Proposal of intent for cooperation. Examples of proposals for cooperation. How best to send an offer


Letter of proposal for cooperation

Subject: Proposal for cooperation.
Data: 20.05.0216
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]

Chairman of the Management Board
Union of Alcoholic Beverages Producers
Dobrov D.E.

Dear Dmitry Evgenievich!

The Union of Alcoholic Beverages Producers (SPAP) is the leading association of industry leaders in the domestic alcohol industry. The vigorous activities carried out by your organization in relation to the creation of a civilized market for alcoholic beverages and alcoholic beverages in the Russian Federation evoke respect.

Of course, concern for the quality and safety of manufactured products is one of the priority tasks of the SPAP, and its participants are conscientious manufacturers who pay great attention to these aspects.

AIG is one of the world's largest insurance institutions. The international company has existed in the insurance market for 90 years and has offices in 160 countries. The Russian division of the company has been operating for over 15 years.

Cooperation with food and beverage manufacturers is a priority for our company. Guided by the long-term international experience of "AIG" in Russia, a unique insurance program for alcohol industry enterprises was developed (insurance of producer's liability and product recall from the market).

We believe that this program is of potential interest for SPAP participants, because a product such as alcohol requires a special approach to the quality of raw materials, packaging and safety for the consumer.

Based on the above, we are addressing you with a proposal to discuss the potential for cooperation in this area.

We will be grateful for your professional assessment of such cooperation and ask you to establish a procedure for further interaction between our companies. We are ready to consider any of your proposals on the format of joint work.


Andreev Pavel

Vice President of AIG
Tel .: 8-495-xxx-xx-xx
[email protected]

Invitation letter

Subject: Seminar Invitation
Data: 25.06.2016
From: Anna Simonova
To: xxx-xxx-xxx

Respectable partners,

March 17, 2016 We invite you to join the seminar on the construction of international insurance programs, which will be held especially for AIG partners Mark Goldenberg- Regional Adviser for International Insurance Programs AIG.

Mark comes to Russia specifically for a series of training events, as he has the most extensive experience in the insurance of multinational companies.

Taking into account the current experience in the field of offering international programs for Russian clients with an international presence, I am sure that this seminar will be very interesting and will answer many questions in this area.

Attached is the invitation and the program of the seminar.

I ask you to redirect this invitation to colleagues who will be interested in this topic.

Registration is carried out by answering this letter. Participation is free, the number of places is limited.

Seminar address: Russia, 125315, Moscow, Leningradsky prospect, 72, building 2, floor 3

We will be glad to see you!


Anna Simonova

Head of training programs
Tel .: 495-777-11-11
[email protected]

Request letter for organizing a meeting

Subject: Organization of a meeting with Elena Firsova
Data: 25.06.2016
From: Ilya Cherkesov
To: Ivanova Galina

Dear Galina Nikolaevna!

If your offer is valid, next week (from June 06 to June 10) I could drive up at any time convenient for Elena Petrovna.

I would be very grateful to you if you would inform me of Mrs. Firsova's decision.


Vadim Tatarenko

AIG company manager

[email protected]

Contact request letter

Subject: Phone number of Elena Firsova
Data: 25.06.2016
From: Ilya Cherkesov
To: Ivanova Galina

Dear Galina Nikolaevna!

Thank you again for the meeting and constructive conversation.

I would be very grateful if you send it to the indicated address or inform us by phone.

Thanks in advance!


Vadim Tatarenko

Manager of the AIG company
Tel .: 495-777-11-11; 8-916-777-45-56
[email protected]

Response letter to aggressive client letter

Aggressive Customer Letter:

Subject: Yes, you are absolutely crazy!
Data: 02/20/2016
From: Petrov Andrey
To: [email protected]

How can I get back the money I paid for your damn service. I'd rather spend it on something else than your pornographic system. Use your fucking yourself.

Andrey Petrov

Responding to an aggressive client letter

Subject: About refund and solution of the issue!
Data: 02/20/2016
From: [email protected]
To: Petrov Andrey


Hello Andrey!

If I understand you correctly, you are unhappy with the work of our service and you would like to get your money back.

2. Clarification with the addressee of our understanding of the request / claim / question. This is especially necessary if the addressee's letter is chaotic, it is difficult to understand the essence of the problem from it.

Let me tell you how this can be done.
According to clause 2.4. Of the Agreement, if you do not plan to use our service in the future, we can return the money to you. To do this, please send me an official application (form in the attachment). After receiving it, we will start the return procedure. In general, it will last no more than three days.
If something from my answer requires additional clarification, please write or call - I will definitely answer you.

3. Very clearly and fully inform the addressee of information on the issue that interests him.

Andrey, the situation is unpleasant for me, just like you are, as a result of which you are ready to stop interacting with us. I think that both we and you in this case are the losers: we lose a client, and you have the opportunity to use our service (I assure you, the service is quite convenient and effective!). If you are ready to take the time to deal with the situation, write to me what happened that you are demanding a refund. We will understand the reasons and help you make the use of our services as comfortable and effective as possible for you.

4. Comments and the emotional aspect.

P.S. The only request: let's communicate within the framework of the normative vocabulary.

5. Using a postscript, express your attitude to the use of the addressee's incorrect writing style.


Elena Ivaschenko

Customer Service Manager
Service-standard CJSC
Tel .: 8-999-111-22-33

Clichés for expressing a request not to use profanity in correspondence:
Please try not to use inappropriate vocabulary. It does not contribute to a constructive solution to the issue.
We inform you that we reserve the right not to respond to letters containing vulgar or rude language addressed to the company or its personnel.

Letter of refusal

Customer letter

Good day, Andrey!

I am writing to you with an official request.

Our company is engaged in the supply of industrial equipment, as well as spare parts for the food industry. Since 2010 we have been your regular customers.

We thank you in advance for your understanding and support!


Marketing director

CJSC "Pishcheprom"

Roman Petrenko

Tel .: 495-777-77-77
8-905- 777-89-45
[email protected]

Sample 1. Letter of refusal to the client's request


Dear Roman Petrovich!

1. Addressing by name is a sign of attention to the interlocutor. Helps to avoid facelessness.

We express our sincere gratitude for the long-term cooperation with our company.

2. Thank you for your cooperation with the company (or just for the letter).

At the moment, your company has a 10% discount. In the last 12 months, your company has ordered services for…. rubles.

The next discount threshold is…. rubles. A 15% discount will start from it. Upon reaching this threshold, your discount will increase automatically.

3. State the specific reasons that do not allow you to grant the request (use the history of the issue, numbers, terms, procedures).

If you decide to use the deferred payment service, please contact Irina Mikhailova (tel .: 495-777-89-21; [email protected] ).

4. Express understanding that the subject matter of the request is really important.

5. Suggest an alternative solution, if possible.

6. Express your hope for continued partnership.


Andrey Ivanov

⁠ ⁠ ⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Sample 2

Subject: On termination of cooperation
Data: 03/20/2016
From: [email protected]
To: Petrenko Ivan

Dear Ivan Nikolaevich!

We were glad to cooperate with your company for 7 years. We have always been satisfied with a good level of service and product quality. However, over the past year, a number of incidents have occurred, such as: regular violation of delivery times, unsatisfactory quality of goods, incorrect attitude to these situations of employees of your company. As a result of all this, our interaction has reached a dead end.

In this regard, we, unfortunately, are forced to terminate cooperation with you after the expiration of the contract. Thanks for the years of service.


LLC "Waste paper"

Malakhov Gennady Viktorovich
Tel .: 8-945-xxx-xx-xx
[email protected]

⁠ ⁠ ⁠ _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Sample 3

Subject: Refusal to pay compensation
Data: 06/20/2015
To: Eugene Knysh

Dear Eugene!

Thank you for the long-term cooperation with our company!

To our regret, we are forced to refuse to pay you the required compensation in the amount of ... rubles.

At the moment, the company has established a different procedure for making decisions on insurance compensation, about which you have been repeatedly notified.
(See a copy of this alert in the appendix).

In addition, the claims No. 4-6 indicated by you in the statement of claim are not insurance claims, since clauses 12.1-12.2 of the Agreement were violated.

We understand your situation well and, if in the future you want to avoid such precedents, we propose to conclude an additional agreement with our company to compensate for the losses associated with business risks, like yours. (See additional agreement in the appendix)

We hope for your understanding and continued cooperation!


AIG Manager

Tuchkov Vladimir
Tel .: 8-495-xxx-xx-xx
[email protected]

Letter of response to a substantiated claim

Subject: Reply to the claim.
Data: 05/12/2016
From: [email protected]
To: Anna Kolesnikova

Dear Anna!

On behalf of the entire team of our factory, I would like to express my sincere regrets and apologize for the current situation.

Our factory has been working steadily and with high quality in the clothing sewing and repairing market for many years.

Your situation belongs to rare cases, the fault of which is the so-called human factor.

We have conducted an investigation, and those guilty of violating the deadlines and rudeness have been punished. According to the order of the factory dated April 13, 2016, No. 78/2, the shift foreman Volkova V.V. was reprimanded, the cutter A.P. Gusev was transferred by the tailor to the brigade for sewing men's outerwear.

The administration has taken urgent measures to fulfill your order. He will be ready 15.05.2016. At any time convenient for you, the courier will deliver it to the address you specified.

Believe us, we are just as unpleasant as you are with the current situation!

At the initial stage of business development, the company's management needs to find reliable counterparties. For this purpose, letters with a proposal for cooperation are sent to potential partners. These documents are one of the forms of a commercial offer. With the help of such forms, an entrepreneur can interest a future counterparty by convincing him to conclude a contract with this particular company. In this article, we propose to consider how to write a letter with an offer of cooperation.

A commercial offer is a document of business correspondence that contains advertising information that can interest a potential client

Are commercial offers necessary in business?

A letter with a proposal to conclude a contract on mutually beneficial terms allows young companies to find suppliers or partners for the further development of their business. As a rule, such letters are drawn up by employees who are in charge of external document flow. The content of this form must be necessarily agreed with the management of the company.... Much less often, the general director himself is engaged in the development of such securities.

Experts recommend using a personalized type of letters when preparing commercial offers. This means that the text of the letter indicates the name and surname of the head of the organization with which the firm wishes to conclude a contract. Commercial offers can be addressed both personally to the head of the company and to his deputy. It is important to note here that not all letters with this content are considered by the administration of the company. As practice shows, most businessmen who receive such letters refuse to consider them.

In order to reduce the likelihood of receiving a refusal, it is necessary to send such a letter only after preliminary negotiations. During these events, a businessman needs to convince a potential counterparty to consider the idea of ​​cooperation. It is very important to prove that the conclusion of the contract will allow obtaining bilateral benefits at. Only after that it is necessary to clarify the terms and method of sending a letter with a full description of the terms of cooperation.

When developing such a form, it is necessary to take into account the basic fundamentals of marketing and the prestige of the company with which you are going to cooperate.

Not every newcomer to the business world can convince representatives of Ford or MTS to sign a contract. It is much easier for promoted brands to convince their potential partners of the benefits of signing an agreement. From all of the above, we can conclude that the counterparty should feel its benefits from a potential transaction. To do this, in the text of the letter, you must concisely state all the advantages of your company, the offered products or services.

In order for letters with a proposal for cooperation to bring the desired effect, it is necessary to take into account many important nuances. The text of this letter should be of interest to its reader. A well-written text containing the most necessary information should motivate for certain actions. Ideally, the recipient of such a letter should ask for a price list for services or products. This development of events speaks of the effectiveness of mailing.

According to experts in the field of jurisprudence, a commercial proposal can be considered as an official letterhead. However, today there is no standard template that is used in the development of such forms. Each company can independently form a sample letter that will be used in external document flow. It should be noted here that when drafting business letters, it is necessary to take into account business ethics and the basics of office work.

The purpose of a business letter of cooperation is to make an offer that is difficult to refuse, and, thereby, to acquire new partners in order to successfully sell your goods and / or services in the future.

What to look for when drawing up a document

When drawing up documents of the type in question, it is recommended to use letterhead... Personalized emails are highly effective. Such commercial offers include the name and surname of the recipient of the letter. Business etiquette requires courtesy and gratitude for reading the letter. These nuances must be taken into account when developing a sample form that will be used in document flow.

Selecting a letterhead

As practice shows, it is possible to draw up a commercial proposal for cooperation on a simple sheet of A4 format. However, the use of letterhead has several distinct advantages. These forms are an integral part of the company's image. Also, these documents can be considered as promotional materials.

Greeting feature

We have already noted above that greeting a potential partner is one of the most important parts of the text. This section of the document requires special attention during its development. The use of standard forms is advisable only for general distribution of documents. In the event that preliminary negotiations have already been carried out with a potential counterparty, it is necessary to indicate his name and patronymic in the text of the letter. The same approach is required for buyers and customers with whom a major deal is planned.

Attractive headline

Many businessmen refuse to read commercial offers, comparing such letters with intrusive spam. This is especially true for electronic messages. In order to interest the reader, you need to come up with an intriguing title.... It is necessary to reveal the main content of the document itself. The use of "advertising" headers can only be abandoned when the letter is sent to government agencies. Those companies that have a well-promoted image can also refuse to use advertising texts.

Many budget organizations use the classic "dry" form of the document when developing commercial proposals. Such emails lack creativity and advertising gimmicks. Since these documents are drawn up on the basis of generally accepted rules, the management of budgetary structures does not need to use various methods of drawing attention to their proposal.

Such a letter represents the "face" of your company, therefore, your prospects for cooperation depend on how competently, interesting and clearly it will be drawn up.

Main part of the offer

In the main section of the document, it is necessary to briefly and concisely outline the terms of the proposed cooperation. It is necessary to briefly describe all the benefits of the partnership and the benefits that the other party will receive. The text of the letter must be necessarily reasoned. The main requirement for such a document is the absence of intrusiveness.

Many entrepreneurs make the big mistake when using psychological pressure methods. Such an approach to preparing a document can alienate the reader, which will result in the loss of a lucrative contract. In order to interest the reader, it is necessary to use various methods of motivation for a specific action. Promising a discount, for contacting within a certain period of time, can increase the effectiveness of the letter.

Contact details

In the last section of letters with a proposal for cooperation, contact information is indicated. The recipient of such a letter must be physically able to agree or refuse the proposed terms of the transaction. To do this, you need to specify your phone number and email address. If the letter was sent in paper form, then in the text of the form, you must indicate the full details of your company.

At the end of the document, you must thank the recipient for spending his personal time reading the letter. This rule of business etiquette must be taken into account when preparing a personal document.

How best to send an offer

Having looked at the classic cooperation invitation letter template, you need to pay a little attention to the methods of sending letters. The entrepreneur can use the services of a courier service or send the form by "Russian Post". You can also ask one of the company's employees to deliver the letter to the secretary of the potential partner. It is important to note that these classic workflow methods are outdated long ago. In the modern world, it is customary to use email. The use of this communication method allows you to significantly optimize the workflow.

There are a few important things to keep in mind when sending emails. It is recommended to use PDF format to create an electronic document. The main feature of this format is its versatility. It is supported by both ordinary desktop computers and other gadgets. It should also be borne in mind that the mailing of such letters should be dealt with by the person who conducted the preliminary negotiations. Otherwise, the recipient can simply delete the email and mark it as spam.

Many entrepreneurs make the big mistake of not specifying an email subject. At the time of sending the document, it is necessary to make the heading "Offer of cooperation". You can also specify a short content of the document in the title. Using the electronic form of document flow, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Specify the email address of the recipient of the message.
  2. Download the electronic form.
  3. Write a motivating headline.
  4. Formulate an accompanying text that will be indicated in the letter itself.

In practice, a cooperation proposal is drawn up for current partners or for potential

Many newbies in business are afraid to sound too annoying and rarely call back potential partners after sending an email. At this stage, it is very important not to lose control of the situation. Immediately after sending the document, you must call the counterparty in order to clarify whether the letter has been received. During this conversation, you need to find out how long it will take for an entrepreneur in order to resolve the issue of the need to conclude a contract. During a telephone conversation, you must be as laconic as possible. Otherwise, such behavior can be regarded as compulsion and importunity.

Common mistakes

It is quite difficult to write an effective letter with an offer of cooperation. As a rule, marketing and advertising rules are used in the development of such letters. Before you start developing the form yourself, you need to know about the most common mistakes. This approach minimizes the risk of refusal to conclude a deal.

Complicated syntax

Many entrepreneurs, trying to convince a potential partner, "build" too complex verbal constructions. In order to influence the reader, you need to use short sentences consisting of several phrases. Despite the fact that when drawing up a commercial proposal, the rules for conducting business correspondence are used, it is very important to express your thoughts in simple words.

Unnecessary brevity

According to many entrepreneurs, the text of a commercial proposal should take no more than one page. However, in some situations, such a shortening of the letter can put off the reader. It is very important to disclose all the details of future collaboration. However, you do not need to try too hard and paint all the delights of cooperation on ten sheets.

Numerous repetitions

Some entrepreneurs who send letters with an offer of cooperation list several of their main products or services in the document. The same phrases and wording are used to describe the products. Other entrepreneurs simply copy their competitors' product descriptions. This approach to writing sales letters is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary not only to correctly advertise your offer, but also to prove that a potential partner will not receive more favorable conditions for cooperation from competitors. The main emphasis in the text of the letter should be focused precisely on the exclusivity of the offered products or services. Only after the main topic has been revealed can you move on to listing the benefits of collaboration.

There are no standards and rules for the text of such letters, but there are basic points that should be present in them.

Imposing your own dignity

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the commercial offer is a kind of advertising for your own company. However, all the merits of the company must be reasoned. As arguments, you can use positive feedback from those people who have already used the proposed service or product. It is very important to give an example of those individuals that are known to the potential recipient of the commercial proposal. It can be both show business stars and other celebrities.

As an example of the benefits of their company, the person making the offer might tell the story of their client who took advantage of the offer. The best confirmation of the effectiveness of cooperation are specific numbers... Here you must indicate the amount of income received by the person who took advantage of this offer.

Examples of successful commercial offers

In order to better understand the structure of the commercial proposal, it is necessary to consider a practical example of a commercial proposal for cooperation. A well-written letter can significantly increase the chances of concluding a contract. Below we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the content of a personal letter sent by the employees of the design agency.

“Dear Dmitry Nikolaevich!

Our company invites you to order the development of a design for a corporate website, which will be used to represent the products manufactured by your company. Our specialists have all the necessary resources to create a powerful tool for business development. Our capabilities:

  1. Development of several design samples, taking into account the individual requirements of the client.
  2. Providing assistance in the further launch of the resource.
  3. Submission of complete technical information.
  4. Conducting training seminars with company employees.
  5. Free development of a corporate logo as a gift.

Spending only twenty thousand rubles for ordering the development of a corporate website, you will significantly increase the reach of the consumer audience. Having your own resource allows you to increase sales by 300 percent! At the same time, you will get access to a new market and the ability to accept orders from customers from other regions.

Our conditions:

  1. Payment of the full cost of services at the time of signing the contract.
  2. Placement of an ad unit on the created resource with a link to our site.

We will be happy to consider your proposals for mutually beneficial cooperation!
Respectfully yours, representative of the Design company, R. R. Romanova

In contact with

I constantly receive letters in the mail with various offers of cooperation. But half of them do not even open, the other half is subjected to the most severe criticism. And only a small part (maybe every twentieth or thirtieth letter) reaches its goal and brings some fruits of cooperation.

I will try to give you the correct one.

So let's look at an example of a typical collaboration letter that periodically clogs up my inbox. As a rule, such a letter begins with the following words:

- Good day.

Mistake # 1. Or WHERE IS MY NAME ???

Remember, this is very, very important, be sure to write the NAME of the person to whom this letter is intended in each letter. The absence of a name in letters of cooperation is the first sign of a template. And templates, as we know, don't work, they're just annoying!

A sample of correct handling:

Hello Dmitry!
- Good afternoon, Tatiana.
- Greetings, Kirill

Mistake # 2. Or I DO NOT give a damn about you !!!

My name is [XXX]. I represent the publishing house [XXX]
- My name is [XXX], I am a manager for the development of partnerships of the company [XXX]
- My name is [XXX], I represent the company ...

Remember, by nature it is more pleasant and interesting for us to discuss ourselves, solve our questions, and not listen to stories about what a wonderful company you are!

How first paragraph rule? In which, you should, no - just have to, hook the reader?

I do not argue that you need to introduce yourself in the letter so that you can have an idea of ​​who sent this letter at all. But this should NOT be indicated in the FIRST paragraph. The first paragraph is just to interest the reader and encourage him to read the letter of cooperation in its entirety. Role model - marketing articles. Letters should be written according to the same rules.

Mistake number 3. Or why design letters in invitation letters?

If the letter contains design elements, it immediately goes to the trash can. I don’t understand why a design is needed in letters of invitation to cooperation? After all, this is neither a website, nor a brochure, nor a leaflet - this is a LETTER.

Design elements instantly indicate that the letter is template, which means that it was sent to hundreds, and maybe thousands of other people. Disgust arises immediately, because you feel the insincerity of this letter. You start out in a different way, you perceive all the written words, as if you know that everything written is exactly the same false and fake as this design. And all because there is no individual approach. For an individual approach, many clients are ready to almost “sell their soul”.

* Please do not confuse design elements with formatting. The second, just, is very much even needed in letters.

** An example of a letter with design can be found in your mail in the "SPAM" folder

Mistake # 4. The entire letter is a solid template.

95% of letters with an invitation to cooperation are a banal template that is written in violation of all possible rules of marketing and copywriting. These letters are constantly MOUNTED, they are saturated from head to toe with their stereotyped and do not represent any value for the addressees. Strict business writing style, rigid framework, complete absence of emotions - and how can one hope for successful cooperation with such a set? I do not understand…

You can find an example of such a letter of cooperation in your mailbox, I'm sure they are no different.

Now, using the material in this article, try to compose your own. This is to train your article writing skills. After all, letters are easier to write than articles. In addition, I would advise you to read about how to properly write a thank you letter for cooperation.

In business document flow, a letter of cooperation is drawn up in cases where one company offers another to engage in a joint project. Ready examples of such letters and recommendations for composing them can be found in the article.

Most often it is sent from one legal entity to another. However, an offer to cooperate can be sent by:

  • private citizens;
  • individual entrepreneurs;
  • representatives of government agencies;
  • representatives of public, charitable organizations, etc.

As a rule, the letter contains a proposal for cooperation for commercial purposes - taking part in certain projects to make a profit. However, cases of non-profit partnerships are also common:

  • charity events;
  • entertainment events;
  • environmental activities;
  • taking part in cultural events (exhibitions, concerts, etc.).

There is no specific sample document, but in practice, its content must reflect the following points:

  1. Names of the sender and recipient.
  2. The name of the letter.
  3. Actually an offer to cooperate.
  4. Date, signature, decryption of signature, position of the sender.

Send it in all possible ways:

  • mail;
  • e-mail;
  • delivery by courier;
  • Fax.

HELPFUL ADVICE. You can compose a document not only in print, but also in handwritten version. In the latter case, there is a definite advantage - a handwritten letter is perceived more personally and warmly. Therefore, in certain situations, this original technique can also work quite effectively.

5 examples of letters

Ready-made examples show that the text should be as short, specific and interesting as possible. It is important to understand that the recipient, as a rule, will not be able to devote more than 30-40 seconds of their attention. Therefore, the document should be 1-2 paragraphs long. When designing, it is important to take into account that the text must visually look neat and attractive. This is achieved by the following methods:

  • beautiful and large enough font for writing;
  • paragraphs are about the same;
  • convenient forms of information presentation (list, table, diagram).

Here are 5 examples of collaboration letters that you can use as a template for writing your own version.

TOP 5 common mistakes when compiling

Mistake 1. Disrespect for the recipient

Usually they start with a verbose description of their activities, merits, achievements in the market, etc. This is a formulaic and not entirely correct approach. Focusing on your particular company will alienate the recipient who is willing to spend less than a minute reading.

In this sense, the best option is to start the story with exactly the data that is interesting to the addressee, for example:

  1. To refer to the fact that some time ago a telephone conversation or a personal meeting took place, i.e. specific contact with that person.
  2. Start with a description of the addressee's company and with what your goods or services can be useful to him. For example: “We have carefully studied the scope of your company and the projects you are currently working on. Therefore, we are confident that our services will be useful for you. "
  3. Refer to what exactly your goods or services will be useful to the addressee... That is, the word "benefit" needs to be specifically deciphered. In this case, the technique of drawing up selling texts is used - the description of the result through the eyes of the consumer, for example: “You can send your correspondence at least 2 times faster and easier”, “You can find all the necessary information within an hour”, “You will be able to save costs, related to the maintenance of office equipment ".

It goes without saying that it should be directed to the name of a specific recipient. It is unacceptable to send a generic version of the template that is used as a template - in most cases, such messages are perceived as typical spam.

Mistake 2. Artistic excesses

It is important to understand that the proposal for cooperation is serious in nature, therefore, the corresponding letter belongs to the category of business, official types of correspondence. In this regard, it is unacceptable:

  • compose text in a colloquial or artistic style;
  • embellish facts, describe them vaguely, vaguely;
  • to arrange it in the form of an advertising booklet.

In this case, it is allowed to draw up a document on the official letterhead of the company. The main principle is that it should look like a serious document, not a brochure.

Mistake 3. Stereotyped and bureaucratic

On the other hand, a letter of cooperation is not a message from a government agency, tax office or court. That is, you should not burden the presentation with phrases that are usually used among officials, lawyers and judges, for example:

  • "You must / must";
  • "In accordance with the regulations / order / document";
  • “Execute properly / in accordance with internal regulations” and the like.

Thus, when presenting the text, one should proceed from the principle of the golden mean - a positive tone of presentation with a specific description of the benefits of cooperation that the addressee's company can receive.

Mistake 4. Wrong choice of destination

This means that it should be sent to the very person who makes the decision to cooperate. Before composing a message, you need to decide who exactly is your target audience - that is, who may be interested in the product.

For example, the decision to purchase an accounting program will be made by the manager, but the program itself may be of interest to the chief accountant. Accordingly, the chief accountant will be the first person to receive the letter. The second stage of negotiations will be held with the head.

Mistake 5. The sentence itself is missing

This is a less common mistake, but it also occurs: in the course of the presentation, the author talks about the benefits of cooperation, about his company, about the addressee, but he formulates the proposal in a vague, stereotyped way, for example: "We express hope for cooperation." It is better to try to write more specifically, for example: "We are waiting for your reply in any convenient way."

Video commentary:

Thus, it is quite easy to write a letter of cooperation. If you don't have such experience, you can contact marketing specialists, sales managers: such a document has many similarities with commercial proposals.

For the recipient to highlight your offer from a number of others, it must be correctly drawn up and executed. Be sure to highlight your unique competitive edge.

In addition, if you offer services, you need to tell about the employees of the company, and if the goods are about the features of production. Finally, it is important that your sales pitch is easy and fun to read.

You will learn:

  • How to write a business proposal to be read to the end.
  • What types of commercial offers are there.
  • Why you shouldn't start working with a potential partner with a commercial proposal.

Commercial offer- a common tool in working with partners: current and potential. Commercial offer is a common type of selling texts.

Each of us has met different examples of commercial offers- the text motivates to perform a certain action, for example, to go to the office, call managers, etc. It is the commission of such an action for cooperation with the company that becomes the purpose of drawing up a commercial proposal.

A sample of a commercial proposal

Not every manager can do it independently prepare a commercial offer... Indeed, a commercial proposal on paper has significant differences compared to the usual communication with a client. It is necessary to state on paper the advantages of your offer in such a way that the information is both short and sufficiently capacious, stimulating a potential client to make a deal.

Sample commercial offers for download

An example of an ideal business proposal

Sample commercial proposal No. 2

12 elements of a sales proposal that will increase sales by 16%

Alexander Stroyev,

General Director of the company "Aichi For U", Moscow

In order to receive positive answers from such large customers as, for example, RosAtom, Siberian Generating Company, etc., I began to study their procurement regulations. This experience prompted us to create our own internal regulations for the preparation of commercial proposals for large clients.

These are the provisions that must be provided in the form of a commercial proposal.

Types and examples of commercial offers

1. Basic commercial offers.

Such a commercial offer is usually sent out in large quantities. The commercial proposal is presented in one unique form. Potential clients of the company do not expect any letters from your company; in this case, the goal is to "attract" the attention of your audience.

How to write a commercial proposal

Step # 1. Your goal. As a rule, a commercial proposal is drawn up for mailing to your customers. It specifies the goods and services of the company with the expectation that the recipient will be interested in at least one of the proposed items. But it is possible to work for sure - to find out the client's need, betting on it, reporting on specific services or goods that are important for the recipient. Therefore, at the first stage, you should decide on the purpose of drawing up your commercial proposal or send it to a potential partner request for a commercial proposal .

Step # 2. Not quantity, but quality. Try to keep your sentence in moderation - don't try to put everything in it at once. It is better to provide for a relatively small amount of text, choosing quality over quantity. You should pay your attention to more demanded data, rejecting unnecessary suggestions that will only distract the reader. You should not distract the reader from the main thing - stimulating information that will motivate a person to conclude a deal or take other necessary action.

Step # 3. Your proposal or offer. An offer is what you offer to a potential buyer. It can be considered the most important element of the commercial proposal. Since it usually depends on the procurement, whether a potential client will be interested in studying a commercial proposal. It is important to take care of an informative and catchy enough title.

The offer must be based on the following basic postulates:

  • prompt provision of services;
  • favorable prices;
  • provision of additional services;
  • payment availability - deferred payment;
  • provision of discounts;
  • delivery terms;
  • additional service;
  • warranty obligations of the company;
  • brand prestige;
  • high result;
  • availability of several versions of the product.

Good offer or unique selling proposition(USP) involves combining several elements. For example, the harmony of an attractive price and comfortable delivery conditions or guarantees, etc.

Step # 4. Focus on solving customer problems. A competent commercial proposal is focused on solving the problem of the target audience. A prerequisite is focusing on the problem of your customers.

It should be borne in mind that a commercial offer, which is limited to just a story about the company's goods or services, is useless waste paper that is not able to interest a potential client.

The text of the commercial proposal must be customer-oriented. He becomes the protagonist of our story. The more phrases “we”, “I”, ours ”in the text, the less interest it will interest the reader. Why should a client take the time to read a laudatory ode about a company?

There is even a rule - 4 "you" and one we. Some say about 3 "you", but the principle does not change from this. Focus not on yourself, but on the reader. In this case, the commercial proposal for the reader will be more valuable. When drawing up a commercial proposal, one should always be guided by the client's question "Why is it beneficial for me?"

Step # 5. Pricing. The client needs to understand the principle of the company's pricing. Therefore, you can in your commercial proposal for cooperation tell about the pricing system - what factors are the basis for the formation of value. Or send a price list with your commercial proposal. When working in a highly competitive market, you should send offers with competitors' prices. Quite an effective method - the client should convey information about the benefits that he will receive.

If you are sending along with a commercial offer and a price list, you should consider the following tips:

  1. Typically, quotations based on a price list go straight to the shopping cart. Therefore, it is necessary to consider stimulating the client to familiarize himself with the proposed price list. For example, you can report that there is a discount for all goods in the price list that is attached to the letter.
  2. A clear price should be quoted. Clients do not like the wording “from… rubles”. If you do not refuse such a wording, then you need to at least explain this "from" - to understand what the specific price depends on.
  3. If the price scale is used depending on certain indicators (for example, on the capacity in a container, time parameters, etc.), this should also be deciphered.
  4. If there are some conditional parameters (for example, the price expiration date). They should not be indicated in small print - it is important for the client to understand the essence of the offer and pricing.
  5. If possible, do not write the word "price list" itself. It can be called another word, try to distinguish the recipient. He must understand that he was not sent a general price list for everyone, but an individual one, attractive specifically for him.
  6. If you limit the validity of the offered prices, it is necessary to indicate this in a conspicuous place.
  7. Check the print quality for good print quality before shipping, with no gaps or streaks from the printer. Each letter must be clearly visible, especially the number.

Step 7. Thanks after the first sale. When you make a sale with a sales pitch, don't let go of the customer. The first step after the first collaboration is gratitude. Every person is pleased to see gratitude, to hear "thank you". After all, this confirms that they did something kind and good. We rarely meet with grateful people. Thanks to your gratitude, at least surprise your client, because he did not have to read such letters.

Download examples of commercial proposals for different areas of business at the end of the article.

8 offer killers

  1. Uncompetitive proposal in the commercial proposal.
  2. A commercial offer is sent for people who are obviously not interested in it.
  3. The commercial offer is made without taking into account the needs of the target audience and competitive advantages of the company .
  4. Unsuccessful design of the commercial proposal, which complicates the reading and analysis of information.
  5. The KP simply tells, but does not contain a specific offer for clients.
  6. The commercial proposal considers only the product itself, without specifying its benefits to the buyer.
  7. The reader is forced to read a commercial proposal that is too cumbersome.
  8. A commercial proposal is reviewed by a person who does not make a decision on cooperation.

8 amplifiers of the commercial offer

  1. Facts- will give credibility to your statement. They trust the facts, do not argue with them, and it is they who will help create an offer you can't refuse .
  2. Research results- the effect will be similar to the facts. Research is being conducted to understand patterns that aid in making the right decisions.
  3. Numbers and numbers... In practice, numbers look much more convincing than words. The numbers are specific information that will be visual on a specific question of the reader.
  4. Calculations- if in your commercial offer for the client you promise to receive additional earnings, this must be confirmed by calculations.
  5. Images- here the phrase “it is better to see once than hear a hundred times” is very true. Depending on the specific specifics of your proposal, you can offer readers pictures, photographs or other images.
  6. Tables or graphs Is an excellent tool for proving growth dynamics.
  7. List of clients- relevant when there are big names among them. The reader will assume that if you have worked with such large companies, they trust, then the company is really serious.