Presentation for the lesson on the fundamentals of Orthodox culture "Merry Christmas!" presentation for a lesson on the topic. The Nativity of Christ (Orthodox) is the only religious holiday that has become a state holiday in Russia. When the Savior was born, he rose in heaven

Presentation "The Nativity of Christ" in musical accompaniment (22.6 Mv, ppt). There is a small quiz and a clip presentation "Christmas Tree".

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Slide-by-slide comments are indicated in the slide notes (26 slides):

Slide 1. CHRISTMAS is a great Christian holiday commemorating the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem, celebrated on December 25. This holiday was first mentioned in the East by Clement of Alexandria (III century); it was celebrated there on January 6th under the name Epijaneia, and in the West it was celebrated on December 25th under the name Natalis. In the Eastern Church, the feast of the Nativity of Christ was finally established only after it was combined with the feast of the Epiphany on January 6 into one 12-day Christmas cycle. But since the Russian Orthodox Church uses the Julian calendar, which is 13 days behind the Gregorian calendar, in Russia the holiday of the Nativity of Christ has moved to January 7.

Slide 2. During the reign of Herod in Judea, who was under the rule of Rome, the Roman emperor Augustus issued an order to conduct a nationwide census in the land of Judea under his control. Every Jew had to register where his ancestors lived. Joseph and the Virgin Mary came from the family of David and therefore went from Nazareth, where they lived, to the city of David, Bethlehem.

Slide 3. Many people gathered in Bethlehem on the occasion of the census; all the houses were filled with visitors. Joseph sought in vain for refuge for himself and for the Blessed Virgin Mary; They didn’t want to let them in anywhere, both because all the houses were occupied by guests, and because their whole appearance showed the greatest poverty. Maria was expecting the birth of a child. Night has come; they found no shelter. At the very end of the city there was a cave in which shepherds lived; they drove their herds there. In this cave-den, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born. Mary wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger because there was no other place.

Slide 4. That night all of Bethlehem was plunged into deep sleep; Only some shepherds, guarding their flocks in the dust, did not sleep. They were kind people. Their souls were meek and calm, like lambs protected by them; they were simple, like the villagers, innocent and pious, like the young man David, who once tended his sheep here. At night, these shepherds saw an Angel in front of them in all the splendor of heavenly radiance. They were afraid, but the angel said to them: “I bring you good news of great joy for all Israel. That night, Christ the Savior was born in the city of David. You will recognize Him by finding the Child wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger.” After this, the shepherds saw with the Angel of the Gospel a countless number of Angels glorifying God with sacred singing: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and good will toward men.” The angels disappeared into the sky and the darkness of the night settled again in a place of silence.

Slide 5. “Let's go to Bethlehem,” the shepherds joyfully said to each other. - Let's go to. We will see for ourselves what the Lord has announced to us!” They entered a cave familiar to them; there they found Joseph and Mary and, in the weak light of a lamp, they saw the Divine Child lying in a manger. They approached Him and looked at Him with quiet, silent reverence. Mary and Joseph, who believed that no one except them knew about the birth of the Child, were surprised to see that it was announced to the shepherds who came to them. The shepherds told them about the phenomenon that had happened to them. Having bowed to the Child, the shepherds returned to their flock, glorifying and praising God for everything they heard and saw. And Mary kept in her heart everything that was said about the Child.

Slide 6. At this time, King Herod ruled in Judea. And in those very days, the wise men came to Herod in Jerusalem from the east and said: “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and came to worship Him. Hearing this, King Herod became alarmed, and with him all of Jerusalem. Having gathered all the high priests and scribes of Jerusalem, the king asked them: “Where should Christ be born?” The fact was that Herod knew: for a long time the Jews had been awaiting the coming into the world of their king - the Messiah or Christ. And the chief priests and the scribes said to him: “In Bethlehem of Judea, as the prophet declared.” Then Herod secretly called the wise men and sent them to Bethlehem, saying: “Go, carefully investigate the Child, and when you find Him, notify me, so that I too can go and worship Him.” In fact, Herod planned to kill the Child. The Magi, having listened to the king, set off on their journey. And the star they saw in the east walked before them, showing them the way. Finally she came and stood over the place where the Child was. The Magi rejoiced with great joy and, going inside, saw the Child with Mary, His Mother, and Joseph. Falling to the ground, they bowed to Him, and then presented gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. At night, the Magi received a revelation not to return to Herod in Jerusalem, and the next day they set off on a different route to their own country.

Slide 11. Christmas is a family holiday. People attach special significance to it, as they do to any beginning of everything - especially the beginning of the year. Christians ask the Divine Child for blessings for the year and all kinds of benefits for their family and friends. They prepare a gift for each other for the holiday. After returning from church, gifts are presented and the festive table is set. On Christmas, godparents visit their godchildren.

Slide 12. On the Night Before Christmas, Christmas carols are sung. Previously, children, smartly dressed, with burning candles in their hands, went from house to house and wished their owners a Merry Christmas, wishing them a fruitful year and all the best. They sang Christmas songs, and the owners invited them into the house and treated them to sweets. This custom is called "Kolyada". New beautiful Christmas songs are now being composed, which sound wonderful when sung by children.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Nativity of Christ Teacher of history and social studies MBOU Kamenskaya Secondary School Kalaichidi Tatyana Savelyevna

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Christmas is considered one of the main holidays of Christians, second after Easter. On this day, believers celebrate the most important event - the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ, who came to earth to give salvation to our souls. During the holiday, Orthodox churches are decorated with fir branches. In the evening, and in many churches at night, the Christmas all-night vigil is celebrated. On the day of the holiday, the Divine Liturgy is solemnly served, after which the clergy and the people sing the troparion and kontakion of the holiday.

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In Rus', Christmas began to be celebrated after the introduction of Christianity in the 10th century. It occurred at a time when the ancient Slavs celebrated their multi-day winter holiday - Kolyada. Many Christmas rituals and customs have been preserved in the Christmas celebration.

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Before the birth of the Messiah, the Roman Emperor Augustus, in whose power the then conquered Judea was, gave the order to carry out a nationwide census on the territory of his vast empire, according to which all subjects were to be registered each in their ancestral city. The Virgin Mary and Joseph lived in Nazareth, a city of Galilee, but since both of them came from the family and house of David, whose city was Bethlehem, located in the land of Judah, they went to their homeland. This journey was not easy, since the Blessed Virgin carried the Son of God in Her womb

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The flightless baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, was laid in a manger, that is, in a cattle feeder, covered with fragrant hay, but the Divine glory of the Infant God was not hidden either in the darkness of the night, or in the den and manger, in these first images of His humility and humiliation. The birth of the Savior was announced to both the simple and the wise, the shepherds of Bethlehem and the eastern sages. In the field, near the den in which the Savior was born, the Bethlehem shepherds grazed their flocks. An angel appeared to them and told them: “Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-) The flightless baby, wrapped in swaddling clothes, was laid in a manger, that is, in a cattle feeder, covered with fragrant hay, but the Divine glory The Infant God was not hidden either in the darkness of the night, or in the den and manger, in these first images of His humility and humiliation. The birth of the Savior was announced to both the simple and the wise, the shepherds of Bethlehem and the eastern sages. In the field, near the den in which the Savior was born, the Bethlehem shepherds grazed their flocks. An angel appeared to them and told them: “Do not be afraid; I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people: for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord; and here is a sign for you: you will find a Child wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger” (Luke 2:10-)

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Delighted by this news, the shepherds hurried to the cherished nativity scene, where they found the Infant Lord lying in a manger and, bending over Him, the Ever-Virgin Mary and the righteous Joseph. Having given the Savior due worship, they announced to Mary and Joseph everything that they had seen and heard. “Nativity of Christ”, icon by Andrei Rublev

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Having made a multi-day and unsafe journey, these sages presented their gifts to the Divine Infant - gold, incense and myrrh. Leonardo da Vinci. "Adoration of the Magi." Leonardo da Vinci. "Adoration of the Magi." Leonardo da Vinci. "Adoration of the Magi." Leonardo da Vinci "Adoration of the Magi"

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Christmas in Russia The day before Christmas is called Christmas Eve or Sochevnik. Christmas Eve comes from the word “sochivo”, which literally means “vegetable oil”. Porridge with vegetable oil and vegetables was also called Sochivom. On the eve of Christmas, people were supposed to only sleep and not eat any food all day until dusk, that is, until the Star of Bethlehem appeared. After all, it was under this star that Jesus Christ was born.

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It was customary to mark Christmas Eve with good deeds: helping the suffering and poor, giving alms. In the morning, on Christmas Eve, the ceilings and walls of the huts were washed, the floors were scraped, and they were rubbed with juniper. Then they steamed in a hot bath. The table and benches were covered with straw or hay, which symbolized familiarization with the place and time of the Savior’s birth. You weren't supposed to work on Christmas Eve. On Christmas Eve, a kutya and a candle were placed on a table covered with straw and a tablecloth on top of it. When the first star appeared in the sky on Christmas Eve, the traditional meal could begin. Before it began, a lamp was lit near the icons in the hut, lighted candles were placed near the icons, and the household, led by the owner of the house, read prayers

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At Christmas, the table was decorated in a special way: a bunch of hay or straw was placed under the tablecloth as a reminder of the manger in which Christ lay. An iron object was placed under the table, and everyone sitting at the table took turns placing their feet on this object. There is a sign that this way you can maintain your health throughout the year - after all, iron is considered a symbol of strength. Christmas is a holiday when the whole family gathers together at a common table. The table was prepared in abundance: pancakes, fish dishes, aspic, jelly from pork and beef legs, suckling pig stuffed with porridge, pork head with horseradish, homemade pork sausage, roast, honey gingerbread, sbiten and, of course, roast goose.

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At the festive table everyone congratulated each other, and then began to give gifts. This tradition, which annually reminds people of the gifts that were brought by the Magi to Mary, on the day when she gave birth to an uneasy man, and the son of the Lord - Jesus Christ

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Christmas night is a common holiday accompanied by festivities. The tradition of going from house to house with songs and choruses has been preserved. But the content of the songs became Christian. A new word appears - “Christoslavs” - those who glorify Christ. Children walk around with a star made with their own hands from scrap material. This star is also reminiscent of the Star of Bethlehem. In addition to the glorification of Christ, the rite of sowing or sprinkling is described. The narratives about this rite are almost completely identical to the description of the rite of glorifying Christ, the difference is observed only in the verbal part of the rite (during the glorification of Christ, children sing “The Nativity of Christ”, and when sowing they pronounce the well-wishing formulas of the carolers).

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During Christmas time (from Christmas to Epiphany, from January 7 to January 19), everyone, both children and adults, had Christmas holidays.

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Spruce - a symbol of Christmas According to an ancient legend, spruce became a symbol of Christmas at the request of the heavenly powers. When the Savior was born in Bethlehem, in a wretched cave, a new bright star lit up in the dark sky to the singing of angels. Heeding the divine sign, not only people, but also animals and plants hurried to the cave. Everyone tried to show the newborn their sincere joy and bring some gift. Plants and trees gave the Baby their fragrances, flowers, fruits and leaves.

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The history of the holiday

In the Christian Church, from the end of the 2nd century until the 4th century, the events of Christmas were remembered on the day of Epiphany - January 6. Around the year 200, Clement of Alexandria mentioned this practice. The first reports of the appearance of a separate holiday of Christmas and its celebration on December 25 date back to the middle of the 4th century . According to one version, this was due to the desire of the Christian church to supplant the cult of the Invincible Sun, widespread in the Roman Empire, whose birth was celebrated on December 25 - then the winter solstice fell on this day.

Dates of celebration in various churches

The Roman Catholic Church and most Protestant churches celebrate December 25 according to the modern Gregorian calendar.

The Russian, Jerusalem, Serbian, Georgian Orthodox churches and Mount Athos, as well as the Eastern Catholic churches, celebrate December 25 according to the Julian calendar (the so-called "old style"), which corresponds to January 7 of the modern Gregorian calendar.

Constantinople (except Athos), Antioch, Alexandria, Cyprus, Bulgarian, Romanian, Hellenic and some other Orthodox churches celebrate December 25 according to the New Julian calendar, which until March 1, 2800 will coincide with the Gregorian calendar, that is, simultaneously with other Christian denominations celebrating Christmas according to the “new style”.

Ancient Eastern churches celebrate Christmas on January 6 on the same day as the Epiphany under the common name of Epiphany.

States in which Christmas is a day off

One day off

  • Armenia - January 6 rya
  • Brazil - 25 Dec rya
  • Georgia - January 7 rya
  • Jordan - 25 Dec rya
  • Kazakhstan - January 7 rya
  • Kyrgyzstan - January 7 rya
  • Macedonia - January 7 rya
  • Mexico - 25 Dec rya
  • Portugal - 25 Dec rya
  • Russia - Jan. 7 (beginning with 1991 )
  • The Republic of Korea - 25 Dec rya
  • Serbia - January 7 rya
  • USA - 25 Dec rya
  • France - 25 Dec rya
  • Ukraine - Jan. 7

Russian Christmas Eve

Christmas has been celebrated in Rus' since the 10th century. The evening from January 6 to 7 was called Christmas Eve. It was preceded by a strict fast that began on November 28. During these days, it was forbidden to eat anything fatty or meat until the first star appeared on January 6 - a symbol of the birth of Christ.

The first dish on the table was kutia, a sweet porridge made from rice cereal. The Christmas table was distinguished by its abundance. They invited as many guests as possible to the house, sang carols, and provided those who came with sweets, pastries, and sausages.

They always put “sochivo” on the table - a dish similar to kutya, but made from wheat grains. An indispensable attribute in the home was a sheaf of hay as a memory of the manger in which Christ was born. Homemade wine, beer, and brew were served as drinks.

Pagan traditions are clearly visible in the celebration of Christmas in Rus'. It was customary to light bonfires in honor of the victory of good over evil spirits. After January 7, the week of Christmastide began.

This period was considered the best for fortune telling, and all dreams that could be seen at this time were perceived as prophetic. And the carols and sowings themselves, which we still love so much, are nothing more than a tribute to the pagan god Kolyada, who personified the sun, which has turned to spring.

This is how you and I are still at the mercy of different ideas about the world, but they coexist perfectly in our life and in our soul.

German entertainment

In Germany, as throughout Catholic Europe, Christmas is celebrated on the night of December 24-25, but preparations take place a month before the holiday. This period is called “Advent”. A solemn service is held in churches, communion and repentance are performed.

The Germans love to decorate their premises with fabulous “nativity scenes” - small scenes based on Christmas themes. Here is the cave in which Christ was born, and the Christmas star, and even the Magi. Candles entwined with ribbons and biblical figures are hung on the doors.

A mandatory attribute is the branches of the mistletoe coniferous tree, from which round wreaths are woven and placed on the walls.

Toys in the shape of cucumbers and carrots are hung on the Christmas tree. Children must find cucumbers hidden in the needles, for which they receive additional gifts. Carrots are usually given to newlyweds as a symbol of well-being in the family.

And how can we do without Santa Claus, who brings gifts to children? Unlike the Russian Father Frost, he comes at Christmas, not New Year. On the eve of the holiday, it is customary to visit fairs where edible chestnuts, mulled wine, chocolate, and honey gingerbread are sold in abundance. Children are bought beautiful clothes and new clothes.

Each region of Germany has its own customs that differ from the generally accepted ones. And now we’ll find out how Christmas is celebrated in another European country, interesting for its traditions - France.

French log

In many ways, Christmas traditions in France coincide with those in other Catholic countries:

  • the spruce is decorated with toys and balls;
  • Christmas “dens” are installed in the home;
  • Christmas-themed mini-performances are staged in churches.

Here are some interesting facts that are specific to French celebration customs.

Interesting facts about Christmas in France

  • Instead of Santa Claus, Pere Noel comes to the children. This character was “brought” to France by American soldiers during World War II.
  • Another tradition appeared in France a long time ago, when logs were lit in fireplaces for heating in homes. At Christmas, they took the best log, carried it around the table with sentences, and then put it in the fireplace. Today, the real log has been replaced by a tasty roll of similar shape.
  • In general, much attention is paid to the table in France. There are sweets, champagne, turkey and other delicious dishes.

Father Christmas from England

Christmas traditions in England may differ slightly from those in Europe, since the country is located on an island and contrasts itself with the rest of the continent. Instead of Santa Claus and Peer Noel, Father Christmas brings gifts to the children.

At night he puts souvenirs in children's socks, and the next morning the kids and their parents run into the living room to see what the fairy-tale hero brought them. To appease Father Christmas, the children prepare for him a piece of meat pie, a glass of milk and a carrot.

Celebrate Christmas with family. Guests gather for lunch and celebrate around lunchtime. At the same time, the Queen's speech is broadcast on television. Traditionally, appetizers are served, followed by turkey cooked in currant sauce. For dessert - Christmas cake.

The main Christmas tree of Great Britain is installed in the main square of England - Trafalgar Square. Public celebrations also take place here. The day after Christmas is dedicated to St. Stephen. At this time, it is customary to give money and donations to the poor.

American generosity

In America (USA), Christmas is marked by massive lights and decorations on the streets. The homes of ordinary Americans are not far behind the shops, firms and various organizations. It has become a good tradition to hang an elegant wreath on the outside of the door of the house.

Americans give each other a huge number of gifts. It is for this reason that on the eve of Christmas, stores offer huge discounts, thanks to which high-quality products can be purchased at a price 2-3 times less than the usual price.

At home, Christmas is celebrated with close friends and relatives. Appetizers, salads, roast goose or turkey, pie or pudding are served on the table.

But no matter what Christmas is like in different countries, it is united by a common tradition for all northern peoples - to celebrate the turning of the sun into spring and the victory of good over evil, as it originated in pagan times and only changed form with the advent of Christianity.

Celebration of Christmas by non-Christians

Among non-Christians, many cultures associate Christmas primarily with the tree, gift-giving, and making wishes. The custom of giving gifts at Christmas is strongly encouraged by sellers, which has led to the commercialization of Christmas. In the period leading up to Christmas, specialty store revenues can account for half or more of the rest of the year.

In most countries of the world, Christmas is a public holiday, or this day is declared a day off. This has been criticized by some members of other faiths and atheists as a violation of the right to freedom of conscience and the separation of religion and state. It should be noted that in countries where Christmas is not a national holiday, holidays of other religions are usually established as public holidays ( Morocco) or residents are deprived of the right to freedom of religion and state atheism is established on the communist model ( China).

IN USA public figure and atheist by conviction Richard Stallman suggested celebrating his birthday on December 25 Isaac Newton as a symbol of the triumph of human science.

In the Soviet Union and Russian Federation

Main article: Christmas in Russia

In the Soviet Union until 1929 Christmas was a public holiday and a day off and was celebrated according to the Gregorian calendar, but after weekends on religious holidays were abolished, most Christmas customs (tree, gifts) switched to celebrating New Year .

Once again, Christmas Day became a day off in 1991: in December 1990, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR issued a decree declaring the Orthodox holiday of Christmas a non-working day . Already January 7, 1991 was a non-working day. However, in some republics of the RSFSR, for example, Tatar ASSR, this is a resolution was ignored, and the day was recognized as working .

Through federal channels Russian television on Christmas night a solemn service is broadcast (after the restoration of the temple - from Cathedral of Christ the Savior).

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Feast of the Nativity of Christ

Christmas in Russia is celebrated on January 7th. People celebrate the birth of the baby Jesus Christ.

History of the holiday The Roman emperor announced a population census. Everyone had to appear in the city where he was born, so the Blessed Virgin Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem. They could not find accommodation for the night anywhere (all hotels were occupied).

At the end of the city they saw a cave and stopped there. In this cave, the son of God Jesus Christ was born, Mary wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger.

At night, the shepherds saw an Angel in front of them, he said: “I proclaim to you great joy, Jesus the Savior was born in this city, you will recognize Him by finding the Baby lying in the manger.”

The shepherds entered the cave and bowed to the Baby, glorifying and praising God for everything they heard and saw. And Mary kept in her heart everything that was said about the Child.

Christmas is a family holiday; Christians ask the Christ Child for blessings for their family and friends. They prepare gifts for each other for the holiday.

On the night before Christmas, people, singing songs, dress up and go from house to house, congratulating their owners on Christmas and wishing them a fruitful year and all the best.

Christmas Christmas Christmas! The soul is light. On the feast of the saint, the sun has risen. The skies are so clear - white day in the night. Then the star sends rays to the baby in the manger! The Word became flesh for our troubles. Christmas - Light of Eternal Life!

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