What is the document “Buyer's order. Reservation of goods and materials in "1C: Management of a small company" Instructions for 1c buyer's order

"With the help of the" Operational planning "subsystem, a mechanism has been implemented that allows you to apply various strategies for working with customers. The decision to apply a particular strategy with buyers is usually made by the company's management. This section will look at a few specific examples of how different strategies can be used when working with customers. The examples in this section were modeled in the "Trade Management for Ukraine" configuration, version 2.3 (release This technique is also applicable for the configuration "Manufacturing Enterprise Management for Ukraine", revision 1.2, release

Example 1. Checkout of a customer's order with automatic reservation of goods in different warehouses of the company

This strategy is usually used in cases where the buyer asks to reserve the goods for a certain period and promises to pay the invoice issued to him (the buyer's order) within this period.

Registration procedure:

  • contract to counterparty
    • Mutual settlements are carried out "By orders" or "By agreement as a whole".
    • The amount of the prepayment for the buyer's order ... - the percentage of the prepayment for the order is indicated (according to the conditions set in the buyer's contract).
    • Keep a reserve without payment ... - the number of days for which the buyer asked to reserve the goods is indicated.
  • The document should establish the estimated date of shipment for the order. In the future, this date is used to draw up a schedule for the shipment of goods for customer orders.
  • Automatic filling of the scheme of placement and reservation of goods in warehouses is performed by pressing the button "Fill in and post". This button is only available online.
  • For automatic distribution and reservation of goods in warehouses, you must set the "Automatic reservation" checkbox.
  • After clicking the "Fill in" button, the "Placement" column in the document will be filled in automatically.
  • In the future, one or several invoices for payment to the buyer can be drawn up.

In the event that the goods are available in several warehouses, then the warehouse specified in the header of the document will be the priority warehouse for automatic placement. That is, the goods will first of all be placed in the warehouse, which is indicated in the header of the document, and only if there is not enough goods in this warehouse, it will be placed in other warehouses of the company.

In the event that goods need to be reserved on a priority basis in different warehouses, then they can be specified manually in the "Placement" column. Then, when you click on the "Fill in and post" button, the placement will be filled only for those goods for which the "Placement" column was not filled in manually.

An example of a contract and an application when applying such a strategy is shown in Figures 1 and 2.

Fig. 1 Execution of a settlement agreement when reserving goods in several warehouses

Fig. 2 Registration of a buyer's application when reserving goods in different warehouses

Example 2. Placement of a buyer's order with reservation of goods for upcoming deliveries of goods from a supplier

This strategy is applied in the event that the goods to the buyer, in accordance with the terms of the contract, can be shipped later: then when the goods, previously ordered from the supplier, arrive. In this case, the free balance of the goods in the warehouse is released and it can be sold, for example, to a retail buyer. It is assumed that at the time of placing an order to the buyer in the infobase there are previously issued orders to the supplier, according to which the goods should arrive in the near future.

The date of the expected delivery of the goods according to the order to the supplier is fixed in the order to the supplier in the field "Receipt".

Registration procedure:

  • A new document "Buyer's order" is being drawn up.
  • In order to control payment on the invoice and ship goods only on a prepayment basis, in the contract to the counterparty for whom the order is being made, the parameters must be set:
    • Keep a reserve without payment ... - the number of days for which the buyer asked to reserve the goods is indicated. Reservation of goods will occur after registration of the receipt of goods from the supplier.
  • In the document in the field "Shipment" it is necessary to indicate the date of the expected shipment of the order.
  • Automatic filling of the placement scheme for orders is performed by clicking the "Fill and submit" button. This button is only available online.
  • For automatic placement of goods in orders, the supplier must set the "Automatic placement" flag.
  • In the future, one or more invoices for payment to the buyer can be drawn up.

After clicking the "Fill in and post" button, the "Placement" column in the document will be filled in automatically. The placement column will fill in those orders to the supplier for which the date of receipt is less than or equal to the date of the expected shipment for the order being placed.

When distributing to supplier orders, you can specify a priority order to the supplier for a specific product, for example, this is justified if the same product is ordered from different suppliers. This information is set manually in the "Placement" column. Then, when you click on the "Fill and submit" button, the placement will be filled in only for those goods for which the "Placement" column has not been filled in manually, and the priority order specified by the user will not be changed.

An example of placing an order for a customer is shown in Figure 3.

Rice. 3 Distribution of the buyer's order among previously issued orders of suppliers

Example 3. Placement of a buyer's order with the subsequent ordering of goods to a supplier (strategy of work "under the order")

This design option is used in the event that the company applies a strategy of work "to order". The buyer places an order for the purchase of goods and the goods are ordered from the supplier for his order. After receipt of the goods from the supplier, the goods are reserved for a specific buyer.

Registration procedure:

  • A new document "Buyer's order" is being drawn up.
  • In order to control payment on the invoice and ship goods only on a prepayment basis, in the contract to the counterparty for whom the order is being made, the parameters must be set:
    • Mutual settlements are carried out "By orders" ("By agreement as a whole").
    • Control of prepayment for the buyer's order ... - the percentage of prepayment for the order is indicated (according to the conditions set in the buyer's contract).
  • It is not necessary to fill in the column of placement in the document "Buyer's order". Therefore, you do not need to set the Auto Fill and Auto Placement checkboxes in the autoreservation options either. The document is held in the usual way by clicking on the "Post" or "OK" button.
  • In the future, one or more invoices can be issued for the shipment of goods by order.
  • Supplier order can be filled automatically. For automatic filling, use the "Fill" button. In the event that the order to the supplier is to be placed according to one order of the buyer, then you need to select the menu item "Fill in according to the buyer's order". If an order to a supplier is made for several orders of buyers, then for automatic filling it is necessary to use the button "Add by order of a buyer".
  • The receipt of goods from the supplier is recorded by the receipt document, which is drawn up on the basis of the document "Order to the supplier". Upon receipt, the goods are reserved for those orders of buyers, which are indicated in the document "Order to the supplier" in the column "Order of the buyer".

The documents "Purchase order" and "Goods receipt" do not have to indicate the same warehouses. The goods will be reserved at the warehouse to which they actually arrived (the warehouse specified in the “Goods receipt” document) and reserved for the buyer's order specified in the “Supplier order” document. Examples of placing an order to a buyer and an order to a supplier with such a strategy of work are shown in Figures 4 and 5.

Fig.4 Placement of an order for the buyer in the case of applying the strategy of work "under the order".

Fig. 5. Placing an order with a supplier in the case of applying the "under the order" strategy.

Example 4. Placement of a buyer's order with preliminary reservation of goods and with placing an order to a supplier for missing goods

This example assumes a combination of all the strategies that were considered in the previous examples. An option is being considered when goods are automatically reserved in various warehouses of the company, as well as in previously issued orders to the supplier, and the missing goods must be ordered from the supplier.

Registration procedure:

    • A new document "Buyer's order" is being drawn up.
    • In order to control the payment on the invoice and ship the goods only on a prepayment basis, in the contract to the counterparty for whom the order is being made, you must set the parameters:
      • Mutual settlements are carried out "By orders" ("By agreement as a whole").
      • Control of prepayment for the buyer's order ... - the percentage of prepayment for the order is indicated (according to the conditions set in the buyer's contract).
      • Keep a reserve without payment ... - the number of days for which the buyer asked to reserve the goods is indicated. Reservation of goods will occur after registration of the receipt of goods from the supplier.
    • In the document, in the autoreservation parameters (the "Fill and post" button), you must set the "Auto fill" and "Auto place" checkboxes.
    • In the "Shipment" field, indicate the date of the expected shipment of the goods for the order.
    • Automatic filling of the reservation scheme for warehouses and placement by orders is performed by pressing the button "Fill in and post". This button is only available online.
    • To draw up a printed form of an invoice for payment, you must further enter the document "Invoice for payment to the buyer" on the basis of the document "Order of the buyer".

After clicking the "Fill in" button, the "Placement" column in the document will be filled in automatically. In the "Placement" column, fill in those warehouses where there are leftovers of goods (taking into account previously reserved goods) and those orders to suppliers for which the date of receipt is less than or equal to the date of the expected shipment for the order being placed. In this case, the goods will first of all be placed in the orders of suppliers, and then reserved in warehouses.

  • After placing the buyer's order, the document "Order to the supplier" is drawn up.
  • In the document "Order to the supplier" in the column "Order of the buyer" indicates the order (or several orders) for which the reservation should occur when the goods are received from the supplier.
  • Supplier order can be filled automatically. For automatic filling, use the "Fill" button. In the event that the order to the supplier is to be made according to one order of the buyer, then you need to select the menu item "Fill in according to the buyer's order". If an order to a supplier is made for several orders of buyers, then for automatic filling it is necessary to use the button "Add by order of a buyer". The tabular part of the order will be filled only with those goods that were not reserved in warehouses and were not placed in previously placed orders of suppliers. That is, in fact, those for which, when the column "Placement" in the document "Buyer's order" was automatically filled in, it was left blank.
  • The receipt of goods from the supplier is recorded by the receipt document, which is drawn up on the basis of the document "Order to the supplier". Upon receipt, the goods are reserved for those orders of buyers, which are indicated in the document "Order to the supplier" in the column "Order of the buyer".

Examples of placing an order to a buyer and an order to a supplier are shown in Figures 6 and 7.

Redistribution of the reserve is carried out using the document "Reservation of goods". With this document, you can easily change the applied scheme of the reservation and placement strategy. That is, to move stocks of goods from warehouse to warehouse, a reserve from a warehouse to an order to a supplier, to cancel a reservation by an order to a supplier or a warehouse.

The document specifies the buyer's order for which the placement needs to be adjusted, as well as the option for the original placement and the new placement.

So, for example, if a buyer delays payment of an invoice, then the goods reserved for him can be transferred to another buyer, and the goods can be reserved for him for future deliveries.

In this case, you need to draw up two documents. In the “Reservation of goods” document, for the first buyer, the warehouse to which the goods was previously reserved is indicated as the initial placement, and the order to the supplier, through which the goods should be received, is indicated as a new placement.

In the "Reservation of goods" document for the second customer, the order to the supplier is indicated as the initial placement, and the warehouse where the goods should be reserved is as the new placement.

If nothing is specified as a new placement, then the original reservation scheme is canceled and the item is removed from the reservation.

An example of the document "Distribution by customer orders" is shown in Figure 8.

Fig. 8. Registration of changes in the goods reservation scheme.

Analysis of order fulfillment

To analyze the current status of orders, use the "Analysis" button in the form of the "Buyer's order" document.

You can get a consolidated schedule of shipments for customer orders and deliveries for suppliers' orders using the "Operational Commodity Calendar" report. Figure 9 shows an example of a generated report.

Fig. 9. Consolidated schedule of receipts and shipments for orders.

The schedule of shipment of goods by buyers can be generated using the universal report "Buy orders". An example of setting up a report and a generated report are shown in Figures 10 and 11.

Width = "608" height = "294" border = "0">
Fig. 10. Setting up a universal report "Buyers orders".

Width = "568" height = "273" border = "0">
Rice. 11. Schedule of shipment of goods in the context of the dates of the expected shipment and orders of buyers.

Other materials

Many companies use 1C product reservation mechanisms. This description is suitable for the programs "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3 "and" Manufacturing Enterprise Management ".

Indeed, the reservation mechanism is very convenient - you can put a reserve on the goods for the client, ship the reserved goods, withdraw the reserve if necessary. Unfortunately, our practice of trading automation shows that not all users fully understand the work of the reservation mechanism.

In this article we will try to rectify the situation, consider the basic principles of redundancy and answer the following questions:

  1. How can I reserve a product?
  2. How can a reserve be withdrawn, in which cases it happens automatically?
  3. In which reports can you see information about reserves?

The article will be useful for users who are familiar with the program and want to summarize their knowledge of the backup mechanism.

Reservation of goods

There are several ways to reserve an item for a customer.

Method number 1 - in the buyer's order

At the time of placing an order, the buyer can reserve the goods specified in the order.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Buyer Orders

To do this, in the table of goods, in the "Placement" column, indicate the warehouse where you want to make a reservation.

If you do not want to manually select a warehouse, the order has a "Fill and post" button. Clicking on this button will automatically fill in the placements and process the order. The button is only available when placing an order today.

Method number 2 - adjusting the buyer's order

To correct a customer order, many users create a Customer Order Adjustment document specifying the items to add and remove from the order.

You can create an adjustment based on an order or manually.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Buyer Order Correction

A customer order adjustment can also set a reserve like a customer order. Indicate the warehouse in the "Placement" column or use the "Fill in and post" button.

Method number 3 - in the document "Reservation of goods"

You can place a reserve in a separate document "Reservation of goods". It can be created based on a buyer's order or manually.

In order to place a reserve, you need to indicate the order, the item to be reserved and its quantity, as well as fill in the warehouse in the column "New placement". At the time the document is posted, a reserve will be established.

Method number 4 - at the time of receipt of goods

Menu: Documents - Purchases - Receipts of goods and services

To set a reserve in the receipt of goods, the column "Buyer's order" must be filled in.

If the receipt was created based on a vendor order, then customer orders will be filled automatically. It is strongly discouraged to select the buyer's order in the receipt of goods, if the goods were ordered to the supplier not for this buyer, but simply to the warehouse.

Method number 5 - in the internal order

An internal order is used to order goods from a warehouse with your own department or warehouse.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Internal orders

In the internal order, as in the buyer's order, there is a column "Placement" and a button "Fill in and post", allowing you to put the item in reserve.

In addition to these methods, there are other options when the program can set the reserve:

  • In the adjustment of the internal order (by analogy with the adjustment of the buyer's order)
  • In the document "Receipt order for goods", if the flag "Without the right to sell" is set (goods are taken for safekeeping)
  • In the document "Return of goods from the buyer" - when returning goods that were sold from the reserve
  • In the document "Advance report", if the accountant went to pick up the goods on the order of the supplier (by analogy with the receipt of goods).

Removal of goods from the reserve in 1C

There are also many ways to withdraw the reserve, we will consider the main ones.

Method number 1 - in the sale of goods

At the moment of shipment of goods, the document "Sale of goods and services" is drawn up in the program.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Sales of goods and services

If goods were reserved by the buyer's order, then at the time of sale the reserve must be withdrawn. In order for the reserve to be withdrawn from the goods, it is necessary to indicate the method of debiting "From the reserve" in the "Goods" table.

In the case of filling in the sale of goods based on the buyer's order, the program itself determines which goods are in reserve, and which will be written off from the free balance in the warehouse. Be very careful when filling out the document manually: if you specify the write-off method "From the warehouse", the goods will be written off, but the reserve for it will not be removed and "will hang".

Method number 2 - in the document« Closing customer orders»

Menu: Documents - Sales - Closing Buyer's Orders

The document specifies the customer orders that need to be closed. At the time of posting the document, the program checks whether there are reserves for the specified orders. If there are reserves, then they are automatically withdrawn.

After the document is posted, there will be no reserves for all orders included in it.

Method number 3 - in the document« Reservation of goods»

In addition to setting the reserve, this document can also be used to remove the reserve.

Menu: Documents - Sales - Reservation of goods

In order to withdraw the reserve, you need to indicate the order, the product and its quantity, as well as fill in the warehouse in the column "Initial placement". At the time the document is posted, the reserve will be withdrawn.

Note: with one document, you can simultaneously withdraw a reserve from one warehouse and reserve an item in another, if you fill in both the original and the new placement.

Method number 4 - in« Invoice requirement » or« Moving goods »

The documents "Requirement-invoice" and "Goods transfer" are used to write off goods to the department's expenses and move goods from one warehouse to another, respectively.

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods movement

Menu: Documents - Inventory (warehouse) - Request-invoice

If documents are drawn up on the basis of an internal order in which a reserve was established, then at the time of posting the documents, it is necessary to withdraw the reserve. To withdraw a reserve, the column "Reserve document" must be filled in:

Note: if the movement of goods is made from the reserve for the buyer, then the program not only removes the reserve in the sender's warehouse, but also installs it in the recipient's warehouse.

These methods of withdrawing the reserve are the most popular, but there are other possible situations:

  • In the document "Write-off of goods", if the "Reserve document" is filled in the table "Goods"
  • In the document "Consignment note for goods", when goods are returned to the counterparty, which were previously accepted for safekeeping without the right to sell
  • In the documents "Adjustment of the buyer's order" and "Adjustment of the internal order", if a negative quantity of goods is indicated and the placement is filled
  • In the document "Closing internal orders" (by analogy with closing customer orders)

Item Reservation Reports

We made sure that there are a lot of opportunities for backing up and withdrawing a reserve in the program. Moreover, in most cases, the program puts / removes the reserve automatically, based on the completion of the document, without signaling the user in any way.

To control the stocks in the warehouse, you need to use reports, thanks to them you will always know what goods are in stock.

Report "Goods in reserve in warehouses"

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Goods in reserve in warehouses

The report can be customized: set selections, change the composition of groups, etc.

Report "Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses"

Menu: Reports - Inventory (warehouse) - Analysis of the availability of goods in warehouses

Many trade organizations work "to order". That is, the organization first receives several orders from customers. Then he finds suppliers and purchases the necessary goods from them. As soon as the goods arrive at the warehouse from the supplier, they are immediately shipped to customers.

In such a situation, purchasing managers must have convenient mechanisms for placing orders with suppliers and tracking delivery times.

In the program "1C: Trade Management, ed. 10.3 "The purchasing manager can do the following:

  • View a complete list of products that you need to provide buyers.
  • Automatically create an order to the supplier for all the items that customers need. In this case, the order to the supplier will clearly indicate for which orders of the buyers the order is made to the supplier. And at the time of arrival at the warehouse, the goods are automatically reserved for the client.
  • Specify the date of receipt of goods for all orders to suppliers.
  • Control the timing of the receipt of goods, if the deadlines are not met, cancel the order to the supplier.

Let's take a closer look at each of these options.

You can use the Analyze Buyer Orders report to analyze the items that need to be purchased for customers.

Menu: Reports - Sales - Order Analysis - Buyer Order Analysis

The report can be generated for orders not yet shipped. To do this, set the flag "Status of shipment by order" and mark the values ​​"Not shipped" and "Partially shipped". Thus, we will receive a report on orders that have not yet been fully shipped:

The report shows all unshipped orders. For each order, we see the necessary goods, the required quantity is indicated in the column "Remaining to provide". If this column is not empty, then the product is out of stock and has not been reserved - it must be ordered from the supplier.

Create an order to a supplier

From the Analysis of Buyers' Orders, we found out that for our customers it is necessary to place an order with a supplier. But we don’t have to remember who and what product is missing. Directly from the report, you can create an order to the supplier for all the missing goods!

Click on the button "Order to the supplier - Create one order to the supplier":

A new document "Order to the supplier" is created, which automatically contains all the goods necessary for the order:

For each product in the "Order" column, the buyer's order is indicated, for which the product is ordered from the supplier. Thanks to this information, at the moment the goods arrive at the warehouse, it will be automatically reserved for the buyer.

In the order, you need to select a supplier, an agreement, fill in the purchase prices. We have agreed with the counterparty "Mobil" on the supply of this product on 28.12.2011. We indicate the estimated date of receipt of the goods in the "Receipt" field:

By clicking the "OK" button, we will execute and close the order to the supplier.

After placing an order for the supplier, we will again generate the report "Analysis of customer orders". Now the column "Remaining to supply" is empty, since we have ordered all the necessary goods from the supplier. Information that the product has been ordered from the supplier is displayed in the "Placed in orders" column:

Delivery time control

To control the delivery time, we will use the report "Analysis of orders to suppliers".

Menu: Reports - Purchases - Order Analysis - Supplier Order Analysis

Let's make a setting to see orders for which the delivery time is violated. Click the "Settings" button.

In the opened settings form at the bottom of the table, add a new selection "Order. Receipt date is less than or equal to the current date". To do this, press the "Add" button, in the opened field selection window, find the "Order" field, expand it by plus and select the "Date of receipt" field inside:

In the main form of the report, we will also set the flag “Receipt status” and mark the values ​​“Not received” and “Received partially”.

Let's press "Generate" and as a result we will see all orders that should have been fully received before the current date, but this did not happen:

The column "Remaining to buy" will indicate the quantity of goods that did not arrive on time.

Based on the analysis results, the manager may decide to cancel the order to the supplier. For this, the document "Closing an order to a supplier" is drawn up. You can create a document based on an order to a supplier or manually.

Menu: Documents - Purchases - Closing orders to suppliers

Let's close the order on the basis of. To do this, you can find the required order for the supplier in the list of orders:

Menu: Documents - Purchases - Orders to suppliers

Or open an order to a supplier directly from the report.

To open an order to a supplier from a report, you need to double-click on it and select the item "Open an order to a supplier" in the list of actions that opens:

In the order to the supplier, we will use the enter button on the basis and select the item "Closing orders to suppliers":

In the opened document "Closing orders to suppliers", the order to be closed, the counterparty, the order amount will already be indicated:

You can also indicate the reason for closing an order and then analyze the reasons for closing orders in the report:

Menu: Reports - Purchases - Analysis of orders - Analysis of reasons for closing orders

By clicking the "OK" button, we will draw and close the document.

After the order is closed to the supplier, the program will no longer expect any receipts or payments for it. Supplier order will no longer be shown in reports:

In addition, if we generate the report “Analysis of Buyers' Orders” again, we will see that the product has reappeared in the column “Remaining to provide”:

Now the purchasing manager should create a new order for the supplier for the missing goods and expect the delivery of this product on time.

Customer order is a document that records the intentions of customers to purchase a product. The order management functionality developed in Trade Management 11.2 provides support in making management decisions.

The use of Customer Orders becomes possible after enabling the function in section NSI and administration → Sales → Use of Customer Orders... We indicate the use case - Order from the warehouse and on order... Other options for using Orders will suit you if you intend to use the Order only for printing an Invoice for payment or if you plan to accept orders only for goods in stock. (Fig. 1).

In addition, in this section you can:

  • establish prohibitions on closing orders not fully shipped;
  • establish bans on closing orders that were not fully paid;
  • maintain a list of reasons for canceling orders;
  • register sales of goods based on several orders;
  • create acts of completed work for several customer orders;
  • store invoices for payment in the program.

We include all of the above features.

We create Customer order In chapter Sales(Insert). At the top of the form are Order Statuses, Priority and Current Status ... (Fig. 2).

Order statuses (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3

The choice in the status document is determined by the strategy for using orders, which we defined above. If you use orders with a variant Order as invoice, then the statuses in the document are not available. If we use orders according to the strategy Order only from warehouse, then statuses are available:

.On approval- the order does not create records in the registers, it is used to register the client's unconfirmed wishes;
. In reserve- the order reserves the goods in the warehouse;
. To shipment- the goods can be shipped.

If you use the strategy Order from the warehouse and on order, then statuses are possible:

.On approval
. For implementation- it is available to manage the shipment, as well as to reserve goods for each item in the document.

A priority

The priority is used in the program to determine the importance of the Order for the manager. For a new order, the default is medium priority. An employee can change the priority of an order by assessing the importance of the order. High priority in the order book, it will be highlighted in color. (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4

Current state

The following states are available for Customer Orders:

 Pending approval;
 Advance payment is expected (before collateral);
 Ready to provide;
 Prepayment is expected (before shipment);
 Provision is pending;
 Ready for shipment;
 In the process of shipment;
 Payment is expected (after shipment);
 Ready to close;
 Closed.

Filling in the bookmark The main.

We choose a client, and an agreement. Based on the selected agreement, the Warehouse, the settlement procedure and the operation are filled in. The value Operation defines the shipment variant (sale or transfer on commission). In the Order, you can clarify the procedure for settlements under the document, if there are differences from that specified in the agreement or contract. Variants of the settlement procedure: by contracts, by orders, and possibly by invoices.

Go to the bookmark Goods.

The list of products can be added by the Add button, or by pressing Insert, copy the line with the product conveniently with the F9 key or through the context menu → Copy. But the most convenient option for filling out the list of goods is through the workplace selection of goods... (Fig. 5).

(Fig. 5).

For the goods, prices are reflected according to the type of price that we have chosen in the Order, as well as the balances of goods in the warehouse that we have indicated. To view other prices for the product, use the button Prices... It is possible to set a selection by price by setting a price range from and to. To select goods that are in stock, you need to activate the flag Only in stock from the document.
In the selection window, you can set various filters to limit the search area for goods: by the hierarchy of the item, by the type of item, by items of a different quality.

We select the product we need, indicate the quantity, price, and, if necessary, the date of shipment of each product. To transfer the selected goods to the document, click Transfer to document... (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6

Option to secure orders(Fig. 7).

Fig. 7

To fill in the option of providing goods for the order, select all the lines of the order (Ctrl-A), execute the command Fill in collateral... In the window, fill in the options for providing, depending on the required actions with the product.
For pegged collateral for a specific product or order as a whole, the option Provide apart(available only when the functional option is enabled Separate order provisioning In chapter NSI and administration → Warehouse and delivery → Meeting requirements.

We fill in the date of the expected shipment for this order in the field Desired date of shipment... To be able to ship goods by one date, an additional flag is required Ship by one date.

Bookmark Delivery

We have described delivery management in detail in another article. The ability to specify a delivery address is enabled by the Delivery Management option in the section NSI and administration → Warehouse and delivery → Delivery... (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8

Closing an order

There are two customer orders in the magazine order closing option:

Closing fully completed orders- for which the sales of goods were carried out;
Closing orders with cancellation of unprocessed lines- the program analyzes and cancels all unrealized lines for the order. The user must indicate the reason for the failure to ship the goods for the order.

This document is used to record a preliminary agreement with the consumer about the intention to purchase goods.
The details are entered, according to which the control of shipment and payment for the order in the contract with the counterparty is carried out.
In the order, it is permissible to specify the expected date of payment ("Payment") and the bank or cashier, where the money must go to pay for the order. This information is used to plan incoming payments.
The order has the ability to be registered from the buyer or from the commission agent. The type of contract that is specified in the document specifies for whom the order is created - for the buyer or for the commission agent.
It is not obligatory to register buyers' orders for trade operations. Trade operations can be registered even when order accounting is not created.
If the entire quantity of goods specified in the document is shipped to the customer, or if the order is forcibly closed by the document "Closing customer orders", then the order will be considered completed.
When the checkbox "Separate accounting of goods by orders of buyers" in the contract with the consumer counterparty with the type of mutual settlements "By agreement in full" or "By orders" is checked, batch cost accounting of goods and materials will be kept separately. In the orders of buyers, it is also permissible to define a list of returnable containers in which material values ​​will be shipped to the consumer. The panel "Containers" displays data on returnable containers. The Services panel displays additional services associated with order fulfillment, for example, goods transportation services.

Reservation of goods for order in the warehouse and placement in orders
It is permissible to reserve goods, during the buyer's order, for this order from this free balance at any of the storage locations (wholesale or retail), or place them in other orders - orders to suppliers, internal orders. In the tabular section, in the "Placement" column, a warehouse for reservation or an order for placement is selected, similarly, according to a single order of the buyer, the goods can be reserved in several warehouses and placed in several orders.
Under the buyer's order, it is forbidden to reserve goods at a non-automated retail outlet.
On the panel "Containers" and for returnable containers, it is permissible to make a reservation and placement in orders by defining a warehouse or an order in the column "Placement".
It is permissible to make automated reservation and / or placement during the operational posting of the document. Automated placement can only be performed in an order with a supplier. The details of automated reservation and placement are set up in a special form. This form appears when you click on the button in the command bar of the document.
If you need to make an automated reservation, you need to set the "reservation" flag in the form, and to perform automated placement - the "placement" flag. It is also permissible to edit the default autoreservation strategy in the form.
Content specified in the Warehouse / Group option at the top of the document is taken into account during automated checkout and placement. In this parameter, it is permissible to define a warehouse or an availability group of storage locations. The content of the parameter is taken into account in this way:

· The warehouse of the preferred location is determined. In a situation where a specified warehouse is defined in the order, it will be listed as the warehouse of the preferred location; otherwise, the warehouse of the preferred location will be the warehouse that is defined as the main warehouse in the user settings.

· The availability group of storage locations is determined. In a situation where a storage location availability group is specified in the order, then this group is specified; otherwise, the storage location availability group is obtained, which is specified in the user settings.

· Reservations will be made initially at the warehouse of the preferred location, then at the warehouses included in the availability group. Placement will be performed initially in orders to suppliers in which the preferred location warehouse is defined, after in orders in which warehouses that fall into the availability group are specified.

The expected shipping date on the buyer's order and the expected receipt date on the vendor's order are taken into account during the execution of automated nesting. Only in those orders to suppliers will the placement be made for which the date of receipt of the order is less than or equal to the date of shipment by the order to the consumer (the goods must come in earlier than it is planned to be shipped).
In a situation where the "Apply batch definition when booking" checkbox is selected in the accounting details settings on the Orders panel and the order contains a contract in which pegged accounting is created, then it is permissible to reserve goods in the warehouse with specifying item series. In the tabular section "Products", the definition of series is meaningful only for those lines for which the reservation is made in the warehouse.
The following methods can be used to fill in the series in the line of the "Products" tabular section:

· Manually. In this case, initially, in the column "Accommodation", the warehouse, where the goods will be reserved, must be defined.

· Using a selection algorithm. In this case, a warehouse must be identified at the top of the document. This warehouse will be automatically displayed in the "Placement" column. If the warehouse at the top is not defined, then batch selection during item picking is blocked.

· Automatically. With automated reservation of goods using the button "Fill in and carry out the conduct".

All hand-picked series will be lost during automated reservation.
It is permissible to combine the method of automated and manual reservation and placement in orders to suppliers, for this you need to manually determine the placement case for some items in the document, and then use the button "Fill in and complete the conduct." The "Clear placement before filling" checkbox does not have to be selected in the automated reservation setup form in order for automated placement to be performed only for those positions for which it was not performed manually.
The method of placing and reserving by order using the document “Reservation of goods” can be corrected after placing the order.
Batch registration of documents to the consumer

The service algorithm is implemented in the buyer's order, which allows batch input of documents, reducing the time for fixing documents to the consumer.
When you click on the button in the command panel of the document, a form for setting up batch input of documents appears. The button is made available after the document is written.
In the setup form, you can specify which documents need to be registered - "Tax invoice", "Receipt cash order", "Sale of goods and services", set the order of printing for each type of documents (with a preview or immediately for printing). Indicate the print version for the document "Sale of goods and services".
The settings set by the user in the form of settings are saved, they can be applied in the next session. When you clear the "Show settings window during document processing" checkbox in the settings form, it will not open when you click on the button "Register implementation", and immediately actions will be performed according to the specified settings. From the menu "Actions" - "Call the window for setting the fixing of a package of documents" restore the form display and edit the settings.
Price control in the order

It is permissible to use the planned cost price to control the selling prices in orders. The prices are entered in the form of the planned cost price type, in relation to which the allowable markup percentage is calculated. The checkbox "Apply planned cost" In the order is determined in the "Prices and currency" window that opens. When filling in the prices in the order, the percentage of the markup and the deviation from the planned cost will be automatically calculated. The type of prices of the planned cost is set in the settings of accounting details on the "General" panel.
Notification of upcoming order operations

The possibility, in the document "Buyer's order", has been released to connect a notification system about upcoming order operations (shipment or payment of an order), for which a quick creation of an attached task with a reminder is provided. There is a button with an alarm clock image in the system button panel of the order form, clicking on which leads to a dialog in which you need to define the reminder time (in the "Date and time of notification" field), if necessary, enter a detailed description of why the reminder appears, and save a reminder task.
In the calendar of a user included in the list of the "Contact Manager", it is permissible to see information about current, overdue and upcoming shipments and payments for the buyer's order.