Put a question to the highlighted words and determine their case. Multi-colored rocker ON. Presentation “A multi-colored rocker hung in the sky. Rainbow Multi-colored rocker hanging over the river

Put a question to the highlighted words and determine their case. A multi-colored rocker hung OVER THE RIVER. I twist my long neck and pick up a heavy load. A piece of BREAD hangs above the hut. Boards and legs are running along the path. A flock of PTAH is resting on five wires. I swam in WATER, but remained dry). A rope winds, with a head AT THE END. The black horse gallops INTO THE FIRE.


Over the river (over what?) T.p load (who? what?) V.p bread (who? what?) R.p path (along whom? for what?) D.p bird (whom? what?) R. .p in the water (in whom? in what? where?) P.p at the end (on whom? on what? where?) P.p in the fire (in what? in whom? where) V.p I hope I helped) ))

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Elena Ryzhova
Presentation “A multi-colored rocker hung in the sky. Rainbow"

I would like to present to your attention my methodological development on the topic

slide 1 -" A multi-colored yoke hung in the sky".

Target: formation of ideas about the phenomena of inanimate nature among older preschoolers.

slide 2 - Hypothesis: We think that flowers have rainbows seven and they are always the same.

slide 3- Purpose of the study:We want to know what colors depend on rainbows

slide 4- Research plan:

Get information from the teacher about what it is rainbow.

Conduct an experiment with a prism.

Watch for rainbow.

Find out where and when you can see rainbow.

Always find out rainbow is the same.

Get acquainted with riddles and poems about rainbow.

Draw rainbow.

Make a layout rainbows.

slide 5- Motivation: We called Mishutka and invited him to come to us to study together rainbow

slide 6- From the teacher’s story, we learned that rainbow draws a ray of sunshine as it passes through raindrops.

Slide 7 - The teacher helped us conduct an experiment from which we learned that if we put a prism in front of a sunbeam, it will turn from white to striped, and the stripes will be exactly the same light as rainbows.

CONCLUSION: Rainbow draws a ray of sunshine when it passes through raindrops, turning into multi-colored.

slide 8- Mishutka and I began to watch rainbow: *searched rainbow in clear sunny weather

slide 9-*tried to see rainbow in cloudy rainy weather

slide 10- *we saw a rainbow only after a rainstorm, when the air was saturated with many water drops and sunlight.

slide 11- We stood with our backs to the sun and our faces to the receding rain.

CONCLUSION: You can see the rainbow, only after a downpour, standing between the sun and

facing the receding rain.

slide 12- From the teacher’s story we learned that brightness rainbows depends on the size of the raindrops through which the sun's ray passes. The rainbow is bright when all seven colors are visible, and sometimes it is pale and not all colors are visible.

CONCLUSION: The larger the drops, the brighter rainbow.

slide 13- Rainbow has always attracted people with its beauty and mystery. At home with our parents we read poems about her, made riddles about rainbow.

slide 14- Rainbow- a very beautiful natural phenomenon. She looks like colorful rocker. Mishutka really likes it rainbow, and he took a photograph of her.

slide 15-Mishutka suggested that we draw rainbow. But first I reminded her of her magical seven flowers: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

slide 16-Then Mishutka helped us remember their sequence very easily

interesting saying: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits"

slide 17-We took paints, brushes and started painting rainbow.

slide 18-We learned a lot about rainbow from books, looked at pictures, photographs and decided to make a layout colorful wonderwoman.

slide 19- Conclusion:Rainbow- a very beautiful and mysterious seven-color natural phenomenon.

Colors and brightness rainbows depend on the size of raindrops and the location of the sun.

slide 20- These are some wonderful books that helped us learn a lot of interesting things about rainbow.

Publications on the topic:

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In August, our group hosted the “Colorful Summer” project. While working on this project, we consolidated with the children all our knowledge about.

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Summer is over - the favorite time of many children. The brightest, most joyful, memorable time of the year. The boys and I enjoyed the beauty of summer nature.

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The sun came out
From a furry cloud,
Reached out for the rain
Fingers - rays.
But the rain did not chicken out.
He didn’t part with us,
Seven-colored rainbow
Remained above ground.

Muggles know how to invent trouble for themselves! Look here:
« A rainbow is an atmospheric optical and meteorological phenomenon, usually observed in a field of high humidity. It looks like a multi-colored arc or circle made up of the colors of the spectrum (looking from the outside - inside the arc: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). These seven colors are the main names of colors that are usually identified in the rainbow in Russian culture (perhaps following Newton), but it should be borne in mind that in fact the spectrum is continuous, and these colors in the rainbow transform into each other with a smooth change through many intermediate shades.
The center of the circle described by a rainbow lies on a straight line passing through the observer and the Sun, moreover, when observing a rainbow (unlike a halo), the Sun is always behind the observer, and it is impossible to simultaneously see the Sun and the rainbow without the use of optical devices. For an observer on the ground, a rainbow usually looks like an arc, part of a circle, and the higher the observer’s point of view, the more complete the rainbow (from a mountain or an airplane you can see a full circle). When the Sun rises above 43 degrees above the horizon, the rainbow is not visible from the Earth's surface
After all, a rainbow is a real miracle! And they call it an atmospheric optical and meteorological phenomenon!
There are many myths and signs associated with the rainbow.
One legend tells how one day a rainbow fell into pieces before disappearing. Wonderful fragments of the rainbow fell to the ground and charming flowers sprouted. The rainbow crumbled into small fragments - and the irises began to bloom.
In the biblical tradition, a rainbow is a sign of God in the heavens, placed there after the Flood as a promise that the world will never again be destroyed by water. Pagan myths saw it as a spirit (in Burma and among the Zulus - a dangerous demon), or a weapon of the gods, or a bridge for souls. In India, as well as in Finland, it was a bow from which the thunder god threw his lightning arrows. In ancient Scandinavia it was Bifrost, a bridge built by Odin between Midgard, the abode of people, and Asgard, the home of the gods. The souls of the dead passed through it, if they were worthy of it, but if not, they were devoured by a fierce flame - the same thing that we, living here below, see as a red stripe in a rainbow. Long after the victory of Christianity, this idea persisted in the German-Austrian legend that souls, especially the souls of children, walk along the rainbow to heaven, accompanied by their guardian angel.
In Ireland they say that if you find the place where the rainbow hits the ground, you will find a pot of gold.
Even today people judge the weather by the time the rainbow appears and its appearance. “A rainbow in the morning is a warning to shepherds,” no less than a red morning sky, and “a rainbow in the evening - rain has nothing to do with it.” This is often justified because the weather usually moves from west to east, and the morning rainbow shows the approach of rain from the west, and the evening rainbow - that it has already gone to the east. Pieces of rainbows appearing in the clouds, sometimes called “wind dogs” or “weather gulls,” predict the onset of stormy weather with gusty winds.
In China, a rainbow is a heavenly dragon, the union of Heaven and Earth, a sign of the unification of yin and yang.
In Ancient India, a rainbow is the bow of Indra, the thunder god; in addition, in Hinduism and Buddhism, the “rainbow body” is the highest yogic state attainable in the realm of samsara.
In Islam, the rainbow consists of four colors - red, yellow, green and blue, corresponding to the four elements.
In some African myths, a celestial serpent is identified with a rainbow, which serves as a guardian of treasures or envelops the Earth in a ring.
American Indians identify the rainbow with a ladder that can be used to climb to another world. Among the Incas, the rainbow was associated with the sacred Sun, and the Inca rulers wore its image on their coats of arms and emblems.
Among the Chibcha-Muisca Indians, the rainbow was considered a good deity. In the specific mountain conditions of the Cordillera, an amazing natural phenomenon is observed: against the background of a foggy haze, a rainbow sometimes appears, as if framing a many times enlarged reflection of the observer himself. The main sanctuary dedicated to the goddess of the Rainbow, Chibcha, was erected next to the Tekendama mountain waterfall, where the brightest arc always lights up as soon as the rays of the sun hit the water splashes.
In Scandinavian mythology, "Bivrest" ("shaking road", "trembling path") is a rainbow bridge connecting heaven and earth. He is guarded by the guardian of the gods, Heimdall. Before the end of the world and the death of the gods, the bridge collapses.
In Ancient Greece, the goddess of the rainbow was the virgin Iris, the messenger of the gods, the daughter of Thaumantes and the oceanids Electra, the sister of the harpies. She was depicted with wings and a caduceus. Her robe is made up of dew drops that shimmer in the colors of the rainbow.
The Western Slavs have a belief that a witch can steal a rainbow and hide it, which means causing a drought on the earth.
Seeing a rainbow is a good omen, and many people make a wish at the same time. Pointing your finger at it is very bad, otherwise some misfortune or failure will befall you, the least that can happen from this is that it will rain again. Children in the northern regions often “cross out” it by making a cross on the ground from twigs or straws with small stones at the ends. This is expected to make the rainbow disappear, although few children can say why it bothers them. Perhaps this custom is based on vague memories of the ancient concept of it as a bridge of souls.
Rainbow signs:
Tall and steep rainbow to the bucket; flat and low - to bad weather.
If a rainbow soon disappears after rain, it means clear weather, and if it lasts for a long time, it means bad weather.
Rainbow in the morning - for rain.
A double rainbow is a sign of rainy weather.
If a steep rainbow appears in the evening, it will be an equally clear day, but if it is flat, expect rain from the night.
Green rainbow for rain, yellow for good weather, red for heat and wind. When they see a rainbow, they expect a change in the weather.
Swimming on the water when a rainbow appears is dangerous - it can drag you to the sky.

Delta | 03/12/2012