Plasticinography “Golden Khokhloma. Plasticine with preschoolers "Khokhloma patterns" Khokhloma from plasticine

Plasticine painting or drawing with plasticine is a relatively new type of children's creativity and a kind of non-traditional drawing that is available to children both at home and in kindergarten. As the name implies, plasticine becomes the main material in plastinography, which is applied to a horizontal dense base - cardboard, glass, plastic or thick paper. You can also create mixed-media paintings by complementing plasticine drawings on paper with beads, sequins, natural materials and graphic designs. Usually, children really like plasticineography and it becomes their favorite pastime for kids. There are many reasons for this: firstly, it is very simple to create drawings with plasticine on cardboard, secondly, plasticine helps to relieve muscle and nervous tension, and thirdly, pictures from plasticine can be easily corrected - if something does not work out, then this part can just take off the stack and redo.
Plasticine drawing technique

To draw with plasticine, you will need the following materials:

  • cardboard or thick paper;
  • wooden or plastic board for rolling plasticine;
  • a container with water for wetting hands;
  • a set of multi-colored plasticine;
  • wet wipes for hands;
  • a set of stacks of different shapes.

The creation of crafts using the plasticinography technique consists of the following operations:

1. We choose a drawing-base for creating a picture from plasticine. For the smallest artists, it is best to start drawing with plasticine with a rainbow. We transfer the sketch of the image we like to cardboard, paying attention to which background the selected picture will look better: white or color.

2. Separate small pieces from the plasticine bars and apply them to the base in accordance with the idea. In this case, we use various sculpting techniques:

  • rolling - a piece of plasticine, located between the palms or palm and the board, is rolled out with the help of rectilinear movements of the brushes, while acquiring a cylindrical shape;
  • rolling - a piece of plasticine takes on a spherical shape with the help of circular movements of the brushes;
  • smoothing - used to create flat and smooth surfaces;
  • flattening - squeezing a plasticine ball into a cake;
  • topping;
  • pulling back.

3. To create pictures from plasticine with a large number of details, as well as more expressive drawing of objects, you can use a medical syringe without a needle. A block of plasticine is placed inside the syringe and carefully heated, and then gently squeezed out with long thin "threads". For thicker threads, you can use a pastry syringe. You can heat the syringe by immersing it in a container of hot water, or by placing it on a radiator.

4. To obtain softer transitions between colors and to obtain the necessary shades of plasticine, different colors of plasticine are mixed simply in the hands. In this case, you need to remember the following nuances:

  • do not mix more than two colors of plasticine at the same time, otherwise the color will turn out to be dull;
  • you can achieve a brighter and deeper shade by mixing black plasticine with any color;
  • you can get pastel shades by mixing with any color of white plasticine.



directly educational activities

Theme: "Golden Khokhloma"

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic


Prepared by the teacher

Senior speech therapy group

MBDOU "Kindergarten" Kolobok "

S. Perovo ", Simferopol district

Kononova Tatiana Vitalievna


Educational: continue to acquaint children with Khokhloma painting, teach them to depict elements of painting with plasticine, using templates, use the tool correctly - a stack, fix the techniques of rolling and rolling;

Developing:develop a sense of composition, the ability to beautifully place a pattern on a given silhouette, sensorimotor skills - consistency in the work of eyes and hands, creative thinking, imagination, attention;

Educational:foster interest in folk crafts and traditions, mutual respect, a desire to work together;

Material: wax plasticine of yellow, green and red colors, blank panels made of black cardboard, stacks, sculpting boards, patterns of leaves, flowers and birds, audio recording of Russian folk songs "Oh, curly mountain ash", "Rowan", melodies with ditties about Khokhloma, exhibits fairs of craftsmen from Gzhel, Zhostovo, Khokhloma.

Preliminary work: reading poems about folk crafts, viewing albums with elements of folk paintings / Zhostovo, Gzhel, Khokhloma /, learning proverbs about labor, folk ditties, making moldings and rowan branches - kriule from yellow wax plasticine;

Vocabulary work: plasticinography, panels, Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo; Directly educational activities.

Children enter the group and become a semicircle, welcoming the guests: "Welcome, guests, dear ones!"

1. Entering the game situation.

The teacher draws the attention of children to a beautifully decorated group in a folk style.

Guys, look at how unusual the environment is in our group. Today we have a fair of handicrafts here.

And who knows what folk crafts are? / Children's answers /

It is true that good craftsmen have long enjoyed good fame among the people, who made and then painted beautiful dishes and household items. How did they talk about such masters?


That's right, now I will read riddles to you, and you try to guess what types of folk paintings are in question.

Children sit down on the carpet. The teacher makes riddles about the types of folk paintings.

* Snow white daisies

On the trays they put

Roses, poppies, forget-me-nots

Bloomed in the black field. / Zhostovo painting /

The teacher puts on an easel a picture of a product in the style of Zhostovo painting.

Well done, guys, and how does the Zhostovo painting differ from other paintings? / Children's answers /

Yes, indeed the flowers, which are located on a black background, distinguish this painting from others. Next riddle.

* This dish is just a miracle,

Blue runs everywhere

And a pattern is born

You cannot tear your eyes off. / Gzhel painting /

A picture with the image of the Gzhel painting is exhibited.

Guys, remember why the craftsmen from the city of Gzhel chose the blue color for their painting? / Children's answers /

The last riddle, listen carefully.

* All the leaves are like leaves

Here everyone is golden,

People call this beauty ... / Khokhloma /

Guys, what elements of the Khokhloma folk painting do you know? / Children's answers /

There are types of paintings, which can be said in one word. For example, Gzhel is called blue because there is a lot of blue in it, but how would you say in one word about Khokhloma? What is she? / Gold /

Guys, let's make with you autumn gifts for your parents with the motives of this painting, because there are so many golden autumn colors in Khokhloma. These are wonderful panels - paintings that can be hung on the wall. Let's repeat this word. Alina, please repeat this word. We will perform our painting not with paints, but with the help of wax plasticine. This technique is called "plasticine". Let's repeat this word. Individual answers.

Did you know that craftsmen worked not only one at a time, but also in twos, threes in order to help and complement each other. Let's try to make a panel in pairs. I have a box with chips, we take a chip and sit down at a table with the same color. An interactive game "Find a Pair" is being held. Children take their seats. The teacher tells and shows the step-by-step execution of the work.

Please note that we have already started decorating the panels in the previous lesson? What have we already done with you? / Criul /

First, I will make the bird. To do this, I will take a yellow plate, put the bird template on top, circle and cut it with a stack, attach it to the middle of the circle. Then, I will cut out the leaves, attach them to the rowan branch. Then I will take a ball of red plasticine and roll out a thin roller with direct movements of my hand, cut the same cubes with a stack, roll up rowan berries, and attach them to the panel by pressing. Then, using a template, I will cut out the flowers from the yellow plate and also attach them to the panel. And at the end of the work, I will decorate the bird by making a wing from a template of leaf, feathers, leaves and rowan berries using a stack. Here's what a beautiful panel turned out.

Now, before we get to work, let's exercise our fingers.

2. Finger gymnastics "Rowan leaves"

Rowan leaves whirl quietly / clench and unclench the fists of the hands/

Leaves lie quietly under your feet / circular rotations with the hands /

And rustle underfoot, rustle / rubbing the palms with straight movements /

As if they want to spin again / alternate finger connection /

Guys, first you will have to agree on who will cut what elements, and if there are several identical elements, for example flowers, leaves and rowan berries, you can cut and sculpt them together.

-WITHhow do you get started?

Then what should you do?

How to decorate your work?

Children get to work. Russian folk songs are played. After finishing work, children go out with their panels, hang them on an easel to show them to guests.

Final part.

See what beautiful panels you have turned out.

What panels did you like the most? Why?

We all know that ditties are sung at the fair. Will we please our guests?

Children line up in a semicircle and sing ditties.

* Autumn, autumn is all by itself

Hides gold in the bins

Well, what kind of gold is that?

Everything is Khokhloma!

* Khokhloma, so Khokhloma

I will paint all the houses

And then on the street

Rooster and chicken!

* Grandma's grandmother before lunch

Made me draw

After all, in a beautiful dish

The cabbage soup is nice to pour!

We are goodbye guests

Let's say together: “Goodbye!

Children invite guests to view the exhibits of the fair.

Golden Khokhloma is a bright, distinctive phenomenon of Russian folk arts and crafts. This traditional art craft has more than three hundred years of history. It arose in the 17th century in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region near the trading village of Khokhloma.

Historically, in this remote forest area, very favorable conditions have developed for the development of folk art and crafts. The entire territory of the region was, as it were, one workshop scattered over hundreds of villages, where residents, as if by agreement, divided the entire technological process among themselves. Residents of villages employed in separate labor operations settled nearby, making up their own "workshop" or "bush". Each group of villages had a center - a large trading village, where the peasants came to the market every week to sell their products. The villages where they sharpened and painted wooden dishes were grouped around the large trading village of Khokhloma, which gave its name to the entire art of painting.

Wooden dishes have been common in Russia since ancient times: a wooden spoon or bowl could be seen on the table at the boyar's lady and in the peasant's hut, on the farm of a wealthy official and in the royal household. Elegant wooden dishes were painted in bright, rich colors and painted with different colors, sometimes gold and silver. A nicely finished spoon or ladle was considered a gift. But even the simplest dishes could not be used unpainted: hot food relaxed the wood, cracks formed in it. Therefore, non-stained dishes were covered with linseed oil - boiled linseed oil.

Painted, and even with gold, dishes were inaccessible to the peasant. However, the folk craftsmen managed to make the dishes no worse than the golden boyar, but the peasants could also use it. This is how the dishes with Khokhloma dew-writing appeared - dishes that easily withstand the hottest, are not afraid, according to the masters, neither heat nor cold, it washes well, serves for a long time, but competes with gold for elegance, and at a price access to the poor.

The origin of the methods of painting wooden dishes in a golden color without the use of gold remains a mystery even for specialists today. The original technology, developed over the centuries, is the magic process that turns an ordinary white tree into a shiny gold piece.

The process of making Khokhloma dishes is not at all simple. First, the product was extracted from raw wood. White dishes ("linen") were kept for 12-15 days at room temperature for drying. Then it was primed, coated with clay. The fact is that wood is a very porous material, and in order to close all the pores, to create a waterproof layer, it had to be smeared. Ordinary clay turned out to be a good material for this. This clay was called vap by the craftsmen, which is why the process of impregnating items with clay began to be called vaping. The clay was dissolved in warm water, the pieces were kneaded, mixed, obtaining a solution of a certain density. Then they smeared the walls of the product with a thick layer and left it for a while - the solution had to be absorbed. Then it was lubricated again. The product, which was soaked in this way, with a clay crust formed on it, was placed on the boards, where it was supposed to dry out.

The dried product was impregnated with uncooked linseed oil and again kept for a short time so that the clay layer would mix with the oil. Then the product was sanded by wiping the surface with linen bast and linen rags. After grinding, the product was placed on boards in a heated oven and kept there for 4-5 hours.

The next operation is putty, that is, the putty of the product with clay mixed with drying oil. This mixture was supposed to close up all unevenness, knots, cracks and other wood defects. The propped-up product was again put to dry.

This was followed by treatment with drying oil to create an oil film on the product. The products were coated with drying oil three times, each time in the intervals they were dried again and only then were they put into the oven at a temperature of 80-90 degrees. The product, which was pro-lysed in this way, was tinned - coated with tin (aluminum) powder, and it became “silver”. Only after that was the product ready for painting with paints. The painted lu-wife product was again abundantly coated with linseed oil and put on the boards in a cool oven for heating. And only then did the “silver” products magically turn into “golden” ones, finally acquiring such a well-known look to everyone.

The series is intended for group and individual lessons with children of senior preschool and primary school age in labor and fine arts lessons. The basic techniques of the Khokhloma delineation are presented. The material is presented according to the principle from simple to complex, from the study of the main elements of Khokhloma painting and exercises for repetition to tasks for improvisation and painting of volumetric images.

The materials can be successfully used by teachers, educators of senior groups of preschool educational institutions, teachers of art schools, leaders of circles and various studios, as well as by parents in home studies with children.

To get started, you must have:

. gouache paints of yellow, red, green and black colors;

Squirrel brushes No. 2 and No. 3;

A jar of water;

A soft cloth to remove excess paint from the brush;

A piece of white thick paper or a white small plate without patterns, which will serve as a palette.

In Khokhloma painting, "grass" is an ornament made with separate rhythmically arranged strokes.

All elements of the herbal ornament are drawn immediately with a brush, without applying a preliminary drawing with a pencil, while the brush must be held with three fingers perpendicular to the surface of the sheet. The exercise includes the main elements of the "grass":

"Sediments" is the simplest element of the pattern; it is performed by lightly moving the tip of the brush from top to bottom;

"Blades of grass" are strokes with a slight smooth thickening;

"Droplets" are drawn by applying a brush to paper;

"Antennae" are drawn in the form of a continuous line of the same thickness, twisted into a spiral.

"Curls" are made with light pressure in the middle of the element;

"Bush" is the most complex element of "grass"; it consists of simpler, symmetrically located elements - "sedges", "blades of grass", "droplets", "tendrils" and "curls".

In all tasks for improvisation, children first examine the painting made by the master, and then paint the drawing of the product on their own.

Consider with the children a herbal-patterned cup made by a master. The festive and solemn colo-rite of the painting is achieved by combining gold, red and black colors.

Children are invited to independently invent and decorate a spoon with elements of herbal ornament, using two colors - black and red.


Theme: Spoon "Miracle-Khokhloma".

Age: children of senior preschool and primary school age

Type of: an integrated lesson.

Interaction form: group, subgroup.

Target: making a spoon "Miracle-Khokhloma" in the technique of plasticinography.


1. Raise interest and continue to acquaint children with folk crafts.

2. To learn how to decorate a volumetric plane with elements of the Khokhloma painting pattern, performing work in the technique of "plasticinography".

3. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the colors and elements of the Khokhloma painting: berries, flowers, curl of grass.

4. Develop an eye, fine motor skills of hands.

Methods and techniques:

Visual (a sample of finished work, samples of dishes, illustrations with elements of Gzhel painting, presentation).

Verbal (artistic word, teacher's story).

Practical (independent work).

Material for the lesson:

spoon template on thick cardboard (red, gold)

drawing an ornament

a set of plasticine (black, yellow, red, green, white),

samples of Khokhloma products and a sample of finished work,


beads (yellow).

multimedia projector;

PowerPoint presentation "Miracle-Khokhloma".

Course of the lesson:

1. The main part.

(Children sit on chairs in the play area. In front of them is a teacher in Russian folk festive costume. Next to a table with various utensils from Khokhloma masters (spoons, bowls, mugs)).

Attention! Attention! Attention!

A fun party is opening!

Hurry, honest people,

The fair calls you!

To the fair! To the fair!

Hurry all over here!

Here are jokes, songs, sweets

Friends have been waiting for you for a long time!

What your soul desires -

You will find everything at the fair!

Everyone chooses gifts,

You can't leave without a purchase!

Hey don't stand at the door

Come to us soon!

The people are going -

Our fair is opening!

Guys, a fair is opening in our group today. Do you know what it is? A fair is a big auction held in one place and at the same time with amusement and entertainment. People came to the fair to buy or sell their goods. The fair is always a holiday, therefore, festive outfits were always worn at the fair in order to show themselves and see others.

There are always a lot of various goods at the fair for every taste. Each master praises his products, and the seller of miraculous dishes, which shimmers in the sun, like gold, is especially trying:

Admire my product,

Just don't haggle!

Gilded spoons, twisted patterns!

Swoop in, swoop in

Buy, buy!

No more beautiful products

Our Khokhloma!

Teacher: And really, guys, look how good the dishes decorated with Khokhloma painting are (demonstrates the dishes). Would you like to know where this painting was born? So, listen (Presentation of "Miracle-Khokhloma").

Presentation of "Miracle-Khokhloma"

In the old days, people ate from wooden dishes. And in the trading village of Khokhloma in the Nizhny Novgorod Trans-Volga region, skilled craftsmen made wooden dishes and painted them with beautiful paintings, sent them to other cities. People liked these dishes for their brightness, festivity, patterns. Cups, spoons, ladles were very successful. Later, they began to make furniture for children. With great diligence, Khokhlom residents have been making their dishes for more than three hundred years. They also use a lot of inventions and fantasies, invent patterns that they look out for in the surrounding nature. On the Khokhloma dishes, a blade of grass curls, swirls, and a berry peeps out of it: currants, mountain ash, raspberries and strawberries, or outlandish flowers and birds. Khokhloma was painted with red, green, black and gold colors, sometimes brown and orange were added. Do not take your eyes off the bright Khokhloma dishes!

Like a sorceress - a firebird

Doesn't go out of my mind


Golden Khokhloma.

And rich and beautiful

I am glad to see the guest from the bottom of my heart.

Cups, bowls and ladles,

And what is just not there:

Bunches of fire rowan trees

Sunny summer poppies

And daisies of meadows.

I absorbed everything, like a memory:

Dawn beams of hearts

And patterned ornament

Ancient Uzdal brocade.

And the fair is in full swing, now the songs are heard, and the merry Petrushkas are inviting people to ride on the merry-go-round.

Physical education "Carousel".

Barely, barely, barely

The carousels spun

(children start to move slowly)

And then, then, then

Everything is running, running, running

(the rate of speech and movement accelerates)

Run, run

Run, run

Hush, hush, take your time.

(the pace slows down)

Carousel os-ta-no-vi-te.

(everyone stopped)

One-two, one-two

So the game is over.

(everyone bows to each other).

2. The practical part.

Teacher: So you and I visited the fair, had fun, looked at people, showed ourselves. But they usually return from the fair not empty-handed, but with goods and gifts. So we will bring a Khokhloma spoon from the fair. And we will paint it not with paints, but with the help of plasticine.

Stages of work

Before starting work, you should repeat the elements of the Khokhloma painting pattern with children (Presentation Slide 17-21) (different types of berries: strawberries, leaves of various shapes, decorative flowers, curl, blades of grass). Offer to consider the dishes with Khokhloma painting and a sample of the finished work, think over the composition of the drawing, if the child wishes, use another element of the Khokhloma painting).

Elements execution technology:

Grass... Thin green (yellow) sausages with a flattened (pointed) outer tip.

Curl... Roll out a thin green (yellow) plasticine sausage, attach one end to the main branch, gradually wrapping the other edge of the sausage in a circle.

Leaves... Roll out the green sausage, cut it into equal parts, flatten the ends at each on both sides, fasten to the surface, pressing it against the base. Using a stack, draw veins on the leaves.

Strawberry... Roll out a red ball, lightly press on it to make a cake, flatten the berry slightly on one side, attach to the branch and fix it on the surface of the glass near the main branch. Roll out thin green plasticine sausages, divide into four parts in a stack: put sepals out of three on the wide part of the berry, the fourth connects the berry with the main branch. Roll up very small yellow peas (or replace with yellow beads) - seeds, randomly scatter over the berry.

Currant... Roll out the sausage of red (black) color, divide it into parts in a stack, from which roll small balls - berries with your finger. Make a thin sausage from green plasticine, fix one edge with the main branch and place paired berries on both sides and one at the end of the branch.

Rowan... Roll out two thin yellow sausages and put a long rowan branch out of one. Divide another sausage in a stack into equal parts and lay out the silhouette of a bunch from them under the main branch. Roll out a red plasticine sausage, divide it into small parts in a stack, from which roll balls - berries, attach to a bunch of twigs. Roll out a long green (or any other color) sausage, divide it into columns and lay out a complex rowan leaf from them (each leaf has a pair, and only one top leaf has no pair).

Flowers... Roll out a sausage from white plasticine, divide it into five parts, from which roll balls. Place the petals-balls near the middle, slightly flattening them on the surface. Then fill the middle with yellow beads.

Self-performance of work

We take a colored cardboard blank and a black piece of plasticine.

And cover the bottom of the spoon, spreading the clay evenly over the surface of the cardboard.

Let's start forming the leaves. Roll out the sausage.

Sharpen on both sides and flatten.

We make three leaves and place them according to the composition.

We form two identical balls from red plasticine.

Flatten and sharpen the bottom.

We place it on the workpiece.

Let's start forming flowers. To do this, roll out

two identical sausages from white plasticine.

We divide it into five equal parts.

We roll the balls.

Place on a spoon, forming a flower.

Flatten by pressing into the surface.

Let's get to work with yellow plasticine.

Cut off small pieces, form thin flagella sausages.

We twist the flagella, placing them on the surface according to the composition or arbitrarily.

We place grass-grass bushes over the entire surface of thin flagella.

We also form a sepal from the flagella, consisting of three or five blades of grass and a "tail".

Use thin sausages to decorate the top of the spoon.

We "revive" the composition by applying streaks on the leaves.

We decorate the middle of the flowers.

Also, with the help of peas of beads, we arrange the seeds in random order.

Spoon "Miracle-Khokhloma" is ready !!!

Physical training "Butonchik"

(Performed near tables while work is being done)

Each bud

(Put your palms together and raise your hands up above your head)

I would be glad to bow

(Tilts to the left - to the right, hands behind the head)

Left and right

Back and forth.

(Tilts forward - backward)

From the wind and heat

(Circular movements of the body to the left - to the right)

These buds

(Hands behind your head)

Hid alive

In a flower bouquet.

(Hands down, keep your posture)

3. The final part.

Teacher: You have got a wonderful product in the Khokhloma style, made in an unusual way. I think that your work would also be in demand at the fair. This work can be varnished and presented as a souvenir. And with this spoon (sample of work), we will decorate our corner of "Folk Art". Thank you guys!

List of used temptaruts:

Davydova G.N.Playtilinography- 2. - Moscow: Scriptorium Publishing House. 2003 ", 2011. - 96s.

Clients A.E. Handicrafts... - M .: Bely Gorod, 2002 .-- 48 p.

Khokhloma painting. Workbook... - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis.

Poem about the fair from the site