How to come up with a name for a construction company. How to come up with a successful business name? Name for a construction company, new examples

A name is a promise... it is the first thing a consumer learns about a company or its product...

Henry Charmesson

The name for an organization can be compared to the name of a person. It becomes fateful, reveals personal traits and makes you stand out from the crowd. Any company also has its own character and characteristics.

A successful name reflects the value of the company and its products in the minds of customers. Few people know that the island in the Caribbean known as Paradise did not attract tourists while it was called Pig. "Gooseberry" from China became popular in the United States after becoming "kiwi."

Examples of successful brand names will help you evaluate the modern meaning of naming.

What is quality naming?

Naming is not just a play on words, but a significant element of marketing. Professional selection of names for organizations, products, brands is becoming increasingly relevant.

High-quality naming is the foundation of a competitive brand and effective promotion in the market. Its main goal is the positioning of the company, product, service.

Naming is used to solve a variety of problems, including:

  1. The need to emphasize special properties, to highlight the product among others.
  2. The desire to evoke positive associations and emotions: trust, admiration, interest.

Sour cream “House in the Village” or restaurant “Demyanova Ukha”... A successful name can inspire and become a good basis for promoting a brand.

5 stages of working on a name

  • Positioning, definition of market segment

It is impossible to create a brand without marketing research. Who is the target audience? Which group do potential consumers belong to? What is the market niche and strategy of the company. For example, the name of the travel agency “Exotic Wedding” indicates a narrow specialization.

  • Standards and requirements

What criteria must a company meet? Examples should reflect the company's strategy and fit into the market situation.

  • Development of ideas

Brainstorming, group discussion or employee survey. Ideas can be generated in any form, but at this stage it is important to refrain from criticism.

  • Analysis of ideas

Evaluating options and how they measure up to original standards. Semantic and phonetic analysis of names. Lexical and psycholinguistic testing.

  • Testing

Clients or potential consumers are involved in “field testing”, who finally decide what to name the company. Examples are included in the survey. Testing is most often carried out by research companies.

A mandatory element of naming is the legal verification of the developed name necessary for registration. In many cases, it is necessary to pay attention to the meaning of a name in foreign languages.

Thus, all the extensive work to create a new name is two steps. Firstly, you need to formulate a message for the consumer, and secondly, translate the message into commercial form.

10 ways to choose a name for your company

  1. Use the client's language and words. What does the intended buyer value in a product or service? How will he benefit? The proposed product should be close and understandable to the consumer, like “Your Realtor” or “Agusha”.
  2. Dictionaries will help you enrich your vocabulary. Original ideas can be found using association dictionaries, explanatory or foreign.
  3. The collected information will help you formulate slogans. It is not at all necessary to start with the name. Naming is a creative process.
  4. Analysis of the names of competing companies. When choosing a name, it is worth taking into account their successful options or mistakes - for example, such oddities as the Trudovoy Mozol company, the New Hair hairdresser, or the Padun bank.
  5. Do not rush to cross off the selected ideas from the list, but put them away for a few days. After one or two weeks, it will be easier to evaluate a worthy option with fresh eyes.
  6. Before you finally decide what to name your company, you should check the examples for uniqueness.
  7. Assessing consumer opinions can significantly speed up your search. However, it is not enough to simply turn to friends or relatives. Organize a customer survey to evaluate the selected options, invite them to come up with their own names.
  8. In some cases, it can be useful to look at the world around you. A brilliant idea can be born unexpectedly. The Adobe founder chose this name in honor of the river near his home. Please remember that generic and specific concepts cannot be registered as a trademark.
  9. Using psycholinguistic data when choosing what to name according to research gives results with the correct selection of the letter combination. It is recommended to use the letters “D”, “L” (they evoke joyful emotions). The letter "K" tells customers about speed. But it’s better not to use hissing or deaf ones, they set the mood for negativity. The letter “Z”, as it turns out, evokes fear.
  10. There are more than thirty name formation techniques. From names with classic Latin roots to rhyming names. For example, the creator of a global sports brand was known among his friends as Adi (it turned out to be a compound abbreviation “Adidas”).

What is the name of the construction company? Examples

The name for a construction company should target the target audience and reflect the scope of the company’s activities. “Bystrostroy” is a good choice as the name of a company specializing in the construction of houses in a short time.

The agency "Apartments de Luxe" will attract a category of clients with a certain income, and "New House" is a more democratic name.

What to name the company? Examples of names, such as “Stroygarant”, “Stroytekh”, are understandable to the population and inspire trust. “Stroygefest”, “Neostroy” or “StroyCity” are intriguing. An abbreviation will not work, as it may scare off a potential customer.

For organizations working with individuals, the simple option “Bogatyr”, “StroyNaVek” is appropriate. When collaborating with foreign partners, it is important to carefully consider how to name the construction company. Examples should reflect professionalism. Preferably a memorable name in English. For example, “Leader Builder” or “Prof building”.

Choosing a name for a law firm

Industry standards greatly influence the conservative legal business. The choice of options for a company name is quite limited. What to name a law firm?

Examples show that names with Latin terminology or euphonious surnames of partners, combinations with general concepts (“consulting”, “legal league”, “bureau”, “group”) have become traditional. New words are also used, but the client does not always associate them with legal activities.

Good options include Zetra or Asters. This is an example of how short and consonant names win over names that are understandable to the population, such as “Legal Aid.”

Names that convey monumentality, confidence and positivity are popular. “YurMagistry”, “Arman”, “Legal Center” or “Legal Company”.

Naming in the field of trade

A marketing name positions and promotes a product. What is the name of the trading company? Examples should be memorable and beautiful. Harmonious perception of a name by ear plays a big role. What is sold is what evokes pleasant associations.

For trading houses and chains, names with superlatives are often used (Mega, Extra, Maxi, Super). The method of misspelled words is interesting. “GastroGnome” instead of “Gastronom”, “StakeHolders” instead of “Steakholders”.

Plays on words are popular, for example, the fishing store “Cool Place”, the store “Terry Paradise”, where they sell robes and towels.

In any case, you should avoid faceless names like “World of Taste” or “Wonderful Product”.

How to choose a name for a furniture company?

The furniture market is one of the most saturated. In order to stand out among competitors, you need an original, but understandable, selling name.

What is the name of a furniture company? Examples such as “Servant`S”, “Divan Divanych” or “Mr.Mebel” will play the role of advertising and save money on promotion.

Many manufacturers strive to develop a specific market niche. For small and medium-sized companies, it is useful to focus on the direction of activity and specialization. “Furniture workshop/studio...”, “Sofa formula”, “Your kitchens”.

The production of luxury furniture, taking into account the interests of wealthy clients, will require a name that emphasizes the status: “GrantMebel”, “Furniture House”, “InteriorLux”.

There are also funny names: “Soft Place” (sells sofas and armchairs), the company “Sidown” or under the name “Mebelov”.

In fact, 90% of all brand names were invented on the spur of the moment by directors or managers of organizations. Only 10% of market names are classified as professional namers. It is noteworthy that these 10% own 90% of the market!

Name the company correctly- means taking the first step towards success. Managers set different goals for this. Some people want to promote a brand, others want to perpetuate their name or create a name from the names of their partners.

Some people completely avoid the meaning of the new name. What really matters is how the company shows itself later. Her activities will glorify any name. But there are still some guidelines in his choice.

  1. To begin with, the sphere is determined the company's activities and the range of its clients. For example, if a company provides services or sells premium goods, then there is no need to use the words “economy” or “cheap goods” in the name.
    This will discourage customers who want high quality and expensive services and products. The title should provide a clear guide to the content of the activity.
  2. Using names does not provide specifics in informing the client. Moreover, this is inappropriate in the name of a construction organization.
  3. The name should be easy to pronounce and read. If you “break your tongue” about it, then clients will come up with it themselves. And this already introduces the risk of misinformation. They will simply confuse you with someone else.
  4. Comfortable name. If a potential client hears it, even by chance, and becomes interested, he may become your client. For example, a person is looking for good deals on buying housing in a cottage community.
    What attracts him in the first place? Remoteness from the bustle of the city, picturesque nature. Therefore, he will probably be interested in housing companies with names like “Birch Grove” or “Golden Dune”.
  5. Please indicate your occupation in the title. When choosing a company, the client wants certainty.

Choosing a name for a construction company (examples)

Future employees can help. This will force them to delve deeper and think about the concept of the enterprise and unite the team with a common idea.

This kind of brainstorming will give many options from which you can choose the best by voting. For example, when choosing a name for a construction organization, it is necessary to emphasize the high level of service and reliability in cooperation.

Therefore, from the options - Domostroy, Capital Developer, Eternal Fortress, VashDomStroy, StroyDomServis, MigDomStroy, the name StroyNadezhServis is suitable. It reflects the company's main goals for working with clients.

This is a reliable home construction service. “ZhilStroy” is a suitable name for a house construction company, “Masterok” is a company selling construction tools.

Choosing a company name based on its owner's name

This option occurs. But then the owner should just make his name famous like Ford, Porsche and the like. If you are confident that you can turn the desired name into a brand, go ahead and name the company with your name or one you personally chose.

Assigning a company name upon registration

When registering a company need to know for sure, what will you name your brainchild? For people who will use the company’s services, it is important to understand by the name the nature of the activity and services provided. The name should be easy to read and harmonious.

If, for example, there are already 4 companies in the city with the same name, then it is better to name the fifth company differently. Such companies differ only in their registration number.

But people will not understand the registration number of your organization and can easily confuse it with competitors and go to them.

Another aspect against identical names. If the namesake company commits fines in front of clients and gets a bad reputation, then the shadow may fall on you. Therefore, when registering in the state register, choose a meaningful, meaningful and original name for the new company.

The use of abbreviations for better memorability and convenient perception of the name

When registering they legitimize both the full name of the organization and an abbreviated version. The first is used for document preparation, and the second option is used for business correspondence and internal use. The law requires that the full name must be in Russian.

But the shortened version may include foreign words. After all, many companies operate in the international market. All names must be officially registered, otherwise they will not be valid in the documents. The use of abbreviations shortens and makes the name more informative.

The words Russia and Moscow are prohibited from being used. To use them, you need permission from the Government and payment of a state fee.

When coming to government agencies to register a company, you need to have several options in stock to avoid repetitions of existing ones.

Regulatory acts

Choosing an organization name is certainly an important aspect. Preference is given to the most incredible names. But there are regulations that regulate this. When choosing the name of a new organization, familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

There are special rules for naming an LLC:

  • The name reveals the organizational and legal form;
  • You can use foreign words in Russian pronunciation;
  • An indication of territorial affiliation with the Russian Federation or a specific region of it;
  • You cannot use the names of proprietary brands of other organizations;
  • It is necessary that the name does not contradict the principles of humanity and morality.

Definition of its main concept in the name of the company

Each construction company has its own profile activities in a wide range of construction works. Some are engaged in construction, others are in the repair of buildings and objects. If possible, the profile should be “viewable” in the title.

This will make it easier for a client to choose your company. ZhilStroy, RegionStroy, UniversalStroy, StroyMaster, StroyGarant - these names show what the company does and how it does it - with a guarantee, universally.

The leaders are so reverent concern the future of their business that they resort to the services of astrologers and Feng Shui specialists to help them choose the right “magical” name for the enterprise.

They trust the development of a special logo that attracts good luck in business. Color is of particular importance, the shades of which are used to decorate all advertising projects and even the company’s office premises.

What is quality naming?

Naming is the area of ​​expertise in choosing a brand name. Many years of development and research have made it possible to identify a number of fundamental points in choosing a company name. Reflection of activities in names like “Windows-Grad” - production of windows in a broad aspect.

Abbreviated, capacious and sonorous names are well remembered and interest the client. For example, a company that installs ceilings and doors is PiD. The territorial affiliation of the organization may also be in the name - “Saratov Windows”.

Prohibited names

In fact, all techniques and phrases prohibited in naming are reflected in the relevant articles of the Civil Code. This:

  • Prohibited to use full and abbreviated names of states;
  • You cannot use the names of government structures Russian Federation and its subjects;
  • You cannot use the names of international, intergovernmental and public organizations;
  • Obscene, immoral, offensive for any segment of society, words cannot be included in the official name of the company;
  • Words similar in sound and spelling to well-known brands should also be excluded. This is a copyright violation.

Failure to comply with these standards may threaten the owner of the company with claims and litigation, as a result of which he may lose his well-known and well-known brand.

How to name a construction company

If you work with ordinary people, the name should not scare them away. It should be simple, concise and understandable. In this case, you should not resort to foreign words.

A beautiful company name can attract attention and stand out among competitors. Especially at the initial stage of entering the market. Therefore, businessmen pay great attention to the name of their brainchild. After all, it is known: whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.

Although there are now many companies offering naming and branding services, I still think that it is quite possible to come up with spectacular and bright names yourself. It’s enough to turn on your imagination and connect your immediate environment. Many names of famous brands originated in this unprosaic way.

For example, the legendary name Apple is not the work of highly paid brand makers, but the result of the “threat” of Steve Jobs. He threatened that if by a certain time he was not given an acceptable name, then he would call the company Apple (Apple). And so it happened.

Brevity is the sister of talent, and this statement applies when choosing a company name. The shorter the better, and this can be seen in the example of IKEA IK are the initials of the company’s founder, EA is the abbreviated name of the Elmtarid farm in the village of Agunnarid, where Ingvar Kamprad was born and raised.

Using the name of your hometown in a brand is also a fairly common way. For example: Nokia is the name of the Finnish village where the company was founded.

There are many examples of successful names, but I would like to suggest creating your own top list of the most beautiful company names. Perhaps this will be useful to someone and give them an idea when choosing a name for their company.

I made a selection of the top 30 company names in Russian and English for various fields of activity, focusing on my taste.


  • Commerce Pro
  • TradeTorg
  • goodzone
  • Hobia
  • MedSnab
  • AlkoSbyt
  • Region-Trading
  • TradeStandard
  • EconomyMarket
  • RollbackOffice


  • StandardIndustry
  • MonolithTechno
  • MasterArchitect
  • Prorabych
  • SnabMonolith
  • BrickTechnique
  • Extrastroy
  • STIMStroy
  • Supply Brigade
  • Swift Repair


  • ProfVoyage
  • ZagranExtreme
  • Souvenir tur
  • Zagranka
  • StandardTravel
  • EcoTransit
  • VoyageTo Everyone
  • Travel package
  • LuxVoyage
  • TourDeMir (similar to tour de france)

What is the most beautiful name for a company that you can suggest? What should you consider and what should you pay attention to when choosing a name?

Reviews and statements

Well, it seems to me. The most important thing is that the name of the company is memorable, there is less text, there is no need for long names with complex words, so that a person remembers the company for a long time and the first time. Just like, a window installation company, I came across it on the Internet when I was doing assignments, the company is called OKONIKA, easy to remember, cute name.

It seems to me that the most beautiful company name in English is Google, few people know, but it is a number, one and 100 zeros. Perhaps Google predicted the successful existence of the company with this name; soon there will be Google searches on Google all over the world :) In general, I like English names more than Russian ones.

I agree, it’s a cool name, it’s somehow parallel to me, whether it’s a Russian or an English name, the main thing is that it carries meaning and is easy to remember. Here are some not bad names for asphalt plants, DorLider, and Basalt.

This is a fun name for the company. What kind of counter is this :)?

Varan said about Google, but I think the most beautiful company name, both Russian and English, is Yandex, I think it sounds beautiful and impressive, and the meaning is also there.

Alex, inspired by the news that the Kalashnikov plant is ready to pay 40 million rubles for the creation of a website. A large amount that is difficult to get out of your head. But in my head it’s like “rollback”, “rollback”...hence the name for the company “OtkatKontora” :) It’s a logical process, however.

I think when choosing a name for a company, you need to somehow indicate the field of activity in which this company operates.
I really liked the name "BrocCo" (brokerage company)

The name is beautiful, but in my opinion it is suitable not for a brokerage company, but for some kind of dessert :)

Name your company by your first or last name. This will be the best, as your clients will immediately remember you and the attitude will be respectful. Just as there used to be companies like Smirnoff or Ivanov and Sons.

Maybe a middle name? Nikolaich 🙂
the surname is somehow very traditional: Morgan Stanley, JP Morgan, Meryl Lynch, Berrings, Barclays - the “s” at the end of the word is plural
but the names with the name of the country sound more global: “Bank of America”, “Credit Suisse”, “Royal Bank of Scotland”, “People’s Bank of China”

I really like it when the name feels lexical originality. When I used to live in another area, there was a dental office called “Dentist and Me.” I always paid attention and looked at this sign. I also like the name of the YouTube service (the name plays on the slang boob tube “telly”, “box”, and you indicates the degree of personal factor).

Shorten it to the point of euphony or take a couple of letters out of the name, like Poroshenko’s. For a long time I didn’t even know that the candies were named after his last name, I thought it was some kind of French company. There’s nothing wrong with my last name, I got it from my husband and it’s a beautiful one. I named my company “Swan”

It always infuriates me more, and this very often manifests itself in the names of stores, especially grocery stores, when they take names. It’s as if people’s imagination doesn’t work at all, and they came up with the name in the first two minutes. I have a very positive attitude towards short names that carry a lot of meaning, this is a truly professional approach.

There was also a case, by the way, I saw a kiosk with diminutive suffixes (beer, hot dogs, etc.), also a fun and interesting idea. Those. use a comic component to attract customers.

I can’t help but agree with Helen, the traditions of old merchant houses were and still are... . The proposed list contains just a selection of the ugliest names. The owners want, first of all, to reflect what their company specifically does. But I like more mediated titles. where originality is combined with purpose. For example, Firefox.

When I dreamed of my own cafe, and a children’s cafe at that, I wanted to call it Peter Pan. Now I’m thinking about the name of the pizzeria, I decided to name it Pizza-Vera in honor of my sister, it turned out it was already taken.

Well, this is just your opinion, in my opinion, several of the company names presented in the first post are beautiful and memorable. And I don’t think that a company should have the most beautiful name, it should be original and memorable, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s in Russian or English.

For example, “Prorabych”, it may not be the most beautiful for the company, but it is sonorous, original and memorable. It will immediately stick in your head and be remembered. When choosing names for a company, first of all you need to think not about beauty, but about simplicity, this is, of course, just my opinion. And if you just pay attention to beauty, then I like English brands more.

Yes. Alex, there is also Mobilych. And so on... But why attack English names so much? But here you are also right... Not everyone speaks English. And for them these words mean nothing. Regarding Google, I think we need to ask the exact meaning of this word. I haven't been interested in this yet.

Question from Ruslan Sabiev:

Tell me, what is the name of the construction company? We don’t know how you can come up with a name for your future construction company.

Answer to reader question:

Its future success largely depends on choosing the right name for a company. Statistics show that a beautiful name is well remembered, which helps to increase the number of sales of goods or services. This is especially important if the company operates in the construction industry.

One method for choosing a company name is to conduct a survey of its future employees.

The result will be a decent base of options with which you can work in the future.

The name of a construction company must contain sufficient meaning. In any case, to choose an original name you will have to follow certain rules.

Determine the scope of the company’s activities and the range of its clients.

So, for construction companies, the following names are quite suitable: StroyMontazhProm or RemStroyTechnology.

It is undesirable to use names, since this does not provide specifics, and besides, it is not relevant for the construction industry.

Before giving a name, you need to consider that it should be memorable and easy to read. Because if it is difficult to pronounce, customers will come up with an easier way to call your company, which can lead to misinformation and confusion.

It should be comfortable. This means that after hearing it, a potential client may be interested in your offer. For example, if a person is interested in lucrative offers for purchasing housing in a cottage community, you can play on his feelings and what will be acceptable to him (the beauty of nature, location away from the city, etc.) For example, by naming the company: “Birch Grove”, “Cherry Orchard” or “Clean Lakes”.

It is advisable that the company name reflect the type of its activity, it can be thought up using brainstorming, that is, going through a large number of different options. And then, using voting, choose the most optimal one.

To enhance the memorability of names, you need to focus on their melodiousness and rhythm.

You can come up with a very good name using all kinds of abbreviations. Eg: ComfortStroyService.

The main thing in the name is that it is light, easy to pronounce, memorable and does not cause negative reactions. Everything else will depend on the advertising and service of the company itself.

Dear readers, please give examples of successful names for construction companies in the comments!

A competent choice of name for a business project is one of the criteria for success. When choosing a name for a company, it is necessary to take into account the main purpose for which the enterprise is created. When creating a brand, it is necessary to take into account many different factors, putting a certain meaning into the name. In this article we propose to talk about how to come up with a name for a construction company.

When thinking about a name for a construction company, keep in mind that it can become the face of the company to new clients.

Are there rules for naming construction companies?

Every businessman uses different methods for choosing a name for his project. This can be an abbreviation consisting of the first and last name of the business owner or a phrase associated with the activities of the company. Some entrepreneurs say that the name they choose has no meaning. However, historical examples clearly demonstrate the importance of the chosen phrase as a name.

More and more naming agencies are appearing in European countries every year. These companies specialize in coming up with creative names for various products or services. In addition, such agencies are often ordered to develop a name for a company. When executing such orders, various advertising and marketing rules are taken into account.

A well-chosen name is much easier to “promote”; in some cases, a euphonious name is one of the company’s competitive advantages.

As a rule, the choice of a specific word for a company name is based on the results of marketing analysis. This analysis allows you to create a portrait of a potential client who will use the company’s services or products. Defining the target audience allows you to identify the interests and preferences of potential buyers. In addition, the level of solvency of possible clients is determined. If the company being created plans to cooperate with clients with high solvency, words such as “Elite”, “Luxurious” and “Unique” are used in the name itself. It is important to note that this choice of these words significantly reduces the size of the target audience.

Many naming experts do not recommend using names in the form of names. When choosing a name for a construction company, many entrepreneurs use their own name or the names of their children. This approach to naming can be seen as a lack of creativity or excessive narcissism. According to experts, the choice of name should be made taking into account consumer psychology. Each person can name one or more names that have a personal negative connotation. Such people will not use the services of a company whose name evokes negative associations.

One of the important rules for choosing a name for a project is its memorability. The chosen phrase should be “fixed” in the minds of ordinary people. This name allows you to easily develop a prestigious image. The phrase chosen should make the consumer aware of the nature of the company's offer. This result can only be achieved by competently influencing the subconscious. To do this, words are selected that evoke a number of positive associations. This name makes a person passing by an advertising sign pay attention to it.

Experts also recommend taking into account the field of activity of the enterprise when choosing a name. A name that does not correspond to the main activity may cause a lack of clients. A person faced with an incomprehensible name may simply refuse to cooperate and turn to competitors.

An effective name should inspire confidence and speak about the professionalism of the company

Features of competent naming

Naming is an art that is based on the competent choice of a name for a brand. This lesson is based on the rules of marketing, advertising and basic psychology techniques. Specialists working in this field know how to correctly name a company so that it is successful. Competent naming implies a mandatory indication of the company’s main activities. For example, a company specializing in the production of plastic doors and suspended ceilings can take the name “DiP”. This name meets all the basic naming rules.

Many entrepreneurs who want to attract public attention to their business make various mistakes when choosing a name. There are several hundred companies with strange names operating in Russia. This list includes the following organizations:

  1. "Go away"- tourist agency.
  2. LLC "Y"- children's store.
  3. OOO "OOO"- a company specializing in the supply of crushed stone and sand.
  4. LLC "Green-Eyed Taxi"- regional taxi fleet.
  5. LLC "Everything will be cool"» is an engineering company engaged in the installation of industrial equipment.

Today, choosing a name using the Feng Shui method is quite popular among entrepreneurs. This technique involves choosing a name starting with a vowel. In such a name it is necessary to include the vector of future development. It should be understood that this approach to naming may be inappropriate when working in some areas. These areas include the legal profession, medicine and law.

How to choose an attractive name

A collective study of the problem associated with choosing a name for a business project allows us to obtain several original and promising name options. An entrepreneur faced with such a difficulty is recommended to conduct a series of surveys among his friends. Creating a unique base allows you to choose a name for your project. The names of construction companies must have a meaningful meaning. A name like “Maple” does not have the necessary load. In the case of construction, it is more appropriate to use the name “NadezhStroyService”. Such a name emphasizes both the main activity and the competitive advantages of the organization.

When organizing your own business, it is worth remembering that choosing the right business name is the first step to success

By owner name

Putting your own name in a project title has both positive and negative consequences. As noted above, such a name can demonstrate to others the narcissism of the business owner. On the other hand, using one’s own last name or first name indicates that the person bears full responsibility for the quality of the services provided.

This method cannot be used when several people are involved in creating a business. The only way out of this situation is to choose double names or surnames. An example of such an option is the name LLC Ivanov and Sidorov. As practice shows, this method is more often used by businessmen from European countries. Domestic entrepreneurs prefer to choose other options.

Introduction of foreign words

This method is recommended for those enterprises that plan to work with foreign counterparties or develop foreign markets. The selected phrase from a foreign language should reflect the reliability of the company. In this case, it is necessary to involve specialists from the field of marketing in choosing a name.

Many experts do not recommend using abbreviations for companies that plan to operate on a large scale. This recommendation is explained by the fact that abbreviations have no meaning. The name "ZSB" does not reflect the main activities of the company. Most potential clients and large customers will not try to decipher this abbreviation and will use the services of competitors.

Using abbreviations for better memorization

The use of abbreviations in the name of the organization is officially permitted. Most companies involved in the construction industry prefer to use the prefix “Stroy”. Examples of names of construction companies with the prefix “Stroy”:

  • "StroyBusiness";
  • "StroySila";
  • "TechnoStroy";
  • "StoyArt".

Using this technique allows you to create a name that will be remembered by many people. However, names created by this method rarely reveal the concept of the business itself. It is important to note that there is only one solution to this problem. An entrepreneur can register both an abbreviated and full name, which will be the transcript of the abbreviation.

There are different approaches to choosing a company name

Name by main business activity

Many entrepreneurs, who are faced with the difficulty of choosing a name for the first time, often ask the question about the reasons for the need to indicate the scope of activity. The need to comply with this rule is explained by the large number of different advertisements. In such abundance, brands with a gray name can easily get lost. Indicating the concept is a kind of anchor with the help of which the consumer’s attention is attracted. The prefix “build” allows clients to understand what services a particular company provides.

Examples of successful names

When considering the question of how to name a construction company, it is necessary to pay special attention to the rules for choosing a good name. The name for a construction company should evoke associations with such feelings as coziness and comfort. Some entrepreneurs manage to emphasize their advantages using their name. Examples of such brands are the companies StroyMaster and Nadezhny Dom. When choosing a specific phrase, it is very important to find out if it is being used by competitors. You can create a unique name by combining several words. An example of such names is “GarantElite” and “StroyExpert”.

A competent approach to choosing a name for a project allows you to create an effective brand that does not need additional advertising. It is quite difficult to complete this task, since it is necessary to take into account many factors of a different nature. The chosen name should have a euphonious sound and evoke a positive association.

Are there any prohibited names for a construction company?

The current laws of the Russian Federation provide a number of restrictions on the choice of name for legal entities. These rules prohibit the use of obscene and rude language. In addition, phrases and language that discriminate against gender or national groups should be avoided. Current regulations prohibit the use of the words “Moscow”, “Russia”, “federal”, as well as their abbreviations or derivatives. This right is granted exclusively to government agencies.

In order to be able to use the name of a region or settlement, an entrepreneur must obtain permission from the regional authorities. However, many businessmen get around this ban by using a digital designation of the region. Using such a name allows you to reduce the cost of purchasing a license. It should also be noted that the established rules prohibit the use of phrases and combinations of words that sound similar to the name of well-known brands.

One way to quickly come up with a company name is to survey future employees.

Regulatory acts

Choosing a name for a company is a creative process that requires a creative approach. However, in addition to naming rules, it is necessary to take into account the rules of the law. Each company should adhere to the requirements set by the registration authority. Otherwise, the tax service has the right to refuse to register the business. Current rules prohibit the use of the Latin alphabet in the name of an organization. In addition, the name of the company must contain a reference to the organizational legal form.

In addition to letters and numbers, entrepreneurs are allowed to use basic punctuation symbols. The use of symbols such as "@" or "#" is strictly prohibited. Each entrepreneur is given the right to use a full and short name for his company. The only requirement of the control authorities is to indicate the selected names in the statutory documents.

Conclusions (+ video)

In this article we discussed questions about how to name a construction company, examples of names and the basics of naming. When developing a name, it is necessary to take into account current laws. Compliance with all the above rules allows you to create an effective brand that attracts consumer attention.

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