How to print a price list from 1C 8.3. Formation of prices for goods and services. Made special marks

Program 1C: Enterprise 8 Trade Management has enormous functionality that guarantees full automation of management accounting in the company. The pricing mechanism developed in it is quite simple and understandable, allowing you to create different types of prices and, based on them, create a price list, the printed form of which is suitable for providing to clients. The number of price types developed for one enterprise can be unlimited. 1C UT makes it possible to create a separate price list for each client.

The procedure for creating a price list

The 1C configuration UT 11.2 program provides convenient access to the prices established at the enterprise. You can view them by creating a price list or opening a card for any item. The price list makes it possible to view all types of prices used in the company in the context of all product items. After all, several types of prices can be set for the same product, for example:

· Wholesale;

· Retail;

· Purchasing;

· Dealer room;

· Store, etc.

Prices can be changed both for one item and for an entire product group. The price list can be printed or downloaded in .xls format. A more clear way to view prices will be the printed form of the price list provided by the 1C UT 11.2 program. It is suitable for sending to clients both in paper and electronic form. It is very simple to create it, just click the appropriate command and the expanded form of the price list will be fully formed and ready for downloading/printing.

Types of prices and how to create them

As mentioned above, the 1C Trade Management 11.2 program allows you to work with different types of prices established at the enterprise. A list of them is in the directory of the same name, by opening which you can familiarize yourself with their parameters:

· Name;

· Method of formation;

· Availability of VAT.

The 1C UT version 11.2 program allows you to set one or another type of price used at the enterprise in the following ways:

· Manually;

· Markup on the cost of admission;

· Markup for another type of price;

· An arbitrary formula provided for by the accounting policy adopted by the enterprise.

The 1C Trade Management program, version 11.2, provides a very simple price formation mechanism. Price types, as well as rounding rules and trigger thresholds, are set for individual price groups, which will include a product from the company’s product range defined by a certain criterion. The list of price groups can be found in the directory of the same name, which is located in the “Setting item prices” section. It is with its help that the company’s price list is formed, which contains all existing types of prices in the context of product items. Its columns are filled in simultaneously with the registration of each new price created at the enterprise.

Prices are assigned for each price group in accordance with the pricing rules established by the company, which are recorded in its accounting policies. Each price type is intended for a specific product from the general product list. When a new product arrives, the user selects the price type that will be assigned to it, records it in the price directory and registers its price price.

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The price of a product has a certain range within which the manufacturer can carry out its price “maneuvers”. The lower price is determined by the cost of the goods, the upper price is determined by effective demand. Thus, setting a dumping price will lead to losses, and setting an inflated price will lead to problems with the sale of goods. It is important to choose the best option.

When starting to calculate the price for a specific product, you need to go through several steps:
- set goals and objectives for pricing;
- study the demand for your product on the market;
- estimate production costs;
- analyze the prices and quality of competitors’ products;
- select a pricing method;
- calculate the original price of the product;
- consider all additional factors to adjust the price;
- set the final price of the product.

From the three main pricing methods, choose the one that suits you best: 1. costly (it is based on all your costs for production and sales of products);
2. focused on potential consumers;
3. focused on competitors.

If you prefer the basic cost method, first calculate the total costs of producing the product (this is the sum of variable and fixed costs) and add the expected profit to them. Divide the resulting amount (the monetary equivalent of the expected income from sales) by the number of units of output.

When determining consumer-oriented prices, the main criterion for you will be an adequate assessment of all the beneficial properties of your product. You should, as far as possible, accurately assume that the benefit from the use of these useful properties by potential consumers will be a sustainable motive for them to purchase the product at the price you set.

If, when setting the price of a product, you are guided by the price of competitors, pay the main attention to the quality of their analogue product. If it is similar to yours and does not exceed it, the price is set at the current level.

Many specific indicators can serve as evaluative criteria for comparing goods. For example, these:
- functionality of the product, its compliance with the latest technical achievements of science, customer needs, fashion trends, etc.;
- reliability;
- profitability (economical consumption of material, energy and other resources when using goods);
- ergonomics (convenience and ease of use);
- aesthetic qualities of the product;
- environmental indicators;
- safety;
- patent purity and protection;
- compliance with standards, unification;
- technological effectiveness of repair;
- transportability;
- possibility of reuse and methods of disposal;
- after-sales service, etc.

To print a price list follow these steps:

Step 1. Go to the "Directories" section, "Products and Services" page and click "Print price list".

A window for selecting price list printing options will open.

Step 2. Select the organization for which the price list will be generated. You can select an organization from the drop-down list.

Step 3. In the price type selection field (price list columns), select one or more (up to 10) price types. Each type of price will be printed in a separate column.

Step 4. Select the product groups you want to include in the price list.

If you want to print all the goods and services from the directory in the price list, then select the product group “All goods and services”.

Attention! At the moment there is a limit of 2000 products when uploading a price list. This restriction will be lifted in the future.

Step 5. If you use product modifications in your work, then select how product modifications will be displayed in the price list:

  • “Each modification in a separate line” - we recommend choosing this option if each modification of the product has its own price.
  • “List modifications on the line with the product” - we recommend choosing this option if all modifications of the product have the same price.
    • “Do not display modifications” - product modifications will not be indicated in the price list.

      Enable “Only goods with free balance” so that only goods with a positive balance are included in the price list and select a warehouse for which the system will check the availability of goods.

      Enable “Only goods and services for which prices are assigned” so that the price list includes only goods with assigned prices of the selected type.

      Enable “Split products into groups” to divide products into groups in the price list.

      Step 7. After specifying all the settings, to download the price list, click the "Print price list" button.

      Step 8 Fill out the form that opens.

      Select the template you want to print.

      Select which format you want to download (XLS or PDF).

      To add a seal and signature of an organization to the price list, check the “Add seal and signature” checkbox before downloading.

      Now click the “Download” button, after which the price list will be downloaded to your computer.

      If you need to add an organization’s logo to the price list or product image, additional description or barcode, then use your own templates in your work.

      List of variables for setting up your own price list template:

      Name of company

      Date of formation of the price list

      Product serial number

      Product code in stock

      Product code

      Product barcode number

      Product barcode picture

      Product code

      Name of product

      Basic unit of goods

      Price type (price list column)

      Additional product description

      Product image, where NN is the image size corresponding to NNxNN (50, 100, 300, 500)

      Signature of the head of the organization

      Organization seal

The goal of any commercial organization is to make a profit. To attract and interest customers, every entrepreneur first of all thinks about how to make a price list. The document performs two functions: the first is to provide information about the company, the second is to form a loyal attitude towards it.

A few rules

Any manager can make a price list for free, without using complex programs. But first you need to consider the standard standards for drawing up a pricing sheet:

  • Information content. The price list remains with the client, and, unlike the manager, he cannot advertise or tell anything additional.
  • Memorability. The document should stand out from others. The customer receives hundreds of price lists containing information from different suppliers. Given the same price ratio, the client will choose the document that will attract his attention. It is more difficult for a colored sheet to get lost in a pile of identical white papers, so you should refuse to print the document on a regular black and white printer. Another way to “hook” a client is to carry out a price list on a sheet of higher density (up to 160 g/m2).
  • For example, the presence of a company logo. The client wants to see who he is working with, but he does not have time to look for the name of the organization written in small print. It is advisable to move away from using template fonts (for example, Times New Roman), choosing a more modern one.
  • No spelling errors. Nobody wants to work with an illiterate manager.
  • Relevance. Prices must correspond to reality, so it is recommended to indicate the date the sheet was compiled and its validity period.

There are some subtleties in how to make a price list. They concern the content.

The following structural components are distinguished:

  • Logo and name of the organization (usually located at the top of the sheet and duplicated on all pages).
  • Block of contact information.
  • Document title (commercial offer, price list for supplied equipment, price list for placement of services, etc.).
  • A table with the names of items and their prices, specially highlighting seasonal promotions, bonus and discount programs.

Saving paper is bad manners. Condensing the information to one sheet and writing it in small font will not attract the customer's manager.


Based on the form of presentation, two types of documents are distinguished.

  1. Paper ones - located in the sales area. The buyer can take such a sheet with prices with him.
  2. Electronic - posted on the organization’s website or sent to clients by e-mail. If the file is in MS Office application format (doc or xls) or is intended for viewing in Acrobat Reader (pdf format), then it is easy to print it, that is, get a paper price list.

There is also a classification in terms of content.

  • Price list for goods. Represents a table whose columns contain information about the name of goods, their properties (manufacturer, packaging, technical parameters), and price. There can be several columns with prices, for example, for retail and wholesale customers.
  • Price list for services. This document should not be drawn up as a cost estimate for a specific type of work. It is important to reflect the main types of services in the price list so that the client can estimate his costs as a first approximation. If it is impossible to calculate the costs of services, it is sufficient to quote the cost of an employee’s hour of work. Overhead and transportation costs, which depend on the cost of the entire job, are estimated as a percentage.

MS Excel: instructions for use

Writing documents on paper by hand is impractical. Maintaining an electronic price list is much easier than its physical counterpart. Inexperienced computer users know how to make a price list using the Word text editor. But this application is not always the best choice for maintaining price specifications.

As the company expands, the range of goods offered and services provided increases, and problems arise in filtering and sorting data. This is where spreadsheet functions come in handy.

Users' question may cause difficulties. The seven-step instructions will resolve them.

  1. Open a new document.
  2. Add information about the company and corporate identity elements.
  3. Write a title.
  4. Come up with a name for the columns. At first, five columns will be enough: “Name”, “Characteristics”, “Quantity in stock”, “Price per unit”. If there are a lot of products, it is advisable to enter the “Product Category” column. Another way is to place products of different categories on separate sheets.
  5. Fill out the price list.
  6. Outline the boundaries of the resulting table.
  7. Highlight important items (for example, promotional items).

How to make a beautiful price list for a website

Price specifications and order forms are necessary attributes of a retail website. The advantages of an online document are accessibility at any time, anywhere, ease of updating and ample visualization capabilities.

Internet page developers offer several options for how to make a price list. The first method is simple; it consists of placing an icon on the website to download a file with prices. The second option is to make a page dedicated to the cost of the company’s services. This solution will require more time to work, but the interactivity of the document will be an advantage.

Setting and changing sales prices. Formation of a price list in 1C: Trade Management 8 edition 11.2

Information on sales prices is recorded by document Setting item prices. Data on established prices is stored in the information register Item prices. You can view the current price, as well as the history of price changes for a specific item, from the item card by going to company price history. (Fig.1).


Selling prices are used in shipment documents (Customer Agreement, Customer Order, Sales of Goods and Services, etc.)

If we fix prices in an agreement with the client, then when registering sales under the selected agreement, first of all, price data will be taken from it, and secondly from the Price List.

Let's move on to creating a new document Setting item prices ( chapter CRM and marketing).

In field from We indicate the date from which the new prices will begin to apply.
In the table section, in the column Types of prices All types of prices are reflected. We need to cancel the ones we will be registering.
In a collumn dependent prices information is reflected on those types of prices that need to be recalculated after changing the calculated price.
Influential prices influence the calculated type of price. (Fig.2).


Let's move on to setting prices

There are several options for filling out the list of item items. We can manually select the product range, add products by price group, and also use random selection of products, etc. (Fig.3).


For example, we need to set prices only for those products that are in stock, to do this, click Edit lines → Add selection items. In the selection window, check the box Only in stock, click fill and transfer to document. (Fig.4).


As a result, the product list was filled with products that are in stock. (Fig.5).


After filling out the list of products, we proceed to specifying prices, which are assigned manually.

We can change prices by percentage by clicking Change prices → Change by percentage. In the new window, select the type of price, the percentage of change, and also determine in relation to which price to apply the percentage and which positions to recalculate. (Fig.6).

In our example, Dealer prices increased by 8% relative to the new cost (Fig. 7).


If there is accounting by characteristics, then prices must be fixed for each characteristic. (Fig.8).


After the document has been completed, the established prices will be registered in register Item prices.

Formation of a price list

To form price list let's go to CRM and marketing → Prices (price list). (Fig.9).


Click create and set the price list settings and click OK. (Fig. 10).


In this processing we can view and change prices.
We can change the price manually. In this case, the program will prompt us to apply the changed prices. (Fig. 11).


This price will be changed in the price list, but not in the register.
Now we can print this report by clicking Price List.

Also for forming price list report go to the reports section CRM and marketing and create a new one. (Fig. 12).

By default, a report will be created for the current date and only for those types of prices that are used for sales. (Fig. 13).


This report reflects the price, as well as the balance of goods by warehouse.
The price list can be generated with various selections - by price groups, by types of prices, by product group, etc.