Equipment for a confectionery shop. Equipment for the production of confectionery Equipment for the production of confectionery

Who among us as a child did not dream of working in a confectionery factory, eating sweets with impunity? Most of us remember our childhood dreams with a smile, but some still decided to make them come true by opening their own confectionery factory. What are the advantages of this business?

First of all, the confectionery business brings constant income. After all, regardless of economic conditions, people will always want to eat. Surely you have noticed: no matter how prices for products rise, they will always be in demand, and confectionery products even more so. Name days, holidays, celebrations, weddings will never stop. And who among us doesn’t mind treating ourselves to a delicious pastry or cake after a hard day at work? Such a business will never be at a loss.

Do you know what equipment is needed for the production of confectionery products? In fact, this is not necessary. It is enough to know only what you need, and for this you need to decide what exactly you want to produce, according to a standard or your own recipe, in what volumes, etc. Each type of sweets uses its own unit, power and type of control.

What equipment is needed and how much does it cost?

Regardless of the type of product, there is a standard set of tools and equipment that will be needed for the production of confectionery products. First of all this:

    Hearth oven(price: 50-70 thousand rubles). Most pastry shops prefer to follow time-tested traditions by baking baked goods in deck ovens. Their advantage is that the bread turns out airy, soft and with a crispy crust. Due to the fact that it has few moving parts, it does not break down so often. It is easy to keep clean and adjust the desired temperature on the touch screen for the best baking results.

    Flour sifter (price: up to 20 thousand rubles). The modern confectionery equipment market presents hundreds of types of flour sifters of different quality and price categories. Its main task is to cleanse flour from impurities, loosen and enrich it with oxygen. This is necessary so that the dough comes out more fluffy and airy. Therefore, when choosing equipment, you should first of all pay attention to the quality of the sieve. Usually the kit includes two types: large and small for different types of baking. Also consider the throughput of your production - how many sweets do you plan to produce per day? This factor influences the choice of power and energy consumption of the flour sifter.

    Plate for the production of fillings (price: 40 thousand rubles). ABOUT Pay attention to the package: all parts must be made of high-quality stainless steel and easy to disassemble. Check with the seller for the warranty period. High-quality equipment has a guarantee of up to 5 years.

    Convection oven (price: 200 thousand rubles). Thanks to the internal fan, the oven distributes hot air well, you can regulate the temperature and humidity, and also monitor the baking process through the glass door. For electric ovens, you do not need to install a hood; for gas ovens, it is required. This type of oven is considered the most popular and affordable option for confectionery equipment.

    Mixer for batter and creams (price: 30 and 18 thousand rubles, respectively). This type of mixer is called planetary. They must be equipped with a stainless steel bowl, have removable working parts and a closed body so that moisture and confectionery mixture do not get there. Also pay attention to the power and energy consumption of the equipment.

    Dough mixer (price: 30 thousand rubles). In large industries, floor-mounted dough mixers are used - they are more powerful. If you have a small business, you can use desktop equipment. In both cases, pay attention to the type of adjustment. Smooth adjustment is the most convenient and practical, as it allows you to more finely regulate the kneading force and bake the dough according to your own recipe. Other types have a fixed power adjustment or just one, which is suitable for enterprises producing only one type of confectionery product.

This concerns special equipment for opening a small workshop. But you will also need additional equipment:

  • Bathtubs, tables, racks, price: 20 thousand rubles each;
  • Refrigerators and freezers for storing ingredients and raw materials, price: 50 thousand rubles;
  • Refrigeration chamber for storing finished products, price: 120 thousand rubles;
  • Bakery equipment.

In order for the numbers to remain in memory, you need to take a break from monotonous reading :)

Let's continue, so in more detail about each type of technological equipment, what is needed and why.

Flour sifter necessary primarily from the point of view of sanitary standards.

The next stage of preparing raw materials is making cream, fillings and kneading dough. For this purpose they use mixers And dough mixers.

After kneading the dough, the stage of molding the products begins. Typically, this process is carried out manually. Therefore, let's move on to the more important stage - baking. Most confectionery shops bake products in deck ovens– from 1 to 4 tiers.

Many enterprises, in order to increase productivity, have switched from deck ovens to rotary kilns. Baking in such units occurs on rack trolleys, which rotate during baking. Such equipment has the ability to change the air flow speed, and the large volume of the baking chamber allows you to bake products of any size, as well as produce products that require different baking modes.

Can be used to decorate cakes pastry attachments, bags. Such products will help turn a sweet product into a real work of art.

In the confectionery business, proper zoning of the room is very important. A mid-level confectionery shop should be divided into the following sections:

    Kneading dough

    Cutting and baking

    Preparing the cream

    Product decoration

    Proofing yeast dough

    Preparation of fudge and syrups

    Cooling of finished products

    Cooling of semi-finished products

    Storage of finished products

    Sifting flour

    Storage of raw materials

    Food preparation

  • Washing
  • Container storage

It is worth understanding and remembering that no matter what equipment you use, the determining factor in the confectionery business is human. Those. the most important thing is the professionalism of your employees. The confectioner is the king and god in production; he performs all operations, including automated ones, with his own hands.

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The confectionery shop occupies a special place in the restaurant industry. As a rule, he works independently, regardless of the kitchen, and usually supplies his products, in addition to the main one, to small enterprises, buffets, etc. The total area of ​​the workshop and its layout depend on the quantity and range of products that are manufactured. A confectionery shop producing 2-3 thousand products may consist of two divisions: procurement and finishing. In the procurement department, the preparation of products for baking and the actual baking of the product is carried out, and in the finishing department, its design is carried out.

Large workshops, producing up to 10-12 thousand products per shift, allocate separate rooms for kneading dough, cutting (molding) products, baking and decoration. It is clear that such enterprises produce products for supply to other restaurant and trade enterprises; they must provide for expedition facilities and washing containers when designing the premises.

The placement of the premises of the confectionery shop may be different, but it is always necessary to prevent the possibility of counter flows during the technological process. The premises of the confectionery shop must be bright; the rest of the requirements are the same as for the hot shop.

The following operations are performed in the confectionery shop: sifting flour and preparing (kneading) dough, shaping, baking, decorating products after baking, preparing sweets, syrups, creams, beating egg whites.

At the workplace for sifting flour, appropriate equipment and sifting machines are installed. Depending on the capacity of the workshop, sifting machines can have different capacities. Modern sifters take up little space and are convenient for use in confectionery shops. In the absence of machines, flour is sifted using a sieve, which is installed above the container in which the dough will be kneaded.

Kneading is an important operation when preparing all types of dough. It involves the application of physical effort, which is why modern confectionery shops are equipped with dough mixing machines. The simplest one consists of two units: a beater with a drive mechanism and a mobile bowl. The mobile bowl is delivered to the place where flour is sifted, filled with dough ingredients and brought to the beater, which does the kneading.

You can also install a universal drive for confectionery shops and use it to do this job. This usually happens in small workshops. The process of kneading dough by machine lasts from 10 to 20 minutes.

In addition to the dough kneading machine, this workplace should have a water heating apparatus, a production sink with a hot and cold water mixer, and a commercial scale for weighing flour.

Flour is supplied to the workplace sifted, salt and sugar are supplied in the form of a strained solution of a certain concentration. For convenience and ease of dosing salt and sugar, install a measuring steel container with a tap and filter at the bottom.

In the absence of dough mixing machines and universal drives, dough is kneaded manually. For this, it is recommended to use a special table-box of the following dimensions: length 100 cm, width 75 cm, height 98 cm, depth 43 cm. A box with a height of 90, a width of 70 and a depth of 50 cm is also used.

In the dough mixing department, a workplace is organized for performing auxiliary operations: sorting and washing raisins, preparing and straining sugar syrup and salt solution. Here a production table is installed with a sink built into the lid, to which cold and hot water is supplied. A box for salt and sugar is placed next to the table. A locker is installed at the workplace for tools and equipment.

As in the baking industry, to create the necessary conditions for the fermentation of yeast dough in large confectionery shops, special rooms are allocated in which the optimum temperature is maintained. If there are no such premises, the dough is transported or brought to pastry ovens, where the air temperature is higher. Fermentation of the dough occurs in the same tubs in which it was kneaded.

After fermenting the yeast dough or kneading it, the products are formed. When performing this operation, the dough is divided into pieces of a certain weight and given the required shape. Forming products takes a lot of time, although this operation is often mechanized. These are special semi-automatic dough makers that divide the dough into portions of a certain weight, automatic and semi-automatic machines that divide the dough and shape the products. At the workplace for dosing dough there should be a production table equipped with a drawer for flour, a drawer for knives and scales. A tub of dough is installed to the left of the worker, and to the right is a dough divider and a table for forming the dough. Dough sheeters are used to roll out the dough. In small enterprises or when producing a small number of products, rolling can be done manually, although it is difficult to obtain the dough of the required thickness. The rolling process is much easier when using a control rocker, consisting of a hollow metal working roller with a diameter of 80 mm with an axis located inside it. Control rings are placed on the edge of the roller on both sides. The roller axis has handles secured to the axis with screws and washers. The control rings are secured to the roller using pins. The roller set includes five numbers of rings with an outer diameter from 88 to 100 mm

Roll out the dough on a table with a lid that has a flat surface. To roll out and apply a specific pattern to the dough, wooden rolling pins with stamps cut out on them are used. The molding of products can be carried out by various recesses adapted for the production of semi-finished products of a certain weight.

To cut the dough, a cutter is used, with the help of which the dough with jagged edges is obtained, the fragments are formed, the dough is cut into equal strips, and the cutter is used for cutting into circles. These devices are not used in large enterprises.

Workstations for dispensing, rolling out dough and molding products are organized differently, depending on the degree of division of labor of the confectionery shop workers. As a matter of fact, all these three operations can be performed at one workstation. In workshops where operational division of labor is applied, three specialized workplaces are organized, located nearby. The number of workers at each of them is determined taking into account the labor intensity of a particular operation.

At the workplace for rolling out dough, in addition to production tables, a dough sheeter and a refrigerator for cooling the dough are installed. It is recommended to make production tables with cabinets for tools and drawers for flour.

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1 - Confectionery pins for transporting finished confectionery semi-finished products to pre-production or auxiliary workshops.

2 - Refrigerated cabinets for storing the ingredients of confectionery products.

3 - Production table.

4 - Wall shelves for storing bulk confectionery ingredients.

5 - The universal drive is used for preparing dough, confectionery mincemeat, and whipping cream using a planetary mixer. A mechanism for chopping nuts is also used.

6 - Rack for storing equipment and attachments for the universal drive.

7 - Pastry tables.

The workplace for molding products is equipped with the same specialized tables as for rolling out dough. To the left of the table, movable small-sized racks and cabinets with confectionery sheets are installed, on which the molded products are laid out. As they are filled, they are rolled back to the proofing area.

At the filling preparation workplace, a production table and a small gas or electric stove are installed for preparing fudge, choux pastry, and cream. They also use a wiping machine and a meat grinder from a mobile universal drive. To transport and store fillings, bowls on wheels, mobile bathtubs or chairs with trays installed on them are used.

If a pastry shop produces deep-fried pies, a special workplace equipped with electric or gas fryers is organized. For a large task of producing pies, a pie machine can be installed.

Products made from puff pastry and shortcrust pastry are prepared at the same workplaces as products made from yeast dough, but at a different time. If it is necessary to simultaneously produce products from these types of dough, additionally organize workplaces similar in equipment to workplaces for the production of products from yeast dough.

A separate workplace will be equipped for preparing biscuit dough. Beating of biscuit dough is carried out on a mechanical beater with an individual electric motor or from a universal drive.

To perform preparatory operations (preparing egg mass, sugar, etc.), as well as to place the whipped dough into molds, a production table is installed. After the products have been given a certain shape, they are laid out on confectionery sheets and placed on racks. Mobile metal racks are the most convenient to use; they are easy to move and can be installed near the workplace. In addition to mobile racks, stationary metal shelves built into the wall.

After molding and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. Baking time depends on the size of the product; readiness is determined by appearance.

Electric and gas ovens are used for baking confectionery products. Nowadays, there are electric frying and pastry cabinets equipped with thermostats that allow you to automatically maintain the set temperature within any range.

Baking different types of confectionery products requires the appropriate temperature. Thus, buns, pies, cheesecakes, kulebyaki are baked at a temperature of 200-250°C; biscuit dough - at 200-210°C; sand piece products - 210-220°C; sheet piece products - 250-260°C; tubes and buns made from choux pastry - 215-220°C.

After baking, the products are removed and placed on cooling racks, and then sent to the finished product storage room. Biscuits, cake layers, cream buns, etc. are cut, moistened with syrup, covered with cream or fondant and decorated. In large workshops, a special room is allocated for these operations. To wet the biscuits, you can use a 2-3 liter funnel.

The decoration of confectionery products is carried out mainly by hand. Various devices are used to perform this operation. So, to grease cakes and pastries with cream, you should use a large and small spatula. It is more convenient to fill cakes with cream using a pastry bag secured in a rack. Various shaped tips attached to piping bags make it possible to apply a variety of designs to pastries and cakes. To facilitate this process, you can use wire stencils with a diameter of 4 mm.

In large confectionery shops, a pneumatic device is used to fill products with cream, which is mounted on a mobile metal table. An air compressor with an electric motor is installed at the bottom of the table, from which compressed air is supplied to tanks with cream installed on the table. A rubber hose is attached to each tank, at the end of which there is a tip with a handle.

The next operation is the preparation of syrups, creams, whipped egg whites, and sweets. To carry it out, the confectionery shop has simple heating equipment - stoves or special devices on which confectionery boilers are installed. Large enterprises use open steam and electric sauce boilers without lids. In small workshops, cookware is available for this purpose.

For small production volumes, it is advisable to use a water bath to heat and store heated fudge. To do this, place a smaller saucepan with fudge in the bath and use it if necessary, always having it on hand. In a water bath it does not crystallize and always has the desired temperature.

To beat and mix products, large enterprises install whipping machines, others use universal drives, meat grinders, and low-power grinding machines.

Universal drives for confectionery shops in combination with a universal whipping machine make it possible to prepare many types of semi-finished products: choux pastry, dough for sponge cakes, cakes and pastries, fudge, butter and protein creams. In the absence of machines, these processes are carried out manually using pastry whisks.

To perform other operations, various tools and devices are used - mortars and pestles, manual and electric coffee grinders, sieves, colanders, screens, etc.

When preparing puff pastry, cool it after each rolling. To do this, in the processing room, away from the confectionery ovens, a refrigerated cabinet is installed, which also serves to store perishable products (butter, minced meat, etc.). Finished confectionery products are laid out in trays and stored until sale in a separate room - an expedition, equipped with shelving. They are transported from the workshop on mobile racks or carts.

In a large confectionery shop, it is necessary to provide a warehouse for a daily supply of raw materials to ensure uninterrupted operation during the day.

Tool cabinets are installed in the workshop to store tools, fixtures and equipment.

In confectionery shops that produce products with buttercream, a separate room is set up for washing eggs. Before entering the workshop, eggs are checked for freshness, treated in a disinfectant solution, neutralized in a soda solution, and then washed in running water.

To process eggs, a bathtub is installed at the workplace, next to it there is a table with an ovoscope and a table with a box for eggs intended for testing. The eggs checked on an ovoscope are placed in a net and lowered alternately into a bath with a disinfectant solution, then into a bath with a soda solution, and then into a bath with running water.

Equipment and its types for a confectionery shop are selected depending on the expected productivity of the workshop. This takes into account the number of downloads, operating time and utilization rate of each machine.

Thermal equipment (pastry oven, cabinets) is selected depending on the hourly productivity of the devices. To do this, you need to know the weight of the baked products, their number on one baking sheet, the number of decks, and the duration of baking.

Organization of work in a confectionery shop.

The management of the confectionery shop is carried out by the head of the shop. He introduces the foremen to the range of manufactured products, distributes raw materials between teams, and controls the technological process.

In confectionery shops, as a rule, a linear graph is used. In large workshops, work is organized in two shifts, in small workshops - in one. Teams are formed either by type of product (one produces products from yeast dough; the other produces cakes, pastries), or by technological process operations (kneading, molding, baking and product design). Two or three teams work in each shift, depending on the capacity of the workshop according to the operational division of labor.

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1 - mobile confectionery rack; 2 - metal stock; C - refrigerator; 4 - office table; 5 - production table; 6 - washing bath; 7 - table with cooling; 8 - whipping machine, 9 - vibrating sieve with stand; 10 - dough mixing machine; 11 - table with built-in washing tub; 12 - production rack; 13 - sterilizer; 14 - washing bath; 15 - cream dispenser, 16 - electroshafa; 17 - dough sheeters; 18 - bowl for kneading dough; 19 - electric stove; 20 - device for cooling syrup

Confectioners of the V category make custom-made figured cakes and pastries. They prepare and check the quality of raw materials, fillings, finishing semi-finished products, prepare dough, shape products, and carry out their artistic design.

IV category confectioners produce various muffins, rolls, premium cookies, complex cakes and pastries.

Confectioners of the III category produce simple cakes and pastries, bakery products, various types of dough, creams, fillings. Qualification requirements for a pastry chef:

o the confectioner must have primary or secondary vocational education;

o know the recipe and technology for the production of flour confectionery and bakery products from various types of dough, finishing semi-finished products;

o know the commercial characteristics of raw materials, types of flavoring and aromatic substances, leavening agents and dyes permitted for the manufacture of confectionery products;

o comply with sanitary and hygienic conditions for the production of flour confectionery products, their storage, transportation and sale periods;

o know organoleptic methods for assessing the quality of confectionery products;

o use methods and techniques for highly artistic finishing of complex types of confectionery products;

o comply with the operating principles and operating rules of technological equipment used in the manufacture of confectionery products.

The qualification requirements for a pastry chef are determined in accordance with the requirements of the industry standard GOST 30524-97 “Catering. Requirements for production personnel,” which is used when certifying the services of restaurant enterprises.

Confectioners of the II category perform individual work in the process of making cakes, pastries, and prepare syrups and creams.

Confectioners of the 1st category perform work under the supervision of confectioners of the highest category, remove baked goods from sheets, read out confectionery trays, sheets and forms.

Bakers of the II and III categories bake and fry confectionery and bakery products. They determine the readiness of semi-finished products for baking, prepare the ice cream and lubricate the products. The baker must study the technological process, modes and duration of baking of confectionery products, know the yield standards of finished products, their cooling mode, as well as the rules of operation and maintenance.

Confectioners must be aware of the responsibility for the work they perform. The workshop manager and foremen monitor the rational organization of work in the workshop, which is carried out in accordance with the planned production target.

IN confectionery shops in the room for processing eggs, an ovoscope is used to check the quality of eggs and four baths for their sanitary processing (or a four-section bath).

The dough is kneaded, cut and baked in one room.

At the workplace for kneading dough, set dough mixing machines. In the dough mixing department, a workplace is also organized for performing auxiliary operations: sorting and washing raisins, preparing and straining sugar syrup and salt solution. At this workplace, a production table with a built-in bathtub and a flexible hose for filling the bowl with water is installed.

At the workplace for preparation biscuit dough install a beater, install it next to the machine production table. The prepared mass is poured into baking sheets lined with parchment or molds that are sent for baking.

For cooking puff pastry organize a production line, which includes a dough mixing machine, a dough sheeter, a production table, a refrigerated cabinet or a table with a refrigerated cabinet, since when making puff pastry it must be cooled.

For cooking choux pastry a separate area is allocated where an electric stove and production tables are installed. To brew the dough, use stovetop boilers and equipment (mixer, whisks).

In confectionery shops, various tools and devices are used for cutting dough. In small confectionery shops the dough is rolled out by hand. The inventory of the confectionery shop is shown in Fig. thirty.


Rice. 30. Confectionery shop inventory:

Yeast cutting , shortcrust pastry, the molding of products from them is carried out at the workplace, where production tables with a wooden covering and drawers for flour and for storing equipment are installed. Table scales VNTs-2 are placed on the table. On these tables the dough is divided into portions of a certain mass.

The formed pieces of dough are immediately placed on oiled pastry sheets, which are placed on proofing racks.

Products made from shortcrust pastry are formed on production tables using figured cuttings (Ring cake, cookies). Metal molds (tart pans) are used to make cake baskets.

After cutting, shaping and proofing, the products are subjected to heat treatment - baking. Used for baking bakery cabinets. Baking cabinets are installed in the baking area; industrial racks and tables on which sheets of products are placed to be lubricated with lemon or oil.

The dough for pastries and cakes is baked in baking sheets and molds on sheets. The pastry sheet can have one, two or three sides so that the semi-finished product can be easily removed from it after baking.

Preparation of finishing semi-finished products. Confectionery shops produce finishing semi-finished products: fillings, syrups, sweets, creams, jellies, etc. Syrups for creams and sweets are cooked in the room for cutting and baking products. The workplace must have electric stoves and production tables. The syrup is boiled in stovetop boilers. The prepared syrup is poured into a special bath to cool.

The preparation of creams is carried out in a separate room, where a whipping machine, production tables with refrigerated cabinets or separate refrigerated cabinets, and shelving are installed. Butter and protein creams are prepared by beating products on beaters.

Shop workers use various devices for cutting and moistening biscuits and decorating cakes. For layering and cutting semi-finished products from biscuit, puff pastry and shortcrust pastry, disc cutters, a knife-saw, and measuring plates are used. Layers of sponge cakes and pastries, rum women soaked in syrup using a special watering can.

At the workplace organized for finishing cakes and pastries with cream and other components, a table with a refrigerated cabinet is installed. Confectioners decorate products by applying designs using pastry bags with various tips and pastry combs.

All equipment and in-shop containers used in the production of confectionery products must be marked by the name of raw materials or semi-finished products. The use of unmarked containers, and also not in accordance with the markings, is prohibited. Manufactured products are placed in specialized containers.

Finished confectionery products are sent to storerooms or refrigeration chambers of the workshop for short-term storage.

In the range of products produced by catering enterprises, along with dishes from meat, fish, vegetables, dairy and other products, flour culinary and confectionery products occupy a large place: pancakes, pancakes, pies, pies, cakes, pastries, etc. d. To produce these products, confectionery shops are organized in large public catering establishments. When producing confectionery products only from yeast dough and flour culinary products in a small assortment, intended for consumption in sales areas, confectionery shops do not organize, but bake these products in hot shops of enterprises. For the preparation of products with cream, regardless of the volume of production, separate refrigerated rooms are allocated.

The technological process for preparing flour confectionery products usually consists of the following stages: storage and preparation of raw materials; preparing and kneading dough; product molding; preparation of fillings; baking products; preparation of finishing semi-finished products; finishing of products.

In accordance with the sequence of the technological process, jobs are organized in confectionery shops. In addition, work places are allocated for auxiliary operations (egg washing, dishwashing, sterilization of pastry bags, etc.).

A confectionery shop that produces a large number of products of various types must have the following departments: a pantry for daily storage of products, a dough mixing room, a dough cutting room, a baking department, rooms for finishing, confectionery products, washing equipment, dishes and containers, and an expedition department.

Requirements for premises. Organization of workplaces. The pantry for daily food storage is a separate room, equipped with chests, storage bins, shelving, etc. This room should also have a refrigerator. To weigh products, scales of varying capacity are used (from 2 to 150 kg). The dough mixing department is equipped with special flour sifters and dough mixing machines with a capacity of 140 to 330 liters. A workplace for auxiliary operations (dissolving and dosing sugar and salt, sorting raisins, etc.) is also organized here. This compartment requires a cold and hot water supply.

The prepared products included in the dough are placed in a bowl, rolled into a strong dough machine and the dough is kneaded. To knead a small amount of dough, use a beater or a wooden bowl in which the dough is kneaded by hand. This bowl, 0.9 m3 high, is covered with a wooden lid, used as a table surface when cutting dough. All types of dough are kneaded at a low temperature (15-17°). Yeast dough requires a high temperature for fermentation - 37°, so after kneading the bowl with this dough is rolled closer to the ovens. In large enterprises, yeast dough is fermented in thermostats, where a given temperature can be maintained.

The dough cutting department is equipped with tables with wooden tops and cabinets for storing equipment and tools, dough dividers, closed scales with a load capacity of 2 and 5 kg. There is space for a bowl and mobile shelving. The dough sheeting machine rolls out the dough to the required thickness using rollers and a conveyor belt.

Each workplace in the workshop should be equipped with stud racks, as well as mobile racks, open and with doors, for convenient delivery of products to the furnaces.

Use a refrigerator to cool the puff pastry. To beat biscuit, puffed and choux pastry, install a whipping machine or a universal drive.

Choux pastry, as well as minced meats and fillings, are prepared on the stove; lipstick is also cooked here.

The baking department is equipped with confectionery ovens and ovens with electric, gas or fire heating.

Stoves and cabinets are installed in a row (section) and provided with local ventilation. Equipment and tables for deep-frying products are placed in the same sectional order. This saves workshop space and creates favorable working conditions. The pies are fried in deep fryers (with gas or electric heating) installed on the floor or on the stove. Place a table with a mesh tray near the deep fryer (to drain excess fat). Good ventilation is especially necessary in this compartment, since the decomposition of fats releases some harmful substances.

Creams are produced in a separate room equipped with whipping machines. A refrigerated cabinet is used to store raw materials and finished products; for sifting powdered sugar and weighing raw materials - a production table and scales.

The room for finishing confectionery products is equipped with production tables with drawers for tools. The tables are equipped with a tripod for strengthening pastry bags, and a tank for syrup (for soaking the biscuit). It is recommended to install stands on the tables that rotate on an axis, on which cakes are placed during finishing. Tables should have shelving for finished products and cardboard boxes. To wash tools and equipment used for finishing confectionery products, use baths with two compartments and a sterilizer. The sterilizer is a heating tank with electric, gas or steam heating. A mesh basket with tubes, bags and other small equipment is placed in the tank. Shelves are installed next to the washing baths

A machine for washing trays is installed in the washing room for equipment, dishes and containers. The machine washes away solid residues, rinses the trays with soda and sterilizes them with steam. Its productivity is 300 trays per hour.

The expedition serves for storing finished confectionery products. It is equipped with refrigeration chambers, shelving, scales and production tables. The storage temperature of products should not exceed 8°.

The most rational organization of work for confectioners is possible in the presence of large confectionery shops. In such enterprises there are ample opportunities for mechanization of labor-intensive work, and, consequently, for a sharp increase in labor productivity; machines and mechanisms are used at full capacity, control over the quality of products is simplified, and the work culture is improved.

In large workshops, they organize specialized lines for the production of semi-finished products, and also use small-scale mechanization and various devices in individual production areas. For example, to make lipstick, a precise line is organized, which includes an electric stove, a boiler, a table for cooling and heating the lipstick, and a beater installed in sequence. To prepare waffles, a production line is created, equipped with waffle irons, automatic waffle presses, boilers and bowls for preparing dough, tables for processing and packaging waffles, and mobile chests for waffle scraps. “Depositing” the choux pastry onto confectionery sheets is done with a special device, which consists of confectionery sheets moving by means of a chain transmission and six tubes with depositing holes. The dough is “deposited” onto sheets using a dispenser. The productivity of the device is 100 workpieces per minute.

In large enterprises, it is possible to provide for the sanitization (improvement) of air by ultraviolet irradiation, for which bactericidal light lamps are used in workshops. Thanks to these lamps, a high level of hygiene is ensured in production, and energy consumption in refrigerators is reduced, since perishable products can be stored at normal temperatures, and they remain fresh.

Inventory and tools used in the confectionery shop. For smooth operation, the confectionery shop must have a variety of equipment and tools in sufficient quantity: sieves, saucepans of various capacities made of stainless steel, stove-top boilers, pastry boilers, baking sheets, various rolling pins, scales, molds, pastry sheets, recesses, mortars, pastry bags with a set of tips, knives, etc.

A rolling pin with limiters, or a control rolling pin, consists of a hollow metal or wooden roller rotating on an axis. Control rings are placed on the edges of the roller on both sides, the diameter of which is larger than the diameter of the roller, so when rolling the rolling pin, a gap remains between the table and the roller; The rolling pin has several pairs of rings with different diameters, on which the thickness of the dough depends.

The dough is cut with various devices: figured cutters, rolling pins-dividers, cutting the dough into strips of various widths; recesses and special knives with several blades, etc.

To beat small quantities of products manually, pastry bowls with a hemispherical bottom and wire whisks are used.

To strain various products and solutions, conical metal sieves with very small holes, sieves of different diameters with nylon, silk or hair mesh, and small strainers with silk or nylon mesh are used.

Cans are opened with special knives. Solutions of sugar and salt are measured into the bowl of kneading machines using measuring metal cylinders, in the bottom of which there is a tap with a filter.

When decorating products with cream, use pastry combs, cornets or pastry bags with tubes. When decorating products with a pastry comb, straight wavy lines are applied to cakes and pastries.

Cornets are rolled from parchment or other paper that does not absorb fat, gluing their edges with egg white. Several cornets are folded into one another, after which their ends are cut crosswise, at an angle, given a wedge-shaped shape, cloves of different sizes are cut out, or tubes of different styles are inserted into them. The devices are filled halfway with cream and closed tightly, so that when pressed, the cream leaks out only at the cut site.

Pastry bags are made of thick fabric. A metal or plastic tube is inserted into the narrow end of the bag. To ensure that the cream leaks out as little as possible, the pastry bag is soaked for 5-10 minutes in warm boiled water before use and then cooled. In this case, the fabric becomes denser. After work, the bags are washed in warm water mixed with baking soda, and then boiled for 3-5 minutes and dried.

Tubes for pastry bags are used in various shapes. If you don’t have ready-made tubes, you can make them. To do this, draw a circle with a diameter of 12-15 cm on a piece of tinned sheet metal using a compass and divide it into eight equal parts (Fig. 2). On each part, using a compass, mark a cutting line for the narrow end of the tube and the profile of the teeth, which should have a nozzle. The circle is cut with scissors into eight plates and the teeth are cut out at the designated places, after which the plate is bent into a conical tube, the seam is sealed with tin and the edges of the teeth are leveled with a fine file. Screw tubes are most convenient (Fig. 3). The base of the screw tube is inserted into the pastry bag and the curly tube tips are screwed onto it.

All pots and pans must be labeled with capacity or weight. To install ordinary boilers, low stools with a lid upholstered in metal are used, and to install boilers with a hemispherical bottom, stools with a round cutout in the lid are used.

Screens and colanders are used to strain small quantities of food.

Hair brushes of different sizes and shapes are used to moisten products with syrup and coat their surface with egg. To soak the biscuit with syrup, special tanks with a tap and a sprayer are used, and for cutting the biscuit dough, special knives or special machines with a saw are used.

Products are baked on confectionery sheets, which have sides only on two sides, which makes it easier to remove from ovens and remove the products, as well as on ordinary baking sheets with sides on all four sides. Some products are baked in molds.

To store small quantities of bulk products (sugar, flour, salt), mobile chests on wheels are used, which are rolled under the table so that they do not take up extra space.

Occupational safety and health. When working in a confectionery shop and arranging equipment, labor protection and safety measures are provided. For this purpose, the following requirements must be observed.

There should be no drafts in the workshop.

The floor in the workshop should be level, non-slip, slope towards the drains for water drainage.

Corners at production tables and bathtubs should be rounded.

Women are allowed to carry weights no more than 20 kg, together - 50 kg. Heavier loads should be transported on dollies.

Shop workers must receive sanitary clothing according to the established standard.

Each workplace must have sufficient lighting.

The aisles near work stations must not be cluttered with dishes and containers.

Only workers who have been instructed and familiar with the structure of the machines are allowed to work on the equipment.

Machines must be grounded and grounded.

The “Start” and “Stop” buttons must be closed and located on the machine body; Rules for their operation and safety posters must be posted near the equipment.

If the power supply is interrupted, all machines should be turned off immediately.

You cannot operate the dough mixing machine without lowering the guard. It is not allowed to load food into the bowl while the machine is running; Before turning on the machine, you must check that the bowl is attached correctly. For whipping machines, the operating rules are the same as when working on a dough mixing machine.

When working with a meat grinder or grinding machine, you must use a pestle.

Workers servicing gas equipment must pass a special technical minimum.

There must be supply and exhaust ventilation above each heating device.

Products should be placed in deep fat in the direction away from you.

Remove sheets and baking sheets from ovens using special gloves.

Pots and all utensils must have tightly attached handles.

In the workshop it is necessary to have a first aid kit with a set of medical supplies. In case of accidents at work, a report is drawn up.