Presentation of "bacteria". Bacteria. Beneficial and harmful bacteria living in the human body

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Bacteria are prokaryotes. These are the simplest, smallest and most widespread organisms that have existed on earth for more than 2 billion years, but at the same time constantly evolving. Bacteria are so different from other living organisms that they are classified as a separate kingdom. There are not many places in the world that are free of bacteria. They live in water, soil, air, inside and on the surface of the bodies of animals and plants.

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GROUPS OF REAL BACTERIA cocci (spherical) - single diplococci (collected in twos) streptococci (in the form of a chain)

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staphylococci (in the form of a bunch of grapes) sarcina (in the form of dense packs) bacilli (rod-shaped)

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convoluted - vibrios (comma-shaped) spirilla (one or more regular curls)

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According to the method of nutrition, bacteria are divided into two groups: HETEROTROPHES (they are not able to synthesize organic matter, but feed on ready-made ones) AUTOTROPHES (able to synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones)

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Most bacteria can use almost any organic compound as an energy source, even substances used to destroy them (for example, penicillin, which kills many bacteria). This is due to the fact that bacteria can live both in the presence of oxygen in the environment and in its absence.

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Bacteria are divided into two groups according to their feeding method: Anaerobic (decompose organic substances without the participation of oxygen) Aerobic (during the process of respiration they use oxygen to oxidize organic substances)

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In relation to the development temperature, bacteria are also very diverse: some develop over a wide range of temperature changes, others - only at certain temperatures (low, high or in a narrow temperature range).

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REPRODUCTION OF BACTERIA Bacterial cells, under favorable conditions, multiply very quickly, dividing in two. If a cell doubles every half hour, then it can produce 281474976710656 offspring per day. And some bacteria can multiply even faster.

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The rapid proliferation of lactic acid bacteria in milk causes it to turn sour in a matter of hours.

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Formation of spores Under unfavorable conditions, for example, lack of water, many bacteria go into a dormant state. The cell loses water, shrinks somewhat and remains dormant until water appears again. Some species survive periods of drought, heat or cold in the form of spores. The formation of spores in bacteria is not a method of reproduction, since each cell produces only one spore and the total number of individuals does not increase.

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When a spore forms, the cell shrinks, rounds within the existing cell wall and produces a new thick wall inside the old one. Under favorable conditions (humid conditions), the spore germinates. The spores are very resistant: they can withstand prolonged drying, boiling for several hours, and dry heating up to 140oC. Some spores can withstand temperatures of -245oC. They are also resistant to toxic substances and remain viable for a long time. Thus, anthrax bacilli remain viable, remaining in the form of spores for 30 years.

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Survival of bacteria during drying Vibrio cholera up to 2 days Plague bacillus up to 8 days Diphtheria bacillus up to 30 days Typhoid bacillus up to 70 days Tuberculosis bacillus up to 90 days Staphylococcus bacillus up to 90 days

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The positive significance of bacteria is determined by their participation in many biological processes, especially in the cycle of substances in nature. Bacteria, as a result of their vital activity, are able to decompose complex organic compounds into simple inorganic substances, which are again used by green plants. Bacteria are capable of decomposing proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

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A number of substances produced by bacteria as a result of metabolism are very valuable for humans. The activity of bacteria is used in various industries and agriculture for the production of lactic acid products, for sauerkraut, forage silage, for the production of organic acids, alcohols, acetone, enzymatic preparations, etc. People also use bacteria to treat wastewater: when wastewater is slowly passed over gravel and sand, solid particles settle and, under the influence of various bacteria, are transformed into a material that, after drying, is used as fertilizer. When passing through sand and gravel, pathogenic bacteria die and are digested by putrefactive bacteria.

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Negative role of bacteria Pathogenic bacteria that cause diseases of plants, animals and humans play a negative role. Many saprophytic bacteria cause food spoilage, some of which are highly toxic. Toxins usually do not affect the body as a whole, but a specific organ or one of the organ systems - for example, the central nervous system, red blood cells, etc., causing a characteristic set of symptoms by which the disease can be diagnosed and its causative agent can be identified.

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Of the plant diseases caused by bacteria, the following are known: burn that affects fruit plants - apple trees, pears, etc.; black rot of cabbage; soft rot of many plants; tumors of plant roots Despite the harm caused (bacterial root cancer); tumor-like growths on leaves (galls), etc. summary of presentations


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Bacteria. Study the structural features and vital functions of bacteria. Show the role of bacteria in nature and human life. Shapes of bacteria. Cocci bacilli vibrios spirilla. The structure of bacteria. Bacteria are single-celled, simply organized prenuclear organisms. ..\2006-05-24\Scan10095.JPG. Spread of bacteria. Why are bacteria widespread in nature? Reproduction. Education dispute. The survival of bacteria is promoted by: High speed of reproduction under favorable conditions; education dispute. Nutrition. The role of bacteria in nature. Saprophytic bacteria of decay (participants in the cycle of substances in nature, orderlies of nature).

- Bacteria.ppt

Bacteria Lesson

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Kingdom of bacteria General characteristics of bacteria. Lesson objectives: To familiarize students with the structural features and diversity of bacteria. develop mental operations of classification, comparison, generalization, the ability to draw conclusions, communication skills. to promote a caring attitude towards the environment and aesthetic education of schoolchildren. Dear Guys! I know that each of you is the smartest, most erudite student. What are bacteria? Bacteria are... 1) Single-celled organisms. 2) Cells without a nucleus. 3) Very small organisms 4) Prenuclear organisms. There is only a nuclear membrane.

- Lesson Bacteria.ppt

What organisms are we talking about? Bacteria. The structure of a bacterium. Prokaryotes. Basic terms and concepts. Shape of bacteria. Diplococci. Bacilli. Classes of bacteria. Vibrios. Spirilla. Bacterial cells have a nucleus. Nutrition. Breath. Sporulation. Autotroph. Aerobe. Bacterial spores. The importance of bacteria in nature. Cyanobacteria. Nodule bacteria. Classes of bacteria. The importance of bacteria in human life. Tuberculosis. Botulism. Venereal diseases. Purulent infections. Cholera. Intestinal disorders. Typhoid fever. Measures to prevent bacterial diseases. Microbiology. Activity of bacteria. Streptococcus. - Classes of bacteria.ppt

Bacteria 6th grade

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Kingdom of bacteria

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Biology Bacteria

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General characteristics of bacteria. Bacteria are the oldest group of organisms. Biology lesson. The first bacteria probably appeared more than 3.5 billion years ago. Sizes of bacteria. A quarter of a million bacteria fit in a point. Study of bacteria. The structure of a bacterium. Bacteria are very small single-celled organisms. Bacterial cells are called nuclear-free. Living conditions for bacteria. Bacteria live in different natural conditions. Bacteria that require oxygen to live are AEROBES. Bacteria for which oxygen is harmful are ANAEROBES. Reproduction of bacteria. Bacteria reproduce by dividing the cell in two.

- Biology of Bacteria.ppt

bacterial cell

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Diversity of bacteria

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Bacteria. Content. Unicellular organisms. Shapes of bacteria. Such different bacteria. Fermentation bacteria. Soil bacteria. Rotting bacteria. Pathogenic bacteria. Check yourself. Right. Think again. Literature. - Diversity of bacteria.ppt

Structure of bacteria

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The structure and activity of bacteria. Study the structure of a bacterial cell. The structure of a bacterial cell. Permanent structures. Cytoplasmic membrane. Non-permanent structures. Sizes of bacteria. Groups of real bacteria. Staphylococci. Vibrios. Heterotrophs. Saprophytes. Organic compounds. Oxygen. Reproduction of bacteria.

- Structure of bacteria.ppt

The structure of bacteria. The cells of many bacteria have non-chromosomal genetic elements - plasmids. Flagella. Among bacteria there are many mobile forms. Flagella play a major role in locomotion. The flagellum filament consists of 3-11 helically twisted fibrils formed by the protein flagellin. When unfavorable conditions occur, some bacteria form endospores. When favorable conditions occur, the spore germinates and a vegetative cell is formed. Another group, autotrophs, are capable of synthesizing organic substances from inorganic ones. Physiology of bacteria.

- Structure and significance of bacteria.ppt

Life of bacteria

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Bacteria. Modern education. Diagnostic tasks. Assignments for students. Motivation for learning activities. Formulating the topic of the lesson. Learning new material. Complete the task. Shapes of bacterial cells. Reproduction of bacteria. Nutrition of bacteria. Adaptation of bacteria to survival. Consolidating the new. Control task. Correlate the definitions with the studied terms and concepts. Work in pairs. Personal development. Thank you for your attention. - Life of bacteria.pptx

Vital activity of bacteria

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Bacteria: structure and life activity. Which organisms have a body that does not consist of cells? General characteristics of bacteria. Can bacteria be seen? Cell shape. Shapes of bacteria. The structure of a bacterial cell. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Ways to feed bacteria. Living conditions for bacteria. Reproduction of bacteria. Unfavorable environmental conditions. Physical education. Complete interactive tasks. Reflexive target. Homework. - Life activity of bacteria.pptx


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Chemosynthesis. Chemosynthesis is... This method of obtaining energy is used only by bacteria. Chemosynthesis was discovered in 1887 by S. N. Vinogradsky. Sulfur bacteria. Iron bacteria. Nitrifying bacteria. Hydrogen bacteria. Methanobacteria. Chemosynthesis is described by the reaction 4H2 + CO2 = CH4 + 2H2O. The meaning of chemosynthesis. Some chemosynthetics (in particular, sulfur bacteria) are used for wastewater treatment. 1.Compare photosynthetics and chemosynthetics. Eliminate unnecessary things. Find a match.

- Chemosynthesis.ppt

Metabolism. Chemosynthesis. What do the inhabitants of these communities eat? A number of bacterial species have the necessary enzyme systems. Bacteria also come into play, working with hydrogen, nitrogen compounds and methane. Back in 1887, Russian microbiologist S.N. Winogradsky discovered bacterial chemosynthesis. Born in 1853 in Russia. Died in 1953 in France. Anoxic (anaerobic) respiration. Anaerobic chemoautotrophs. Molecular oxygen that appeared in the Earth's atmosphere acted as a strong oxidizing agent. Nitrifying bacteria - oxidize ammonia to nitrates. Iron bacteria are capable of oxidizing divalent iron to trivalent iron.

- Chemosynthesis of bacteria.pptx

The importance of bacteria

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The meaning of bacteria. Bacteria are prokaryotes that have existed on Earth for more than 2 billion years. Bacteria are a key factor in soil formation, oxidation zones of sulfide and sulfur deposits, and the formation of iron and manganese sedimentary rocks. As plants die, they enrich the soil with nitrogen compounds. The production of many food and technical products is impossible without the participation of various fermentative bacteria. As a result of the vital activity of bacteria, yogurt, kefir, cheese, as well as enzymes, alcohols, and citric acid are obtained. To prevent the development of the disease and acquire immunity, a method of vaccination in the form of a vaccine has been developed.

- Meaning of bacteria.pptx

The role of bacteria in nature

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Bacteria in the human body

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Bacteria in the human body. Features of bacteria. Dispersal of bacteria. Species Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus. Flexibacteria. Normal cohabitants in the body. Symbiotic bacteria. Skin. Pathogenic bacteria. Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Bacteria. Causative agents of intestinal diseases. Causative agents of respiratory tract diseases. Pathogens of particularly dangerous infections. Intermediate hosts of pathogenic bacteria. Anthrax carriers. Carriers of plague. Disease carriers. Disease carriers. Fighting pathogenic bacteria. Compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Kingdom of bacteria. Write the word “bacteria” in your notebook and draw a crown. Let's first talk about the structure of bacteria. Cocci are the simplest forms of bacteria. Streptococcus is a chain of cocci. Staphylococcus is a whole bunch of cocci. Write the word “cocci” in your notebook. The elongated bacteria are called rods. Flagellum. Vibrio. Spirilla. Are bacteria harmful or beneficial? There are many benefits from bacteria. Bacteria are cooks. Milk. Cottage cheese. Lots of different products. Salted cucumbers. Cabbage. Benefits from bacteria. E. coli. Bacteria cause disease. Bacteria cause food to spoil. Harm from bacteria.

- The role of bacteria in human life.ppt

Bacteria - pathogens

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Bacteria are causative agents of acute diseases. Bacteria. There are especially many bacteria in the soil. Bacterial cell. The role of bacteria. Damage to the national economy. Pathogenic bacteria. Several “lines of defense” against pathogenic microorganisms. Black potato leg. Bacteria cause human disease.

- Bacteria – pathogens.pptx

Bacteria living in the human body

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Bacteria in the human body. Content. Review of bacteria. Features of bacteria. Dispersal of bacteria. Spiral-shaped bacterium. Flexibacteria. Normal cohabitants in the body. Colon. Skin. Pathogenic bacteria. Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis. Diphtheria. Causative agents of intestinal diseases. Causative agents of respiratory tract diseases. Pathogens of particularly dangerous infections. Intermediate hosts of pathogenic bacteria. Anthrax carriers. Carriers of plague. Ticks. Disease carriers. Fighting pathogenic bacteria.

- Bacteria living in the human body.ppt


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SRS Topic: “Proteus. Ecology. Etiology and pathogenesis. Laboratory diagnostics. Prevention and treatment." Checked by the teacher: Zavorokhina O.A. Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. State Medical University of Semey. Department of Clinical Microbiology. Plan: Proteus. (lat. proteus) - a genus of gram-negative, spore-forming, facultative anaerobic bacteria. Representative of normal, opportunistic microflora of the human intestine. Proteus in the taxonomy of bacteria. Genus Proteus. proteus vulgaris. proteus hauseri. proteus mirabilis. proteus myxofaciens. proteus penneri.

- Proteus.ppt


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The concept of microorganisms. Exposure to microbes. Microorganisms. Impact of microbes on food products. Beneficial impact. The soil. Paths of penetration of microbes. Prevention of infections. Diseases transmitted through food. First aid for food poisoning. Read the statements. Answers. Microorganisms. Food hygiene rules. Justification of the rules.

- Microorganisms.ppt

Bacteria and microorganisms

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Bacteria and microorganisms. Classification of microorganisms. Bacteria are prokaryotes. View. Form. Type of breathing. Strains of the same species. Main groups of microorganisms. Coccoid bacteria. Tetracocci. Rod-shaped microorganisms. Twisted forms of microorganisms. Classification of microorganisms according to Bergey. The role of microorganisms in the etiopathogenesis of diseases. Schematic representation of various bacteria. The structure of a bacterial cell. Nuclear apparatus. Cytoplasmic membrane. Capsule. Monotrichs. Fimbriae. Formation of spores in bacteria. Endospores. Sporulation. Bacteria form only one spore.

- Bacteria and microorganisms.pptx

Physiology of microorganisms

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Microflora. Spread of germs. The importance of studying ecology. Biosphere. Types of biocenoses. Sanitary microbiology. Methods for assessing sanitary and epidemiological conditions. Indirect methods. Total microbial count. Microorganisms. Properties of sanitary-indicative microorganisms. Characteristics of soil microflora. Indicators of the recency of soil contamination. Microbiological standards for drinking water. Indicators characterizing the microbial purity of air.

- Ecology of microorganisms.ppt

Influence of the external environment on microorganisms

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The effect of environmental factors on microorganisms. Disinfection. Classification of microorganisms. Activity. Disinfection methods. Disinfectants. Classification of disinfectants. Disinfection efficiency. Sustainability. Sterilization. Sterilization methods. Gas method. Sterilization quality control. Antiseptic. Chemical substances. Types of antiseptics. Asepsis. -

  • History of the study of bacteria

The bacteria were first seen under an optical microscope and described by the Dutch naturalist Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in 1676. Like all microscopic creatures, he called them “animalcules.”

Leeuwenhoek's drawings

Sizes of bacteria

Bacterial cells are very small. Compare the size of bacteria to the thickness of a human hair

Shapes of bacteria

Bacteria, depending on the shape of the cells, are divided into several groups: spherical - cocci, rod-shaped - bacilli or rods, spiral-shaped - spirochetes

  • Where do bacteria live?
  • There are many bacteria in the soil, in the air, at the bottom of lakes and oceans.
  • They live in the cold, in the ice of the Arctic.
  • In the hot desert sands, and in hot acidic springs.

That is, everywhere!

  • Conclusion

Bacteria are of great importance both in nature and in human life. Some of them are harmful to other organisms (plants, animals, humans), as they cause diseases. However, the ability of bacteria to actively process organic substances, turning them first into humus, makes their participation in the cycle of substances on Earth indispensable. Biology lesson 5th grade

teacher Tsarapin A.N. REMEMBER!

1.Which organisms do not have a body consisting of several cells? 2.What kingdoms of organisms are the living world divided into? GOALS: 1. Study the structural features and vital functions of bacteria.

2. Show the role of bacteria in nature and human life Bacteria - These are primitive unicellular organisms, in the cytoplasm of which there is no formed nucleus. The nuclear substance is distributed throughout the cytoplasm. - a branch of microbiology that deals with the study of bacteria.

? 1. What process underlies the increase in the number of bacteria? 2. How do you think bacteria can reproduce?

Nutrition of bacteria create themselves and also feed on ready-made nutrients.

4. Soil bacteria 5. Bacteria of decomposition and decay

1. Participate in the formation of soil structure and fertility 2. Formation of minerals 3. Maintain reserves of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere

1. lactic acid bacteria

harmful bacteria to humans pathogenic bacteria

A1. Bacteria are organisms: 1. only unicellular; 2. only multicellular; 3. both unicellular and multicellular A2. A bacterial cell contains: 1. shell, cytoplasm, nucleus; 2. cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleic acid; 3. envelope, cytoplasm, nucleic acid

A3. Bacteria: 1. eat ready-made nutrients; 2. are able to create nutrients themselves; 3. 1 and 2 are true.

A4. Determine the correct statement. 1. Bacteria belong to the animal kingdom 2. bacteria belong to the fungal kingdom 3. Statements 1 and 2 are not correct

A5. Determine the correct statement. 1. All bacteria cause harm to other living organisms. 2. all bacteria benefit only humans. 3. Man uses bacteria to create some food products

Homework 1. § 11 page 44 of textbook 2. optional write messages about human bacterial diseases and their prevention