and for some of their species, the implementation period is very limited.

Do not know your rights?

This means that there are no high income in a short time. Yes, and special levels should produce such products, rather than ordinary bakers, as success depends not only from the range, but also from the ability to beautifully arrange the product (and the process is quite laborious and costly).

Also before the adoption of an appropriate decision on the opening of the bakery-confectionery should be consulted with a specialist in logistics issues.

How much is it worth opening bakery

The story of how to open a bakery will be incomplete if you disregard the financial side. How many funds need to be available to expand at least a small bakery production? Let's make an exemplary cost calculation, focusing on prices operating in major cities.

  1. Equipment. If we are talking directly about the mini-bakery, it takes not so many equipment for it (it is quite possible to meet in the amount within a million rubles):
    • bakery furnaces;
    • mukopinder;
    • tests;
    • barn cabinets;
    • tester-starting machine;
    • baking Forms Bread;
    • piel sheets.

    Additionally, you need to get plated baths (single and two-piece), refrigerated cabinets, wallpapers, racks and trolleys for finished products, weights, etc.

    With small volumes, it is possible to purchase a minimum set of bakery equipment worth about 500 thousand rubles. It is quite suitable for mini bakery, the daily performance of which will be about 400 kg. You can also purchase a ready-made mini-bakery of European production: the cost of such complexes is different, the price range begins with 750 thousand rubles. For the purpose of saving, you can and at all purchase equipment used.

  2. Payment of utilities may require from 100 to 200 thousand rubles per month.
  3. Personal salary per month will be about 1-1.5 million rubles.
  4. Purchase of the premises will cost expensive, so it is better to find a suitable and take it for rent. Its cost will be negotiable, but usually varies within 30 - 150 dollars per square meter.
  5. Contracting the premises to the desired state, according to the requirements, is another 100.
  6. Permits will cost approximately 65 thousand rubles.

What requirements are presented to the premises of bakery

For the organization of small production, there is enough room in 70 - 150 squares. At the same time, it must comply with a number of requirements, for example:

  1. Legislation prohibits placing such production into a semi-base or basement room.
  2. The room should be equipped with ventilation, plumbing and sewer systems.
  3. As for the walls, they must be bitten and painted in light tones or lined with ceramic tiles. The same can be said about the ceiling.
  4. The floors should be made of materials that differ in water resistance.

In addition to the listed requirements, the room must have an area for accommodating the working room, a warehouse for the main and auxiliary raw materials, locker rooms for workers of bakery, washing, shower and toilet.

Package of documents for opening bakery

Before opening your case, it is important to make a business plan. However, it is clearly not enough, since the conversation is about food production, therefore it is necessary to collect permissive documentation.

We are talking:

Bakery workers are allowed to work only if they have medical books, decorated in accordance with all the requirements. Registration of such for all employees will cost 600 rubles.

Start time

So, we found out how to open our bakery from scratch, what else should not forget? You have prepared the premises, acquired the equipment, picked up staff, all documentation prepared in full - it would seem possible to start ...

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However, we suggest not missing the opportunity to increase the chances of success. To achieve it to one degree or another will help advertising, which is known is the engine of trade. Of course, a full-scale advertising campaign requires serious financial investments, but they can be significantly reduced, for example, by attracting promoters, as their services are inexpensive. It will not hurt to place advertising on ads located in crowded places and virtual sites.

Save will allow the organization at the first stage of the work of bakery with an incomplete cycle and a limited range of products.

Now you know how to open a bakery from scratch. In a good way, believe in your strength - and everything will succeed.

People will always eat. Therefore, part of the businessmen considers their own business exclusively in the field of catering. Fastfud sales points grow avalanche. Development options in this direction Two: buying a finished franchise or implementing its own concept.

The second option is preferable. The "raw" business model will require a mass of effort from an entrepreneur, but she has the pros. For example, there is no need to pay a paustal contribution and royalties. A good idea for his own business is the opening of mini bakery.

Is it profitable to contain bakery?

Yes, profitable. This business is characterized by profitability at 50-60% and permanent demand. Bonus - mobility. The owner of the enterprise can change the range of products and adjust the demand. This will allow you to quickly meet the needs of customers, without receiving additional costs. When the public interest is reduced to baguettes or exotic breads, it is necessary to reoriented to the manufacture of confectionery and layers.

The diagram is based on Rosstat information. At the same time, industry experts predict the growth of the bakery share in supermarkets and small private enterprises up to 20 and 16%, respectively. Another trend is noticeable. The population of Russia is increasingly interested in the "European" bakery products: chiabatts and baguettes.

For need register sip. This form of ownership is fastest and cheaper on registration, and accounting is simplified.

Basic codes OKVED: 10.71.1. - "Production of bread and bakery products of non-fixed storage", as well 10.71.2. - "Production of flour confectionery, cakes and pastry-storage cakes."

To be able to implement baking directly at the place of placement of the workshop, Specify the encoding 55.30. "The activity of restaurants and cafes."

Other documents necessary for mini bakery

  • Sanitary conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain, it is necessary to order an examination, that is, checks of the production process and the finished product;
  • Certificate of compliance with quality state standard cards. Issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. For example, for bread, it is necessary to comply with the GOST requirements 26985-86 - "Russian bread";
  • Permission to work from the fire inspection.

Registration of documents and licenses should be entrusted to specialized firms. Then it will take a month-one and a half and about $ 1500.

Types of products

A wide range will immediately attract many buyers. The list should include:

  1. The main product is bread. For those sitting on a diet or "gourmets", a product with additives is attractive: with grains, seeds, bran, etc.;
  2. Other products - Baton, all sorts of buns (including stuffed), cheesecakes, puffs;
  3. Confectionery - Cakes, Pies with filling, Sweet rolls, etc.

Bakery room

Try to locate a confectionery in a lively place, but not near the road. Buyers subconsciously do not trust goods sold by roads.

Good accommodation options: near supermarkets, office and business centers, in sleeping areas surrounded by a large number of high-rise buildings.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe leased premises - 70 sq. M. M.. Of these, the bakery will take 55 square meters. m, and shop for sale - 15.

List of requirements for mini bakery

  • Water supply (cold and hot water);
  • The presence of sewer and ventilation systems, air conditioning;
  • The ceilings in the baking workshop should be cooled, the walls at a height of 1.7 m are laid out with tiles or porcelain stoneware;
  • Submissive premises are required - bathroom with washing and toilet, warehouse;
  • Cannot be used to place the enterprise semi-basement rooms and cellars.

Rent will cost approximately $ 700 per month, repair and maintenance of the necessary communications - in 900-1000.

Equipment for bakery

All that is needed for such an enterprise is divided into two large parts: the production base and trading.


To establish production, you will need to purchase:

  1. Professional oven. - 700-1000 $. Powerful furnaces offer manufacturers of Zucchelli Forni, Enteco Master, Unox;
  2. Pretty cabinet - About $ 500. Good stamps - APACH, Gierre, "Sunrise";
  3. Machine for kneading - 1000-1200 $. APACH, SEGZ, FIMAR;
  4. Automatic tester-creator - $ 300. Viatto, Flamic, Fimar, Pensmash, Imperia;
  5. Mukopinder - 200-300 $. Atesh, Stillag;
  6. Trolley for baking - 250-300 $. "Makiz Ural", AISI;
  7. 2 pastry tables To rolling the dough and cutting - up to $ 500. Cryspi, Iterma, Chuvashorgtekhnika;
  8. Refrigerated cabinet - $ 600-700. "Marikholodmash", Polair;
  9. Bread shapes (15 pcs.) - $ 150. "Makiz Ural", Samz;
  10. Cupboard - $ 450. Antey, Stillag, Atisi.

Save time and money on the purchase of equipment for mini bakery can, organizing the production of an incomplete cycle. For this, ready-made dough is purchased, then there is no need for kneading machine.

But minibars need to work on creating a base of regular customers who appreciate them for a unique taste, so it is better to knead the dough independently.

Considering how much a complete set of new equipment is worth it (4500-5000 dollars), it's easier and cheaper to buy a used machine (the difference in price of 1-1.5 thousand dollars), but in the food industry it is not recommended to do this.


For the organization of the shopping hall needed:

  • Showcases and counter - 200-250 $. "Golf Stream", "Pole", Mhm, "KS Rus", "Hephaest";
  • Cash register (needs registration in the tax service) - $ 300. "ELVES-MICH-K", "Stroch-M";
  • Safe - 80-100 $. AIKO, LIBERTY;
  • Two wardrobes for storage of goods - $ 400. Atesh, Stillag.

Trading equipment will cost $ 1000.


Main raw materials - flour, yeast, butter, sugar, salt, as well as dough dough, vanillin, various nutritional supplements (seeds, grain, poppy, etc.), thickeners. Food consumables must be certified and purchased from proven suppliers.

For the proportion you need to raw materials of the highest or first grade. For example, baking flour must comply with GOST 27669-88 - "Wheat bakery flour."

Important Nuance Search Suppliers - Establish work with a flour plant is almost useless. A large enterprise will not consider a small confectionery as a permanent partner - too small volumes.

Do not try to purchase more in advanceStore it is not easy, and you risk losing a lot of raw materials. Better pay attention to mediators.

How to calculate the number of consumables? Finished products by 30% more gravity used raw materials. For the manufacture of 100 kg of bread, there will be about 75 kg of flour, a kilogram of salt, 100 grams of vegetable oil and 700 grams of yeast.

For a month, a small bakery will need about 10,000 kg of flour. Average wholesale price - $ 0.25. Monthly costs for the purchase of the main raw material material will be $ 2500.

Personnel for mini bakery

To baking, hire four bakers, two cashiers, a cleaner. All employees need sanitary books and the passage of basic tests.

It is better to organize work - a week in a week. Accounting is looking for outsourcing. A monthly salary fund will require investments in the amount of 3 thousand dollars.

Costs and profits

How much does it cost to open a bakery? The initial investments are about 15 thousand dollars. This includes the cost of documentation, equipment, room (with rent for three months), consumables for the first month. Permanent monthly expenses - around $ 6000.

In the calculations of the company's profits, we focus on the output of 400-500 kg of products per day and practically one hundred percent implementation. Per month, the company's revenue will be 16-18 thousand dollars, and pure monthly profit - 10-12 thousand.

With the right organization even a mini bakery as a business. It is very important to follow the quality of goods And correctly calculate the volumes of production and sales.

Baking quickly loses its attractiveness for the buyer, and yesterday's products are no longer to taste. It is better at first to close the store early due to the lack of products than the next day to write off the stubborn sdob.