Embroidery business for a small town. How to create your own embroidery business. Analysis of competitors' sites and implementation of finished work

Women who love handicrafts sooner or later begin to wonder: is it possible to make a business out of their hobby? This is especially true in cases with embroidery. At some point, there are so many handmade products that there is simply nowhere to put them. The walls are all covered, your friends are gifted, and your love for creativity is only growing? The best option would be to turn your favorite hobby into decent income. We will find out how to make money by embroidering paintings in this article.

  1. Improve yourself! It doesn’t matter if you want to make money on cross-stitch or satin stitch, your work must stand out from its competitors. Even if you think that you embroider best, new technologies, ideas and patterns appear literally every month. Embroidery as a business will only work if your work is original and of high quality. You can see examples of the most beautiful embroidered paintings in our photo gallery:

  2. Use only high-quality materials for embroidery. If you dream of making a fortune, you must initially have some capital. A true connoisseur of handmade work will definitely notice cheap threads and second-rate fabric.
  3. Do advertising. Methods of attracting clients are standard: posting advertisements on the Internet on specialized sites (Masters Fair, Advego, etc.), forums; creation and development of your website on the Internet and/or groups on social networks; participation in paid and free exhibitions/fairs; advertising in the media; distribution of business cards and leaflets, etc. Please note that a lot of women want to make money from needlework, and more than half of the success of an embroidery business depends on quality advertising.
  4. Adequately evaluate your work. Everyone knows that handmade work is highly valued, but do not forget that in the CIS countries the standard of living is, to put it mildly, average. Not every potential client is ready to pay 20-30 thousand rubles for an embroidered fabric from a famous needleworker. What can we say if you are new to this business. You should also not set the price too low; you should have the opportunity to earn money, and not just “beat off” the cost of consumables. To begin with, stick to the golden mean and if the business goes well, then gradually increase your income.
  5. Decide on a direction. Perhaps you love to embroider with satin stitch or cross stitch on pillows, but how profitable will such a business be? This point needs to be studied carefully. You can conduct surveys on the Internet or among friends to determine the relevance of your choice. At the moment, embroidery with ribbons and beads is very popular. Icons have been a particular priority for many years.
  6. Create exclusive works. Agree that learning to cross stitch is not so difficult. But not all women can make money from such a hobby! In order for the chances of success to increase several times, start developing original schemes (at the moment there are many computer programs that will help you with this). Understand for yourself that not many people want to pay money for embroidery made according to a sketch from a needlework store.
  7. Spend a lot of time on your business. Most often, embroidery is chosen as a source of income by women on maternity leave, housewives or pensioners. To some extent this is absolutely correct. If you don’t have the opportunity to sit at home and embroider all day, then you’re unlikely to earn much. Some of the paintings are embroidered by needlewomen for months, and it is on such “works of art” that one can make a business.

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Finally, we suggest watching a video where a real professional shares the secrets of making money with embroidery:

Another interesting idea for making money that needlewomen will like is selling handmade knitted products! Our article will tell you where to start and how to succeed in such needlework: How to organize a knitting business at home?

Listen to our advice and you can earn good money from embroidering paintings. Nothing is impossible and efforts will never go unnoticed. Don't stop there and you can become a successful and independent woman thanks to your favorite hobby.

is it better to buy? Household, industrial? What manufacturers of machinery are there? What materials are needed for machine embroidery, which manufacturers of embroidery materials should you trust? Embroidery programs - which ones to study?

Thousands of questions arise for a beginner who is mastering a new type of activity, namely, considering machine embroidery as a business.

In this article I will tell you how to organize your own computer embroidery business. Or rather, it’s correct to say, I’ll share my experience with you and give some recommendations on this topic.

So where to start machine embroidery business?

First of all, you need to decide in which direction you will work? At least to know what embroidery machine buy, but more on that later.

The automated process has a number of directions: embroidery of pictures, embroidery of portraits, embroidery of chevrons and logos, embroidery on clothes and so on... It is possible to cover all areas, but only if you have sufficient experience in machine embroidery, or you have experienced mentors. Then yes, you can try to work in all directions. But what if you are still completely new to this craft, and there is no one to help or teach you the intricacies of the craft? In this case, I would recommend focusing on one thing, learning and building a business in one direction. It's hard to sit on two chairs. Therefore, if you are interested in this type of activity, start small, master everything gradually, focus on one thing. Of course, over time it will be possible to diversify your work, but I don’t recommend it at first.

Embroidery machines(equipment for machine embroidery)

There are different types of embroidery machines: household and industrial, single-head and multi-head. In our case, for embroidering photographs, an important aspect is the size of the hoop (the size of your assistant’s working area). After all, the larger the hoop (working field), the larger the portrait you can embroider. Of course, you can learn how to skillfully join small designs and embroider portraits on small hoops - but this requires a trained hand and a lot of experience. And no matter how experienced the master, docking is a thankless task. A millimeter to the right, a millimeter to the left - and that’s it, all the embroidery is ruined. In very rare cases, the docking is not visible at all. But I repeat - this is a matter of experience.

So which embroidery machine should you choose? Our first machine was a Brother Innov-is 4000D. The maximum hoop size, and therefore the embroidery size, is 18 cm by 28 cm - this is slightly smaller than A4 format. We learned how to embroider photo portraits using the Brother Innov-is 4000D. About a year later, we purchased an industrial Tajima TFMX-C series, the maximum hoop size of which is 45 by 50 cm. From personal experience, I will say that you need to start embroidering portraits with small sizes. I’ll explain why: if you have created a certain number of small patterns and embroidered portraits using these patterns, then creating a large pattern will not be a problem. This is because it is much easier to create a realistic diagram of a larger size. And vice versa: if you initially learned to create large schemes of portraits and designs, then over time, if you need to create a small portrait scheme, you will have problems.

Therefore, if you have absolutely enough money for a small household embroidery machine, don’t be discouraged - thanks to this circumstance, you will learn how to skillfully create patterns for creating paintings and portraits.

On the other hand, if you have the opportunity to buy an industrial embroidery machine with a large hoop, this will only make your work easier in the future. The obvious advantage of an industrial unit is speed. If the Brother Innov-is 4000D (household) portrait of A4 format embroiders on average 15 hours, then the Tajima TFMX-C series (industrial) will embroider such a portrait in 4 hours. The difference is noticeable... And, I repeat, the size of the hoop. In Brother 18 cm by 28 cm, Tajima 45 cm by 50 cm.

Materials for machine embroidery

Further. If you have made up your mind and purchased the unit itself, it’s time to think about materials for machine embroidery. If you plan to embroider portraits (clarification - only portraits) you will need: non-woven fabric, thick canvas, embroidery threads. All. Another question is what quality these materials will be.

Again, from personal experience, I would recommend buying inexpensive embroidery threads at first. Why? Yes, because while you learn how to embroider portraits, select tones and colors, you will ruin more than one hundred spools of embroidery thread. What's the point of buying expensive embroidery threads for training? At first, to embroider photo portraits, we purchased embroidery thread from some Chinese manufacturer "Anna". Now that the study phase is over, we use only high-quality Madeira embroidery threads, and occasionally Gunold. Of course, there are situations when you run out of embroidery threads of one shade or another, or the ones you need are not available in the store - then you buy what you have... But this happens extremely rarely, and we try to prevent such situations.

Embroidery programs

Well, an important point in machine embroidery- this is the study of embroidery programs and graphic editors. You will not embroider a single portrait, or a single design - if you do not know how to work, for example, in the wilcom, embird or pe - design program.

Machine embroidery as a business- this is a great idea! We wish you good luck and prosperity!

Embroidery is always at a premium. Therefore, you can make good and stable money by creating it, if you have the desire.

Embroidery as a business is distinguished by relatively small initial investments. If you have previously created patterns using threads, sequins, beads, or used a machine and a computer program, then you will not have to spend money at all. The only exceptions are materials, the supply of which must be regularly replenished.

There are two main types of embroidery that can be turned into a full-fledged business:

  • hand embroidery;
  • machine embroidery.

Let's look at each of them separately.

Machine embroidery

This type of needlework is less labor intensive. Making one product on average takes less time than handmade. Thanks to this, the product can be distributed en masse, take wholesale orders and quickly recoup costs by copying finished works.

To start a machine embroidery business, you will need:

  • embroidery machine (the catalog of embroidery products has a suitable option for beginners);
  • embroidery editor to create diagrams from a picture or photograph (Wilcom or Urfinus are suitable);

  • PC card to transfer the diagram to a typewriter (2,000 rubles);
  • PC card recorder(most likely already on your laptop or computer);

  • embroidery threadand hoop(prices can be found in our embroidery accessories store).

The payback period will depend on what exactly you intend to produce, the prices you set, and your personal activity.

Machine embroidery has a wide range of applications. With its help you can create unique products:

  • chevrons and stripes - sports or branded;
  • interior goods - pillows, tablecloths, napkins, curtains, paintings;
  • souvenirs - scarves, towels;
  • clothing - T-shirts, shirts, dresses with embroidery;
  • handmade decorations;
  • envelopes for discharge from the maternity hospital with name embroidery;
  • and much more.

An additional advantage of embroidery is that a business can be built on offering embroidery as an additional service.

For example, if you make custom clothing or lingerie, embroidery will add a personal touch to your work. A recognizable product that has its own “trick” is bought much more willingly, its value is much higher.

Hand embroidery also has its advantages and difficulties.

Hand embroidery

Handmade embroidery is a good option for making money at home if you:

  1. Have completed training in hand embroidery at courses or on your own.
  2. You embroider at a fairly high speed.

The second condition is important because, depending on the complexity and scale of the work, it can take from 1 to 6 months. Thus, income may be irregular.

On the other hand, buyers are willing to pay much more for hand embroidery than for machine embroidery. You create a work of art in a single copy, putting your soul and effort into it.

Moreover, hand embroidery is highly valued in the world of high fashion. If you try and establish contact with emerging or famous fashion designers, you can receive regular orders from them. And the more people see your work, the more clients will be interested in your services.

Among private orders, embroidery on wedding dresses is popular. This is one of the areas that can be distinguished as a specialization. In this case, your advantage in the eyes of the client will be ready-made examples of work or embroidery samples.

Choose your direction

A business in embroidery will open up many prospects for you. This could be your own studio or a contract with a large company.

If you really love embroidery, don't miss this opportunity and use your talent to make a profit!

Each of us goes shopping several times a year in search of holiday gifts for our family, friends and acquaintances. And, of course, I want to give something original and beautiful so that the gift will really please everyone. Therefore, despite the mountains of souvenirs and various goods in stores, gifts created according to individual orders occupy a special place. One of these exclusive gifts is a photo portrait embroidered on a car.

The business of embroidering photo portraits is a new promising direction for creating exclusive gifts that can provide the owner with a constant income and huge potential for expanding production.

The target audience

There are many target groups of consumers of custom-made photographic portraits, the most numerous of them:

  • young parents who want to capture the best moments of their baby's life. To attract such customers, it is necessary to place advertisements on thematic forums, flyers in children's stores, and conduct presentations for parents in kindergartens and schools;
  • parents and relatives of the newlyweds- offers should be placed in wedding salons, jewelry stores, photo studios, and travel agencies;
  • people who value creativity- advertising in framing workshops on mutually beneficial terms, distribution of leaflets at various exhibitions.

To organize a business for embroidering photo portraits, you will not need to rent a room, since the equipment is very compact, and there is no need for space for a large supply of threads and finished products. Therefore, at first, to save money, you can place production in an apartment (due to the small size of the equipment, this can be called a home business). To service the production process, additional employees are not needed, and the services of a designer can be used on a contractual basis.

Required equipment

Equipment for embroidering portraits from photographs is not suitable for everyone, but only those that have a photo-stitch function. It differs from ordinary embroidery in that the stitches go in different directions and the embroidered portrait turns out to be more realistic and beautiful.

The most suitable models of embroidery machines are:

For Velles VE 15C-SC and Brother PR-1000 embroidery machines, you must purchase additional software to create and edit embroidery designs.

The most convenient and functional is PE-DESIGN NEXT - RUB 20,990). Also, this software will allow you to work simultaneously with 4 embroidery machines when expanding production.

You will definitely need a computer with a lot of memory. Cost about 26,000 rubles.

Additionally, you will need tables for placing equipment, chairs and bedside tables for storing thread and fabric. The total cost will not exceed 20,000 rubles.

Thus, to organize this business, investments in the amount of 322,000 rubles are required.

up to 350,000 rub.


Consumables for creating photographic portraits are special threads, fabric and non-woven fabric. The highest quality and most frequently used threads are GUNOLD Sulky - 100% viscose, 5000 meters in a bobbin, thread thickness 40. Cotton threads can also be used. A prerequisite when choosing threads for embroidering photo portraits should be durability and color resistance to fading, because the portrait will hang on the wall and should delight the buyer for many years.

The most expressive will be embroidered monochrome sepia portraits. To create such a portrait, all 6-8 colors from milky to dark brown are enough. Therefore, to begin with, you should not invest working capital in purchasing the entire palette of threads.

The most difficult part of the production process is preparing photographs for embroidery, especially since customers usually come with finished photographs of far from the best quality. Processing photographs in a graphic editor is painstaking work and requires professional skills and knowledge. Therefore, it is easier to turn to the services of a professional designer. With a small production volume, it is better to cooperate with an advertising agency or an individual designer and pay for each specific order, but with a constant flow, it is worth hiring a designer on staff. Processing 1 photo costs about 600-800 rubles.

Calculation of business profitability

The cost of an A4 size photograph including designer services is:

  • Embroidery threads based on 50,000 stitches - 5.28 rubles.
  • Base fabric for embroidery - 6.09 rubles.
  • Non-woven fabric for sealing the embroidery area - 8 RUR.
  • Additional direct costs (equipment maintenance, electricity, etc.) - RUB 1.94.
  • Designer services - 700 rub.
  • Total cost: 721.31 rub.

The cost of such a portrait for the customer ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles. depending on the complexity and quality of the photograph provided. The average price of a portrait is 2000 rubles.

  1. Embroidering one portrait takes about 2 hours, that is, a maximum of 4 portraits can be embroidered per working day.
  2. To calculate monthly revenue, let’s take an average of 2 portraits per day - 88,000 rubles.
  3. Return on sales - 57%.
  4. Gross profit will be 56,262 rubles.
  5. When subtracting overhead costs for communication, transportation costs and taxes, the net profit will be 50,000 rubles. per month.

Due to the low cost of the work performed, the payback for any set of equipment offered will not exceed 8 months. Moreover, in addition to embroidering photographic portraits, the equipment provides ample opportunities for the production of advertising and souvenir products, decorating clothes, embroidering landscapes and paintings, so its efficiency can be significantly increased through additional orders and the payback period can be reduced to 3-4 months.

This type of business has enormous potential for development, increasing the range and volume of orders, which directly contributes to the constant growth of profits.

Do you want to start your own business, but don't know what kind? It seems that all niches have already been occupied, and where it is possible to expand, very large investments are required, and the return is too small.

However, there is an extremely promising area of ​​activity in Russia that few people know about, although its potential is enormous. This is not only cool and fashionable, but also a profitable business that can bring good income. We are talking about industrial embroidery.

Good and beautiful embroidery consists of three components. These are: a high-quality machine, high-quality design and high-quality consumables.

Let's start with the car. To many who are thinking about starting their own embroidery business, a professional machine seems like a monster that requires a specially prepared room and “eats” as much electricity as would be enough to illuminate a small Russian city. We hasten to dispel your doubts.

Let's take the top-class car Tajima as an example. It is powered by an ordinary 220 V network and consumes only 0.225 kWh. Now a little math. With a constant load of 8 hours a day, your machine will consume only 1,800 kW per day. For comparison, modern irons consume 2,200-2,500 kWh, more than a car per work shift!

Master Class. We embroider a portrait from a photograph. Part 2. Creating an embroidery pattern from a photograph

With an average cost of 2.5 rubles per kilowatt, per month, taking into account 30 working days, you will spend to pay for electricity135 rubles per month.

0 rubles will be the rent for the premises. The embroidery machine can be placed in a garage or a spare room in an apartment, since its dimensions are small - only 1 sq.m. will be required to install it.

The next component of quality embroidery is design. IN On average, a high-quality design costs 110 rubles for 1,000 stitches(further calculations will be made based on an average design of 10,000 stitches) . You will spend another 3,000 rubles (monthly consumption of threads and consumables) on the purchase of consumables for embroidery.

Total, at the beginning of the business, your monthly expenses will be 135 rubles. +1100 rub.+ 3,000 rub. =4,235 rubles.

Now about something more pleasant - about income.

The average speed of an embroidery machine is 700 stitches per minute, so it will complete a program of 10,000 stitches in 15 minutes.

The above amount of energy, consumables and a high-quality design scheme will allow you to produce embroidery on 960 products in a month. Each product can be sold for an average of 50 rubles. Therefore, every month you will be able to receive (number of products * cost) - expenses = 43,765 rubles of revenue.

Yes, you say, this is interesting, but the equipment will not fall from the sky, it costs money that needs to be “recaptured.” Right. Let's count again. Let's say you buy a car for 250,000 rubles. Taking into account monthly revenue of 43,765 rubles, you pay for the car in 6 months. Then go to “zero” and your revenue turns into profit. Moreover, you can save on design. How? Very simple! You need to become a designer yourself. This is quite realistic and can be learned quickly.

So, in just 6 months, provided that you sew diligently, look for orders, and learn the craft of an industrial embroidery designer, you will be able to put your first profit into circulation. This means that after some time you will be able to buy additional equipment in order to take on large orders and make even greater profits.

It's simple, isn't it? You just need to start! Indeed, in the USA for more than 50 years, many small studios have been successfully operating with one or two such machines.

Additionally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the experience of foreign companies in translated books by American authors (“Survival in the Embroidery Business”), as well as in the book “First Steps in the Embroidery Business,” based on our experience of doing business in Russia.

Tip 1: How to turn a photo into an embroidery pattern

Detailed description

Industrial embroidery machine with an embroidery field of 600 x 250 mm, an analogue of the CEM 135 and CEM 150 machines, designed for applying multi-color embroidery and appliqué on cut details, finished products made of light and medium-heavy materials, with the possibility of embroidering on finished baseball caps, knitwear, terry products, leather and leather substitutes, various types of clothing, etc.

The machine works effectively both in small production and large volumes of embroidery.

Operation of the embroidery machine does not require special training of personnel and makes it possible for one operator to control 3-4 machines at the same time.

This machine is especially effective when embroidering large items and chevrons. The sewing field declared for this embroidery machine is only possible if a special technology for securing the material is used and a specialized frame is used.

Long-term reliable operation is ensured by the presence in the embroidery machine of powerful stepper hoop drives, a rigid design of the coordinate device and high-precision units manufactured on modern CNC metal-working centers. All these factors allow you to operate the embroidery machine in industrial modes (3 work shifts).

The quality of embroidery is determined, among other things, by the use of a specialized spool stand in the design of the embroidery machine, which ensures easy thread removal and prevents them from tangling. The movable foot used facilitates reliable fixation of various materials during embroidery. To achieve an embroidery field of 600 mm. a more rigid coordinate device was used; The guide, table cover, and carriage have been enlarged.

Products produced on embroidery equipment CEM 160 are completely similar in quality and range of products produced on such embroidery machines as: Brother PR-600, PR-620, PR-650, PR-1000, Tajima, Barudan.

High embroidery speed is achieved by equipping the embroidery machine with microprocessor devices based on modern components. The embroidery machine works without connecting to a computer.

Automated lubrication, which is based on the design of a specially designed pump, ensures uninterrupted supply of oil to all components of the embroidery machine at any embroidery speed.

Loading of embroidery programs is carried out directly into the console of the embroidery machine with built-in flash memory for 256,000 stitches. The remote control is equipped with a liquid crystal display and can be removed from the embroidery machine for easy loading.

Embroidery on large-sized items becomes easy due to the original “embroidery correction angle” function.

Cross stitch a portrait from a photo cost

You can embroider products that are much larger in area than the size of the hoop (flags, curtains, long items) and also completely eliminate defects from incorrect placement of embroidery on the material or cut details.

Programming the embroidery pattern and creating embroidery files in generally accepted embroidery machine formats is carried out using CES prof software, which is a product of CLASSIC EMBROIDERY SYSTEMS.

Embroidery on baseball caps is done using a special device and is an available option in an embroidery machine.

The cost-effectiveness of the embroidery machine is due to low energy consumption at high embroidery speed, due to the use of high-tech units from LENZE in the embroidery machine drive control system.

Thoughtful packaging created specifically for this embroidery machine allows you to reliably and at low cost deliver the machine over long distances by any means of transport.

Distinctive features of the machine are an expanded embroidery field up to 600 x 250 mm, increased rigidity of the coordinate device, and an enlarged table. Easy to maintain and operate. Does not require additional training. Great working resource. Low operating costs.

Computer embroidery with glow-in-the-dark and ultraviolet threads

Computer embroidery has become a fashionable and sought-after attribute. Today, the client wants to emphasize his individuality by purchasing clothes and accessories. Therefore, highly specialized business ideas are firmly established in small niches. For example, there is good demand for embroidered elements. The unique embroidered design can be found on T-shirts, underwear, wallets, handbags and even shoes. Computer embroidery is gaining popularity not only in fashion. They emphasize their individuality with embroidery on the covers of documents, in elements of car interiors and even in art. For example, spectacular paintings with photo embroidery made from glow-in-the-dark threads.

This type of home business does not require large financial investments. And the key to its success is the harmonious fusion of modern technologies and traditional crafts.

Embroidery with luminous threads

You can significantly expand the range of embroidered products using threads that glow in the dark or in ultraviolet light. They are also called fluorescent threads, which glow in ultraviolet light, while luminescent threads accumulate light and release it in the dark without the use of energy sources (albeit for 2 hours). With such threads, you can offer the buyer a whole range of attractive products in the range:

  • Embroidered luminous photo pictures.
  • T-shirts for nightclubs (the image made from thread breathes and retains its presentation longer, unlike printing on fabric).

3Logos on the covers of documents or smartphone cases, which will no longer be lost in the dark.

Glowing threads for embroidery (luminescent) are quite affordable at prices starting from $10 for 1 spool (weighing 100 grams and 3000 meters long). The manufacturer Acmelight offers several colors of light: green, turquoise, white, blue, red and yellow.

Spectacular embroidery on clothes and shoes for evening and night time will interest all young consumers.

Reflective threads will also come in handy in this matter. The reflective thread itself consists of glass microlenses with high reflectivity. A 500-meter coil will cost $15 (with a thickness of 0.25 mm).

Equipment for computer embroidery

To start working with machine embroidery, you don’t need any special sewing skills. At the first stage of such a business, you can start embroidering simple things, for example, metrics or covers for documents. To embroider such things, you do not need to know how to work with a pattern. All you need for this is a sewing and embroidery machine. This machine embroiders various patterns on its own. You just need to clamp the fabric into the hoop and secure it to the working surface of the machine. The market for such sewing and embroidery machines is quite wide. For example:

Using these machines, you can easily manage the work process, as it is fully automated. The maximum stitching speed is up to 1000 stitches per minute. Sewing and embroidery machines of different types have different functions, their control menu is available on the control display, and even video lessons on working with it are stored in the memory of the machine itself. In short, a person with zero level of training and skills can work with such a device. Also, when choosing a sewing and embroidery machine, pay attention to the presence of a USB port, because with its help you can connect a PC or digital media (flash drive).

To create a machine embroidery business, you also need to be able to use special programs for embroidery machines, in which unique patterns and designs are created. The machines themselves already have a large base of patterns that can be made with various stitches. These programs can be downloaded from the Internet, they are also free. Designs for an embroidery machine can also be downloaded on the Internet, from which you can easily learn the craft.

To create more complex circuits, global skills in working with this kind of programs are required; they can be obtained independently with the help of video lessons. But don’t be afraid, because even a beginner in using a PC can master basic skills in working with special programs.

Organization of sewing and embroidery business

As mentioned above, the basis in this business is the embroidery machine itself, but in addition to this there are a number of conditions that will be needed in the work process:

  1. Room. This work will require a separate room. A small creative room in your own home will be enough, or for example, an empty garage in clean working condition is perfect for a mini-office.
  2. Sewing equipment. This includes absolutely everything from patterns to needles. Centimeters, rulers, scissors, threads for embroidery machines, etc. There is no need to purchase additional sewing equipment right away; it is easier to purchase it as needed in the further development of the craft.
  3. Fabrics and accessories. The basis for creating machine embroidery is naturally fabric. What is she like? Everything will depend on both you and the customer. Also, when working with machine embroidery, you need to have special embroidery threads of different colors. Dissolving threads for sewing edges and borders (such threads dissolve in water). The cost of such threads does not exceed $7 per spool of 200 meters.

So, our story about organizing a home embroidery business has finally come to the question that is rightfully considered the main one in this business: “What is the best embroidery machine?” Although this question sounds quite simple, the answer is far from so simple.

The answer, or, more correctly, the answers, will depend on a number of objective and subjective factors for each specific case. We will look at the most basic of these factors so that each of you can, by taking them into account, not only answer this question correctly, but also actually choose the embroidery machine that is suitable for your business.

To begin with, we will talk about the categories of embroidery machines that may be of interest to novice businessmen. Then, we will give a list of those same factors, systematizing them according to the “needs” of each home embroidery “enterprise”. Also, we will “season” this whole theory with examples of embroidery machines recommended by both the manufacturers themselves and their professional users. Well, are you ready for the next portion of embroidery information? Then let's begin...

What should define “the best embroidery machine for a home business”?

Answer: Such a machine should:
– cope with the type and volume of orders that your home embroidery business has at this stage of its development.
– be convenient to use and maintain.
– be economically profitable. This means that it should be affordable for you at the time of purchase. Subsequently, it should not only pay off, but also make a profit.

Remember this definition and, after reading the entire article to the end, apply it to the information received. Now that the introduction is over, we can move on to the main part.

Embroidery machine categories:

1 – Household household embroidery machines

  • Single-needle embroidery machines (for example: Bernina 790, Janome Memory Craft 500 E),
  • Single-needle sewing and embroidery machines (for example: Brother Innov-is (NV) 950)

2 – Household semi-household embroidery machines (We have added this category specifically for those interested in creating a home embroidery business. Not all dealers characterize the examples we provide as “semi-household” or “semi-professional” embroidery machines. Therefore, taking into account this categorization, try to look for analogues not by the name of the category, but by power, performance and other parameters inherent in such machines.)

  • Polygonal single-head embroidery machines (for example: Brother PR 650)
  • Single-needle semi-household embroidery machines (for example: Brother VR or, as it is also called, Brother PRS100)

3 – Industrial embroidery machines

  • Polygonal single head embroidery machines (for example: Ricoma EM 1010)
  • Polygonal single-head (compact) embroidery machines (for example: Velles VE 19 C-TS, Brother PR 1050 X)
  • Polygonal multi-head embroidery machines (for example: VE 150 CAP-SE, Velles VE 1204 LHS-CAP).

The categorization of the above embroidery equipment was carried out according to the number of needles, heads, productivity and size of the machines. According to this systematization, industrial embroidery machines are unlikely to be of interest to those who are planning to run an embroidery business at home. Industrial machines are expensive, and it will be quite difficult to install them in a house or apartment.

We do not say “impossible,” since the enterprise of our people has long rejected this very concept. It will be very, very difficult to recoup the cost of industrial machines with orders available for home businesses. Based on this, we will assume that the interest of our readers today, as beginning “private owners,” will focus on the first two categories. It is in them that you will find the “best” embroidery machine.

Now that we have outlined the scope of your choice, let's move on to listing the factors that you should pay attention to when making it.

What to look for when choosing an embroidery machine for your home business

Before we jump into listing all the important features that should be present in your embroidery machine, there is one important thing that needs to be mentioned. Before you start choosing an embroidery machine, you need to decide how and for what (what kind of orders) you will use it. All of the factors listed below will be tailored specifically to the type of orders you have and your skill. Now let's get down to the list of factors itself.

1. Embroidery area

This factor interests absolutely all embroiderers, whether they are professionals or amateurs. This category is measured by the maximum size of the hoop that your machine can “accept.” Typically, the larger the embroidery area, the more opportunities it provides for work. Even for those who embroider relatively small-sized objects (stripes, chevrons), using a large hoop will also be more profitable.

Why? Because by placing several chevrons in one large hoop, you can save not only on hoopping and embroidery time, but also on consumables. For size, however, you need to pay accordingly. Therefore, the final choice must be made only after you compare the costs with the return on investment of the machine.

And now an example to compare machines with different embroidery fields: Husqvarna Designer Topaz 30 (36-20), Husqvarna Designer Diamond (hoop 36-35 cm), Husquarna Designer Epic (36-35 cm). As you can see, the working field of each of them is more than satisfactory. The price of each machine differs significantly. Of course, it is not only the field of embroidery that determines the price, but all the same, if this is the determining factor in choosing a machine for you, it is worth weighing the pros and cons. How often will you be embroidering large designs or several chevrons at the same time? And most importantly: will your production be able to recoup such costs?

Attention: Embroidery in large hoops on household machines does not always, but quite often, lead to a poor-quality final result (displacement of contours, backlash). This is explained by the peculiarities of fastening the hoops of household machines, which is many times inferior to the fastening of professional ones. (We'll talk about attaching the hoop below.) Therefore, before you simply assign your choice to a machine with a large hoop, think about what you will embroider in it.

If we are talking about products that can aggravate the problem of attaching large hoops, then perhaps household machines are not suitable for you. Or, you will have to come up with a “patent” that eliminates the shortcomings of the fastening. On the Internet (especially on professional embroidery forums) there is a lot of such advice from “experienced” embroiderers.

2. Performance or speed of the embroidery machine

Speed ​​is important when working on orders of any size. Theoretically, the faster the machine “scribbles”, the more orders you can handle. In practice, the embroidery machine will not always operate at the declared maximum speed. The speed will depend on the type of designs, and your ability to select the right supplies to complete each specific design. There is no point in giving examples in this category. Suffice it to say that home household machines in this regard are of course inferior to semi-industrial ones, but they are also cheaper. Should cost be taken into account when choosing a high-performance machine? Of course! But in addition, the choice of an embroidery machine “based on speed” must be justified by the needs of your business.

Example: You work mainly with individual orders, exclusive embroidery or designs with a large number of different colors. This means that your work will involve multiple re-hoopings or purely decorative designs that often use long stitches. This, in turn, means that you will not always, if not never, work at high speeds. Consequently, your choice may well be limited to the category of household embroidery machines.

If you work with mass embroidery, then look for an assistant among semi-industrial embroidery machines. Such units not only “sew” better at maximum speed, they are also much more resistant to overheating caused by constant work.

Attention: When considering a choice “based on performance,” you can (and should) show not only objectivity in assessing your tasks, but also ingenuity. Thus, buying two relatively inexpensive household embroidery machines may be more profitable than investing in one expensive semi-professional machine. In the same working time, theoretically, you will be able to fulfill double the volume of orders. In addition, having two machines is convenient when it’s time for service. While one machine “will be repaired,” the other will quietly bring you profit.

3. Number of needles

This criterion can be said to be directly related to the multi-colored designs mentioned above. In short, we can say this: the more needles your machine has, the less time and effort you spend changing threads. Therefore, if you really don’t want to sit near the machine, waiting for the next thread change, then take a polygonal machine. Which polygonal embroidery machine to buy depends on your circumstances (availability of other functions, availability of service, price).

Advice: If the cost of multi-needle machines worries you, but you want to solve the problem of changing threads, then you can find a compromise. How? You can, for example, buy a used embroidery machine (necessarily with the support and approval of the customizer). Or, a good analogue for solving the problem can be embroidery machines with a lightweight function for changing threads (for example: single-needle, semi-industrial Brother VR).

4. Availability of a wide variety of accessories (hoops of various sizes, shapes and purposes, with the ability to “accept” accessories from other companies (not the manufacturer).

This criterion will be important for those who work with individual exclusive orders. Of the manufacturers of machines of this type, Brother, Pfaff, Bernina and Husqvarna are especially loved by the majority.

Why do you need various accessories (hoops)?

Different hoops have different purposes and interchange of one type with another is not always possible. Why? Firstly, the wrong design to hoop ratio (design too small in a large hoop) can lead to poor quality embroidery results. Secondly, when embroidering, say, a small design in a large hoop, you will waste extra stabilizer for no reason. Thirdly, small hoops are important for embroidering hard-to-reach places (pants legs, children's clothing). In addition, if you plan to try your hand at embroidering, say, caps, then your machine should accept this type of hoop.

A truly “good” range of embroidery accessories (hoops) is easier to find in the semi-professional category of machines. The subcategory of sewing and embroidery machines will delight you with a variety of feet (for embroidery with cords, etc.). Those who are going to deal with mass orders related to, say, sports equipment (bags, backpacks, uniforms) should consider semi-professional (or professional) embroidery machines.

5. The strength of the hoop attachment continues the theme of accessories

In household embroidery machines, the hoop fastening is much “weaker” than in industrial embroidery machines. By “weaker,” we mean the fact that household hoops often have one fastening connected to the machine. “Professionals,” on the other hand, hold their hoops on two or more sides. If you plan to embroider heavy fabrics (jackets, terry robes, large towels), then “household” category machines may not be entirely suitable for you.

6. Availability of sewing function

It will be useful for those who, in addition to decorating with embroidery, also want to create embroidered items themselves.

— If there is a lack of profit from embroidery, you can easily retrain for sewing orders.
— The presence of a sewing function opens “windows” into such niches as the creation of embroidered souvenirs, interior accessories, dance costumes, bags, etc.
- Space saving. This factor is especially important when the sewing and embroidery business is located in a small apartment.


— If there are pressing deadlines, you may not have time to embroider, since the machine will be busy with sewing.
— The cost of one sewing and embroidery machine can often cover the purchase of two separate machines, a sewing machine and an embroidery machine.
“If a sewing unit breaks, then while it is being repaired the entire business can simply stop.”

Examples of sewing and embroidery machines: Bernina 580, Brother Innov-is NV180, HUSQVARNA DESIGNER TOPAZ 50, etc. Opinions about which of the existing sewing and embroidery machines is better differ even more than in embroidery machines. However, if you concentrate specifically on the sewing function of such a machine, then most of the problems are “related” to the quality of the stitching made by the sewing module. Sometimes the decorative stitching suffers, in other cases the quality of the loops is affected. Each “buyer” will need to check details of this kind independently. The easiest way to do this is “on the spot”: ask to demonstrate the operation of the machine in the store itself.

7. The quality of embroidery is a factor that you definitely need to pay attention to

It is checked using the “on-site testing” method described in paragraph 6. However, before you begin the test itself, you need to decide what materials you are going to work on. If most of your orders concern, say, embroidery on leather, then, of course, choosing machines of “more industrial power”, ask for a demonstration of the quality of embroidery on leather.

8. Service

One of the important points that you need to consider when deciding to purchase an embroidery machine. Find out where and how it will be repaired for you, if something happens. The closer the service is to you, the less time you will spend servicing your assistant. And this is very important when orders are scheduled several months in advance.

9. Ability to process designs in the machine itself

This function is important for those who want to slightly change designs, not on the computer, but on the display of the machine itself. Examples of such changes (minimal editing): copying and overlaying designs, increasing size, etc. Typically, the higher the category of the embroidery machine (and, accordingly, the price), the more editorial functions it has. The most commonly used “editing” can be called: mirroring the design, rotating it by a certain number of degrees (the smaller the degree step, the better), adding 1-2 elements. Such functions are also available in household embroidery machines. Something more complex is the area of ​​the industrial category.

Before you “rush” to “maximum functionality”, decide whether you really need it. For example: sometimes changing the size of a design requires modifications to its stitch filling, as the quality of the filling deteriorates. Such modifications require time, which could often be spent more profitably. Is it worth spending money on something you won't use at all?

10. The connection between an embroidery machine and a computer can also be a determining factor for its purchase.

Often this factor is attributed to the purely subjective habits of each master. However, this is not always the case.

Example: The embroidery machine does not have a display or it is monochrome (Janome Memory Craft 350e). To make it more convenient for you to monitor the progress of embroidery, you could connect the machine to a computer. But, Janome Memory Craft 350e does not connect directly to the computer. This means that for complete convenience you will need to either purchase additional “connectors” or think about another option.

If the machine only has a connection to a computer, this is also not very convenient. Why? Embroidery machines and desktop computers (not laptops) are quite heavy equipment. When a business is located in an ordinary apartment, it will not always be convenient to move or place them next to each other. Memory cards are another way to transfer designs. This method is not particularly loved by masters because it sometimes requires additional investment in programs that read these cards.

At this point, the main part of the description of the main factors influencing the choice of a machine for a home embroidery business can be considered complete. Of course, there are still a huge number of additional parameters that can influence the final choice of machine. We will not lose sight of them, but, due to their “additional” nature, we will not dwell on their description in detail.

Additional characteristics of embroidery machines useful for the home embroidery business:

  1. Automatic thread cutting (and not only when changing colors) will save you time by eliminating the need for manual cleaning of broaches. For those who are engaged in embroidery of pictures and indeed any other multi-color embroidery, this function is simply a treasure!
  2. Signal that the upper and lower threads are running out (before they end). Very useful in working on designs of any kind. If the machine does not warn you that the thread will soon run out (whether lower or upper), then you will only know about it when it has already run out. During this time, the machine will have time to make several “empty” stitches. For you, this means not only changing the thread itself (this is already clear), but also additional work to reconfigure the correct position for the needle. When embroidery is a business, then in large orders such a disadvantage can become quite a big problem.

    Easy bobbin thread change. This feature is especially useful for large volume orders. In household embroidery machines with a horizontal hook, it is easier to change the bobbin thread, since you do not waste time threading the bobbin into the bobbin case. However, about shuttles, see point 4.

    Vertical or horizontal shuttle. There is an opinion that in household embroidery machines, vertical shuttles are more powerful than horizontal ones. Most likely, if you are looking for a machine for a home business, you are better off turning to this type of shuttle. In industrial machines, the shuttles are horizontal, but they have a different configuration. Industrial shuttles are much more durable and therefore pose far fewer problems. But, again, before deciding on professional embroidery, evaluate the rationality of such an investment.

    The color display (large size) makes it easier to work on embroidery. Why? Because, firstly, such a display requires very detailed monitoring of the progress of embroidery. Secondly, often, if a machine has such a display, then it also has additional functionality for easier joining of parts of the design. For those whose orders involve embroidering paintings or simply large multi-color designs, this feature can be very important.

    Noise and vibration made by the machine during operation. The more “industrial” your unit is, the more vibration it will emit. This criterion is important if your business is based in a residential building, as the vibration may not be to the liking of your neighbors. The vibration of some machines is difficult to eliminate, especially if they are located on the upper floors of a building. It will be much easier to protect neighbors from noise. However, in addition to your neighbors, you should also think about your family. Especially if the machine will work at night.

This can probably close the list. Notice we said “close” and not “finish”. This means that in addition to the above criteria that you need to pay attention to when choosing an embroidery machine for your home business, there are others. Our goal was to point out the main ones and show exactly how to approach their assessment. We have coped with this in full: the information will cover most of the questions that arise during the selection process. As final advice on choosing the “best” embroidery machine, I would like to say the following.

Try to get the most complete information about the embroidery machine you are going to purchase. Ask dealers of the manufacturer of your machine, sellers of other machines, embroidery masters who have already dealt with it, service technicians, etc. Listen to everyone, but make your own decisions. Well, good luck, and easy writing for you!

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