Very profitable production. The most cost-effective production for small businesses. Poultry breeding

The difficult economic situation encourages many people to solve an urgent problem, which is profitable to do at home with a small financial investment. There are many ways to organize your own business, but each of them requires careful consideration and analysis in order to understand whether your own knowledge and practical skills are enough to make the business profitable.

Building bussiness

Knowing the specifics of the construction industry, you can organize a small production site at home, for example, in a heated garage for the production of decorative finishing materials:

  1. Colored crushed stone. This material is in demand in various fields, including landscape design, landscaping, and interior decoration. It is of interest to utility workers, summer residents, and pet store owners. The production cycle is simple. The activity consists of processing crushed stone with acrylic paint of various shades and further drying it. By establishing connections with consumers, you can quickly achieve good profitability from this home business.
  2. Paving slabs. This line of activity requires careful attention to technology compliance so that the produced paving slabs meet all requirements. At the initial stage, financial investments will be required for the purchase of a concrete mixer, casting molds, and a vibrating table. It is also necessary to purchase consumables - cement, plasticizer, pigment, granite chips, and a composition for lubricating molds. Since the demand for paving slabs is high, the initial investment quickly pays off, and the business begins to make a profit.
  3. Facing brick. Available for home use is the manufacture of cladding in the form of bricks from gypsum or cement mortar. To work, you will need a flat surface, shapes and the right material. Having mastered the technique of competent preparation and coloring of the solution, you can, over time, significantly expand the color palette of manufactured products.
  4. Making cinder blocks has been one of the profitable areas of home business for many years. It is enough to arrange a flat concrete area under a canopy near the house, purchase forms for pouring the solution, which can be mixed manually in a special container. Over time, a concrete mixer and a vibrating table are purchased, which will make it possible to increase productivity.

Construction materials are always in high demand


For people who know the basics of sewing, this line of activity can bring a permanent income. At the stage of developing a business plan, you should determine the circle of potential buyers in order to settle on a specific type of product.

Workwear can be sold if there are a sufficient number of production sites in the region. Since many companies introduce their own form, contracts should be concluded first. In connection with educational reforms, the relevance of making school uniforms has increased. It is necessary to contact educational institutions directly, which are given the right to independently choose the color and cut of uniform dresses, sundresses, skirts, and suits. If you have artistic taste, you can build a home business by modeling original hats. Bed linen is always in demand.

Note: An interesting and practically unexplored direction is sewing a variety of clothing items aimed at pets.

This type of activity should be carried out with specific customers, since it will be more difficult to sew a suit according to average standards and sell it. Therefore, connections are immediately established with organizations involved in breeding and selling pets and offering their services.

Cinder blocks. This production idea is good for those who live in the private sector. After all, all the tools can be stored in the yard or garage. What will you need? Concrete mixer, vibrating machine, construction wheelbarrow and shovel.

Equipment costs will be about 55-100 thousand rubles, depending on the quality of the tools. By producing several hundred units of products per day, you can earn good money (about 100-200 dollars).

Styrofoam. The size of the required premises is about 150 square meters, the purchase of the necessary equipment will cost 1.5 million rubles. As for revenue, you can count on an annual profit of about 1 million 500 thousand rubles.

2. Breeding laying hens

Very cost-effective and profitable production. For large-scale production of at least seven thousand chickens per year, an investment of 400-500 thousand rubles is required, and the business itself will pay off in 8-12 months.

The largest costs are for the purchase of cells and an incubator. For a very small-scale production of several dozen chickens, you will need about ten thousand rubles.

This is a great and easy business for a budding entrepreneur. Chickens are easy to care for and rarely get sick.

3. Casts and sculptures

Casts of children's hands and feet, compositions of lovers' hands, and small sculptures as gifts are very popular now. Their production can take from half an hour to several days, depending on the complexity, and the net profit of one unit of goods starts from 500 rubles.

If use molds for the most popular sculptures, then the profitability of the business increases several times.

4. Making cottage cheese

A very profitable option for a small business, especially if it is possible to sell products in large cities with good demand for home products. To produce from scratch, you will need a separate room and special equipment (electric pasteurizer, curd bath, etc.), the purchase of which will cost 1.5-2 million rubles, plus the cost of raw materials and preparation of the production facility.

We receive a minimum starting capital of 3 million rubles. However, the net profit with a monthly output of 13-16 tons will be about 200-300 thousand rubles, which means that investments in the business will pay off in 1.5-2 years.

5. Greenhouses

Greenhouse assembly– a profitable home business option. The most commonly used materials are polycarbonate and wood.

For a small production, a few people are enough, and the cost of equipment is within 200 thousand rubles. The profitability of this business usually exceeds one hundred percent.

It will not be difficult for a novice entrepreneur to organize this business, since assembling greenhouses is a relatively simple process that anyone can master.

6. Production of bags

The production of packages will become a popular and, most importantly, profitable production from scratch. You can buy very simple equipment (about 400-450 thousand rubles), or assemble a full-fledged production line - already within the range of 1.3-1.5 million rubles.

Can be produced plastic, garbage, paper bags, etc. Net profit with established sales reaches 150-200 thousand rubles per month.

7. Vegetable oil production

This is not the cheapest, but very profitable option. For production, a separate room with an area of ​​at least one hundred square meters is required.

Capital investments in equipment, premises and personnel will amount to about 1.5-2 million rubles, and such a business will pay off in six months to a year.

8. Nail production

There is a lot of competition in this segment, but the profitability of the business is also very high. And most importantly, the costs of opening such a mini-production are small: from 100 to 500 thousand rubles. You can even place production in an ordinary garage.

Such a business will pay for itself in about a year, or even less. For stable profit it is necessary to produce about three tons of nails per month.

9. Pellet production

It is best to set up such production near a sawmill. Capital investments for such a business are about 1-2.5 million rubles (equipment, premises and raw materials), but such a business pays off within eight months, and its profitability exceeds one hundred percent.

10. Production of dumplings

Focusing on a small, but still industrial production, we take into account that it requires a room of about 100 square meters. m. Lines for the production of dumplings are relatively inexpensive.

The price of equipment starts from 80 thousand rubles. The total initial costs, depending on the scale of production, will be 1-3 million rubles. The business will pay for itself in approximately a year with income 250 thousand rubles per month.

And this is not all for beginners. In each region and locality you can find your own, underoccupied and profitable niche to open a mini-production. We wish you successful and good business!

For those who have decided to organize their own business, it is most important to correctly determine the direction. It is immediately worth noting here that the sale of goods and services is becoming unprofitable every day, because the market is currently oversaturated in Russia. And today, production can be considered the most profitable business direction, but only if you correctly determine what is profitable to produce at the moment.

Why manufacturing is a profitable business

Every aspiring entrepreneur strives to earn as much money as possible, while wanting to spend virtually no financial resources on the organization. Of course, not every businessman can invest a large amount of start-up capital in his business, and production is a rather expensive undertaking, but at the same time profitable, if, of course, you definitely find out what is most profitable to produce.

Currently, in our country, most of the goods sold in stores are imported products. And it is worth noting that with all this, the buyer gives his preference to the domestic manufacturer. But at the same time, everyone chooses goods according to the ratio of price and quality, so often expensive manufactured products are practically not in demand.

In general, the main task of an entrepreneur is to identify what is very profitable to produce today. Moreover, in different industries you can determine a free niche, here everything largely depends on the region, population density, competition and many other factors.


Despite any circumstances, food products are always in demand, which means their production can bring good profits to the entrepreneur, even if a small business is planned at the initial stage. What is profitable to produce? In fact, there is no definite answer to this question. Because each product is in demand among different categories of the population.

The production of semi-finished products can be considered as a good option, and there are quite a few reasons for this. Firstly, they have a long shelf life. Secondly, the production equipment has a fairly low cost. Thirdly, frozen semi-finished products attract buyers due to their low price and ease of preparation.

By the way, a small business producing food products does not require large investments and this is its advantage. A significant drawback is the high requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological service. Otherwise, what is profitable to produce in a particular city or region can only be determined after marketing research.

Personal care products

Along with food products, personal hygiene products are no less in demand. These include shampoos, cleaning and detergents, toilet paper and much more.

The advantage of this enterprise is that it does not require large material costs, the equipment is not at all expensive. But regarding the premises there are some rules and regulations. Raw materials for production also do not require any special costs; accordingly, with a low cost, the enterprise will pay for itself quite quickly. Here, too, you need to rely on marketing analysis in the region to determine what is profitable to produce.

Furniture making

Currently, there are quite a lot of proposals in this industry and, it would seem, there is no point in opening furniture production amidst fierce competition. But in fact, many manufacturers offer their customers products at high prices, which are not affordable for everyone. This suggests that it is profitable to produce furniture, but at a more affordable price.

The cost of furniture is quite low, it largely depends on the material chosen, and the enterprise itself will not require large material costs. Therefore, you can safely plan your production, but at the same time take into account some nuances:

  1. Each buyer is looking for the ideal combination of price and quality, so the company’s pricing policy should be correctly determined.
  2. Design solutions are the basis of any piece of furniture, and for each client the appearance of the furniture is of great importance.
  3. It is important to use natural and environmentally friendly materials in production.

So, the key to a successful furniture manufacturing enterprise is good design, practicality, functionality and environmental friendliness. Achieving all the indicators is not so difficult, and at the same time it is quite possible to offer your compatriots a high-quality product at an affordable price.

Goods for pets

Almost every family has pets and, according to statistics, their owners do not save money on their maintenance. On the Russian market, most of the feed offered is foreign-made, so we can consider that today the niche is competitive. Pet food is exactly what is profitable to produce in Russia; even the economic crisis is not an obstacle to business.

It is worth noting that production, or rather, its organization does not require multimillion-dollar investments. The technology for making food for cats and dogs from meat and bone raw materials is quite simple; therefore, you don’t need a lot of equipment for their production. For a full cycle, you need a meat grinder and minced meat mixer, a molding machine, and equipment for blast freezing.

The benefit for the entrepreneur is quite significant, because the cost of feed is quite low. It is very important to just establish a sales system, and production will grow and develop.

Production of cellophane bags

Oddly enough, the familiar cheap bags that almost everyone buys every day are quite profitable to produce. The target audience is quite broad - shops, supermarkets, markets and other sellers regularly purchase packaging materials in large quantities.

The cost of the package is very low when compared with the market value, and the most important thing is that the market is currently not saturated, which means there is an opportunity for a novice entrepreneur to win his share.

In addition, the great advantage of business is that packaging with a corporate logo of an enterprise is more expensive and is in great demand, while the equipment for its application does not greatly affect the cost of the enterprise.

This activity requires a creative approach on the part of entrepreneurs. Only in advance you should think about the question of whether it is profitable to produce cellophane bags in a particular region, and identify in advance the circle of potential customers.

Goods for recreation and tourism

Despite the difficult financial situation, people still want to relax, the only difference is that today they do it not abroad, but in the vastness of our homeland. Is there any doubt that it is profitable to produce goods for tourism today?

This concept is quite broad, but it’s worth pointing out right away that everything is in demand - clothing, sports equipment, goods for hunting and fishing, tents and much more. In general, you can determine the direction yourself, but at the same time take into account that goods of a high price category will not be in mass demand.

Construction and finishing materials

Is it worth saying that it is profitable to produce construction and finishing materials? This is already obvious. In every city, houses are regularly built and people carry out renovations in their apartments. Accordingly, he will need any building material.

Here everything depends on your own imagination and material capabilities, because the list of what can be produced is quite long. These include paving slabs, building mixtures, polystyrene foam, and so on.

It is not necessary to plan an expensive enterprise; there are many options for producing building material from practically nothing. A striking example is the production of rubber tiles for sidewalks from car tires.


Above were examples of what is profitable for a small business to produce in Russia, that is, an enterprise that does not require large financial costs. After all, the first reason why a novice entrepreneur does not want to open a production facility is its high cost.

Indeed, despite the fact that the sphere of trade and services is simpler to organize, production is a more profitable undertaking, albeit complex. You just need to focus not on general indicators for the country, but on demand in your region or city.

The main goal and at the same time the expected result of trading and production activities is to make a profit at the least amount of costs, that is, the business, first of all, must be profitable.

Crisis conditions for the existence of an enterprise are no exception, which implies a certain test of strength while maintaining at least a minimum amount of income.

Determining the customer base and sales region

First you need to find out for whom will it be profitable to produce the product?, and where the production will be located. Successful business is to a large extent related to the characteristics of the target audience for the sale of a particular product or service, as well as the regional characteristics of the market.

Potential buyers may include the following segments of the population: poor, middle class, elite. Accordingly, the products produced belong to the economy class, middle segment or are expensive. The production of goods for each social niche can be profitable in its own way: expensive goods benefit from high markups, while goods in the middle or economy segment have a high turnover. However, if we are talking about a crisis period of economic development, then the population gives preference to inexpensive products of everyday demand, as well as cheap mass-produced goods, often to the detriment of quality.

Region, in which the manufactured goods will be sold, must provide a suitable trading niche to the maximum. Thus, in a large city or metropolis, competition among manufacturers can be very high, but goods will always be in demand due to the large number of potential buyers. In a small city or town, it is better to find an area that is not yet occupied, having first thoroughly studied the needs of the local market.

Possible areas of production for small and medium-sized businesses

Main areas of production of commercial interest to small and medium-sized businesses will be:

  • Construction;
  • Agriculture;
  • Light industry;
  • Recycling;
  • Food industry;
  • Public catering, etc.

At home It will be most profitable to produce goods that do not require a complex production process or expensive materials. Basic business ideas for women: tailoring, embroidery and knitting, production of handmade soaps, creams and candles, production of designer jewelry, etc. The most promising occupations for men at home: production of home decor and interior items, exquisite wicker furniture, production decorative tiles, etc. For residents of rural areas, growing vegetables, fruits, raising poultry (, etc.) in their own backyard is ideal.

In crisis conditions New approaches to doing business are needed. As demand for some goods fell by almost half, many businesses were forced to either close or change operations. It became obvious that it is now more profitable to produce your own products than to resell goods, mainly of imported origin. Despite the fact that organizing your own production requires more effort than trading activities, it is also expected to be significant. In addition, in some industries, for example, in agriculture, you can expect to receive. However, it is important to remember that business risks during a crisis also acquire unprecedented proportions.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way This can be done using online services that will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue and will completely replace an accountant at your enterprise and will save a lot of money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

What are the benefits of doing business in manufacturing?

Even during a crisis, people continue to build various buildings and renovate premises. That's why, production of building materials and related products is an almost win-win idea. This area is traditionally characterized by both high consumer demand and an increased competitive environment. To always stay in the black, you should choose the optimal combination of “price and quality” in the production of finished products and subsequent sales.

New technologies focus the production sector on high-quality, environmentally friendly, energy-saving materials. Thus, despite the still high popularity of installing plastic windows and doors, the demand for window frames and doors made of natural wood continues to increase.

Low-cost and profitable is the production of cinder blocks and foam blocks, foam plastic, wooden pallets, paving slabs, parquet boards, chain-link mesh, nails, self-tapping screws, construction tools, wallpaper, dry construction mixtures, water-based paints.

It is quite possible to organize mini-production in a garage. Purchasing high-quality used equipment, as well as local raw materials, often from waste, does not require large investments.

Household products

Household goods are necessary for the population in any economic situation.

These are those everyday things without which it is impossible to imagine any modern house or apartment. As a rule, reasonable prices are set for such products for reasons of accessibility, but due to increased turnover, their sale will bring a stable income to the entrepreneur.

Within this area it is possible organize production various things made of plastic: furniture, household items, dishes, packaging. The production line is expensive, however, to purchase it you can buy it or get the equipment at. Plastic recycling will also become promising.

Other personal hygiene items (paper napkins and towels, soap, shampoos, gels, creams, detergents, washcloths, household chemicals, etc.) are always in demand. Here you will also have to spend money on purchasing equipment, but raw materials can be purchased at very competitive prices, for example, for toilet paper - organize the purchase of waste paper from the population.

A successful option for small and medium-sized businesses in the regions can be furniture manufacture economy class to order. To do this, you need to organize your own workshop, hire a small staff of craftsmen and make cabinet furniture from fiberboard, chipboard and other economical materials. The raw materials for furniture production will be cheap waste from wood processing enterprises.

The production process of pallets is discussed in the following video:

Profitable products for agriculture

In the field of agriculture, there may be many options for the successful development of a business, especially since this is where one can hope to receive government subsidies, grants, and support from the state on the basis of various programs. In addition, loan rates for agricultural development are among the lowest.

Many agricultural producers are interested in installing greenhouses and purchasing various types of gardening equipment all year round. Assembly greenhouses can be made of wood or polycarbonate, and metal, wood, and plastic are suitable for garden tools. Such production can be organized even in your own garage.

Eco-friendly products farms are in high demand. Their production does not require expensive equipment or materials; just the right technology and organization, as well as everyday work, are enough. The population’s demand for healthy, high-quality food will only increase every year; catering establishments are also interested in locally produced agricultural products.

The technology for growing raspberries is discussed in the following video:

On your own plot you can grow vegetables, fruits, seedlings, herbs, mushrooms, flowers, raise poultry (chickens, ducks, etc.). As a rule, the production of such products does not require large investments.

Other ideas for opening your own production at a profit:

Many entrepreneurs are interested in choosing a profitable, win-win business model for organizing their own production under any economic conditions. Her choice will depend on the characteristics of the production sector, the purchasing power of the target audience, the sales region and the starting capabilities of the business project.

A business idea for the production of belts is discussed in the following video: