TMS Group: the project was successful. Recommendations for improving the organizational structure of the marketing department of TMS - Drilling Service LLC Pricing and cost management

The management company has been led since its inception by RENAT NUGAIBEKOV, one of the most prominent young managers at Tatneft. “NiZh” correspondent IREK BADRETDINOV talks with him about today’s concerns and prospects of the many-thousand-strong team.

"NiZh": Renat Ardinatovich, how was your management company created and the scope of its activities expanded? If the creation of TMS Group is assessed as a management project, in your opinion, was it successful?

R.N.: Five years of work of our management company make it possible, I think, to answer this question positively. The decision of the management of OAO Tatneft to unite the mechanical service into a single structure was timely and correct. Management Company Tatneft-MechService was created in the process of restructuring the mechanical complex of the Tatneft company. On the basis of ACBPO RNO and the disbanded rolling and repair shops of operational equipment (PRTSEO) of oil and gas production departments, service enterprises LLC MekhServis-Zapad and MekhServis-Vostok were created, which were later merged into our subsidiary LLC MekhServis-NPO.

After 2.5 years, in July 2007, maintenance of in-field pumping facilities was transferred to the Management Company. In May 2008, the rolling and repair shops of deep-well pumping equipment were removed from NGDU and transferred to us, on the basis of which the structure “NKT-Service” was created. Along the way, the need arose to create a division responsible for accounting for oilfield equipment - as a result, the NPO LLC NKT-Logistics appeared. Since May 2009, our management company began to engage in servicing of drilling equipment: in connection with the restructuring of OJSC Tatneft-CBPO RBO and ST, we have another “subsidiary” - LLC TMS - Drilling Service. A year later, the maintenance of drilling equipment became our business - we were also given the service of drilling equipment from the Tatburneft Management Company. Since August last year, we began to provide pipe repair services. As part of our management company, a new company “TMS-PipelineService” was formed, the basis for the creation of which was the management company “PipelineService” and LLC “ZNOK PPD”. It is planned to increase the composition of the TMS Group through a fiberglass pipe plant and the creation of a new enterprise in the Perm-Izhevsk zone TMS-Tekhnovek.

If Tatneft-MekhService employed 580 people in 2005, currently the total number of employees exceeds 4,000 people

As you can see, all these years there has been a process of expansion of the company and its field of activity. The number of employees has increased accordingly. If Tatneft-MekhService employed 580 people in 2005, currently the total number of employees exceeds 4,000 people.

"NiZh": But the larger the farm, the more difficult it is to manage it. Does practicing the project approach help you?

R.N.: I will not argue, but I will note that I am not the only one managing, a single team works, relying on the latest achievements of management science. We achieve management efficiency largely thanks to the practice of the project approach, the basics of which we had to master in the process of work. Imagine that we are simultaneously implementing more than 250 projects in different areas of activity. Naturally, I simply physically do not have the opportunity to directly participate in the implementation of even half of this amount. But this is not necessary: ​​I delegate my authority to project managers.

In the West, and recently in Russia, the term “project-oriented company” is common. Abroad, these are companies that use project approaches as an organizational development strategy. We have taken real steps in this direction, and we envision our future as a project-oriented company.

"NiZh": Until recently, few people had any idea about project management. It seems that it was not easy to teach people such an innovation...

R.N.: Personnel training in the company began with a seminar for senior management on “Corporate Project Management System”. The best specialists were invited to train our engineering and technical employees in the intricacies of working using the project approach. Thus, we received a high-quality link between project customers, i.e. us, and performers in managed organizations. A special feature of the process was that, in addition to training, employees underwent an audit and received an assessment of their knowledge of project management. Therefore, motivation was very high, employees were actively involved in work both during business games and during theoretical classes.

To improve the quality of work and reduce implementation risks, training was organized for both dedicated project specialists and employees involved in project implementation

In 2009, our company launched a “project of projects” - “Creation of a project management system.” During its implementation, project management methods are introduced into the practice of current work (repairs, maintenance, orders) and into the practice of implementing the company's strategy. Priority tasks for today have been identified and a portfolio of projects that must be implemented to achieve the goals has been formed. That is why the number of employees involved in the transformation turned out to be quite high. To improve the quality of work and reduce implementation risks, training was organized for both dedicated project specialists and employees involved in project implementation.

"NiZh": Renat Ardinatovich, you said that your company is responsible for maintaining drilling equipment. How is work going in this new direction for you, what problems are being identified?

R.N.: The phased restructuring of the drilling complex with the participation of TMS Group Management Company continues. In June last year, in connection with the liquidation of Tatburservice LLC, 140 industrial and production personnel were transferred to our managed companies. The main work in providing services to drillers is carried out by three companies of our company: “Tatneft-RNO-MekhServis”, “TMS - Drilling Service” and “NKT-Service”. The entire scope of work stated since the transfer of service has been completed. No complaints were received regarding the quality of repairs; however, there were complaints regarding the timing of completion of requests, and cases of downtime of drilling crews were recorded. The reason for this was the condition of the equipment being repaired: it required a greater depth of repair than expected. Consequently, it took more time for repairs. Currently, the situation has been stabilized: due to the creation of a working capital of repaired equipment, downtime has been eliminated.

The transition period of restructuring of the drilling complex highlighted weaknesses both on the part of the customer - in the organization of requests, and on the side of the contractor - in their execution. But the system of relationships we are creating, based on mutual understanding and supported by such factors as the creation of a revolving fund and the unification of equipment, allows us to look into the future with optimism. We hope that, subject to a clear definition of rights and obligations within the framework of concluded agreements, we will begin 2011 with a qualitatively new level of service.

"NiZh": Let's return to the scientific management methods used in TMS Group. You were one of the first to adopt the Lean Manufacturing philosophy. What does it give?

R.N.: How to ensure that improved workplace conditions lead to significant increases in productivity is not a new question. To achieve this goal, we decided to organize workplaces in accordance with the Lean Manufacturing system. This is a business philosophy that allows us to produce products or provide services at the lowest cost while fully satisfying customer requirements.

To involve company employees in the Lean Manufacturing system, we organized an introductory course for project managers. To date, 276 people have completed the training.

The development of Lean Manufacturing at TMS Group began in 2008. The first step was to train the company's leading engineers and managers and open new pilot projects on its main tools - this 5C system, mapping the production of the gearbox shaft at TN-RNO-MekhServis and implementation equipment maintenance systems TPM (Total Productive Maintnance). In a relatively short time, the projects produced positive results and showed the staff’s desire to make improvements at their workplaces.

To involve company employees in the Lean Manufacturing system, we organized an introductory course for project managers. The training participants acquired theoretical knowledge with the practical implementation of tools in business games and received the basis for applying knowledge in their projects. To date, 276 people have completed training.

The second step was the organization of a structure for project implementation. In each department, a person responsible for the 5C system is appointed, with those responsible in the shops subordinating to him. They are also responsible for implementing the proposal system " kaizen", and the project office from the management company provides consultations and training for workers.

The third step in deploying the Lean Manufacturing system is the launch of 16 projects, among which we can highlight those that are strategically important for the development of the company: “5C System in NKT-Service” covering 9 workshops, 58 workplaces, “5C System in the “MekhService-NPO” workshops covering 88 pieces of equipment, “Mapping the repair of tubing pipes in 3 workshops”, “System for rapid conversion of 2-inch pipes to 2.5-inch ones in the Elkhovsky workshop “NKT-Service” and others.

"NiZh": The restructuring of the service department of OAO TATNEFT also involves entering the external services market. How broad are TMS Group’s connections with external customers?

R.N.: Our main client is, of course, Tatneft. But the company is actively moving into the foreign market, the volume of services provided is constantly growing. Our partner companies and customers of our services include RITEK OJSC, Bytex OJSC, Udmurtneft OJSC (Rosneft OJSC), TNK-BP Oil Company, Ulyanovskneft OJSC (Russ-Neft OJSC) , ZAO Novomet, OAO LUKOIL - about a hundred companies in total. In this direction, TMS Group sets itself an ambitious goal - to become one of the most visible and well-known players in the oilfield services market.

I would like to note that last year our company won the competition of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan and its head was awarded the diploma “Best Quality Manager of the Republic of Tatarstan”.

Irek Badretdinov

Innovations in restoring and extending the service life of drilling tools


Executive Director

LLC "TMS - Drilling Service"

According to expert forecasts, there is an increase in the share of oil and gas fields that are difficult to develop. This forces domestic steel pipe manufacturers to meet stricter requirements.


L. NAZIPOV, TMS-Drilling service Co., Ltd.

As per predictions of experts, there is share growth of complicated oil-and-gas fields from development point of view. This makes Russian producers of steel pipes to meet more strict requirements.

Keywords: TMS - Drilling service Co. Ltd., innovations, restoration of drilling instruments, restoration technology of locking parts, efficient service

An increase in the aggressiveness of produced hydrocarbons, as well as an increase in the depth of wells, tightens the requirements for the quality of pipes, mechanical strength and corrosion resistance of the metal used for their manufacture. Drillers have a need for drill pipes with additional technical properties, for example: the presence of an internal coating, surfacing of a hard alloy on the surface of the lock, the use of locks with an additional internal stop, etc., which will ensure the possibility of long-term operation of the tool “before decommissioning.”

The most effective, from the point of view of increasing the performance of drilling tools, in particular drill pipes, can be the development of the production of high-tech and innovative types of products with the properties specified above, as well as the construction of highly efficient drill pipe service systems.

Proportion of detected deviations in elements of pipes rejected during repair

From statistical data it turns out that about 60% of pipes rejected during repair are subject to decommissioning due to wear of the outer diameter of the lock, while the body of the pipe complies with acceptable standards. Thus, one

One of the directions for the overhaul of drill pipes was the restoration of the geometric dimensions of the locks along the outer diameter. While the body of the drill pipe is still viable and has a sufficient margin of safety in terms of mechanical characteristics, wear and loss of geometric dimensions of the locking parts (nipple, coupling) exclude the possibility of their further operation.

OAO Tatneft chose the most effective and promising method for restoring joint parts - the method of surfacing the outer diameter and lengthening the joint parts of pipes under a layer of flux.

After the reorganization of the service assets of OAO TATNEFT, the main and only operator of the service in the field of overhaul of drill pipes using this unique technology is the management company LLC TMS Group represented by its subsidiary LLC TMS - Drilling Service.

The selection and implementation of technology was carried out in several stages. At the first, as already noted, the essence of the method was determined, ensuring maximum service life; at subsequent stages - development, testing and implementation of technology.

The manufacturability of the method was realized by introducing an automated complex for surfacing joints of drill pipes AKNZBT-2-1200, designed according to technical specifications by the Welding Institute of Russia (St. Petersburg).

From 2003 to 2006 the process of implementation was carried out with the simultaneous development of surfacing and elongation technology, initially at one experimental complex. Together with the Welding Institute of Russia, specialists from TMS - Burovoy Service LLC eliminated problems and made improvements to the technology and design of the complex:

The pipe rotation speeds and feed speeds were experimentally selected

Complex "AKNZBT-2-1200"

welding wire, burner installation angles, currents and voltages for welding wire diameter;

The surfacing process in the complex was significantly changed due to the use of burner vibrations, which gave a smooth deposited surface;

The design includes an installation for mechanized loading and supply of flux;

To eliminate cases of the appearance of hardening structures (changes in the metal structure) of the locking parts of the pipe, the resistance of thermal cases was increased and injector-coolers were used for the summer period;

Deflections of the pipe body during surfacing are eliminated.

After implementing the surfacing process on the AKNZBT-2-1200 complex, the testing laboratory at the Russian Welding Institute conducted metallography studies of the deposited layer of metal and the body of the locking parts of the pipe itself:

A sample was cut from the deposited fragment to study the amount of penetration and the nature of the deposit itself;

The hardness values ​​of the deposited metal and all subsequent sections of the drill pipe were studied using the MACROMET-2 installation on the Rockwell scale; It has been established that the hardness of the deposited metal and threads is equal in strength to the base metal of the pipe and amounts to 32 - 35 HRC; There is no increase in the hardness value in the heat-affected zone, and the formation of quench cracks is completely eliminated;

The microstructure of the metal zones under study has the same phase composition in its content - a fine pearlite-ferrite structure.

The research results showed that the developed surfacing technology is optimal for high-carbon steels from which pipe joints are made.

To determine the quality and wear resistance of the deposited layer, tests were carried out on drill pipe couplings and nipples. According to the test program and methodology developed by the institute, two samples were tested:

Reference (does not have a deposited layer, the diameter size is nominal);

Remanufactured by arc surfacing (machined to nominal size).

A lathe was used as equipment to ensure rotation of the samples, and a grinding block (20-16-150 25A 12nSM18K5B) was used as a counterbody. The rotation speed was 125 rpm. Based on the test results, the service life of the restored sample was determined in comparison with the reference one and the conclusion was made: the service life of the restored sample corresponds to the reference one. This result was a positive assessment of the entire technology in increasing the service life of drill pipes after rehabilitation.

After the refinement of many elements based on the experience of the first experimental installation and troubleshooting, the second and third installations were completed and installed.

Today, in the city of Leninogorsk, Republic of Tatarstan, on the basis of the enterprise TMS - Burovoy Service LLC, a subsidiary of Management Company LLC TMS Group, three types of repairs of drilling tools are carried out:

Overhaul of drill pipes with restoration of the geometric parameters of the locking parts (re-threading);

Overhaul of drill pipes with restoration of the geometric parameters of the locking parts using surfacing method;

Overhaul of drill pipes with restoration of the geometric parameters of the locking parts using surfacing method with extension of the lock.

The drill pipe repair line at TMS - Drilling Service LLC allows you to repair various sizes and types of drill pipes:

Small diameter drill pipes (73;89 mm.),

Drill pipes with welded joints (114; 127mm.),

UBT, VBT pipes.

The full cycle of overhaul of drill pipes includes:

1. incoming control;

2. pipe straightening;

3. internal and external cleaning of pipes;

4. flaw detection of pipes;

5. preliminary turning;

6. surfacing of cylindrical surfaces of locking parts;

7. final turning of deposited surfaces with restoration of the geometric parameters of the locking parts;

8. repair of lock threads of nipple and coupling;

9. hydrostatic testing of pipes;

10. pipe marking;

11. phosphating of the locking threads of the nipple and coupling (at the customer’s request);

12. painting the pipe body (at the customer’s request);

13. conservation and protection of threads of locking parts, preparation of a repair certificate;

14. packaging and storage of pipes.

The diagnostic equipment complex includes:

Determinant of belonging of the controlled pipes to the strength group - “SORTOSKOP-2M”;

Ultrasonic flaw detection installation "ALMAZ", which allows you to monitor violations of the continuity of the metal (ultrasonic flaw detector), deviations of the pipe wall thickness from the nominal dimensions (ultrasonic thickness gauge), identify defects of various orientations on the outer and inner surfaces, as well as in the thickness of the pipe metal, and carry out automated inspection wall thickness and sorting of pipes according to wear classes, forming the coordinates of defects and marking defective sections on the pipe, processing and recording information, creating a database on the above control operations (fatigue of the pipe metal is not diagnosed).

To diagnose deviations in the threads of nipples and pipe couplings, a device for the ultrasonic flaw detector “GNOM 70-185M” is used. To eliminate errors and external influences on the operation of flaw detection installations and computer diagnostic complexes to set up the correct operation of the equipment of the complexes, standard certified samples are used for all standard sizes of pipes being repaired. The equipment operates in stationary conditions in autonomous mode and as part of an automated

control systems during movement along the roller conveyors of a transport line. Depending on the customer’s needs, certain required operations can be carried out selectively. The production capacity of TMS - Burovoy Service LLC consists of three surfacing lines with a repair capacity of about 14,000 pipes per year.

The guaranteed operating time of the pipe after restoration is at least 7000 m of penetration. Over the past 4 years, a certain amount of experience has already been accumulated, in particular, some repaired sets in the Aznakaevsky and Almetyevsky UBR have already drilled more than 20,000 m. This is a positive trend that characterizes the quality of repairs. As part of R&D to regulate production processes, we initiated a joint project with JSC "

TMS-Drilling Service LLC is a modern organization that owns advanced technologies in the field of manufacturing and repair of oilfield and drilling equipment.

The geography of our customers is extensive. Among them are companies from the southeast of Tatarstan and other regions of the Russian Federation (Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Orenburg and Samara regions): Northern Alliance LLC, Gazprom LLC, Uralneftegazkomplekt-Service LLC, Surgutneftemash LLC, ZAO NF SSK ( Nefteyugansk), drilling company "Eurasia" (Volgograd), OJSC "Tatneft" and others.

The organization is equipped with modern production facilities, equipped with high-precision technological equipment, test benches, technological equipment, tools and a staff of highly qualified specialists - in a word, everything necessary to solve production problems and ensure the quality of products.

Currently, TMS-Burovoy Service LLC is the only center in Russia that uses a unique technology for surfacing and extending drill pipe joints. There are 2 lines for diagnosing and repairing drill pipes, equipped with an automated complex for surfacing BT locks “AKNZBT-2-1200”. With its help, the task of equipping the Customer's enterprises with working capital is successfully solved, which ensures the uninterrupted work of drilling and repair teams.

The production management system of our company is based on software with the implementation of process and design activities.

The company is implementing 33 projects, more than 160 processes. Successfully applied:

  • 5C system, forming a new production culture;
  • Lean manufacturing system, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the enterprise without significant capital investments by carefully and consistently eliminating losses;
  • an effective equipment maintenance system (TEM), which ensures the highest efficiency of equipment throughout its entire life cycle with the participation of all personnel;
  • Kaizen improvement system.

TMS-BurovoyServis LLC is constantly improving its marketing and management system as part of attracting new customers for its products. Our doors are always welcomingly open to new business partners and mutually beneficial contracts with them.