Methodology for analyzing the competitiveness of hotel services. Competitiveness of a hotel enterprise and means of its formation Assessment of the competitiveness of enterprises in the hotel industry

Table 1.2.1. Main comparative characteristics of hotels.



Room price, rub.

Accommodation conditions (1-5 points)

Location (proximity to the center), (1-5 points)

Availability of additional services (1-5 points)

Quality of service (1-5 points)

Image (1-5 points)

Total: quality

Hotels “A” and “C” have similar parameter estimates with equal room prices, therefore, they are part of the same strategic group, and Hotel “E” is close to them. If the pricing policy changes, Hotel “B” may also be included in this group. Hotel “D” is not included in this strategic group.

The presence of similar parameters and being in the same strategic group means that the activities of the compared enterprises are focused on the same consumers. In this regard, each individual hotel needs to have qualities that make it more attractive to the client, i.e. provide a competitive advantage.

Competitive advantage of a hotel organization - these are those characteristics, properties of hotel services that create for the hotel a certain superiority over its direct competitors. These characteristics can be very different and relate to basic services (accommodation, food), additional services, technologies of organization and service, forms of promotion of services specific to

specific hotel. Competitive advantage is relative, defined in comparison with enterprises that occupy the best positions in the strategic group.

There are strategic and tactical factors of competitive advantage. Tactical factors of competitive advantage ensure the competitiveness of the hotel in the current period (within one year), strategic factors of competitive advantage is aimed at ensuring the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise in the future.

It is important for managers of hospitality service enterprises to focus their attention on strategic factors of competitive advantage, i.e. to provide high quality services, corresponding class of service, implementation of information technology, etc.

There are two types of competitive advantages: lower costs and specialization. Under lower costs is understood as not just a smaller amount of costs for the implementation and sale of services

Competitiveness of hotel services 9 and hospitality enterprises as an object of management

hospitality than its competitors, and the ability of the enterprise to develop and perform the service more efficiently than its competitors. That is, the entire cycle of operations for the provision of hotel services must be carried out at lower costs and in a shorter time.

Specialization is the ability to meet specific customer needs and get a higher price for it than competitors. In other words, to ensure this type of competitive advantage, it is necessary to learn the art of standing out among competitors by offering the guest a service that is noticeably distinguished by either a high level of quality with a standard set of parameters that determine this quality, or a non-standard set of needs that it can satisfy the buyer's real interests.

At the same time, at any given time, a strategy for ensuring competitiveness is built, relying only on one type of competitive advantage - either lower costs, attracting buyers with the relative cheapness of services compared to competitors, or specialization, challenge

This is of great interest to the most demanding customers who, above all, require high quality and satisfaction of special needs.

Based on the types of competitive advantages, the most appropriate strategy for ensuring and maintaining the competitiveness of the hotel enterprise is selected. Possible strategies for ensuring competitiveness, based on various types of competitive advantages, are presented in Figure 1.2.1.

Some hotel enterprises develop their activities according to the strategy of “uniqueness and leadership.” Such enterprises provide high-class customer service, widely using Western management style and a clearly structured marketing system. These are, for example, such Moscow hotels as Baltschug Kempinski Moscow, Savvoy, Metropol, Radisson Slavyanskaya, etc.

There are hotels whose competitive strategy is based not on specialization, but on lower costs. They provide accommodation services of world standard quality and

Rice. 1.2.1. Strategies for ensuring competitiveness.

10 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

with standard price. For example, small

And average class hotels 3–4 stars, located not in the central part of the city, but having, along with the main hotel product (rooms), additional services.

The third type of enterprise builds a competitive strategy on less risky

And cheaper principles - specialization with a narrow range of services (for example, the provision of only accommodation services by hotels located at airports, train stations, large wholesale markets, large enterprises, educational institutions, etc.).

Naturally, it is not necessary to adhere to only one, once chosen strategy for ensuring competitiveness. The path of expanding the range of services while maintaining relatively low prices that justify the middle class of service will lead to a cost-oriented strategy, which will increase both sales volumes and the amount of profit received.

If you do not expand the range of additional services, but direct all income to improve the quality of the main service, this will lead to a strategy of selective specialization. This path can provide a fairly high level of return on invested capital.

For a hotel enterprise whose material and technical base is worn out and there are no funds for its modernization, workers do not have the necessary qualifications, but wages and other costs for performing the service are not too high, then the most a “cost-oriented” strategy is appropriate.

1.3. Factors of competitiveness of a hotel enterprise.

The competitiveness of a hotel organization is influenced by many factors that determine the strength of the business, the ability of the enterprise to function in current economic and political

conditions, i.e. solve tax problems; ensure financial stability and independence, equip the material and technical base of the enterprise and reduce the degree of wear and tear, organize activities in all areas - financial, economic, sales, analytical, service, etc. But these factors determine only one side of a hotel’s competitiveness. From the owner's perspective. The consumer, focusing on the attractiveness of the service, helps to increase the competitiveness of the hotel, providing it with income and the opportunity to implement the above factors.

The selection, justification, grouping and ranking of the degree of influence of factors on the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise should be carried out taking into account the specifics of its activities.

The services market has a number of specific features, such as: high dynamism of market processes; territorial segmentation; local nature of services; short service delivery cycle; high sensitivity to changes in market conditions; personal contact between the consumer and the service provider; individuality of demand; impossibility of preliminary assessment of the quality of the service.

In turn, accommodation services have additional specifics:

1. Different grades of services provided;

2. Direct consumption of services in the process of their provision;

3. Dependence of the results of the hotel’s economic activities on fluctuations in demand for services;

4. Low elasticity of supply;

5. High capital intensity;

6. Continuity of provision of state #

service design, which is based on the special requirements of clients.

Taking into account all of the above, factors affecting competitiveness

Competitiveness of hotel services 11 and hospitality enterprises as an object of management

hotel enterprises Competitiveness 12

Rice. 1.3.1. Structure of factors influencing the competitiveness of hospitality enterprises.

hospitality enterprises, it is advisable to divide into 4 groups (Figure 1.3.1):

factors characterizing the enterprise;

factors characterizing the service;

factors characterizing customer service;

factors characterizing the brand#

The significance and nature of the influence of these groups of factors on ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise in the hospitality industry is different.

Thus, factors of group I designed to show the characteristics of the enterprise itself. The composition of the factors included in this group also differs significantly. For example,reputation (image) of the hotel, it would seem at first glance to have nothing in common with either the organization of activities or the economics of the enterprise, but the significance of this factor is great. A hotel's reputation is often formed as a result of the guest's assessment of the level and quality of service. Research shows that if a person has been served well, he will tell five people about it. If a person has a negative experience, he will report this to ten 4 . The hotel's image forms the structure of service users. Thus, for reputable businessmen, representatives of show business, and artists, the reputation of the accommodation facility is very important, since this is not only an appropriate class of service for the client himself, but also, to a certain extent, for those around him, a characteristic of success in life of this person.

When the nature of competition gravitates

To using the advantages provided by the image of the enterprise (for example, the Baltschug Kempinski Moscow, Savvoy, Metropol, Radisson Slavyanskaya, etc.) hotels, then it is an incentive

4 Timokhina T.L. Organization of reception and service for tourists: a manual. # M.: LLC “Knigodel”: MATGR, 2005. - 288 p.

Competitiveness of hotel services 13 and hospitality enterprises as an object of management

A little is not enough, since customer requirements for the level of service are changing, technologies for providing services are being improved, and hospitality enterprises must constantly deal with the problems of advanced training, training and retraining of staff. Moreover, this applies to all personnel - starting from the maid and ending with the head of the enterprise. This problem is very relevant in modern conditions, because The quality of customer service in Russian hotels still lags behind the level of international requirements and standards.

An equally important problem for hospitality industry enterprises is staff turnover. Frequent turnover of personnel, on the one hand, leads to a deterioration in the quality of service (during the adaptation period of newly hired employees), and on the other, increases the costs of the enterprise (payment of severance pay, costs of improving the qualifications of an employee who is not remained to work at the enterprise). One of the reasons often cited by those who quit is the low level of wages, which does not sufficiently compensate for the labor costs associated with increased neuro-emotional stress.

Financial condition of the enterprise hospitality determines its solvency, economic independence and creates conditions for stable development. The financial condition of an enterprise is determined by the results of its activities, since the main financial source is the profit received by the enterprise. Profit growth can be achieved by increasing the volume of sales of services while maintaining costs at the same level; when costs increase on a smaller scale than the increase in the volume of sales of services or when they decrease. In this regard, this competitiveness factor acts as a complex one, influenced by other factors.

Significantly characterizes the enterprise and affects its competitiveness control system. First of all, this is manifested in the organizational structure that is built at a given enterprise, the placement of management personnel at levels and levels of management, the distribution of work and management methods. The maintenance of the management apparatus is always associated with corresponding costs and, at first glance, the simplest solution to improving enterprise management would be to simplify the structure and reduce the number of management staff. However, in real practice this is hardly advisable. In the hotel business, the largest number of managers should be present at the middle and, more importantly, lower levels of management. An important issue in assessing this competitiveness factor is the availability of professional training of management personnel. Unfortunately, a study of the experience of hotel enterprises shows that quite often management personnel do not have specialized professional training, which, of course, can affect the quality of management decisions. Management methods are also of no less importance, i.e. ways to influence personnel.

Hotel location determines the degree of demand for hospitality services, since the convenience of using hospitality services is important for the client in terms of the availability of vehicles for moving to the place of residence; Often, when choosing a place to stay, one of the requirements a guest puts forward is the presence of an appropriate view from the window; It is important to have external infrastructure: car parking, necessary institutions (post office, bank branch, trading enterprises, cultural institutions, entertainment complexes, etc.).

Group II factors reflect the parameters of the accommodation service. Consumer

14 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

service providers, as a rule, are interested in the correspondence between price and quality of services provided. In recent years, priority has been given to the quality parameters of the service. And yet, the competitiveness of hospitality enterprises largely depends on the effectiveness of the hotel's pricing policy. The use of this tool in the hotel business is associated with a certain risk, since if it is handled ineptly, unpredictable and even negative results in terms of economic consequences can be obtained.

In the economic literature, the pricing policy of an organization is understood as a system of ideas about what principles should form the basis of pricing and how to maneuver prices to achieve the goals of the enterprise and solve relevant marketing problems. When determining the impact of price on the competitiveness of the hospitality service and the enterprise as a whole, several important points should be taken into account:

1. What is the place of price among other competitive factors in the hotel services market?

2. When forming the enterprise's pricing policy, are methods used to help optimize the estimated prices for services?

3. What is the nature of the pricing policy for new types of services.

4. Does the pricing policy take into account the results of a comparative analysis of the “cost/profit” and “cost/quality” ratios for your own enterprise and competitors’ enterprises?

The most important factor in the group under consideration is the quality of the services provided. Classification systems for hotels and other accommodation facilities are based on service standards that have evolved over centuries. Classification systems for accommodation facilities used in world practice assign them different categories, based on which

at the consumer has the opportunity

judge both the material side of the hotel product and the set of intangible services. Consumer awareness seems to be the main task that classification systems for accommodation facilities are designed to solve.

An important factor characterizing the service is structure and condition of the number fund. The structure of the number of rooms depends on the level of class (number of stars) of the hotel complex and is determined in accordance with the approved decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 15, 2005 No. 1014#r “Classification System for Hotels and Other Accommodation Facilities.” Taking into account this factor of the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise involves identifying the degree of compliance of the declared and actually implemented class of customer service.

Ensuring the quality of accommodation services, and, consequently, the competitiveness of the enterprise, largely depends on the organization of the work of the corresponding hotel service. It is called differently: either the housekeeping service, or the room management service, or the maintenance service, or the maid service. The purpose of this division is to provide guest service in the rooms, maintain the necessary sanitary and hygienic condition of guest rooms and public premises, and provide household services to clients.

The provision of hospitality services is associated with the mandatory use of certain equipment and inventory, therefore quality of engineering and technical support services also named among the factors characterizing the service. Ensuring the proper operation of the hotel's engineering#technical equipment is the responsibility of the technical operation service (engineering#technical service). She carries out maintenance and repair of sanitary equipment (plumbing, sewerage, hot water supply, ventilation, air conditioning).

Competitiveness of hotel services 15 and hospitality enterprises as an object of management

air filtration, garbage chute); energy sector; low-current devices and automation equipment; television and communication systems; refrigeration equipment; computer equipment, etc.

One of the factors ensuring an appropriate level of hotel accommodation is the provision security services, i.e. the safety of the guest’s stay in the hotel and the safety and security of his property. These parameters, to a certain extent, influence the formation of the reputation of a hotel enterprise, since safety of residence is a characteristic of the service that interests many users of hospitality services.

Group III factors are very specific and characterize the level and quality of customer service. These parameters of competitiveness are “on the surface”. In contrast to the financial condition of the enterprise, assessment of human resources, etc. The level of service can be assessed quite simply and clearly by the client. If the hotel employees are gloomy, unfriendly, overly fussy or, conversely, unduly demanding of the guest and his behavior, then, apparently,ethics and service culturein such a hotel leaves much to be desired. And the organizational culture itself requires improvement. An important element of organizational culture is its material component, i.e. those means and objects that create a comfortable environment - this includes the design of hotel halls, designed in a certain corporate style; comfortable modern furniture and equipment, etc. A necessary element of organizational culture is the use of branded uniforms, taking into account the specifics of the work of hotel staff. The neat appearance of employees instills in the client trust and disposition towards the enterprise, and plays a significant role in creating the reputation of the hotel enterprise.

Currently, the hotel business practices the provision of not only basic services, but also related and additional ones. In large modern hotels this may be a suitably equipped business center; high-class beauty salon; wellness or fitness center with a range of various services; cinema and concert hall; library; restaurants and bars; laundry and dry cleaning services, etc. This combination of the main and additional hotel product creates comprehensiveness of service, which is very convenient for the client and increases the level of their service. All this ultimately affects the competitiveness of the hospitality enterprise as a whole.

An important stage of the guest cycle (client service cycle), helping to ensure the occupancy of rooms, and, therefore, a constant influx of funds and influencing competitiveness, is room reservation. There are various sources from which hotels receive booking requests. Thus, one of the areas of booking is the work of hotels with travel companies, with large enterprises that book places for their regional employees, business partners, with companies that constantly organize exhibitions, all kinds of seminars, forums, with additional travel centers # Levuz education, carrying out retraining and advanced training of nonresident students. The second direction is one-time booking for individuals or organizations that have a need for hotel accommodation.

Just as the appearance of a hotel evokes positive or negative emotions in the client, so does the meeting of a guest,

organization of reception and accommodation significantly affect the level of their service. Service standards require standing to greet, serve and escort customers at the counter. Since labor works

16 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

Since the workers of this area have increased neuro-emotional stress, it is very important to rationally organize the work schedules of the personnel in this area. This is achieved by many hotels by developing clear shift schedules for staff, organizing smooth transfer of shifts, and the so-called “seamless service”5. This approach to service creates convenience for the client, since he is not left unattended for a minute and spends a minimum of time on the entire check-in process.

Quality of service , of course, depends on the standards applied. The same service can be performed in different ways.

The consumer's perception of the quality of hotel service is the formation in the guest's mind of a sensory image of the differences between the expected and actually received service with the subsequent development of this image (through the perception and assessment of the essential properties of the service received) into an emotional mood towards to the hotel. Strong positive attitude - high satisfaction, high quality. A strong negative attitude means a high degree of dissatisfaction, low quality.

When characterizing the quality of a hotel service, it is necessary to take into account the social significance of the quality of services.

Quality is the compliance of the services provided with the concepts and expectations of hotel clients, as well as established state standards and norms.

Hotel services receive different assessments from management, hotel staff and customers.

The administration evaluates the quality of services, guided by established standards and rules.

Personnel - based on job descriptions.

Clients are based on their own concepts, experiences, feelings and impressions.

Quality assessment is carried out in the following areas:

the presence of properties that can satisfy the client’s needs (the more useful properties a specific service has, the higher its quality is rated);

the process of providing the service (whether the client is satisfied);

no service deficiencies.

Analysis of the quality of hotel services helps a hotel identify existing shortcomings in the quality of its services, determine their strengths and weaknesses, outline the main areas of work to improve their quality, and choose an appropriate strategy.

Consistent quality of services is one of the keys to the success and prosperity of an enterprise. If a guest received a number of services during his stay at the hotel, he should be sure that on his next visit the quality of services will be at the same level.

Fourth group of factors characterizes marketing. It is very often considered as a business philosophy and a specific guide to action. On the one hand, skillfully organized marketing activities provide insight into

O about what opportunities it provides for successful work in a competitive market. On the other hand, it answers an even more important question - what benefits does it bring to consumers, what problems does it allow them to solve. The main thing in marketing is target orientation towards the consumer and the complexity of solving market problems. Unfortunately, Russian business leaders still underestimate the role of marketing in

The main economic and financial results of using marketing are:

expansion of the market share of the hotel enterprise;

more complete impact on the activities of personnel united by the commonality of marketing decisions and actions in achieving their goals;

increasing the volume of sales of services and, consequently, increasing the profitability of activities;

increasing the return on fixed capital;

acceleration of turnover of working capital; increasing the reputation of a hospitality company through the highest quality customer service.

By improving financial and economic performance indicators, marketing helps solve the problems of increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise.

The formulation of the long-term goals of a hotel enterprise and ways to achieve them should be based on the patterns of its business cycle, which begins with marketing and ends with financial results, i.e. making a profit (zero result, losses due to poor quality marketing activities). In addition, a hotel enterprise develops on the basis of the life cycle of an economic unit, which, in a competitive environment, goes through the stages of introduction, growth, maturity,

decline and collapse. In order to increase or maintain their competitiveness and, thereby, extend their activities for an indefinitely long time, enterprises must take effective measures to neutralize its material and moral aging, i.e. it is necessary to periodically review the mission and goals of the enterprise, modernize or completely reorganize the enterprise management structure, support the material and technical base at a competitive level, carry out active work in the field of personnel motivation, stimulating their initiative and entrepreneurship .

To realize the positive impact of marketing activities on the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise, it is necessary to ensure the systematic nature of this work, which will be expressed, on the one hand, in the involvement of the entire marketing complex, i.e. development and improvement of a hotel product, use of effective pricing and communication policy and sales system, and on the other hand, in regular work on collecting marketing information, conducting marketing research of the market and services, and detailed research of consumers and competitors.

18 Competitiveness of the hotel enterprise

Job title: " Analysis of the competitiveness of hotel services and development of recommendations for its improvement using the example of OJSC Group of Companies "Nizhegorodsky"

Description: Today, hotel services are one of the leading and dynamically developing sectors of the world economy. In the modern world, the survival of any hotel and its stable position in the services market are determined by the level of competitiveness. In turn, competitiveness is associated with two indicators - the price level and the level of service quality. To stay afloat, hotels today have to adapt to the changing tastes of their guests. In this regard, it is necessary to be able to maintain contact with the consumer, research the needs and requests of clients and carefully provide feedback. In other words, all organizational levels of the hotel enterprise must be involved in the process of identifying guest expectations and finding ways to not only meet them, but also exceed them.

Thus, the guests of OJSC GC "Nizhegorodsky" are men aged 30 to 44 years old, who came to the hotel for the first time (48% of the entire sample) from the Russian Federation and foreign countries (51% and 29.5% of the total number of respondents, respectively), the purpose whose visit is work/business trip (53%).

Cultural recreation and tourism were in second place (31.5%), which means that in the summer, an increase in demand for tourism services will not entail a rapid increase in the volume of turnover of services of the Nizhegorodsky hotel complex.

Figure 2.2 shows the results of processing responses regarding the reasons for preferring the services of OJSC GC Nizhegorodsky.

Research shows that the majority of visitors use the services of OJSC GC "Nizhegorodsky" because this diet is convenient for them (27%). The most likely reason is that 53% of respondents came to the hotel for work, therefore, breakfast at 7-30 is very convenient for them, unlike tourists. Moreover, almost the same number (25%) like the quality of the services provided, and only in third place (22%) was preference given to the restaurant complex because meals are included in the room rate. Moreover, 54% of visitors are absolutely satisfied with the quality of service, and 35% are more satisfied than not. This is a high indicator and a very important factor, thanks to which OJSC GC Nizhegorodsky is gradually winning regular customers, including corporate ones.

In addition, 45% of the total number of respondents consider food prices to be quite normal. Respondents who considered the prices high and slightly overpriced accounted for 9.5% and 24%, respectively, but for 21.5% the prices for food in the restaurant complex are low.

Figure 2.3 shows the results of processing responses regarding the reasons for preferring the services of OJSC GC Oktyabrskaya.

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1. Theoretical aspects of studying competitiveness

1.1 Basic concepts and essence of competitiveness

1.2 Methods for assessing competitiveness

2.2 Analysis of the competitive position of the Province Hotel

3. Development of activities aimed at increasing competitiveness Province Hotel

3.1 Evaluation of measures to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise


List of sources used


Over the past decades, increased competition has been observed virtually all over the world. Not so long ago it was absent in many countries and industries. Markets were protected and dominant positions were clearly defined. And even where there was rivalry, it was not so fierce.

The market for any product or service has its own characteristics, which, however, do not change the essence of competition itself. As a phenomenon, it is not new, but the variety of its manifestations requires constant study, including assessments of dynamics or intensity.

Today, no serious company can do without assessing its competitive position in the market and the competitiveness of its products. Despite the various methods and forms of competition, each company is trying to develop its own competitive strategy to achieve market success.

One of the main components of the competitiveness of an enterprise is the competitiveness of the products manufactured by the enterprise.

In order to ensure the production of a more competitive product, it is necessary to conduct competitiveness research at the stage of product development and creation; and in the future, it is necessary to periodically analyze competitiveness already at the stage of production and sales of products, comparing them with analogues, in order to be able to form an assortment of more competitive products on the market and identify those products for which it is necessary to develop special measures to increase competitiveness.

Thus, the purpose of the thesis is to assess the competitiveness of the enterprise and develop measures aimed at increasing it.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to set and complete a number of tasks:

· Define the concept and essence of a company’s competitiveness;

· Study methods of research and assessment of enterprise competitiveness

· Assess the competitiveness of the hotel;

· develop measures to increase the competitiveness of individual entrepreneurs Voronov V.S. Hotel "Province"

The object of the study is IP Voronov V.S. Hotel "Province"

The subject of the study is the competitiveness of a given enterprise.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were fundamental hypotheses, concepts presented in modern world and domestic economic science on the problem of increasing the competitiveness of products at an enterprise, as well as scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, such as: Agasiev M., Bogatov E.M. Vinogradova M.V., Golovachev A.S., Kalyugina S.N., Mullagaliev A.R., Firov N.V., Tsarev V.V.

competitiveness economic personnel management

1. Theoretical aspects of the study of competitiveness

1.1 Basic concepts and essence of competitiveness

Before studying the competitiveness of products as a whole, we should consider its concept.

The essence of market relations is expressed by the concept of “competition”. It represents a type of relationship between producers that determines prices and volumes of supply in the market for goods and services. On the other hand, there is competition between consumers, and it is this that shapes market prices and demand volumes. A person’s desire to surpass others is the main driving motive and incentive in competition. The competitiveness of a company determines its share in the market, and competition is a dynamic process that stimulates the provision of new and better goods and services to the market.

V.V. Tsarev considers the efficiency of using its production potential as the main component of an enterprise’s competitiveness, i.e. the ability to increase the competitiveness of manufactured products at a faster pace than the competitor’s potential.

A.S. Golovachev considers the competitiveness of an enterprise “... a relative characteristic that reflects the difference in the development process of a given manufacturer from a competing manufacturer, both in terms of the degree to which its goods or services satisfy a specific social need, and in the efficiency of production activities.” But this interpretation reduces the concept of enterprise competitiveness to the concept of product competitiveness, while the competitiveness of an enterprise and the competitiveness of products are correlated with each other as a whole and a part. Those. The competitiveness of an enterprise is manifested through the competitiveness of products, as it imparts certain consumer properties to it.

From the point of view of P.V. Startsev, the competitiveness of an enterprise (firm) is the possibility and dynamics of its adaptation to the conditions of market competition. And since the competition of enterprises on the world market takes on the nature of competition of the products themselves, the competitiveness of a product is a relative characteristic of a specific manifestation of the degree of realization of the potential of the enterprise itself and the conditions of its functioning.

The competitiveness of an organization is determined by the means used in competition, which improve the organization's position in the market. These include: price and quality of products, product range and service, terms of payment and delivery, as well as advertising and information.

The competitiveness of an entrepreneur or manufacturer is determined by the efforts he makes to satisfy the consumer. Therefore, competition in a market economy is a determining factor in the regulation of prices, as well as a serious incentive for the introduction of new inventions, technologies, and ideas into production. In addition, it promotes the rational and efficient use of resources, ensures the displacement of ineffective enterprises from production, and serves as a guarantor of preventing the dictatorship of monopolies in relation to consumers.

The term “competitiveness” applies not only to an individual product or service, but also to an industry or enterprise. Competitiveness is the subject of study by specialists in the field of management, marketing, micro and macroeconomics, as well as commodity science.

The basic concept of competition in a market economy has been and remains the competitiveness of a product (good), which is a relative characteristic that reflects the fundamental difference between a product (product, service) and a product of a competing organization and reflects the degree of costs for its production. The costs in this case include the price of consumption, which includes the costs of the buyer, as well as all associated costs during its use or consumption.

Conventionally, competition is divided into fair and unfair competition. The main methods of its conscientious form are: reducing prices and improving the quality of goods and services, the active use of advertising and the development of after-sales services, the creation of new products using the achievements of scientific and technological progress.

One of the traditional forms of competition - a “price war” - can be carried out by lowering prices, seasonal sales, local changes in pricing policy, increasing the term of consumer credit, and providing an expanded range of services without increasing prices. This kind of competition is designed to push uncompetitive, weaker rivals out of the market, as well as to penetrate the developed market of goods and services.

But the most effective form of competition for markets is to improve the quality of goods and services offered on the goods market. At the same time, the appearance on the market of higher-quality products makes it very difficult for competitors to take retaliatory measures, since the release of a new product is associated with a long-term program, including the accumulation of scientific, technical and economic information, development and production.

The market activity of a company is unthinkable without participation in competition. Competition is a mechanism of rivalry, competition between market participants for the right to find their buyer, for the opportunity to sell goods on the most favorable terms, capture a certain market share and receive the corresponding profit. It encourages the commodity producer to improve and update their products, improve their quality, i.e. make it competitive.

Thus, competitiveness should be understood as a characteristic of a product that reflects its difference from a competing product both in terms of the degree of compliance with a competitive need and in terms of the costs of satisfying this need. An indicator expressing such a difference determines the competitiveness of the analyzed product in comparison with a competing product.

The hotel business is one of the main areas in the hospitality industry, as the service segment for providing services to travelers, including tourists, is called. The hospitality industry today covers a wide range of business activities.

A hotel is a business with its own products and markets, technologies and methods that defy easy analysis. The hotel offers for sale to world markets several different products in different combinations. This type of business combines production and sales.

The rapid development of the hotel business in Russia at the present stage entails the creation of both small hotels and large hotel chains, which confirms the existence of enormous competition in this market segment. This fact indicates that if previously the hotel business did not influence the country’s economy, in the future it will take one of the leading positions.

The competitiveness of a hotel is influenced by many factors that determine the ability of a given business entity to act in the current financial, economic and political conditions, taking into account the specifics of the provision of hotel services, including tactical and strategic ones. A tactical factor in the formation of a hotel’s competitive advantages is a specific component of the external or internal environment of a business entity, in which it surpasses or will surpass in the short term (6-12 months) other competing business entities. The strategic factor in the formation of a hotel’s competitive advantages is a specific component of the external or internal environment of a given business entity, in which it can surpass competing hotels after fulfilling in the future specific conditions that determine the superiority of the analyzed component of the hotel compared to other competing business entities.

The lack of a common view on the problems of ensuring the competitiveness of organizations in the hotel industry, as well as the importance and urgency of their solution, require the need to analyze the main approaches to defining the concept of “competitiveness of an organization in the hotel industry.”

Among the main parameters by which it is considered appropriate to assess competitiveness, the following can be identified:

a) the hotel’s ability to offer consumers a hotel product with more attractive characteristics than its competitors;

b) the efficiency of the hotel’s activities in the market, defined as the ratio of the obtained market result to the costs incurred;

c) a market result that allows the hotel to develop quite successfully in the future and satisfy the needs of both owners and hired staff.

Taking into account the actual state of affairs in the hotel business in Russia, it is proposed to evaluate the competitiveness of the hotel industry organization using the following qualitative characteristics:

Investment component of innovation;

Uniqueness of the territorial location, offers and services;

Assessing the effectiveness of sales of hotel services, the booking process and service;

Openness of the environment for the purpose of organizing business and personal meetings, visits by the local public to the restaurant and cultural and leisure centers of the hotel;

Customer focus of the hotel business company and customer loyalty;

IT optimization of hotel business organization.

The process of managing a hotel enterprise begins from the moment the idea of ​​creating a new enterprise arises. However, to realize an idea, novelty and originality alone are not enough. In order for hotel services to be in demand and generate profit, it is necessary to clearly define the range of services, location, and group of consumers. This information is summarized by the hotel concept, which forms the basis of the business plan.

The essence of the hotel service is the provision of temporary accommodation, so close attention should be paid to the formation of the number of rooms. The number of rooms and their equipment depends on many factors. The ratio of rooms of different categories is determined by the hotel's customer base.

In an ever-increasing competition in the hotel services market, only a high-quality hotel product can win the attention of consumers. To ensure the quality of the hotel product, it is necessary to carefully select personnel and specify in detail the job responsibilities of each employee. A guarantee of stable quality of hotel services are service standards covering and prescribing the activities of all departments of the hotel.

If the hotel product does not meet consumer quality requirements, a decrease in income and subsequent bankruptcy of the hotel is possible. To avoid such situations, a competent leader must think through a program of anti-crisis measures.

Thus, summing up the above, we can draw the following conclusions. An analysis of literary sources and methodological developments devoted to the issues of assessing competitiveness of various types and levels showed that the weakest link in assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise is the lack of complexity and unity of approaches to this problem, taking into account the specific features of this category. Existing methods and scientific developments on the issues of assessing competitiveness relate mainly to products and, to a lesser extent, affect the activities of the enterprise. Analysis of methodological and theoretical developments on issues of ensuring the competitiveness of an enterprise confirms the need for its comprehensive assessment to identify possible reserves for improving the main indicators of its economic activity.

1.2 Methods for assessing competitiveness

There are a huge number of calculation and graphical methods for assessing competitiveness. Each of the methods has its own characteristics: the authors justify the use of various approaches for calculating competitiveness indicators, the need to take into account certain factors for assessment.

Let's look at a few specific methods.

1)M. Porter’s method of five forces of competition.

A company operating in the market must study its competitive environment, i.e. competitive forces affecting it, which are characterized by the well-known model of driving forces by M. Porter. This model is based on the concept of competitive strategy he developed.

The purpose of Porter's method is to ensure optimal management of the company's portfolio and its finances, with competitive market forces being considered as a factor. The profitability model takes into account the presence of a competitive threat from potential competitors, in particular the import of more competitive goods. There are also competitors within one’s own industry; depending on the market situation, suppliers and buyers can become a competing force.

There is the concept of a “barrier to entry into an industry,” the height of which should be taken into account both by organizations within the industry and by organizations that intend to enter a new industry.

The height of the barrier is determined by the following factors:

Economics of scale. Typically, organizations that have appeared on the market begin marketing a new product on a significantly smaller scale than its traditional manufacturers. Therefore, their production and sales costs are higher, which, in the example of equality of market prices, results in these organizations receiving less profit and, perhaps, losses.

Familiarity with the product brand. Consumers of specific goods are focused on purchasing goods of certain brands; new manufacturers need to make their brand popular among new consumers.

Fixed costs associated with entering a new industry and following new standards and design requirements.

The costs of new fixed assets, which in many cases require the creation of a new product.

As for the threat of replacing a given product with new products, this means the production of new products that satisfy the same need, but created on the basis of fundamentally new ideas. When assessing the threat of substitution, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics and price of the substitute product in relation to traditional products.

The strength of the supplier position is largely determined by the type of market in which suppliers and industry enterprises operate.

The strength of suppliers' position is determined by the following factors:

1. The variety and high quality of the products supplied and services provided.

2. Possibility of changing supplier.

3. The magnitude of the costs of switching consumers to use products from other suppliers, due to the need to use new technology and equipment, solve organizational and other issues.

The strength of the buyers' position. It, as in the previous case, is largely determined by the type of market in which industry enterprises and buyers of their products operate. The strength of the buyers' position is determined primarily by the following factors:

1. Possibility to switch to using other products.

2. Costs associated with these adventures.

3. Volume of purchased products.

Since these factors influence prices, costs, and investments, they determine the level of profitability of organizations in this industry.

2) Comparative analysis method.

To carry out the analysis, it is initially necessary to collect information about competitors, show the advantages and disadvantages of competing enterprises, determine the sphere of influence of each of them, has a maximum and minimum price, and whose products are of the highest quality.

As sources of information about competing companies, data about companies, data from publications in periodicals, statistical reports, as well as information directly from sales markets are used: from sales divisions of companies, suppliers and other agents in the market; In addition, materials from meetings, conferences, information from exhibitions, fairs and presentations are used.

The comparative analysis is carried out with the aim of:

Identifying strengths and weaknesses in the activities of competitors;

Determinations based on the aggregate assessment of the strongest and weakest competitors;

In the process of analysis, it is very important to provide a detailed semantic explanation or justification for why a given variable is assigned a given rating. Only in this case, the overall result of the assessment sheet will show the true position of the enterprise in relation to the main competitors in the market. Summing up individual factors and comparing this data with the overall table total allows enterprise management to find out which parameters need to be improved by improving competitiveness.

Assessing a company's capabilities allows us to construct a competitiveness polygon. (Figure 1)

Figure 1 - Competitiveness polygon.

For each axis, a certain measurement scale is used to display the level of values ​​of each of the factors under study. By depicting competitiveness polygons for different firms in one figure, it is easy to analyze the level of their competitiveness based on various factors.

The disadvantage of this approach is the lack of predictive information regarding the extent to which a particular competing company is able to improve its performance.

The results of a study of all aspects of the activities of competitors are used to determine which of them can compete with and with whom it is not worth getting involved in a competitive struggle, and serve as the purpose of choosing effective strategies for market activity.

The criteria for assessing the competitiveness of an enterprise include:

1. at the operational level - an indicator of product competitiveness. The assessment methods are: heuristic, qualimetric, complex.

2. at the tactical level - a complex indicator of the state. Assessment methods include: methods for comprehensive assessments of the financial and economic activities of an enterprise.

3. At the strategic level - growth in enterprise value. Approaches to evaluation are: comparative, cost, income, option.

3) SWOT analysis.

A fairly widely recognized approach that allows for a joint study of the external and internal environment is SWOT analysis. This analysis allows us to develop a list of strategic actions aimed at strengthening the competitive position of the enterprise and its development.

When it is carried out, weaknesses and strengths are initially identified - these are factors of the internal environment that will facilitate or hinder the effective operation of the company; as well as opportunities and threats - environmental factors that favor or hinder the development of the organization. Based on the data, a SWOT table is compiled. (Table 1)

Table 1 - General form of SWOT analysis

Then you should answer the questions:

Does the company have any strengths or core strengths on which the strategy should be based;

Do the company's weaknesses make it vulnerable to competition and what weaknesses should the strategy mitigate;

What opportunities can the company use with its resources and experience to really count on success; what opportunities are best from the firm's point of view;

What threats should management be most concerned about to ensure their best protection?

It is also necessary to establish connections between internal and external parties. To do this, a SWOT is compiled from 4 fields. (table 2)

Table 2 - Detailed form of SWOT analysis

List of strengths:

List of weaknesses:

List of features:

How can you use your strength to grow your business by seizing an opportunity?

How can you use a market opportunity to leverage your strength?

How can you use the opportunities of the external environment to reduce the negative impact of the parties on the development of the enterprise?

List of threats:

How can you use your strengths to reduce the negative impact of threats on the development of an enterprise?

Not filled in.

In each of these fields, the researcher must consider all possible pairwise combinations and highlight those that were taken into account when developing a strategy for the development of the organization. When developing strategies, it is necessary to remember that opportunities and threats can turn into opposites. Thus, an untapped opportunity can become a threat if a competitor exploits it. Or, conversely, a successfully prevented threat can create an additional strength for the organization if competitors have not eliminated this threat.

4) Matrix method.

The methodology is based on two concepts: the experience curve (according to which enterprises with a large market share minimize their costs), as well as the product life cycle (according to which growing market segments have the greatest prospects).

One of the main advantages of the BCG model for its time was that the method uses objective indicators of attractiveness and competitiveness, reducing the likelihood of subjectivity. The product portfolio matrix proposed by BCG was a significant contribution to the toolkit of the enterprise strategy developer when it comes to assessing the attractiveness of the activities of a diversified company and preparing general directions and strategies for each business unit in the portfolio. Evaluating a diversified group of businesses as a collection of cash flows and cash requirements (current and future) represents a major step forward in understanding the financial aspects of a company's strategy. The BCG matrix reflects the financial interactions within a company's portfolio and the financial considerations that should be taken into account, and also explains why priorities in the allocation of resources may differ between the individual enterprises of the company. It also provides a good basis for strategies for expanding or eliminating certain activities (products).

Despite the noted advantages, the BCG matrix is ​​imperfect. Its disadvantages include the fact that it is mainly based on the concept of the experience curve. At the same time, it is known that the relationship between relative market share and profitability is not as close as postulated in the BCG model. The degree of importance of accumulated production experience in terms of reducing unit costs in different industries may be different. This connection is especially “unpredictable” in the modern economy. Sometimes a larger market share translates into a unit cost advantage, and sometimes it doesn't. Consequently, the use of a hypothesis about the relationship between relative market share and profitability potential makes this technique only strictly applicable in the presence of experience effects, that is, in industries with mass production.

1.3 Ways to increase competitiveness

The country's economy operates in conditions of unlimited competition with maximum efficiency. The competitiveness of an enterprise is its capabilities, potential, as well as the dynamism of adaptation to market relations. Ways to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise in these conditions are determined only by improving the quality of products, reducing prices for goods and services, introducing innovative technological processes, and searching for new opportunities. The level of competitiveness of an enterprise is an indicator that depends on a number of factors.

Indicators of an enterprise's competitiveness are factors that include: the competitiveness of goods or services in markets (external and internal); market capacity (characterizing the volume of annual sales); type of product or service; opportunity to access the market; market positions of competing enterprises; market homogeneity; competitiveness of the industry as a whole; opportunity to introduce innovations; competitiveness of a given region and country (in case of entering the international market).

Increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise is, first of all, understanding the needs of the consumer market and the prospects for its development; knowledge of competitors' capabilities, analysis of environmental trends; the ability to create a product with such qualities that the consumer prefers it over a competitor's product. In a competitive environment, prices on the market are determined by demand, and any change in the consumer’s desire for a given type of product or service is immediately communicated to the manufacturer by changing the price of the product.

Increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise is, first of all, improving the quality of products, which is the main indicator of the performance of any production. In a broad sense, product quality is the set of properties of a product or service to satisfy needs that correspond to its purpose. At the same time, an increase in the level of product quality dictates an increase in demand for it and an increase in the amount of profit not only due to sales volume, but also due to an increase in the price of a higher quality product. Thus, increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise is an increase in the quality of products, the individual indicators of which characterize the following properties of goods or services:





General indicators of product quality include:

The share of a new product (service) in the output;

The proportion of goods of the highest quality;

Weighted average product score;

Grade coefficient;

Share of products that have passed certification;

Share of products assessed in accordance with international quality standards;

Share of exports (including to countries with high rates of industrial and economic development);

The share of products that have passed certification (and, separately, those that have not passed certification).

In addition, product quality can be described by indirect indicators, which include fines, volumes of rejected products, the share of products with claims for their quality, as well as losses from rejected products.

An enterprise can achieve competitive advantages and strengthen its position through:

1) Ensuring lower costs for production and sales of goods. Low costs mean the ability of an enterprise to develop, produce and sell a product with comparable characteristics, but at lower costs than competitors.

Prerequisites: a large market share, the presence of competitive advantages (access to cheap raw materials, low costs for delivery and sale of goods, etc.), strict cost control, the ability to save costs on research, advertising, and service.

Advantages: enterprises are profitable even in conditions of strong competition, when other competitors suffer losses; low costs create high barriers to entry; when substitute products appear, the cost-saving leader has greater freedom of action than competitors; low costs reduce supplier power.

Risks: competitors may adopt cost-cutting methods; serious technological innovations can eliminate existing competitive advantages and make cumulative experience of little use; concentration of costs will make it difficult to detect changes in market requirements in a timely manner; Unforeseen factors that increase costs may lead to a narrowing of the price gap compared to competitors.

2) Ensuring the product is indispensable through differentiation. Differentiation means the ability of an enterprise to provide the buyer with a product of greater value, i.e. greater use value.

Prerequisites: special prestige of the enterprise; high potential for R&D; perfect design; production and use of the highest quality materials; possibility of full consideration of consumer requirements.

Advantages: consumers prefer the product of this enterprise; consumer preference and product uniqueness create high barriers to entry; product features reduce consumer influence; high profits facilitate relationships with suppliers.

Risks: the price of the product may be so significant that consumers, despite being loyal to this brand, will prefer the product of other companies, which will lead to a decrease in the benefits associated with differentiation; a change in the value system of consumers can lead to a decrease or loss of the value of the features of a differentiated product.

3) Concepts on the segment. Enterprises direct all their actions to a specific market segment. At the same time, an enterprise can strive for leadership through cost savings, or product differentiation, or a combination of one or the other.

Prerequisites: the company must satisfy customer requirements more effectively than competitors.

Advantages: stated earlier.

Risks: differences in prices for products of specialized enterprises and enterprises serving the entire market may, in the eyes of consumers, not correspond to the advantages of products specific to this segment.

In its essence, a product (work, service) is the only means of generating profit and thereby the main instrument of competition, its material basis. Organizational measures aimed at improving the operation of the enterprise by increasing the competitiveness of its products are presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Organizational measures to improve the competitiveness of the enterprise.

So, having analyzed some areas for increasing the competitiveness of an enterprise, we come to the conclusion that at present there is no generally accepted method for resolving this issue. Ultimately, there are many such options. And in this situation, all that remains is to remember and adhere to the basic principle: after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis of the company, and, focusing on certain gaps in its work, choose the approach that best suits the conditions of your own enterprise, and fit it into the overall management system to create a strong foundation for a stable position in the market.

2. Analysis of the competitiveness of the Province Hotel

2.1 Characteristics of the Province Hotel

Hotel "Province" is a private enterprise of individual entrepreneur V.S. Voronov. Located at Russia, Altai Territory, s. Volchikha, st. Lenin 123.

An enterprise of the hotel industry is a hotel - a commercial enterprise that produces and offers on the market its “product”, a product in the form of a set of services, among which the main ones are accommodation services and food services.

· firstly, special premises (hotel rooms) are provided for use;

· secondly, services are provided that are performed directly by the hotel staff - the administrator for the reception and registration of guests, maids for cleaning hotel rooms, etc.

Hotel rooms are the main element of the accommodation service - multifunctional premises designed for relaxation, sleep, and work of staying guests. Since hotel rooms are used by guests mainly in the evening and at night, their most important function is to provide the opportunity to sleep.

Number of rooms.

The administrator makes room reservations (informs potential guests about this), hospitably welcomes guests (a clean hotel lobby, polite treatment of clients and answers to all their questions, cleaned rooms), etc. This service, in turn, is divided into several parts, each of which solves certain problems.

The main objectives are:

guest registration and room assignment;

maintaining a register of room status;

key storage; registration of departures;

maintaining a guest account; coordination of maids' work;

providing guests with various information, in particular on the operation of the hotel.

An integral part of the administrative service is the room reservation department. Reservations can be made either by telephone or by mail.

In a word, the first impression that a guest receives from the hotel complex depends on the reception and accommodation service. In the process of communicating with the guest, administrators should discuss issues such as the price of the room, the timing of accommodation, and the payment procedure.

If confirmation of accommodation is received, the guest fills out a registration card, which indicates the address of his permanent place of residence, the address of the organization paying for the accommodation (if payment is made by a third party), and the type of payment.

Having filled out the card, the guest signs it, thereby concluding an agreement confirming the type of accommodation, duration of stay and room price.

Characteristics of the room stock are given in Table 3.

Table 3 - Rooms

The hotel has five rooms, two beds each, each room has the following furniture and equipment:

- bed;

– chair or armchair per seat;

– night table or nightstand for one bed;

- wardrobe;

– general lighting;

– trash can;

- TV

Each room contains information about the hotel and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

The provision of hotel services requires the active participation of both the consumer and the provider, and the implementation of this service takes place on the territory of the provider. The personnel producing the services have direct contact with the consumer, and the latter views him as an inseparable part of the service itself.

The volume of sales of hotel services depends on a number of factors:

· location of the hotel. This factor determines the convenience of access to the hotel and the attractiveness of its surroundings (developed infrastructure) for the guest, which is largely determined by the purpose of the visit (leisure or business trip);

· ease of maintenance.

· the level of service is characterized by the range of services provided, the presence of various types of amenities, their style and quality;

· the hotel's image provides a favorable (or unfavorable) perception of the hotel. The image as a whole consists of the location of the hotel, the services and amenities offered, the external perception and internal atmosphere of the hotel, the qualifications of the staff, etc.;

· price. This factor reflects the cost of service

In 2008, the building was overhauled and the number of hotel rooms was increased.

For its guests, the hotel offers a range of hotel and business services: photocopier, fax, bathhouse, Internet, free Wi-fi, paid parking, etc. An important role is played by the quality of service. Therefore, all hotel staff, from maids to managers, have been trained.

In IP Voronov V.S. All necessary functions are performed for the efficient operation of the hotel. In addition, it should be noted that the “Province” structure is typical for hotel enterprises with a small number of rooms. The “province” has a linear-functional structure, which involves the division of functions between personnel and is characteristic of many small enterprises. The staff consists of 8 people.

Director's responsibilities:

manage the current activities of the enterprise;

organize the work and effective interaction of production units and enterprise structures;

ensure the implementation of current and long-term plans of the enterprise;

ensure the development of work plans based on concluded business agreements, established tasks and economic prospects;

ensure the profitability of the enterprise;

ensure compliance with the law in the activities of the enterprise;

represent the interests of the enterprise when considering administrative, financial, economic, and labor cases in courts and other bodies.

Accountant responsibilities:

The accountant documents the business transactions carried out at the enterprise: supply, purchase of goods, raw materials, settlement transactions with suppliers, transport organizations, the budget, calculates the cost of manufactured products, conducts inventory, calculates wages and taxes, and maintains the company's records.

Also, the accountant is tasked with organizing control over supply in terms of volume and assortment in accordance with concluded contracts, compliance with the standard and structure of inventory, finding ways to reduce commodity losses during storage, transportation and release.

Annual and quarterly financial statements provide sufficiently complete information to assess the efficiency of the enterprise. Its standard forms are established by the Ministry of Finance and are regulated by the Law on Accounting and Reporting and instructions on the composition and procedure for filling out the annual accounting report. Such an organizational management structure makes it possible to rationally distribute management functions between managers, ensures the minimality of the links in the management structure, which in turn makes it possible to speed up the adoption and execution of management decisions.

Main advantages: quick implementation of actions according to orders and instructions given by a superior to subordinates; rational combination of linear and functional relationships; stability of powers and responsibility for personnel.

The number of employees in IP Voronov V.S. at the end of 2013 is 8 people (in 2012 - 6 people).

Table 4 - Structure of the number of personnel of IP Voronov V.S.

Table 5 - Data on personnel composition of IP Voronov V.S.

Number of people

% of total number

Personnel structure by gender

Personnel structure by age

Personnel structure by education level

with higher education

with secondary specialized education

with general secondary education

According to the table, we can say that in 2013. The company expanded its staffing and increased the number of employees. This is due to the expansion of the hotel. Table 5 presents data on the personnel composition by level of education and age and gender composition.

Thus, the largest share in the average number of personnel of the enterprise is women - 75%. This can be explained by the specifics of the enterprise.

The age structure of the personnel is characterized by the predominance of “young people” from 20 to 35 years old. On the one hand, this is a positive factor, since the dominance of young personnel at the enterprise implies the possibility of training and advanced training of personnel, career growth, and the promotion of innovative technologies in management.

On the other hand, young employees react more sharply to changes in the management of the organization. For example, an ineffective remuneration system can motivate employees to look for a new job, while more “older and experienced” personnel will “hold on” to their jobs.

The educational level of Province staff is quite high. Higher and secondary specialized education dominates, which is clearly shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 2 - Personnel structure by level of education

In a modern market economy, one of the priority goals of any enterprise is to increase its competitiveness. To achieve this goal, highly qualified personnel are required who are capable of not only developing, but also implementing the strategic policy of the organization. The movement of personnel is presented in Table 6.

The company has a low staff turnover. The departure rate does not exceed the admission rate.

The dismissal of employees is due to various reasons: low wages, dissatisfaction with work, inconsistency of the duties performed with the regulation of work activities (job descriptions), inconsistency of the remuneration system with labor productivity.

Despite the fact that the hotel implements basic business processes, however, it does not provide for the implementation of marketing and advertising functions characteristic of this industry. This circumstance is due to the fact that these functions are performed by the Deputy Director for Reservations.

Table 6 - Movement of personnel of IP Voronov V.S. for the period 2012/2013

The main task of the marketing department is to develop and implement measures to increase the occupancy of hotel rooms: market research and determination of the segment in which the hotel will have the greatest success, drawing up a customer profile and determining methods for attracting customers; as well as retaining existing customers in order to obtain maximum profit for the company.

Let us analyze the results of the enterprise’s economic activities for the period from 2011 to 2013. We will consider the calculation of economic indicators of trade and economic activity of an enterprise over the last 3 years in Table 7.

According to Table 7, 2012 stands out in terms of indicators. Thus, revenue from the sale of services was minimal and amounted to only 91.6% of the 2011 level, which led to a decrease in the enterprise’s revenue by 206 thousand rubles. In 2013, revenue increased by 18 thousand rubles against the level of 2012, which amounted to 100.1%.

Table 7 - Economic indicators of trade and economic activity of the enterprise in dynamics from 2011-2013


Abs. deviation

The growth rate, in %

2012 to 2011

2013 to 2012

2012 to 2011

2013 to 2012

Revenue from sales of services, thousand rubles.

Sales expenses, thousand rubles.

Selling expenses level, percentage

Profit from sale, thousand rubles.

Profitability level, percentage

Income from other activities, less expenses, thousand rubles.

Profit before tax, thousand rubles.

Net profit, thousand rubles.

Selling expenses also decreased in 2012 by 7.7% and amounted to 126 thousand rubles. And in 2013 they decreased by 13.6% compared to 2012, which in monetary terms is 205 thousand rubles.

As a result of a decrease in revenue from the sale of services, sales profit decreased in 2012 by 9.5%, which amounted to 80 thousand rubles. However, the situation changed in 2013. Revenue from sales of services increased by 0.1% compared to 2012 and amounted to 18 thousand rubles.

Costs for the sale of services decreased by 14.2% and amounted to only 9.4 thousand rubles from the 2012 level. All this suggests that the company has sharply reduced its costs. As a result of cost reductions, the company received 223 thousand rubles. more profit than in 2012, the growth rate of this indicator was 29.2% compared to 2012. The level of profitability to turnover in 2013 increased by 36.0% compared to 2012.

As a result of analyzing the table of economic indicators of the trade and economic activities of the enterprise in dynamics from 2011-2013, we can draw the following conclusion: in 2013 the greatest profit was received in comparison with previous years, due to an increase in revenue and a decrease in the costs of the enterprise. Net profit in 2013 amounted to 893 thousand rubles, which is 27.7% higher than the net profit received in 2012. In monetary terms it is 194.9 thousand rubles. This is the best indicator of the level of performance in 2011-2013.

2.2 Analysis of the competitive position of the Province Hotel

There are more than 940 tourism enterprises in the region, of which about 690 units are collective accommodation facilities, children's health camps and “green” houses.

225 travel companies are engaged in the sale of tour packages in the Altai Territory, of which 36 are in the status of a tour operator, and 189 are travel agents.

Recreation for visitors to the Altai Territory is provided by 237 hotels and similar collective accommodation facilities, 44 sanatorium and resort institutions, 162 tourist centers and recreation organizations, 178 rural “green” houses and 70 children's health camps.

In general, the number of one-time accommodation places in collective tourist-recreational and sanatorium-health, as well as children's health institutions is 47.2 thousand, of which 18.8 thousand are year-round accommodation places.

The number of people employed in the tourism sector in 2014 was 16.1 thousand people.

Entrepreneurs of the Altai Territory provided services to 1.3 million tourists and sightseers over the 9 months of 2014, which is at the same level as last year.

The main services provided by the Province Hotel include: reception and accommodation services (24-hour reception); luggage service upon request; maid cleaning the room; ironing; dry cleaning; minor clothing repairs; postal and telegraph services; storing valuables in a safe; luggage storage; calling a taxi; calling an ambulance.

The main service of the hotel is the provision of housing and overnight accommodation for visitors. The content of the accommodation service is that, firstly, special premises (hotel rooms) are provided for use; secondly, services are provided directly by the hotel staff: receptionist for receiving and registering guests, maids for cleaning hotel rooms, etc. d. Hotel rooms are the main element of the accommodation service. These are multifunctional rooms designed for residents to relax, sleep, and work. While remaining basic, the accommodation service is taken for granted by guests.

The main competitors of the Province Hotel are the Akit Hotel and the Volchikha Brewery CJSC Hotel.

Let's evaluate competition in the market using Porter's 5 competitive forces (Table 8). Thus, we can say that the market situation is becoming more complicated - competition is becoming tougher and consumer demands for the quality of hotel services are growing.

Hotels that are competitors of the Province Hotel offer different conditions for their clients.

Table 8 - Assessment of the market situation using Porter's 5 competitive forces model

Competitive Strength

Factors of influence

Existing competition in the industry

The level of competition is very high, and it is concentrated mainly between the largest and most famous market players. Competition is gradually shifting to the non-price level, the role of active promotion, advertising and marketing is great

Barriers to entry for new players

The barriers to entry for small players are not very high, however, it is necessary to overcome legislative barriers, find a place for development or a facility to accommodate a new hotel, and also form your base for a future hotel. In this regard, the most dangerous are international hotel chains with significant financial resources and extensive experience.


Suppliers in this case are suppliers of hotel equipment, food and drinks for restaurants, Internet services, etc. Also, travel agencies, training companies, Internet booking services, etc. can be considered as suppliers of clients.

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Competitiveness is a multidimensional concept that means the compliance of a product with market conditions, specific consumer requirements, not only in terms of its qualitative, economic, technical, aesthetic, ergonomic characteristics, but also in terms of commercial and other conditions for its sale (delivery time, price, sales channels, service, advertising ) /1, p.21/.

It is known that if a system does not develop, it eventually dies; This fully applies to hotels. Of course, we are not talking about physical death, but about the fact that the hotel may become insolvent, i.e. will be forced to cease functioning as a business entity due to the lack of necessary resources to carry out its activities.

The most superficial analysis of the activities of such hotels shows that at some stage their development did not meet the requirements of reality and they were content with the state that once allowed them to obtain good financial results. But in modern conditions, when the hotel services market has developed and is operating, which is divided into segments and there is fierce competition within each segment, in order to maintain competitiveness it is necessary to develop, and continuously /1, p.22/.

Income from accommodation mainly depends on the percentage of occupancy of the hotel rooms and the selling price of the room. A hotel achieves its main advantage when it effectively uses the number of rooms and at the same time offers a set of additional services that takes into account the needs of both clients living in the hotel and clients from the street. The need for continuous development of the number of rooms is perceived by all hotels as an axiom and is carried out in accordance with the financial capabilities of each hotel /37, p.27/.

When starting renovations, they are often guided by the assumption that updated rooms always sell well. But even if everything is done correctly: modern design, the latest finishing materials, comfortable furniture, etc., the rooms may not sell well. The fact is that in the conditions of the modern market this installation is correct, perhaps only 10%; the rest is determined by the market, in particular the position of the hotel and its hotel services in the market. By offering a new product, the hotel changes its position in the market, and if the market is not ready to accept this product, the hotel will suffer significant losses.

The hotel, based on the fact that the number of rooms should bring it the greatest income due to constant demand by customers, can choose to change the unused number of rooms and place there a gym and sports halls, a billiard room, a discotheque, an art gallery, a health center, etc. The choice should determined not by the decision made by the hotel competing with it, but by what services will be in demand by its clients, both those living in the hotel and those from the street /37, p.28/.

When starting to create new hotel services, the hotel manager must determine the market in which the product will be sold, the expected sales volume, its life cycle, the estimated price, the costs of its creation and the period of its release to the market. Such requirements for the creation of new hotel services exclude the spontaneous nature of this process and presuppose the presence in the hotel of a mechanism for managing continuous development.

One of the conditions for the effectiveness of the sale of hotel services is taking into account the types of residence of the consumer (client) in the hotel /9, p.136/:

overnight accommodation is the most common type of accommodation and may include food and drinks, as well as a number of additional services. Fast check-in and check-out, clean and comfortable rooms, easy access to fast food outlets are key factors for attracting business tourists for one-night stays;

extended stay - combines business activity and leisure, for example, conference or seminar participants can further extend their stay for commercial trips or leisure. This type of accommodation usually requires a larger range of services than for a simple overnight stay - a hotel restaurant, opportunities for recreation and leisure, business services. Additional features such as suites, minibars, kitchen facilities can provide advantages in serving this marketing segment;

Relocation Lodging - This type is becoming increasingly important for hospitality businesses, especially full-service hotels. Currently, the services of many travel agencies include bus tours to several cities simultaneously. When moving, it becomes necessary to spend the night or relax during the day in a particular city. Accommodation in a hotel in this case is called accommodation during the move. In such cases, many hotels provide additional sightseeing tours or babysitting services for guests;

spending free time or vacation - usually separated from the business part of the trip, most often occurs after the business part is completed; often the guest returns later with the family. In most cases, vacationers need leisure services directly at or near the hotel.

In the United States, modern hotels are finding various ways to meet the needs of their customers, such as creating women-only floors, business floors, VIP floors, business service centers, wellness centers, special lounge areas in rooms, introducing programs for guests clients, organization of hotels with a full range of services. Many of these methods are received with great approval by clients, especially the organization of business floors. The exception is the floors only for women, since many of them prefer not to be so separated from everyone else /18, p.65/.

Business floors are designed in such a way as to provide a safe and comfortable atmosphere for holding business meetings, concluding transactions, and also as a place to relax after a busy day. There may be clubs, cozy bars, a library with fiction and business literature and periodicals, work desks with telephones (payment via credit cards), computers, and large-screen TVs.

Business centers are becoming increasingly important for business people who already expect them to be available in hotels. Secretarial services, copying equipment, fax machines (in the room and business center), computer, e-mail are examples of services that hotels provide today for the convenience of business people. For example, in many hotels in the USA, a client can call by phone, dictate a text, and the next day receive his material in printed form /18, p.65/.

Special floors with rooms containing, for example, massage baths with any special soaps and shampoos, bathrobes; Cleaning and ironing services are provided here. Such services require additional advertising, which is carried out through mailing lists, press releases, advertisements in special newspapers or magazines intended for wealthy people.

Wellness centers appeared in response to the desire of clients to relieve stress that reduces their productivity, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, including dietary nutrition, regular exercise, etc. Swimming pools have been provided by hotels for their clients for many years; Today, it is common to offer a range of services for various exercises, namely: tennis, various types of exercise equipment, saunas, hot tubs, as well as the services of qualified instructors or personal trainers /20, p.153/.

Work areas with personal computers or special desks, the introduction of computer systems that allow you to see the preliminary invoice, check-in and check-out of clients through a computer or television system. Additional services are provided, such as delivery of a copy of a business magazine or newspaper, access to business news channels on cable television, and even installation of televisions and phones in bathrooms so that the businessman can stay informed even as he prepares to face the day.

Minibars today are one of the most convenient and profitable types of services. Minibars, which a hotel can buy or rent, are a very convenient means of maintaining a comfortable atmosphere in the room. Most often, minibars offer light beer, mineral water, refreshing drinks, nuts, and whiskey. Sometimes minibars offer juices, liqueurs, and light snacks. Often minibars are connected to a computerized hotel billing system, which allows all services to be taken into account and included in the bill /20, p.153/.

Loyal customer programs are systems of discounts, bonuses and additional services that a hotel provides to companies or individual clients who book stays for a certain period of time. Hotels must clearly analyze the costs and benefits of implementing such programs, since only 2% of business customers believe they are important when choosing a hotel. The key factors still remain the location of the hotel, the cleanliness of the rooms and the price level.

Independent hotels often offer luxury services through such programs for their most significant clients (5% of the total number of regular visitors): preferential rights to purchase apartments, use of club rooms, free airport transportation; Some hotels provide free meals for those staying more than seven days, as well as discounts on room rates. They are offered a buffet, sales of various groceries, free daily newspapers, and leisure services /20, p.154/.

Full-service hotels are an ideal place for business people who are constantly moving from place to place and, of course, are competitive.

The main development trends in the hotel business include the active development of small hotels. This is due to the preferences that are formed among modern tourists: they want to see in a hotel not only a means of accommodation, but also want to fully experience home comfort, uniqueness and originality, which is precisely one of the distinctive features of small independent hotels.

The competitive advantage of a small hotel is its individual approach to each client. Small hotels take full advantage of a personalized approach to guests, creating the atmosphere of a home away from home. In addition, small hotels, as a rule, use a more flexible system of discounts and cost the client less than large hotels of the same class. All this allows small forms of hotel business to actively develop and be competitive /20, p.158/.

To carry out a certain competitive hotel service, an enterprise must have fixed and working capital. In this regard, hotel activity is characterized by a number of features:

production and sale of services do not depend on time; the hotel must be constantly ready to provide the service. Moreover, due to seasonality and uneven demand for hotel services in the hotel industry, reserves of fixed, working and other assets must be provided;

the sale of hotel services does not require intermediaries and the creation or assistance of special sales structures;

There is no work in progress in the production of hotel services.

The above-mentioned features of the competitiveness of hotel services influence the formation of their prices. As practice shows, the price level is influenced by the following factors: the cost of the service, the price level for similar services from competitors, the ratio of supply and demand, the level of staff salaries, etc. One of the components of the price is the cost of a hotel room. Competitiveness of the service, i.e. the possibility of commercially profitable sales in a competitive market can only be determined by comparing the product with analogue competitors /20, p.159/.

Since each buyer has an individual criterion for assessing the satisfaction of his own needs, competitiveness also takes on an individual shade. The number of its parameters depends on the type and complexity of the product in technical and operational terms, as well as on the required accuracy of the assessment, the purpose of the study and other external factors.

A special place in ensuring and maintaining the competitiveness of a service is occupied by the service - in its absence, the service loses consumer value (or part of it), becomes uncompetitive and is rejected by the consumer.

On the contrary, a well-established service /1, p.89/

firstly, it helps the manufacturer to form a promising, fairly stable market for their products,

secondly, it increases the competitiveness of the product,

thirdly, in itself it is quite a profitable business,

fourthly, this is an indispensable condition for the high authority (image) of the producer.

Everything considered predetermines the complexity, but at the same time the need for research, analysis and assessment of the competitiveness of the product.

At the same time, it is assumed that the release of a new product, while the previous product has not yet exhausted the possibilities of maintaining its competitiveness, is usually not economically feasible.

Particular attention is paid not so much to improving the technical parameters of the product, but to reducing the price of its consumption - as world practice shows, it is this parameter that often becomes decisive for the commercial success of a new product, although it is sold at a significantly higher price.

A close relationship has been noted between profitability and the share of hotel industry enterprises in the market: profitability increases as the market share of hotel industry enterprises increases. This means that competitive advantages, predetermining the success of hotel enterprises and, accordingly, an increase in its market share, in turn are enhanced due to the increase in the profitability of hotel enterprises.

Significant attention is paid to the factor of transport costs, which in total costs can amount to (depending on the type of product) 10 - 50% or more.

A strategy for increasing the competitiveness of hotel enterprises must necessarily take into account the level of competitiveness of the country in relevant areas that directly or indirectly affect the competitiveness of the hotel.

Hotel enterprises provide their services in accordance with the Rules for the provision of hotel services in the Russian Federation, which are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 1997 No. 490. The rules establish the provision according to which the price of a room (place in a room), as well as the form of payment, are established by the hotel administration. Hotels of different categories include in the price of accommodation different sets of services, which are determined by the requirements established by the standards for the corresponding category of hotels. The same services for hotels of one category are additional, and for another - mandatory, and their cost is included in the cost of living. Thus, based on the category (star rating) of the hotel, the contractor independently determines the list of services that are included in the price of the room.

In accordance with the Rules, the hotel administration has the right to establish either an hourly or daily payment for accommodation. Payment for hotel accommodation is charged in accordance with a single checkout time, i.e. from 12 noon of the current day local time. When checking in before checkout time, the client is not charged for accommodation. In fact, this means that if a client checks into a room, say, at 3 a.m., then the payment for his stay will begin to be charged only from 12 a.m. of the current day. When checking out, the client is required to vacate the hotel room at 12 noon on the day of departure. If the client is delayed in leaving, the Accommodation fee is charged depending on the delay in the following order:

no more than 6 hours after checkout time - hourly payment;

from 6 to 12 hours after checkout time - payment for half a day;

from 12 to 24 hours after check-out time - payment for a full day (if the hotel does not accept hourly payment).

If the client intends to stay at the hotel for a period of no more than a day (24 hours), the payment for accommodation will be charged for a full day (regardless of the check-out time).

One more important point should be noted: the price of hotel services also depends on the comfort of the living conditions provided to the consumer. As a rule, for certain conditions of accommodation (single, double, triple room) in a certain room category, the hotel administration sets so-called base prices calculated per night of stay (without discounts). In addition, all hotels offer special prices that provide discounts compared to the base prices. Special prices are fixed in separate price lists and, as a rule, apply to the following categories: groups of foreign citizens of more than 10 people; travel companies; regular guests; Part-time accommodation.

The provision of hotel services is formalized by an agreement, receipt or other document, which indicates all types of hotel services received by the client, the cost of each service or the total cost of the service or set of services.

The price of a hotel bed depends on the hotel category, room category, quality of service, discounts or surcharges for certain services.

Along with the mandatory services that are included in the payment for accommodation, the hotel can provide guests with additional services, for example, ordering tickets for a train, bus, plane, etc., paying for translator services, serving coffee or tea in the room at the request of the resident and etc.

The main direction of the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise is to increase the efficiency of the hotel's operational activities by improving services and providing new additional services. In the overall system of hotel supply, some of the services do not play a big role in generating profits, but they contribute to the acquisition of other services and increase supply, which depends on the organizational culture. Another component of the commercial competitiveness of a hotel enterprise, usually expressed through branded clothing, emblems, through services that are unique to this hotel, etc., thus creating a hotel brand name.

Thus, the competitiveness of a hotel industry is possible through the provision of new additional services, with the simultaneous process of reconstruction and modernization of existing hotels. Hotel services include a wide variety of services. The list of services is constantly supplemented, modified and differentiated depending on the size of the hotel, its location, level of comfort and other reasons. The current state of hotel services is characterized by a lack of real investment, a low level of hotel service, an insufficient number of hotel beds, and a shortage of qualified personnel. The production of hotel services requires high material fixed costs with significantly lower variable costs. Of particular importance for the development of hotel services is the study of the entire hotel industry, its condition and development trends.

Analysis of the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise: what to pay attention to

The competitiveness of a hotel consists of many factors that directly affect it. Among them, we can especially highlight tactical (reflecting the actual superiority of the hotel for a given period in comparison with competitors) and strategic (reflecting the potential superiority of the enterprise in the future).

It is the analysis of the hotel’s competitors that will help to directly analyze the hotel itself according to several parameters:

  • the ability to provide customers with a higher quality and more attractive product;
  • hotel efficiency indicator (profitability);
  • the opportunity for successful long-term development for both owners (and investors) and staff.

If we evaluate the competitiveness of an enterprise at a specific (actual) moment, we should talk about the following characteristics:

  • innovation activity (the effectiveness of this parameter directly depends on the investments made in this area): this includes expanding the range of services offered at the hotel, as well as providing the material and technical base for their provision;
  • the uniqueness of the hotel (in terms of its location, services provided, offers, etc.);
  • efficiency of the booking process, sales of services and the service offered (analysis of the hotel’s competitiveness according to this parameter is the first step to lasting success);


the effectiveness of sales carried out using personnel funds is directly proportional to the hotel's revenue received. This means that if employees are regularly rewarded by management in accordance with the quality of work performed, then they will be interested in increasing the growth of services sold.

  • openness (visits by clients who are not guests to places where additional services are provided on the hotel premises: cafes, restaurants, sports and health centers, etc.)
  • customer focus of the hotel (forms used to encourage customers and influence them);

Modern competitiveness analytics services

Modern technologies make it possible to simplify the analysis process and obtain many data on assessing competitiveness right at the time of their need. That is why IT optimization of the entire process of providing hotel services is a very important factor.

The CRM system (which manages the process of interaction with customers) is designed not only to automate the process, but also to increase sales efficiency, improve the level of service (due to the accumulated long-term customer base of a given hotel and information about the process of working with them), and most importantly, to analyze the results in various directions.

Thanks to the possibility of such an analysis, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the hotel strategy, as well as adjust it, if necessary.

HoteliaShopper will help you analyze the sales market and evaluate the hotel's competitors automatically or manually, which allows you to track the following indicators:

  • the most competitive hotels in relation to this;
  • rates of competitive hotels for the designated period;
  • ratings of competing hotels in comparison with this;
  • traffic to competitive Internet resources and their positions in search results;
  • position of your own hotel on the most popular online booking resources.

To summarize, we note: the hotel business is a rapidly developing and regularly gaining momentum industry in Russia. In such conditions, in order to occupy a leading position, it is necessary to constantly develop your enterprise. And in order for the direction of this development to be correct and effective, analysis of competitiveness in the hotel environment is an integral part of the entire management process.