Program for working with customer orders. Automation of work with clients. The program can be used

  • CRM for working with customers

    The Bitrix24 order management system will help to identify key customers, prevent them from leaving for competitors and increase the average check. Use CRM to track customer orders to:
    • Maintain a customer base;
    • Expand your contact base;
    • Fix requests;
    • Issue invoices, send commercial offers;
    • Process orders;
    • Implement loyalty programs.
  • Don't miss a single call

    Use Bitrix24 to replenish your client base. Add phone numbers, E-mail addresses, social network accounts to the customer account program. Record the history of requests, negotiations, order details, discounts and promotions.

    All requests, calls, letters and requests from the site are automatically saved in the system and converted into "leads". CRM will not allow you to lose a single contact. Bitrix24 sends reminders to managers about missed calls. Records of outgoing and incoming calls are saved in the claim processing system, they can be easily found through the Call log or customer cards.

  • Retain buyers

    Constantly remind customers of yourself. Plan in Bitrix24 the schedules of communication with key customers, at a convenient time for them and through channels convenient for them. Interview clients, collect information about personal passions and hobbies. Happy Holidays - Personal, Professional, and National. Give gifts and discounts. Send cases, manuals, advice for free. Record activity and feedback received in the ticket management system.

    Organize a hotline. Consult on unclear issues, solve problems with goods and services. The support service is impossible without a system for recording requests (tickets).

  • Grow your customer base through the website and social networks

    The Bitrix24 sales program collects contacts of potential customers from the corporate website, social networks and instant messengers. Place on the site a lead form, a questionnaire for contacting technical support, an online chat. Set up a connection with Vkontakte, Facebook, Telegram, Skype chats. Contacts of new friends will automatically enter the client base in the form of "leads".

  • Organize the work of the sales department

    It is not enough to recruit “active”, “responsible” and “result-oriented” sales managers for ads. Left to themselves, they will not work together. The sales tracking software will simplify your workflow for free by implementing templates for standard business processes, business letters, quotations and invoices.

    Regulations for processing applications, drawing up documentation, preparing reports are easily implemented using Bitrix24 templates. However, in the free cloud version of "Project", the number of CRM users cannot exceed 12 people.

    Bitrix24 shortens the time of adaptation of new employees. Rules and instructions, document templates, contacts of colleagues and contractors are stored in one place, are easily found, and are accessible from anywhere from mobile devices. Employees receive instant alerts to remind them of new and scheduled tasks. Upon dismissal, cases are transferred “in one click”.

We chose Exiland Assistant to maintain a customer base in our company by trial and error. After the implementation of this system, our sales department showed positive dynamics, the team began to work more efficiently than before. Order processing speed increased by 22% and we received a good response from our customers.

A sales manager is an interesting and unusual profession that anyone can master: student, professor, musician. But, to achieve success not everyone succeeds in this niche. The success of a manager depends on both personal qualities, talent to sell, and from owning the accumulated customer base... It is these managers who always remain on the crest of the wave.

Having a structured list of contacts with addresses at hand, performing a quick search on them, knowing who to call today - this is the basis of successful sales.

Even if you have a small organization, you should take care of the correct storage and updating of contacts of businesses and people right now.

Keeping your customer base simple

Tool selection is an important step

We needed so that the program is so simple that a new employee could work in it from the first day so that you don't have to hire a separate employee to keep the system running and train managers. In addition, there was an urgent need combine all clients into one common database so that all employees of the company can work with it from their computers.

To account for clients and, in general, a contact database, you need convenient, simple and functional software tool - the so-called CRM-system (customer relationship system). But, unfortunately, most CRMs are quite cumbersome and inconvenient, and, moreover, they are expensive.

The search for the perfect program has taken a long time ...

As a rule, those who are just starting their own business maintain a list in Excel, but maintaining a customer base in Excel with a reminder is not possible. Therefore, we did not even consider Excel as a database (DB).

We were looking for a suitable program among the network multi-user organizers so that the manager could see the work of all managers. Online organizers are not suitable for us - they are store data on the website of the service provider, which does not provide the required level of data security... In addition, they are of little use.

WinOrganizer has the ability to create only a list of friends and acquaintances (and even then it slows down when the base grows a lot), and does not allow creating a base by enterprises.

Outlook turned out to be quite cumbersome and slowed down too much. Also, Outlook does not have bookmarks, filtering is not conveniently implemented, which makes it difficult to find a specific record. For a person who values ​​his time, this is unacceptable, so we had to abandon it and continue looking for a more suitable program.

The next candidate was the well-known Microsoft Access. What repulsed after installation - there is no simplicity and intuitiveness. We quickly rejected it, because to work effectively with it, it was required at least to be able to program in Visual Basic, be familiar with the basics of database design and know SQL. The realities of modern business are such that any manager sooner or later leaves, and it will take at least several months to train a new employee to work with Microsoft Access, which totally unacceptable for firms in the fiercest competition.

The search dragged on ... However, we did not give up, and once having downloaded another organizer on the official website, we realized that we had found exactly what we had been looking for for so long. This program turned out to be the network organizer Exiland Assistant Enterprise. It compares favorably with analogues. For example, in LeaderTask, the contact field does not contain lines for Skype, social networks, phones are not differentiated into home, cell and work, customer information cannot be entered into it, since this function is not provided. In general, LeaderTask is more a task manager than a client management software.

And Exiland Assistant has everything we need. One can also extend the data structure - add your input fields if provided by the program is not enough. Data is stored in a securely protected file on one of the PCs on the local network of the enterprise, and not somewhere in the cloud.

Working with the customer base in Exiland Assistant

The Exiland Assistant organizer is notable for its simplicity and convenience, according to the heads of the sales department of a number of Russian companies. The customer base accumulated in the Exiland Assistant program is effective resource in the sales process.

Organizer allows you to structure your contacts, maintain lists of both individuals and organizations. For this, the program has sections "Contacts" and "Organizations".

What does the program consist of?

Exiland Assistant Free

The organizer program contains 6 main sections:

  • Contacts
  • The organization
  • Tasks
  • Notes
  • Links
  • Developments

In the first two sections, you can create an electronic index of people and businesses. To maintain a list of people and organizations, the first 2 sections + the "Events" section are of greatest interest, since they allow not only storing detailed information about each person and enterprise, but also planning events for them: calls, meetings, keeping a history of communication with them, recording call results or correspondence.

Calls, appointments, tasks: How not to miss a single customer?

Plan any business with a client on the Events tab in a person's or organization's card - the diary will remind you of the event in advance so that you don't forget to contact a potential client in time, remind him of his order, offer a discount or issue an invoice. After the event occurs, write down the result of the call / meeting, etc. By the way, you can configure the admissible list of event types and results yourself in the Service / Settings menu on the "Events" tab in accordance with your needs.

Sending promotions, price lists, commercial offers to clients by e-mail

New price list released? Have you launched a promotion? Don't forget to do automatic e-mail distribution to potential clients straight from Exiland Assistant. To do this, it is enough to compose the text of the letter (template) once, select recipients from your contacts, indicate your mailbox from which you plan to send and start the mailing. All this can be done using the Service / E-mail mailing list in the Personal and Enterprise versions (this function is not available in the Free version - in the free organizer you can only set up the mailing list and send a test letter to the specified mailbox to check in what form it will be delivered).

A good combination of functionality and simplicity

The first thing that immediately caught my eye when we first used Exiland Assistant was its capabilities and ease of use. The very next day, all managers in the company could freely work in it - to maintain a database of their clients. A pleasant moment, which favorably distinguishes this diary from the rest, was the opportunity for us:

  • Add new, rename existing field names strictly according to your needs
  • Possibility of e-mail distribution of promotions on the basis of contacts, price lists, offers for discounts according to a pre-configured template with automatic substitution of data from the database in the required places of the template.
  • Automatic generation of any documents in Word with the substitution of data from the client base in them.

First, we downloaded and tried the free Free-version of the organizer, and having installed the server version of the Enterprise organizer, we simply could not get enough of it - all employees could make changes on their computer, and all changes in the database after automatic synchronization with the server without our slightest intervention appeared on all computers.

After working a little with this program, we noticed another distinctive feature: by setting up a task in the reminder of a specific executor, the reminder appeared only on his computer and did not interfere with the rest of the work.

In order not to be unfounded, I will give specific examples: Exiland Assistant consists of six main sections: Contacts, Organizations, Tasks, Notes, Internet Links, Events... Since our company is mainly interested in the "Organizations" and "Tasks" sections, I will dwell on them in more detail. We have hidden the section "Contacts" (individuals) and "Notes" (via Service / Settings / Interface), having adapted the program specifically for our company. The "Organizations" section, where we started maintaining the base of organizations, was renamed to "Clients".

Each manager has his own group of contacts (for each user, a corresponding subgroup was created by his last name), and the clients, as you can see in the figure, are located in different cities. Coming to work, a manager works individually with his group, sometimes checking with the help of a quick search with the data of other managers (so as not to accidentally add someone else's client to his database).

What kinds of software are there?

In total, Exiland Assistant has three editions:

  • Free (a single-user freeware with a basic set of features). Designed primarily for home users;
  • Personal (paid single-user with extended set of features);
  • Enterprise (network multi-user). Designed for office work. Allows you to maintain a database of clients and tasks for projects by a group of users (each user can have their own rights).

Your task, first of all, is to understand which edition of Exiland Assistant is right for you: network or single-user to organize a client base.

If you have already decided on the version, you can download the client base (Free or Enterprise Demo version) for free from the official download page and install it by following the simple step-by-step instructions in the file readme.txt

The transition between versions is provided, so you can easily switch, for example, from the demo version to the full version without losing data.

Free version Free (local single user)

The program for maintaining a client base can be downloaded for free - this is the Free version. It has a basic set of features and is more suitable for the home.

In the task section, we enter information about when and to whom to ship the goods or call. The section links to sites is the best suited for storing the sites of suppliers and competitors, which allows us to be always aware of the latest changes, and to respond to them more quickly.

Personal version (local single user)

There is also Personal organizer Exiland Assistant Personal- single-user, suitable for both home use and a small office for database maintenance by a separate employee.

Although we do not use the "Contacts" and "Notes" sections at work, they are very convenient for home use. For example, in the "Contacts" section, you can store information about your friends, acquaintances, colleagues, relatives. It is enough to click on any person in the table, and all the necessary information about this person is displayed on the side panel (detail panel):

  • the photo;
  • means of communication (phones, e-mail addresses, accounts in social networks);
  • registration and residence address;
  • age;
  • hobby;
  • and other detailed information about the person;

For convenience, when using the program at home, you can hide the "Organizations" section and others. In notes, you can save a sudden thought, a recipe for a cake or any other information and then, if necessary, quickly find it using a quick or detailed search.

Enterprise version for maintaining a customer base (network multi-user)

In order to create a common database for the entire enterprise, you need to install in addition its server part, which is called Exiland Assistant Server and comes free with the Enterprise version. Enterprise version- to maintain an up-to-date client database in an organization where access from any machine on the local network is required. Exiland Assistant Server is a standalone program that can be installed on a separate computer or a computer of one of the users, which is most often enabled and accessible over the local network. Its purpose is to synchronize client PC data with a central database. Program page

How to get started with the program?

Download the free Free version if the single-user version is enough for you, or the Enterprise Demo version if you plan to work with a client base on a local network simultaneously with a group of users.

Unpack the downloaded zip file. A folder will appear where you will find a readme.txt file with simple step-by-step instructions for installation and configuration. Installation is quite simple and is designed for an inexperienced PC user.

A pleasant feature is the presence in the program of the module for importing data from Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc as well as from csv files... Therefore, if you keep a list of people in Excel, then you can easily import it into Exiland Assistant so that do not re-dial manually.

Summing up

Exiland Assistant is a versatile tool that is perfect for most customer acquisition tasks for sales managers in any industry or service and for home use. Moreover, he will replace several programs at once: a book of contacts, a keeper of links and notes, a keeper of passwords, an organizer (task planner), a program for storing contacts, a diary of thoughts, etc.

For every entrepreneur, modern active person, I would recommend this wonderful organizer program for Windows both for personal use and for maintaining a client base and project tasks.

In general, Exiland Assistant combines many convenient functions in daily work while maintaining ease of learning and use. The ability to make cold calls directly from the program (+ integration with Skype), send letters to your base of potential customers, print on a printer, sort, filter, perform quick searches, synchronize people contacts with Microsoft Outlook, import data from Excel, export data to HTML , Word, Excel, txt, etc. - this is just a short list of additional service features that increase the convenience of working with the database.

Exiland Assistant is simple and efficient and is perfect for small businesses - young companies that have been on the market for less than 10 years.

Country support:
Operating system: Windows
Family: Universal Accounting System
Purpose: Business automation

Client program

The main features of the program:

    You will have a single customer base with all the necessary contact information

    In the program, you can mark both completed and planned work for any client

    Our system will remind you of any important business

    Each employee will be able to plan his work, and the manager will give assignments and control the work of all staff

    The program will even be able to call on behalf of your organization and tell the patient any important information by voice

    You will be able to quickly evaluate the work of your employees with clients, find out what tasks are delayed or at what stage of execution they are

    Integration with the latest technologies will allow you to shock your customers and deservedly gain the reputation of the most modern company

    The ultra-modern function of communication with the PBX will allow you to see the data of the caller, shock the client, immediately referring to him by name, not waste a second searching for information

    You can order that summaries from all of your points of sale are displayed on a separate large screen. So that you can control in real time: your income, the execution of tasks by employees or the deadlines for the delivery of orders

    on the screen

    Communication with payment terminals, so that customers can pay for their orders not only in the store, but also in the nearest terminal. Such payments will be automatically displayed in the program


    If you are filling out contracts and other documents, we can set up their automatic filling so that one of your employees using the program performs the same amount of work as several other employees manually


    You can implement customer service quality assessment. After the purchase, the client will receive an SMS in which he will be offered to evaluate the work of the manager. The manager will be able to view the analysis of SMS-voting in the program


    The necessary data can be uploaded to your site to control the status of the order, display the remainder of the goods in the warehouse or branch and prices - there are many possibilities!

    with website

    Integration with cameras will provide reliable control: the program will indicate sales data, received payment and other important information in the video stream titles

    The scheduling system allows you to set up a backup schedule, receive important reports at a specific time and set any other program actions

    A special program will save on a schedule a copy of all your data in the program without the need to stop work in the system, automatically archives and notifies of readiness


    Ultra-advanced sales organizations can even order "face recognition". The program will recognize the buyer when entering the store or at the checkout

    You can quickly enter the initial data required for the program to work. For this, a convenient manual input or import of data is used.

    The interface of the program is so easy that even a child can quickly figure it out

We have performed business automation for many organizations:

Language of the basic version of the program: РУССКИЙ

You can also order the international version of the program, in which you can enter information in ANY LANGUAGE of the world. You can even easily translate the interface yourself, since all the names will be placed in a separate text file.

For the successful development of a business and organization, first of all, it is necessary to take care of customer loyalty. The growth of income depends on whether they will continue to use your services and goods, on the attraction and fruitful work with new ones. The program for working with clients from the company "Universal Accounting System" will provide you with both improving the quality of interaction, optimizing personnel, analyzing work with clients, and automating various types of reporting and workflow.

The program for accounting work with clients provides automation of the creation of a single database. This saves you the hassle of maintaining unrelated tables in other applications or storing paper records. At any time in the database, you can perform a search with the management of various filters, control of categories or sorting according to certain criteria. So, for example, when a frequent customer, customer or visitor calls with the help of a computer program for working with clients, you will immediately find out all contact information, his preferences and history of working with a client, staff reports.

The account program is given control and oversight of the workforce scheduling system. Now your employees will not forget about an important call or a reminder to a counterparty to provide certain documentation. As a customer claims processing program, you will receive a database with stamps about your employees, exact times and dates of communication.

The organization of work with counterparties will also receive proper control by giving users various rights. This way, front-line staff will only have access to information that is within their area of ​​competence when using the program for the account manager. The management will receive management and control over the plan for the implementation of the instructions, over the audit of the changes made, and will be ensured by the automation of reporting.

Our account management software has a customizable interface with the ability to control everything from managing specific search categories to window and tab style. The automation program designed to work with customers operates over a local network and the Internet. Has remote access control and blocking management in case your employee, for example, leaves the workplace.

Automation of accounting for work with clients is an important aspect of modern business that allows you to minimize costs, attract new and retain old visitors, buyers and customers. All this and much more is guaranteed by the program for keeping records of work with clients from the USU company!

The program can be used by:

In addition to the opinions about the USU program of ordinary users, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. Graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry, specializing in engineer. After graduation he worked as a programmer. Then - a system programmer. For the first time appeared on the screen in 1989 in the club “What? Where? When? ", Then - at the" Brain-ring ". He won fifteen consecutive victories in 2001-2002 in the television "Svoy Game" and became the best player of the decade in 2004. Five-time champion of Ukraine in the sports version of "My Game". Four-time Moscow champion in the sports version of Svoy Igry, bronze medalist of the same competition, silver in 2017. Silver medalist of the "Experts" - World Games of Experts - 2010 in "Your own game".

Supplement to the program for professional managers: to develop business and increase income. A unique product developed at the intersection of two sciences: economics and information technology. No analogues

With the advancement of technology, life is accelerating. Everywhere you need to be in time - because the faster you do things, the more you earn. For this reason, it is very important to have a feature-rich mobile app at your fingertips.

In addition to the opinions about the USU program of ordinary users, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Alexander Druz is the first master of the "ChGK" intellectual game. He was awarded the "Crystal Owl" prize for the best player of the club six times. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" prize for the best player. Champion of the television version of the "Brain-ring". In the television program "Own Game" he won "Linear Games", "Super Cup", won the "III Challenge Cup" with the team, set an absolute record for performance in one game. Author and presenter of intellectual games and educational programs on various TV channels.

In addition to the opinions about the USU program of ordinary users, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When? ”, Four-time winner of the“ Crystal Owl ”prize, twice world champion, three times champion of Russia, six-time champion of Moscow, three-time winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game“ ChGK ”. According to the results of a general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in all 25 years of the elite club's existence. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. Received the "Big Crystal Owl" and the main prize of the jubilee games - the "Diamond Star" of the master of the game. Member of the Board and since 2001 - Vice President of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - mathematician, marketer, business coach. Graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In August 2010 he was elected President of the All-Russian public organization "Federation of Sports Bridge of Russia". Leads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

In addition to the opinions about the USU program of ordinary users, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Sergey Karjakin. At the age of 12, he became the youngest grandmaster in human history. Listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. FIDE World Cup winner. World Rapid Chess Champion, World Blitz Champion. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. Awarded with the Order of Merit, III degree. Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation VI composition. Repeated winner of World and European children's and youth championships. Winner and medalist of a number of major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as part of the Ukrainian national team, Olympic silver medalist as part of the Russian national team. He showed the best result on his board and received the first individual prize (on board 4). Champion of Russia with the best result on the 1st board. World champion in the Russian national team. Semi-finalist of the World Cup. Winner of a number of international tournaments.

Opportunities to control and manage work with clients

Work with clients

Working with clients is an important and integral part of the business. Attentiveness to customers and improvement of work with them is the key to successful enterprise management. We offer you a client program that will cope with all complex tasks. The program for the database has a multi-user interface that will help you to differentiate access to the database. Thanks to this function, in the client program, it is possible to view the work history for each user and even for each client.

The program for clients is very easy to use, which will help people of different ages and with different types of thinking to understand. The convenient location of the menu makes it easy to navigate the system and manage lists.

Working with the client program, you have three main menus: modules, reference books and reports. Such simple navigation allows for a very capacious work and improves accounting with buyers and customers, customer records, register keeping and customer records. Everyday work with clients requires a more accurate use of information. If you use our software for accounting clients, then a frequent category for work will be "Contractors". In it you can keep a systematic record of counterparties. The AWP program will show you a convenient database here, where each client, under its individual number, will be in its editable line. This allows you to quickly search for a client in any of the fields. You can also use the barcode card system, and search for each client by an individual code. This will become complete automation for you.

In the AWP program, you can very accurately fill in information on the client, divide them into categories, for each client choose their price list and indicate the card number, maintain a register of shareholders. Conveniently, you can indicate in the fields not only the name or name of the client, but also the contact person. By specifying the date of birth, you can congratulate him on the holidays and possibly give some kind of encouragement. Thus, you show your attentiveness to the client. And also to carry out contact management and customer management in the database. Also, there is a special report for this field that will show you customers and their date of birth for a certain period.

In the program, you can carry out settlements with customers, as well as settlements with buyers and customers and accounting for settlements with buyers.

An automated accounting system is an integrated approach to accounting for customers and buyers in any area.

A convenient module in the client program is a mailing list. By working with the mailing list, you can attract more buyers. By specifying a cell phone in the field, you can send messages to customers, notifying them, for example, of discounts or congratulating them on a holiday. It is also possible to send mailing to mailboxes. You will not forget the client, and the client accounting software will allow you to do it accurately and quickly. Customer program mailing has three important categories: bugs, mailing, and templates. These three submodules will allow you to automatically work with the mailing list, carefully monitor the quality of work in this area. You can specify the date, type of recipients, subject and mailing status. The "Errors" submodule will show you not only the error code, but also its content and from which user the error was made, its date and time.

Automated management systems allow you not only to work with clients, but also keep records of employees, keep records of settlements with customers, record securities, you have a special report that will show the time work of each employee with the client program for a certain period.

You can download ARM free of charge as a truncated version on our website or by contacting us by e-mail. By purchasing the program you will have a workstation.

You can plan your work with clients through our client program. Opening the report on work with clients, you will see the actions of your employee for a certain period. ERP systems - this is our program, with all its capabilities.

The CRM system client program is very versatile, it is an excellent solution for working with clients, employees and businesses! It remains only to contact us!

By watching the following video, you can quickly familiarize yourself with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. If you do not see the video uploaded to YouTube, be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Anatoly Wasserman was born on December 9, 1952. An engineer by education, graduated from the Odessa Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry. After graduation, he got a job as a programmer, then - as a system programmer. For the first time appeared on the screen in 1989, taking part in the club “What? Where? When?" and at the Brain Ring. He won fifteen consecutive victories in the television "Svoy Game" over the course of two years, from 2001 to 2002. and became the best player of the decade in 2004. According to the sports version of Svoy Igry, he became a five-time champion of Ukraine. Four-time Moscow champion in the sports version of Svoy Igry, bronze and silver medalist in 2017. Silver medalist of the "Experts", the World Games of Experts in 2010 in "Your own game".

Supplement to the program for professional managers: to develop business and increase income. A unique product developed at the intersection of two sciences: economics and information technology. No analogues

With the advancement of technology, life is accelerating. Everywhere you need to be in time - because the faster you do things, the more you earn. For this reason, it is very important to have a feature-rich mobile app at your fingertips.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Among them is the first master of the intellectual game "ChGK" Alexander Druz. He was awarded the "Crystal Owl" prize for the best player of the club six times. Winner of the "Diamond Owl" prize for the best player. Received the title of champion of the television version of the "Brain-ring". In the TV show "Own Game" he won "Linear Games", "Super Cup", won the "III Challenge Cup" with the team, set an absolute record for performance in one game. Author and presenter of intellectual games and educational programs on various television channels.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Maxim Potashev - master of the game “What? Where? When? ”, Four times won the Crystal Owl prize, twice world champion, three times champion of Russia, six times champion of Moscow, three times winner of the Moscow Open Championship in the game“ ChGK ”. According to the results of the general audience vote in 2000, he was recognized as the best player in all the years of the existence of the elite club, created in 1975. 50 thousand viewers of the program voted for the candidacy of Maxim Potashev. The "Big Crystal Owl" and the main prize of the jubilee games - "Diamond Star" of the master of the game were awarded. Member of the Board and since 2001 - Vice President of the International Association of Clubs. By profession - mathematician, marketer, business coach. Graduated from the Faculty of Management and Applied Mathematics, taught at the Department of General and Applied Economics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. In August 2010, he was appointed President of the All-Russian public organization "Federation of Sports Bridge of Russia". Leads a consulting company that helps various organizations solve problems related to sales, marketing, customer service and business process optimization.

In addition to the opinions of ordinary users about the USU program, the opinions of experts are now presented to your attention. Sergey Karjakin. At the age of 12, he became the youngest grandmaster in world history, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. Won the Candidates Tournament. Awarded with the FIDE World Cup. World champion in rapid chess, world champion in blitz. Honored Master of Sports of Ukraine. Honored Master of Sports of Russia, Grandmaster of Russia. Received the Order of Merit, III degree. Member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation in the sixth composition. Repeated winner of children's and youth world championships and European countries. Winner and medalist of many major tournaments. Champion of the XXXVI World Chess Olympiad as part of the Ukrainian national team, Olympic silver medalist as part of the Russian national team. He showed the best result on his board in the tournament and received the first individual prize (on board 4). Champion of Russia with the best result on the 1st board. World champion in the Russian national team. Entered the World Cup semi-finals. Winner of a number of international tournaments.

Features of the program for accounting clients

Below is a short list of the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal Accounting System. Depending on the configuration of the software, the list of possibilities may change - becoming less or more.

  • The client control program supports the simultaneous operation of several users.
  • Each username of the user of the program that manages the accounting of clients is protected by a password.
  • While managing the program, each employee can periodically change his password.
  • The program will provide you with reliable accounting and control of all clients.
  • The client control program supports work on a local network through various network protocols.
  • It is possible to manage the program via the Internet, if there is a network of branches or if the manager wants to view management reports from home.
  • Working with the management of customer accounting, in the program you can select from the list of blanks the color scheme you like for displaying windows.
  • The title of the main window will display the name of your organization.
  • When accounting for clients, each report will be formed with the logo and details of your company.
  • The software that automates customer accounting supports working with multiple open windows, between which you can easily switch using tabs.
  • We care about our clients!
  • Working with customer control, you can set the name of your organization, contact information and details in the program settings.
  • It will not be difficult for you to work with the program and automate your organization. The main menu of the program is simple and clear. It consists of only three items: modules, reference books and reports. Modules are needed for everyday work, reference books are needed to customize the program for the specifics of your company, and with the help of reports, you can analyze the results of work for any period of time.
  • Taking into account possible holidays, the program can congratulate clients on their birthday or any other holidays.
  • When monitoring customers, using mass mailings, you can notify customers about ongoing promotions or discounts.
  • You can send SMS messages to mobile operators around the world so that customers can receive your notifications wherever they are.
  • Automation allows a manager to create a whole list of management reports.
  • The client management software audits the actions of each user.
  • By automating customer accounting, you will use a lock when editing any record in the table so that several simultaneous employees do not overwrite information entered by another person.
  • The client base is simple and convenient. The program has a quick search by first letters.
  • The program takes into account and supports data filtering.
  • Given the data, you can easily group them, and the resulting groups can be collapsed and expanded. In the software, new information can be added not only by the addition method, but also by copying the existing line.
  • When managing customer accounting, you cannot delete anything in the program by accident, a confirmation message will always appear.
  • In the program that controls customer accounting, when deleting information from the system, a company employee will have to indicate the reason for the deletion.
  • Controlling the work of the company, you can update any information yourself or set up an automatic update in order to always see the latest data.
  • The program supports data import. For example, at the beginning of work with the accounting system, you can load a list of customers.
  • Any analytical report can be printed.
  • You will be able to control the work of your organization at a new level. Each report can be exported in many well-known formats.
  • When exporting information to MS Excel, you can use the old and new file formats.
  • Almost all reports in a program that takes into account clients are generated for a specified period of time, which allows you to analyze a specific day, month or year.
  • The customer accounting automation program can generate a report for each city if there are branches in different cities.
  • Let's start automating your company together!
  • USU software - Universal Accounting System - also includes many other features!

Constant confusion in information, the inability to collect and analyze statistics, instability in sales - these are faithful companions of companies that do not keep track of applications, orders and customer payments in general, or do it the old fashioned way, in the granary books. It is possible to solve all these problems at once, it is enough to install a special program for maintaining the client base

Why you should use a customer tracking software

The customer and transaction accounting system (CRM) is a real help for any business. Evaluate the benefits that you will receive by introducing such a novelty:

  • Getting rid of confusion. A customer accounting software with a detailed database helps to clarify the workflow. You and your employees will always know how much, what and when it was sold, how many customers were served, etc. All this will have a positive impact on the productivity of your company.
  • Increased customer loyalty. The program for accounting of customers and services allows you to classify buyers according to the degree of importance. Create lists of key customers and offer them special conditions. Look at the list of potential customers and develop a strategy to turn them into loyal fans of your product or service.
  • The ability to collect statistics and its detailed analysis. Automation of accounting and registration of customer applications has another benefit: you can always view statistics for the past time, identify strengths and weaknesses and direct all efforts to eliminate shortcomings and develop advantages.

YCLIENTS is a convenient cloud-based customer accounting service

Accounting and customer management can and should be convenient! It is under this motto that we created YCLIENTS - a cloud service with all CRM functions. With us you:

  1. Remember each client. The YCLIENTS database contains not only basic information about the customer, but also his complete history of visits, analysis of preferences and other necessary data.
  2. Upload information with ease. In order to export data from the CRM YCLIENTS customer base, you do not have to work hard. You can get information in just a few clicks, and you yourself can indicate who has the right to do this.

View the list of clients online - it's convenient

If the only thing that stops you from implementing CRM is that you have to install and constantly update your customer tracking application, then we have good news. YCLIENTS does not require installation, so you can view customer lists online for free using any device - phone, tablet, PC.

Maintaining a customer base and transactions in CRM has never been so easy and convenient! Try the free demo version of YCLIENTS or choose right away the tariff that suits you best and start working with our customer and order tracking system. Find out about all the features of the program by the number