Business from scratch: toy rental. Pleasure for rent Open a business renting children's sports equipment

Parents know that many toys last children “for two days.” They get boring, and a lot of money is spent on purchasing them. The new service in question is one of the new ones. It will help parents save a good amount on inevitable purchases. Find out how to make money by renting board games and toys for children.

Toys are more than just entertainment. For example, there are educational games, board games, etc. They develop logic and thinking and are extremely necessary, especially at an early age. Our idea is easy to implement. The operating system is similar to any rental office: the client leaves a deposit and pays for the rental period.

What to rent?

All products can be divided into three categories: for girls, for boys and for newborns. Mainly focus on games that are fun and educational. You can also rent out expensive radio-controlled models and interactive toys. Your rental service should have the main groups of children's goods:

  • cars;
  • dolls and baby dolls;
  • construction sets and legos;
  • Board games;
  • role sets;
  • puzzles;
  • creator's Kit;
  • interactive;
  • beach;
  • for the little ones (scales, sterilizers, rattles, educational, musical, moving, mosaic, etc.).

As an extension, you can rent strollers, cribs and other useful products for newborns. They are expensive and are needed for a maximum of two years. Car seats are popular rentals.

Consider the seasonality of the business. Regular toys and board games are most in demand during the cold season.

All parents love to pamper their babies. The most common way to praise a child and make him feel good is to buy a new toy. But, unfortunately, children usually get tired of them after a few months. Sometimes mom or dad can buy fun that is interesting for the baby only in their opinion. The child remains indifferent to the toy. As a result, parents spend money uselessly and the problem of where to put the unnecessary thing. Considering that high-quality children's clothes are always expensive, you can imagine their disappointment. Using this experience, we want to offer you new business ideas. They are not related to the sale, but to the rental of children's goods. This business is not new; it is well developed in the West.

  • Where to start renting toys?
  • What should you pay attention to?
  • How much can you earn
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • What equipment to choose for a children's toy rental company
  • What is OKVED for business?
  • Which tax system to choose
  • Do I need permission to operate a company that rents children's toys?

Toys are not only fun. With their help, children learn about the world, develop, acquire skills and knowledge. Manufacturers all over the world work every day to create useful, beautiful and, most importantly, safe items for children. These are the requirements that most buyers make for children's products. The whole problem is that high-quality and safe products are always expensive. For families with average incomes, it is difficult to buy them regularly. The problem becomes more complicated if there are several children of different ages in the family. Another difficulty that parents face is the lack of space in their apartments to store toys. Considering the frequency with which children change their interest in them, sometimes you need to dedicate an entire room.

Where to start renting toys?

A new business was created to solve all these problems. Let's take a closer look at what his ideas are based on. The service works like renting or renting children's toys. You can rent a toy there for an indefinite period. Its operating principle is no different from any other similar item. Typically, children's activities are rented for a week. The cheapest rubber products, gurneys and rattles. You can charge about 200 rubles for seven days. But a swing for children under one year old, for example, will cost from 500 rubles. The cost can be changed depending on the period for which the rental of expensive toys is issued. The longer the period, the less it is.

You need to start with the main thing - purchasing rental items for children. It is more profitable to do this in wholesale companies. The assortment is selected for children from birth to 6-7 years. It is clear that expensive items will be in great demand: playhouses, training centers. Particular attention should be paid to products for children under one year old. They are usually needed for a short period of time, and buying them is not profitable. Rental of children's goods should include walkers, swings, baby monitors, scales, and bassinets. Additionally, of course, you can purchase cheaper things: bathing sets, cubes and others.

What should you pay attention to?

Since renting children's goods for babies and toys is associated with health and some risks, you need to take such points into account when organizing. During play, the child treats the object as if it were his own property. At the same time, scratches and abrasions cannot be avoided. Products quickly lose their attractive appearance. Such items can be sold at a reduced price or donated as charity to an orphanage or low-income family.

One of the main issues that will have to be resolved is the sanitary processing of rental items. Not all parents are ready to bring things into the house, much less give things to their children after other children. They not only touch them with their hands, but can also lick and bite. To ensure customers' peace of mind, you can describe the sanitization method on the information board. This must be done after each user returns the item for rental. Processing occurs in several stages:

  1. Wiping or washing with a disinfectant. It should kill all possible microbes, viruses, and clean dirt.
  2. Steam treatment with a temperature above 100 degrees. It is able to penetrate into all hard-to-reach places that cannot be washed with a liquid product.
  3. Cleaned toys are packed in an individual vacuum bag. Thus, further rental of your goods will not raise unnecessary questions for anyone.

When everything is sterilely packaged, parents do not have to worry about the safety of their child and feel free to visit the rental of children's clothes and toys.

The second issue is drawing up a legally correct contract. It must provide for cases of property damage. Typically, the customer pays the cost of repairs or reimburses the full price of the item, and this insures your rental. All these points must be written down with exact numbers. The tenant must read the contract to avoid any annoying misunderstandings later. This way, your rental or rental will be fully insured.

The main costs for new business ideas of this format will be the purchase of toys and disinfectants. But no business can grow without a clear marketing and advertising strategy. Today, your own website on the Internet is rightfully considered the best way. There you can place photographs of the toys offered, describe the conditions and prices. It is necessary to indicate your legal address, or better yet, draw up a detailed map of the route. If an entrepreneur does not yet have the funds to create a full-fledged website, then all kinds of free bulletin boards will do. They are available on the Internet and in the media. These manipulations will help you speed up and get your first profit as quickly as possible.

  • 1c accounting
  • Instagram
  • In contact with

Three children - it would seem that this is a job in itself. But the heroic Siberian mother of many children, Svetlana Saprykina, also works in a serious IT company, and she also has a small business, as they say, for the soul - a children's toy rental company "It's Time to Play!" Not only her husband, but also her children help her with this project - they are testing toys. Svetlana Saprykina told the portal site about how to create a business with an infant in her arms and combine family, hired work and her own business.

“I always had thoughts about my own business”

I started working as a student, in my third year as an office manager for an advertising company, then at the Novosibirsk State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Motivation - to earn money: I always wanted to have my own money, and not just the money my parents gave me. I wrote dissertations and term papers for classmates for money. I studied very well, knew a lot and could provide such services. This allowed me to further develop in my specialty and earn money.

I come from the city of Bolotnoye, Novosibirsk region. Mom is a medical worker, now retired. Dad was an entrepreneur, he sold food and ran a store. But dad died early. It turns out that I picked up his entrepreneurial baton.

I always had thoughts about my business. I discussed ideas with my parents. At the same time, I always wanted some kind of soulfulness from business, so that my business would bring me pleasure, so that I would enjoy doing it. But I didn’t want any small thing at all. But there was no resource or experience to organize something worthwhile. That's why after university I went to hired work.

At Dolphin (a medical technology company, now bought by an international pharmaceutical corporation), I was responsible for marketing and advertising. Strategy development, advertising planning and promotion, filming in Moscow, promotion in pharmacies, work of pharmaceutical representatives - all this was on me. In 2015, during my maternity leave, I was offered a job in the 2GIS franchisee network. And I always wanted to work in this company. I agreed on everything with my family and went to work. Half the day in the office, half the day I worked at home. I didn’t tear myself away from the child too much. And when I had to go on a business trip to Tyumen, I took my daughter Valeria, who was eight months old, with me.

“Why didn’t this happen in my childhood?”

And here we are in Tyumen, in a rented apartment. Needed a high chair. They told me that it can be rented. And when I found a company where I could rent this chair, I saw that they also provide services for renting toys. It was a revelation for me. I looked at the assortment. There were cool educational toys, I didn’t even know about many of them and had never seen them in stores.

I delved into the topic, learned about the leading toy manufacturers - there are about a dozen American and European manufacturers, global brands such as Fisher-Price, VTech, Little Tikes and others, they make very cool educational toys.

For example, large developmental centers for the development of fine and gross motor skills. There is a large tower with balls, it has about 20 melodies, great acoustics, it works as a music center, encourages the child to get up, put the balls in certain places, dance, recognize music. This is a cool toy that will keep a child interested for a month or two. It really stimulates development, I see this in my children.

The railway, on which the train itself travels, transports animals, and at the same time teaches the alphabet, shapes, and colors. Kitchens, supermarkets, auto tracks... Various role-playing toys: workshop, kitchen, with a bunch of small parts made of very high quality plastic, non-toxic, durable. There are a huge number of such toys that we cannot even imagine! When I saw it, I thought – why didn’t this happen in my childhood?!

Among our toys, play centers for babies are very popular among mothers with children from 6 to 9 months. They are interesting, cool, but if you buy it yourself, it costs 20 thousand rubles, even used – 10-15 thousand. And this is for a child for three months, and then he starts trying to walk, and this play center immediately becomes uninteresting to him. Even wealthy parents will not buy such toys for their children. It takes up a lot of space and can only be sold at least three times cheaper. That’s why stores don’t carry such toys – there’s no demand. Such toys have never appeared on the Russian market.

“It was both joyful and scary”

The idea of ​​creating a rental of children's toys hooked me from a business point of view - this is an unusual service, there was no such thing in Novosibirsk, and as a mother, I wanted to provide my child with the best. While I was in Tyumen, I talked with the owner of the business, and she told me which categories of goods are in greatest demand.

By October 2015, we had matured. Together with my husband Artyom, we decided that we would first invest our spare 200 thousand rubles into the business. For this amount we made our first purchase, one and a half dozen items - walkers, jumpers, electric swings, deck chairs, playpens, scales, electric cars, slides, trampolines. On average, the price of toys from our first purchase was 5-7 thousand rubles.

We decided to promote ourselves through social networks – VKontakte and Instagram. On October 8, 2015, the first announcements were posted - and on the same day we received a request for walkers. My husband and I went to take them there. We were very happy - the process started! And at the same time, we washed these walkers, packed them, transported them, spent so much time on one client... We immediately figured that if there were a lot of orders, we wouldn’t be able to handle it ourselves.

It was both joyful and scary. What if we can't? After all, everyone has a serious job that brings in income much higher than what was implied from rentals. When orders came in, the first week, the first month, it took a lot of time and effort, we thought that we would not be able to run a business and do our main work at the same time. In general, there were doubts. But we didn't quit. They didn’t quit for a month, the second, the third...

For the first year, my husband and I worked together. I collected orders during the day, and Artyom delivered them in the evenings after work. Novosibirsk is a huge city, from six or seven in the evening until at least ten in the evening he delivered orders.

Every day, no weekends, no free evenings at all. He is the boss in his office, and in our business he is the driver. At times he rebelled, saying: “Why do all this, it’s hard, there’s a lot of costs, there’s little return.” But we overcame it. We liked to see satisfied parents, children, happy because they were brought a toy, it was motivating. We were charged with this energy, it helped us develop.

The money here isn't that big. But you bring joy to the house. Every day you are like Santa Claus, and this is the first thing that warms you. This business brings enormous emotional returns. That's why I still do it.

“There is prospect and demand”

In 2015, we determined prices for toy rentals based on the experience of Tyumen, our calculation of payback and the reaction of potential customers. On the one hand, we understood that the toy must pay for itself before it becomes unusable. On the other hand, the service is new for Novosibirsk, people reacted ambiguously. We installed electric swings for 400 rubles a week, they didn’t take them, and a week later we reduced the price to 250 rubles. We needed to expand the audience so that they would be accepted, even just for the sake of interest, and tell their friends.

In the first three months, it became clear that there was prospects and demand, and that this needed to be developed. It is clear that our potential clients are all families with children in Novosibirsk, which is thousands of people. But at the same time, when at a certain moment it seemed to us that we could do nothing, and people would come on their own thanks to word of mouth, this quite quickly turned into a decrease in the flow. That is, here you need to constantly do something to promote, look for new places, new audiences, and then it will bring new clients. But I think this is everywhere. Now all you have to do is quiet down, and they immediately forget about you.

We have a marketing plan. IN our VKontakte group now there are more than 3 thousand people. We carry out promotions and discounts. We participate in events where there are a lot of parents with children, we distribute flyers and leaflets.

There is a seasonality in our business: in the summer there are fewer requests, in the winter there are more. On average - from two to ten requests per day. A month - at least sixty.

The average rental period is two weeks. During this time, the child has time to play enough and does not have to take the toy away in tears. He does not become attached to a large toy the way he becomes attached to a teddy bear or doll. If, very rarely, the child has not had enough of playing, then the rental of the toy can be extended. But, as a rule, parents take another toy in exchange for one, so the child is generally happy.

After rental, we disinfect each toy: we remove visible dirt, wash fabric parts with hypoallergenic powder, wash plastic parts with soapy water or a hypoallergenic children's product. Then we treat the toy with a steam generator, disinfect it with an antibacterial solution, and finally place it under a quartz lamp. And only after that we pack it. When there is an epidemic of colds in a city, toys are processed according to an enhanced program.

We sign an agreement with our clients that stipulates the responsibility of the tenant. Toys are toys, but business is business. The toy can be broken, damaged, or the electronic part can be spilled with something. There have been cases where clients have paid compensation. There were no hopeless breakdowns in two years, but toys had to be repaired. If even after repair the toy does not look like it should, we remove it from the range and sell it cheap.

“Our children love our business”

Our first hired employee, a courier, arrived a year later, in the fall of 2016. Now, in addition to the courier, we have an administrator and a specialist for processing toys.

We only recently moved to an office, and for almost two years the entire business was located at our home. This was not a problem - some toys were brought, others were taken away, it did not take up much space. But our children were very happy. They love our business. Although they have already studied everything inside and out, when there is an opportunity to bring a free toy home, children always play with pleasure. They know which button to press, what chips are in each toy. Now we have moved the toys to the office, and my three-year-old daughter Valeria asks to go there; for her, going to the office is a joy: to see the toys, what’s new.

I still get torn apart when I see a new toy. I still assemble it myself first, play with it properly with the children, and then put it to work...

Toys are divided into categories depending on the age of the children; we develop each category and update the range. Each category has its own “popularity pyramid”, its own hits. An absolute hit is the Little Tikes playhouse for children from 8 months to 2.5 years. There are real windows, a door, a music panel, it can be expanded or assembled as a house. By itself it costs 12 thousand rubles, and for us it costs 450 rubles for a week of rental.

Now prices are in “It’s time to play!” are like that. Tolokar train (training steam locomotive) - 300 rubles for a week, 400 rubles for two weeks, 600 rubles for four weeks. Game center "Zoo" Bright Stars - 500 rubles for a week, 700 rubles for two weeks, 950 rubles for four weeks. Slide and swing “Elephant” – 700 rubles for a week, 1000 rubles for two weeks, 1500 rubles for four weeks. Kitchen Smoby Tefal Studio – 400 rubles for a week, 600 rubles for two weeks, 800 rubles for four weeks. One of the most expensive toys - a children's sports complex with a slide, rings, net, swing - will cost 1,300 rubles for two weeks, 1,800 rubles for four weeks.

Now we have about 200 different toys. We are still investing in the business, and the range is still expanding every week by several items.

We live on the salaries we receive from our main jobs, and we invest everything we earn from rentals into it. We are constantly looking for what else to buy. We know which toy is better to buy in terms of demand and return on investment. We order most of our toys from America. Air delivery is fast, but more expensive. By water - cheaper, but two months. All customs clearance is done in Moscow. Sometimes there are questions and additional documents are required. But I haven’t had to go personally yet. All toys go to work immediately upon arrival.

Based on my experience, I can say that toy rental as a business is great for mothers with small children, pregnant women, and housewives. I have three children: the eldest daughter Alena, the middle daughter Valeria (with whom we were in Tyumen), the youngest son Maxim, he is now nine months old. When people ask me how pregnancy and the birth of my son were combined with business, I answer: “Wonderful!” As an administrator, I managed to do everything. If there is someone to deliver toys to and someone to process them, then everything is successfully combined.

  • With an initial investment of 200-250 thousand rubles, you can earn about 30 thousand rubles per month from rentals with a good range of toys and quality marketing and promotion.
After us, several more toy rentals appeared in Novosibirsk, but this is a home business: they have an assortment of two dozen toys, and they are not ready to invest a lot of money in development. And we are now designing our service “It’s time to play!” as a franchise - we are developing documentation, determining the cost, I think everything will be ready by December.

The career of an entrepreneur for Maria Popova, a mother of three children, fell practically from the sky: due to family circumstances, her friend Galina had to leave Moscow. Galina still has a business in the capital - rental of children's toys, which Maria has been successfully developing for the past year.

“It’s like I adopted another child”

Maria immediately makes a reservation - the innovative idea for renting toys belongs to her friend, Galina Voronina, who brought it from Tomsk in 2012. “I practically adopted a child, because for Galya this business was a child. She started from scratch - with 20 toys and three clients."

However, life turned out in such a way that Galina had to return to her hometown with two children - her husband died of cancer.

“Initially, Galina had the idea that she would take all the toys to Tomsk to rent them there too. I needed to purchase the entire assortment, which I began to do with her help. - Maria recalls. - We looked for rare toys on Avito - something that was no longer possible to find in stores because it had been discontinued, but at the same time was in demand at the box office. We also ordered through Ebay, from her suppliers with whom she works.”

Maria's total investments in the business amounted to 800 thousand rubles. “500 thousand rubles were spent on purchasing toys,” comments Maria, “then it turned out that Galya’s husband died, she didn’t open a rental store - she had another idea. And Galina’s toys also stayed with me. We subsequently sold some of it. In the end, if we are talking about the amount I gave, it’s 800 thousand.”

"Children's" money - for children's business

The decision to open my own business was not made lightly. On the one hand, Maria argues, being an entrepreneur is the dream of most residents of the capital. Working 24/7 for your “uncle” at an intense pace is so exhausting that over time the idea of ​​“working for yourself” turns into the American dream.

“I am an economist by training, a bank employee,” says Maria. - Five years before that I worked in a bank - this was my very first job. And then I had a child. With him we became rental clients and became friends with Galya.” Then Mary immediately gave birth to twins. It was not possible to return to work after maternity leave. In addition, I realized that working in a bank is not what I would like to get out of life. “I understood that my options were as follows: either I go to work as a cashier at a nearby store to be closer to the children, or at McDonald’s, or I sit further on my husband’s neck, which is also not very possible with three children.”

Maria had only a week to think about opening a business. “It was hard for me to decide because I needed to invest money.

At that time, Maria had savings that consisted of “children’s” money. „I am a mother of three children. There was money for the first child, then for two more. They had accumulated and we had the idea of ​​investing them in a subsequent mortgage or something else. Still 500 thousand. But it was decided to invest in the business because it worked. It was clear that Galya was her own person, she was my friend and was unlikely to just “push” her business.”

A friend helped Maria make her decision, who said that in order to understand whether this is for you or whether you should never associate yourself with entrepreneurship again in your life, you need to try it. “Now this is our business,” Maria sums up.

The business is truly “ours”. Maria's husband is directly involved in its development. He repairs toys, “on weekends he comes to solder and tighten things up.” In addition, thanks to my husband, we are able to implement a second pickup point. “He works at the other end of Moscow, and in our contacts we indicate that pickup from the place where he works is possible.”

“We had to flounder somehow”

Despite the fact that Maria had a well-established and working business idea and a sought-after product in her hands, she had to develop toy rental from scratch. “In this business,” explains Maria, “when there is a gap of a couple of months, it drowns out everything. I had to develop everything again, then I had to develop my skills. Initially, Galya promised me support, but could not give it, and I found myself in the state of a child thrown out of a boat who is being taught to swim. And it was necessary to flounder.”

“Initially we invested a lot. However, at the end of the year, my investment probably paid off.” There are more clients, but there are nuances to this issue. “Since I’ve been involved in this business, the client base has hardly grown, because while I hesitated, several more rental shops opened in Moscow. And the clients are distributed geographically.”

However, compared to other rental stores, Maria's rental has a clear competitive advantage - the widest range in Moscow.

Today, Maria has more than 300 unique types of toys for children from 0 to 5 years old. Rental prices start from 200 rubles. per week and 500 rub. per month for one toy.

Toy rental is promoted on the social network VKontakte, and will soon appear on Instagram. The rental website is under development. “There are also leaflets that are distributed throughout the area,” says Maria. - We place great hope on delivery. Previously, there was only pick-up, which stopped potential customers.”

“There is seasonality in this business,” explains Maria. - I have slides, swings, large complexes that people take to their dachas in the summer. We raise prices for them a little in the summer, because using them in the country increases depreciation. Starting in September, people come for regular toys that they play with at home.”

Today, according to Maria, in “good” months the net profit from rentals is 60 thousand rubles, in “bad” months - 30 thousand rubles.

How emotions saved you from McDonald's

Life experience has shown that in Maria’s business the main thing is to focus on the client. “I had a moment when the landlord behaved rudely. I moved into the premises, and a month later they kicked me out because they found another tenant. We had to organize the move again.

I stood with my hands down and thought: “I’ll sell everything to hell, I’m tired, I’ll go to work at McDonald’s and won’t think about anything.” And then a girl comes in and returns my order - she was organizing her son’s birthday - enthusiastic, telling me how great and cool it was. And I understand that you need to work for these emotions. When you give joy to people, it's great. When you realize that thanks to you, children can play all this.”

Theory of reasonable consumption

Maria believes that the main problem of business is that people do not know that toy rentals exist in principle. In addition, all consumers are divided into two categories - the first is ready to use used toys.

“These people calmly wear things for someone, play with toys,” says Maria. But there is also a second category. People who belong to it are deeply convinced that children should wear only new clothes and shoes, and play only with new toys. “I myself am from the first category,” notes the rental owner. - This is something that is finally coming into fashion. Because there is no point in cluttering both the house and nearby garbage dumps with broken toys.” In addition, Maria is sure that it is better to rent a toy for a child that costs 5–7 thousand rubles than to buy a cheap analogue that will break in a week.

“If we talk about bias, purity, etc., then we provide everything,” says Maria. - Each toy that arrives is washed, washed, treated with special solutions used in operating rooms, and quartzed. We are for cleanliness!”

Toys “live” for a long time

When you rent an item, there is a risk of getting it back broken. However, Maria has a proven solution to this problem.

“When a person comes to me, we draw up an agreement with him, which states the estimated cost of this toy. This estimated value changes downward over time. There are different types of breakdowns. When I see that a toy is broken because it is old (a contact has come loose somewhere, a button has failed), then I don’t charge the client anything for it. If I see that it has been filled with juice, or, for example, the entire bottom of the trampoline has been torn out, then clients pay the estimated value specified in the contract. There are times when a toy needs repairs or some part is lost - here we reach an amicable agreement. There were cases when people behaved inappropriately, but these are risks that you take in any business. For every hundred normal people there will be one abnormal one, you need to be prepared for this.”

The toys that are truly loved by rental customers surprise with their durability.

“We have one table,” says Maria, “which has long been out of production; it was bought on ebay already used. He's 7-8 years old, but he's amazing. Both children and parents love him, he blows air, and is very funny. The lifespan is not so much determined by the quality of the toy, but by how it will be used. Almost all toys in rentals are more than a year old, some are 2–3 years old.

“Let everything go as it goes”

Maria is not actively seeking to expand her business today. The owner is satisfied with the current stage of development. “When it all just started, my husband and I dreamed that now we would open a network, we would have five points here, five more here, and so on. However, when you come up against the fact that it takes exactly a year to find a normal, sane courier for adequate money, and to work online you will need to find a lot of adequate people, and also not very expensive premises. Everything is complicated, and I specifically am not capable of this. Maybe when I have more free time and experience, this will turn into a network.”

Maria believes that the network is not a profitable idea. In her opinion, those same 5-6 rentals in Moscow completely calmly covered her and so far there is enough for everyone.

“I’m used to living by this saying: “If you want to do it well, do it yourself.” Therefore, I do not see the business developing geographically. I won’t be able to work at three locations at the same time, and finding sane, conscientious people is a big problem. However, we develop from within and work with the loyalty of our customers. We are now introducing bonus card programs, i.e. a person rents toys and receives bonus points on a virtual card for this.”

Lyudmila Bulavkina, co-founder of the rental service

Our service appeared in mid-2014 and at first half consisted of offers for renting children's goods. Two years later, we also see toys and children's products second in popularity both in the catalog of offers and in the number of orders.

The situation is similar throughout the country: children's goods are a popular segment for temporary use, exchange and rental.

The cost of children's goods is growing every year, families are focused on having more than one child, and in anticipation of the second they are not ready to part with strollers and playpens forever.

During the break between children, renting things is the best way to avoid clutter in your home and make money on your property. Some of our users seriously abandoned the idea of ​​selling a bored car seat, and preferred to rent it out, since the profit is greater, and the item does not lose its usefulness and returns to the family.

In Soviet times, it was common to rent skis or a refrigerator. But over time, this service gradually began to disappear from our lives, as banks began to provide loans even for small purchases. Only in the tourism and construction sectors was it still possible to rent goods for a certain period. For a long period, new trends in the rental business did not develop. But thanks to the entrepreneurial spirit of young mothers, companies have recently appeared in our country that offer rental of children's goods and toys.

What can be rented for children?

Renting children's goods as a business. When choosing a rental property that might be of interest to clients, you should first of all be guided by the following factors:

  1. The product is expensive. It is important to understand that if an item is inexpensive and the client can afford to buy it with one salary without causing damage to the family’s financial situation (for example, a Pyramid - the average cost is 200 rubles), then it is not suitable for the rental business. The high cost of a product will attract two types of customers. The former cannot spend 3,000–10,000 rubles. to buy because they have low earnings. The latter do not want to do this because they do not know whether this thing will be interesting to the child. Thus, in the range of companies you can see bicycles, electric cars, a trampoline, electric swings, slides, dry pools, etc., the average cost of which is from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles.
  2. The product is unique. Uniqueness is important for any type of business, rental business is no exception. Where can you get unique products? The correct answer is on foreign sites. First of all, we are talking about American and European stores, as well as platforms for selling used items. The only thing is that searching and purchasing require certain skills (knowledge of language, for example), and while they are missing, you can use the services of intermediaries. Unique toys available for rental: mini-rides, railways with electric trains, etc.
  3. The product is needed for a short time. The target group of many rentals is children under 3 years old. In this matter, they are guided primarily by the fact that it is more profitable for the client to rent an item than to buy it, since it is needed for several months. This category includes walkers, jumpers, mini-playpens, gymnastic centers for infants, etc.

Most often, this business attracts young mothers, as they combine business with pleasure - they not only earn decent money, but also pamper their babies with a variety of toys. But any woman raising children does not have much time, so you should immediately pay attention to some aspects of organizing this business in order to avoid unpleasant surprises in the future.

Amount of capital to start

To get started you will need a small investment. 30 thousand rubles will be enough. for the first purchase. On average, you can buy 10 units of goods with this money. Of course, this is an option for those who do not want to invest a lot without being convinced of the success of the business. But if there are no similar companies on the market of your city yet, and more than 100 thousand people live in the city, feel free to invest at least 100-150 thousand rubles.

Should I take an office?

90% of children's goods rentals do not have an office. Most often, customers receive the ordered items either from the organizer’s residence address or through home delivery. This model of organizing the rental of children's goods as a business allows you to save considerable amounts, since there is no need to pay for office rent, utility bills, or employee salaries.

But in this case, the question of storing the goods arises. If you have a large living area at your disposal, for example, a 3-room apartment, then one room can be equipped as a warehouse. If this is not possible, you can rent a cheap room on the periphery of the city and work only on delivery. But when certain volumes are reached, it is still better to take an office, as this will immediately increase the authority of the company and the trust of clients.