How to write about yourself in an interesting way? How to tell about yourself in English (about myself) Brief example about yourself

A suitable vacancy has been found and a meeting with the employer has been scheduled. How to behave at an interview to get hired? What can you tell us about yourself? A few examples of a story about yourself during a job interview; this story will help you compose your text, and it is better to prepare it in advance, before coming to the interview.

Work is the most important part of our life. Scientists have calculated that the average person spends 99,117 hours at work. Of course, everyone wants to go to work with joy and enthusiasm. To do this, it is necessary that work brings not only material, but also moral satisfaction. Only by finding a job that suits you in all respects can a person feel fulfilled and successful.

Before the interview, the applicant will have to fill out.

How to prepare for an interview?

In order for the interview to be successful and the applicant to be hired, it is necessary to carefully prepare for it. Here we recommend going through the following steps:

  1. Find out the main activities of the company and the features of the desired vacancy.
    “Even a turkey can be taught to climb trees, but it’s better to hire a squirrel for this purpose!” - this statement by K. Dyson perfectly describes the need to always meet the requirements of a particular employer.
  2. If the company specializes in retail sales, focus on your experience in various positions in this area, for example, promoter, sales consultant.
  3. Specify what results you have achieved, do not hesitate to talk about your successes and achievements.
  4. Emphasize your qualities such as activity, communication skills, and focus on results, that is, those that will be useful in this particular position.

The next thing to do is think through a story about yourself and your skills and experience - this is an important part of the interview. Every employer begins evaluating an employee with his story. In this case, a resume, thought out in advance and correctly formatted, can also help - ?

What other questions might be asked during an interview? We offer.

What to tell an employer about yourself at an interview

Prepare a short self-presentation (story about yourself), emphasizing your professional qualities and your strengths. You shouldn't tell a potential employer that you sometimes sing in the shower or what type of coffee you prefer. It is better to focus on your education and career achievements. Many recruiters advise rehearsing your speech at home in front of a mirror, while paying attention to your facial expressions and gestures.

In order for the listener to better perceive the information, you should not talk about your life and experiences for too long. 3 minutes is enough; it is during this time that you can successfully hold the recruiter’s attention. For easy comprehension, the story should be divided into semantic blocks, each 30-40 seconds long.

Examples of stories about yourself

A sample story about yourself during a job interview:

“My name is Elena Smirnova, I’m 26 years old. Single. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the State University in Kaluga. I want to work in your company, since you are a leader in the professional field with which I connect my future career. The proposed vacancy for a marketer combines the opportunity to directly participate in product promotion and apply knowledge of foreign languages, which is very important for me.

I believe that I am well suited for this position because I have experience in this field and possess the qualities of dedication, responsibility and creativity.

At my previous job, I managed to achieve…”

Further, the story about yourself includes specific achievements expressed in numbers, facts, and events achieved. The main thing that should not be included in your speech is lies, mistakes and shortcomings. It is better to simply remain silent about the latter, and deception can be easily verified; the employer’s trust will immediately fall if he finds out some kind of deception, even the most insignificant and petty.

How to say?

When talking about yourself during a job interview, be friendly and confident.

Any employer wants to see an open, sociable and friendly person in their team. There is no place for snobbery and arrogance during an interview. Don't forget about the rules of good manners! Bad manners and hypocrisy can alienate an applicant even with a good resume.
You should also not act too reserved and modest. Answer questions confidently and with dignity.

What should you not do when applying for a job?

Most applicants make a number of mistakes during job interviews that can be completely avoided. The most common ones are:

  • Unflattering reviews about your previous place of work, colleagues or superiors. You shouldn’t talk badly about your past job, because you got it of your own free will, and not “by the will of fate” or under the pressure of insurmountable circumstances. A potential employer may decide that you will subsequently not say anything good about his company or him personally either.
  • Describing your personal life and things not related to work in too much detail. You can talk about nature, weather and oil prices during your lunch break if you get hired.
  • Doubt about your abilities and professional qualities. If you doubt yourself, how can a future employer appreciate you?

A correct story about your skills, experience and achievements is, of course, good. But to create an overall positive picture for the employer, it is important not only to convey the meaning of the text to the recruiter, but also to behave correctly when doing so.

You need to talk about yourself with a smile and confidence in what you say. Don't lounge in your chair, don't cross your legs, don't cross your arms. Talk only about what is interesting to the employer. Don’t include too much praise about yourself in your story, don’t exaggerate your achievements and skills - and you will achieve results.

Friendly and business-like behavior, self-confidence, and the right story about your personality are important components of success in a job interview.

Video lesson - preparing a story about yourself when applying for a job correctly

You will probably have situations when you need a lively, conversational text about yourself. For example, in instant messenger or correspondence, when you are introduced to another person at an event or you meet yourself in line at a buffet table. You may want to create a “human voice” from your resume or personal website. On this occasion, we have selected for you some useful tips from the book “How to become a popular author.”

The first thing you must do is answer the question: how can I be useful to the reader (interlocutor)?

“About me: I am a stylist, teaching my clients how to manage the impression they make. How to not just “dress beautifully,” but create a well-thought-out image. How can a financial advisor avoid looking like a pretty secretary?

Show that you can be trusted. Use facts and social proof.

“Some of my clients keep open diaries about our work. You can read the story of Anton, a business performance coach, using the tag #antontransformation. Olga, a marketer from the French province of Champagne, can be found at #olgastylerestart. Anastasia, a scientist, public figure and traveler, writes under the tag #stylerestart_anastasia.”

Tell your story with a purpose. Remember that a hero always has a goal.

“I want to become a guru in the topic of online promotion of a personal brand...”

Unfasten a couple of buttons.

“I love visiting different countries and talking to people in their language.”

Give the microphone to the reader. Ask the reader (interlocutor) what he does, where he goes, what he needs.

Example text about yourself

"Hello! My name is Katya Inozemtseva. Let me tell you how to promote yourself and your projects for free in order to get more clients and subscribers without any tricks or manipulations. Now I have my own project #FreePublicitySchool, which has graduated 2,500 people, and the 2,800 articles they wrote were published by leading media outlets. I am one of the Top 30 most read Forbes columnists and the author of the best-selling book “Startup Uncut.”

That's all for now. But five years ago I worked in a corporation and only dreamed about it. A colleague, a PR director, was sitting opposite, and I couldn’t get out of her an algorithm about what these magazines and newspapers needed and how to get there. The texts that I sent were invariably returned with the note: “Thank you, but we don’t publish this.” I wanted to cry, because at school I got 5/5 for essays and won competitions! It turns out my writing skills were no good. A few years later I figured out this secret. Publishing in the media is not at all difficult, there are keys: content, audience, platform.

When I understood how it works, I was able to publish my articles in Forbes, Psychologies and other top media outlets, which then seemed like Everest to me, a place for the elite. Moreover, after the first articles on third-party topics, I began to use them as a free opportunity to write about my projects and promote my business. Let me teach you too?”

Now you. Write an introduction text based on the examples above. While writing, pay attention to the following recommendations:

Does the story have your emotion? Your attitude? What is your position? Your voice?

Have you forgotten about the reader? Does he recognize himself? Would he benefit from reading your story?

One topic = one text. Don't go overboard with the plots.

Is the logic okay?

What about the tongue? Will your friend understand?

Read the text out loud. Does it sound clear and understandable?

Set aside for an hour or two or until the morning if possible.

Read it again and make edits.

Now enjoy it for your health!

At first glance, writing about yourself is not difficult. Well, what could be difficult in describing your life, thoughts and passions? But often when writing this kind of work, people make mistakes, and an interesting work turns into a dry autobiography. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow a number of recommendations, and then your essay to yourself will not only fully reveal your personality, but also serve as an example for others.

  1. It is quite possible that you were assigned to write it at school or at work. In this case, there are certain rules. You can write them down on a separate piece of paper so that in the future you can clearly adhere to them and not deviate from the requirements.
  2. Make sure you have a consistent narrative structure. If you want to reveal your relationships in the family, describe childhood memories, you should not drag in your career achievements and vice versa.
  3. Be sure to pay attention to literacy, punctuation and logic of presentation. Even writing an essay about yourself for the most insignificant reason does not give you the right to neglect literacy.
  4. To make your essay complete, choose a main line that will be visible in it from beginning to end. This could be a trait of your character, a hobby, features of relationships with friends and family, incidents from your life, or your worldview.
  5. Try not to make the story too strict. It is better to use artistic style techniques (metaphors, allegories), and not limit yourself to dry journalism.
  6. Be sure to include interesting or funny nuances in your essay about yourself. This way you can attract the reader’s attention for a long time.
  7. Make sure that the text evenly reveals your personality. There is no need to write only about your merits. Try to present your shortcomings so that they do not seem like disadvantages, but just temporary mistakes that you are trying to correct in the process of self-improvement.
  8. Keep the suspense. At the very beginning, make the reader interested in you, for example, by saying that you have a new goal or interest in life. But you don’t need to reveal all your cards in the first paragraph. During the story, give examples from life, describe the development of your character, and only at the end can you fully reveal the whole idea.
  9. Always think about the plan for your future work in advance. If time permits, you can even spend a few days on this so that all the details of the essay are logical and interesting.

  1. Place a sheet of recommendations in front of you and try not to be distracted by extraneous activities.
  2. Outline the main points of the future essay: examples from life, memories, goals and interests.
  3. The plan should include several parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. The main part should be the most extensive. It is in it that you will fully reveal yourself as a person.
  4. After you've sketched out your outline, re-read it again to make sure that all the details of your future essay are in a logical order.
  5. After writing the story itself, be sure to reread it several times. Focus on the general mood first, then check the punctuation, and on a final read, check the style and spelling.

And remember, the main thing is to describe the most ordinary, from your point of view, events in an unusual form, so that the reader becomes interested not just in reading about you, but in getting to know you personally. Develop your creativity, and you will always be able to appear before others as an extraordinary person, but never forget about the spelling rules.

Example of an essay about yourself

Winter. The snow crunches under your feet, the wind gently caresses your ruddy face, snowflakes fall from the sky in huge flakes, covering the ground with a soft blanket. I don’t know why, but it’s the winter season that brings a wave of thought to me.

I want to achieve a lot in my life. I don't want my life to be boring and monotonous, full of grayness and fog. I know that in order to achieve something in life, you need to work a lot on yourself, your character, you need to be able to reveal in yourself all the talents that God has awarded you.

From early childhood, my parents taught me to be independent. They never stood over me, forcing me to do my homework, I did everything myself, even if something didn’t work out, I didn’t run to my mother for help, I tried to do everything on my own. This independence has nurtured my inner world, and I feel that I am not like my peers. I look at the world and the people around me differently. Maybe this is what gives birth to creative sparks in me, and everything I think about, what I dream about, everything that lies in my soul and heart, I put on paper in the form of poetry. One of my poems is called “We the People,” which talks about people, about us, as we are.

We humans are strange creatures

We love to be caressed.

And we listen to the words with passion

Those who conquer us.

We long for love

We are terribly afraid of her.

We cherish our dreams

And we avoid strangers.

We humans are strange creatures

We live like in Chekhov's case

And life is confusing, complicated,

Like a sheet glued to paper

I'm not only interested in writing poetry, I'm also writing a book. This book is about the lives of ordinary people. Starting from school to maturity. This book is about all the trials that our life presents to us: about beautiful love and terrible tragedy. I decided to take a lot from what actually happened, what I myself and my friends experienced. Very little has been written yet, but the main thing is that there is a desire to write and that there are ideas. It is very important for me!

A lot of things are connected with literature in my life, and therefore, of course, I want to achieve success in it. I took second place in the regional essay competition. I was very happy, but still I was tormented by the fact that, alas, I still could not achieve a prize at the regional Olympiad in Russian literature, although I was trying my best. But then I realized that this is not enough, you need to have some stubbornness, and tell yourself that I will still achieve my goal, no matter what it costs me. And this helped me - I took second place. Even if it’s not the first, I’m still happy that one of the goals set for me has been achieved!

The scope of my activities is varied. I try to be comprehensively developed, so I am interested in everything: painting, architecture, acting, psychology, philosophy, although we don’t have a specific base in the village, but if you want, you can find something.

Giving joy to others is a great pleasure. To see how your eyes sparkle with happiness, how your faces break into a smile and at the same time feel great satisfaction that you didn’t live this day in vain. Therefore, when participating in school events: concerts, performances, games, I try to show everything I can.

Doing something insignificant but good, you realize how many interesting things there are in our lives. You just need to create them yourself and the world will be filled with goodness and light. I want to show this to people and try to participate in all competitions and events.

I can add to my list of achievements the well-deserved first place in the regional traffic rules competition “Safe Wheel”. And when I turn eighteen, I will definitely get a license to drive a car. I want to take from life everything that it can give me, while remaining a person who is not alien to human grief.

I won many prizes at the reading competition, both in my school and in the region. I adore Mayakovsky: his extraordinary, ebullient, but gentle nature, his unique, but at the same time simple images. How I would like to hear his works from the author’s lips, at least in recordings.

I like to meet people and discover something new. For my active participation in school and district events, I was rewarded with a trip to Anapa. I learned a lot of new and interesting things there. And most importantly, I expanded my circle of friends. I became convinced that there are a lot of good and smart people around.

I was convinced of this when I participated in the “Leader of the Year” competition, where I took first place. I am glad that among all the worthy participants, I was chosen.

From many lips you can hear that life is difficult. Yes, this is probably true. And in order to achieve a lot in your life, you need to overcome obstacles, experience a lot, and only after experiencing all this can you understand how difficult the path of what you want to what is actually achieved is.

But at the same time, writing an essay is a difficult task. It’s hard for those who are not used to reading high-quality literature that develops in a person the ability to think competently, construct phrases correctly and understand the rhythm of the text. The closeness of the genre to colloquial speech does not mean that sentences can flow randomly and in fragments - on the contrary, with all its expression and richness of artistic means, the work should be read easily and smoothly. Not many people manage to achieve this the first time, but if you don’t want to put in the effort, then if necessary, our authors will do all the work for you.

Write an essay about yourself for a job

An essay ordered from us will be completed quickly and efficiently!

  • The image of yourself.
  • Lots of details.

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Essay essay

From early childhood, my parents taught me to be independent.

Essay "Briefly about myself"

They never stood over me, forcing me to do my homework, I did everything myself, even if something didn’t work out, I didn’t run to my mother for help, I tried to do everything on my own. This independence has nurtured my inner world, and I feel that I am not like my peers. I look at the world and the people around me differently. Maybe this is what gives birth to creative sparks in me, and everything I think about, what I dream about, everything that lies in my soul and heart, I put on paper in the form of poetry. One of my poems is called “We the People,” which talks about people, about us, as we are.

We humans are strange creatures

We love to be caressed.

And we listen to the words with passion

Those who conquer us.

We long for love

We are terribly afraid of her.

We cherish our dreams

And we avoid strangers.

We humans are strange creatures

We live like in Chekhov's case

And life is confusing, complicated,

Like a sheet glued to paper

How to write an essay (sample)

The essay plausibly reflects the personal qualities, worldview and level of education of a person, which is why it is given to write when testing the knowledge and creative skills of students.

Since when writing an essay you will not be able to rely entirely on the experience of others, preliminary preparation for submitting your essay for testing will be very useful. If you already have a finished work on your desk, then this guide will help you make sure that all the nuances of compiling this type of work have really been taken into account. But even if you are just about to start writing, keep several sheets of paper ready - they will serve as rough drafts. It is quite difficult to do the work completely without preliminary preparation, whereas writing an essay, a sample of which is available in the form of a draft, will turn out to be of much better quality.

Why is writing an essay easy and difficult at the same time?

Easy - because the entire essay will be based on your own views and experience. You will not need to search the Internet or books for ready-made evidence of the veracity of your theses, since you need to argue your position in life only with the help of those arguments that made an impression on you personally.

How to write an essay (sample)

The only time you will resort to books is to use quotes from famous people or excerpts from your favorite works.

What should be included in your essay?

To figure out how to write an essay, you can take a sample of the finished work as a basis and write your own text in accordance with its style. But if you do not want to repeat other people’s logical constructions and are afraid that your creation will lose its individuality, then it would be a good idea to pay attention to the list of those things that characterize a high-quality essay:

  • The image of yourself. Since you are writing an essay based on your own worldview, the review committee should discern a personality image in the work. Do not try to pretend to be someone you are not, even if that would be a popular choice. Describe yourself as you are, and then you can catch the spark in your essay.
  • Lots of details. Regardless of the person or incident you describe in your work, avoid vagueness and vagueness. The more details you provide, the more juicy and interesting the text will be. At the same time, do not overuse unnecessary details; the most vivid details of your memories should be included in the essay.
  • Originality, amazingness. It's always worth trying to go beyond conventional reasoning. If you like jokes, irony, paradoxes or defiant intonation, then take a risk and show your outstanding inclinations.
  • Don't sugarcoat reality. Sometimes it would be much more profitable to invent interesting details in order to make the work brighter and sharper. But if this opportunity is abused, then throwing dust in the eyes can easily seep out and make itself felt to the reader. An essay is not a fairy tale; it is more interesting because it reflects reality, no matter how unsaid it may seem.

From the above, we can draw the main and only conclusion: an essay teaches you to present yourself and your idea in the best possible way, which is something not only philologists need to be able to do. This is great training for major events in your life and will make it easier for you to verbally promote yourself in interviews and when working with new people.

Our authors have been writing essays, essays, term papers and other types of educational work for students for more than 10 years, and they are well versed in them. If you also need to write an essay, then place an order and we will evaluate it within 10 minutes!

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Samples and examples of essays on various topics

A collection of literate texts in the essay genre on various topics - society, culture, economics, literature and other areas of human life. Can be used as samples for writing various essays for school, universities, colleges

What is an essay? An essay is a rather free work in structure and composition on a specific topic, in which the author not only reveals the topic objectively, but also conveys to the reader his own attitude towards it. As a genre, the essay is at the intersection of scientific, journalistic and artistic styles. That is, it contains strict facts and data, but laid out in a form accessible to a wide range of readers, and also uses artistic techniques to vividly and convincingly present the author’s position on the issue.

Essay - what is it, how to write, essay writing, examples

You may need to write an essay in the following cases:

— to test knowledge on a specific topic in an educational institution;

— when hiring or transferring to another position as an addition to a resume in the event of a competition to fill a vacancy;

- some other cases.

Applicants also write essays when applying for a job. Their goal is to show the potential employer how the applicant sees his future job, what he expects from it, and to conclude whether he is suitable for this position. When changing positions or improving qualifications, the applicant’s essay also gives an idea of ​​the composition of his activities, successes in education and self-development, and aspirations.

As a result, we can conclude that in the form of an essay you can express:

— your thoughts and reasoning on some exciting topic in order to familiarize the audience with it (suitable for scientists, philosophers, publicists);

— level of knowledge and understanding of the topic studied at school/university/training to obtain a grade;

- a report on your activities - developments, ideas that you plan to use in the future in your professional activities.

Sometimes the most educated person is perplexed by the need to express his thoughts in writing, also adhering to the framework of a specific literary genre. On the pages of the site we post for you ready-made samples and examples of writing essays of all the above types. Use our texts as guides. The fact is that the essay, as a purely literary genre, does not have clear criteria, but essays for school, universities, work or a competition still usually must meet certain requirements. Stick to them based on our samples.

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Essay essay

Performed by Kristina Kontanistova.

Winter. The snow crunches under your feet, the wind gently caresses your ruddy face, snowflakes fall from the sky in huge flakes, covering the ground with a soft blanket. I don’t know why, but it’s the winter season that brings a wave of thought to me.

I want to achieve a lot in my life. I don't want my life to be boring and monotonous, full of grayness and fog. I know that in order to achieve something in life, you need to work a lot on yourself, your character, you need to be able to reveal in yourself all the talents that God has awarded you.

From early childhood, my parents taught me to be independent. They never stood over me, forcing me to do my homework, I did everything myself, even if something didn’t work out, I didn’t run to my mother for help, I tried to do everything on my own. This independence has nurtured my inner world, and I feel that I am not like my peers. I look at the world and the people around me differently. Maybe this is what gives birth to creative sparks in me, and everything I think about, what I dream about, everything that lies in my soul and heart, I put on paper in the form of poetry. One of my poems is called “We the People,” which talks about people, about us, as we are.

We humans are strange creatures

We love to be caressed.

And we listen to the words with passion

Those who conquer us.

We long for love

We are terribly afraid of her.

We cherish our dreams

And we avoid strangers.

We humans are strange creatures

We live like in Chekhov's case

And life is confusing, complicated,

Like a sheet glued to paper

I'm not only interested in writing poetry, I'm also writing a book. This book is about the lives of ordinary people. Starting from school to maturity. This book is about all the trials that our life presents to us: about beautiful love and terrible tragedy. I decided to take a lot from what actually happened, what I myself and my friends experienced. Very little has been written yet, but the main thing is that there is a desire to write and that there are ideas. It is very important for me!

A lot of things are connected with literature in my life, and therefore, of course, I want to achieve success in it. I took second place in the regional essay competition. I was very happy, but still I was tormented by the fact that, alas, I still could not achieve a prize at the regional Olympiad in Russian literature, although I was trying my best. But then I realized that this is not enough, you need to have some stubbornness, and tell yourself that I will still achieve my goal, no matter what it costs me. And this helped me - I took second place. Even if it’s not the first, I’m still happy that one of the goals set for me has been achieved!

The scope of my activities is varied. I try to be comprehensively developed, so I am interested in everything: painting, architecture, acting, psychology, philosophy, although we don’t have a specific base in the village, but if you want, you can find something.

Giving joy to others is a great pleasure. To see how your eyes sparkle with happiness, how your faces break into a smile and at the same time feel great satisfaction that you didn’t live this day in vain. Therefore, when participating in school events: concerts, performances, games, I try to show everything I can.

Doing something insignificant but good, you realize how many interesting things there are in our lives. You just need to create them yourself and the world will be filled with goodness and light. I want to show this to people and try to participate in all competitions and events.

How to write an interesting essay about yourself

I can add to my list of achievements the well-deserved first place in the regional traffic rules competition “Safe Wheel”. And when I turn eighteen, I will definitely get a license to drive a car. I want to take from life everything that it can give me, while remaining a person who is not alien to human grief.

She won many prizes in the reading competition, both in her school and in the region. I adore Mayakovsky: his extraordinary, ebullient, but gentle nature, his unique, but at the same time simple images. How I would like to hear his works from the author’s lips, at least in recordings.

I like to meet people and discover something new. For my active participation in school and district events, I was rewarded with a trip to Anapa. I learned a lot of new and interesting things there. And most importantly, I expanded my circle of friends. I became convinced that there are a lot of good and smart people around.

I was convinced of this when I participated in the “Leader of the Year” competition, where I took first place. I am glad that among all the worthy participants, I was chosen.

From many lips you can hear that life is difficult. Yes, this is probably true. And in order to achieve a lot in your life, you need to overcome obstacles, experience a lot, and only after experiencing all this can you understand how difficult the path of what you want to what is actually achieved is.

How to write an essay (sample)

What should a quality essay be like?

The essay plausibly reflects the personal qualities, worldview and level of education of a person, which is why it is given to write when testing the knowledge and creative skills of students.

Since when writing an essay you will not be able to rely entirely on the experience of others, preliminary preparation for submitting your essay for testing will be very useful. If you already have a finished work on your desk, then this guide will help you make sure that all the nuances of compiling this type of work have really been taken into account. But even if you are just about to start writing, keep several sheets of paper ready - they will serve as rough drafts. It is quite difficult to do the work completely without preliminary preparation, whereas writing an essay, a sample of which is available in the form of a draft, will turn out to be of much better quality.

Why is writing an essay easy and difficult at the same time?

Easy - because the entire essay will be based on your own views and experience. You will not need to search the Internet or books for ready-made evidence of the veracity of your theses, since you need to argue your position in life only with the help of those arguments that made an impression on you personally. The only time you will resort to books is to use quotes from famous people or excerpts from your favorite works.

But at the same time, writing an essay is a difficult task. It’s hard for those who are not used to reading high-quality literature that develops in a person the ability to think competently, construct phrases correctly and understand the rhythm of the text. The closeness of the genre to colloquial speech does not mean that sentences can flow randomly and in fragments - on the contrary, with all its expression and richness of artistic means, the work should be read easily and smoothly. Not many people manage to achieve this the first time, but if you don’t want to put in the effort, then if necessary, our authors will do all the work for you. An essay ordered from us will be completed quickly and efficiently!

What should be included in your essay?

To figure out how to write an essay, you can take a sample of the finished work as a basis and write your own text in accordance with its style. But if you do not want to repeat other people’s logical constructions and are afraid that your creation will lose its individuality, then it would be a good idea to pay attention to the list of those things that characterize a high-quality essay:

  • The image of yourself. Since you are writing an essay based on your own worldview, the review committee should discern a personality image in the work. Do not try to pretend to be someone you are not, even if that would be a popular choice. Describe yourself as you are, and then you can catch the spark in your essay.
  • Lots of details. Regardless of the person or incident you describe in your work, avoid vagueness and vagueness. The more details you provide, the more juicy and interesting the text will be. At the same time, do not overuse unnecessary details; the most vivid details of your memories should be included in the essay.
  • Originality, amazingness. It's always worth trying to go beyond conventional reasoning. If you like jokes, irony, paradoxes or defiant intonation, then take a risk and show your outstanding inclinations.
  • Don't sugarcoat reality. Sometimes it would be much more profitable to invent interesting details in order to make the work brighter and sharper. But if this opportunity is abused, then throwing dust in the eyes can easily seep out and make itself felt to the reader.

    Essay-story about yourself, about your character

    An essay is not a fairy tale; it is more interesting because it reflects reality, no matter how unsaid it may seem.

From the above, we can draw the main and only conclusion: an essay teaches you to present yourself and your idea in the best possible way, which is something not only philologists need to be able to do. This is great training for major events in your life and will make it easier for you to verbally promote yourself in interviews and when working with new people.

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Writing an autobiography will be useful to any person, since not everyone knows what data needs to be reflected in it. This is understandable: it’s not every day that you have to face such a task. As a result, questions arise: how to write an autobiography correctly, what must be reflected in it, and what writing rules should be followed?

Basic rules for writing an autobiography

It should be said right away that there are no special requirements for writing autobiographies. Therefore, it is necessary to compose an autobiography based on the general requirements for writing business letters.

  1. Your autobiography does not have to be very voluminous. Try to be concise. The maximum amount of writing should not be more than 1-2 sheets of text. As practice shows, long “essays” will not help you reveal yourself in the eyes of the reader - they will most likely have the opposite effect.
  2. What is written should not contain errors, the general form of presentation is business style. When reviewing your autobiography, the reader will pay attention not so much to what is written, but to the form in which it is done. For this reason, competent speech will allow you to score “extra points.”
  3. All events described by you must be presented in chronological order, logically and consistently. That is, you cannot immediately after talking about school move on to work, skipping other educational institutions, or first talk about your place of work and then mention the education you received.
  4. The information about you contained in your CV must be genuine. Including erroneous or inaccurate information may prevent you from getting the job you want (or achieve another goal) and create a bad business reputation.

Autobiography writing sample

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To make it easier for you to compose your autobiography, here is an example of how to write it:

“I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, was born on January 1, 1990 in the city of Vladivostok, Primorsky Territory. In 1997 he entered secondary school No. 1. In 2007 he graduated from school with a gold medal. In the same year, he began studying at the Far Eastern Humanitarian University with a degree in Journalism. In 2012 he graduated with honors. From August 2012 to this day I have been working as a journalist in the newspaper “Vestnik Vladivostok”.

We don't judge.

Married to Ekaterina Pavlovna Ivanova, born May 5, 1991. Born in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as a lawyer. Lives with me at the address: Vladivostok, st. Komsomolskaya, 15, apt. 5.

Have no children.

Additional Information:

Mother: Olga Semenovna Ivanova, born on February 2, 1970 in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as an accountant. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. Not convicted.

Father: Ivanov Ivan Petrovich, born on March 3, 1970 in the city of Vladivostok, higher education, works as an engineer. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. We do not judge.

Brother: Petr Ivanovich Ivanov, born on April 4, 1995 in the city of Vladivostok, currently studying at the Far Eastern Medical University with a degree in Therapist. Lives at: Vladivostok, st. Lenina, 1, apt. 1. We don’t judge.”

Any other autobiography is written according to the same scheme with adaptation to a specific case. For example, if a schoolchild needs to write an autobiography, then the text must focus on academic achievements and participation in additional educational events (olympiads, competitions, exhibitions). You can also reflect sports activities and talk about achievements in sports.

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If we talk about a student’s autobiography, then it would be useful to include in the text information about conferences, student competitions, and scientific papers that were prepared during study. If a student is engaged in additional work in his specialty, then this experience requires reflection in his autobiography. You can talk about the internship you have completed, including industrial practice. For a student, the most important thing is to reflect an active life position, easy learning, as well as a good level of theoretical training. If a student, in addition to studying, is involved in sports and represents his university in competitions, then this information should also be included in the biography.

Autobiography for work

We have already discussed the general form of an autobiography above. In principle, an autobiography for work is not much different from these requirements. Although there are some differences:

  • an autobiography for applying for a job should reflect as much as possible the qualities that the employer needs. This is exactly what you should focus on, as this will not only save time when processing the document you sent, but will also advertise you as an applicant;
  • do not hesitate to describe the projects in which you took part and which were successful - experience is always valuable. In addition, such examples demonstrate flexibility of thinking, the ability to make decisions and bear responsibility for them, and the applicant’s ability to work in a team;
  • pay enough attention to reflecting the education you have received, but do not focus the employer’s main attention on this (unless, of course, you are a young specialist with no work experience who has nothing to tell about professional success yet). List all the places you studied and the qualifications you received, but do not dwell on the specifics of the training, the papers written, and so on. The employer is unlikely to be interested in this - and if he is, he will ask about it himself during the interview;
  • immediately reflect your wishes regarding future work. For example, if you prefer to work independently, then it is better to say so right away, without wasting time or breaking yourself while building relationships in the team. Remember that not only are you interested in the job, but the employer is also interested in you. Feel free to indicate the desired salary and other working conditions that you consider important for yourself. Think about the possibility of business trips: are they acceptable to you? It is quite possible that you need a quiet schedule, without travel, since you have a small child, so do not hide this initially - this will save time for you and the potential employer;
  • evaluate your business qualities, indicating your strengths. If you are sociable, creative, responsible, efficient, etc., then why not draw the employer’s attention to such characteristics?

Sample of writing an autobiography for work

Now let's look at a sample of writing an autobiography for work according to this scheme. It should look something like this:

“I, Ivan Ivanovich Ivanov, was born on January 1, 1980... (then you write everything according to the same model that we gave above, until the moment of employment).

From August 2012 to this day I have been working for the newspaper Vestnik Vladivostok. I wrote a number of articles that caused a great resonance in society, in particular: “Getting ready for school”, published in the 7th issue of the newspaper dated 09/01/2014 and “Let’s protect our native land”, published in the 10th issue of 10/01/2014. During my working life, the creative team under my leadership developed and implemented a new project, “Specialist’s Answer,” organized for the official website of the newspaper editorial office.

Monitoring traffic to the project page and a comparative analysis of sales for 4 months of the current year with the same period last year allowed us to draw certain conclusions. For example, the implementation of the project increased the popularity of the newspaper among the population and increased its sales by 10%. In addition, thanks to the project, the newspaper took 1st place in the annual competition “Best Printed Publication of 2014” and was awarded an honorary prize.”

This example clearly shows how you can talk about your professional achievements and advertise yourself on the labor market without unnecessary pomp.

It should also be noted that in autobiographies for work it is customary to reflect not only one’s skills and achievements, but also the reasons for leaving the last job. At the same time, you can limit yourself to the phrase “for family reasons” only if you left your job precisely for this reason. It is better to clearly answer such a question, while trying to remain tactful and sensitive. For example, if the reason for leaving was a conflict with management, then you should not say that an ungrateful and stupid director asked you to vacate your position - it is better to describe it in a slightly “streamlined” way, but in such a way that you cannot be accused of lying, rudeness or bad manners . For example: “The reason for leaving my previous job was a change in working conditions that made further work in the organization unsuitable for me.” If you are asked at an interview what exactly has changed, you can say that the new manager changed the internal policy of the enterprise, which entailed a change in the amount of work (responsibility, freedom, benefits, etc.), and for you the new state of affairs is unacceptable.

What else do you need to know about an autobiography?

An autobiography, which is compiled when searching for a job, is most often called a resume (For more details, see How to correctly write a resume/CV for a job 2019-2020 (sample example form)?). The difference between a resume is that it does not need to indicate information about your parents, as well as disclose in detail information about spouses and children.

The main task of a resume, unlike an autobiography, is not to tell a story about your life as a whole, clearly demonstrating the most important aspects. Here you need to talk about your professional level, indicate what career stage you are at, allowing the employer to assess your potential as a specialist in your field.

Today it is considered very fashionable and correct to support your autobiography with a photograph. There are no requirements for photography, but, of course, you will have to maintain a business style. That is, in the photo you should be in business clothes, with a neat hairstyle, the background should be neutral.

If we talk about a resume, then you can refer to the characteristics from your last place of work and recommendations given to you, if this is practiced and welcomed in your professional field. For example, the recommendations will be useful to teachers, specialists with a narrow specialization, and almost all humanists.

It is also appropriate in the document to mention military service (for men) and periods of maternity leave (for women).

At the very end, put the date the autobiography was written and your personal signature.