Essay on the topic: Colors of golden autumn. Colors of feelings: a collection of cozy quotes about autumn Autumn and us

Lesson summary on literary reading

2 "b" class

Teacher: Tarabarova Yu.S.

Methodist: Nikolaeva A.N.

Student: gr.741 groups, Gorbunova Elena Vladislavovna

Lesson topic: “Colors of autumn. A.S. Pushkin “Sad time..”, A. Askakov “Autumn”.

Equipment: musical piece “Autumn” Sviridov G., presentation, textbook, paintings

Purpose and objectives of the lesson:


To form an idea of ​​the beauty of autumn nature through works of fiction;

Determine the topic and main idea of ​​the text and justify your opinion;

Determine the differences between works of literature and painting, justify your opinion;

Find comparisons in the text.



Complete a training task based on the algorithm;

Carry out self-assessment and mutual verification when completing a learning task.


Expand your horizons in your child’s life.


Takes into account different opinions and strives to cooperate within the framework of educational dialogue.


Show an emotional and value-based attitude towards the beauty of autumn nature.

During the classes

Lesson steps

Teacher activities

Student activity

Organizing time

So the bell rang, Let's start our lesson. -All is ready? We looked and sat down quietly at the desk. Hello guys, my name is Elena Vladislavovna and today I will teach you a literary reading lesson.

Taking their seats

Updating knowledge

Determining the topic of the lesson

Testing the perception of a piece of music.

Listening to the musical work “Autumn”

Introducing the new section


Setting lesson goals and objectives



Introduction to Definition

Working on definitions

View artist's reproductions



Working with the textbook

Reading in the textbook

Biography of Pushkin

Vocabulary work

Reading and analysis of the work

Reading a poem





Guys, now I want to invite you to listen to the musical work “Autumn” by Georgy Sviridov.

But first, let's look at the screen, here you see a portrait of G. Sviridov. Born December 16, 1915 - January 6, 1998, he was a Russian composer and pianist. When Georgy was still in elementary school, almost the same age as you, he began to get interested in literature. Gradually, music began to take first place in his circle of interests. There, in elementary school, Georgy Sviridov learned to play his first musical instrument, the balalaika, he was a very talented boy.

G. Sviridov wrote symphonies, concerts, oratorios, cantatas, songs and romances.

And now I suggest listening to the musical work “Autumn”.

Did you like this music? Why? - What mood did the composer want to convey? Why do you think so?

What kind of weather do you think he wanted to depict with music? What does the music sound like?

The music is really calm, you can feel the melancholy

What season do you think we will talk about today in class?

We are starting a new section with you, but let’s look at what it’s called in the textbook. Turn to page 24 and (student) read the section title to us.

Autumn is a very diverse time of year. It usually begins as an autumn of colors.

How do you understand the expression “autumn colors”?

Autumn is a talented artist, sometimes transforming everything around her in a couple of days. The bright greenery that delighted us all summer is miraculously changing colors. The green carpet suddenly becomes bright and colorful. The fiery red fire sees off the summer, flashing with bright colors.

Who can tell us what we will do with you in class?

Many poets loved autumn, and today we will meet some of them, this is A.S. Pushkin and his poem “Sad Time..” and Sergei Askakov and his shortened work “Autumn”.

Let's open the textbook to page 24. Look at the words in the box. (Student) read these words to us. (Comparison, collection). Guys, what do the words in green mean? (we will work with these words in this section) We will compare and read poems from collections.

And who can say what it means to compare? (comparison is a comparison of two objects, works, by similarity and difference)

What is a collection? (a collection is a book that contains any works, articles, poems, materials, documents, etc.)

(Collection is a publication containing a number of works by one or more authors, as well as various official, scientific and information materials on a specific topic).

We have become acquainted with the new definitions comparison and collection and will work with them throughout the entire section.

Let's look at the screen, I want to introduce you to several works about autumn.

1 painting by Vasily Polenov “Autumn in Abramtsevo”. V.D. Polenov is known as one of the best Russian landscape painters. He was one of the first to paint outdoor landscapes.

What is shown in the picture? What time of year do you think it is? What colors does the artist use?

The forest froze in front of us like a majestic impenetrable wall. Yellowed birches and aspens indicate that autumn, the very time that miraculously transforms the modest nature of this region, has already come into its own. However, if you look closely, you can also notice some reflections of summer, its colors that have not yet faded, which, coupled with a fine sunny day, creates a particularly joyful and even festive mood when looking at this picture. The dark, cool waters of the river, in which the trees are reflected, seem to have stopped their flow for a moment to let us enjoy the peace and silence. A lush and soft yellow-green carpet stretches along the river bank.

2 painting “Autumn” by Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi.

Among the paintings of Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi, “Autumn” is not the most famous canvas. However, it attracts with its quiet charm.

What can you say about nature? (she's getting ready for winter)

Look at this tree that is in the middle, what does it keep doing? (turn green)

Only one tree - it is in the very center of the composition - stubbornly continues to turn green. Perhaps because it is lonely and receives a little more light than the others. - What do we see in the background of the picture? (There are golden trees in the background. Most likely, these are birches). -What is the sky like, guys? (the sky is grayish, as if pierced by threads of light rain beginning)

3 painting by Ivan Shishkin “Golden Autumn”

In 1888, Ivan Shishkin, a master of landscape art, painted his painting “Golden Autumn”.

Guys, what is happening to nature? (Nature, as if falling asleep, pleases with its sleepy beauty near the nearby lake). – What colors does the artist use?

What can you say about water? (Fallen leaves, like a blanket, lie on the water. The water is very colorfully depicted by Shishkin, it reflects all the beauty of autumn splendor and fallen leaves).

You can admire the paintings endlessly! Nowhere will the beautiful secrets of nature be revealed in such splendor as in these landscapes. A little covered in fog, but the beautiful nature enchants, making your heart beat in unison with the autumn wind

So, guys, we looked at several autumn paintings by famous artists and each one conveys their mood in different ways in their drawings.

Now let's get up and rest a little.

Let's turn to the dialogue between Anya and Vanya in the textbook on page 24. Read by role. ()

What are Anya and Vanya talking about? Who loves autumn? Why doesn’t Vanya like autumn? And why Anya?

All people approach autumn differently; there is no consensus.

Do you guys like autumn? Why? (statement from several students)

Let's read what Professor Samovarov tells us.

What is Samovarov calling us to?

Why should we learn from writers to convey impressions and observations? (because they are masters of their craft, they write with soul, putting their feelings and experiences into their work)

Today we are with you Let's get acquainted with the work of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin "Autumn".

Attention to the screen, here is a portrait of A.S. Pushkin. The great Russian poet and writer Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin was born in Moscow on June 6, 1799. Already at the age of 12 he began his creativity. He wrote a lot of poems, poems, fairy tales, etc.

What fairy tales do you know by A.S. Pushkin? (The Groom, The Tale of the Priest and his Worker Balda, The Tale of the Bear, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious son and the mighty hero Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs , The Tale of the Golden Cockerel).

Autumn for the poet was the most favorite time of the year. It was in the fall that he wrote most of his works. About this time he said: “Autumn is the time of my literary works.” Nature was his muse and inspired him. A.S. Pushkin expressed all his thoughts and feelings towards her through his poems.

In the poem “Autumn” you will encounter unfamiliar words, let's look at the board.

Ochi - eyes

Charm - admiration

Canopy - in village huts and in the old days in city houses, the room between the living part of the house and the porch;

Crimson - red paint of a dark shade, crimson

Mist - fog.

I will read a poem, and you follow me closely through the book

Did you like this poem? How?

Autumn is A.S.’s favorite time of year. Pushkin. Which lines say this?

Read line 1. Why does the author call beauty farewell?

In which lines do you feel the approach of winter?

Is your mood in tune with the mood of the poet? Do you share his joy and admiration? Pass this on as you read.

Now I will read the poem to you again, you listen, then I will give you time to prepare.

I give you 5 minutes, and then several students will read this poem out loud.

Today we will also introduce you to one writer, Sergei Askakov.

Years of life: September 20, 1791, in Ufa - April 30, 1859, in Moscow) - Russian writer.

Now I will read you his work “Autumn” (abbreviated)

Guys, what kind of autumn does Sergei Askakov like?

Now you have listened to 2 colorful descriptions of autumn nature. What mood do they create in you?

Remember what colorful words and expressions you now know. Find them in the poem by A.S. Pushkin and in the work of S. Askakov. Days (what?)….

Autumn is different. In their works, poets and writers opened their souls to us, capturing in them their boundless love for the nature of Russia, for the wonderful time of year - autumn. They all depict this time of year in their own way, but everyone admires the beauty of autumn nature. In all works one can hear joy and at the same time aching sadness.

Why do you hear joy and sadness?

(the dying of nature, but then a new one is born, and joy is beauty, the colors of autumn).

What did we talk about in class today?

What new words did you learn in class? (comparison and collection) Now you need to go to the board and find definitions for the word comparison and collection.

What works and artists did we meet? (Vasily Polenov “Autumn in Abramtsevo”, Arkhip Ivanovich Kuindzhi “Autumn”, Ivan Shishkin “Golden Autumn”)

What poems did we read? And who wrote them? (“Sad time” by A.S. Pushkin, “Autumn” by S.T. Askakov)

And who said these words: “Autumn is the time of my literary works.” (Pushkin A.S.)

Raise the green sheet if you rate your work in class highly;

Pick up the yellow sheet if you worked well in the lesson;

And the sheet is red, if you think that you have not worked enough and could have done better.

Today I rate...

We open our diaries and write down our homework. Poem by A.S. Pushkin Learn “Sad Time” by heart.

Looking at the screen and listening to the teacher

Listen to the musical piece “Autumn”

Answer teacher questions

About autumn

Read the title of the section in the textbook

Express their opinion

Children's answers

Open textbooks, read, answer

Children's statement

Looking at the screen

Student answers

Do physical exercises

Reading dialogue

About autumn, Anya loves autumn. Vanya doesn’t like autumn because rain often comes and summer is over.

Learns from writers to convey their impressions and observations

Get to know unfamiliar words

Listen to a poem

Children's answers

Reading a poem

Teachers listen

Answer teacher questions

Answer questions

Evaluate their work in class

Write down homework



Autumn is a time of bright feelings, a riot of colors, tastes and cozy memories. Let's dive into the atmosphere of autumn with a fresh collection of quotes from masters of words.

By autumn, I experience twofold feelings: I seem to love this season, its umbrellas and the crimson carpet under my feet, but at the same time I am afraid of autumn, or more precisely, of the thoughts that are born under the falling leaves.
(Elchin Safarli)

September has an amazing ability to make you fall in love with yourself gradually. While you are experiencing the passing of summer, while you are getting used to the idea that there is a long cold ahead, September decorates the tree crowns with autumn graying, muffles and shades the light, but brightens the colors: cadmium orange and lemon, light and golden ocher, burnt sienna - specks, sparing, along the very edge of the birch leaf. Having barely emerged from the state of despondency, summer is gone, summer is gone! - you find yourself in the comforting embrace of September. Good, you exhale, returning to yourself again. “The words have come back,” September will say. He doesn't ask, he asserts.
(Narine Abgaryan)

Autumn was coming into its own, the artists took refuge under the warm shelter of their workshops, and he still walked and painted in the wind, and in the rain, and in the fog, and in a real storm. In inclement weather, his damp canvases were often covered with sand and salty sea water. The rain soaked him without mercy, the fog and wind chilled him to the bones, sand got into his eyes and nostrils... but he reveled in every minute of work...
(Irving Stone)

Autumn is the last, most delightful smile of the year.
(William Cullen Bryant)

Autumn is the second spring, when every leaf is a flower.
(Albert Camus)

Autumn stands on the threshold as an uninvited guest, hesitates, looks away guiltily, holds out a handful of this and that - ripe, scarlet-sweet, viscous-tart. Love, love me! Here's the gold of September, here's the serenity of October, here's the farewell chirp of the cicadas, here's the stroke of a crane's wedge on the clouds... “I took this hair from the rye, if you want, tie it on your finger - I don’t feel any pain...” But there, beyond the blissful In silence, behind the sedately flying maples, behind the puddles reflecting the sky, the cold winds of November are driven forward - the gloomy child of autumn, scratched and unloved, the messenger of inevitable changes, the messenger of cold December. There, behind the luxury of October, there are silent prickly snows.
(Narine Abgaryan)

Now everything is going in reverse. Like in the movies, when the film is played backwards, people jump out of the water onto the diving board. September comes, you close the window that you opened in June, you take off the tennis shoes that you put on then, and you climb into the heavy shoes that you abandoned then. Now people quickly hide in the house, like cuckoos back into the clock, when they are ticking away the time. Just now the verandas were full of people and everyone was chattering like magpies. And immediately the doors slammed shut, no conversations could be heard, only leaves were falling from the trees.
(Ray Bradbury)

And then something began to happen with the summer, everything somehow changed - clouds, trees, other sounds and smells appeared, and we, in grief, already thought that summer was ending - when the especially blue sky, cobwebs in the " old garden”, the smell of mushrooms and damp straw - we learned another new joy: it’s not “summer is leaving”, but “autumn has come”!
(Anastasia Tsvetaeva)

Anya reveled in the riot of colors that surrounded her.
“Oh, Marilla,” she exclaimed one Saturday morning, running into the kitchen with an armful of bright maple branches, “I’m so glad I live in a world where it’s October.” It would be terrible if we went straight from September to November, right? Look at the branches! Doesn't it give you a pleasant shiver when you look at them? And even several tremors at once? I want to decorate my room with these branches.
(Lucy Maud Montgomery)

Sadness has arrived in autumn. A part of you died every year when the leaves fell and hungry branches were revealed to the wind and the dank cold light. But you knew that spring would certainly come and the river would flow again, freed from ice. If the cold rains come and kill the spring, it seems that someone young died for no reason.
(Ernest Hemingway)

But, you know, I was probably looking forward to summer so much that I would miss autumn again. Through the slightly cold air and sad twilight. Wrap yourself in a scarf, warm your hands in your pockets... I'm crazy, right? All year I was in a hurry for summer, it came and that’s it, I’m burning out. And it’s not the heat, I don’t get tired of it. It’s just that my character is more like autumn.
(Elchin Safarli)

Ah, this rebellious and sad month. In October the world is on fire.
(Ray Bradbury)

... there was that extraordinary autumn weather that always surprises people, when the low sun warms hotter than in spring, when everything sparkles in the rare, clean air so that it hurts the eyes, when the chest becomes stronger and fresher, inhaling the fragrant autumn air, when in the dark warm nights Golden stars are constantly raining down from the sky, frightening and delighting them.
(Lev Tolstoy)

The garden, washed by the night rain, is entangled in a foggy veil - it spreads over the tops of the trees, lies like a cotton heap on the shaggy shoulders of the cypress trees, oozes through the branches of a large quince - the yellow fruits, covered with rough fluff, stand out as sharp splashes on the milky blanket.
The fog will go away - the hills will be speckled with maple gold and blush, the surroundings will be shrouded in the thick aroma of medlar and rose hips, there will be a sharp smell of pine needles and blackberries washed in the morning - at the end of autumn they are sickly sweet, large, you can’t hold three berries in the palm of your hand.
(Narine Abgaryan)

It was autumn. If it were possible to collect all the gold and copper that is on earth, and forge thousands of thousands of thin leaves from them, then they would make up an insignificant part of that autumn outfit that lay on the mountains. In addition, forged leaves would seem rough compared to real ones, especially aspen leaves. Everyone knows that aspen leaves tremble even from a bird whistle.
(K. Paustovsky)

Autumn presents a person with a generous gift - the science of dying, we all know about this, only few people admit to themselves what they learn every autumn, while the gold of all heavens pours out at our feet, and only touching the ground turns into dry foliage.
(Max Fry)

In November, the sky is somehow high, and everything breathes sadness,” he said. - What month do you like?
- November.
- Why?
- Because the sky is high, and you feel the sadness of loneliness, your heart beats anxiously, it seems as if you are becoming stronger. There is some kind of revival in the air, and you are in anticipation of real winter.
(Banana Yoshimoto)

The fogs have become thicker and more impenetrable; they go away for a long time, reluctantly, clinging to wooden fences with tulle hems. The distant call of the river is heard - cold, foamy, it runs, gasping, ahead of itself, telling everyone that snow is approaching the mountain pass, she saw it, she knows.
(Narine Abgaryan)

Autumn for me is a time of magic, when the world is painted with the colors of the masters. But many people fear this season, with all its splendor and romance, perceiving it as a harbinger of the end, winter death. But in the fall I feel alive. Autumn is both the beginning and the end.
(Gene Pendzivol)

Autumn is the soul of metamorphosis, the time when the world freezes on the threshold of winter, that is, on the threshold of Death, but does not yet fall into it. This is a contradictory world - a time of harvest and abundance, but also cold and hardship. Here we dive into the very thick of life, but do not forget that everything passes and fades. Autumn turns the world from one state to another. The year becomes mature and wise, but not yet decrepit and feeble-minded.
(Catherine M. Valente)

The forest, as expected in autumn, looked magnificent. The variety of red tones mixed with the dark green of the coniferous trees, and he thought (and not for the first time) if a person is destined to die, then there are worse seasons for this.
(Stephen King)

Autumn is like a book that has already been read, but has already been forgotten - every page is about what you know and what you vaguely remember, every page is a return to where you have already been. The nights are now filled with the sound of rain, the mornings smell of exhausted but not yet cooled earth, the sun, having lost all its decorous slowness, fussily glides along the edge of the sky, not rising above the hills - the time of the sun is gone, other people's times have come.
(Narine Abgaryan)

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year, which inspires poets and writers to create magical works, and inspires artists to paint the true beauty of nature. Autumn time plays with different colors: yellow, green, red, brown, golden, so this is not the end yet. Because for three months the trees change into colorful outfits. Children and their classmates go to the forest, collect colorful maple leaves, weave wreaths, and make bouquets.

Not only does the color of the leaves change, fruit trees give us apples, pears and other fruits that Mother Nature gives us, they also change their color, from green to red or yellow. Autumn colors not only vegetables, fruits, trees, but also the sky; in September the sky is light, azure, and closer to the middle and end of autumn it becomes darker, blue colors mix with dark gray tones, it often rains, and sometimes snow flies , nature plunges into deep sleep.

Complete essay

The ability to see and distinguish colors is one of the most unique in the world; only the human eye has similar characteristics. In order to see the beauty of nature, you just need to open your eyes and look around. The blue tints of streams, the green foliage of trees and bushes, the blue vault of heaven - the variety of colors cannot be listed. Color perception can influence mood (red), calm (green), and even improve performance (yellow), and some colors have the ability to depress (purple).

Many people, including artists and poets, often describe spring as a natural phenomenon and a crown of beauty. But there are also those who defined her as a “consumptive maiden” (A.S. Pushkin), and gave their preference to the “dull time”. The natural cycle of the seasons can be roughly described as: spring - birth and autumn - withering. Nature accompanies the end of its life process with incredible changes. From the usual cessation of photosynthesis, with the help of which the fiber of the tree is nourished, the appearance of the usual flora changes radically.

The autumn trimester of amazing changes begins in September. Already from school age, when attending school, you begin to follow the changes in the palette of the environment on the way to class. The juicy green leaves become thin and veiny, transparent, and a little later they become completely dry and curled at the edge. But the magic of this time lies in the palette of shades that glow around. One object can be simultaneously: yellow, light green, brown and even blazing red.

Just walking down the street at this time is so pleasant to kick fallen leaves and hear their soft rustling caused by friction against your feet and asphalt. On a sunny day, when the crowns are fully colored by autumn, the world seems golden. The rays of the sun penetrate the earth, reflecting warm notes, once again reminiscent of the extreme fine days of this season. When at these moments a light wind blows and tears off the foliage, it creates the feeling of a golden rockfall or meteor shower.

The bright and unique time of transition from hot summer to cold winter has its own beauty for everyone. There is a story about how a passerby wrote on a sign to a blind beggar: “It’s autumn now, but I don’t see its colors.” And during this day the tramp earned more than ever. Because every person understood how much happiness this unfortunate person, unable to see the beauty of nature, lost.

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One of the most mentioned themes in the works of Russian poets is the theme of nature. It is this that is very closely connected with the boundless love for the Motherland and beloved Russian spaces. The heart of every creator is simply filled with tender feelings and awe of the beauty of the Russian land. And books by Russian poets about autumn are always full of delightful colors and emotional experiences. There is no person living in Russia who could not be imbued with its delightful landscapes. And those who once became her guest will never be able to forget the boundless open spaces, the greenery of the forests and the mirror surface of numerous rivers and lakes.

Unforgettable beauties of Russian nature, or Autumn in the works of Russian poets

Of course, it is impossible to be loyal to your Motherland if you do not love its nature, are indifferent and do not live in harmony with it. Every creator has a season that he prefers. But it is autumn that inspires them to create great and immortal masterpieces. In the poetry of Russian poets, it is an inexhaustible source of impressions and deep feelings.

Different poets of all centuries felt and described this time in their own way. To some of them, it sometimes seems like it is fading, while others, on the contrary, cannot stop admiring the last of the flowers and grass circling in the heavenly blue or slightly covered with frost, caught by the first frost. Even the clouds hanging over the fading expanses are delightful, and ordinary rain seems to be the farewell tears of autumn for the passing warm summer days.

And, perhaps, there is no Russian writer who would not mention this delightful time in his great works. Any books by Russian poets about autumn contain a lot of wonderful epithets and memorable phrases, which are often used in quotes or aphorisms.

The Great Pushkin and his favorite season

For example, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in his work characterized all the seasons, but from many of his lines one can understand that he still gave the most preference to autumn: “Now is my time: I don’t like spring...”.

Pushkin never chose any special topics for writing his unforgettable works. The source of his inspiration was life itself with all its manifestations. Alexander Sergeevich was worried about absolutely everything that was connected with his beloved Motherland. He had an infinite love and understanding of nature. Its sounds, abundance of colors, wonderful aromas. And the great Russian poet finds a special charm in absolutely every season.

But he gave great preference to autumn and dedicated a large number of his inimitable lines to this wonderful time. It is to her that we owe numerous works by Alexander Sergeevich, which have replenished our treasury of literature.

Feelings and emotions carefully conveyed by the greatest creator

Pushkin's poems about autumn reflect its rather contradictory qualities. This is clearly visible in the lines: “Sad time! The charm of the eyes!” These poetic lines are so familiar to us and seem understandable that we don’t even think about how incompatible the words used in poetry are.

"Sad time" and "charm of the eyes." After all, dull means boring with monotonous rains and a low gray sky, unsightly and dreary with piercing dampness and cold wind. And charm is alluring and bewitching beauty. Of course, this combination cannot but surprise. But it was precisely this that became the leitmotif of the Russian lyrics of poets who devoted themselves

No other time of year can compare with the rich, solemn radiance of the charming golden season: “I love the lush decay of nature...”.

A special period in creativity

In the next creation, called “Autumn,” created in Boldino in one thousand eight hundred and thirty-three, during that very period in the poet’s work, which scientists will later call the Boldino Autumn, Alexander Sergeevich explains why he loves this particular time of year and experiences these days the longest moments of inspiration: “...And every autumn I bloom again...”

Pushkin was creatively happy in the fall. But few, seeing the gray landscapes, bare bushes, the heavy sky, feeling the cold breath of this period and the increasingly frequent gusts of wind that are about to bring the first snow, can discern special beauty in this time. And especially to accept with reverence and gratitude what nature has given us. And all of Pushkin’s poems about autumn are always filled with special love and reverent tenderness for its gifts.

Twentieth century poet Ivan Alekseevich

Another wonderful and no less famous writer, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, wrote poems about autumn. In the poem “Evening,” he shares his talent for finding something especially kind and bright even in small and gray things: “We always only remember about happiness. But happiness is everywhere. Maybe it is this autumn garden...”

And, for example, he perfectly described the fall of leaves in the forest and the mingling feeling of joy and delight from the indescribable beauty in the poem “The leaves rustled, flying around...” and the no less beautiful and exciting work “Fall of Leaves”: “The forest is like a painted tower...”. Reading these lines, it’s as if you are transported into this delightful fairy tale of the autumn forest, filled with a special atmosphere of magic and tenderness.

The author's special combination of feelings

And such a combination as sadness and joy, beauty and modesty of the landscape - it is quite easily explained, because in general the concept of “Russian landscape” implies a national landscape, and therefore reflects the spiritual makeup of the Russian person. His spiritual worldview, that is, the Orthodox worldview of nature.

These feelings are filled not only with all the books of Russian poets about autumn, but also with many paintings by famous Russian artists. They all tried in the same way to convey her special charm. And therefore, in order to get the most complete picture of the colors of this time of year, you can, by reading the lines of poets, look at the great masterpieces of Russian landscape painters.

Short autumn poems for little ones

Poems about autumn are short, but unusually figurative, found in Nikolai Alekseevich Zabolotsky. One of them is called “In the Rain”: “My umbrella is torn like a bird...”. And another poem by the same author is called where autumn itself is a whole wonderful world with all its inhabitants.

The nature of your native country is an inexhaustible source of inspiration. Every poet who wrote about her felt like a part of her. It was the works of Russian creativity that were able to penetrate the soul of nature, hear and understand its language. And it is very important, already in childhood, to begin to develop a sense of harmony with the environment around us. With every birch tree, blade of grass and even an ordinary drop of rain.

Of course, any large work will be quite difficult for children to perceive, and poems about autumn are short, but filled with no less delightful lines, and will be most convenient for memorization and further discussion.

It's time to sum up Sergei Yesenin

Autumn is not only a time of year, it is also a time of human life, moments of peace and quiet, reflection and summing up the life lived. It is in this combination that the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin sees himself. He writes: “Oh, the age of autumn! It is dearer to me than youth and summer.”

And he, with a painful sadness characteristic only of him and at the same time some inescapable feeling of love for the Motherland, for his land, for its nature, writes in another poem: “The fields are compressed, the groves are bare. The water makes fog and dampness.” The transfer of the mental state of the author of the lyrical hero to inanimate objects is another feature of Yesenin’s poetry.

A distinctive feature of the entire galaxy of Russian poets is precisely this correlation and juxtaposition, the parallel between the natural world and the state of the human soul of the lyrical hero.

The character of autumn in the works of Fet

The works of Afanasy Fet are the most wonderful poems about autumn for children. Despite the fact that they are quite meaningful and filled with deep meaning, they nevertheless remain very simple and understandable for young children.

Each poet sees himself in the images of autumn in his own way. And, for example, Fet imagines it as a time of sadness and melancholy, which may soon change to a joyful and pleasant time. Let’s say that in the poem “Hound Hunt” this is exactly how this time is expressed: “The last sheaf has been brought from the naked fields...”. It is here that this very consolation is clearly present, for example in hunting.

Golden time of the most wonderful time of the year

But how beautiful autumn is at its very beginning! Golden, as many call it. The extraordinary blue of the sky, the luxurious lush decoration of the forests and the unusual, only autumn-like, fresh wind. Many books by Russian poets describe precisely this state of nature falling asleep. When she is just beginning to take a break from the summer heat, annoying mosquitoes and there is still no hint of the presence of winter.

Another author who wrote wonderful poems about autumn for children is Fyodor Tyutchev. “There is in the original autumn...” How colorfully and accurately the author was able to convey what a huge number of tones he saw in fading nature. And even the sadness present in the poem is somehow light and bright, like this wonderful time itself.

Creations of the majestic Prince Konstantin Konstantinovich

It is difficult to single out the name of at least one author or one work among such lyrics. Poems about autumn by Russian poets are real masterpieces, pearls of our poetry. But a special place in landscape lyricism is occupied by the work of the majestic Prince Konstantin Romanov, who has a whole cycle of poems called “The Seasons.”

Everything in this collection is quite clear and simple. Spring is a time of youth and love, the beauty of renewed nature, summer is a festival of flowers, but autumn is characterized by special smells and sounds, captivating silence. And for this author, the fading time is full of charm. How much charm he sees in sad, lifeless days: “How captivatingly quiet in the faded fields! Our autumn is full of charm...”

The prince’s works are filled not only with poetry, but also with a Christian worldview. Humility, patience, obedience are directly felt when you immerse yourself in his poems.

Contemporary creativity

Times change, but the Russian poet’s view of nature and the world around him does not change. The modern, now deceased, poet Rubtsov very precisely mentioned this in his work: “I will not rewrite...”.

And it must be said that Nikolai Mikhailovich’s poems are, of course, a continuation of our Russian lyrics. All of this poet’s works, especially the poems about autumn, are distinguished by their extraordinary imagery, as well as their soul-warming simplicity and sincerity. Our modern times are immediately felt in his works. But they inherently contain a certain note of the works of Tyutchev and Fet, which is quite clearly expressed in the poem “At the Rotten Forest Hut.”

The lyrics of Nikolai Rubtsov, if we take poems about autumn, are in some ways even similar to Yesenin’s masterpieces; they are also piercing, bright, and in them a special admiration, reverence and love for one’s Russian landscape is very strongly felt.

Features of autumn lyrics, or Quotes about autumn from Russian poets

It is in autumn lyrics that it is very interesting to observe how the poet creates an image. After all, he will never say directly that it is raining outside and leaves are falling from the trees. All poems about autumn by Russian poets are filled with figurative paintings, various techniques of personification, that is, when the artist attributes the properties of a living being to an inanimate object.

But it is no less interesting to turn to other poetic means that create the unique imagery of the poem. For example, to a comparison or metaphor. And in the work of every poet one can find many such poems.

Many works of Russian poets about autumn formed the basis of popular songs, others are often quoted by characters in some films, something is forever deposited in a person’s memory from school. And some especially moving lines are turned into quotes and used in everyday life, sometimes even without mentioning the author of the creation.

And if one autumn day your soul becomes especially sad, you should definitely go to the forest to listen to the birds singing, watch the squirrel jump, watch the falling leaves and remember the books of Russian poets about autumn. And then the heart will immediately be cleared of melancholy, and the most beautiful feelings that this golden time can awaken will awaken in the soul.

Summer, of course, is a wonderful time of the year, but with the onset of autumn, the whole world seems to change. It becomes brighter and more colorful. The colors intertwine with each other, creating golden colors, displaces summer and begins to walk importantly through the forests and fields, decorating all the open spaces in its own way.


The trees obediently bow before her mighty majesty and begin to spread their golden foliage everywhere. In numerous gardens and city parks you can clearly hear the rustling of fallen leaves. Every morning a snow-white fog obscures the roads.

Everything suggests that the warm season has long passed and the time of magical autumn begins. The sky is the last to surrender to the power of autumn. It remains soft blue until the last minute, although sometimes gloomy clouds carrying raindrops float across it.

Autumn outfits

Autumn significantly transforms all trees. They begin to quickly change into golden outfits. Maples dress up in autumn with a reddish tint, and delicate birch trees gradually weave yellow ribbons into their long braids. Only old oaks lose their green colors and become gray and gloomy. Kalina, like a fashionable girl, begins to try on beautiful outfits and put on orange necklaces.

Each flowerbed pleasantly pleases people's eyes with its riot of flowers and colors that autumn brings with it. Dahlias stretch their heavy and bright heads towards the departing sun, as if they want to enjoy its warm rays for the last time. Asters, like little stars in the sky, shine with their beauty in flower beds. Delicate marigolds are trying to show all their beauty for the last time.

Colchicum spreads along the ground in a lush and thick carpet. Its small leaves press tightly against each other. As if the autumn frosts do not allow them to warm up, and they begin to look for warmth among themselves. carefully preserves every drop of morning dew on its leaves. The leaves absorb the gentle dew, sip by sip, to get their fill and absorb the colorful colors of autumn.

Quiet music of nature

Only in autumn can you clearly hear her music in the middle of a field. This may be the call of cranes that fly to warmer climes to spend the winter. The howl of the wind, which walks importantly between the bare trees, fully complements the autumn melodies. But the thin threads of the web, which were picked up by the wind, are practically inaudible.

Of course, fall colors complement fall music perfectly. If it were not for the golden flowers and colors of this magical time, it would be the most dull time of the year. But autumn tries in every possible way to surprise us with the gift it gives to people every year.

These colors can fully convey in their shades the whole mood of nature, which has been waiting for many months for the onset of this time. Now you can throw off the leaves and prepare for the winter cold. It is for this reason that it is necessary to remember as much as possible all the colors of autumn before the cold weather comes with its soulless and pale colors.

Poets and autumn

Autumn is such a wonderful time of the year that almost every famous poet and writer has repeatedly tried to mention this time in their works. Even Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself wrote about the unique colors of autumn in his poems. Nekrasov mentioned her very often in his works. But not every poet was able to convey the individual character of autumn, which is so different from other seasons.

Talented artist: theme "Autumn Colors"

Autumn is a kind of talented artist who can convey an idea as beautifully as possible. It can quickly turn all trees and plants golden and orange. Despite the fact that everyone likes summer, the leaves on the trees at this time are exclusively green.

At a time like autumn, they take on a variety of shades that can delight the eye for hours. It’s not for nothing that most people collect herbariums. This is an opportunity to capture the bright colors of autumn in your memory for many years to come. This is the time of year when the whole world begins to change dramatically.

All the colors of autumn in bright vegetables

At this time, the collection of vegetables and fruits begins. You can especially see all the colors and colors of autumn during the harvest. The pumpkin turns bright orange, and the newly dug potatoes turn brown and pink. Tomatoes are distinguished by a bright tint of red, and cabbage dilutes all these colors with green shades. This is perhaps the only vegetable that reminds us of summer days.

However, most people love autumn because at this time of year large and fragrant mushrooms begin to rapidly emerge from under the thickness of fallen leaves. in the autumn forest it is impossible to compare with anything. After all, the smells of mushrooms and forests are closely intertwined with the bright colors of fallen leaves.

But it is worth noting that autumn can radically change not only the surrounding nature, but also many people. After all, it is precisely at this time of year that a period begins in the souls of creative people when inspiration strikes them. They are ready to write poems and glorify in them the bright colors of autumn, which they need to enjoy to their fullest before winter covers everything with a snow-white blanket.

Memories of childhood

Children also like autumn. After all, it is at this time of year that parents put colorful rubber boots on them, in which they can run through puddles and enjoy their carefree life. Only at these moments will the mother not be able to scold her baby for getting his feet wet or getting his clothes dirty.

After all, in her memories, mom is little again and also frolics with her friends in the rain, hiding from the big drops under a colored umbrella. I immediately want to return to a carefree childhood, when I didn’t have to go to work and worry about various things. You could just run through puddles all day and get things dirty, which a caring mother would certainly wash, even though she would yell at her for prevention.

Autumn and us

Every person has special memories associated with autumn. For some, this is the first kiss with a loved one, which both have been waiting for for so long, but no one dared to take the first step. And for some, the birth of a baby. When you stand under the falling leaves under the windows of the maternity ward and wait for your beloved son or daughter to be shown through the window.

But be that as it may, without autumn, life on the planet would be boring and monotonous. This time is a great time to forget about the hot summer and prepare for the onset of cold weather. But the bright colors of autumn that it brings with its onset live in people's memories all the time. These are exactly the memories that can warm the soul on long winter evenings, when it’s frosty outside, and you and your family are drinking hot tea near the burning fireplace.