Poems dedicated to my grandchildren. Poems about grandchildren are short and beautiful Poems about a grandson are short

A grandfather and grandson were fishing near the rocks at dawn,
At the grandson, at Borka, the influx danced.

Grandfather shouted: “Pull!” And the grandson said:
The chebak on the hook flashed its scales.

So the grandfather and grandson carried the fish,
To make a fry for the evening.

At the pool there was suddenly a rush.
Well, Borka, now who will squeeze who?

However, I caught a crazy fish.
There will be fish soup and frying today.

The grandson, grandfather and fisherman fiddled for a long time,
The fish soup and the roast almost disappeared.

For grandfathers the vaunted sharp mezen
I caught a huge speckled taimen.

Let's have a Sabbath! Today is the end!
And you, my grandson, are a brave fellow!

Grandma won't scold us in the evening,
That we managed to escape to go fishing.

Grandma didn’t scold her grandson much,
But grandfather suffered from it, however.

I drove him as always for order.
Until he dug up his grandmother's beds.

We need to finish the story about fishing.
Until I got into trouble myself.

The grandson found his way to the grandmother's heart.
Since then he has been fishing off the rocks little by little.

The grandson inherited his grandfather’s passion,
But luck doesn't come.

They were carnivorous, he brought chebaks home,
But I haven’t caught a big fish yet.

Timidly touching the future
And wanting to understand something about him
I hug my grandson carefully
And the delight of the soul cannot be appeased

Who will you be? Timid or brave?
Weak or strong as a colossus
Will you be a shame or an example to us?
Whether affectionate or rude - that is the question.

You look at the world with a naive gaze
Mom, you even recognize grandma
What do you care about your horizons now?
You will understand everything in life someday

I believe that you will not be impudent
You will live honestly and not lose heart
You will be, Grisha, you are a good guy
And you won't repeat your father

You will love your mother and grandmothers
You will also respect your grandfather
But you won't be stupid or pathetic,
You won’t allow your loved ones to be offended

Walk through life with bold steps
Your mother will help you get through everything
Let the lessons not be in vain
But you still forgive your father

His stupidity will be a reproach for life
Let him sit in shameless eyes
Be taller than him. With your shame
It will disappear in future years

Happiness to you, dear creature,
Sun, peace, strength and goodness
Proudly bear the title of Man
Life, Grishulya, is a difficult game

You will be a great man
If you are fair in small things
And the Lord will grant you a long life
May the good angel protect you!

You went through all the horrors of war,
You fought so that your grandchildren could live,
You are the hero of a lost country
And your hands have long weakened.

How many years of hard work,
To raise the Fatherland from ruins,
How much good have you given to people,
But people's hearts are now out of ice.

Your grandson threw you out of the house,
And you went, saying goodbye to the city,
Orders on the chest ringing
And smiling peacefully at something.

You died quietly and peacefully at night,
On a bench under my native porch,
And only before dreams died
Your Motherland with a slandered face.

And in the morning the grandson, shedding a tear,
He took off his grandfather’s worn jacket,
Rubbing the hero star
I handed over the medals to the buyer in the tray...

Tanya for her anniversary
Well, now it starts, calls and congratulations,
And invitations to visit, and they themselves are right there.
Apologies will begin for the “leaky” memory,
Giving gifts. And everyone lies a little.
That you look 20 and are loved by everyone, everyone,
And what he remembers and will remember in the future.
Loved, but not by everyone, and the days pass by.
Well, we only need to trust the authorities a third.
Well, if we don’t look like we’re 20, we’re also over forty.
And you always knew how to look great.
Let the youth envy, the hour of meeting you is precious
And in this we don’t care about the years.
Loved, but not by everyone? And we don’t need all of them.
She is adored by her friends and has a whole swarm of girlfriends.
And your daughter, and your mother, and your grandson are your joy,
And, for so many years now former husband, everything is for you.
The bosses remember you. Tell me, how else?
Try to find people like you in the world.
You work on holidays, and even more so on a weekday.
And sometimes you get caught up in the night, but at night you have to sleep.
Sorry for the sadness, that’s the mood today.
But this sadness is good, without anger and without tears,
Without envy, without dirty tricks. More like an observation
As they say: “The fact is obvious.” Not jokingly, not seriously.

With all my soul, unceasingly
I thank the creator,
For the long-awaited grandson,
I've loved him for a long time!
I don’t know yet, darling,
What will they call you?
My dear and beloved,
Happy birthday, grandson!
Take a course towards health
Strong, therefore,
Girls, their sisters
Managed to protect!
How will mom and dad be?
Smart for sure
As you grow up, you'll know
Life is a wonderful thing!
Twenty years later
The usual route, Tel Aviv - Moscow,
I'm going on board, boarding has been announced.
My grandson’s bar mitzvah is waiting for me to visit,
And I fly, leaving everything behind without a trace.

In the neighboring seats, a family is waiting for takeoff,
Carelessness and calmness on their faces.
The girl chirps, flowing with delight:
“Look, we’re taking off, mommy, like birds!”

I remembered these childhood features,
Returning twenty years overnight.
Not really, Isabella, is that you? -
That girl in a beautiful white dress.

We are close again, passport officer.
You, an adult, with your beloved husband and daughter.
I am glad and amazed at how
The beautiful thing was repeated exactly like that.

Lipa's voice.
In the wilderness of the forest,
where lumberjacks have no way,
The linden tree is growing,
tighter than a girl's corset.

He cries: "O man,
come dig,
and in an open field
transplant the young ones..."

Don't believe that
The trees are dumb, Svarog's grandson!
And myself in the silence of the forest
you will not become blind and deaf.

Fifty “For”, fifty “Against”!
Fifty “For”, fifty “Against”,
My heart is being cut into pieces...
We ask God to love the enemy,
If you don't believe in miracles, then forgive me.

And the devil gets mad in abundance,
Like cheese lying in ashes
The souls of the righteous who fell as a bribe,
In an unfair and alien game.

It's poured. Full glasses
And the Sabbath begins the feast,
Eagles? No, fat cormorants,
They flew together. The vampire smelled blood.

“It will certainly spill,
Without this there is no fun,
Not the last century, but
We’ll film everything and put it on the internet!”

The devils mock, hiding in mortars
Bags for cut heads,
One in the corner was touching with his hoof
Krasu is today's catch.

Tell me, Semenych, this truth
Did you see forty years ago?
“I wanted my grandson and great-grandson
No barricades were erected..."
January 2014. Tallinn. Estonia.

Forgive me Monday
Because I don’t always love you.
Because in the morning I am a slacker,
At a time when the cities are noisy.

Forgive me Tuesday, for the quarrels,
Which I caused to you.
I always got into stupid arguments,
And I drowned my anger at you in a bottle.

Honey, I beg your pardon,
Because, like everyone else, I didn’t appreciate you.
I live in you, I sin quietly,
Although he loved, he scolded loudly.

My gloomy one. Bro, sorry
In general, I rarely communicated with you.
I lived without you. How do kings live?
I often laughed at your timidity.

Friday is a slut. My temptation
It’s also my fault for running after you.
Left behind only destruction,
And in the evening it often remained empty.

Saturday is an old lady. Forgive me grandson.
I rarely saw you at all.
You took me on bail in the mornings,
And she brought me water and a pill.

Sunday. Divine day.
God! Forgive me if you can.
Because I was too lazy to bring glory to You,
But I expected you to help me.

How few days seem to be, only seven.
But they contain all life and destiny,
I really want it. Leave a mark on the earth
After all, after weeks, years rush by...

Piglet. (CODE)
Validolchik - Validol!
The entire stock was gone in one day!
Grandfather and grandmother
They are babysitting their grandson Slavushka.

How smooth it was at first:
Everyone is happy, everything is fine.
Hands and feet in bandages
They performed a miracle dance.

Ra smiled with two teeth,
And then the lips curled,
And this one covered everyone or-
The house and yard shook.

They offered me a rattle
A pacifier, a toy with music,
Remote control, clock, grandfather's barometer,
Red pennant "For Victory".

The cat Martin purred: “However!” -
The porridge flew to the floor.
Followed by a cup and saucer -
He didn't have time to dodge.

The decibels were increasing -
Happily, the gas was heated boldly!
Turned red like a beet
I even got wet from the effort!

Everyone already wanted to cry -
The little one decided to poop.
Diapers are a bomb, without skill
If you take it off it's awkward.

Grandfather, sofa, monkey
They suffered, even too much.
What is guano production?
It wasn’t screaming, it was just dozing.

Here is the cat and grandfather and grandmother
In strange and fell asleep.
They dreamed they were jumping.
This is about money, nothing else.

Live life, don’t cross the field.
There is a good one.
And walk along the field of Life
very difficult.
I think life was given to me by God
So that I understand how to find
your path and how not to leave it
ahead of the time God gave me.
My road has an end.
But I have a son.
Or maybe there will be a grandson.
But I had a grandfather.
This is the Circle of Life.

Congratulations to the grandson
Gennady Yuzhakov

Happy birthday dear,
You and I are in a series of separations,
On Chernigov land,
The account is open to your fate.

There I saw a white light,
Shouting out my greetings,
Young years passed there,
Everything is history.

Two roads, two ways,
Or to go,
And choose your specialty
Get the stars from the sky.

Choose the civilian path
It’s not easier here, don’t forget,
Near mother, bed,
You can bless laziness.

Here is the fork in front of you,
Think about it dear
You can listen to advice
But there is no answer there either.

Listen to your heart, your whole soul,
Yes, give birth to your dream,
And behind her, like behind a star,
Hurry up my dear.

This will be your goal
Or rather your door,
You dare to open it,
Think more with your head.

What a joy it is to be a grandmother. Love your children's children! Snuggle up with a warm little chick. And a lump will form in your throat from excitement. A bright light will light up in your soul. Ready to lay the world at children's feet! Walking behind him is like a shadow on a clear afternoon. Walking, reading and singing songs is not too lazy. Life takes on meaning and rings with strings. And there is joy and peace in my soul. What a joy it is to be a grandmother. And repeat life with your grandson first!

In the morning the TV is mumbling,
and the cat squints at the light,
and grandma is busy in the kitchen
preparing lunch for her grandson.

IN Lately infrequently
grandson appears here.
When should he meet his grandmother?
From morning until late at the institute.

All the lectures, labs, problems,
and then I called, dear,
said it was in my dad's car
will drop by for an hour or two.

Ah time! Flying without looking back
and does not give benefits to anyone!
How long has she had chocolate?
did you buy it for him at the stall?

And now he drives a car,
I can’t even believe it – a student!
...show full text...

Let's meet, grandson

Alyosha entered the telephone booth and dialed Slavkin’s number. Busy...
Having nothing else to do, Alyosha began to look at the numbers carelessly written and scratched on the inside wall of the booth.
But this one, away from everyone else, is written neatly. Without knowing why, Alyosha suddenly dialed this strange number.
“I’m listening,” the telephone receiver suddenly spoke in a quiet, hoarse voice. - I’m listening, who’s talking?
It was still possible, without saying a word, to quickly press the lever, but Alyosha unexpectedly said to himself:
- It's me…
...show full text...

A daughter is good... At least you can be sure that your grandchildren are your own.

My dear, my family, I found my granddaughter Sashenka, whom I had not seen for 10 months since the death of my son Vanya. Today we met in an orphanage (her mother abandoned her). My heart almost broke when I took my little hands in my hands (Sasha is 2.5 years old)!

The grandmother puts her granddaughter to bed and, as usual, sings him a lullaby. He sings for an hour - his granddaughters are still awake, he sings for two - the same picture. Three hours later, the granddaughter says to her grandmother:
- Grandma, maybe I should still sleep? Or do you still want to sing?

The grandson is the director of the grandmother

When I turn fifty,
I will be an exemplary grandmother,
I will become a friend for my grandchildren
Cheerful, kind, generous, faithful.

I will never scold
Neither for whims, nor for bumps,
After all, children need to play,
Let the lessons and books wait.

I'll be handing out candy
Not one at a time, but all at once,
I won’t clean the buffet,
And I’ll leave the vase on the table.

I will buy a computer for everyone,
Let them play until the evening,
And I won’t wake them up in the morning.
Why do they need school? So everyone knows!

I'll clean everything in the house myself
And I will wash and iron,
I'll feed you a delicious lunch.
- Thank you, bah! - everyone will say in unison.

I will be a friend for my grandchildren
And the best grandmother in the world,
When I turn fifty,
Well, for now, I’m only ten...))))

Poems about grandchildren are short and beautiful
grandchildren: quotes, sayings, aphorisms on the site InPearls.ru

Source: m.inpearls.ru

Au jour le jour

Total number of page views

May 13, 2016

Poems about grandchildren *

A grandson is a joy, but two grandchildren are an explosion in a pasta factory!

Never bend! Let the burden be heavy.
Never push those who are weaker than you.
Honor the truth, even if it is not good.
And those walking with you, do not try to crush them under you.

If you can help, help and don’t think about it.
Everything you give will come back to you! And with interest!
If you can’t help with action, at least help with advice.
Sometimes it costs more than any help.

Respect the elderly and children - do not offend them,
This is a holy thing from time immemorial - and you yourself will become holy!
Always throw yourself into a terrible battle for your loved ones,
And I don’t care if someone thinks that they are not to blame!

And further. Never - never forget those who are dear.
Those who brought you into this world, who opened the way for you.
Take care of your mother, and humble your temper before her.
And respect your father! And don’t forget us old people.

And one day, hugging, like me, my now grandson.
When you are gray, at the sunset of a distant day,
Explaining to him that “life is a complicated thing,”
I ask - don’t forget about me... Tell me about me.

Children do not listen to their good mother,
They always reveal their whims,
But they find out that grandma is coming -
They immediately lag behind their mother.
They are impatiently waiting for the welcome guest,
Grandmothers are also relatives of their grandchildren.
“Bring us some gifts,” they ask,
- You, grandma, are our family.
At least they play tricks on grandma too,
Children... well, what can you take from them, of course?
But they kiss you goodbye with love:
- Grandma, will you come to visit us tomorrow?

Oh, how I want grandchildren!

Igor Morozov 6

Oh, how I want a granddaughter,
What not to tell:
Gently a child's hand
Kiss in the morning
Smell the smell of diapers
The aroma of milk
Smile awake
And purr slightly
Crying for no reason
Before going to bed, hum...
Oh, how I want a grandson,
What not to say!

Lyubov Konstantinova Page2

Restless grandchildren
The house is turned upside down.
You won't die of boredom with them,
You will become a pony and a cat,
Monkey, pelican,
Dinosaur, kangaroo.
You'll wake up early
Together with them, in the morning.

You will forget about illnesses,
You have to be on time everywhere:
Draw, sculpt, sing songs,
Dance, play football,
Collect puzzles, constructor,
Read fairy tales before bed,
Boil soup, fruit compote
And bake pancakes.

There is no point in appearing stricter.
In the end, no one
There is nothing more expensive for grandma,
These noisy brats.

How quickly the grandchildren have grown up

Lyudmila Gefner Kintzel

How quickly the grandchildren have grown up.
The question will no longer be asked:
-Where did you come from? .
Like once upon a time.
They teach them everything in school.

Today there are new concerns:
What outfit, hairstyle, look.
How to approach a girl like that
Doesn't he even look at you?

They shave off the fuzz from their cheeks,
And the perfume floats.
Proud to start
Look like adults.

And I again, hiding a smile,
I admire young beauty.
And not for long, just for a minute,
I look at the mirror with longing.

The years are melting and flying away...
Our granddaughters are growing up
Two wonderful angels
My daughter gave them to us.

We love babies
And we surround you with love,
Their openness, affection, tenderness
The vastness of feelings gives birth to us.

Our birds are chirpers,
Mischievous girls, laughing girls,
You grow and mature
Just don’t be hard-hearted.

May bad weather pass you by
And fate will give you happiness!
We are sad to be apart from you...
Our happiness is our grandchildren!

Where does childhood go?

Where does childhood go?
I was asked a question.
Of course he was joking
But he sounded serious.
How to answer it
How to choose words?
From running thoughts,
My head is spinning.
I remember when I was a child
Pleasant to the taste.
Tangerines are sweeter there,
Candy and watermelon.
There's a young mother there,
There is a warm river there.
My heart squeezed hard
Longing for the past...
But life gives opportunity
Turn everything back.
Try it for your grandchildren
Look into the eyes.

When my grandchildren are born,
I will allow them everything in the world,
And may my children forgive me
For spoiling their child.
I'll let them eat by the handful.
Cookies and sweets on an empty stomach,
And I will praise them in front of the guests
And kiss every minute.

When my grandchildren are born,
I'll let them measure the puddles
Pushing back a dinner that is not tasty for them
And try icicles sometimes.
Jumping on my old bed
Build a hut from blankets,
Breaking toys, tearing dresses on dolls,
Draw masterpieces on wallpaper.

I'll even start a pillow fight
Let the kids have fun.
But I won’t allow all this soon -
When will my grandchildren be born?
Until then I will have to continue
Play the role of a strict mother with dignity
And sometimes threaten your grandmother with your finger
For daring to spoil your grandchildren.

When my grandchildren are born,
I will become their prison commandant,
I will become the captain of the ship
Maybe I'll become a sled dog
When will my grandchildren be born?

I'll get out my old slingshots
And a hidden tattered notebook
With a recipe for stunning explosives.
And maybe I’ll build a whole fleet.

But not now. Years will pass
And in an instant they will change my credo.
I will change the image of a strictly father
Like the image of a restless grandfather,
When will my grandchildren be born?
Love and tenderness - Everything is intertwined

Nina Velikodnaya

Love and tenderness - Everything is intertwined.
Perhaps grandchildren are made of roses.
They are a thorn in the memory,
When they laugh, run, eat,

When drawing on wallpaper with chalk
Or are busy with other serious matters.
Have an effect on us
With the squinting of your very sweet eyes.

Who do we turn into with our loved ones?
In swings, in umbrellas, insoluble in the rain,
And into tenderness, and into a dream, and into the spring garden,
You become rich in inventions.

They mold and cut us,
But we love them very much, selflessly!
Isn't this noticeable?

Health, happiness and goodness in a row!
We accept grandchildren as a reward.
Grow up, our grandchildren, laugh more often,
Rely on your grandparents!

I kiss your lovely palms

I kiss your lovely palms
And I want to understand this way,
What are these lines-paths
You are promised a lucky sign.

I want there to be a lot of happiness,
Health, long life path,
And to the rings on your wrist
I was able to press my lips again.

And you will hug me tenderly
And you say: “Bab, let’s needle. ”
And the morning will be serene,
When will you come again!

My granddaughters are blood.
My girls are mountain ash.
The fingers are small.
The mouths are scarlet.
Dear ones, my beloved ones.

How I love you, suns.
One sunflower seeds.
Affectionate cats.
Warm palms.
My tender, fluffy ones.

Joy without you is not joy.
Bitter sweets without you.
The days are hopeless.
The nights are not pleasant.
My priceless gold.

I adore you, my sweethearts.
Light in the window for your grandmother.
The birds are talkative.
The little eyes are funny.
My heavenly stars.

May your life be bright.
Friendship will certainly be strong.
Feelings are wonderful.
All the days are clear.
I wish you happiness and joy in your destiny!
I love you, my girls.

Three pairs of eyes

Tatiana Vorontsova

How can I put you together?
Connect in your soul.
What makes me live.

When you cry, I get sick.
When you are happy, I laugh.
I will dispel bitter fear with you
And I'm not afraid of anything.

You are my scarlet banners.
And the sails on the ships,
When I was swimming in love
In your impossible dreams.

But you came true from naive dreams,
To give you the light of happiness.
Three pairs of eyes. magical, wondrous,
What makes me live.

My soul is still a girl

My soul is still a girl,
Although I'm already a grandmother,
I love my granddaughters and grandsons,
I keep it warm in my shower for them.

I write fairy tales for them,
I sing songs for them,
I play dolls with them,
I just love them so much!

I draw pictures for them
I'll feed you a delicious lunch,
I know the simple truth:
I just love kids!

My bright ray

My bright ray,
Warm and affectionate.
Sunny grandson,
Caressed by the heart.

Festive, gentle,
With clear eyes.
Dear snowdrop,
It's like you're from a fairy tale.

Small, fragile,
Like a chicken.
Kind and sensitive,
Nice child!

Au jour le jour
Au jour le jour Total number of page views May 13, 2016 Poems about grandchildren * A grandson is a joy, and two grandchildren are an explosion in a pasta factory! Never bend! Let

Poems about a grandson - beautiful, touching, short, as well as congratulations to your beloved grandson on the website Your Child.ru!

Your support
V. Berestov

Loved you for no special reason
Because you are a grandson,
Because you are a son,
Because baby
Because you are growing,
Because he looks like his dad and mom.
And this love until the end of your days
It will remain your secret support.

Poems to my beloved grandson

You are smart beyond your years,
It's so noticeable to us
And a moment will come, suddenly -
You will become an adult, dear grandson!
Will you take after your mother or your father?
Maybe you can take something from us,
We give 100 points ahead -
You will be a hero!
You will be a friend to your grandfather and grandmother,
And joy for parents,
We will be proud of you
And today, congratulations!

Congratulations to the grandson

Confident from the very cradle,
You are the best child in the world!
There is no more beautiful sound in the world,
Than the voice of a beloved grandson!
Be smart and strong like dad
Good and kind, like mom!
Make friends with an entertaining book,
Be a strong, athletic boy!

Congratulations to the granddaughter

Beloved grandson! Always dreaming
Opening my heart to the cherished ones,
Strive for distant shores,
Trusting your luck!

Let her guide you
To bright and beautiful successes,
And in the future only joy awaits
And every day will be happy!

For my grandson's birthday

Granddaughters have a birthday
And doesn't sleep at night,
“Well, when is he, when?” -
He pesters his mother.

And gifts for yourself
He is looking in the apartment,
Maybe they didn't hide it
Did you forget to buy it?

Finally the day has come
My grandson got up early
Dressed up, combed my hair
And it’s like he’s gotten older.

How big he greeted guests,
Received gifts...
How much happiness is on your face,
The eyes shine brightly.

Your granddaughters will grow up quickly,
No worries, no sadness.
Much joy, friends
We wish you.

Be happy and healthy
You are without any doctors.
May good luck and success

You will know before anyone else!
Our entire family, granddaughters
She will be happy for you!

Grandson - a fighting guy

To the grandson - the fighting guy,
To be friends with cars,
All the important basics
Carefully studied
And in outer space
Unidentified stars discovered
And with grandpa and grandma
Thoroughly friendly!

Congratulations to the grandson in verse

Congratulations to the grandson

A ray ran across the leaves
Congratulations dear granddaughter
You're already a big kid:
Learned to run, jump,

Mom, dad talk
It's fun to kick your legs,
Walk with grandfather's hand.
You have become strong, kind, brave,

You began to obey your elders,
Cheerful, joyful, skillful,
And don’t cry if you fall.
You are already a big man

Can you protect your mother?
You know how the car hums.
What should we give you?
You can’t give it for two years

Neither a car nor a moped.
For two years we decided to give
We'll also give you balloons

Bright, airy,
To be in the mood
Festive, the best.
We will give our affection,

Happiness, joy, loud laughter.
We'll give you a cake, blow out the candles,
Success awaits you in life.

Wishes for grandson

May joy accompany your grandson
Under the sun and moonlight!
Swim in the ocean of success
Always be on the crest of the wave!
Let your work become your favorite one,
Luck leads you!
Take everything you can from life,
Be happy, satisfied with fate!

Congratulations to the grandson

Nice child - active, attentive,
Brave, cheerful, a little mischievous,
Sweet, responsive and wonderful,
Sunny, bright, like mushroom rain!
In important matters we rely on you,
There is a kind, caring friend in the house!
Share joy, jokes, smiles,
You are our happiness! Treasure - grandson!

Poems for grandson

Granddaughter, you are joy and joy,
A ray shone in my declining years,
Your laughter, pranks and bravado
They make us the happiest.
Grow healthy, kind, smart,
Live cheerfully, with sparkle in your eyes,
Be successful, but also be humble
And make us happy more often!

What does a grandson mean to grandparents?

What does a grandson mean to grandparents?
Hope, pride, joy and dream!
Grandson, we wish you summer in our hearts,
So that male beauty blooms,
We love you more than anyone in the world,
Be healthy, we wish you not to get sick.
We ask the Lord for longevity,
To look at you more

I wish my beloved grandson

I wish my beloved grandson
Study, be friends with discipline,
Find something you like
Grow up as a real man!

Poems for grandson

My brave guy, my grandson,
My grateful avenger
Parents take the test,
The one we handed over a long time ago.
You are a professor for them - yes!
Their conscience, their teacher,
Remember, boy, forever,
After all, you will be a parent yourself!

Poems for grandson

Playful, dear grandson,
You are like a ray of sunshine to us!
Grow up quickly, learn,
Be brave and kind!

For the birthday of my beloved grandson

Suddenly that holiday came -
It's your birthday!
Congratulations, grandson,
Our dear, dear.
We wish there was
Your life is bright
Happiness, joy, goodness,
Laughter and warmth.

Farewell words to grandson

May your health be good,
The muscle corset gets stronger!
Let it bring only joy
The grandson is handsome and athlete!
Let your hobby be fun
And great friends!
Let him always be proud of you
Our friendly family!

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How to pass on your experience to your children and grandchildren? How not to miss the moment when they stop asking funny children's questions and start thinking about important adult problems?

Yes, today grandparents do not often meet their grandchildren from school to feed them lunch or help with homework. Sometimes they don’t see them every year. Grandchildren don’t have time to ask questions, and adults don’t have time to teach them everything they wanted. Everyone tries to find their own way out of the situation. A 96-year-old man decided to write a letter, which fell into the hands of his grandson only after his grandfather died. A small piece of paper and the inscription: “Read. Remember. Live."

1. This day will only come once. So light the candles, get out the napkins and put on some nice clothes.

2. When you get sick, your job won't look after you, but your family and friends will.

3. Bury your past and say goodbye to it peacefully so that it doesn’t come back one day and start hunting you.

4. Save money for the things that really matter in your life.

5. Relationships that need to be kept secret are relationships that shouldn't exist at all.

6. Know that life can change in the blink of an eye.

7. Don't try to win every argument and be right every moment.

8. Breathe. Relax. And calm your mind. That's the whole difference.

9. It's never too late to be happy.

10. Stop comparing your life to other people's lives. You don't know what their journey has been like up to this point and how it will end.

11. Never give up on your dreams. If you really want it, don't take no for an answer.

12. Always underpromise and overdeliver.

13. The only person responsible for your happiness is yourself.

14. You don't have to forget everything. But you must forgive.

15. Life is sacred. So if you have a choice, always choose life.

16. Even if you have the right to go first, give in.

17. Don't take everything so seriously.

18. Time heals almost everything. Just give it time.

19. Sometimes a large part of success depends simply on the ability to show yourself.

20. Your children will only be children once.

21. If we could throw our problems into a big communal pot with other people, we would immediately take them back.

22. Don't waste your time being jealous.

23. Always remember that the best part of your life is still ahead of you.

24. Wake up, get up, get dressed and go out to people, no matter what you feel inside.

25. You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your parents. Respect and love them – always.

26. Avoid drama and don't create it yourself.

27. The only thing that matters in the end is that you loved.

28. Grow up and get old - this alternative is much better than all the others.

29. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being seen crying.

30. There is no point in resisting chocolate.

31. Life isn't always fair, but this game is still worth the candle.

32. Life doesn't always come wrapped in a holiday wrapper with a bow, but it's still a gift.