Hardwater value of the wastewater of food industry enterprises. Starch decomposition (amylase) wastewater treatment of starch

BACTI - BIO 9500 (Bacti Bio 9500) is a granular bacterial concentrate for the complete and intensive decomposition of organic substances and precipitation.


Wastewater treatment systems - septic tanks, sandcans, sediment capacities, wastewater treatment plants sewage networks and sanitary systems - sinks, toilets Commercial enterprises - restaurants, bistro, buffets, shops


BACTII-BIO 9500 - Powdered concentrate designed to decompose a wide range of substrates. Numerous microbial strains of BACTI-BIO 9500 non-cultivated and non-pathogenic. Remained strains - active producers of enzymes: amylases (starch decomposition), protease (protein decomposition), cellulases (decomposition of cellulose), keratinase (decomposition of keratin), lipase (decomposition of oils and fats), etc. Several cultures are synthesized biological surface active substances .

BACTII-BIO 9500 - powder, white. PH range from 6.0 to 9.0 with optimum 7.5. The most efficient temperature range is from 25 ° C. up to 55 ° FOC (77OF - 131OOF) with an optimal temperature of about 30 ° C. BACTI-BIO 9500 also contains biodegradable surfactants that contribute to the cleaning process. BACTI-BIO 9500 contains at least 2 billion cells per gram.

Fast and deep impact due to the joint action of bacteria, enzymes and biogen. Complete removal of fats and other organic sediments from sewage networks and sewage treatment plants. Quick launch of sewage treatment facilities. Allows cleaning systems better and longer without maintenance. Supports sewage networks clean. Controls gas empowerment (eliminates unpleasant odors). Long independent existence in cleaning systems.
Non-toxic and safe when contact with skin. Fats and organizing

Standard dosage

BACTII-BIO 9500 biopreparation dose (1: 100 ratio) 5-7 min. It dissolves in a bucket with warm water (+30 + 40 ° C) and withstands 10-15 minutes. For reactivation of bacteria. After that, the contents are poured into the processed system.

1. Septics, sandballs, precipitation containers. Making the first dose: 50 g / m3 is brought directly into the container. Regular maintenance: 6 g per 1 m3 of the volume of the septic camera once every two weeks. We recommend entering the biological product more often or increase the dose if an unpleasant odor appears, or the precipitate is not enough decomposed.

2. Sewer networks. In order to avoid clogging and unpleasant odors, it is necessary to introduce 1 dose (50 g) to 3 drain holes of the sewer network. After a month, repeat the processing. In the future, apply as sewer pipes clogged.

3. Commercial enterprises. Dose when servicing commercial enterprises is determined, based on the number of food meals: up to 250 meals / day 50 g / month, 250 - 500 meals / day 100 g / month, more than 500 meals / day 150 g / month

Claiming facilities:

Drip filters - 1.5 - 3 kg per 3780 m3 of the drain is entered through the siphon of structures. If necessary, the initiating dose is administered repeated after 48 hours. For maintenance, use 0.75 - 1.5 kg of the drug at 3780 m3 of wastewater. In well-aerated aerotanes 0.75-1.5 kg at 3780 m3 of wastewater. Because of the high efficiency of the drug, the hydraulic delay time is significantly reduced. IH is processed separately. Aerobic savings - 0.5 kg per week for 330 m3 yals. If there is a significant layer of fat, double the dose. Anaerobic reactors, ilic sites - the dosage is about the same as in aerobic. The product harmoniously works with methanogens and enhances the production of methane.

Small sewage treatment plants

Sustainers - 0.25-0.5 kg per week for every 330 m3 performance.

Two-tier sumps - 0.25-0.5 kg per week for every 330 m3 performance. Periodic mixing is recommended.

Lagunas, ponds of the ponds (with aeration and without) - to remove odors, decrease in the number of il, and accelerate deposition inject 0.25-1 kg per 200 m3. Powder is sprayed on the surface of the water and is introduced through a wet well.

Lifting stations collectors, sewer pipes and collector highways
0.4 kg is introduced at 165 m3 of the runoff directly into the drain holes.


In the anaerobic and anaerobic ferrous fermentation, the decomposition will occur more fully, it simplifies dehydration, the amount of mineralized biogenes increases.

Biological Cleaning Program

The success of any biological cleaning program depends on favorable operational modes and actions. During the microbiological cleaning, current control is required to ensure the maintenance of the necessary actions. The dose and frequency of administration of drugs are specific for each individual biological cleaning program.
Specific features of each situation must be analyzed in detail before the design of the corrective program.
The cleaning program, as a rule, includes a more powerful dose of start-up and dose of service. The definition of the optimal dose is usually performed on the facility, reducing the dose rate gradually until the deterioration in the efficiency of the drug is noted.

In addition to preserving potatoes, this raw material is basic to get starch. Starchmal is produced on large specialized enterprises, in small plants and even in small shops. As a raw material, you can use both ordinary food potatoes and small, which, as a rule, is rejected in size when drying or freezing. The main requirement - potatoes should be mature, as in young immature tubers the average size of starch grains is less, respectively, the quality of the finished starch from them will be lower, and the amount of losses in production is higher.

On average, one club contains about 18% starch from total weight. When extracting starch, the cell walls of the raw material are destroyed, of which the maximum large amount of starch grains is extracted, which are then separated from the liquid and impurities and dried. When the starch is obtained, cold water is used, drying it is performed at low temperature. Since dry anhydrous starch has a specific gravity of 1.65 g per ml, the starch grains during separation from the pulp cells are quickly deposited. This allows you to capture them in the form of a sediment and separate with the centrifuge from the liquid part.

Starch production consists of several operations. At first, all potatoes wash on a special washer, which is equipped with a deep groove with a shaft at the top. Water consumption when washing potatoes is 4-5 cubic meters. water meters per 1 ton of raw materials. Then, like when preserving potatoes, tubers are crushed. But this time they are crushed in such a way as to destroy the maximum number of cell walls (this will allow you to extract as many starch as possible). However, excessive grinding will make it difficult for their subsequent separation from starch and liquid. Therefore, for grinding potatoes, it is passed through the grinding devices, converting tubers in a casoo mass, the main part of the starch grains in which is in a free state. Potato sweened mass is collected in the collection, and then fed to the sieve. Online can use semi-cylindrical, cylindrical (rotary) and flat (striking) equipment. It is here that, under the influence of water, starch grains are separated from other components of the mass. More than half of the starch passes through a sieve along with water and other substances. At the same time there remains mezga, fiber and about 25% starch. To reduce the losses, the remaining bash is again crushed and passed through a sieve with smaller holes. Starch grains, which passed through a sieve with water, are called starchy milk. The solution is merged into a separate reservoir, where the starch is separated from the water by settling in the chains, settling in the stream (on trays or in grooves) or centrifugation. In the first case, the milk merges in the tanks and left for 7-8 hours. Starch settles at the bottom of the tank, and the liquid with the resulting foam gently merges through the filters to capture the starch remaining in it. Starch is discharged in the washing Chan, where it is mixed with water and left for sedimentation. From the surface of the water, the flare formed during the secondary washing is removed, and the starch raw is directed to the drying. The raw contains up to 55% water. During the drying process at a temperature of 45-50 °, its humidity level is reduced to 20%. Since, as a result of this operation, lumps are formed in the starch, they must then be crushed. Finally, the finished starch is sieved through a bug and packaged.

Most modern enterprises use automated lines for the production of starch of four varieties (extra, higher, first, second). They allow you to perform all operations - washing of raw materials, grinding, collecting and cleansing porridge, mechanical dehydration of the resulting starch, selection of free starch from cereal, dehydration and drying - with minimal participation of people and waste-free technology. Special hydrocyclone setup is used to separate potato pan on the starch suspension and a mixture of mezgi with potato juice.

This allows you to significantly reduce the consumption of fresh water, which is in this case about 0.5 cubic meters. meters per 1 ton of potatoes. In addition, waste water is almost completely eliminated, and the resulting concentrated waste (with a content of about 7-10% dry substances) go to the feed of a cattle in a natural or recycled form. Such installations do not require a large production area for accommodation and differ in high productivity (up to 10-15 tons of starch per day). The cost of such a set of equipment begins from 7 million rubles. When choosing premises from production and warehouses, keep in mind that fine starch dust in the air can explode from contact with fire. Therefore, at such an enterprise to the equipment of premises where starch produces (especially in areas where it is dried and packaged), special requirements are made, including in compliance with the rules of fire safety. In addition, you will need your own wastewater treatment system or the ability to locate filtering fields near production. Place such an enterprise should be outside the city. Own transport is also needed: potatoes are delivered to the plant with farms within a radius of 100 km. Only the shipping cost is 6 tons of treated potatoes or 1 ton of finished starch about 1000 p. To maintain average production, 14-16 people will be required working in two shifts. The average wage of the employee will be about 18 thousand rubles. Thus, salary costs at the cost of 1 ton of finished products are 320 rubles. Add to this procurement costs of raw materials (potatoes), sodium sulfate, water costs, electricity, gas, packing packaging (bags). With such figures, the cost of production of 1 ton of potato starch is approximately 31-32 thousand rubles.

The average market wholesale price of potato starch is about 37 rubles per kilogram. Thus, the income of the enterprise for the production of potato starch without taking into account tax deductions, as well as the organization of sales of products and other costs, except for those taken above, may amount to 3.5-4 million rubles per month at capacity 1-1.5 tons. Starch per hour. Of course, minus all costs net profit will be an order of magnitude lower. Nevertheless, it is possible to increase the profitability of the enterprise due to the expansion of the range, the sale of waste from the processing of potatoes (tissue) as a feed and so on.

Business on preserving potatoes and starch production is seasonal. Since, when stored, the potatoes loses most of the starch contained in it, the raw material processing season is about 250-300 days - from September to May. But to obtain a higher quality starch, it is recommended to recycle all potatoes within 200 days. Already from April (and in some regions and earlier), the loss of starch increases significantly.

Sysoeva Lily
- Business Plans and Manuals Portal

Until 1945, the need for Krachmale and its products in Germany was satisfied due to the work of 200 factories, which in the 1942/1943 season. Dali about 400,000 tons of products. [...]

Most factories that were 90% of the consumers of agricultural products and 10% of industrial products were in the eastern parts of the country and was recycling predominantly potatoes. Only in a few industries, cereals were used as the initial raw material. [...]

In the 1949/1950 economic year in Germany there were 12 small industries that recycled 1C9,000 tons of potatoes, about 10 industries that recycled 85,000 tons of corn, rice and millet and about 6 production processed 19,000 tons. [...]

Since in the West there is a lack of potato for starch, it must be replenished due to importation from other countries. [...]

A. Factories of potato starch. Recycling and drying potatoes occupy a great place, especially this applies to the following areas: Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Pomerania, Lower Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt. [...]

The processing of potatoes begins immediately after harvesting, since during the storage of potatoes, losses occurring due to drying, freezing and rotting, which leaves from 5 to 10%. It should be noted that in case of freezing, potatoes become unsuitable for the production of starch. All the above led to the fact that the processing of potatoes began to be produced seasonally (September - January). [...]

According to the Mayzen Patent (Ma! Gep), potatoes, processed in starch, is frozen and enters the tank in the form of a thick casher. Chemical additives prevent the decomposition and precipitate of starch. The processing of this cracker is successfully produced even in May month. [...]

The workflow with all types of starch production is mostly the same. After dry cleaning on the shakes, the potatoes are fed by hydrotransport to the factory. Here, potatoes are washed into drums operating on the principle of countercurrent, in which it is purified from the excess of water under pressure from the sticking of the duct: and. At the same time, waste water of hydraulic conveyors and washing potatoes are formed. Potatoes are then rubbed into a rapidly rotating cylinder equipped with teeth. In the same place, it is thoroughly washing with water. The resulting mass is crushed in brush machines or in mills. An aqueous suspension containing the bulk of potatoes is separated on sint from starch milk, which enters repeat sifting, and then into sumps, where starch, having a greater proportion, separated from water, which is called "fruit water". [...]

As a result of subsequent thorough flushes, starch is completely cleaned. With this operation, as well as at the subsequent dehydration of the starch in centrifuges, flushing "starch waters" are formed having a concentration of starch to 25 ° C0 mg / l. At high power centrifuges, this concentration can be reduced to 25 mg / l. [...]

After drying the centrifucted material, the finished products are obtained. In new enterprises instead of sieves, hydrocyclones are used, which provide rapid extraction of potato starch and moreover almost without loss. Under this method, the washing is carried out during operation, and starch is concentrated to such an extent that it is selected from the centrifuge and can directly enter drying.

Wastewater enterprises of starch-daming industry

To enterprises of the starch-diner industry include factories and sets of combined processing of potatoes on starch and alcohol, potato starch, corn-dine and corn-starch plants, potato processing plants on dry starch and corn on dry starch.

Wastewater at the enterprises of the starch-diner industry are formed as a result of technological processes of processing raw materials from the hydrotransporter, washing of raw materials and equipment, cooling devices, vacuum pumps, blowers, refrigerators, barometric capacitors, etc.

The average annual amount of waste water of the combined processing of potatoes on starch and alcohol on mixed raw materials (potatoes and grain) was 1 ton of dry starch with a direct-flow water supply system of 137.7 m3, including 137.0 m3 - production and 0.7 j3 -Bees, and when working on potato raw materials, expenses are 200; 199.3; 0.7 m3, respectively. The ratio of uneven flow of drainage in summer and in winter is equal to one.

On corn-dine factories with a reuse system, the average annual amount of wastewater per 1 tons of molasses is 34.06 ° C, of \u200b\u200bwhich 4.52 m3 - production, 0.24 m3 - household and 29.3 m3 are conditionally clean. The ratio of uneven flow of drainage in summer and in winter is equal to one.

In corn-starch factories in the production of starch with direct-flow water supply systems by 1 ta of starch, the average annual amount of wastewater is 15.0 z3, of which 3.0 m3 of production, 1.5 m3 of household household, 10.5 m3 are conditionally clean, and In the production of glucose with reuse of water for 1 ton Glucose, the flow consumption is 262.2 ° C, including 5.8 m3 of production, 0.40 J3 household and 256.0 m3 are conditionally clean. The ratio of uneven flow of drainage in summer and in winter is equal to one.

When processing potato raw materials, conveying and washing waters are formed, and when processing wheat, corn, rice - waste water of pretreatment of grain, i.e., water of locks or swelling as a result of the chemical treatment of corn with sulfuric acid, and rice - caustic.

The wastewater enterprises of the starch-diner industry can be divided into four categories: trapping carrier-washers, juice, washing and pressing.

Conveyorwater vehicles are formed during hydrotransport and washing potatoes. Their amount depends on the degree of pollution of potatoes, such as washing machines and is 1300-1400% of the weight of the processed potato. In relation to the general flow of the plant, these waters make up 55%.

Pollution of conveyorwater potato-starch plants consist of ground, washed from tubers, fine potatoes, tops, potato sprouts, straw. The number of pollution is 5-20% of the weight of potatoes. When washing a healthy potato, dry substance is not washed and almost not lost, but it gives weighted and soluble substances, and rotten and ice cream potatoes give part of dry substances.

At the beginning of the season for processing raw materials, starch plants primarily recycle potatoes, unsuitable for long-term storage: clogged, wet, frozen damaged by rot. In winter, the best potatoes are usually recycled, and in the spring - sprouted, hit by rot. This causes significant pollution of wastewater in the autumn and spring periods of potato processing enterprises.

The amount of conveyor-washing wastewater ranges from 6 to 8 m3 by 1 ton of potatoes with a decrease to 5 in the case of reuse on the hydraulic conveyor.

The number of contaminants of conveyor and washers, mg / l:

  1. Earth (inorganic suspensions) - 750
  2. Organic - 230.
  3. Inorganic soluble - 200
  4. Organic soluble - 190
  5. Nitrogen substances - 150
  6. BOD5 - 152.

The composition of conveyor and washers in different seasons of work is not stable and is characterized by large oscillations (Table 26).

Table 26. Wastewater composition, mg / l, Shatsky potato-starch plant (Belarus)

Conveyor and washing water have yellow-brown color, earthly potato smell; pH \u003d 6.5; Weighted substances-950-- 30600 mg / l in autumn and 600-4700 in spring; BPK5 - 100-500 mg / l in autumn and spring, bichromate oxidation 500-2000 mg / l in autumn and 300-1300 mg / l spring.

Conveyorwater and washing water in the total wastewater complex of potato-starch plants are diluting, as they contain smaller concentrations of contaminants compared to juice press waters.

Juice waters are a liquefied potato cell. They are formed by the separation of starch on sedimentary centrifuges and flushing it on hydrocyclones or flushing chains. The amount of water waters is 7-12 m3 per 1 ton processato and depends on the power of the plant.

Pollution consists of a large amount of organic soluble and insoluble substances capable of reinforcing and fermentation, as well as a small number of inorganic potassium salts and phosphoric acid. A characteristic feature of these sewage is fermentation. In the process of fermentation, dairy, oil acids are formed and an unpleasant smell is distinguished. The process of fermentation is completed with increasing hydrogen sulfide.

Depending on the working conditions of the enterprise, the concentration of juice water ranges in the range of 0.6-1.0% -

The composition of dry materials of juice water includes up to 15% mineral, 35-40% of nitrogen and protein compounds, approximately 10% starch, 20-25% soluble sugars, 3% fat and up to 15% of other substances.

By chemical composition, the juice water is organic, mostly azotnocolized fertilizer. By the content of the main nutrient elements (nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus), 1000 m3 of juice water is equal to the mixture of 15 C ammonium sulfate, 5 superphosphate and 12 c 40% potassium salt. In addition to soluble substances, juice water contains no more than 0.015% of mezgi and starch.

Washwinds are formed in the process of flushing starch. The amount of their insignificant is 1-3 m3 per 1 tred potato processed. The content of insignificant water pollution is insignificant, as the bulk of them goes with water waters. Pollution consist of soluble potato substances and a relatively small amount of small pulp particles and starch.

Press waters appear as a result of pressing the pulp by washing it. The amount of press waters is 0.4-0.6 m3 per 1 tons of potatoes. The composition of pollution of these wastewater is similar to the composition of water pollution.

The formation of the general flow of the enterprise, the nature and size of pollution depend on the individual technological processes, sources of the formation of wastewater, their pollution. For example, the amount of wastewater from the processing of potatoes depends mainly on the technology of removal of the peel. When cleaning with the use of caustic soda, wastewater has pH \u003d 10-11.

With a vapor or abrasive method, this figure is significantly lower.

The specific consumption of wastewater per unit of the projected projection for plants operating on mixed raw materials (potatoes, grain) is 140 m3, and with potato - 200 m3 per 1 ton of dry starch.

In the production of potato starch, wastewater have weighted. Events 1500-5000 mg / l, average mineralization of 1800-3500 mg / l, bicarbonate-sulfatic composition, acid reaction medium, pH \u003d 4.2-4.8. The nitrogen content on average is 120 mg / l, potassium - 300, phosphorus - 15, calcium - 80 mg / l. The composition of the sewage is inconsistent, with a large amplitude of oscillation.

The overall stock of enterprises processing potatoes on starch is characterized by the following size of contaminants: suspended substances 2500-18000 mg / l, BPKB - 1100-1500 mg / l. Moreover, the composition of suspended substances, mg / l, is: the total number of 2824, including organic-1454, total nitrogen - 265, phosphorus - 93, potassium - 486.

Waste waters of starch enterprises have a large number of organic, biodegradable (biochemical) cleaning, contaminants. The concentration of carbohydrates and proteins are higher than that of household wastewater. They are little transparent, in the fresh condition have a weakly alkaline and in rare cases with an acidic reaction of the medium. The decrease in the pH can be classified due to the development of dairy and oil and oil fermentation in the wastewater. The decomposition of proteins is accompanied by the separation of hydrogen sulfide.

Wastewater from the production of starch from corn, wheat, rice differ from wastewater potato-starch production by a higher content of sodium salts and organic substances, a less acidic reaction of the medium, non-permanent composition.

In the production of starch using corn as raw materials, wastewater is formed in the amount of 24-28 m3 per 1 ton of starch. This quantity does not include waste water of pretreatment of grain, so on. From the locks and swelling, as they are processed in evaporators, followed by the use of PA feed or as the initial raw material for the production of penicillin.

Due to the diversity of its properties, the ability to change their changes to the starch is used in different food production (confectionery, bakery, sausage, etc.), in cooking, to develop starch products, in non-scholar industries (perfumery, textile, etc.).

Calorie 100g starch 350 kcal. In the cells of plants, starch is in the form of dense formations, called starchy grains. Starch grains of different plants are characterized by a certain form, structure, sizes. On these features you can set the type of starch. Starch can be made using various vegetable raw materials. At the same time, production technology is slightly different. In this article we describe the production technology of starch from potatoes and corn.

Production of potato starch

From dirt and extraneous inclusions, potatoes are laundered on the potato, then fed to grinding. The stronger it will be crushed, the fuller the outlet of the starch from the cells will be, but it is important not to damage the grain grains themselves. At first, the potatoes twitchly crushed on high-speed potatoes. The principle of their action lies in abrasion of tubers between the working surfaces formed by the filling with small teeth with a rotating drum. On the graters of the first chopping, the pecks protrude above the surface of the drum by 1.5 ... 1.7 mm, on the graters of the second grinding - not more than 1 mm. With the second grinding, it is additionally removed by 3 ... 5% starch. The grinding quality also depends on the state of potatoes (fresh potatoes are checked better than ice cream or sluggish).

After grinding tubers that ensure the disclosure of most cells, a mixture consisting of starch, almost completely destroyed cell shells, a number of non-destructive cells and potato juice. This mixture is called potato kola. Starch, remaining in non-separable cells, is lost with a by-product of production - potato mezgo. This starch is customary to be called connected, and highlighted from potatoes - free. The degree of grinding of potatoes estimate coefficient grindingwhich characterizes the completeness of the destruction of the cells and the amount of extracting starch. It is determined by the ratio of free starch in the pitch to the total content of starch in potatoes. With normal operation, it should not be less than 90%. To improve the quality of starch, its whiteness and preventing the development of microorganisms into potatoes, sulfur dioxide or sulfuric acid is added.

The composition of nitrogenous substances of the juice includes tyrosine, which, under the action of the triosinase enzyme, is oxidized to form colored compounds that can be sorbed by starch grains and reduce the whiteness of finished products. Therefore, the juice is separated from Kaski immediately after grinding. Hydrocyclones use hydrocyclones to release sand from the starch suspension and separation of mezgi with potato juice. The principle of their action is based on a centrifugal force occurring. As a result of processing, the starch suspension is obtained by a concentration of 37 ... 40%. It is called raw potato starch.

For drying starch, continuously acting pneumatic dryers of different designs are most often used. The basis of their work is the principle of drying the loose starch in a moving stream of hot air. The output of the finished starch depends on its content in the processed potatoes and from the loss of starch with by-products and wastewater. In this regard, the content of starch in potatoes entering recycling is normalized by the standard and should be at least 13 ... 15%, depending on the cultivation zone.

In the production of starch, its release is provided in two forms: dry and raw potato starch. The amount of raw potato starch is determined in accordance with the OST 10-103-88. There are crude starch stamps A and brand in with humidity 38 and 50%, respectively. Depending on the quality (colors, the presence of an intersection, outsiders), the crude starch is divided into three grades - the first second and third. The crude starch is a perishable product and long-term storage, a sulfur dioxide of 0.05% concentration can be used for preservation.

Dry starch fabric in bags and fine packaging. Potato starch is packaged in double fabric or paper bags, as well as bags with polyethylene liners weighing no more than 50 kg. The quality of starch, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7699-78, "Potato starch" is divided into the following varieties: "Extra", the highest, first and second. Humidity of starch should be 17 ... 20%, ash content 0.3 ... 1.0%, acidity 6 ... 20° Depending on the variety. The content of sulfur arhydride is not more than 0.005%. An important indicator that characterizes the purity and whiteness of starch is the amount of speck on 1 square DM when considering the naked eye. For "Extra" - 80, for the highest - 280, for the first - 700, for the second is not normalized. The starch of the second grade is intended only for technical purposes and industrial processing. The warranty period for storing starch 2 years from the date of production at relative air humidity is not more than 75%.

Production of cornstorming

In general, the process of processing corn can be described like this: purified corn softened in hot water containing sulfur. With rude oil, the embryo is separated, and the fiber and starch are separated with thin. The glow from the mill is cleaned from gluten and is mounted repeatedly in the hydrocyclones to remove the last traces of protein and produce high-quality starch.

Cleaning. Raw materials for wet grinding is molded corn. Grain check and remove the cob, straw, dust and foreign materials. Usually cleaning is performed twice before a stamp. After the second purification, corn is divided into portions by weight and lay in bunkers. It is hydraulically supplied from the bins in the lock chains.

SOAK. Proper soaking is a prerequisite for high yield and good quality starch. Soaking is carried out in a continuous countercurrent process. Purified corn is loaded into the battery of large lock capacities (chains), where it swells in hot water about fifty hours. In fact, soaking is controlled by fermentation, and the addition of 1000-2000 PPM sulfur dioxide into key water helps to control this fermentation. Soaking in the presence of sulfur dioxide sends fermentation by accelerating the growth of favorable microorganisms, preferably lactobacilli, while suppressing harmful bacteria, mold, fungi and yeast. Soluble substances are extracted, and the grain soften. The grain increases in the amount of more than doubled, the moisture content increases in approximately C15% to 45%.

Making a grain soaking at a factory with a capacity of 150 tons of corn per day

Evaporation of keyflood. The key water is drained from the grain and condensed in a multistage evaporator. Most organic acids formed during fermentation, volatile and evaporate with water. Consequently, condensate from the first stage of the evaporation plant must be neutralized after the heat disposal of water heating coming into soaking. Exhaused keying water containing 6-7% of dry substances is continuously assigned to the subsequent concentration. Lock water is condensed into the self-satisfaction - nutrient for the microbiological industry, or concentrates approximately 48% of dry substances and is mixed and dried together with the tissue.

Production SO2. For soaking and softening corn grains and control microbiological activity during the process, sulfuric acid is used. Sulfur dioxide is obtained by burning sulfur and absorbing gas formed with water. Absorption occurs in absorption columns, where gas is irrigated by water splashes. Sulnyary acid is assembled in intermediate containers. Sulfur dioxide can also be stored in steel cylinders.

Branch of the embryo . The softened grains are destroyed on the abrasive mills to remove the shell and the destruction of the links between the embryo and the endosperm. To maintain a wet grinding process, water is added. Good soaking guarantees the free separation of the intact embryo from the grain in the process of soft grinding without oil separation. The oil is half the weight of the embryo in this stage, and the germ is easily separated by a centrifuge force. Light embryos are separated from the main suspension on hydrocyclones intended for separating the primary embryo. For a complete separation, the product stream with the remains of the embryo is subjected to a repeated grinding, followed by separation on hydrocyclones, which effectively removes the residual - secondary - germ. The embryos are repeatedly washed in countercurrent on three-step sieve to remove starch. Clean water is added on the last stage.

Department of Embed at the plant with a capacity of 150 tons of corn per day