Registration of sports clubs. How to open a sports club Creating a sports club as a legal entity

Advice from an Expert - Business Consultant

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Being healthy and athletic is fashionable, so interest in sports clubs is growing. You can open either a highly specialized sports club (strength, for men) or a multifunctional one. It depends on your financial capabilities and desires. In any case, opening a sports club involves developing the concept of such a club and obtaining the necessary permits for it.

Just follow these simple step-by-step tips and you'll be on the right track.

Quick step by step guide

What you need to have: premises (size depends on the club), registration and government permits, equipment and personnel, as well as advertising.
So, let's get down to action, focusing on the result.

Step - 1
All sports clubs can be divided into narrow-profile ones (only for children or only for women) and multifunctional ones, where you can practice muscle building, dancing, and swimming. In the first case, you will need a small room (several rooms). In the second, it will be more profitable for you to rent a separate building and renovate it, since a multifunctional club will need at least 8 halls. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 2
Develop a concept for your club. What will it be like - mass or elite? What sports will you be able to practice? For those who cannot do this well themselves, it is better to use the services of fitness consultants who will tell you what is in greatest demand, and also help you choose an architectural design (if you are building a building) and equipment for the club. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 3
You, as an entrepreneur, will need to undergo state registration (create a legal entity), and also have the club project approved by the architectural department and the improvement department of the district (city) administration, fire inspection authorities, and the sanitary and epidemiological station. It will also be necessary to conclude agreements on water and electricity supply. All this can take up to a year. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 4
For a sports club you will need equipment - exercise machines. There shouldn’t be enough of them, but you shouldn’t install too many either: if the club is crowded, the clients will feel discomfort. To begin, purchase the most basic equipment needed for the sports that will be represented in your club. Don't forget about the music center, since playing sports in silence is hardly pleasant. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 5
The staff is of great importance to the new club. Inexperienced trainers, with whom classes are held without tangible benefits, can deprive you of clients. Therefore, try to hire trainers with experience. In addition to them, you will need an accountant and an administrator. Having done this, move on to the next steps.

Step - 6
An advertising campaign should be thought out in advance. Use all possible sources: flyers offering a trial lesson at a discount, signs about the club opening soon, billboards. Once your club is up and running, clients will bring their friends - word of mouth will begin to work.
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According to Article 19 of the law:

"1. Sports clubs are legal entities engaged in educational, training, competitive, physical education and educational activities.

2. Sports clubs, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, are created and operate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Sports clubs can be created by legal entities and individuals.

4. Sports clubs may be assisted by federal executive authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local governments through:

1) construction, reconstruction, repair of sports facilities and other sports facilities;

2) transfer for free use or long-term lease on preferential terms of premises, buildings, structures that are the property of the Russian Federation or constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal property;

3) provision of sports equipment and equipment;

4) providing other support in the manner and in cases established by regulatory legal acts of federal executive authorities, regulatory legal acts of state authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation or municipal legal acts.

5. Sports clubs carry out their activities at the expense of their own funds and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in order to legitimize the activities of a sports club, it is necessary to register it as a legal entity.

The law does not put forward any special requirements for the founders of such legal entities, therefore the founders of sports clubs can be any individuals and (or) legal entities.

As you know, legal entities are divided into commercial and non-profit organizations. Commercial organizations include the well-known LLC (limited liability companies), CJSC (closed joint-stock companies), etc. The fundamental difference between commercial organizations and non-profit organizations is that, by law, the former are created for the purpose of making a profit. Therefore, if it is assumed that the created sports club will provide paid services in the field of physical education and sports, it is advisable to register it in the form of a commercial organization (optimally - in the form of an LLC or CJSC).

Registration of sports clubs in the form of LLC or CJSC has practically no differences from the registration of ordinary, “non-sports” LLC (CJSC). Among the features, one can note the need to add the phrase “sports club” to the name of the company and to indicate in the charter the types of activities and a number of provisions that comply with the law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation.”

However, in some cases, registering a sports club in the form of an LLC (CJSC) may be unacceptable. The reasons for this decision include, for example:

A club presupposes membership (the possibility of members joining and leaving the organization), but in commercial organizations this is impossible by law;

The club is planned to be financed through membership fees or donations from benefactors;

A club in the form of an LLC (CJSC) cannot receive government grants or grants from private charitable and sports organizations.

For these reasons, most often sports clubs are registered as non-profit organizations. Non-profit organizations, in turn, are divided into several organizational and legal forms. In order not to bore the reader, we will not go into legal subtleties (for those who wish to delve into this issue in more detail, we advise you to study the law “On Non-Profit Organizations”), we will only say that the following forms of non-profit organizations are most suitable for a sports club:

Public organization (PO);

Non-profit partnership (NP);

Autonomous non-profit organization (ANO).

The first two forms - OO and NP - have membership, but ANO does not. Accordingly, if you want to accept members into your club, it makes sense to register it as a non-profit partnership or public organization. However, keep in mind that members of NPs and PAs have the right to participate in the management of the organization by voting at general meetings.

If the founders of a sports club intend to manage its activities individually, without involving ordinary members in management, it makes sense to register an independent non-profit organization. From our point of view, it is the ANO that is the most optimal form for a sports club because, according to Article 10 of the Law “On Non-Profit Organizations”, “an autonomous non-profit organization is a non-profit organization that does not have membership, established by citizens and (or) legal entities on the basis of voluntary property contributions for the purpose of providing services in the field of education, healthcare, culture, science, law, physical education and sports and other services.

As you can see, the possibility of an autonomous non-profit organization conducting sports activities is directly stated in the law, so there are usually no difficulties with registering such organizations (taking into account the fact that in general registering a non-profit organization with the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Justice for St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region is much more difficult than an LLC or CJSC , the registration authority for which is the tax office).

For this you need the following documents

To register a legal entity - a non-profit organization, the founders must provide a number of documents and information, the list of which is given below:

1. Copies of passports and tax registration certificates (if any) of individuals - founders of the organization. You should pay attention to the presence of all necessary photographs in your passports.

2. Copies of constituent documents of legal entities - founders of the created organization (Charter, constituent agreement, Certificate of state registration, Certificate of tax registration).

3. A copy of the passport and Tax Registration Certificate (if any) of the head, as well as all members of its collegial executive body, if its formation is provided for by the constituent documents of the organization being created.

4. A copy of a document confirming the location of the permanent body of a non-profit organization.

Such a document may be a letter of guarantee, by which the owner of any non-residential premises confirms his intention to lease this premises to a non-profit organization after its state registration. A copy of the lessor's Certificate of Ownership of the rental premises must be attached to the letter of guarantee.

For clients who do not have the specified documents, our company can offer services for obtaining a legal address.

5. The name of the organization being created (according to the law, it must reflect the nature of its activities).

6. Name of the manager's position.

7. Information about the endowment of property to the created organization by its founders, about the amount, procedure and form of payment (contribution) of membership fees, etc., if this is provided for by law or constituent documents.

9. Types of activities of the organization that should be indicated in the Charter, including the main types of activities of the organization for which it is necessary to obtain statistical codes (must be selected according to the OKVED classifier).

10. Information about the taxation system that the non-profit organization intends to apply - general (OSN) or simplified (STS).

11. Other individual wishes for the Charter (if any).

The bodies that carry out registration of non-profit organizations are:

- Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service, regional tax inspectorates - only for consumer cooperatives;

Registration of consumer cooperatives is carried out by tax authorities within the same time frame as established for commercial organizations (5 working days, documents are issued on the 6th day).

As for non-profit organizations of other forms, although the official, legally established period for consideration of documents by the registration authority is 14 working days, in fact registration may take longer.

The personal presence of the founders and the head of the created organization at the registration authority is not required.

Today, many representatives of the business community are increasingly thinking about how to open a sports section. And such a tendency is quite easy to explain.

Everyone understands that sport is the future of our country. Currently, it is becoming fashionable to maintain a healthy lifestyle rather than abuse bad habits.

It is safe to say that a person who knows how to open a sports section and plans to do so will kill two birds with one stone with such intentions. Firstly, he will create additional conditions for doing exercises, and secondly, he can extract quite a substantial profit from this business.

It should be noted that before opening a sports section, preparatory actions should be carried out. Which? Everything is very simple.

Business plan

First you need to draw up a business plan for the sports section on paper. In this document, you must reflect all the intricacies of organizing your own business: decide on the size of the training room, the number of staff, the amount of start-up capital and calculate how much profit you intend to make in the end. Clearly define your goals for the near future.

Business registration

Before you open a sports section, you must make your business activity legal. What does this mean? You must register your business with the authorized authorities.

It should be noted that you have the right to register your enterprise as a commercial structure, or you can choose, for example, a non-profit partnership as an organizational and legal form. If you choose the latter option, you can count on receiving tax benefits from the state.

If you intend to make a profit, then you should obtain title documents from the tax office. If you stop at a public organization, then - in the territorial justice bodies. To simplify tax payment at the initial stage of your activity, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur.

It should be noted that the registration procedure, as a rule, does not cause difficulties and after 5-7 days from the date of application, the necessary documents will be in your hands.

Choosing a Section Location

You must understand that in the age of high technology, humanity leads a fairly dynamic life when there is not enough time for anything. This is why people are not attracted to the prospect of standing in traffic jams for several precious hours on the way to the sports section. Therefore, your club should have a convenient location. Naturally, clients should easily reach it by public transport.

Of course, not everyone can afford to rent a room in the city center. It is optimal to choose the location of your sports section in one of the residential areas. This will provide you with a regular influx of clients. At the same time, choose places where there is convenient parking so that your club members can park their car in the right place.


At the next stage, you must decide on the issue of staffing, since without qualified trainers, administrators, consultants and massage therapists, it is unlikely that you will be able to organize a business competently. Do not forget that every month you will have to pay for their work.


In order for as many people as possible to know about your section, you need to systematically advertise your own business. Let's advertise in newspapers, on the radio, put up flyers on the streets. Organize promotions for your customers, for example, set a 5% discount when purchasing a monthly subscription.

Gym premises and equipment

When organizing the above business, you must carefully consider the issue of what your sports premises will be like (this is also relevant when developing a document such as an art school business plan).

If you intend to work with clients with low incomes, then the price of renting a gym should not be prohibitively high. As an option, we can recommend semi-basement or basement premises.

If you intend to put your business on a grand scale, as they say, thinking, for example, about how to open a martial arts section, then you will need several fairly large premises where you could provide gyms, a lobby with a wardrobe, locker rooms, toilets And so on.

As for the equipment, visitors will judge the status of your establishment by its quality and design. The range of equipment depends directly on what sports you are going to teach your clients.

For example, to organize a martial arts section you will need special carpets, mats, exercise equipment, uneven bars, and horizontal bars. Have you decided to open a basketball section? You need to take care of balls, sports uniforms, and arranging the hall with rings in advance. To play badminton you will need a net, rackets and shuttlecocks.

If you want to have only modern models of exercise machines, then when drawing up, for example, a business plan for a martial arts hall, you must provide for additional costs in the start-up capital, since modern “health machines” are quite expensive.

Again, it should be noted that if your business is focused on clients with low incomes, then spending money on expensive bike paths hardly makes sense, since such investments will not be able to recoup quickly. If you want to become a worthy competitor to famous sports schools in your city, then you must have everything new and modern.

Of course, pay special attention to the quality of service in your section. Don’t forget that the client is always right: he should be as comfortable as possible at the sports school. Remember also that sport is positioned as a separate ideology. It involves a positive attitude towards people leading a healthy lifestyle.

We present a step-by-step action plan and detailed calculations on how to open a fitness club for beginners.

♦ Capital investments – 3,000,000 rubles
♦ Payback – 2−3 years

Unbridled drinking, all-night parties, wasting your life in, holding a discount card for a regular customer at McDonald's - all this went out of fashion a long time ago. Today, something completely different is very popular: proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, and taking care of your figure.

What kind of healthy lifestyle can there be without going to the gym?

Sports clubs, no matter how many there are in one city, are never empty. In this regard, entrepreneurs often think how to open a fitness club and how much money is needed to implement this project from scratch.

If you also have your sights set on opening a training room to make money from it, then you probably have a lot of questions. You will find the answers to them in this article.

Advantages of opening a fitness club

If you are in doubt whether or not you need to open a gym for sports training, then perhaps indicating the advantages of this type of business will help you make the right decision.

Opening your own fitness club is profitable because:

  1. There will always be a category of people who cannot imagine their life without sports.
    Even in times of crisis, they will visit fitness clubs, saving on something else, so you will not be left without clients.
  2. This type of business is quite profitable; you can earn good money every month if you think through your strategy in advance.
  3. The owner of a fitness club can easily create competitive advantages to attract as many clients as possible.
  4. In any city there are quite a lot of well-qualified trainers who are looking for work, so you can easily staff your fitness club.
  5. Having a gym, you yourself will be able to train there to keep your body in good shape and will not have to pay for it.
  6. This type of business today is incredibly promising and the emerging trend will only increase over time, so open a fitness club while there are still unoccupied niches.
  7. Being the owner of a fitness club is prestigious; it is a very noble business.

Disadvantages of opening a fitness club

There are indeed plenty of advantages to this type of business, but you should never forget about the existing disadvantages of owning a sports club.

There are few of them, but knowing the weaknesses of this business will allow you to make an informed decision:

  1. This market is quite saturated.
    In each city, depending on its size, there are dozens of fitness clubs.
    It is quite difficult to find an unoccupied niche and a way to stand out among competitors, although it is quite possible.
  2. You need to understand that building such a business from scratch is not easy; you will have to take care of many details.
  3. Opening a fitness club is not a business for low-income people, since the required start-up capital to launch a project is in the millions.
    We will tell you exactly how much money is needed to open a club later.
  4. In order for the initial investment in a fitness club to pay off, you will have to work successfully for at least two years.

3 ways to open a fitness club

Before you start launching a startup, you need to study the theoretical side of the issue.

There is not one, but three ways to open a fitness club. All you have to do is choose the one that suits you:

1. Gym opened as a franchise.

That is, you open a fitness club using an already promoted brand. This is one of the most profitable and easiest ways to become a business owner.


  • you will be able to work under an already promoted sign that people trust;
  • you receive assistance in finding premises, purchasing equipment, maintaining accounting, registering an enterprise, you can consult on how best to equip a fitness club and organize its work;
  • banks are much more willing to give loans for a gym that is purchased through a franchise than for one that is opened from scratch.


Perhaps the main disadvantage of a fitness club purchased through a franchise is how much it costs.

If we are talking about such popular brands as Tonus Club, Gold’s Gym and others, then the amount may be inaccessible even for wealthy entrepreneurs.

Another reason why businessmen do not want to get involved with a franchise is that they will have to constantly match the level of the acquired brand, which can be very expensive.

2. Fitness club, equipped from scratch.

This is the most popular way for businessmen to own a gym. Although it also has both its advantages and disadvantages.


You can arrange everything in a sports club founded from scratch the way you want:

  • rent a room suitable for your size and location, decorate it to your liking;
  • come up with your own name;
  • create your own pricing policy for your fitness club, work schedule, range of services and much more.


Setting up a fitness club from scratch is quite an expensive proposition, because you will have to purchase everything yourself, from exercise equipment to towels for the shower.

The cost of such a business project amounts to millions of rubles.

3. Buying a ready-made fitness club

Very often, entrepreneurs decide to purchase a ready-made gym in order to avoid the difficulties that no startup can do without. In addition, a ready-made fitness club can be purchased not too expensively if its previous owner urgently needed money.

The main difficulty is to find a suitable business project that you would like to purchase and, at the same time, have enough money to both purchase a fitness club and reform it.

2 ways to quickly get clients to your fitness club

The success of your business project directly depends on how quickly you build a client base.

And you will not be able to do this without two mandatory components: a good advertising campaign and well-formed competitive advantages that would distinguish you from other fitness clubs.

Competitive advantages of a fitness club

In order for people to go to yours and not to some other room, you need to stand out among your competitors for the better. This will not be so easy to do, since today there are so many fitness clubs on the market with tempting offers that it will be very difficult to compete with them.

And yet, clients will be drawn to you if you:

  1. You will provide a wide range of services: strength training, cardio, dancing, and something more relaxed, for example, yoga.
  2. Focus on the gender and age of your clients.
    Let you have women's and children's groups.
    Let one of your trainers prescribe a special program for those “who are for..”, because older people definitely need physical activity.
  3. Think over your pricing policy so that both the rich and those who earn very modest income can purchase a subscription at your fitness club.
  4. Make your regular customers feel special by developing a loyalty program for them.
    And we are talking not only about discounts on subscriptions, but also about small gifts for the New Year or birthday.
  5. Hire highly qualified trainers and smiling, polite administrators who can find an approach to any fitness club client.
  6. Locate your hall so that it is convenient to get to it both by public transport and by your own car.
    For clients with their own cars, arrange parking.
  7. Think over the interior of the fitness club so that it is comfortable to be in, but so that it does not look boring or cheap.

Fitness club advertising

Even at the stage of arranging a gym, you need to launch an advertising campaign so that as many people as possible know about your club.

  • spots on local radio and television;
  • advertising banners, leaflets, announcements;
  • social networks, specialized forums, etc.

It is very important for a fitness club to have its own website, so you will have to spend money on its creation.

The website must contain information about what services your gym offers, how much they cost, what kind of trainers and with what qualifications they work for you.

You can create separate sections for articles, for example, “Proper nutrition”, “Everything about a healthy lifestyle”, etc.

Well, and of course, all information should be supported by photographs of your fitness club that demonstrate it in all its glory.

If you want to get as many clients as possible from the first day your store opens, then organize a grand opening. Try to let as many people know about it as possible, invite the media (such materials are considered advertising, which means you will have to pay for them). Decorate the entrance with balloons, invite a host to entertain the audience, and raffle off several passes among the audience.

On the opening day of the fitness club, you can implement various promotions: “Three subscriptions for the price of two”, “Annual subscription with a 30% discount”, “Buy a six-month subscription, get a gift”, etc.

Listen to the wishes and criticism of visitors to the hall to further improve your business.

Calendar plan for opening a fitness club

Opening a fitness club cannot be done too quickly, because a lot of time is spent finding premises, renovating them, purchasing equipment, hiring staff, etc. If you do everything right, you can launch a startup in six months, but be prepared for the fact that you may need more time.
Registering a business and obtaining the necessary permits
Renting premises and repairs
Purchasing furniture for a fitness club and installing it
Purchase of gym equipment and other sports equipment
Advertising campaign
Opening a fitness club

What do you need to open a fitness club?

Gym equipment

Before purchasing equipment, you must decide what services your fitness club will initially provide.

For example, if in addition to the gym, you have a dance studio, yoga and step aerobics class, then you will need approximately the following equipment:

Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:1 400 000
Exercise equipment (both strength and cardio)
1 000 000
Jump ropes, dumbbells, hoops and other small sports equipment
30 000
Step platforms
200 000
Yoga mats, fitballs, mats, etc.
50 000
Other120 000

And this is only sports equipment directly for training, but you will also need a lot of different furniture to equip your fitness club, for example:
Expense itemAmount (rub.)
Total:750,000 rub.
Desk and chair for administrator
30 000
Sofas for waiting clients in the reception area
70 000
Lockers, benches and other locker room furniture
50 000
Machines and mirrors in the gym and dance halls
150 000
Office furniture
200 000
Other250 000

As you can see, you need to spend a lot of money on equipment for a fitness club, and this does not include renting premises, staff salaries, utility bills, taxes and other mandatory monthly expenses.

Gym staff

Again, it is definitely impossible to talk about exactly how many and what kind of employees you should hire for your fitness club. It all depends on what services you will provide, what functions you will perform yourself, and the work schedule of your hall.

The average table of personnel costs looks like this:

How much does it cost to open and maintain a fitness club?

The numbers in the tables that you will see below are very relative. Your calculations may differ because real estate rental prices are higher in your city or you want to open a large fitness club with many services.

Here you will see calculations for an average sports club in the province of 500 sq. m. with a gym, dance class and group exercise room, which will include:

  • 4 trainers (2 - in the gym in shifts, 1 - in a dance class, 1 - conduct group classes);
  • 2 administrators (working schedule 2/2);
  • 2 cleaners (work schedule 2/2);
  • part-time accountant.

Cost table for opening a fitness club

As you can see, just to open a fitness club, you will need about 3,000,000 rubles, and this does not include mandatory monthly expenses.

Useful tips from experts,

how to profitably open a fitness club and how to avoid pitfalls:

Table of monthly expenses of a fitness club

How much can you earn by opening a fitness club?

The main income of fitness club owners is the sale of memberships, so it is in your interests to attract as many clients as possible to increase monthly income.

Owners of successful medium-sized sports clubs claim that their monthly earnings are at least 1 million rubles.

It is up to you to increase this amount to recoup your initial investment as quickly as possible.

Now you know everything about how to open a fitness club. This is a fairly profitable business that has both disadvantages and advantages, so think through everything in advance to avoid unpleasant surprises.

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The question of how to open a non-profit sports organization is relevant for those who want to start creating their own large-scale sports club from scratch without the goal of making material profit. We’ll talk further about how to create such an NPO and what documents are required for this.

Creation of a sports organization

This process can be briefly described by the following points:

    analysis of project demand. It is very important to assess the level of demand for the services that your future organization will provide. Location plays a big role here. It is most appropriate to open sports clubs in the suburbs, cottage villages or in those urban areas where there are no such establishments;

    collection of necessary documents. To create any non-profit organization, an application for registration of a legal entity, a receipt for payment of state taxes is required. duties (approximately 4,000 Russian rubles), protocol on the creation of an NPO, details and documents with rights to equipment. In the process of collecting papers, other documents may be needed.

    submitting an application. The application is submitted for consideration to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. A little more than a month is given to review the documents.

    If your application is accepted and the registration of the NPO is successful, then you can start recruiting activists and volunteers. Place advertisements on various thematic forums and social networks. More detailed information on how to register an NPO can be found on the official portal.

Physical culture and sports society

The level of complexity of creating an NPO depends on the type of organization. The simplest and most affordable solution in the field of independent sports organizations will be a physical education and sports society of trade unions. This option is economical and popular among other analogues.

To create it, it will be necessary to carry out all the same steps as when opening another type of non-profit organization. The full list of documents can be found in the Ministry of Justice or on the country’s federal websites. There you will also find deadlines for filing documents and considering the case.

The key to success in the process of creating a sports society is the presence of a close-knit team and a large number of activists willing to support the young project. It will be much more difficult to create a physical education NPO on your own. It is also worth taking a good look at the material issue and taking into account all sorts of costs for several years in advance.