What are the requirements for drivers when hiring? Qualification characteristics of a car driver Passenger car driver experience requirement

Car driver.

Car driver is a skilled worker who drives various vehicles. These include cars, trucks, special vehicles and buses. A driving instructor is treated like a driver.

The article sets out the regulatory documents regulating training in the profession " car driver"and qualification characteristics of car drivers by class and category.

1. Programs for training car drivers.

Car driver training is carried out in accordance with 28 programs approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2013 N 1408 “On approval of exemplary professional training programs for drivers of vehicles of relevant categories and subcategories.”

The order includes 16 sample driver training programs, 10 driver retraining programs and 2 driver development programs.

Professional training " car driver“Produced in driving schools, training centers, DOSAAF, and motor transport colleges.

2. Kvehicle driver qualification.

Qualification is assigned to the driver at his place of work based on open categories in the driver's license. Qualifications can be a 3rd class driver, a 2nd class driver, a 1st class driver and a 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th class driver.

Qualification characteristics of a car driver have been established two documents:

2.1. Qualification guide professions of workers for whom monthly salaries are established" (approved by the Decree of the State Committee of Labor of the USSR, All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated February 20, 1984 no. 58/3-102).

The validity of the directory in the Russian Federation is confirmed by Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Employment of the Russian Federation dated May 12, 1992 N 15a “On the application of existing qualification directories of works, professions of workers and positions of employees at enterprises and organizations located in Russia.”

This handbook establishes the qualification characteristics of drivers of classes 3, 2 and 1. In particular, the qualifications of a 3rd class driver correspond to a driver’s license with permitted categories B or C or only D, a 2nd class driver - B, C, E or D (D and E), and a 1st class driver - B, C, D and E. Moreover, the basis for assigning a 2nd class qualification is continuous work experience of at least three years as a driver of a 3rd class car at a given transport enterprise, and for assigning a 1st class qualification - continuous work experience of at least two years as a 2nd class driver at this company.

The qualification characteristics are given in full in the text of this qualification reference book.

2.2. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of November 10, 1992 N 31“On approval of tariff and qualification characteristics for industry-wide professions of workers.”

Used for the budget sector.

This resolution established the tariff and qualification characteristics of drivers of cars of 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 categories.

Extract from the characteristics of the work.

Car driver 4th category.

Characteristics of the work. Driving passenger cars of all types, trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of up to 10 tons (road trains - based on the total carrying capacity of the car and trailer), buses with an overall length of up to 7 meters. Control of the lifting mechanism of a dump truck, the crane installation of a truck crane, the pumping installation of a tank truck, the refrigeration unit of a refrigerator, sweeping and cleaning mechanisms and other equipment of specialized vehicles.

Car driver 5th category

Characteristics of the work. Driving trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of over 10 to 40 tons (road trains - based on the total carrying capacity of the vehicle and trailer), buses with an overall length of 7-12 meters, as well as driving vehicles equipped with special sound and light signals, giving the right to priority when traffic on the roads.

Car driver 6th category

Characteristics of the work. Management of fire trucks and ambulances, as well as trucks (road trains) of all types with a carrying capacity of over 40 tons (road trains - based on the total carrying capacity of the car and trailer), buses with an overall length of over 12 to 15 meters.

Car driver 7th category

Management of buses with overall length over 15 meters.

Note. One rank higher (up to 8 digits) Car drivers are charged in the following cases:

— work on 2-3 types of vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, etc.);

— performing the entire range of repair and maintenance work on the driven vehicle in the absence of a specialized vehicle maintenance service at the enterprise, organization, or institution.

3.Additional professional and qualification requirements for road transport workers are established by Resolution of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 28, 2015 N 287.

The requirements establish the necessary level of knowledge, skills, professional education, length of service (experience) in the specialty of workers. The required level of knowledge and skills of employees is achieved through training in organizations that carry out educational activities according to relevant educational programs.

In a relationship car drivers professional and qualification requirements apply to the following categories:

— driver of a vehicle of categories “B”, “BE” (including a passenger taxi driver);

– driver of a vehicle of categories “C”, “C1”, “CE”, “C1E” (hereinafter referred to as the truck driver);

— driver of a vehicle of categories “D”, “D1”, “DE”, “D1E” (hereinafter referred to as the bus driver);

— driver of a vehicle of category “Tb” (hereinafter referred to as the trolleybus driver);

— driver of a vehicle of category “Tm” (hereinafter referred to as the tram driver);

dangerous goods;

- driver of a vehicle carrying out transportation large and (or) heavy cargo or accompanying this transportation;

- a driver driving a vehicle equipped with a feeding device special light and sound signals;

- the driver of the car carrying out transportation of passengers and (or) cargo in international traffic.

5. Class or rank The driver of the car is assigned at the time of hiring, and during the work process - by the qualification commission of the subject of transport activity.

The work of a driver is associated with certain risks, and therefore must be organized in accordance with road safety requirements. Consequently, not every candidate can be accepted for a position that involves driving a vehicle: even before concluding an employment contract, you need to make sure that the employee has the required personal qualities and does not complain about health, and also has the practical skills and knowledge necessary for safe driving. . In some cases, driver training is organized. The key requirements for a driver when hiring are as follows: absence of medical contraindications for working in transport; age over 18 years (minor workers are not allowed to drive vehicles); possession of a driver's license for the right to drive a vehicle of a certain category. A driver's license of one category does not give an employee the right to drive vehicles of other categories. For example, having a category B driver's license allows you to drive passenger cars, but such an applicant cannot be accepted as a passenger bus driver (for this you need to open category D, D1 or DE - depending on the type of bus). In addition, when hiring a passenger transport driver - bus, trolleybus or tram - you must remember that in this case the age threshold increases to 21 years. On June 14, 2016, professional and qualification requirements for employees of organizations engaged in transportation by road and urban ground electric transport will come into force (Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 28, 2015 No. 287). The requirements will establish the necessary level of knowledge, skills, professional education, length of service (experience) in the specialty of workers. The required level of knowledge and skills of employees will be achieved through training in educational organizations according to relevant programs.

The grounds for termination of the right to drive vehicles are: expiration of the established validity period of the driver's license; deterioration of the driver’s health, preventing safe driving, confirmed by a medical report; deprivation of the right to drive vehicles.

According to the general rule (Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), when applying for a job, the employer must require, and the citizen must present, the following documents:

  • - passport or other identification document;
  • - work book (except for cases when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or the employee starts working on a part-time basis);
  • - insurance certificate of state pension insurance;
  • - military registration documents (for those liable for military service and persons subject to conscription for military service);
  • - a document on education, qualifications or acquisition of special knowledge - when applying for a job that requires special knowledge or special training;
  • - a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record and (or) the fact of criminal prosecution.

It is necessary to note that the specified list of documents is general, therefore in each individual case it must be specified taking into account the specifics of the employee’s work.

According to Art. 328 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, persons who have not passed a mandatory medical examination or who have a conclusion from a medical expert commission on professional unsuitability for work related to driving vehicles are not allowed. Thus, the employer is obliged to require from the employee documents confirming the level of his professional training (diploma, certificate, etc.), as well as a medical certificate of suitability to perform work related to driving a motor vehicle.

Drivers of some types of transport must have certain qualifications, work experience and other professional characteristics established for a specific type of transport (for example, for passengers). Work experience as a driver of a motor vehicle must be confirmed by entries in the work book and, if necessary, certificates from previous places of work, certified copies of orders or employment agreements (contracts). In addition, driving experience is confirmed by a driver's license.

If an employee refuses to undergo a preliminary medical examination or provide documents confirming his professional skills, you can safely refuse admission - in this case, the refusal will be justified (Article 64 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Instructions for the position " Driver of category B vehicles", presented on the website, meets the requirements of the document - "DIRECTORY OF Qualification Characteristics of Workers' Professions. Issue 69. Automobile transport", which was approved by order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine dated 02/14/2006 N 136. As amended by order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine dated 09/04/2008 N 1097.
The document status is "valid".

Qualification requirements
Complete or basic general secondary education. Vocational education (institution for training vehicle drivers). Special training according to standard curricula and training programs for drivers of category “B” vehicles and qualification certification. No work experience requirements.

Knows and applies in practice: legislation of Ukraine on motor transport and road traffic; Traffic Laws; rules for the transportation of goods (including dangerous, oversized), procedure and conditions for the transportation of passengers and baggage; purpose, location, structure, principle of operation of units, constituent units, mechanisms and systems of category "B" vehicles and rules for their technical operation; design, rules of operation and maintenance of trailers; basics of driving vehicles; possible causes of road accidents and methods of prevention; causes of malfunctions, methods for identifying and eliminating them; the nature of the influence of natural conditions (rain, fog, ice, etc.) on traffic safety; maintenance procedure; rules for safe work, fire safety and sanitation during vehicle maintenance and when working on the line; features of the use of operating materials (fuel, oils, lubricants, electrolyte, antifreeze, etc.); rules for storing vehicles in open parking lots and garages; rules for providing first aid to victims of road accidents; legal basis and liability for violating traffic rules, vehicle operating rules, causing material damage and harm to the environment.

Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities
Drives vehicles classified as category "B" (driving vehicles with a permissible maximum weight of not more than 3,500 kilograms and the number of seats in addition to the driver's seat does not exceed eight), under different road conditions. Complies with the requirements of traffic regulations, rules for the transportation of goods, passengers and luggage. Ensures proper technical condition of the vehicle. Tows a trailer with a maximum permitted weight of up to 750 kg. Checks the technical condition of the vehicle before leaving the line and after returning from the trip. Ensures that equipment is maintained in accordance with road safety and environmental standards. Performs daily vehicle maintenance work. Delivers the vehicle for loading and unloading or to the place of boarding and disembarking passengers. Monitors the correct loading, placement and securing of cargo in the body of a light-duty vehicle, as well as the order of placing passengers in passenger cars. Eliminates technical faults that arise during the operation of a vehicle on the line and do not require disassembly of the main mechanisms. Performs adjustment work. Refills motor vehicles with fuel and other operating materials. Prepares travel documentation. Provides first aid to victims of road accidents.

Sorter for mail and printed products

1-2 categories

Characteristics of the work. Sorting postal items and printed works in the established order, sending them according to mail routing plans within the established time frame; making changes to manuals and manuals for sorting and routing mail, sealing post-packages (packs) and bags with correspondence and printing. Making adjustments to manuals and manuals for sorting and distributing periodicals, philatelic products and other items.

Must know: postal rules within the scope of the work performed, as well as the procedure for receiving, processing and sending all types of postal items and printing; diagram of a letter sorting machine for machine sorting; tariffs for sending ordinary, registered and valuable letters, cards, parcels and parcels; control dates and schedule for processing and sending mail for your workplace; a functioning postal sorting and printing system; the procedure for adding postal items, postal items and seals to documents and their sealing in post-packages (packs) and bags; rules for transporting mail by airlines; rules for accounting for postal items and printing; Latin font; printing forwarding instructions; mail car route diagram; international mail routing plans for your workplace; procedure for using the Alphabetical List of Countries and Territories of the World published by the Bureau of the Universal Postal Union; instructions for monitoring cash reporting.

When sorting:

— nonresident written correspondence at one or alternately at several workplaces with a total number of sorting cells of no more than 350;

— incoming and local correspondence at one or alternately at different workplaces with a total number of sorting points (city streets) up to 400;

— correspondence in mail transportation departments at airports at workplaces with the number of sorting cells up to 200;

— simple outgoing, transit and incoming international mail;

— postal items and printed materials to communication enterprises located on inter-district and intra-regional routes;

- incoming and local correspondence and printed materials for points served by the SHG, with a total number of points - up to 300;

- printed works in newspaper outlets and registered communications companies; newspaper and magazine expeditions of post offices, PZDP, PPP with a total number of up to 500 newspaper nodes and post offices;

— import printing at one or alternately at several workplaces with a total number of sorting cells up to 500;

- export printing at communication enterprises that are not places of international postal exchange, at postal exchange places of foreign countries in accordance with the dispatch plan, including sorting address labels by country, as well as independent preparation of documents for this post office;

— parcels, valuable letters and valuable parcels, mail bags and newspaper bundles at one or alternately at several workplaces with a total number of allocated groups of no more than 60;

— post-packages and parcels, and grouping them according to directions when

number of directions up to 70 — 1st category.

When sorting:

— nonresident written correspondence at one or alternately at several workplaces with a total number of sorting cells of more than 350;

— correspondence in mail transportation departments at airports at workplaces with more than 200 cells;

— correspondence at postal sorting areas (nodes);

— incoming and local correspondence at one or alternately at various workplaces with a total number of sorting points (city streets) of more than 400;

— printed works in newspaper and magazine expeditions of post offices, PZhDP, OPP with a total number of more than 500 newspaper nodes and OS;

— outgoing international written correspondence, bags, parcels to places of postal exchange of foreign countries in accordance with the dispatch plan, including the preparation of documentation for the specified international items;

— incoming and local correspondence and printing for points served by SHG, over 300 points;

— import printing at one or alternately at several workplaces with a total number of sorting cells over 500;

— export printing at communication enterprises that are places of international postal exchange, at places of postal exchange of foreign countries in accordance with the dispatch plan, including sorting address labels by country, as well as independent preparation of documents for this post office;

— parcels, valuable letters and parcels, mail bags and newspaper bundles at one or alternately at several workplaces with a total number of allocated groups of more than 60;

— international incoming and transit written correspondence, parcels, bags by destination, including paperwork;

— post-packages and parcels and grouping them according to directions when

number of directions more than 70 - 2nd category .

Tariff and qualification characteristics for general industry occupations of workers .



On approval of professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road and urban ground electric transport

Document with changes made:
(Official Internet portal of legal information www.pravo.gov.ru, 04/12/2017, N 0001201704120002).


In accordance with subclause 5.2.10_3 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, approved (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, N 32, Art. 3342; 2006, N 15, Art. 1612; N 24, Art. 2601; N 52 (ch .3), Article 5587; 2008, Article 740; No. 11, Article 1029; Article 1883; No. 22, Article 2576; N 42, art. 4825; N 46, art. 5337; N 3, art. 378; N 6, art. 738; ), Art. 2249; Art. 4046; No. 36, Art. 4361; Art. 6332; Art. 1222; Art. 1348; Art. 1505; Art. 3172; Art. 31; Art. 4251; , Art. 1935; Art. 3801; No. 32; Art. 4832; Art. 5389; Art. 6526; Art. 6660; ; 2012, N 6, Art. 1630; N 44, Art. 6881; Art. 1322; N 26, Art. 3343; N 38, Art. 4821; 2014, N 12, Art. 18; .2177; N 30 (part 2), art. 4311; N 30 (part 2) art. 4325; N 37, art. 4974; N 42, art. 5736; N 43, art. 5901, art. 5926; 2015, N 2, art. 491; N 16, art. 2394; N 17 (part 4), art. 2571; N 20, art. 2925),

I order:

1. Approve the attached Professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements).

2. Establish that this order comes into force after six months from the date of its official publication, with the exception of subclause 12.3 of the Requirements, which comes into force after three years from the date of official publication of this order.


at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 9, 2015,
registration N 40032

Professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in transportation by road and urban ground electric transport

1. Professional and qualification requirements for employees of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out transportation by road and urban ground electric transport (hereinafter referred to as the Requirements, employees) were developed in accordance with paragraph 4 of Article 20 of the Federal Law of December 10, 1995 N 196-FZ "On road safety" and clause 5.2.10_3 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 N 395.
Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, No. 50, Art. 4873; 1999, N 10, art. 1158; 2002, N 18, art. 1721; 2003, N 2, art. 167; 2004, N 35, art. 3607; 2006, N 52 (part 1), art. 5498; 2007, N 46, art. 5553; N 49, art. 6070; 2009, N 1, art. 21, N 48, art. 5717; 2010, N 30, art. 4000, N 31, art. 4196; 2011, N 17, art. 2310; N 27, art. 3881, N 29, art. 4283, N 30 (part 1), art. 4590, N 30 (part 1), art. 4596; 2012, N 25, art. 3268, N 31, art. 4320; 2013, N 17, Art. 2032, N 19, Art. 2319, N 27, Art. 3477, N 30 (Part 1), Art. 4029, N 48, Art. 6165, N 52 (Part 1), Art. 7002; 2014, N 42, art. 5615; 2015, N 24, art. 3370, N 29 (part 1), art. 4359.

Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation 2004, No. 32, Art. 3342; 2006, N 15, Art. 1612, N 24, Art. 2601, N 52 (part 3), Art. 5587; 2008, N 8, Art. 740, N 11 (part 1), Art. 1029, N 17, Art. 1883, N 18, Art. 2060, N 22, Art. 2576, N 42, Art. 4825, N 46, art. 5337; 2009, N 3, Art. 378, N 4, Art. 506, N 6, Art. 738, N 13, Art. 1558, N 18 (part 2), Art. 2249, N 32, Art. 4046, N 33, Art. 4088, N 36, Art. 4361, N 51, Art. 6332; 2010, N 6, Art. 650, Art. 652, N 11, Art. 1222, N 12, Art. 1348, N 13, Art. 1502, N 15, Art. 1805, N 25, Art. 3172, N 26 , art. 3350, N 31, art. 4251; 2011, N 14, Art. 1935, N 26, Art. 3801, Art. 3804, N 32, Art. 4832, N 38, Art. 5389, N 46, Art. 6526, N 47, Art. 6660, N 48 , art. 6922; 2012, N 6, art. 686, N 14, art. 1630, N 19, art. 2439, N 44, art. 6029, N 49, art. 6881; 2013, N 5, art. 388, N 12, art. 1322, N 26, art. 3343, N 33, art. 4386, N 38, art. 4821, N 45, art. 5822; 2014, N 12, Art. 1286, N 18 (Part 4), Art. 2177, N 30 (Part 2), Art. 4311, 4325, N 37, Art. 4974, N 42, Art. 5736, N 43, art. 5901, art. 5926; 2015, No. 2, Art. 491, No. 16, Art. 2394, No. 17 (part 4), Art. 2571, No. 20, Art. 2925.

2. These Requirements establish the necessary level of knowledge, skills, professional education, length of service (experience) in the specialty of workers. The required level of knowledge and skills of employees is achieved through training in organizations that carry out educational activities according to relevant educational programs.

3. These Requirements apply to the following professions and positions of workers:

driver of a vehicle of categories “B”, “BE” (including a passenger taxi driver);

driver of a vehicle of categories “C”, “C1”, “CE”, “C1E” (hereinafter referred to as the truck driver);

driver of a vehicle of categories "D", "D1", "DE", "D1E" (hereinafter referred to as the bus driver);

driver of a vehicle of category "Tb" (hereinafter referred to as the trolleybus driver);

driver of a vehicle of category "Tm" (hereinafter referred to as the tram driver);

driver of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods;

a driver driving a large and (or) heavy vehicle, or the driver of a car accompanying such a vehicle;
by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

a driver driving a vehicle equipped with a device for producing special light and sound signals;

driver of a car transporting passengers and (or) cargo in international traffic;

dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport;

inspector of technical condition of vehicles;

controller of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport vehicles;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

specialist responsible for ensuring road safety;

consultant on safety issues related to the transportation of dangerous goods.

4. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on the driver of a vehicle of categories “B”, “BE”:

4.1. The driver of a vehicle of categories “B”, “BE” must know:

Traffic rules, basic legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of road traffic and the transportation of passengers and luggage;
Resolution of the Council of Ministers - Government of the Russian Federation of October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On traffic rules"; Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, No. 18, Art. 1985; 2001, N 11, art. 1029; 2008, N 17, art. 1882; 2011, N 42, art. 5922; 2012, N 1, art. 154, N 15, art. 1780, N 30, art. 4289, N 47, art. 6505; 2013, No. 5, Art. 371, 404, No. 24, Art. 2999, No. 31, Art. 4218, No. 52 (part 2), Art. 7173; 2014, N 14, art. 1625, N 21, art. 2707, N 32, art. 4487, N 44, art. 6063, N 47, art. 6557; 2015, N 1 (part 2), art. 223, no. 15, art. 2276, no. 17 (part 4), art. 2568, no. 27, art. 4083.

the basics of compulsory civil liability insurance for vehicle owners;
Bank of Russia Regulations No. 431-P dated September 19, 2014 “On the rules of compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 1, 2014, registration No. 34204) as amended by Bank of Russia instructions No. 3649 dated May 24, 2015 -U (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on June 17, 2015, registration N 37679).

basics of safe driving;

goals and objectives of managing the driver-vehicle-road and driver-vehicle systems;

features of monitoring the road situation;

ways to control safe distance and lateral interval;

procedure for calling emergency and rescue services;

basics of ensuring the safety of the most vulnerable road users: pedestrians, cyclists;

basics of ensuring child passenger safety;

consequences associated with violation of traffic rules by vehicle drivers;

first aid techniques;

composition of a first aid kit (car) and rules for using its components;

purpose, design, interaction and principle of operation of the main mechanisms, instruments and parts of a vehicle of the corresponding category;

signs of malfunctions that occur along the way;

penalties for violating traffic rules;

the influence of weather, climate and road conditions on road safety;

rules and instructions for labor protection during technical inspection of a vehicle of the corresponding category and handling operating materials, rules for operating the vehicle;

principles of economical driving.
(Paragraph additionally included from April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76)

4.2. The driver of a vehicle of categories “B”, “BE” must be able to:

drive a vehicle of the appropriate category safely and efficiently in various traffic conditions;

comply with traffic rules;

control your emotional state;

check the technical condition of the vehicle;

eliminate minor malfunctions during operation of a vehicle of the corresponding category that do not require disassembly of components and assemblies;

ensure the safe boarding and disembarkation of passengers in a vehicle of the relevant category, their transportation or the reception, placement and transportation of luggage;

choose safe speed, distance and interval in various traffic conditions;

use rear view mirrors when maneuvering;

predict the occurrence of dangerous road transport situations during the management process and take actions to prevent them;

make timely decisions and act in difficult and dangerous traffic situations;

provide first aid to victims of a traffic accident;

use fire extinguishing agents;

improve skills in driving a vehicle of the appropriate category.

4.3. The driver of a vehicle of categories "B", "BE" must have a Russian national driver's license of the corresponding category.

4.4. A passenger taxi driver must have a total driving experience of at least three years. There are no requirements for the level of professional education and length of service (experience) for other drivers of categories “B” and “BE”.

5. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on a truck driver:

5.1. A truck driver, in addition to the requirements for drivers of categories “B” and “BE”, must know:

purpose, structure, interaction and principle of operation of the main mechanisms, instruments and parts of a truck (truck with trailer (trailers), including semi-trailers and trailers);

rules and instructions for labor protection during technical inspection of a truck (truck with trailer(s), including semi-trailers and trailers), and handling operating materials, rules for operating a truck (truck with trailer(s), including semi-trailers and dissolution trailers).

5.2. A truck driver, in addition to the requirements for drivers of categories “B” and “BE”, must be able to:

control the safe placement and securing of various cargoes;

5.3. The truck driver must have a Russian national driver's license of the appropriate category.

5.4. There are no requirements for the level of professional education and length of service (experience) of a truck driver.

6. In addition to the requirements for drivers of categories “B” and “BE”, the bus driver is subject to the following professional and qualification requirements:

6.1. The bus driver must know:

features of legislation in the field of organizing regular and irregular transportation of passengers by bus;

fundamentals of legislation in the field of compulsory insurance of civil liability of a carrier for causing harm to life, health, and property of passengers.

6.2. A bus driver must be able to:

check the technical condition of the bus
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

ensure safe boarding and disembarkation of passengers, their transportation, control the reception, placement and transportation of baggage;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

use different types of tachographs in your work.

6.3. The bus driver must have a Russian national driver's license of the appropriate category.

6.4. Drivers who have worked as a driver of a category “D” vehicle for at least one year out of the last three calendar years and who have not been subjected to administrative punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle during the last year are allowed to drive buses carrying out organized transportation of a group of children. or administrative arrest for committing an administrative offense in the field of traffic. There are no requirements for the level of professional education and length of service (experience) for other bus drivers.
by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

7. In addition to the requirements for drivers of categories “B”, “BE”, trolleybus drivers are subject to the following professional and qualification requirements:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

7.1. A trolleybus driver must know:

rules for technical operation of trolleybuses.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

7.2. A trolleybus driver must be able to:

check the technical condition of the trolleybus;

eliminate malfunctions that do not require disassembling components and assemblies that arose along the way, using the available tools, connect and disconnect rods with pantographs to the contact network;

fill out documentation related to the specifics of trolleybus operation.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

7.3. The trolleybus driver must have a Russian national driver's license of the appropriate category.

7.4. There are no requirements for the level of professional education and length of service (experience) of a trolleybus driver.

8. In addition to the requirements for drivers of categories “B”, “BE”, tram drivers are subject to the following professional and qualification requirements:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

8.1. The tram driver must know:

features of legislation in the field of organizing regular transportation of passengers by urban ground electric transport;

rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations when operating electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 volts;

safety rules for operating electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 volts;

basic legislation in the field of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for causing harm to life, health, property of passengers;

fundamentals of the theory of tram movement, forces acting on the tram in motion and on curved sections of the track, adhesion coefficients, adhesion weight of trams;

rules for technical operation of trams.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

8.2. A tram driver must be able to:

check the technical condition of the tram;

eliminate malfunctions that do not require disassembling components and assemblies that arose along the way, using the available tools;

ensure safe boarding and disembarkation of passengers and their transportation;

fill out documentation related to the specifics of tram operation.
(Subclause as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

8.3. The tram driver must have a Russian national driver's license of the appropriate category.

8.4. There are no requirements for the level of professional education and length of service (experience) of a tram driver.

9. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on the driver of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods:

9.1. Depending on the type of vehicle being driven, in addition to the knowledge of the driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category, the driver of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods must know:

general requirements governing the transport of dangerous goods;

main types of hazard;

information on environmental protection when monitoring waste transportation;

preventive and safety measures for various types of hazards;

measures taken in the event of an accident (first aid, road safety, basic use of protective equipment, written instructions, etc.);

markings, danger signs, information boards and orange plates;

driver actions when transporting dangerous goods;

purpose and methods of operation of technical equipment installed on vehicles;

prohibition of joint loading into the same vehicle or into the same container of different classes of dangerous goods, as well as goods not classified as dangerous;

precautions taken when loading and unloading dangerous goods;

information on multimodal transport;

rules for processing and stacking packages;

traffic restrictions in tunnels and instructions on behavior in tunnels (accident prevention, safety, actions in case of fire or other emergencies, etc.);

behavior of vehicles while driving, including the movement of cargo;

special requirements for vehicles;

duties and responsibilities of the driver when transporting dangerous goods, as well as the civil liability of the driver;

safety measures applied when transporting dangerous goods.

9.2. Depending on the type of vehicle being driven, in addition to the skills of the driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category, the driver of a vehicle transporting dangerous goods must be able to:

provide first aid to victims in the event of an incident involving dangerous goods being transported;

control the loading and unloading of a truck carrying dangerous goods;

take measures to localize or eliminate the consequences of a traffic accident involving dangerous goods being transported.

9.3. In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 4.3 and 5.3 of these Requirements, in relation to the category of driven vehicles, there is a requirement for a certificate of training for the driver of a motor vehicle transporting dangerous goods, issued in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2012 N 202 “On approval of the Procedure for issuing certificates for the training of drivers of vehicles transporting dangerous goods and approval of such training courses” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 7, 2012, registration N 25404) as amended (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 17, 2014, registration N 33137).

9.4. Drivers who have continuous experience as a driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category for at least one year and who have not been subjected to administrative punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle or administrative arrest for committing an administrative offense are allowed to drive vehicles transporting dangerous goods. traffic offenses.

10. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on a driver driving a heavy and (or) large vehicle or a car accompanying such a vehicle:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

10.1. Depending on the type of vehicle being driven, in addition to the knowledge of the driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category, a driver driving a heavy and (or) large vehicle, or a car accompanying such a vehicle, must know:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

regulatory legal acts regulating the transportation of large and heavy cargo;

fundamentals of state regulation and control over the movement of heavy and (or) large vehicles
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

regulations governing the requirements for heavy and (or) large vehicles, and vehicles accompanying them.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

10.2. Depending on the type of vehicle being driven, in addition to the knowledge of the driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category, a driver driving a heavy and (or) large vehicle, or a car accompanying such a vehicle, must be able to:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

observe restrictions and comply with established regulations for the transportation of large and heavy cargo;

escort heavy and large vehicles.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

10.3. In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 4.3 and 5.3 of these Requirements, in relation to the category of driven vehicles, the following requirements for length of service (experience) are imposed:

for a driver driving a heavy and (or) large vehicle, - having a total length of service (experience) as a driver of at least five years, of which at least one last year - as a driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

for the driver of a car accompanying a heavy and (or) large-sized vehicle - having at least one year of experience as a driver of a car transporting large-sized and (or) heavy cargo.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

11. The following requirements apply to a driver driving a vehicle equipped with a device for issuing special light and sound signals:

11.1. Depending on the category of the vehicle being driven, in addition to the knowledge of the driver of a car, truck or bus, a driver driving a vehicle equipped with a device for issuing special light and sound signals must know:

regulatory legal acts in the field of road safety;

fundamentals of driver psychology and ethics;

technical characteristics and design features of vehicles equipped with a device for sending special light and sound signals;

regulatory legal acts on the use of radio communications and devices for providing special light and sound signals;

theoretical foundations for safe driving of a vehicle equipped with a device for providing special light and sound signals in various conditions.

11.2. Depending on the category of the vehicle being driven, in addition to the knowledge of the driver of a car, truck or bus, a driver driving a vehicle equipped with a device for giving special light and sound signals must be able to:

use radio communications and devices for sending special light and sound signals;

drive a vehicle equipped with a device for providing special light and sound signals in various conditions.

11.3. In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 4.3, 5.3, 6.3, 6.4 of these Requirements, in relation to the category of driven vehicles, there is a requirement for a certificate of driver training to drive vehicles equipped with devices for giving special light and sound signals, approved by order Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 18, 2010 N 866 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 27, 2010, registration N 18554).

12. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on the driver of a car transporting passengers and (or) cargo in international traffic:

12.1. Depending on the type of vehicle being driven, in addition to the knowledge of the driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category, the driver of a vehicle transporting passengers and (or) cargo in international traffic must know:

fundamentals of legal norms regulating the transportation of passengers and cargo by road in international traffic;

the basics of regulation and control of transport activities, the procedure for licensing and admission to international road transport;

international regulations governing technical and environmental requirements for vehicles engaged in international transport, work and rest regimes for drivers of vehicles engaged in international transport;

features of ensuring the safety of international road transport of special types of cargo, procedures for filling out customs documentation;

the procedure for completing documentation when passing customs and other types of control;

places, types and methods of transport control.

12.2. Depending on the type of vehicle being driven, in addition to the knowledge of the driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category, the driver of a vehicle transporting passengers and (or) cargo in international traffic must be able to:

apply legal norms regulating the transportation of passengers and cargo by road in international traffic;

undergo customs procedures when organizing the transportation of various types of cargo.

12.3. In addition to the requirements set out in paragraphs 4.3, 5.3, 6.3 of these Requirements, in relation to the category of driven vehicles, there is a requirement for a certificate of professional competence of an international road carrier, issued in accordance with Article 5 of the Agreement on the Harmonization of Additional Training Requirements and Professional Competence of International road carriers of the CIS member states, and the decision of the CIS Economic Council dated December 12, 2008 “On Unified requirements for additional training for professional competence of international road carriers of the CIS member states.”
Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 23, 2006 N 1605-r "On the signing of the Agreement on the harmonization of requirements for additional training and professional competence of international road carriers of the CIS member states" (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 49 (Part II), Article 5242).

12.4. Drivers who have continuously worked as a driver of a vehicle of the corresponding category for at least one year and who have not been subjected to administrative punishment in the form of deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle or administrative arrest during the last year are allowed to drive vehicles carrying passengers in international traffic. committing an administrative offense in the field of traffic. There are no requirements for the length of service (experience) of a driver transporting goods in international traffic (with the exception of dangerous, large and heavy cargo).

13. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on the dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport:

13.1. The dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport must know:

regulations on the organization of operational control of road transport traffic;

the procedure for issuing and processing the waybill, recording technical and operational indicators;

the layout of roads and their condition on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

requirements of the manufacturer of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher, for the technical operation of vehicles;

work schedules for drivers on vehicle routes, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

tariffs and rules for their application on vehicle routes, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and production;

transportation distances and the nature of road conditions on the routes of vehicles, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

traffic schedules and stopping points on vehicle routes, the movement of which is organized and controlled by the dispatcher;

route network and traffic conditions ensuring transportation safety;

13.2. A dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport must be able to:

organize and control the work of drivers and their implementation of shift plans and transportation assignments;

take the necessary measures to ensure road safety of vehicles (trams, trolleybuses);

instruct drivers about the conditions and features of transportation on routes, paying special attention to the condition of the roads, the features of traffic in certain areas in specific meteorological conditions;

ensure interaction with all participants in the transportation process in order to optimize it;

take measures to eliminate excess vehicle downtime;

fill out, issue and accept waybills and other documents reflecting the work performed by drivers, check their correctness;

calculate the corresponding technical and operational indicators in waybills;

issue planned tasks, register tasks and requests for transportation;

draw up operational summaries and reports on work and incidents during the shift;

coordinate the work of automobile and (or) urban ground electric transport with other modes of transport;

take measures to include reserve vehicles in road traffic on the route to replace those that left the route prematurely for technical or other reasons, promptly switch vehicles from route to route, to another route in connection with road repairs;

check the correctness of paperwork for completed transportation, coordinate the work of vehicles of third-party enterprises;

ensure control and accounting of completed cargo transportation and take measures to promptly eliminate failures in transport processes, excess downtime at points of loading and unloading of vehicles, as well as loading empty vehicles in the same direction;

carry out operational accounting, control the operation of loading and unloading mechanisms of enterprises and organizations, monitor the condition of access roads, as well as compliance by drivers with transport discipline;

organize, if necessary, the provision of timely technical assistance to rolling stock on the line.

13.3. The dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport is subject to one of the following requirements:

availability of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in a profession or specialty included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Equipment and technology of land transport”;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 29, 2013 N 1199 “On approval of lists of professions and specialties of secondary vocational education” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on December 26, 2013, registration N 30861) as amended by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated May 14, 2014 N 518 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on May 28, 2014, registration N 32461).

availability of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in professions or specialties not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Equipment and technology of land transport”, and a diploma of professional retraining with the qualification of a dispatcher of automobile and urban ground electric transport.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

13.4. There are no work experience requirements.

14. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on the inspector of the technical condition of motor vehicles:

14.1. A vehicle technical condition inspector must know:

regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of road transport;

regulations in the field of road safety in road transport;

device, technical characteristics, design features, purpose and operating rules of vehicles;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

technical requirements for vehicles;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

basics of transport and labor legislation;

rules and instructions on labor protection, fire protection.

14.2. A vehicle technical condition inspector must be able to:

monitor the technical condition of vehicles;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.


paragraph deleted from April 23, 2017 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76;

paragraph deleted from April 23, 2017 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76;

paragraph deleted from April 23, 2017 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

14.3. One of the following requirements is imposed on the inspector of the technical condition of vehicles:

availability of a diploma in secondary vocational education in the specialty 02.23.03 “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles” without presenting requirements for length of service (experience);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

availability of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in specialties included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", with the exception of specialty 23.02.03 "Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles", with requirements for length of service (experience) in the field of monitoring the technical condition and maintenance of vehicles for at least one year;

availability of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in specialties not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Engineering and technology of land transport”, and a diploma of professional retraining under a professional retraining program with the qualification of an inspector of the technical condition of vehicles. There are no work experience requirements.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

15. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on the inspector of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport vehicles:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

15.1. The controller of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport vehicles must know:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

regulations on the maintenance and repair of rolling stock of urban ground electric transport;

regulations in the field of road safety and safety precautions in urban ground electric transport;

device, technical characteristics, design features, purpose and operating rules of urban ground electric transport vehicles;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

technical requirements for ground electric transport vehicles returning from the line and after repair of their components and assemblies;

basics of transport and labor legislation;

rules and instructions on labor protection, fire protection.

15.2. A controller of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport vehicles must be able to:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

monitor and check the technical condition of urban ground electric transport vehicles;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

paragraph deleted from April 23, 2017 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.;

paragraph deleted from April 23, 2017 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.;

paragraph deleted from April 23, 2017 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.;

paragraph deleted from April 23, 2017 - order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76..

15.3. The controller of the technical condition of urban ground electric transport vehicles is subject to one of the following requirements:
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

availability of a diploma in secondary vocational education in the specialty 02/23/05 "Operation of transport electrical equipment and automation in urban land-based electric transport" without presenting requirements for length of service (experience);
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

availability of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in specialties included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Engineering and technology of ground transport", with the exception of specialty 23.02.05 "Operation of transport electrical equipment and automation in urban ground electric transport", with requirements for experience (experience) of work in the field of monitoring the technical condition and maintenance of urban ground electric transport vehicles for at least one year;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

availability of a diploma of education not lower than secondary vocational in specialties not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Engineering and technology of land transport”, and a diploma of “professional retraining” under a professional retraining program with the qualification of an inspector of the technical condition of urban land electric transport vehicles. There are no work experience requirements.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

16. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on the specialist responsible for ensuring road safety:

16.1. A specialist responsible for ensuring road safety must know:

regulations in the field of ensuring road safety and transportation of passengers and cargo;

basics of labor legislation;

rules and regulations of labor protection, safety, industrial sanitation, road safety and fire protection;

purpose and main technical and operational characteristics of rolling stock of road transport, loading and unloading mechanisms and means for container and package transportation;

rules for technical operation of vehicles;

methods of planning, accounting and analysis of road transport;

organization of the transportation process and labor of drivers and other workers involved in the operation of vehicles;

the procedure for developing and approving plans for the production and economic activities of the enterprise.

16.2. A specialist responsible for ensuring road safety must be able to:

develop and implement measures to prevent road accidents and monitor their implementation;

analyze the causes of road accidents and violations of traffic rules committed by drivers of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, in the prescribed manner prepare reports on road accidents and measures taken to prevent them;

carry out reconciliation of data on road traffic accidents in which the rolling stock of the enterprise was involved with data from the State Inspectorate for Road Safety of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

develop or participate in the development of draft local regulations of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on issues of ensuring road safety, including when transporting large, heavy and dangerous goods;

organize and conduct mass propaganda work on road safety in a team;

inform the driving staff, engineering and technical workers, management bodies of a legal entity, individual entrepreneur about the state of accidents, causes and circumstances of road accidents;

establish the causes and circumstances of road accidents, identify violations of established requirements for ensuring road safety;

control the admission of drivers to drive only those categories of vehicles for which the right to drive is granted to them in accordance with their driver’s licenses;

monitor drivers' compliance with mandatory medical examinations;

organize instructing drivers on the peculiarities of operating vehicles in various road and climatic conditions;

monitor drivers’ compliance with the drivers’ work and rest schedule;

organize driver training and the work of driver-mentors;

organize the work of the road safety office (class) according to a plan approved by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

16.3. The specialist responsible for ensuring road safety must have one of the following requirements:

availability of a diploma of higher education in the field of training included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Engineering and technology of land transport”, and has passed certification in the prescribed manner for the right to occupy the corresponding position;
Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated September 12, 2013 N 1061 “On approval of lists of specialties and areas of training in higher education” (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on October 14, 2013, registration N 30163) as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2014 N 63 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on February 28, 2014, registration N 31448), dated August 20, 2014 N 1033 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 3, 2014, registration N 33947), dated October 13, 2014 N 1313 (registered Ministry of Justice of Russia on November 13, 2014, registration N 34691), dated March 25, 2015 N 270 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on April 22, 2015, registration N 36994).

availability of a diploma of higher education in a field of training not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Engineering and technology of land transport", and a diploma of  professional retraining  with the qualification of a person responsible for ensuring road safety, and having passed certification in the prescribed manner for the right to occupy the corresponding job title.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

16.4. There are no work experience requirements.

17. The following professional and qualification requirements are imposed on a consultant on safety issues related to the transportation of dangerous goods by road:

17.1. A consultant on the safety of transporting dangerous goods by road must know:

the consequences that accidents may lead to when transporting dangerous goods, and the main causes of accidents;

general provisions of national legislation, international conventions and agreements in the field of transportation of dangerous goods by road;

classification of dangerous goods (procedure for classifying solutions and mixtures, structure of the list of substances, classes of dangerous goods and principles of their classification, nature of dangerous goods transported, physical, chemical and toxicological properties of dangerous goods);

general packaging requirements, requirements for tanks and tank containers (types, codes, markings, design, initial and periodic inspections and tests);

markings and danger signs, information boards and orange plates (applying markings and danger signs on packages, placing and removing information boards and orange plates);

documents located on the vehicle (transport documents, written instructions, vehicle approval certificate, driver training certificate, copies of any derogation documents, other documents), and the procedure for their execution;
European Agreement “On the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) (Geneva, September 30, 1957). Collection of Acts of the President and Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, No. 7, Art. 508.

method of shipment and restrictions on shipment (transportation by full load, transportation in bulk, transportation in intermediate bulk containers, container transportation, transportation in built-in or demountable tanks);

requirements for the transportation of passengers when transporting various dangerous goods;

requirements for combined loading of different classes of dangerous goods and precautions associated with combined loading;

methods of cargo separation;

restrictions on quantities transported and exemptions regarding quantities of dangerous goods;

requirements for handling and stowage of cargo (loading and unloading - filling ratios - stowage and separation);

requirements for cleaning and/or degassing before loading and after unloading;

requirements for the vehicle crew and professional competence;

content of written instructions (application of instructions and crew protective equipment);

requirements regarding vehicle monitoring (parking);

requirements regarding transport equipment.

17.2. A safety consultant for the transportation of dangerous goods by road must be able to:

carry out procedures to ensure compliance with requirements regarding the identification of dangerous goods being transported;

ensure that vehicles comply with special requirements due to the nature of the dangerous goods being transported;

carry out inspection procedures for equipment used for the transport of dangerous goods or for loading and unloading operations;

organize training for the transportation of dangerous goods for employees of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur involved in the process of transporting dangerous goods, and keep records of this training;

in the event of an accident or incident, take appropriate urgent measures to eliminate their consequences;

conduct internal investigations into the circumstances of serious accidents, incidents or serious violations noted during the transport of dangerous goods or during loading and unloading operations, and, if necessary, prepare appropriate reports;

take the necessary measures to prevent accidents, traffic accidents or violations of other requirements for the transportation of dangerous goods;

take into account regulatory and special requirements associated with the transport of dangerous goods when selecting and using the services of subcontractors or third parties;

check workers involved in the transportation of dangerous goods, their loading or unloading, for their knowledge of the safety rules for transporting dangerous goods;

conduct briefings for workers involved in the transportation of dangerous goods, their loading and unloading;

check the presence on vehicles of the necessary documents and equipment to ensure the safety of transportation of dangerous goods;

verify compliance with requirements relating to loading and unloading operations;

draw up a safety plan for the transportation of dangerous goods;

draw up an annual report for the management bodies of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur on their activities related to the transportation of dangerous goods.

17.3. The safety consultant for the transportation of dangerous goods by road must have one of the following requirements:

availability of a diploma of higher education in the field of training included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Engineering and technology of land transport", and a certificate of training of a consultant on the safety of transportation of dangerous goods, issued in accordance with "On approval of the Procedure for conducting examinations and issuing certificates of professional training of consultants on the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 7, 2012, registration N 25407) as amended by order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated May 30, 2014 N 144 (registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on July 17, 2014, registration N 33137) (hereinafter referred to as Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2012 N 203);

availability of a diploma of higher education in a field of training not included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 “Engineering and technology of land transport”, and a diploma of  professional retraining  with the qualification of a consultant on the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road and a certificate of training as a safety consultant transportation of dangerous goods, issued in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2012 N 203;
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

availability of a diploma of secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists, included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Equipment and technology of land transport", and a certificate of training for a consultant on the safety of transportation of dangerous goods, issued in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2012 N 203;

availability of a diploma of secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists, with the exception of specialties included in the enlarged group 23.00.00 "Engineering and technology of land transport", and a diploma of  professional retraining  with the qualification of a consultant on the safety of transportation of dangerous goods by road and certificate of training of a consultant on the safety of transportation of dangerous goods, issued in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2012 N 203.
(Paragraph as amended, put into effect on April 23, 2017 by order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated March 2, 2017 N 76.

17.4. Employees who have secondary vocational education in training programs for mid-level specialists are required to have at least three years of work experience in the field of organizing transportation and managing road transport. There are no length of service requirements for employees with higher education.

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