Where can I sell articles in bulk. Top article exchanges: why are they needed and how to choose the best one for making money? What will your income depend on?

Why do you think many talented copywriters fail and leave the profession? The answer is obvious - because of the wrong attitude. Most people limit themselves exclusively to writing material (albeit of fairly high quality), but they forget that the sale of articles, like the sale of any other product, is a business in which certain rules must be followed to achieve success.

So how do you sell an article online?

The tips that I suggest you read are not instructions for making money at all. Rather, this is a simple list of recommendations based on personal experience, following which helped me establish a scheme for successfully selling texts and, I hope, will be useful to someone else. I also recommend reading another one, which is called - how to learn how to write articles and earn money.

Where to sell an article? Why article exchanges are attractive:

Most often, articles are written to order - employees (copywriters) receive a task from the client, adhere to pre-agreed conditions, without showing any initiative. But if you are a free person and do not want to limit yourself to someone else's framework, then the free sale of articles through text exchanges is more suitable for you, which, by the way, greatly simplifies the process of interacting with buyers and eliminates the possibility of fraud on their part.

There are plenty of services, but you should not register in all at once. Firstly, you will have to spend a lot of time adding an article to each directory, and secondly, when selling a text on one exchange, it will need to be urgently removed from other sources. If you don’t do this on time, copy-paste will get to the client - your account will be banned.

The top article stores are ETXT, TextSale, Advego and ContentMonster. Each of them is focused on a certain category of copywriters and has a number of differences from competitors. I advise you to read my comparative review of these exchanges in order to choose the best option.

Writing rules:

  • Try to work with topics in which you excel. You should not take on an order or put up an article for sale if you are not sure of your own knowledge. False information in the text cannot be hidden either by a beautiful design or a competent author's style.
  • Write articles on in-demand and high-paying topics. You will have to wait for ages until someone buys your text about irons of the 19th century, and even then, at a significantly lower price. But the categories “Construction” and “Earnings on the Internet” are held in high esteem by customers and disperse within a few days.
  • Learn to avoid punctuation and spelling mistakes. On exchanges, low-quality articles are unlikely to pass moderation, and private customers, seeing your flaws, will gladly leave a bold negative review. Fortunately, there is no need to strain too much - now the Internet is full of programs for checking text (I use the extension for the Google Chrome browser and the usual text editor MS Word).
  • You should not turn a text for sale into a sample of writing art, oversaturating it with all sorts of metaphors and lengthy arguments, especially there is an understandable, more concise analogue for everyone. Even if you write purely on the topic, large tests will not always find their buyer - this is mainly due to the reluctance to pay big money for a “pig in a poke”. The optimal size is considered to be 2-3 thousand characters.
  • The classic scheme of the article, which should be followed, is as follows: first comes the introduction, then the main part of the text, where the issue is revealed in detail, and at the very end the author sums up and draws conclusions. Any deviation from the standard is often criticized.
  • Fight the urge to insert your own self into the article (narrate in the first person). The exception is the author's texts, which are written on the basis of personal experience. In this case, the buyer should be warned in advance about this feature.

We create beautiful packaging:

Step one- come up with a title for the article and make an attractive description, this is a kind of commercial offer that accurately reflects the essence of the content. You need to focus primarily on popular search queries, then it is more likely that you will be noticed. The exchanges also offer to select a specific section of the text, which is shown to buyers as a DEMO version. I recommend not using excerpts from the introduction, as they contain a lot of general information that is not conducive to attracting customers.

step two- in the corresponding field, indicate the keywords and phrases that most accurately characterize the content of the article, and it is desirable to choose from the most popular ones. You can peep them from other copywriters who post similar texts, or on the customer request statistics service. The latter is very rare on stock exchanges.

Step Three- attach additional materials (graphics, images, photographs) to the article. Agree, it’s not so difficult to find a thematic picture on the Internet and uniqueize it with a couple of simple steps. Yes, you will have to spend time on this, but the article will look much more attractive to potential buyers and will not stay on the counter for a long time.

Copywriter price list:

Authors have the right to set any price for their texts, but for obvious reasons (beginners devalue their work in order to get rid of competition with more experienced workers), restrictions were imposed on the minimum cost of a thousand characters. For example, on the Advego exchange for rewriting, they offer from $ 0.4 / 1000 characters; copywriting and translators are priced at $0.8, and unique images cost 20 cents or more. However, this is not a reason to set exorbitant rates for services.

Even if you are a professional scribbler, without a rating and positive reviews, you won’t be able to make good money - customers will simply find another “dark horse”. Agree, it is better to endure and work at minimum or close to minimum rates, increasing momentum along with an increase in authority, than sitting without orders at all.

Average prices for copywriter services (depending on qualifications):

  • Novice authors with no experience in writing articles - $ 0.3-0.5 per thousand characters.
  • Mid-level copywriters - $0.5-1 per thousand characters, sometimes a little more.
  • Experienced writers with a lot of positive feedback - $1.5-4.
  • Pros - from four dollars and more (such exchanges can be counted on the fingers).

After placing the text for sale, all that remains is to wait. You should not underestimate prices if a buyer was not found in a couple of days / weeks - one way or another, a good article will find him sooner or later. Better forget about it for a while, leaving it as a "stash" for a rainy day, and continue to work on.

That's actually all the advice that I wanted to give to those who want to sell an article on the Internet. I would be grateful if you supplement the material with your thoughts by writing a couple of lines in the comments.

Thank you for your attention!

Good day, my dear friends! I often talk about making money on articles. Beginners might have a question: “Where to show themselves and start making money?” Today I am here to answer. I want to talk about article exchanges, where thousands of people already receive a decent income from texts.

A text exchange is an intermediary site for performers and customers. There, copywriters sell their articles or write to order. Webmasters and bloggers are also not deprived. They can buy or order content if they don't have the time or skills to deal with it. In the end, everyone is happy.


One of the leaders in copywriting, rewriting - Text. Customers and performers love it for its own tools that help to check texts and make them better.

The disadvantage is a decent commission. Beginners pay 10% of income.

Everyone is assigned the status of a student. It changes with the growth of the rating. Points are awarded individually for each order. For work from a customer with PRO status, you get more than usual.

On average, 30-50 rubles are paid for 1,000 characters. With a high rating, there are orders for 100 - 300 rubles / 1,000 characters.

There is an article store. But the requirements are tougher than on Etxt. Often texts fly into the trash due to errors.

How to register on the site, take an order or sell an article, you can read in my.


You can not only write articles, but also comments, repost on social networks, reprint audio into text.

Order for the site:

  • texts,
  • reviews or comments,
  • filling groups in social networks,
  • visiting sites to increase the site in search results.

The account is kept in dollars. Money is paid to WebMoney, Qiwi or a bank card. To do this, you need to dial 5 $.

The typical price for 1,000 characters without spaces is $0.5 - $1.

- a new creation. Came to light in 2015. For 2 years, the project managed to gain several thousand users, which, compared with large exchanges, is a drop in the ocean.

There is a standard guarantee for the contractor, the customer. Did it - got it, no - they lowered the rating, the money was returned from the account.

You can earn in two ways:

  1. Submit articles for sale. The authors estimate the work at 35 - 60 rubles / 1,000 characters. Sometimes they just put a price for the whole text.
  2. Search orders. The cost per kilosign is almost the same as on other exchanges without restrictions - 40 - 60 rubles. If you are lucky, you will find generous customers who will pay 110 - 120 rubles.

Webmasters can stock up on content here. The prices are attractive.

The site has its own anti-plagiarism. True, only registered users are allowed to use it without a limit. Guests can check 1 text once a day. A little slow, a long time to wait for the result.

Notorious for low competition. It's very easy to get a job for $0.8 kilosign. The requirements for the authors are so low that among the top performers there are illiterates.

Neotext has the wildest commission - 20%. Earn $100, give back $20 of them.

It is also unpleasant that they take their commissions upon withdrawal. You immediately see how much money leaves your account, and motivation decreases.

At Copylancer and the prices are pleasant, and the administration is fluffy. The exchange has been operating since 2007 and has managed to recruit over 50,000 authors and customers.

Some orders can be taken on the fly without applications. Just fill out your application first. There is no need to pass tests, only upgrade the status along with the rating. They grow from customer ratings.

Copywriters receive from 50 rubles. for 1,000 characters, and rewriters - 30 - 70 rubles each, depending on the level.

Webmasters and bloggers also have something to profit from here. More than 15 themes, plagiarism protection help to fill the site without problems. You can buy not only an article, but also a unique photo. You will save time searching for content.

The exchange transfers money to a bank card, WebMoney and Qiwi.

I did the same in a separate post.

A lifesaver for SEOs or bloggers. The site specializes in promoting articles. You can buy a place to advertise your site, but you must specify not a link, but an entire article with a thematic anchor.

Where can I get articles for Miralinks if you don't know how or don't want to write? You create an order on one of the top copywriting exchanges, choose one worthy author among a bunch.

Positions itself as an article store. Here you can take orders, but they are few, and for beginners they are available only for a fee - $ 10.

The price for 1,000 characters starts from 20 rubles. and takes off up to 150 - 200 rubles. With a low rating, exorbitant prices will not work.

You can earn decent money. But after all, selling is such a thing ... Today I was able to sell an article, and then you wait a whole month in the hope of a buyer. Until you get good reviews in your profile, rating points - do not rush to make Textsale the main place to earn money.

Bloggers, content managers will like a rich assortment here. A site on any topic can be filled from the first to the last page.

We also have.

Top text exchanges for advanced copywriters

I believe that income should grow along with experience. You learned how to insert keys, write hypnotic texts without errors, but not get 30 rubles. for 1,000 characters.

I offer you a list of top exchanges where you can earn from 110 rubles / 1,000 symbols.

Of course, no one will just let you into the elite detachments. Get ready to take exams.

What to do if it doesn't work? Rise to a new level, increase income, prepare for exams on the exchanges will help you. You will become better than 90% of authors in Runet. No competition will be terrible.

Now let's move on to our high paying exchanges.

Performers are well paid. Professionals with a high rating even receive 150 - 300 rubles. for 1,000 characters. Beginners start at 22 rubles, but is that bad? Some exchanges offer 5 - 10 rubles. beginners.

The main catch is that you will have to pass a test and submit an essay for verification. If you get a score below 4, only micro tasks will remain available, like likes, reposts, comments.

The commission bites. The system takes 20% from the income. But the high prices make up for it.

Why is the exchange attractive for customers? Quality. All performers are selected according to strict requirements. Therefore, the risk of getting not an article, but a set of letters, is minimal.

In our article.

- a harsh exchange for real professionals. Active since 2011. Examinations for admission to orders are held in two stages. A few wrong answers and access is denied.

Even after passing the test, I do not advise you to relax. Moderators monitor the quality of articles, and if they see errors, violation of technical requirements, they can lower the rating or ban for a week.

The advantage for a copywriter is pricing. No one here will let you set a price of less than 20 rubles. per kilosign. If you want cheaper, go to another exchange - site policy.

I advise customers to pay attention to the site because of the severity of the selection of authors. You will get the job of a professional, not a schoolboy.

There are many sites on the network where a copywriter can sell an article, but not all sites are characterized by a high demand rating. Let me single out three exchanges where the author can trade texts. Evaluation is carried out according to the type of placement and ease of use by copywriters.

Three pillars of consumer demand

I will not give examples of the number of articles sold on the stock exchanges. I don’t know how records are kept, and the numbers can always be inflated in order to attract customers. I will talk about Etxt.ru, Advego and Copylancer.ru.

These three exchanges generate higher interest among copywriters because articles don't last long on sale. Periodically posting several texts a week, you can get a good extra income. Those who churn out articles in "packs" and do have a good income.

The arguments of those who say that you can’t make money on copywriting are tears of illiteracy. You need to be able to write texts correctly and sell them. How well a car mechanic or a trolley bus driver can do their job.

We proceed directly to the consideration of sites as places for selling articles. I will not talk about the functions of exchanges, there are other articles on this. I will evaluate according to the following criteria:

  • ease of posting an article for sale;
  • the cost of texts;
  • quality requirements.

These points will be enough to understand which of the sites is better to work with your qualifications. Not all copywriters have a philological education, and on some sites, an article cannot be sold for missing commas. That is, she will not be allowed into the store.

Mega giant of the article market Etxt exchange

You can not consider my curtsy in the direction of praising this site as personal. All copywriters who start their business by selling articles know this. Everyone can work on this site, even those who have problems with punctuation.

You can start with the fact that the evaluation of the article that you decide to sell is carried out according to three criteria: spelling, punctuation and speech. You can write text by missing a comma or dash, misspelling a sentence, and even making a grammatical error. The text will still be allowed for sale, but with some restrictions.

When posting an article for the first time in order to sell it, the moderator conducts the check. After looking at how you write, text analysis is switched to automatic mode. There are pros and cons here. The moderator checks the article longer (about a day). But it gives an accurate assessment of the quality.

Automatic verification is faster, but as the support service answered me, the robot puts an average quality rating. That is, you can write a “clean” text, but if before that all articles were rated only with a tick in the “spelling” item, the robot will also put one tick.

Therefore, it is better to disable automatic moderation in the settings. Let the article go through a full analysis before you sell it. Quality in the "face" of two or three ticks will be the best advertisement for buyers.

You can change the automatic check by going through the deposits: personalization - personal information - interface settings. Turn off automatic moderation in the menu.

Selling an article on this exchange is as simple as possible. The personalization file is simple to fill out. The site administration took care of both copywriters and customers.

It will take no more than 3 minutes to put an article in the store. You need to enter the following data:

  • article title;
  • select a category;
  • specify the type of text;
  • make a brief description;
  • highlight keywords;
  • set a price;
  • specify the language;
  • insert text;
  • agree to the terms of sale.

The list turned out to be impressive, but all manipulations are carried out quickly. It is convenient for both authors and buyers. Maximum information - more chances that the article can be sold faster. As long as the price is right.

Articles are evaluated individually by each author. You need to understand the value of your words and skill level in order to set adequate prices. There are no sales qualification restrictions. Set any value. On my own behalf, I want to add that texts of 20-25 rudders are sold out as quickly as possible, provided that there is a tick in the “spelling” item.

Yes, it’s inexpensive, but you can write a competent rewrite of an article for 5 thousand characters in literally 40 minutes, taking into account edits. And sell the text for 100 rubles. I judge by myself and my typing speed.

It remains to be added that, starting to sell articles, moderators will be picky about quality. At first, texts with errors will not be allowed into the store, returning for revision. After submitting several articles, even an article with a low rating (three red crosses in the quality rating) will be missed. But think - when will they buy such a text? Write interestingly and at least without spelling errors.

Advego Exchange - we sell an article for "UE"

Another giant of the article market. Also, we will not delve into the essence of the operation of the site, we will immediately move on to the complexities of the exchange. Unlike Etxt.ru, this site does not have automatic moderation and all articles are manually checked before being sent to the store.

Some authors say that this is more in the hands of buyers of texts. That low quality articles cannot be sold. Yes, the buyer wins in this case. But after all, a copywriter, trying to “clean up” the text so that it is accepted, is gaining experience. It's not always wrong to write.
There are no separate columns about the quality of punctuation. The article is reviewed and either put up for sale or you are refused, pointing out your mistakes and offering to correct it.

It is a little more difficult to put an article up for sale on the Advego exchange. The following points need to be highlighted:

  • Name;
  • category;
  • text type;
  • insert an article into the form;
  • highlight a quote
  • make a description
  • list keywords;
  • evaluate the work;
  • agree to the rules.

Also an impressive amount of action. Inconvenience delivers only the selection of quotes. You need to set a certain part of the text (150 characters) that will be visible to the buyer. This is necessary to evaluate the presentation of your thought. True, what can be stated by such a number of words - I do not understand.

As a result, if your text is accepted into the store, it will look like this.

As advice on selling articles on the Advego exchange, I will add that you need to carefully check the articles before selling them. If the text is returned three times for revision, then the account is blocked for three days. Then there are longer lockdowns. There are services for detecting errors, use them.

Great opportunities with the Copylancer.ru exchange

It is also a good platform for the implementation of plans. Articles with a positive profile diverge like hot cakes. Verification of texts, as well as on Advego, is carried out in manual mode. The moderator evaluates the quality and makes a decision.

There are no check marks symbolizing quality. If the article is not suitable for sale, you will receive such a message.

Also a kind of "curtsy" towards buyers. But remember that authors must write correctly and this is like a hint to copywriters about inaccuracies. No need to take everything personally, just edit the text and put it in the store.

In order to sell an article, you will need to provide the following information about it:

  • write a title
  • insert text;
  • rate the quality;
  • set a price;
  • define a rubric
  • make a description
  • write keys;
  • select an image by topic (files are provided on the exchange);
  • agree to the rules.

The subtleties of selling articles on the Copylancer.ru exchange

The requirements are identical to other exchanges, only there are innovations on this site. For those who are just starting their steps in copywriting, this feature is useful. When exhibiting an article in order to sell it, you must evaluate the quality: basic, good, highest.

In this column, you can manipulate prices. The basic level of skill allows you to sell texts for an average of 19 rubles. The “good” level raises the bar to 75 rubles, the highest level to 108. Decent numbers? But these are average prices. According to the basic level, you can not set the cost above 30 rubles. Approximately the same spread with other levels.

This is by no means an indicator that you can sell articles with errors on the basic tab. It's just that the moderator will treat the check more loyally. Perhaps one comma omitted by the author will not affect his decision. By setting high scores, the check will be thorough. The text will be returned even with the slightest stylistic deviation.

Why is this needed? It's actually a handy feature. Not only is the base price decent. You can sell texts for more if you are highly qualified. How can it be used?

Let's say you are a philologist by education or a former teacher, or you just write competent articles “by nature”. We decided to earn some extra money and you somehow feel sorry for selling texts for 25 rubles at the initial stage. No portfolio, customers don't know you. What to do?

Write a unique text and put it on the Сopylancer.ru exchange at a high cost. The fact is that a thorough check by the moderator will be a kind of advertisement for a well-written text. The buyer sees that the level is high, the moderator allowed the text to be sold, which means there are no errors in any way. On this exchange, a kind of “curtsy” is made both towards the authors and buyers.

That's the whole review. I think it is clear to everyone and it will be easy to make a choice in favor of one or another exchange. And it is better to register on all three sites. With this approach, not a single article is “littered” in the store for a long time.


Every aspiring copywriter wants his first articles to sell as quickly as possible. And it's not even about money - at the beginning of the journey it is so important to get confirmation that your work is in demand, to hear the ringing of electronic coins on WebMoney and understand that yes, it is really possible to sell an article on the Internet.

It happens, even for beginners, that the written article is sold on the first day. And it happens that two dozen texts have already been posted in the article store on the stock exchange, and still there is no first sale. How to speed up the sale of articles? What is in the power of a copywriter, and what will chance?

Location matters!

There are many exchanges, and you can sell an article on the Internet only once. Yes, sometimes copywriters post the same article on different exchanges, hoping that they will buy it somewhere. But this is a risky venture that violates the rules of the exchanges. Where is the best place to sell an article? I recommend starting with two copywriting exchanges - Textsale and Etxt. First of all, because they are the oldest, widely known on the Internet. In addition, they are equally convenient for selling ready-made content and for working on order. This is important, because the larger and more interesting Fl.ru exchange in terms of orders is not very suitable for selling ready-made content.

What is important?

What do buyers look for when choosing articles? On the title, description of the article, price and rating of the author. You still cannot influence the rating, and dropping prices is a dead end. So that leaves the title and description. I understand your desire to make the title original and catchy, but try to make it also explain what the article is about. Remember that the buyer does not see all the text, he is buying a pig in a poke to some extent. Do not deprive him of the last opportunity to learn more about the article before buying.

Bad option: "Mysteries about everything"

About what - everything? Did you understand anything from this title? That's what I didn't understand. The article was posted in the topic "Tourism", by the way, and not "Children", as it might seem.

A good option: "Careful, the sun, or When you can not sunbathe?"

And catchy due to the stop word "carefully", and specifically.

Description of the article is an additional field that the copywriter is asked to fill in when publishing the article. Sometimes the authors simply neglect them. Well, really, it's too lazy to stuff extra signs for free. Why use another sales tool? Well, it's completely! An approach from a series of Soviet trade, when no one gave a damn about the buyer - they need it, so let them buy it.

Gentlemen, do not be lazy to fill in the description. With its help, you can orient the buyer, explain what the article is about, if it is not clear from the title. Here, for example, the article "Knitted swimwear - a hit of the season." I can't tell from the title if the author is being serious or is being sarcastic. You never know, modern fashion is merciless. We read the description: "An article about knitted swimsuits - their originality, originality and uniqueness." Yeah, it looks like the author is still serious.

In addition to the title and description, the reader sees the first paragraph of the article. Therefore, try not to be too lengthy, do not start from the creation of the world, avoid stereotyped phrases like "In the modern world, more and more often ...". Be specific and brief.

Top Selling Articles

The format matters too. Some are more popular, some are less. It is believed that the best-selling articles are instructions, master classes, recipes, etc. Partly true, all kinds of manuals are very popular with customers. But this does not mean that it is not necessary to write reviews and reviews, just informational articles or reasoning articles.

Remember that your exchange account is your small store. You fill it with the goods yourself, and you have to decide what it will be: an expensive boutique or an affordable store, with a wide range or strictly specialized, neatly presented, with signed price tags, or sloppy and unfriendly.

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Good day! In this article, I want to talk about making money on articles, namely, to tell you how writing and selling texts for websites takes place. As you know, it is relatively easy to make money on the Internet by writing articles. Those who find it easy to formulate their thoughts, retell other texts in their own words, can start earning extra money in their free time. Moreover, the work of writing texts can be combined with the main job for hire.

How to make money on articles

There are really two ways to make money on articles on the Internet:

  1. write articles for sale;
  2. fulfill direct orders.

In terms of income stability, the most profitable thing is to take orders for work and cooperate with customers for a long time. This guarantees a daily inflow of funds into your wallet. work will continue. But, very often, this method is not suitable for beginner copywriters.

As a rule, the difficulty is caused by the lack of experience, reputation and recommendations from other customers, zero or low rating, fear of complex and not entirely clear order conditions. In addition, you will not have the right to choose a theme. Many customers want the text to contain certain keywords or the number of some words repeated a limited number of times, and it is difficult for a novice copywriter without any experience to complete the task.

Making money selling articles is easier. The topics of the articles are up to you. If the text is not written, you can always put it aside and take another topic.

What should be the article

To quickly sell an article on the Internet for money, you need to write it on a topic that is in demand. For example, in the stock market eTXT there is such a rating of the catalog of headings and search queries, where you can see what topics are in demand among buyers at the moment:

Other exchanges of articles for making money on the sale of texts are listed at the link

Pretty good buy articles on similar topics. For example, you write several texts on one topic, but at the same time, each article, as it were, complements the previous one and is a topic on its own. For example, you have chosen some disease in the medical field. You devote one article from the cycle to the symptoms and manifestations of the disease, the other to the causes, the third to the treatment of folk remedies, the fourth to drug treatment. Or it may be that the sore has types and varieties to which separate articles can be devoted. The customer is more willing to buy a series of articles from you that reveal a separate subtopic than to seek to collect material in parts from different copywriters.

Most often, buyers search for article titles by keywords. You can also use the key selection service for webmasters: https://wordstat.yandex.ru/. How to work with this site is described in detail.

And this picture clearly illustrates the selected list of topics that you can take to work on one specific topic:

Beginners can do this: write several similar articles on different topics. Of course, if you understand several topics. For those who find it difficult, write only about what you understand, where you have knowledge. Develop your skill.

I am often asked the question: where can I get the source code? You will find material for rewriting in the search results. Enter the title of the future article as a request and select the appropriate text for work. Ideally, the text you create should be better than the existing ones. Only in this case will it be useful on the new site. But buyers do not always understand this and place articles on their websites that do not differ in content from existing ones, but only unique in terms of verification services ...

I will not describe in detail the structure of the article, this information is in the article at the link. As for the size - write as much as you need to cover the topic. The most popular articles are 2000 - 5000 characters long without spaces.

Check the article for spelling and punctuation errors. The MS Word editor will tell you the main mistakes. And there is also a wonderful free spelling service, use it for more advanced analysis. Here is the link orthogrammka.ru

Do not post your articles for sale on several exchanges at once. If you do, be prepared to instantly delete a copy of the sold article from another exchange. If it happens that your article is bought on two exchanges at once, arbitration will be on the side of the buyer, and you will lose your account.

Promotes fast sales beautiful packaging articles. When placing a text on the stock exchange, it is necessary to write an attractive catchy name for it, write a description, and also provide a piece of text as a DEMO version for viewing. Choose the part of the text that, in your opinion, best demonstrates your skill. In the keywords, indicate those phrases that reflect the topic of the article, and those that you originally selected in Yandex Wordstat.

Value for money. Too low a price will scare off a serious buyer, because. he may decide that low-grade text is being sold. Too high a price in the absence of a rating and reviews will also not attract a buyer. For a beginner, the normal price will be the one that is slightly below the average. In your profile, you can indicate: "quality texts from a novice copywriter with a 20% discount for only 3 days." This is a kind of advertising technique to attract potential buyers.

If you have several dozen articles for sale, you can advertise for a quick effect. eTXT has this option.

If you are just starting to make money on articles, download a free textbook on copywriting " How to become a successful copywriter ".

Write your thoughts in the comments, share your experience on how and where it is better to sell an article on the Internet.