Bokarev andrei removich state. Risk billionaire andrey bokarev. Career and business of Andrey Bokarev

The secret of the rise of the "generous oligarch": why the shareholder of UMMC enters all the strategic sectors of the country

The Russian oligarch and co-owner of the Urals copper business will strengthen its position. Elites read the president's signals and await sensational statements about state support for projects that are being started by a businessman who knows how to give back. How the “king of state orders” works, what advice he gave to the Sverdlovsk governor and what is the secret of his success - in the material “URA.Ru”.

Getting public thanks from the president twice is expensive. Andrey Bokarev, a shareholder of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, became the person who deserved it twice. For the first time, Vladimir Putin named him among the sponsors of the Olympic facilities. The Sverdlovsk residents considered the Shaiba ice arena built in Sochi to be a UMMC project, but it followed from the president's story that it was Bokarev who was behind the project and it was he who agreed to donate the complex to the one whom the head of state indicated.

The second gratitude was voiced following the "interrogation" of the president, who tried to get an answer to the question of who exactly pays for the coverage of the world sporting event - the first in the history of the European Games. It turned out that public sector entity Channel Russia 2 pays for this with the money of a dollar billionaire from the Forbes list.

The dialogue that took place, observers believe, captures the sympathy that the president has for a non-public businessman - a shareholder of UMMC and the chairman of the board of directors of ZAO Transmashholding. Few managed to get to a personal meeting with the president last year. Bokarev was in Novo-Ogarevo twice: in February and November. The number of Putin's meetings with Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov, for example, turned out to be exactly two times less.

It is noteworthy that at this meeting, reporting to the president on the work of the state corporation, Chemezov enthusiastically spoke about the first example of creating a PPP in the production of Kalashnikov assault rifles. “And in a short period of time, our enterprise has significantly reduced costs, we have already reached zero. I hope the enterprise will make a profit by the end of the year. When a person has spent his own money, he will naturally treat it differently, ”Chemezov praised this work.

He never mentioned the name of Bokarev, who, as a result of the additional issue, received 49% of the shares of Kalashnikov. And he became the first Russian oligarch who was allowed into the arms business, which is strategic for Russia. The sale of shares in the concern, which produces the most popular machines in the world, was agreed by the president personally, the source knows. In the transcript published by the Kremlin, this episode looks like this: the president specifies whether the investor included in the project is a private investor, to which Chemezov gives an affirmative answer and calls the investor “ours”.

Despite the presence of a good lobbying resource, the personal fortune of the oligarch Bokarev, according to Forbes, in 2015 decreased by one and a half times and amounted to $ 0.9 billion (against $ 1.5 billion in 2014). UMMC is not a flagship business for him. The entrepreneur's main income is large projects that Bokarev implements together with his “senior partner” - another shareholder of UMMC Iskander Makhmudov. In October 2010, together with the latter, they re-registered the ownership of 25% of the capital Aeroexpress to themselves.

But the main role in their business empire is occupied by Transmashholding, which, at the end of 2014, was ranked first by Forbes magazine in the Kings of State Order rating. Then the structures of entrepreneurs received orders from government agencies for 130.7 billion rubles. In 2015, TMH also became the leader in terms of the volume of government orders: following the results of Russian Railways tenders for supplies for three years, Roslokomotiv ( trading house TMH) signed contracts for 137.6 billion rubles. For comparison: "Ural locomotives" and "Sinara" Dmitry Pumpyansky received orders for 3.26 billion and 2.47 billion rubles, respectively.

Like Pumpyansky in the Urals, Bokarev is one of the most influential lobbyists in regional politics in Siberia, where he created and headed the Regional Association of Employers "Kuzbass Union of Employers" (an analogue of our SOSPP).

In Siberia, there is another mining business jointly with Makhmudov and Kozitsyn. Kuzbassrazrezugol (part of UMMC-Holding), whose coal Kozitsyn proposed to use in new thermal power plants launched in the Urals. With the second governor of the Sverdlovsk region, the parties agreed to start the Demidovskaya TPP project, and if the project, worth 100 billion rubles, was not recognized as inexpedient, there was no doubt that it would receive all the necessary support.

Surrounded by the Sverdlovsk governor, they say that Yevgeny Kuyvashev, when he was just starting to build relations with the Ural "club of oligarchs", met with Bokarev. And supposedly the latter prompted Kuyvashev how to find mutual language with Kozitsyn. On August 25, 2014, Evgeny Kuyvashev signed a decree conferring the title of an honorary citizen of the Sverdlovsk region on the general director of UMMC Andrey Kozitsyn. This title was previously received by Yeltsin and Rossel.

While Bokarev is developing his projects related to production. At the beginning of this year, a record appeared in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities about the creation of the Arctic Mining and Ore Company, about whose activities nothing is known, except that it will operate in the north. In addition, it became known that, together with Makhmudov, the entrepreneur will enter the capital of the Kolmar coal company, which is controlled by a friend of the president, Gennady Timchenko.

And in power houses and head offices large companies there have already been discussions about how long Bokarev will maintain his position and how he will be able to capitalize on the resource in the future. The agency's interlocutors point out that three years ago the name of the businessman at the highest level was not named. The Bokarev phenomenon is compared to the appearance on the public agenda of Roman Abramovich, who in a matter of months became the hero of hundreds of publications.

HSE professor, political scientist Oleg Matveychev says that the special services provide significant support in business projects to Bokarev, and even after the change of the FSB director, this connection remained strong. However, he believes that there is no special scenario: the government is already working with big business and now there is no need to distribute additional bonuses. Alexei Mukhin, director of the political information center, agrees with him.

“The sisters were given earrings. Large owners who took part in the Olympic projects showed understanding and support of the authorities at such a sensitive time when no one believed that Russia would make this project [hold the Olympics] and in word and deed, received the right to be recognized by the president. As far as I know, the president's gratitude is not expressed in material benefits. Yes, they will receive the support of the Kremlin, some preferences. But I would not make the well-being of this or that oligarch dependent on the mood of the president, ”says Mukhin. The secret of success, in his opinion, is only one - the "guys" were the first to understand and occupy the niche of import substitution. And here it is difficult for them to compete.

Irina Zhuravleva

In 1995 he graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute (MFI) and became Acting Chairman of the Board of the National Investment Bank, having worked in this position until 1997.

In 1997 he became Deputy General Director of Rosexportles.

In 1998, as a deputy general director, began to oversee the export deliveries of Kuzbassrazrezugol, a company acquired by Iskander Makhmudov from Sergei Rodionov, Bokarev's senior partner. In the same year he became the head of the Austrian company Krutrade AG (the main beneficiary is Iskander Makhmudov).

In 1998-1999 - General Director of the “Krutreydag Company”.

Since 1999, he has become a member of the board of directors of OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company.

1999-2000: Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Holding Company Kuzbassrazrezugol.

In 1999-2004, he served as Deputy General Director for external market COMPANY " Management Company STIN Holding ".

2000-2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Holding Company Kuzbasrazrezugol.

2001-2006 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Altai-Koks.

Since 2003 - Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Transmashholding and LLC UGMK-Holding.

In 2004, Makhmudov and Bokarev merged scattered machine-building plants into Transmashholding.

Since 2004, member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Rosterminalugol.

From the fall of 2004 to 2006, together with Makhmudov, they owned a 50% stake in the Rodionov Publishing House.

Since 2005, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Kuzbasrazrezugol Coal Company and member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novosibirskenergo.

In mid-March 2007, he signed an agreement on social and economic cooperation with Aman Tuleyev, promising to give almost 300 million rubles for national projects.

From 2007 to March 2010 - President of the Federation of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding of Russia.

In September 2007, he was appointed a member of the Development Council under the President of the Russian Federation physical culture and sports, sports of the highest achievements, preparation and holding of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and the XI Winter Paralympic Games of 2014 in Sochi.

In 2008 he became the chairman of the board of directors of Transmashholding.

In 2008-2009, the chairman of the board of the Interregional public organization Federation of Russian Billiards.

Since June 2010 - President of the Russian Freestyle Federation (FFR), President of the Russian Ski Sports Association.

In October 2010, together with Makhmudov, they re-registered the ownership of 25% of Aeroexpress LLC personally.

Included in the Forbes magazine rating since 2006. Ranks from 69 (2007) to 98 (2008) with a fortune of $ 500 million (2009) to $ 1,100 million (2008). In 2010, he was ranked 94th with a fortune of USD 700 million.

The second wife, Olga Syrovatskaya, is the founder of the Je T "aime jewelry group. They are raising three children with Andrey Bokarev - two older children, Alex and Liza, and one-year-old Andrey. The godfather of Bokarev's children is Grigory Leps.

He is fond of mountain skiing. In 2012, he was registered as a candidate member of the Council of the International Ski Federation (FIS).

I bought a hotel for the national team in the Austrian resort of Schladming.


In July 2008, several individuals filed a lawsuit with the Krasnogorsk City Court of the Moscow Region, among the defendants in which there is, in particular, the state institution "Recreation Complex" Tetkovo "of the Administrative Department of the President of the Russian Federation. The plaintiffs are protesting the transfer to this enterprise by the Federal Agency for the Management of Federal Property of a land plot with an area of ​​1,975,700 sq. m near the village of Petrovo-Dalnee. The lawsuit claims that the rights of permanent perpetual use of these lands at the enterprise of the Administrative Department are illegal.

They say that behind this story with an attempt to take away land from the Presidential Administration are former senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and "vodka king" Alexander Sabadash, member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, businessmen Iskander Makhmudov and Andrei Bokarev, who are waging scandalous wars among themselves over the redistribution of existing they have land in the Krasnogorsk region of the Moscow region.

The Moscow Post, 21.01.2009G.

The scandal with the Christmas vacation of Russian officials in Courchevel is overgrown with new details. As it turned out, the cottage in which the Administrative Officer of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kozhin spent the New Year's holidays was paid for by the entrepreneur Andrei Bokarev, who was involved in the scandal with the raider attack on the residence of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin near Moscow.

Andrey Bokarev is known as the organizer of a number of raider seizures of enterprises. The most ambitious and loudest is directed just against the Presidential Property Management Department. Along with Andrei Bokarev, former senator from the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Alexander Sabadash, a member of the Federation Council Leonid Lebedev, who are already known for the wars on the redistribution of lands near Moscow, are named among the initiators and customers of the attack on the prime minister's lands. It is unlikely that Kozhin, accepting Bokarev's invitation to rest in Courchevel, did not know anything about this case, which directly affects the interests of his department.

The Moscow Post, 05.02.2008G.

It is known that Iskander Makhmudov owns a share in OJSC Kuzbassrazrezugol (KRU) and through him in OJSC Transmashholding. He also recently took up the media business, buying a stake in the Rodionov Publishing House. They say that he appears at social events of the governor of the Kemerovo region, Aman Tuleyev, as well as in Moscow clubs and in the French ski resort of Courchevel. However, there are no exact data either about Mr. Makhmudov himself, or about his exact share in controlled assets. They say, for example, that he has a "shadow partner" in the copper business. Judging by the KRU investment memorandum, which was at the disposal of Business Guide, this mysterious partner is none other than Andrei Bokarev, who was previously considered "Makhmudov's manager for coal affairs" (he heads the board of directors of KRU). However, in the KRU ownership structure, Mr. Bokarev is named a co-owner of this business along with Makhmudov himself, and at one of the non-public social events he was directly called the owner of the UMMC.

Compromat. ru, 21.01.2009

Most of the songs, and the album itself, Grigory (Leps) dedicated to the beautiful half of humanity. Leps diluted the new works "Get out of your head", "On the bridge", "There will be no more", "You have come" - "Labyrinth", "So what", "Sky", "I don't love you." By the way, the singer dedicated one of the songs - "The Angel went into a binge" - to his friend - co-owner and chairman of the board of directors of ZAO "Transmashholding" Andrey Bokarev., 03/08/2014G.

The structures, the shareholders of which are Iskander Makhmudov and his junior partner Andrey Bokarev, received government contracts in tens and hundreds of billions of rubles throughout 2014. At the beginning of the year, two structures of Transmashholding (TMH) competed for a “life cycle” tender (for thirty years) of the Moscow metro for the supply of 832 cars worth 144 billion rubles. The winner was Metrovagonmash, part of TMH. On December 1, 2014, Transmashholding received another contract from the metro for the supply of cars and their maintenance for thirty years - worth 130 billion rubles.

Thus, the entire machine-building business of Makhmudov, which he began to build together with junior partners in 2003, received guaranteed funding only from the Moscow metro for 274 billion rubles in a year.

To this should be added another 150 billion rubles, which TMH will receive from the won tenders in 2014 for the supply and maintenance of 1,008 locomotives for Russian Railways.

"RussianForbes» , 03/10/2015

After the imposition of sanctions against oligarchs close to Vladimir Putin, businessmen Iskander Makhmudov and Andrei Bokarev became the main recipients of the state order - they ousted Vladimir Putin's former judo coach Arkady Rotenberg and acquired the assets of another friend of the president, Gennady Timchenko (the former president of the judo club " where Putin and Rothenberg trained).

Meanwhile, Makhmudov and Bokarev not only became the oligarchs closest to the Kremlin (judging by the volume of state orders), but also turned out to be involved in two criminal cases at once.

The German criminal case, which was investigated in Stuttgart, is largely based on the testimony of Jalol Khaidarov (pictured), a former partner of the co-owners of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC) Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev. According to Khaidarov's interrogations through Interpol, which were at the disposal of "The Insider" (translated back from the German site Rubakhin.Org), within the framework of the criminal case investigated in Stuttgart, the businessmen were associated with the Izmailovo criminal group that controlled coal and aluminum enterprises. Illegal proceeds from casinos and racketeering were laundered through legal enterprises, in particular the UMMC, and then common funds were created in Germany and Spain. In addition, gray schemes were used to evade taxes on the products of these enterprises.

« (fragment of the interrogation of Jalol Khaidarov)

- Do you know anything about the money laundering activities of the following persons - Mikhail Chernoy, Makhmudov, Deripaska?

- Yes, I know that the aforementioned persons, as well as Eugen (Eugene) Ashenbrenner, German citizen Mikhail Nekrich and Polyakov (I don’t know his name), as well as his son Polyakov Jr. and Andrei Bokarev were and are engaged in laundering criminal money through legal Russian structures, for example, through such enterprises as UMMC - Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Kuzbassrazrezugol, Prokopyevskugol and Evrazholding. There are two streams. The first stream is money received from the criminal activities of the Izmailovo group, in particular, from racketeering and other areas of criminal activity, such as gambling and prostitution. This money, which does not go into the “legal stream of money laundering,” but is laundered in various illegal ways, in particular, through the banking sector. The second stream is legal money laundering. Cherny's group accumulates money in the profits of export products<...>I know that the main accumulation companies, where illegal cash flows were transferred, were located in Liechtenstein. One of the firms where the money was transferred is the Operator firm, which operated from 1999 to 2000. I saw a bank printout with a firm stamp for what I remember was $ 500 million. It was in 1999. I know that already during this period Misha Cherny, Iskander Makhmudov, Oleg Deripaska and Anton Malevsky prepared two funds for the full legalization of illegal cash flows in Liechtenstein. As for Germany, the second cash flow of this group accumulates there. This money accumulates in the accounts of traders, which are mainly registered for members of this group.

Theins. ru, 23.10.2015

In May 2014, the sale of a 49% stake in the Kalashnikov concern was completed to the co-owner of the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, Kuzbassrazrezugol, Transmashholding and Aeroexpress to billionaire Andrei Bokarev and Aeroexpress CEO Alexei Krivoruchko. Andrey Bokarev was the first from the Forbes list to become a co-owner of a company that produces weapons under the world's most famous arms brand. Concern "Kalashnikov" produces 95% of Russian small arms.

Bokarev and Krivoruchko in equal shares bought an additional issue of shares of Kalashnikov for 1.3 billion rubles and another 1.2 billion rubles should be invested in the development of the concern in the next two years., 14.01.2015G.

One of the key witnesses in the case of the Izmaylovskaya criminal group, who testified in Spain and Germany, told how illegal money is spent through the enterprises of Makhmudov and Bokarev. According to him, there are two streams. The first stream is money received from the criminal activities of the Izmailovo group, in particular, from racketeering, casinos, prostitution, etc. There is also a second financial flow - through the European firms UMMC and Kuzbassrazrezugol, incomes from the sale of Russian products were hidden. natural resources, and then shared between the members of the group. So the Izmailovsky ringleader Anton Malevsky, together with Iskander Makhmudov, controlled the KRUTrade coal trader in Austria, on which all the money from the sale of Russian fuel was accumulated.

The financial empire of Iskander Makhmudov, Andrey Bokarev and other co-owners of UMMC covers more than 10 EU countries, and they themselves preferred to settle in France. Here Iskander Makhmudov has two castles with several hectares of land: one on the Cote d'Azur, the other in the legendary French hunting grounds of Suan Solon; Andrey Bokarev has an apartment in Paris and also two houses - both near Saint Tropez, not far from the estate of Iskander Makhmudov. A little further south along the Cote d'Azur, in the Cannes region, there are two houses of other top managers of UMMC: Igor Kudryashkin and Eduard Chukhlebov.

RUSPRES, 01.03.2016

At the same time, the media report that it is through Riostyle and Kuzbasstrans that Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev control 90% of KRU's shares. This indicates a direct connection between the top managers of Kuzbassrazrezugol, UMMC and Transmashholding with the underworld.

This connection also leads to structures that were formed under the Ministry of Railways and developed under the Russian Railways.

Network diaryrubakhin. org, 01.03.2016

The names of Iskander Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev are inextricably linked with the Izmaylovskaya criminal group, whose members have been prosecuted in several European countries. Iskander Makhmudov himself is also accused of money laundering in Spain. The capital of Iskander Makhmudov, Andrey Bokarev and other owners of the UMMC appeared in close cooperation with organized crime, with the full participation of the leaders of Russian gangs in the schemes of transferring and owning dirty money around the world. Through these schemes, the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company was consolidated. Traces of gangsters can still be found in the structures that own Kuzbassrazrezugol, in those numerous firms that still operate in Europe and today belong to the UMMC.

Dark spots in the biography of Andrei Bokarev often give rise to idle rumors and fictions. Some associate the oligarch with criminals, according to others, his activities are supported by the special services. In fact, the businessman earned his billions on his own - thanks to dedication, perseverance and intelligence. And yet, his business success would not have been so bright if in 1995 fate had not brought the young financier together with Iskander Makhmudov.

Andrei Bokarev avoids publicity and does not like to advertise his personal life. Therefore, nothing is known about the first twenty-four years of the billionaire, as well as who the oligarch's parents were is unknown. It is only known for certain that Andrei Removich was born on October 26, 1966, in Moscow, the capital of the Soviet Union, and there he spent his early years.


In 1990, Bokarev became a student at the Moscow Financial Institute. At that time, admission to this prestigious metropolitan university was associated with great difficulties, but for the future billionaire, the solution to this problem became feasible. In 1995, Andrei Removich received a degree in finance and immediately began his career.

Career and business of Andrey Bokarev

Having received higher education, a young specialist for two years served as the head of the board of the National Investment Bank, which became Bokarev's first place of work. At this stage, fate brought the future billionaire to Iskander Makhmudov, whose companion and shadow Bokarev remained for many years.

In 1997, Andrei Removich moved to the Rosexportles Joint Stock Company as Deputy General Director.

Since 1998, in a similar position, he is in charge of export deliveries in one of the largest Russian coal mining companies, Kuzbassrazrezugol, owned by Makhmudov. At the same time, the entrepreneur became the head of Krutrade AG, an Austrian company owned by Makhmudov.

In 1999, Andrey Bokarev became a member of the board of directors of OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company and in the same year - the board of directors of Kuzbassrazrezugol, which he was a member of until 2000. At the same time, until 2004, the businessman held the post of deputy general director of the joint-stock company STIN Holding Management Company, and then, until 2005, chaired the board of directors of OJSC Kuzbassrazrezugol. In the period from 2001 to 2006, Andrey Bokarev was also a member of the Management Board of OJSC Altai-Koks.

In 2004, Makhmutov and Bokarev set up Transmashholding, uniting fifteen disparate machine-building plants into a corporation. From 2008 to the present, Andrei Bokarev has chaired the board of directors of the holding.

In 2004, the partners' assets were replenished with half of the Rodionov Publishing House. In 2005, participation in management was added to Bokarev's responsibilities joint stock company Novosibirskenergo.

In 2010, Makhmudov and Bokarev, in partnership, acquired 25% of Aeroexpress.

Andrei Bokarev, expanding his and Makhmudov's empire with the center in Transmashholding, earned himself the fame of a person who knows how to find large, profitable orders. So, in 2011 Andrey Removich signs a contract between Transmashholding and the German company Tognum AG. This agreement created a joint venture specializing in innovative diesel engines for rail transport.

At the same time, Transmashholding and the French company Alstom Transport began to jointly produce high-speed trams with low floors, using the capacities of the Oktyabrsky Electric Car Repair Plant in St. Petersburg, which became part of Transashholding in 2005.

In the spring of 2014, Andrei Bokarev and Alexei Krivoruchko, in equal shares, bought out 49% of the shares of the Kalashnikov concern, the largest Russian arms manufacturer with world fame.

The deal cost the partners $ 1.3 billion, while under the agreement they had to spend almost the same amount on the development of the enterprise over the next two years. The concern, thanks to the activities of Bokarev and Makhmudov, avoided bankruptcy and soon regained its lost positions in the arms market.

At the beginning of 2017, the Rostec state corporation announced the sale to Bokarev, Makhmudov and Krivoruchko of the shares of the High-Precision Complexes holding, which is part of it. However, the deal did not take place, since in the fall of the same year, Andrei Bokarev and Iskander Makhmudov announced the sale of their shares in Kalashnikov and left the arms business.

Now Andrei Bokarev and Iskander Makhmudov are called “Kings of state orders”. Their enterprises supply rolling stock "Russian railways"And the metropolitan subway. In addition, Metrowagonmash, a part of the partners' structures, provides Moscow with three-section trams. As co-owners of Aerozhkspress LLC, in which the partners own 37% of the shares, Bokarev and Makhmudov monopolistically provide railway communication between the center of Moscow and the capital's airports.

Andrey Bokarev has established himself not only as a successful entrepreneur. In his biography there is an active social and political activity: since 2007, the businessman has been a member of the Council of Physical Education and Dispute under the President Russian Federation, in 2007–2010 he headed the Alpine Ski Federation of Russia, since 2008 for two years he chaired the Federation of Russian Billiards. In 2010, Bokarev became the head of the Freestyle Federation and the Ski Association of the Russian Federation.

Andrey Bokarev's condition

The photo of Andrey Bokarev first appeared in Forbes in 2006 and has not left the pages of prestigious financial publications ever since. The main capital of the businessman is contained in the assets of Transmashholding, the Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, in the shares of Kuzbassrazrezugol, Transgroup, etc.

  • 2011 – 0,8/120.
  • 2012 – 0,9/109.
  • 2013 – 1,35/74.
  • 2014 – 1,5/65.
  • 2015 – 0,9/104.
  • 2016 – 0,95/79.
  • 2017 – 1,7/52.
  • 2018 – 2/48.

The billionaire has at his disposal an allegedly leased plot in Gorki-2 with an area of ​​2.4 hectares. The estate includes a 800 m² house, a huge swimming pool and a man-made lake.

There is information that Bokarev has real estate in France, represented by two luxury houses.

The media are silent about the oligarch's yacht, but in recent times his name was associated with "Princess Olga" - a river cruise diesel-electric ship, equipped with the latest technology and equipped with a helipad.

The private life of Andrey Bokarev

Regarding the personal life of Andrei Bokarev, contradictory biographical facts are published in the media. According to one version, he is married and has a son. But the information is more plausible that the oligarch is legally married for the second time, and the spouses are raising three children - son Alex, daughter Liza, and the youngest member of the Bokarev family is named Andrei.

As far as we know, the old friend of the oligarch, singer and composer Grigory Leps, is the godfather of the children, one of whose songs - "The Angel Gone Into the Binge" - is personally dedicated to Bokarev.

The billionaire's wife Olga Syrovatskaya is a beauty and business woman, she is the founder of Je T'Aime, a chain of boutiques selling jewelry.

The oligarch's active participation in skiing organizations is not accidental. Andrey Removich is a passionate fan of alpine skiing, snowboarding and freestyle and, in the opinion of his friends and specialists in this field, has achieved significant success in these sports.

Andrey Removich Bokarev is engaged in patronage and charitable activities.

The oligarch took part in the organization of the Sochi Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games, with the money of the billionaire was built the ice arena "Puck", later transferred to the state.

In addition, the businessman organized the broadcast of the Olympic Games by the Russia-2 TV channel. These benefits were adequately appreciated at the highest level: in 2014, Andrei Removich Bokarev was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, third degree.

In his work, Andrei Removich has repeatedly had to communicate with the highest ranks of the Russian Federation, thanks to which he was among the persons subject to American sanctions.

Andrey Bokarev today

In 2019, Andrei Bokarev is still leading an active entrepreneurial and social life. His surname often appears on the pages of official sources, his life is discussed in the yellow press.

In May, Bokarev was re-elected to the board of the International Ski Federation. In addition, the businessman participates in and leads an all-Russian project aimed at increasing the financial literacy and education of the population, because the correct handling of money, according to a professional financier, should be instilled from an early age, so the program largely covers children and youth.

Bokarev Andrey Removich - co-owner and chairman of the board of directors of CJSC Transmashholding and OJSC MC Kuzbassrazrezugol, member of the board of directors of OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company, OJSC Altai-Koks, FC Lokomotiv. Member of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Tennis Federation. Co-founder of OOO Aeroexpress.


The main assets of Andrey Bokarev are concentrated:

  • mechanical engineering (CJSC Transmashholding);
  • metallurgical, mining, coal industry (OJSC UK Kuzbassrazrezugol, OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company);
  • chemical industry (JSC Altai-Koks).




1995 - graduated from the Moscow Financial Institute.


1995-1997 - became the acting chairman of the board of the National Investment Bank.

1997 - Deputy General Director of Rosexportles.

1998 - in the position of Deputy General Director began to oversee the export deliveries of OJSC MC Kuzbassrazrezugol, a company acquired by Iskander Makhmudov from Sergei Rodionov, Bokarev's senior partner. In the same year he became the head of the Austrian company Krutrade AG (the main beneficiary is Iskander Makhmudov).

1998-1999 - General Director of the company "Krutrade AG".

1999 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company.

1999-2000 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC MC Kuzbassrazrezugol.

1999-2004 - Deputy General Director for External Market of STIN Holding Managing Company CJSC.

2000-2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC MC Kuzbasrazrezugol.

2001-2006 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Altai-Koks.

2003 - Member of the Board of Directors of CJSC Transmashholding and LLC UGMK-Holding.

2004 - together with Makhmudov, disparate machine-building plants were merged into CJSC Transmashholding.

2004 - Member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Rosterminalugol.

2004-2006 - together with Iskander Makhmudov owned a 50% stake in the Rodionov Publishing House.

2005 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC MC Kuzbasrazrezugol and member of the Board of Directors of OJSC Novosibirskenergo.

2007 - signed an agreement on social and economic cooperation with Aman Tuleyev, promising to give almost 300 million rubles for national projects.

2008 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC Transmashholding.

2010 - together with Iskander Makhmudov, the ownership of 25% of OOO Aeroexpress was re-registered personally.

2011 - signed an agreement with the German company Tognum AG on the creation of a joint venture in Russia for the development and production of innovative diesel engines.

2011 - signed a memorandum with the French company Alstom Transport on the joint production of high-speed low-floor trams at the facilities of the Oktyabrsky Electric Car Repair Plant (OEVRZ) in St. Petersburg.

Social and political activity

2007-2010 - President of the Federation of Alpine Skiing and Snowboarding of Russia.

2007 - a member of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports, sports of the highest achievements, the preparation and holding of the XXII Winter Olympic Games and the XI Winter Paralympic Games of 2014 in Sochi.

2008-2009 - Chairman of the Board of the Interregional Public Organization "Russian Billiards Federation".

2009 - was included in the "first hundred" reserve of management personnel under the patronage of the President of the Russian Federation.

2010 - President of the Russian Freestyle Federation (FFR).

2010 - President of the Russian Ski Sports Association.

2012 - registered as a candidate member of the Council of the International Ski Federation (FIS).

I bought a hotel for the national team in the Austrian resort of Schladmig.


He is fond of mountain skiing.

Family status

He is married and has a son.

Notes (edit)

  1. Andrey Bokarev - candidate member of the FIS Council
  2. RTR Board of Trustees. Composition of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Tennis Federation
  3. Iskandar Makhmudov and Andrey Bokarev became co-owners of electric trains near Moscow
  4. The richest businessmen of Russia - 2011
  5. The richest businessmen of Russia - 2012
  6. Co-owners of "Kuzbassrazrezugol" leave the magazine business
  7. Owners of Kuzbassrazrezugol bought 25% of Aeroexpress
  8. Transmashholding creates a joint venture for the production of diesel engines in cooperation with Tognum AG
  9. Transmashholding and Alstom will manufacture high-speed trams in St. Petersburg
  10. FGSSR President Andrei Bokarev wrote a letter of resignation
  11. Andrey Bokarev is the new president of the Russian Freestyle Federation
  12. Andrey Bokarev headed the Russian Ski Sports Association
  13. Andrey Bokarev is registered as a candidate member of the FIS Council

A political scandal in France is gaining momentum and may deprive the president of UMMC of control over him foreign companies... But who leaked dirt on Makhmudov to the Western media? The situation looks like it could have been done by his "junior partner" - the holder of the Order of the Legion of Honor of the French Republic Andrei Bokarev, whom some associate with the "Orekhovskaya" organized criminal group.

In December 2018, Iskandar Makhmudov came to the attention of the French media in connection with the investigation of the so-called "Alexander Benalla case" (the former security guard of President Emmanuel Macron). One of the defendants in the investigation was the former gendarme Vincennes Kraz, who trained reservists to guard the Elysee Palace and was responsible for security in Macron's party “Forward, Republic!”. The Mediapart publication found out that at the same time as working for the President, Kraz received money from Makhmudov - about 300 thousand euros for the protection of relatives and property of the Russian billionaire in France. Perhaps for a French man in the street, this amount may seem significant, but for a Russian reader of Forbes magazine, it is obvious that for this money it is possible to provide only the protection of a domestic cat, but not Makhmudov's relatives.

In a different setting, this story, most likely, would not have received large-scale publicity. But the wave of publications about the alleged Russian interference in the US presidential elections, the British Brexit referendum and the yellow vest protests in France did their job. The material about the Russian fees of Macron's guards was published by the respectable newspaper Le Monde, this information was broadcast by the largest French radio station RLI. The British The Times undertook to write about Makhmudov's affairs in France further, followed by other English-language media. But, in fact, all of them, like a carbon copy, reprinted the same story: Iskandar Makhmudov, through his representative, allegedly transferred the money to Vincennes Kraz. And none of these respected publications seem to have attempted to identify this anonymous middleman. Who is this man?

Mysterious Mediator

Makhmudov's connection with the French elite appears to have a long history. People close to the Russian billionaire talk about his acquaintance with businessman Jean-Louis Eigenauer. In the early 1990s, Eigenauer, who is considered a close friend and colleague of the former French Interior Minister Charles Pasqua, came to Russia to establish contacts with promising representatives of the business circles that were forming in our country. Although it is likely that their acquaintance took place much earlier. In 1984-86, Iskandar Makhmudov served as an interpreter in a group of Soviet military advisers in Libya, a country that traditionally belongs to the sphere of French interests. And here a natural question arises about the possible connections of Eigenauer and Makhmudov with the Western intelligence community. But we will save this story for the future for now. Now we are interested in something else.

It is difficult to imagine that Makhmudov's partner in the Kuzbassrazrezugol company, Andrei Bokarev, has no contacts with Jean-Louis Eigenauer, who recently in a narrow circle allegedly calls Iskandar Makhmudov “an Uzbek who cooked him a shish kebab”. Still as has - recently Bokarev and Eigenauer, mainly living in Morocco, have become especially close. After all, it is Bokarev who controls foreign firm KRU Trade, through which products are exported from deposits in the Kemerovo region. It is Bokarev who is believed to be responsible for all export issues related to the business of Iskandar Makhmudov, including in France. Back in 2014, Andrei Bokarev became a Knight of the Order of the Legion of Honor - an award given for special services to France, so he never had any problems with contacts, although Jean-Louis Eigenauer remains, according to the businessman, the key "breeder." Most likely, it was Bokarev who was the intermediary who, perhaps, transferred the money of the Russian billionaire to the security specialist Vincennes Kraz.

Our Paris colleagues, on condition of anonymity, said that Bokarev apparently hired a large PR company in France on the advice of Eigenauer back in October 2018, shortly before information about bribery of Macron's “security men” hit the press. Apparently, Andrei Bokarev had to spend hundreds of thousands of euros on the services of lobbyists and PR specialists who contacted the editorial offices of the largest French media in preparing publications about Kraz in order to “cut out” the name of his client from these materials. And even in spite of this, Bokarev, as our sources say, decided to skip this season in Courchevel, so as not to get into the sight of journalists once again. But it is unlikely that he will sit in the shade for a long time.

Take away and divide

Before the start of the media scandal in France, Andrei Bokarev, apparently, convinced Iskandar Makhmudov, who was included in the Kremlin list, to reorganize their joint trading companies - by splitting them into many supposedly independent structures, recorded in denominations, including KRU Trade and Cypriot Carbo One Limited. Some players consider the latter not just a gasket for the resale of Kemerovo coal abroad, but also one of the links in the chain of smuggling coal from the DPR to the West, which, when crossing the border with the Russian Federation, turns into Russian. About how the products of mines in the unrecognized republics in the East of Ukraine are sold to Europe under the guise of raw materials from Kuzbass, "Nasha Versiya" has already written on the example of another coal magnate Ruslan Rostovtsev. Carbo One Limited is considered a major player in the international market, and in case of losing control over the company, Iskandar Makhmudov risks losing the entire coal cash flows directed abroad. Coal money will end up in the hands of his "junior" partner even if sanctions are imposed on Makhmudov: apparently, this is the scenario that Andrei Bokarev is counting on when he cleans up his last name in the French media.

Considering Andrei Bokarev's past, such a development of the situation does not look fantastic. It is believed that in the first half of the 1990s he was a representative of the interests of the "Orekhovskaya organized criminal group" in a number of commercial banks. After the death in 1994 of the founder of this group, Sergei Timofeev ("Sylvester" - he was blown up in a Mercedes), Bokarev, it seems, needed a new "roof". Apparently, he met Iskander Makhmudov in 1998, when, due to the crisis, Joint Stock Bank Imperial was forced to put up for auction his controlling stake in Kuzbassrazrezugol. It was Bokarev who allegedly helped Makhmudov in establishing control over this asset, in return receiving KRU Trade and presence in other companies of Makhmudov - Bokarev is, among other things, a member of the Board of Directors of UMMC, the main asset of the billionaire.

It is possible that the role of the "junior" partner has ceased to suit him. For several recent years Bokarev built his own vertical of relations with state authorities and dubious structures. The “Orekhovskie” and “Izmaylovo” (Makhmudov is mentioned with them) figures are not the only circle of Bokarev. It is known that he is doing business with the founder of the Sevastopolskie OCG, Radik Yusupov (Dragon), who was convicted of several murders and was released on parole a couple of years ago.

In a close circle of a businessman, they tell a story that, for obvious reasons, cannot be supported by documents. However, the story looks extremely realistic. Several years ago, Andrei Bokarev invited Iskandar Makhmudov to write a will. The reason was quite reasonable - Makhmudov, a lover of extreme diving, was going to the waters of the Arctic, so the "junior" partner showed concern for the common cause. In France, Bokarev showed concern only for himself, apparently hoping to take control over the flow of coal money from the Russian Federation.

Andrey Bokarev can become an absolutely irreplaceable partner in the event of the promotion of the business of Vera Metallurgica, through which the Izmaylovskys laundered money in Europe. Several years ago, the company appeared in the case of the Russian mafia in Spain, but at that time it was mainly the names of Oleg Deripaska and the Cherny brothers (Makhmudov's former partners). According to our sources in Paris, the French police have new evidence of possible ties between Iskandar Makhmudov and Vera Metallurgica, and Bokarev's name is not found in the dossier again, as in the French press. The Spanish case of Vera Metallurgica on money laundering was dropped for lack of corpus delicti, but this does not prevent it from being opened in France, especially since the police have new documents. We will try to tell you more about the French details in the Vera Metallurgica case shortly.

It is difficult to imagine how the relationship was initially built between the former military translator and polyglot Iskandar Makhmudov and the former bank supervisor Andrey Bokarev. But until recently, Makhmudov managed to masterfully conduct business, using in his own interests, including such semi-submissive people. The situation with the publication of incriminating evidence in France shows that the situation has changed and it seems that now the "junior" partners are starting to use the billionaire in their own games. It seems that 2019 will be a turbulent year for Makhmudov and Bokarev not only abroad, but also in Russia.