Registration and registration of participation in the exhibition. Natalya Morgunova: The success of participation in the exhibition is a joint work Exhibition - sale "New Year's Kaleidoscope"

Places at many foreign exhibitions sell out very quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to submit an application for participation in the exhibition in advance. Acceptance of applications, for example in Germany, ends six to eighteen months (depending on the cycle of the event - annual or biennial) before the start of the event. In the application, taking into account the above preliminary stand concept, you must indicate the required amount of space.

To register, the exhibitor receives the following information from the exhibition organizer: site plans, pavilion plans, registration documents, documents on services, proposed stand locations, exhibition conditions, instructions.

The application must indicate:

  • -- minimum and maximum dimensions of the stand (in sq. m),
  • -- location in a pavilion or open area (infrastructure),
  • -- dimensions of the stand (length and width),
  • -- type of stand (in a row, corner, head or block stand),
  • - deviations from a predetermined seat distribution scheme,
  • -- structure (one- or two-story stand),
  • -- data on exhibited goods (structure by industry),
  • -- sub-exhibitors and additionally represented companies,
  • -- data on the amount of expected waste and its types.

In case of joint participation in the exhibition, the application is submitted by the organization that deals with organizational issues.

Russian exhibition organizers do not always provide the entire list of information, while exhibition companies organizing international exhibitions provide the entire range of documents.

Conditions of participation in the exhibition (participation agreement). The document on the conditions of participation in the exhibition regulates such points of the contract as admission to the exhibition, rent for the stand, payment terms, possible termination of the contract, registration of sub-exhibitors and additionally represented companies.

In the technical part, deadlines are outlined, instructions for installation and disassembly are given, descriptions of the design of the stand, characteristics of building materials that are allowed to be used, obligations to avoid unnecessary waste and their recycling, the height of the stand is indicated, the permissible load on the occupied surface, technical installations for maintenance are named stand, explanations are given regarding displays and advertising at stands, fire protection, accident prevention and safety requirements, liability and insurance.

The advent of fax, e-mail, and then the Internet greatly simplified the application process, but the list of questions that must be answered in the application has remained virtually unchanged.

In case of refusal to participate in the exhibition, a penalty is paid in different amounts - depending on the specific deadlines. If you cancel your participation shortly before the event, under certain circumstances you will be required to pay the full amount of the booth rental.

There are also certain instructions for importing technical equipment to the exhibition, which impose high safety requirements. Detailed information is provided on technical equipment issues and control tests are carried out.

Since participation in an exhibition is associated with risk in many respects, a special insurance system was developed several decades ago. The exhibitor must take care of sufficient insurance coverage himself. The exhibition organizer bears only general financial liability for damage caused to person or property.

In principle, the organizer of an exhibition event helps exhibitors, especially those who are participating in the exhibition for the first time, with both deeds and advice, in resolving all organizational and technical issues.

Together with the document on the conditions of participation in the exhibition or with confirmation of the allocation of a stand, forms are sent to the exhibitor - orders for various services. In addition to auxiliary means for working with the press and advertising, you can order from the organizer or from companies with which he has entered into contracts a number of services included in the cost of participation (mandatory exhibition services) or at fixed prices. This includes: rental of a finished stand, rental of furniture, kitchen equipment, floor coverings, lighting fixtures, audio-video equipment, expedition services, rental of storage space, accommodation reservation, cleaning and security of the stand, transport and exhibition insurance, wiring of electricity and water. , forced air, connection of telecommunications, provision of auxiliary workers, photo services, visits to familiarize themselves with the activities of local institutes, organizations, enterprises of interest to the exhibitor, cultural program (excursion trips around the city, visits to museums, theaters, etc.).

Already on site during installation, other services are offered, sale and rental of flowers, decorative material and material for mounting a stand, sale of everyday goods, provision of new labor, etc.

The service also includes the issuance of certificates for stand staff. According to the size of the stand, free passes are distributed to its staff; other participant IDs, usually abroad, can be obtained for a fee. Paid long-term parking passes may be requested in advance on the appropriate order form.

Exhibition organizers attach particular importance to the compilation of exhibition catalogues. Their importance lies in the fact that they preserve the memory of the exhibition, its participants and exhibitors. Catalogs allow you to analyze the state of the economy and culture at each specific time stage. As a rule, the catalog serves as a source of information for buyers until the next similar exhibition. In addition, the catalog is an additional source of advertising. The vast majority of exhibitors today understand the importance of information about themselves in the catalogue.

Forms for entering data into the catalog and information systems are sent when filling out an application for participation, abroad - along with official admission. It should be noted that the exhibition catalog is signed for printing relatively early, because it should be available to interested circles several weeks before the start of the event, so that they have time to prepare for their visit to the exhibition.

Entering data into the catalog is usually paid for by the customer and proceeds along three lines: in alphabetical order by company names (sometimes with a brief summary of the delivery program), by product names or nomenclature and, finally, by pavilion along with the corresponding pavilion plan. If desired, the exhibitor's products can be designated in different product groups. Also, for a fee, trademarks or brand names are published in the catalogue. You can also place a separate advertisement about your company (organization) or product (services).

The same distribution principle applies to entering information for visitors into electronic systems. There are also some opportunities for advertising here. As for the systems themselves, it is recommended to double-check the entered data on the first day of the exhibition and compare it with competitors’ data in order to have time to make corrections.

Reasonable planning and execution of transportation prevents unnecessary material losses and reduces additional costs incurred due to haste. For the exhibitor, transportation is part of the organization of his participation in the fair/exhibition and requires serious care, because the key to success is exhibits delivered on time in safety, which are easy to unpack and repack.

Transportation of exhibits, materials for the manufacture and decoration of a stand and other goods related to the fair and exhibition is a task that any serious transport company can carry out without much difficulty. Abroad, when it comes to large-sized items, it is recommended to cooperate with an experienced exhibition expedition - the official carrier of the exhibition-fair. To avoid unpleasant surprises, the exhibitor must request freight transportation.

Taking into account the decisions made, it is necessary to draw up a transportation schedule, which should include the entire cycle from preparation for shipment to the return of exhibits to the enterprise. Failure to comply with the conditions of participation established by the regulations (certificates of origin, certification of accounts, reservations, etc.), incorrect filling out of supporting documents, underestimation of the often confusing and lengthy customs clearance procedure, exclusion from the calculation of the so-called “iron time” of insurance (strikes, short-term interruption of work etc.) often cause late delivery of goods or even complications in their customs clearance, as a result of which all organizational efforts are at risk.

Apart from the company's own delivery vehicles at the exhibition site, only special exhibition forwarders are responsible for delivery and return transportation, as well as for providing unloading equipment. On the one hand, this is a matter of insurance conditions, on the other hand, the exhibition forwarder takes upon himself (instead of the organizer) responsibility for delivery and dispatch, payment of duties for all exhibits and, in addition, for the storage of containers. Forwarding bureaus at exhibitions work constantly: during installation, during the event itself, and during disassembly. Orders for expedition services must be made in a timely manner, before the start of the exhibition.

Foreign participants are required to know the relevant rules when transporting goods and performing related customs formalities. Freight forwarders, who have experience working at international exhibitions and are often contractual partners of the companies themselves, monitor the progress of the movement of all cargo, often using the capabilities of groupage containers for many exhibitors at once. They ensure that all instructions are followed and are well aware of the capabilities of the handling equipment at their disposal at the exhibition site. If there is no such special exhibition carrier, the exhibitor must:

  • -- take care of timely receipt of information about the specific conditions in force in the country where the fair/exhibition is taking place, about the most suitable method of transportation and type of packaging;
  • -- choose the right transport company;
  • -- promptly inform the transport company about goods and other cargo to be transported (quantity, volume, weight);
  • -- prepare suitable packaging materials;
  • -- ensure joint shipment of the necessary tools and auxiliary materials for packaging exhibits during export;
  • -- take care of impeccable packaging and correct labeling of boxes in a foreign language and, finally,
  • -- draw up a special transportation schedule in cooperation with the carrier company.

In addition, in all cases, the exhibitor must monitor the implementation of currency formalities by intermediary banks.

Arrival, departure and stay at the exhibition. To get a room of the desired category in a hotel, it is best to book it in writing in advance. The exhibition organizer thus receives a completed room reservation form along with participation documents. All exhibitions have service bureaus that take care of booking accommodations before the exhibition.

Environment protection. The requirement to take into account environmental safety when organizing exhibition activities in Russia has not yet become one of the most important. In this regard, the experience of Germany is very useful. German exhibitionists proceed from the understanding that nature and environmental protection is one of the most important tasks of the economy and society. That is why compliance with environmental requirements is an urgent need.

In order for participation in the exhibition to comply with environmental requirements, you must:

  • -- use a systematic approach to planning, where all decisions and actions are checked in terms of their consequences for the environment;
  • -- seek opportunities to reduce waste;
  • -- receive information in advance about the system for assigning fees for waste disposal from the fair organizer;
  • -- use reusable containers and packaging during transportation;
  • -- minimize waste of toxic and harmful substances and complex multilayer materials;
  • -- use products designed for reusable use or recycling;
  • -- prevent contamination, damage, dust, waste of materials during installation and disassembly of stands;
  • - adopt the motto: “Prevent - Reduce - Reuse.”

Participation in the general program. The holding of most specialized exhibitions is currently accompanied by the organization of scientific and practical conferences, seminars, round tables, presentations of participating companies, training sessions and other events. In cases where such events are educational in nature, the organizers of exhibitions and fairs add a registration fee to the cost of participation in the exhibition or set a separate fee for attending educational seminars. However, if this event is equivalent to a conference (forum, congress), then payment for participation in it is set separately. In Russia, until recently, most specialized exhibitions include the costs of organizing scientific and practical conferences, seminars, and round tables related to the themes of the exhibitions in the cost of renting exhibition space. As a result, at a number of specialized exhibitions, as part of a program that includes reports from specialist exhibitors, the exhibitor has the opportunity to speak on behalf of the company with abstract reports on individual products or technology. But the organizer must be informed about these reports in a timely manner. An appropriate entry should generally be included in the contract application, including the topic, time and date of the desired performance. This, as already indicated, usually does not require special expenses. The organizer provides the premises and undertakes advertising and notification of visitors.

The exhibitor can present his products in a special display. Such special screenings are usually announced separately; they are organized in such a way that no firm is given preference. In addition, the exhibitor can expect to participate in special conferences, congresses or discussions in order to acquire new or refresh his knowledge of the current state of affairs. But stand maintenance should not suffer from all this.

“We have an excellent team - many have been working for more than 10 years, and some have been working since the opening of the hotel”
Azimut Hotel Olympic
Most likely, this is the result of stable demand for trips to Moscow from Russians. And we have a lot of returning guests. Last year, the Azimut chain updated its loyalty program, and it bore fruit. Although people, of course, come to us not because of bonus points, but for the sake of a high level of service

“There are a lot of uncontrollable risks in the tourism business”
Olymp Consult
The main reason for selling a business has not changed, but the cost has dropped significantly - 10-11 years ago the average agency price was about 2-3 million rubles, since then they have fallen in price by 10-15% annually, and now, in fact, they are sold at the cost of furniture and office equipment. The average bill is about 600 thousand rubles“What we came up with for selling excursions in Serpukhov can be useful to any small town”
Golden domes
If a city offers different group excursions and they can be selected at the trip planning stage, this may affect the occupancy of hotels, restaurants, souvenir sales, etc. This approach can surpass the effect of event tourism“By organizing a massive distribution of souvenirs, exhibitors themselves attract non-target audiences to their stands”
An exhibition is an expensive thing, so hire professionals for these three days who can properly answer questions and provide the necessary information. Only in this case is there a chance that visitors will become your partners“We are the first to offer Russian tourists to celebrate the New Year in Nazareth”
Hotel Ramada Nazareth
director of international sales
Nazareth is one of the holiest places in the world, where Jesus Christ grew up. The city has many churches, such as the stunningly beautiful Church of the Annunciation with a unique mosaic depicting the Madonna and Child. The atmosphere in the city during the New Year and Christmas holidays is special“Attending an industry exhibition by professional players has not lost its relevance”
Exhibitions reflect the state of the market as a whole. The ruble is falling, there are fewer tourists. Our market is overheated, the number of agencies and tour operators is clearly excessive. It is clear that they opened in lean times, but now the situation has changed“Hoteliers have the privilege of working 24 hours a day”
Marriott Novy Arbat, Courtyard City Center
general manager
Not all young people are ready to give up parties with friends for an unscheduled visit, and treat the client as the only one, even if he is checking in for the 300th time today. This needs to be taught. Therefore, we pay a lot of attention to interns and rely on them“In Tottori Prefecture you can see the real Japan”
Frigate Aero Tours
director of tourism
Hotels opened by foreigners are also in demand because many visitors to Japan face a language problem: in small towns it is difficult to speak English. Muscovites do not expect to meet Russians and are usually interested in how we got here. But the Japanese themselves are most surprised“Russian travel agencies are buying up blocks of seats on cruises to the Arctic and Antarctic”
Poseidon Expeditions
Now, by the way, is the time to offer such cruises. A few years ago, clients were surprised when we said in November that there were no more places to go to Antarctica for the New Year. And today the Russian market is accustomed to the fact that these trips need to be booked a year and a half in advance.“The arrival of Hilton in the regions is shaking up local hotels”
Vladimir ILICHEV
Hilton Worldwide in Russia and CIS
Managing Director for Development
I won’t lie, we encourage tourists to make direct bookings on our websites. After all, when accessing online services, loyalty program participants do not receive bonus points. In addition, on our official resources the price is 2-3% lower“The key trend in the hostel market is the blurring of boundaries between formats”
Top Hotel Experts
managing partner
Whatever locality we are talking about, for the development of hostels there must initially be both business and tourist life there. If people go to the city only on a business trip, then people limit themselves to old hotels and hostels"Infoflot" is a supermarket that offers more than 3 thousand river and sea cruises
general director
We have more than 6 thousand agencies throughout the country. I think we managed to achieve such a result because we ourselves started as an agency, we are familiar with all the difficulties that stand on this path. Accordingly, we know ways to overcome them“We packed the hotel for the opening like a debutante for a ball”
Holiday Inn Express Moscow Paveletskaya
general manager
The Holiday Inn Express brand standards spell out a fundamentally new service format. For example, we do not have a division between office functions and F&B work. That is, any employee must be able to check in a guest, pour him coffee, and heat up soup“The World Cup is an excellent chance for the development of inbound tourism in Russia”
"Your vehicle"
In the second week of November: starts on November 7 in Lima, followed by Buenos Aires on November 9, Montevideo on November 10 and Sao Paulo in Brazil on November 14. We will be able to present programs and packages for tourists and fans to local tour operators, talk about the simplified procedure for entering our country using a fan passport (Fan Id)“Japan is being talked about more often in a positive context, and this is good for tourism”
Airi MOTokura
JNTO Moscow office
Currently, there are not many package tours to Japan on operator websites, compared to the volume of offers in other Asian countries. But if a travel agency is ready to make good tour packages, we will share the advertising budget with it. This year we have already carried out a joint advertising campaign with Far Eastern operators“The electronic voucher is almost ready, part of its functionality will begin to operate in 2018”
Committee of the Association "Tourist Pomosch" on Innovations
Most likely, the electronic voucher will be BSO. And the point in the draft government resolution remains. However, for this it will be necessary to go a very long way in reworking the technological and regulatory parts of the electronic voucher. So it's unlikely that this will happen in 2018

Photo: Press service of the Mayor and Government of Moscow. Denis Grishkin

Compensations can amount to up to 700 thousand rubles. This will help entrepreneurs explore new markets.

Small and medium-sized businesses will be reimbursed for part of the costs of participating in congress and exhibition events. The corresponding resolution was adopted at a meeting of the Presidium of the Moscow Government.

“Small and medium-sized businesses in Moscow are developing dynamically and are playing an increasingly important role in the city’s economy. Nevertheless, we must continue to expand various measures to support entrepreneurship,” he emphasized.

Subsidies will be allocated for entrepreneurs who participate in Russian and international congresses, exhibitions, fairs and other events aimed at promoting their goods and services and developing new markets. The list of exhibitions and other events will be confirmed. A list of events for which you can receive compensation for participation will be posted on the department’s website.

The maximum subsidy amount for a small and medium-sized business during a financial year will be 50 percent of the amount of costs for these purposes. The amount of payments cannot exceed 350 thousand rubles for events in Russia and 700 thousand rubles for events abroad. Expenses will need to be documented.

Subsidized costs include the costs of registration, construction and equipment of the stand (including installation, dismantling and engineering services) and rental of exhibition space.

“We will carry out a selection in order to select the most technologically advanced and economically developing enterprises,” said the head of the Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship. When selecting applications, residents of technology parks, industrial parks and special economic zones of Moscow will have an advantage.

In addition, the following criteria will be taken into account:

— average annual salary at the enterprise per employee;

— the ratio of tax contributions to the Moscow budget to the amount of the requested subsidy;

— the share of subjects’ own funds in the financial costs of participation in the exhibition.

The specific weight of each criterion is 0.25.

The use of the subsidy will allow representatives of small and medium-sized businesses to more actively promote their products and services in Russia and abroad, and will also help attract revenue to the city budget and investment in the Moscow economy.

“I think that the support of the Moscow Government will increase the accessibility of congress and exhibition events, especially for small and medium-sized businesses,” said Sergei Bednov, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Committee on Exhibition, Fair and Congress Activities. According to him, the Moscow Government was among the first to introduce regular support for businesses that participate in exhibitions.

One of these initiatives is the program for organizing collective stands “Made in Moscow”. Manufacturers in the capital can display their products at these stands, recalled Alexey Fursin. Small and medium-sized businesses primarily participate in the program. It allows entrepreneurs to conclude contracts and establish contacts. “Eight or more companies can post information on stands,” added the head of the Department.

Sergei Sobyanin instructed to monitor the situation and monitor how the innovation will be implemented. “If it suits business, we will continue this practice,” he said. The mayor of Moscow added that the resolution will be promptly amended if the need arises.

In September this year, the ParkZoo exhibition will be held in Moscow for the eighth time, and in April, top managers and business owners will gather at the second Russian Pet Business Summit in Sochi. General Director of ARTIS Expo Natalya Morgunova told what innovations await the participants of these events.

This year the ParkZoo exhibition will grow significantly

In 2011, when the ParkZoo exhibition was held for the first time, it occupied one and a half pavilions. This year it will occupy 5 pavilions. Including pavilion 3, which is not inferior in its technical characteristics to pavilion 4, which many participants and visitors consider central. The registration area for the exhibition will be organized at the entrance to pavilion 3. A VIP zone will operate in the same pavilion; companies will be able to invite their partners to it in order to conduct negotiations in a more relaxed atmosphere. It will also host a collective stand of European pet product manufacturers, organized by the Italian exhibition company Zoomark.

Last year, already in April there was no free space at the exhibition, and this year the competition has become even tougher. Of course, due to the specifics of the site increasing in size every year, it becomes more and more difficult for the organizers, they have to come up with options for special development. So, this year we decided to move the Grooming Festival from pavilion 4.2 to pavilion 7A. Pavilion 4.2 is a walk-through pavilion, which gives it additional advantages and makes its study a continuation of the inspection of pavilion 4. A separate pavilion would be more convenient for the festival. By the way, this year the Grooming Festival will sparkle with new colors; its organizers are working on a new interesting program, which will be presented in the near future.

We do not exclude the prospect of moving the exhibition to other larger exhibition venues. We hold meetings with other sites and monitor them, but moving ParkZoo to a new location will lead to a clear increase in the cost of participation. Today, Sokolniki has the most affordable prices. In addition, an important factor in the attractiveness of this particular site is the concentration of all services in one hand, which is convenient for exhibitors. In other exhibition centers, the infrastructure is structured differently, all services operate as separate structures, and it is much more difficult to ensure internal logistics when organizing an event. In addition, other exhibition centers are not ready to give us space on the dates we are used to. “ParkZoo” historically takes place in September – at the beginning of the business season after the summer holidays. The timing of the exhibition was chosen very well. I would really like to make navigation throughout the entire exhibition more convenient; we plan to change the format of the main catalog, bringing it closer to the format of a guidebook. This is due to the fact that the exhibition is expanding across pavilions and visitors will need to not only move from pavilion to pavilion along existing passages, but also go outside, because pavilions 3 and 7A are located 50 meters from the main pavilions.

We do everything in our power to make logistics convenient for all pavilions. But 90% of the success of participating in an exhibition is not the location of the stand, but the properly organized and planned work at the stand. There is an opinion that if a company’s stand is near the stands of the “monsters” of the pet business, then there will be many visitors and the stand will be noticed. But we must understand that business representatives who purposefully come to the stand of a large company turn out to have their backs to small stands. To stand next to the giants, you need to think through a set of measures to match them. As exhibition organizers, we are always ready to provide information support to our participants, include information about their promotions and events at the stand in the mailing list, put it on the exhibition website, etc. Achieving success is a team effort.

This year, many companies want to increase their exposure in order to be able to present all groups of their expanding product range. We continue to see the market moving towards globalization. The greater the supply, the greater the demand. Companies don't just sell food, they provide serious support for sales and services.

The business program raises general industry issues

By organizing a business program, we, in turn, give companies the opportunity, by devoting a little time to their product, to focus on general business issues. The first slogan of “ParkZoo” is “We unite the efforts of professionals,” therefore business events should be interesting to everyone. Yes, all companies in the market are competitors, but only through competition do we grow our business. We must support each other, including by forcing us to move forward.

The day before the start of “ParkZoo”, together with the SPZ, we will hold the traditional SPZ Autumn Forum. We hope that this year it will attract even more listeners.

The second Russian Pet Business Summit will take place in April

The first Summit, held in the spring of 2017, exceeded all our expectations. We tried to set a high standard for the event, managed to maintain it, and all our fears turned out to be in vain. Due to the geographical location of the Rosa Khutor resort, it was possible to create a feeling of closedness here and make the event behind the scenes. And participants at last year's Summit noted the attractiveness of this venue.

This year we strengthened the program by inviting higher-ranking speakers. The number of participants is also increasing. But the Summit is a kind of club for owners and top managers of companies, decision makers, so we limit the number of participants to a maximum of 250. If “ParkZoo” is a b2b exhibition where current business issues in one or another area of ​​the company’s work are resolved, then at the summit general issues of the industry that concern everyone are discussed. The summit program does not include events that advertise this or that product; we have training programs and speeches related to business expansion opportunities. The theme of the 2018 Summit is “In the fight for 385 billion.” The potential of the Russian pet market is estimated at this amount. Even though our industry is 25 years old, many owners still feed their pets from the table. The resource for market development is enormous.

If last year the events lasted 1.5 days, then this year participants will have a full 2 ​​days plus a “zero” day for those wishing to attend master classes, by appointment and for an additional payment. Due to the increase in participants, we have changed the venue: The Summit will be held in the large conference hall “Moscow” at the Radisson Rosa Khutor Hotel, from where events were broadcast during the Olympics in Sochi. This year the gala dinner will be held in one of the halls of the RosaHall concert complex.

The high level of trust in the Summit is also demonstrated by the loyalty of large companies. If last year we were supported by sponsorship from Nestle, then this year we already have three major brands - Nestle, Mars and Royal Canin (with the Eukanuba brand).

Traditionally, informal communication between businessmen during coffee breaks and a gala dinner is planned as part of the Summit. For two more months after the end of the Summit last year, we continued to help establish contacts between its participants who, for example, did not have time to take a business card from their interlocutor. Participation in the Summit is an investment from which results are expected. And last year’s participants noted the high efficiency of the event.

Additional information by phone:
+7 495 797 6443, +7 903 729 7096
Email: [email protected]

ENG Summary

Natalia Morgunova: The success of the participation in exhibitions is collaborative work

In September the exhibition ParkZoo will take place in Moscow – already for the eighth time. In April pet industry top managers and business owners will gather at the second Russian Pet Business Summit in Sochi. Natalia Morgunova, the CEO of ARTIS Expo, the organizer of these two events, told us what innovations await the participants at these dates.

In 2011, when the exhibition ParkZoo was held for the first time, it occupied one and a half pavilion. This year it will include already 5 pavilions. Last year there was no free space at the exhibition already in April, and this year the competition has become even tougher. Many companies want to increase the exposure in order to present all the groups of their growing assortment. Now companies do not just sell pet food, they also provide serious support for sales and services.

The first Russian Pet Business Summit held in spring 2017 exceeded all expectations of the organizers. Due to the geographical location of the Sochi resort Rosa Khutor the organizers managed to create a sense of exclusivity. The summit is a club for owners and top managers of companies and decision-makers, therefore the number of its participants is limited. This year the number of participants has increased and speakers of a higher rank have been invited to Sochi. There are no advertising events in the program, it includes only trainings and speeches related to the general opportunities of business expanding.