Head of the 1st Service of USB FSB. Purpose in the FSB: "USB becomes" tolerable "by the organization. "Soon Fix will place the wings"

Structural division of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation. Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB of Russia) - The federal executive authority of the Russian Federation, which is within the limits of its authority, solving the safety of the Russian Federation. Endowed with the right to conduct a preliminary investigation and inquiry, operational-search and intelligence activities. The FSB of Russia provides for military and federal civil servuel. The management of the activities of the FSB of Russia is carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.

Created in 1993 as FGC (since 1995 - Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation). Headquarters is located in Moscow (RF). Functions: The service is endowed with the right to maintain preliminary investigation and inquiry, operational-search and intelligence activities. The number of employees is classified (unofficial called up to 300-350 thousand people, taking into account the border service of the Russian Federation). Official site .

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The name of the new chapter of the Security Directorate of the FSB found out the "New Gazeta". How will this appointment affect the functioning of the department?

"New Gazeta" learned the name of the new head of the FSB of own security. According to sources of publication in counterintelligence and presidential administration, they will be the current head of the 2nd service of USB Alexey Komkov. This department, which colleagues call "counterintelligence in counterintelligence", is involved in planning operational activities.

Currently, Komkov performs the responsibilities of the head of the USB FSB. The draft decree on his appointment was prepared and in the near future will be sent to the signature to the president. Details Business FM told the correspondent of the "New Gazeta" investigation department Andrei Sumetin:

Andrey Sumetin correspondent of the Department of Investigations "New Newspaper""So far, it is not clear, in a positive whether the key will affect this appointment or in negative, first of all because we do not know what our tasks will be. This is a complete stripping of the people of the previous leadership, which themselves discredited in a number of operations. According to my information, they are particularly acute their operational implementation on the Main Economic Security Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If you remember, this is Denis Sugobods and his deputy Boris Kolesnikov, who under strange circumstances jumped out of the conventional committee window. On the other hand, this may indicate that USB FSB becomes an absolutely "tolerable" organization, which will be completely subordinated to employees of the economic security service. Among the possible candidates were also called the head of the management of the MA Alpatov, who carried out operational support in a criminal case, under which it was: This is a friend Maksimenko, his deputy lamps and one of the most famous investigators of the Investigative Committee of Russia Denis Nikandrov. It seems that Sergey Korolev, who recently acquired some, can be said, the power of the Federal Security Service, already strengthens his position, and its former subordinates, and, in fact, the persons controlled by him become managers of such administrations. "

The operational development of FSB employees, which are accused of the Government, and two other employees of this case were entrusted with one of the most influential units within the management of their own security counterintelligence

Main building of the FSB on Lubyanka (Photo: Alexander Chaplygin / Global Look Press)

Counterintelligence inside counterintelligence

The Second State Security Service (USB) counterintelligence service was engaged in the state inside of the FSB, RBC was told by a source, familiar with the details of the investigation, and confirmed the source close to the management of the FSB.

In addition to the case of the State Interior of the FSB, it is engaged in the case of the hacker group "Saltay-Bolta", which, according to Rosbalt ,. This information RBC confirmed the interlocutor, familiar with the course of the investigation. According to this case, the alleged leader of Hackers Vladimir Anikeev, as well as Alexander Filins and Konstantin Teplyakov, were arrested. They are accused of unlawful access to computer information, a perfect group of persons on the preliminary conspiracy (part 3 of Art. 272 \u200b\u200bof the Criminal Code).

Grouping, engaged in selling information from hacked mobile devices and post accounts of Russian politicians and businessmen. The victims of the "Saltay-chatter" were, in particular, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and the chief editor of the Life TV channel Aram Gabrelyanov.

The criminal prosecution of the FSB officers is associated with confrontation within a special services close to the management of the FSB. According to them, Cyb has always tense relationships with the Center for Information Protection and Special Communication of the FSB.