Delivery of alcohol at night Question. Delivery of beer to the house. Whether the service of this kind is used by demand

After the introduction of a ban on the sale of liquor-vodka products at night, alcohol delivery at night to the house has become a good business bringing certain profits. The law prohibiting the selling of alcoholic beverages after 23 hours was accepted not so long ago and according to him - any sale of alcohol is illegal, and here it does not matter whether the sale in the store happens or you bring alcohol to a person to the house. However, Moscow businessmen still found a loophole that allows you to earn money on this process.

To begin with, let's talk about what you should not get involved. There are some techniques of night sales of alcohol, which can not be considered legal. Consumers are offered to register in a figurative some club, for example, in the club lovers of sandwiches. Next, the buyer should allegedly make an entrance fee, although in fact it is a fee for alcohol. And alcohol itself is a gift for replenishing the rows of the club. This scheme recalls the sale of Kagora in the church for the so-called donations. But the ROC has good preferences, and those who decided to sell alcohol in a similar way, most likely, not to unpleasant meeting with the prosecutor's office.

Therefore, those who understand the laws and understands entrepreneurial activities, invented a different, absolutely legal method of selling alcohol at night. It is worth noting the simplicity and genius of such a technique.

Legal alcohol delivery at night

The civil law of the Russian Federation provides for the presence of such a thing as a agency agreement. At the same time, a situation arises, in which one person concludes an agreement with the agent, which is making a deal on behalf of the Customer. According to such a scheme, for example, trading on the Brokers Exchange. Business on the delivery of alcohol on the house follows from the fact that the sale of alcoholic beverages in restaurants and bars in the night clock is not prohibited. The customer makes you a call and declares that he wants to conclude with you agency agreement. Thus, you drive to a restaurant and on behalf of the Customer buy the necessary alcohol products, not forgetting to grab the check. After that, you are traveling to the customer and deliver the required products, provide the buyer check.

The key point of the method is as follows. The buyer must sign the Agency Agreement, according to which you as an agent have fulfilled the instructions in full. Then it turns out that you carried out the order of the customer and on his behalf acquired alcohol products in the institution where the law allows it to sell. It looks quite attractive, and most importantly, beautiful.

Is there a demand?

Of course, no one spent the research of demand on this kind of service. However. You can make a mini-analysis yourself. Yandex search engine will help explore the trend. It is enough to see the monthly statistics of requests according to "Alcohol delivery". As you can see, the numbers characterizing the level of demand for the delivery of alcohol at night are growing confidently. Thus, it suggests that such a service is quite in demand, which is increasing all the time. This may indicate that in 2010 there were only about two thousand such requests, and today this figure has reached eight thousand, and the trend drops are not observed.

Of course, a surge in the interest of the night delivery of alcohol in the New Year holidays should not be considered, but without it the numbers impressive and painting for the entrepreneur quite colorful. Best if you have your own bar or restaurant. But even if not, you can always arouse with their owners that alcohol will be released with a discount. An important point is that you definitely have to knock off the check, and not just to give up products. The time that is specified in the check should not differ from the order time, since you buy products from the face of the third person.

Trade alcohol at night is prohibited, but almost in each law there is a slit, through which you can squeeze. Sometimes important events that require a bottle of champagne occur at night - consider such cases.

On January 1, 2013, the law on the ban on alcohol sales from 23.00 to 8.00 came into force on the territory of the Russian Federation. For this ban, beer and other low alcohol drinks were hit. Also tightened the punishment for selling alcohol to persons under the age of 18.

There are countries in which countries in which the introduction of restrictions on the sale of alcohol leads to a decrease in its consumption.

In Norway, for example, after tightening the rules for selling alcohol fell from 20 l to 3 l per year per capita. But Russia is not Norway. After a short confusion about the restriction of the sale time, enterprising people realized that this is another reason to improve their financial situation.

Now, to get wanted alcohol in aphirtic time, you can write it off home. Of course, it will cost more, but "thirsty" make conscious actions or almost conscious.

Worry about the health and morality of people in need of alcohol at night, not included in our tasks. In the end, different situations are hypothetically, when suddenly the urgent need for a champagne bottle arises, for example. Here are about such cases and talk.

Since the sale of alcoholic beverages in restaurants and bars at night is not prohibited, no one can forbid an adult citizen to buy this alcohol and take another person. This new type of service enjoys well-demand and not only at night. Immediately make a reservation that it is not possible to sell alcohol after 23.00. But in the legislation, as often happens, there is a loophole, even a few.

One option is the organization of the club. For example, a cigarette fans club of a certain brand or lighters, or tea cups with a picture of horses.

Upon joining this club, which, by the way, can occur at any time of the day, the applicant pays an entrance fee, and in the form of a gift gets a bottle of alcohol. The method is beautiful, but fragile. The prosecutor's office may not evaluate the grace of the stroke and cover the shop.

The second scheme is more viable, although not so intricate. In civil law, there is a notion of the Agency Agreement. When concluding such a contract, you entrust the agent to make transactions on your behalf. The client by phone seizes the desire to conclude with you agency agreement.

You, given his wishes, buy alcohol in a restaurant or bar (which does not contradict the legislation) and be sure to take the check. Deliver the order and give a check to the buyer. The client signs an agency report in which there is an indication that you have completed the instructions in full. Before the law, you are clean - fulfilled the order of the customer and he has no complaints about you.

Implementation of idea

First of all, you need to do so that the persons interested in your services knew how to find you. It is important. Internet advertising in this case should work. Perhaps you will need to create your website with an indication of services and prices for them.

In the debut stage, you can personally deliver on your own vehicle. Over time, come with assistants. It is necessary to take into account the factor of urgency - customers do not want to wait long, and competitors come on the heels. Therefore, as soon as possible, hire couriers with transport - machine, a motorcycle or scooter.

The price of the goods will depend on the level of the institution where you are serving. It is advisable to find partners, consonant selling goods on favorable conditions for you.

The cost of alcohol delivery includes:

  • Price for goods;
  • Fare;
  • Administrative costs;
  • Payment for your service.

Customers who do not want to part with the amount you specified should not be serviced.


Prospects are very foggy. Perhaps the state will take action that will put such a business out of law, then it will have to collapse or take up the delivery of permitted goods.

Almost 5 years ago in Moscow forbidden to sell alcohol at night. Since then, an entire industry has formed to meet night demand for alcohol. Correspondent IQ Review Anatoly settled to work in such a semi-faceted office.

How are the law on the ban on selling alcohol?

It would seem that it is forbidden - so forbidden. You will trade - the police will catch it all. Not there was something. Smart people invented selling ... Souvenirs! And where is alcohol, the reader will ask? And alcohol as a gift - to a lighter, calendar, a plush toy, in general, to any penny bauble. No one forbade alcohol! The dialogue when a call to such an office is as follows:

- Hello, do you sell alcohol at night?

- No, that you are prohibited. We sell souvenir lighters. Alcohol give!

- And how much lighter with vodka?

- 1300 rubles with delivery.

Online Alcohol Store

How such a shadow company works

In general, there is a certain level of conspiracy. With customers who ask a lot, do not talk, put the tube. Vacancies on the sites do not hang out, naturally, everything is through acquaintances. I had a distant acquaintance in such a company that I wanted to take leave, and asked to replace it for 2 weeks.

I met with a businessman Rustam (the name was changed - approx. Ed.) In his car the next day at the subway. He immediately switched to business. Like, here you have 3 phones, here's a price list, from 10 pm up to 4 am will call "Bukhariki", write down, pass the SMIS to the courier, what questions? It turned out that 2 telephone - under 2 different sites, and one - for communication with the courier. At first I was confused.

The work by the operator on the phone was unwind. Watch movies, once half an hour answer the call, from each order - 150 rubles. The most difficult thing is not to disturb family members who prefer to sleep at night.

Orders on weekdays was from 2 to 10. At the weekend - 8-25. On weekdays worked one courier, on weekends - 2.

The organization itself consisted of:

  • boss, in the obligation of which the purchase of alcohol and collection of revenues was included;
  • two couriers. The courier earned the shipping cost, 300 rubles from the order plus tips. Gasoline at the expense of the employer;
  • operator, that is me. The entire function of the operator was to sleep calmly, and the couriers did not break;
  • webmasters "All in One". He and the site administrator, and text writer, and the advertiser, and the soster.

Here is such a small organization.

Business for the delivery of alcohol - is it profitable?

Rustam turned out to be a man talkative. In communication, he issued the whole alignment on his business: how many people pay, what competitors and how difficult it is.

In general, the business is very simple, risks are not so much. Once in my shift, we made a check purchase. True, not, and televisers, and showed the plot in the news. There were no consequences.

The whole business is held on the site, so the question is only to promote it to the largest number of suitable queries.

So, alignment on this business in numbers.

The average check without delivery costs are about 2 thousand rubles. The markup is about 80%. If you find out the operator's money, it is about 700 rubles benefits from one client. I purchased alcohol in Duty Free, although Rustam said every day that it would be necessary to go to suppliers of pawned vodka, and then everything is bad. Thus, the margin was about 170 thousand rubles for the month. From this money, it was necessary to subtract expenses (operator's salaries and courier were already taken into account). Approximately 12 thousand per gasoline, 15 thousand - to promote each site (the more sites, the more positions they could theoretically occupy), 10 thousand - for protecting against attacks on the site and as much as the administrator, 5 thousand - for advertising, 9 thousand - For rent a warehouse. 60-80 thousand remained the owner, provided that the plan was performed.

Rustam constantly said that everything is bad, the plan is not fulfilled and the tricks for competitors. The main one, Alcotown, serves 200-300 customers per day with a separate courier to every district of Moscow and earns completely different money. You can count yourself, the cost of expenditure in all plus minus the same. However, as I told a friend, returning to work, he says that all 5 years old that they work together.

In the decision of 4 October 2012, N 1007 amended - in the decision of January 19, 1998 N 55 "On approval of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods ... approved by this resolution: in paragraph second paragraph 4, the words" and beer "exclude ".

The text of the varying paragraph: "In the implementation of retailers in the location of the buyer outside of stationary trading places: at home, at work and study, in transport, on the street and in other places (hereinafter referred to as the diverse trade) is not allowed to sell food products (for An exception of ice cream, soft drinks and beers, confectionery and bakery products in the packaging of the manufacturer of goods) ... "

In the Tax Code of the Russian Federation in chapter 26.3 Article 346.27. Definition: Article 346.27. "Diversion trade is retail trade carried out outside the stationary retail network by direct contact of the seller with the buyer in organizations, in transport, at home or on the street. This type of trade includes trading from hand, tray, from baskets and hand trucks;"

Question: If the beer is delivered to the house by reservation through the site either by phone, with payment at home, then the courts in practice consider such a way to implement the beer of payroll, when appealing in court of a possible administrative fine from the controlling executive authorities?

Sales of goods remotely given the definition

"Sale of goods by remote method" - sale of goods under the retail sales contract concluded on the basis of familiarization of the buyer with a description of the goods described in the seller, contained in catalogs, prospects, booklets or presented on photographs or using postal networks, telecommunication networks, including The number of information and telecommunication network "Internet", as well as network communication networks for broadcasting television channels and (or) radio channels, or in other ways that exclude the possibility of directly familiarizing the buyer with a product or a model of goods at the conclusion of such a contract. "In paragraph 5 said:" 5 . Not allowed by the remote method of alcoholic beverages ... "

Question: If the beer is delivered to the house to the client by reservation through the site or by phone only by the courier of the zero beer store and payment is made in cash, or the Courier's bank card and the client has the ability to check the quality of the goods, the court in practice will regard it as a remote trade of beer When appealing in court of a possible administrative fine from the controlling authorities of the executive power?