Open a tuning studio. Your own business: How to make money by tuning cars. Cost per unit, rub.

An atelier is essentially a business that provides services. And whatever it is, the very fact that it is a service gives the aspiring entrepreneur a number of advantages. Firstly, minimum investment at the initial stage. Secondly, the fundamental impossibility of stocking “finished goods”. And thirdly, the relative simplicity of organizing the production process (less need for expensive machines).

However, this is not quite true. If we talk specifically about a car studio, then the type of activity will be services for reupholstering the interior with the material chosen by the client, fragmentary replacement of expensive fabric or leather inserts, finishing with an expensive coating of some functional elements of the interior (for example, a steering wheel or dashboard).

Business is non-trivial, primarily because it combines elements of both the production of goods and the provision of services. For the modern business environment, which exists in quite aggressive conditions in the Russian Federation, this field of activity for many beginning entrepreneurs can be a godsend, since it allows them to overcome the main obstacles at the formation stage. In connection with this relevance, it is proposed to consider in more detail all aspects of this entrepreneurial niche. I would especially like to focus on the hidden threats and difficulties of a starting project, because in business the main thing is not to earn money, but not to lose it.

Nuances of material supply

The client, as a rule, does not come with his own material. And the entrepreneur is unlikely to open a business using a tolling scheme. (Sometimes, of course, life forces you, but initially business plans on this topic are not drawn up). Understanding this, it immediately becomes obvious that although “finished products” will not have to be stored, it is advisable to have an abundance of stocks of expensive upholstery materials. And these are, as a rule, the following positions:

  • Genuine Leather;
  • suede leather;
  • alcantar;
  • velours;
  • vinyl;
  • auto-carpet.

At the same time, reserves of raw materials and materials are expensive products that require careful handling. Hence tip 1:

Before purchasing, you need to prepare a storage room. Ideally, 40 m2 will be enough, but a heated and dry room. Particular attention must be paid to security: a simple burglary can easily kill the entire business process, so you should not skimp on access control systems to the premises and on banal bars on the windows.

In absolute terms, reserves of such reserves will cost at least 50 thousand rubles. (at prices as of mid-2017).

Another hidden threat associated with raw materials is substandard supplies. Even if you plan to work exclusively with reputable suppliers in this area, this cannot in any way give a 100% guarantee that there will be no attempt at deception or even defects within the acceptable limits. And the more expensive materials you have to work with, the more important quality control at the input is.

At the warehouse, it is necessary to provide an area where incoming materials will undergo visual assessment and examination using specialized equipment. If we talk about leather, then its rolls, as a rule, are 150-160 cm wide, and the material itself is wound up to 4 meters in length. The width of the fabric rolls is from 160 to 220 cm, but in length there is not enough space (you will have to look at them in fragments). Therefore, it is advisable to limit yourself to installing a table 250x500 cm, provide approaches to it and the presence of lighting. Undoubtedly, this adds space requirements to the warehouse.

The amount of arrangement of a warehouse space usually does not exceed 100 thousand rubles. These are, first of all, working shelving and necessary furniture. Actually, the very difficulty is that the warehouse space (meeting the above requirements) is simply available. Beginning businessmen, as a rule, rarely own such real estate, and renting (taking into account the need to equip the premises with various types of alarms and security) is dangerous in that at any moment the lessor can interrupt it (even with a certain time lag " to leave"). The solution is to find a predictable and decent landlord.

In principle, it is quite acceptable to locate a warehouse at a relative distance from the production site. Modern means of communication, dispatching and control make it possible to quickly take dimensions in one place and make blanks in another. Such an organization of the process somewhat frees the hands of the entrepreneur, expanding the choice of potential storage space (and already the pattern).


In any commercial business, the main rule should be taken into account - it is impossible to achieve even satisfactory quality if you use substandard (outdated, faulty, low-quality) tools. This rule is fairer the more expensive the services (or products) are produced.

In addition, when working with valuable raw materials (fabrics, for example), you yourself do not want to do everything “on your knees” - you will need units for gluing, and for stitching, and for processing edges, etc.

  1. mounting kits: pry bars, screwdrivers, screwdrivers, staplers;
  2. dismantling tools: pullers, devices for removing interior trim parts;
  3. specialized keys for seals;
  4. sewing machines;
  5. industrial hair dryers, irons.

Surely, a qualified specialist can get by with the specified list of devices and tools. But what is the likelihood that customers will notice defects and elements of artisanal work as a result? At the very beginning of a business, reputation is more important than ever, or rather, it should not be spoiled in any way. (Because initially an entrepreneur works for his business, so that later the business works for him). In addition, a high-quality tool increases labor productivity. In this regard, the following advice:

It is strongly recommended not to skimp on the means of production and, firstly, to try to equip manual labor areas as much as possible with electric tools. And secondly, you need to purchase products only from the world's leading manufacturers. (Starting a business is not the time for experiments, because you are not rich enough to buy cheap things).

  • It is better to take screwdrivers with an electric drive;
  • pullers - hydraulic, but equipped with an electric drive;
  • Electric sewing equipment should be divided: for work on site during installation - compact, and for the production of workpieces - maximum productivity, with a large number of functions. Hand sewing equipment shouldn't even be considered;
  • heating equipment must be as safe and reliable as possible - here it’s up to the choice of the manufacturer.

The average cost of a set of devices and assemblies can be 150 thousand rubles. But this is where you shouldn’t save money and count on better quality and more expensive copies.

Recently, computer modeling has been invading all types of design (and the car studio is just such an area). Those. All dimensions of the required parts are meticulously determined by a soulless scanner. It looks like this: an emitter device is placed in the cabin (perhaps not even at one point), which uses a laser beam to create a 3D image of the entire space with automatic determination of the surface area and taking into account the required bends. The result is perfect: the upholstery parts fit together perfectly, and the use of such computer technology allows for a high yield from the available raw materials. (This is especially important for expensive leather, the price of which is $80-100 per linear meter.)

It is clear that a novice entrepreneur at the stage of business formation tries to be as frugal as possible. But the main thing here is that savings do not destroy the business itself in the bud. When starting his own business, a businessman enters a market in which similar industries are already operating. And we should assume that they, too, “keep their nose to the wind” and try to catch all the new products in this area. And a newcomer, as a rule, has neither an established clientele nor qualifications. In fact, it has the only serious argument for potential clients - potentially high quality due to the solid range of equipment used.

In addition, if in this market in a particular city manufacturers are not so receptive to technological innovations, then the manufacturer entering the industry has a real chance to gain its market share through more productive equipment.

Qualified personnel

First, we determine the complete list of required personnel:

  • seamstress (1 person, preferably two);
  • reupholstery master (1 person, preferably two);
  • cutter (1 person);
  • master installer of the salon (1 person, preferably two).

One person of each specialty is enough, but only for survival during the off-season. As soon as the number of orders begins to grow, such a recruitment will literally begin to be sewn up, and there will be no opportunity to take on new orders.

It should be assumed that each employee will need to be paid at least 30 thousand rubles. per month depending on qualifications. Total salary fund - 120 thousand rubles. per month. You also need to remember that upholstery is a delicate job, it is not accessible to those who are accustomed to simple, rough algorithms. In addition, all the mistakes of the performers will be visible - you will not be able to “sell” a single car with an incorrectly reupholstered interior. Therefore, it is imperative to include in the business plan advanced training for employees in specialized centers. There is no need to save money here - full-fledged training, as a rule, is carried out only by enterprises located in large cities, so plus travel expenses. The absolute figures are as follows: for example, the Rusty Brothers company provides training and advanced training for design masters in decorative repairs of car interiors at a price starting from 55 thousand rubles. for 1 person.

It is worth emphasizing that labor in a car workshop is manual. Therefore, advice:

All employees directly related to the final stage of reupholstery must be highly qualified specialists. It is absolutely unacceptable to skimp on their education and training.

To put it another way, advanced training is a mandatory activity for everyone hired. This must certainly be included in the business plan of the enterprise being created. The most unpleasant thing about this restriction is that when hiring strangers or acquaintances, a businessman is obliged to start investing considerable money in them “in the morning” (given the scale of the startup). After obtaining the necessary knowledge and skills, such a person can easily move to a place where he is promised a large salary (even if this offer is a competitor’s bluff). And the businessman will be forced to invest again in new personalities.

Lawyers may argue that the employment contract describes this problem and it is quite possible to include clauses that will oblige the defector to compensate the employer for the expenses incurred. However, this is a fake, the contract, in fact, does not work, and hired workers easily step over it! No entrepreneur will bother with litigation during the formation of a business. And then too. How to solve this problem?

  • A relative guarantee is provided by the presence of a social package system included in the employee’s remuneration. Let him receive less in hand, but he will have medical insurance, including, for example, dentistry.
  • It is also possible to provide for a slight but regular increase in salary from month to month (for example, by 100 rubles). Even after 3 months of work, a hired employee will think 10 times before accepting dubious offers from “outsiders.”

The listed 2 methods are the most effective for preventing staff turnover and for protecting the entrepreneur’s investment in the human resources of his business.

Market specificity

This pitfall has a fundamental property. Mainly because it does not depend in any way on the efforts of the entrepreneur. This is a characteristic of the field of activity, which is determined by the demand for this service in a specific area of ​​the global market.

The car studio provides one type of car tuning service. Tuning itself - improvement, “pumping” - is carried out when more pressing problems have been solved. The car owner should not have problems with the financial support of his family members; he should not be worried about the amount of utility bills. After all the expenses, the potential customer of the services should have so much free money that he wants to join the beauty and improve the appearance of his iron horse.

Agree, in our time of crisis, there are fewer and fewer people concerned with aesthetics issues. For clarity, it is worth assessing the absolute values ​​in order to form an adequate impression of the width of the market niche. So, now most of these studios set a price for interior reupholstery in the range of 40-80 thousand rubles. (Depending on the degree of involvement of expensive materials in the technological process). The question is - how many similar orders can we expect the auto shop to have per month? Probably, before answering, you need to decide how many potential clients there are in this market; in other words, where is this service supposed to be located? In order not to force the reader to guess, it is worth immediately stating the essence, and at the same time giving advice:

The car interior tuning market is extremely price elastic. This is explained by its potential narrowness, because the needs that this service satisfies are of a higher order (the need for respect and self-expression). It follows that car workshops need to be located only in cities, and larger ones. Organizing this type of business in a locality with a population of less than 100 thousand people is obviously a losing proposition!

In support of this thesis, it is worth giving arguments regarding the motives of potential clients (then everything will definitely fall into place):

  • the owner of the car wants to decorate the car, as they say, for his own use (either the desire to stand out from the crowd, or simply adjusting the interior to his taste);
  • the owner bought a used car and wants to polish it up so that the “used” nature of his vehicle does not spoil the driving experience;
  • the owner of the car is simply going to sell it, and reupholstering the interior is designed to refresh its appearance, improving the impression of potential buyers.

It is possible that, taking into account the crisis trends in the economic life of the country, the auto shop can only gain more clients due to an increase in the number of potential clients from the third category.

What do the statistics tell us? Research in this sector of entrepreneurial activity tells us that the minimum required level of sales for the most budget project (with 4 employees and the cheapest material and technical base) is 10 standard orders per month (with the price range indicated above). If the number of orders reaches 15, then it is simply necessary to have an expanded staff and completely update (qualitatively change) the structure of the equipment.

Market entry challenges

Among the many valuable tips for aspiring entrepreneurs starting their own business in this area, I would like to highlight the main one:

An auto studio is a business that under no circumstances should you start with your last money. No matter what examples a newly minted businessman has at hand, the lack of a financial insurance cushion increases the risk of a fatal outcome to almost 90%.

And that's why. Even if the atelier is organized by a former master of such an enterprise who decided to start his own business, he still cannot be considered a specialist in this business, because he does not adequately represent the structure of demand and its elasticity. The most correct strategy seems to be:

  • Initially, the issue of space is resolved: it is advisable to place the warehouse and areas for receiving raw materials, as well as patterns for parts, in a cheap cluster - on the periphery; It is advisable to locate the workshop where the final reupholstery will be carried out (and where clients will “drive” their cars) closer to the center of a city with a population of over a million - this will help create a reputational basis.
  • Equipment must immediately be purchased at the highest level: among all expense items, tools will not be the most outstanding position in terms of volume, but the technological ability to provide services of the highest quality will immediately appear.
  • The most significant expense will be the cost of personnel training. It would be better if there were 5 people (according to the structure presented above), then it would be possible to sequentially send one person at a time to the center for advanced training.
  • The pricing policy should be at the highest level. Your services must be sold at a high price. You need to immediately stake out the premium class - then the competition will be carried out by you on the quality parameter, where initially the newly created enterprise will have an advantage (due to the strategic approach).

Because The level of cost of your services will not allow you to create a “rush” demand (but it cannot exist in this sector), it will develop slowly, but it will happen! There is no doubt about this. You need to strive to ensure that your gross profit is at least 30% of revenue, and from each order (at the level of 2017) the operating profit ranges from 10 to 14 thousand rubles. And you can be sure that the enterprise will reach the break-even point within a year. Of course, if you take a competent approach.

Fluctuation Analysis

Perhaps the most unpleasant pitfall. In this market there is such an unpleasant phenomenon as seasonal fluctuations. When preparing a business plan, you need to pay a lot of attention to this factor, first of all, forecasting sales volumes. The hottest period in terms of demand for such services is the summer. From May to the end of August, car enthusiasts especially try to look stylish and attractive on the road, if only because there is no dirt and reagents that greatly spoil the appearance of the car. If we talk about the accepted categories, then summer is the period when the number of orders per month should be at least 15.

All other months demonstrate a clearly reduced demand for such services. Marketing experts attribute this to the increased number of holidays (they say that clients spend all their money on gifts for others, but have none left for themselves). But there is an opinion that in the cold season a person is less inclined to improve something, unless circumstances force him to do so. Be that as it may, sales at the level of 10 orders per month at a high price level are a very good indicator for the period from September to April.

If you ask yourself, how can you insure yourself so as not to go into the red during the off season? There is only one piece of advice here:

Diversification. Only by diversifying the “menu” of services provided in the available space, perhaps with the help of other tools, but by the same specialists, can you maintain the flow of clients at your service at the required level.

What options could there be? For example:

  • installation of attached electronic equipment;
  • glass tinting services;
  • minor repairs, up to anti-corrosion treatment (if, of course, space and equipment allow);
  • air conditioning maintenance.

Such additional You can think of quite a lot of services. Here it is important to be careful and not miss the needs that the market expresses. You should also not discount interesting marketing moves. Such as:

  • advertising of products “on a pedestal” (when a sample is installed for public viewing in some public place);
  • loyalty cards;
  • promotions for the holidays.

Summarizing this analysis, we can draw a final conclusion: a car studio cannot be considered an even business, which is such in itself. At best, in conjunction with some less complex, but more essential services. But even then, you need to exercise entrepreneurial acumen and always analyze your production and pricing strategy. This is what it means to conduct business wisely.

Of course, opening a tuning studio in Moscow is a very profitable investment, given the high purchasing power of the population. Meanwhile, you shouldn’t immediately work on the entire car, although in fact any part can be improved. Clients who are willing to spend a lot of money, first of all, value the quality of work, and it is not always possible to find qualified personnel for a tuning studio.

Where to start

Moscow is an ideal place for a tuning studio. But the competition here is very high. Therefore, it is better to start with the provision of intermediary services: you accept an order, say, for a body kit, and entrust its direct production to a specialized company. The profitability of such a business is quite high. On average, car tuning in Moscow can bring you up to 25% of the order cost.

If you live in a relatively small city, you will have to conduct serious marketing research and write a very detailed business plan. The fact is that owners will not trust a small car tuning studio to change, for example, engine power or software. Any mistake will lead to a reduction in service life and traffic safety problems.

In addition, not every car will be able to undergo such an operation due to the low quality of spare parts. Today they have learned to make them, as they say, “in every gateway.”

Changing the interior or airbrushing

If you open a car tuning studio in Moscow or another city, then you need to concentrate on improving the comfort of the interior and airbrushing. These two areas are in demand everywhere. Their main advantage is that modification can be carried out for different amounts. Everything will depend on the financial capabilities of the customer. The benefit of the tuning studio is also considerable - at least 50 percent of the price of materials. In order to start successfully, you will need to initially invest about a million rubles in the business.

Another promising type of car tuning, business in this direction, is the conversion of ordinary car models into sports and aggressive ones. This is achieved by changing the size and shape of fenders, bumpers, spoilers, moldings, etc. The estimated profit is 30% of the cost of the “bells and whistles”.

It is very promising to organize a VAZ tuning studio. They talk in detail about how to earn very decent money from it in classes at the Business Youth training center.

* The calculations use average data for Russia


The goal of the project is to create an enterprise that provides styling services for cars and motorcycles (graphic tuning studio “New Skin”). The essence is to apply airbrushed images or vinyl film to the body of cars, motorcycles, yachts, etc.; interior decoration with films and decor. These can be either artistic or advertising images, false chrome, etc. Images can be either standard or custom-made.

A prerequisite for the implementation of the project is the growing desire of car and motorcycle owners to customize their vehicle and give it a unique look. Considering the relatively low costs of styling the appearance, this type of service is very popular.

The proposed format of the enterprise significantly distinguishes it from existing competitors, and minimizing the costs of doing business makes it highly profitable. There is no positioning in any specific price segment - the company offers a wide range of prices, from budget to premium, depending on the wishes of the customer.

Earn up to
200,000 rub. per month while having fun!

Trend 2019. Intellectual business in the field of entertainment. Minimum investment. No additional deductions or payments. Turnkey training.

The project is geographically located in Stavropol. The duration of the project is not limited in time. The effectiveness of the project is confirmed by financial calculations and the obtained integral performance indicators (Table 1).

Table 1. Integral indicators of project effectiveness


The company offers services for styling the exterior and interior of any vehicle. This can be done using airbrushing or vinyl film. Image design, if necessary, is custom-made by an experienced graphic designer. The work uses materials of various price categories, in accordance with the wishes of the client. However, when selecting even budget materials, strict quality control is carried out.

Unlike existing tuning studios that offer a wide range of services for improving the appearance, New Skin specializes only in applying images and films. This allows you to get more favorable incoming prices for the material used due to the consolidated volume of orders, as well as keep a full-time airbrush and graphic designer. All this allows us to improve the quality of services provided and their accessibility.

The territorial location of the enterprise is very successful, since, due to the peculiarities of the national composition of the population of the city and region, the desire for customization of vehicles here is at a high level. It is expected to cover not only the Stavropol market, but also the entire Stavropol Territory - with a sufficient level of fame provided by advertising and an established customer base.

The population of Stavropol is 426 thousand people; population of the Stavropol Territory - 2.8 million people. According to research data, the total number of cars in Stavropol is about 120 thousand units. Thus, if we assume that the owners of at least 5% of them have a desire to change the appearance of their car, the number of potential customers will be 6,000 people. Target audience: men (90%) and women (10%), aged 18 to 40 years; income level is not critical, since New Skin offers solutions in any price segment.

Search engines for corresponding queries offer no more than 10 tuning studios providing similar services. Presumably, the same number of studios provide services without having a website. In addition, similar services can be provided by single craftsmen.

Most tuning studios offer, first of all, engine chip tuning, car body kit, and graphic design is offered only as an additional service. This often has a negative impact on its quality.

To provide such services, a minimum of specialized equipment is required. The cost of a set of tools and equipment is 250,000 rubles. Thus, the volume of investment costs for the project is extremely small (Table 2).

Table 2. Investment costs


AMOUNT, rub.

Real estate

Room equipment


Equipment set

Intangible assets

Working capital

Working capital


1,500,000 RUR

Own funds:

RUB 500,000.00

Required borrowings:

1,000,000 ₽



Duration, months:


The company has a narrow specialization and is focused on graphic design. In Table. 3 shows the full range of services offered and their prices. Since each type of service requires the use of consumables of different price segments, the table shows average prices. Variable costs include the cost of consumables.

Table 3. Range of services of the graphic tuning studio “New Skin”





Airbrush, per 1 sq.m.

For a car, class C, D

Vinyl film without image, for cars, class E, F

Vinyl film without image, for cars, SUV class

Anti-gravel film

Removing vinyl film


RUB 408,155

Airbrushing is the most expensive way to style a car. Using a spray gun, paint is applied to the paintwork. Such a drawing can only be done by a high-level professional. It is impossible to delete it.

Vinyl film has recently been used more and more often. It can be applied both to the entire car body and to any individual part of it. The film can be one-color, have a structure (for example, carbon or metal) or a pattern. Any drawing can be applied - from the catalog, provided by the customer or made to order by the designer. The cost of applying a film to a car depends on its size.

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Applying a corporate/advertising decal involves applying a vinyl film with a logo or other advertising message to a portion of the vehicle's body. As a rule, these are the front doors. The image can be provided by the customer, or developed by the studio designer. Typically, such stickers are more simple compared to artistic vinylography.

Car tinting is a well-known service for applying film to car windows. Tinting protects the car from the sun and prying eyes, which, first of all, reduces the risk of break-in and robbery.

Anti-gravel film is a special transparent durable film that is applied to some parts of the car body that are most susceptible to chips and scratches. The most effective type of anti-gravel films is polyurethane. In addition to protecting the paintwork, they provide additional gloss to the part and have a self-healing surface. Service life – 5-7 years.

Ready ideas for your business

Dismantling the film is an equally important undertaking, since if dismantled incorrectly, there is a high risk of damage to the paintwork. As a result, when removing film, studio specialists pay special attention to the technology offered by the manufacturer of a particular type of film.


The project does not involve the use of active sales techniques. Attracting customers at the first stage of the project is expected to be achieved through massive advertising, participation in auto shows and other similar events. For maximum clarity, it is planned to use a demonstration model - a foreign-made car, sporty in design, costing no more than 300,000 rubles. At the same time, the condition of the engine, chassis or interior of the car does not actually matter, since the exterior styling capabilities will be demonstrated. With the exception of periods of participation in promotional events, the demo car will be exhibited in the largest shopping and entertainment center of the city.

An important means of promoting the studio’s services is a website containing not only information about the services offered, but also background information about styling in general, a catalog of images for airborne and vinyl printing, a portfolio, etc. Considering the fairly low level of competitors' websites, a well-made website can be a serious impetus for the client to make a decision to visit the studio.

The project offers a niche product. The level of competition in this niche can be described as average. The main competitive advantage of “New Skin” is its narrow specialization, which allows you to focus on specialized services, use high-quality tools, follow the prescribed technology, and also keep specialized specialists on staff - a designer and an airbrush artist - which non-core tuning studios cannot afford; in turn, this affects the quality and timing of work. Thus, we can say that there are no direct competitors in the market.

However, existing tuning studios offer similar services in a similar range. The price level is on average 10-15% lower than that of “New Skin”. The higher price level is due to the higher quality of the work performed, a long warranty and an individual approach to each client.


The company is located in rented premises on the outskirts of the city, close to the main transport route. The premises meet the requirements of regulatory authorities. It is assumed that there will be three boxes for universal use. The required production area is 50 m2. The technological process of applying the film usually includes a two-stage washing and cleaning of the body, polishing it if necessary, then applying the film itself. Completely wrapping a car with film takes from 2 to 4 days, depending on its size and complexity of the surface. Services are provided by appointment by phone or via the website.

The demand for such services does not have a pronounced seasonality. The monthly report on revenue and variable costs is given in Appendix 1 of this business plan. Planned indicators for sales volumes are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Planned sales volumes and variable costs






Airbrush, per 1 sq.m.

Vinyl film without image,

for a car, class C, D

Vinyl film without image,

per car, class E, F

Vinyl film without image,

for a car, SUV class

Vinyl film with image

Window tinting, rear hemisphere

Anti-gravel film

Removing vinyl film


1 130 610

259 320

Customers are offered several types of film of varying prices - from China and European manufacturers.

Since some work is carried out over several hours (tinting glass, applying anti-gravel film), it is planned to organize a relaxation room with a sofa and armchairs, a TV, and a coffee machine. The total area of ​​the premises is 75 m2.


The organizational and legal form of the enterprise is individual entrepreneur. The entrepreneur performs all major management functions and strategic planning. All employees of the enterprise report directly to the owner. There is no complex organizational structure.

The studio administrator registers clients and is also responsible for order in the studio. No qualifications are required for this position. Accounting has been outsourced.

Ready ideas for your business

Special requirements are placed on production specialists. An airbrush artist must have at least 5 years of experience in this field; selection is carried out based on the provided portfolio. In addition, the artist performs a test task.

A graphic designer performs work on developing images for vinyl printing. Qualification requirements: knowledge of design software, portfolio. No work experience required.

Production site specialists perform the full range of work related to preparing the car for operation, applying and dismantling the film. Experience working in a car service center is required, preferably in a tuning studio. The probationary period is 3 months.

Table 5. Staffing and wage fund

Job title

Salary, rub.

Number, persons

Payroll, rub.




Airbrush specialist

Graphic Designer

Production site specialists


190 000,00

Social Security contributions:

57 000,00

Total with deductions:

247 000,00


To assess investment attractiveness, a financial plan is developed for a five-year period; a cash flow statement is prepared. The volume of investment costs is 1.5 million rubles; The main costs are associated with the formation of a working capital fund until the enterprise reaches payback. The entrepreneur’s own funds are 500,000 rubles. The remaining funds are raised in the form of a bank loan for a period of 12 months.

Variable costs include the cost of materials used. Fixed costs are shown in Table. 6. Advertising costs are one of the main cost items. Depreciation takes into account the cost of all investment costs excluding working capital costs; Depreciation is calculated on a straight-line basis over 5 years. The total amount of fixed costs is 172,000 rubles per month. A detailed financial plan is given in Appendix 2 of this business plan.

Table 6. Fixed costs


The effectiveness of the project is assessed on the basis of calculated integral performance indicators accepted in world practice (Table 1). Indicators are calculated based on a five-year financial plan, taking into account the time value of money; For this purpose, a discount rate is introduced, adopted for this project at the level of 10%, since the services are not innovative, the market is stable, and the risks are relatively low.

Net present value (NPV) is equal to 13.96 million rubles, which significantly exceeds investment costs. Payback period – 12 months. Internal rate of return (IRR) is 10.97%, which is higher than the discount rate. Profitability index – 8.46 > 1. All this indicates the high investment attractiveness of the project.


At the planning stage, it is necessary to provide for all possible risks, as well as measures to prevent them or eliminate their consequences.

The main risk is associated with an incorrect assessment of the market situation and, as a result, underfulfillment of the revenue plan. Despite the fact that the received data was repeatedly double-checked, in the event of negative developments, an alternative plan is provided, according to which costs are reduced by outsourcing an airbrush artist, designer and reducing one position of a production specialist.

The entry of a competitor into the market with a similar niche offer is unlikely precisely because of its narrowness. It seems more likely that existing competitors will improve the quality of such services. In this case, measures are envisaged to increase customer loyalty, as well as active massive advertising.

In general, taking into account the low level of investment costs, we can say that the risks associated with the project are quite low.



Revenue and variable cost indicators


Cash flow statement

Denis Miroshnichenko
(c) - portal of business plans and guides for starting a small business

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How to open a tuning studio and will it generate income? Services of this kind have long been in high demand abroad. There has been an increase in the interest of motorists in this service in our country. Small and medium-sized companies located in car markets and garage cooperatives are engaged in similar activities.

  • Unobvious features of the auto tuning business
  • How much money do you need to open an auto tuning studio?
  • Where to start opening your own tuning studio?
  • Which room to choose for a tuning studio?
  • Search for personnel for a car tuning workshop
  • How much can you earn from an auto tuning shop?
  • What documents are needed to open an auto tuning studio?
  • OKVED for auto tuning studios
  • Which tax system to choose

Demand is growing quite quickly, competition is low. Specialists with experience in this matter have every chance of successfully running a business in the field of car tuning. This type of activity is promising and can bring the owner a good income.

Unobvious features of the auto tuning business

First of all, standard car modification services involve increasing engine power. This interests street racers, the number of which is growing rapidly. In addition to increasing power by changing the engine design, there are other areas of tuning. Engine power can be increased by adjusting the control unit, which is called chip tuning. Interior specialists can make changes to the car's interior design by installing modern acoustic equipment, upholstering the seats in leather, etc. Finally, changes in the car can be purely external; for this purpose, moldings, spoilers, and anti-wings are installed. This gives the car a sporty look and is in high demand among people who decide to join the sport.

A tuning studio usually works in one direction; there are few companies providing full tuning services. Car manufacturers are jealous of any changes to a production model, especially if they are the work of craftsmen who do not have special equipment and controls. In addition, the slightest change in the design of the engine can lead to premature wear. The increase in car power is not registered in the tuning studio, and it is impossible to detect any changes when inspecting the engine.

Not every car can be tuned. Even the most experienced specialists prefer not to tackle some car models. And it's not that these machines are perfect. On the contrary, their engines quickly fail after the changes are made. And responsibility for the breakdown falls on the tuning studio. Be that as it may, engine tuning is in great demand, which will only grow over time.

It is somewhat easier to start your own business in the field of improving interior comfort. All modern cars provide the same opportunities for installing new equipment. Therefore, the changes made depend on the amount that the car enthusiast is willing to invest in modifying the interior. Modern acoustic equipment can be equipped with both a modern car and a car from the 80s. The cost of equipment installation services is 50% of the cost of the equipment.

How much money do you need to open an auto tuning studio?

To open his own enterprise providing such services, a beginning entrepreneur must prepare at least 1 million rubles. The initial investment includes renting a car tuning box, purchasing equipment and finding employees who can turn the vehicle into a club on wheels. You can start a business in the field of improving the design of a car interior from scratch, owning a garage and special equipment.

Where to start opening your own tuning studio?

Which room to choose for a tuning studio?

You should start by finding a suitable premises. Most often, entrepreneurs starting their own business in this area opt for renting or buying a garage. This is the most economical option that will help you receive a stable small income. However, in this case it will not be possible to get a large number of clients, because the car service center located in garages inspires confidence in few people. You should leave the garages as soon as possible and rent a separate building. Much depends on the location of the future tuning studio. The organization of convenient access roads is important.

As for the box area, it should provide the opportunity for free placement of cars and access to inspection pits. A separate room should be reserved for a reception area, where clients can familiarize themselves with the work. Opening a tuning studio involves equipping utility rooms, an administrative department, and a waiting room for clients.

Search for personnel for a car tuning workshop

The success of a business largely depends on the qualifications of its personnel.

The search for craftsmen is the next point in the business plan. You should hire experienced auto mechanics, auto mechanics, and electricians. They can be found in existing car services or by advertisement. You should pay attention not only to the length of service, but also to the opinions of clients about this employee.

Specific personnel include airbrushes. These specialists are selected by carefully studying the provided portfolio. A manager for customer service and spare parts procurement will also be required. When choosing suppliers, consider their reputation and rely on positive reviews. At first, spare parts and equipment should be ordered in small quantities, especially if your studio does not have a warehouse. The best examples of technology should always be in sight of customers.

Opening a tuning studio requires investing a lot of money, about the same as organizing a car service center. However, if the services of auto repair shops are always in demand, your studio will have to spend a lot of time finding clients. Therefore, the search for the target audience should be done at the stage of drawing up a business plan.

If your company provides high-quality services, car enthusiasts will be willing to come to you. The return on the initial investment depends on many factors; the risks are assessed as high.

How much can you earn from an auto tuning shop?

When calculating the expected profit of a future studio, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the specialization of your workshop. For example, a small drawing (airbrush) costs $400-500, and increasing the engine power of a foreign car costs $200. At the same time, the items of production costs of different car tuning studios do not differ much and include:

  • rent;
  • advertising;
  • Communal expenses;
  • staff salaries;
  • purchase of consumables;
  • taxes;
  • and other costs.

The total amount of listed expenses is mainly at the level of 23-25 ​​thousand dollars per month. The monthly revenue of a workshop for tuning passenger vehicles is 27-30 thousand dollars. Under such conditions, the profit before tax is 2-7 thousand dollars, and after taxes is 1700-6000 dollars per month (STS 15% of the difference between income and expenses).

What documents are needed to open an auto tuning studio?

If you do not plan to create a huge network of workshops throughout the country and you have no other compelling reasons for registering an LLC, then in this case it is enough to prepare the documents as an individual entrepreneur. To do this, you need to write an application, prepare photocopies of your TIN and passport, and also pay a state fee. These papers are submitted to the tax office, and after three days you will become a legal business entity.

The auto tuning workshop must have documents confirming compliance with sanitary standards and fire safety rules. These issues are within the competence of Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate. At the same time, given the high concentration of hazardous substances and equipment, be prepared for frequent visits from employees of these institutions.

In addition, you must complete:

  • premises rental agreement;
  • staff contracts;
  • waste removal agreement;
  • permission from the local administration.

OKVED for auto tuning studios

Important point! When preparing an application for registration with the Federal Tax Service, do not forget to indicate the code of your activity, according to the all-Russian classifier - OKVED 50.20.3.

Which tax system to choose

The optimal tax regimes for car tuning studios are UTII or simplified tax system. But this issue is regulated by local authorities, so there are no guarantees that in your city you can open a car repair shop and work for UTII.

The simplified tax regime allows you to pay 6% of revenue or 15% of the difference between gross income and expenses. But in the latter case, you can only take into account those costs that are confirmed by real documents from your counterparties. If you do not have invoices, checks, receipts, etc., then it is better to pay 6% of revenue.

The business plan for a tuning studio with calculations, presented here, was developed specifically for entrepreneurs who are not afraid to try themselves in unusual types of business and are ready to make money by providing quite specific services. Some car enthusiasts treat their “iron horses” as a consumable item: they traveled - the car used up its life - sold it - bought a new car. But a considerable part of drivers take care of their cars like pets, trying to extend their service life as much as possible. And there is a separate category of car geeks who are willing to spend unrealistic amounts of money to turn ordinary cars into works of art using a variety of tuning.

Car tuning is a costly business for both the owners of such a business and their clients. The answer to the question of how much the initial investment in opening a tuning studio in a small Russian city will result in is quite difficult to give. But, as statistics show, the average starting investment will be in the region of one million rubles. We recommend either not using credit and borrowed funds at all, or reducing their size to a minimum. Personal savings in this case are the best source of starting investments.

Concept Summary

The business of organizing a tuning studio starts with a visit to the local branch of the Federal Tax Service and registration of an individual entrepreneur as the most optimal organizational and legal form for this endeavor. Regarding the taxation system, the choice before a businessman will be between the simplified tax system of 6% (“dirty” income) and the simplified tax system of 15% (income minus expenses). An example of organizing car tuning services in various regions of the Russian Federation shows that the best form of taxation will still be “simplified” with a tax rate of 6% of total income for the reporting period. Thanks to the not-too-complicated process of filling out tax returns, the tuning studio’s accounting can be outsourced.

The procedure for registering a tuning studio also includes selecting the correct OKVED codes. These will fit:

  • 45.20 “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles.”
  • 45.20.1 “Maintenance and repair of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.”
  • 45.20.2 “Maintenance and repair of other vehicles.”
  • 45.40.5 “Maintenance and repair of motorcycles.”

Below is a list of the main services that a tuning studio can provide to its clients:

  • Chip tuning. This service includes changing some characteristics of the car, including engine power, at the software level. It requires the tuning studio to have a qualified electronics programmer with special skills and knowledge on staff.
  • “Pumping up” the appearance of the car: tuning bumpers, installing spoilers, changing wings, placing visual accessories on the car, airbrushing.
  • Tuning the car interior: improving sound insulation, replacing electronics, finishing the interior with expensive materials (leather, wood).
  • Tuning of SUVs - this service is aimed at improving the cross-country ability of these powerful vehicles and adapting them to the harshest operating conditions.

It is important! It is necessary to draw up a detailed contract for the provision of services with each client, where even the smallest details of the work should be spelled out - in order to avoid unnecessary problems that could damage the reputation of the tuning studio.

How much to invest in opening

The initial costs for organizing a tuning studio are as follows:

The figures given in the table make it clear that exactly 50% of the initial investment in opening a tuning studio will be spent on purchasing the necessary equipment and consumables for the “upgrade” of cars. The cost of imported equipment is quite high, and saving and buying domestic analogues is categorically not recommended, as this is fraught with the occurrence of unforeseen problems at the most critical moments of work. Also, the entrepreneur should pay special attention and invest a certain considerable amount in cosmetic repairs and design of the premises of the tuning studio, so that it is clearly different from ordinary car services.

Marketing plan

The marketing plan of a tuning studio should be daring and “explosive” - aimed at attracting the largest possible number of customers in the shortest possible time. The items that must be included in it are listed below:

  • A huge advertising campaign, in which it is necessary to involve the maximum number of local media, colorful graphic modules in the printed press, recording advertising on radio and producing videos for regional TV. The opening tuning studio should be talked about everywhere.
  • Development and configuration of an informative business card website for a tuning studio, equipped with an online booking function and, preferably, a 24-hour chat for remote customer consultation.
  • Concluding oral and written agreements on mutually beneficial cooperation with car services in the region, placing business cards and other printed advertising materials in them.
  • Distribution through courier and postal services of colorful leaflets and flyers with information about the services of the tuning studio and with cut-off discount coupons.
  • Development of various forms of rewarding regular customers.
  • Promotion of tuning studio services in all popular social networks by creating thematic groups. To maximize the effectiveness of this type of advertising, it is recommended to periodically hold public drawings for prizes and discounts on car tuning services.

In a provincial Russian city, the demand for tuning studio services will be several times lower than, say, in the capital region. However, you can count on about ten clients a month. Considering the fact that only people who are not particularly financially constrained can afford car tuning, the average bill per client will be at least 50 thousand rubles. It is not difficult to calculate the amount of annual income of a tuning studio - it will be 6 million rubles.

Production plan

To place the boxes, the tuning studio will need to rent a fairly large production facility with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. meters. It should be located as close as possible to the central part of the city and have good access roads. Most of the tuning studio's premises will be occupied by boxes for placing clients' cars. A small part of the premises should be separated from the boxes and a mini-office should be organized there for concluding contracts and other administrative activities. Several “squares” should be allocated for the arrangement of the bathroom.

The tuning studio premises must be equipped with security and fire alarms, since it will always contain expensive materials and equipment, and paintwork is a potential fire hazard. During repair work, special attention should also be paid to checking the condition of the electrical wiring and ventilation system. The best work schedule for a tuning studio is as follows:

  • Monday – Friday from 09:00 to 18:00.
  • Saturday – Sunday from 10:00 to 16:00.
  • One working day per month should be allocated for preventive maintenance of tuning studio equipment.

This table provides a list of personnel who need to be hired to work in a tuning studio, as well as approximate salary amounts for employees:

Job title Number of people Salary, rub. Monthly payment fund, rub. Payment per year, rub.
1 Administrator 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
2 Senior auto mechanic 1 30 000 30 000 360 000
3 General auto mechanic 2 15 000 30 000 360 000
4 Airbrush master 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
5 Interior specialist 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
6 Electronics programmer 1 20 000 20 000 240 000
TOTAL 140 000 1 680 000

Perhaps the most important qualities of tuning studio workers are creativity and the ability to propose and implement non-standard solutions for car tuning. People limited by internal boundaries will not be able to do their job well in this specific business. By the way, almost every member of the tuning studio staff, in addition to the salary, will receive a certain percentage of completed orders.

Calculations of income and expenses

The following table shows the possible running costs of a tuning shop.

The profitability of a tuning studio in a provincial region is calculated in this table:

Calculations show that the tuning studio’s net profit after taxes under the simplified taxation system will be more than 2 million rubles. The monthly net profit will be at the level of 200 thousand rubles, and this figure is quite high if we take into account some of the features of running this type of business in a provincial region. Accordingly, the profitability of a tuning studio will be approximately 38%; this business will pay for itself in about six months.

Possible risks

Opening your own tuning studio, and even in a provincial town, is a business that is a priori risky. What risk factors should an entrepreneur be wary of first? The list is given below:

  • Difficulties in finding suppliers of quality parts and consumables for deep car tuning.
  • Possible low demand for the services of a tuning studio in the first months of its operation.
  • Periodic increase in marketing and advertising costs in the early stages of a business due to the active attraction of a client audience.
  • Problems with hiring and training qualified car tuning specialists.

The lion's share of the negative impact of the above risks can be avoided if, before opening a business, you conduct careful market monitoring, as well as an in-depth analysis of the demand for this type of service in the region. In addition, this business needs periodic modernization and requires vigilant monitoring of all processes.