Not a friendly swarm of bees. Samuel Marshak. A fun journey from A to Z. How to find out which family the swarm came from

April 8, 2014 admin

Spring is the time of flowering, abundance of food and the most intensive rearing of brood. With the speed with which the larvae develop, the diligent laying of eggs by the queen leads to a rapid increase in the number of bees in the family and, as a result, to a rapid strengthening of the family, but not to a direct increase in the number of families in the apiary, since each family of bees with a queen is a separate “ state”, in which the bees growing from the brood only replenish the number of its “citizens”.

However, bee colonies must also reproduce. Indeed, often one of the families dies from illness, hunger strike after a bad summer, or due to some other unfortunate event, and if new families did not arise, then soon there would be no bees left at all.

A new family needs a new womb; only if its appearance is ensured can the family as such reproduce, and this happens by “swarming” bees.

Preparations are carried out in complete silence. As a rule, in May, worker bees lay several queen cells and grow in them by

Special feeding of young queens. In most cases, one womb would be enough for them, but misfortune can happen to it. It is not difficult for bees to destroy several extra queens, but it is absolutely impossible to get hold of the missing one at the right time. Nature is not characterized by sentimentality, so a family raises half a dozen or more queens, most of which are doomed to death in advance.

About a week before the first young queen is due to hatch from her cell, the colony swarms. Apparently, in this case, the initiative again comes from the worker bees. Already a few days before this, their activity is somewhat reduced. In a strong family, bees sit in dense groups in front of the entrance to their home. Suddenly they all become excited, rush into the hive, fall to the honeycomb cells and fill the honey crops with honey. Approximately half of all bees in a colony fly out of the hive. With “knapsacks” full of honey, which they take with them as provisions on an unknown journey, the bees rush to the entrance and rise up in a disorderly, frantic whirlwind. They spin around, flying into each other. There is a whole cloud of bees in the air. The old queen leaves the hive with them.

Rice. 31. The swarm gathered on a branch around the queen and formed a “swarm cluster”.

At first their path is not far. A cloud of bees gathers near a tree branch or some other object (Fig. 30) and is located on it in a dense swarm “cluster” around the uterus (Fig. 31). Now comes the moment when an efficient beekeeper can easily transfer a swarm to an empty hive and consider it his own. A beekeeper who hesitates too much may miss the swarm. After all, while the swarm hangs inactively on a branch, its quarterers (scout bees) are already diligently looking for a hollow tree or an empty hive suitable for the swarm, which is often located in a distant apiary. Returning, they set the swarm in motion and lift it into the air. The swarm cluster scatters, and again the bees, like a cloud, move in the heights, heading to their new home, where the scout bees lead them. As luck would have it, this often happens precisely at the moment when the beekeeper has already completed all preparations for removing the swarm from the tree.

The remaining bees in the old hive now have no head of their kingdom. However, after a few days the first young queen hatches. She does not immediately begin her maternal duties. The queen that has just emerged from the queen cell is virgin (barren) and must make a mating flight before she can begin laying eggs. The queen is not inseminated inside the bee hive. In most cases, during the first week after leaving the queen cell, she flies out of the hive into the wild and mates in the air with one or more drones.

The flight may repeat in subsequent days. After this she becomes the sedate mother of the bee; a family that never leaves its home - unless next year, when it is dethroned by the young queen and rushes to the entrance with a new swarm. This is how the process works if a family releases only one swarm. In this case, after the birth of the first young queen, worker bees destroy all excess queen cells along with their living contents. But the young queen and some of the bees can fly out with the second swarm.

In this case, after the first queen emerges, the worker bees first of all save the lives of other young queens. They do not leave their queen cells, because a queen walking freely will not tolerate the presence of other queens in the hive and will immediately attack them. The queens sitting in the queen cells only stick their proboscis out through small holes in their queen cells and receive food from the worker bees. At this time, a peculiar duet sounds in the hive. The queen walking through the honeycombs makes the sounds “tyu-tyu” (“baling”), and the queens located in the queen cells announce themselves with other sounds: a muffled “kva-kva” is heard from their dungeons.

The beekeeper says that the croaking queens are asking for freedom, but while the response is “popping”, they are careful not to leave their shelters. Bees cannot “hear” like we can, and it is very doubtful that they can tell the difference between a “beep” and a “croak.” But thanks to their finely developed sense of touch, they can very well perceive sounds in their immediate vicinity. If you artificially reproduce such sounds, you can talk with one of the queen bees, making a “duet” of questions and answers with her. Smell probably also takes part in keeping young queens from leaving the queen cells prematurely. In any case, being in the queen cells, the queens feel when their rival flies away with a new swarm. After this, they get out of their cradles. One queen remains in the hive and becomes the mother of the family, while the rest are killed.

Sometimes more swarms leave and, accordingly, more queens come into their own. On the other hand, with unfavorable weather and poor nutrition, swarming may not occur at all.

If the bees live in a multi-hull hive, then the detachable bottom is separated and replaced with a clean one immediately after the bees fly around, when they calm down a little. The bottom is separated with a chisel, the bodies are lifted, a clean bottom is placed in place of the dirty bottom and the bodies are lowered onto it again.

That's the whole simple operation. They perform it without even using smoke. The bees don't notice her. The taphole is limited by a liner for a small cutout. In one minute, the beekeeper will do what would take the bees at least two weeks of hard work.

It is more difficult to free a hive with a nailed bottom from debris. You have to first clean part of the bottom, having first removed several frames from the hive, then move another part of the frames onto the clean floor and remove the debris that was under them. To make the bees calmer, they are smoked.

During this first spring work, the amount of food is specified, the nests are reduced, if they are large, they are well insulated. For a bee family to develop normally, at this time it must have at least 15 kilograms of honey, 10 frames in a Dadan hive and one or two buildings in a multi-frame hive.

To raise each bee, the family spends a full cell of honey or a whole frame of honey for a brood frame. That's why you need so much of it

Bees carefully and securely hide their honey in the hive from prying eyes. And they not only hide, but also reliably protect from uninvited guests, from intrusion into their home.

The nests are made smaller and insulated to make it easier for bees in this early cold spring to conserve the heat necessary for the development of brood - larvae and pupae.

The family strives in the spring to raise as many young bees as possible to replace those that survived the winter and grew old. The queen lays more and more eggs. Increasingly, young bees fly around during the midday hours, playing and noisy in flight. They remember their place of residence, get acquainted with the surroundings, and prepare to become foragers.

Queens in the spring like to lay eggs not in dark old ones, but in light young combs. To get more new honeycombs, the nests of growing families are expanded at this time with frames with foundation, on which they quickly build the correct bee cells.

Bees can be made to build more than they can do themselves. After all, honeycombs are very necessary; in the summer you need a lot of them. If you place a frame with foundation between the nesting boxes, the passages for the bees will double in size. It is inconvenient for them to move along such wide streets and move from cell to cell. They immediately accumulate in these passages and begin to narrow them, pulling back the cells on the foundation. Very short term, in a day - two, the honeycomb is already ready. It is better to place a frame with foundation between combs filled with young brood. There are always more construction bees here.

Bees can be given two frames with foundation at a time. During the season, a bee colony can easily build 8 - 10, and in a multi-hull hive - up to 20 honeycombs.

In spring, the queen lays eggs in the warmest part of the nest: either at the top, if the bees live in a multi-frame hive, or in the middle - in a lounger and a 12-frame hive.

So that the queen can lay more eggs, the bodies are swapped. The top one is lowered down, and the bottom one, free of brood, is raised up. Now the uterus will have enough space for a long time, almost two weeks. After this time, the buildings are rearranged again. The one filled with brood will now again be at the bottom, and the one free from it will be at the top.

From such movements there is a lot of brood in the nest and the family becomes even stronger. She no longer has enough two buildings to house bees, honey and beebread. Therefore, the family is given a third building. They put it on top. This three-story house is usually occupied by a family when the gardens are in bloom, from which the bees collect a lot of nectar and pollen. And in other hives, bees colonize full nests.

What is swarming? After the family grows, gets stronger, renews the nest, fills it with brood and food, that is, creates conditions for its well-being and prosperity, it begins to prepare for swarming and takes care of producing fruit - a new family.

Much changes in the behavior of bees. They begin to build honeycombs not with bee cells, but with drone cells.

They carefully clean the old drone honeycombs and polish each cell with propolis until it shines. After all, the queen lays eggs only in very clean, shiny cells. If before she avoided the drone honeycombs and walked around them, now the bees force her to go onto them and lay eggs.

Look into the nest at this time. In the corners and bottom of the frames you will see pieces with open and printed drone brood, and on the edges of the combs and in the recesses there are some rounded cells like the caps of acorns. These are bowls in which young queens will be raised. And as soon as the bees force the host queen to put eggs in bowls, the family, as if by some signal, stops building even drone combs, the number of bees flying out for nectar and pollen decreases, and the queen lays fewer and fewer eggs every day. The bees almost stop feeding her milk. She is forced to eat honey. The family becomes somewhat sleepy. The nest is overflowing with bees. Huddled close to each other, they sit almost motionless, blocking all the passages. They rest and conserve their strength. Only small groups of old bees continue to fly.

And then one clear morning, when the sun rises higher, the dew subsides, this seemingly dormant hive suddenly begins to hum, and thousands of bees begin to fly out of it, crowding into the entrance, vying with each other. They quickly rise into the air and, as if in a whirlwind, circle over the apiary. The uterus also joins them. There is a special swarm ringing above the apiary. After 2-3 minutes, you can first see a small cluster of bees on some tree branch. It is growing before our eyes. A huge mass of bees, clinging to each other, hangs in a cluster. This is a new young family - a swarm.

Swarms vary in weight. The heaviest ones are up to 5 kilograms. After sitting on a branch for a short time, the swarm leaves, makes a farewell circle over its home and flies off to a new home. More often to the forest or to a lonely tree.

How does the swarm know where this dwelling is? From their intelligence officers. Already a few days before swarming, scouts look for a hollow or even an empty hive in some other apiary. They carefully examine it, determine its exact location, size and inform the bees who are going to fly with the swarm. Many other bees become familiar with this new home and, a day or two before swarming, they even set up a guard there so that other bees do not settle in it. Therefore, the swarm immediately flies to where it will live.

True, this does not always happen. Sometimes, having not found a suitable hollow in advance, the swarm still flies away from the apiary, lands somewhere, again sends out scout bees in search of housing, and so on until it settles permanently in some place.

And if there is a free hive in the same apiary, will a swarm settle in it? It turns out not. If the swarms settled right there and did not fly away, then quite soon the time would come when there were not enough honey plants for everyone. There would be famine. That is why swarms fly away from their parental shelter.

How to remove a swarm? The swarm can be caught. To do this, while he is sitting calmly on a branch, you need to take a swarm, place the open side under him and shake off the swarm. The bees that were not included in the swarm are carefully collected with a wooden ladle and poured into it.

The swarm is suspended and the remaining bees gradually enter it. They are driven by smoke. The swarm is taken to a dark, cool room (basement, underground) so that the swarm calms down and cools down. By evening he is placed in a new hive.

The swarm consists of strong young bees that have not yet taken part in any work. Therefore, finding themselves in a hollow, where there are no honeycombs, no food, no brood, with extraordinary diligence they begin to create a nest for themselves, store food, and raise offspring. Therefore, a lot of foundation is placed in the hive for the swarm. It is being rebuilt very quickly. They also give the bees ready-made honeycombs, and in case bad weather a frame or two with food. The nest of a large swarm is made up of two buildings of a multi-body hive. Swarms do not like cramped small hives and often fly away from them.

When planting a swarm of bees, they take a scoop from the swarm and carefully pour it onto a plywood sheet, placing it against the entrance of the hive. First they pour it closer to the entrance, then further away. They do this so that the bees feel like they are entering a natural home. Gradually, one after another, in small steps, they walk into the hive. Here you can also see the queen; she usually hastily makes her way to the entrance, guided by the special sound and smell of bees.

After the bulk of the bees enter the hive, the remaining ones are shaken out of the swarm.

Roy immediately gets to work. Even during the night he manages to rebuild part of the nest, and in the morning, earlier than others, his bees begin to fly out, get acquainted with the area, and look for flowers.

During the summer, the swarm prepares food for itself for the winter, and sometimes collects more than it needs. You can take this honey from him.

A colony that releases a swarm may swarm once or even twice, but these later swarms will be smaller in weight. They often do not store honey for their food. Therefore, they must be joined to other families.

Among beekeepers of home apiaries there are many supporters of swarm freedom. Indeed, natural swarming, although from the point of view of modern beekeeping is considered undesirable, it makes it possible to obtain new families that are unusually different from the first days of birth high energy work in all areas of activity: in the construction of honeycombs, nectar collection, brood rearing.

Swarms coming out into early dates, 45-50 days before the main bribe, they manage to rebuild nests, raise a lot of brood, and significantly rejuvenate. True, they may still not be strong enough to use the first main bribe, but on subsequent ones they work almost on an equal basis with strong families. It is no coincidence that they say: the early swarm is golden.

Colonies that have released swarms will also restore their strength by the first main honey flow by the bees emerging from the brood remaining after the swarming, and with the start of oviposition of young queens, their working capacity. Over time, they will even begin to be strengthened by bees that have developed from the brood of young queens. As a result, swarm families manage to stock up on food.

The main honey flow is well used by swarms that emerge immediately before it or at the very beginning. They are often heavier than the early ones, since the period of growth of their maternal families was longer. In addition, summer swarms themselves directly work on honey collection with their inherent energy, and from early swarms, honey is collected mainly by generations raised by swarms.

But during the main harvest, the summer swarms wear out and weaken, while the subsequent swarms are used much worse than the earlier swarms, and increase generations significantly less by winter. Often such swarms have to replenish their food supplies, since they manage to use up the food stored from the first honey collection. Often these swarms unite two or three into one family. Often such powerful families are formed naturally, during the act of swarming. The first swarm that emerges is inoculated with a second, sometimes even a third. Such cases most often occur when the emergence of swarms is delayed due to bad weather. They are usually called landfills. It is impossible and practically impractical to separate landfill swarms. Therefore, they are placed in one large hive and equipped with honey extensions. Strong colonies created from natural swarms are called honey makers for their high productivity.

Maternal families that released swarms shortly before the main honey flow do not have time to create new flight reserves, and, moreover, as a rule, continue to remain in a swarm state.

When swarming occurs in some average period, for example, two to three weeks before the main honey flow, the swarms have time to build nests for themselves, have a lot of brood, but collect little honey and pollen, since during the first main honey flow, a significant part of the bees are distracted by caring for the brood, while simultaneously spending on it a large number of fresh food.

By the time the main honey plants bloom, maternal colonies manage to end the swarming state, the young queens in them mate and begin laying eggs; they begin to work with the energy inherent in a swarm, but compared to non-swarm families they turn out to be weaker and, naturally, much less productive.

It is better to plant swarms that emerged the day before or at the beginning of a short and stormy harvest on ready-made, built-up combs. In this case, all the reserves of the swarm will immediately be included in the collection of honey. When a swarm is planted on foundation, its primary task will be to build a nest, which is why it only partially uses the source of nectar.

Swarms that are not strong enough on their own will not be able to produce marketable honey; at the beginning of the honey harvest, they are usually added to families that have already finished swarming and switched to collecting honey. They already have brood from young queens - a stimulator of flight activity, but they lack reserves for collecting honey. Reinforcement by swarms greatly increases their productivity. These swarms can be attached either entirely or in parts, adding bees to several families.

The return of swarms to their families causes protest from the bees themselves. The swarms emerge again, even without queens.

To exclude the possible death of the queen of the colony being reinforced, the bees of the swarm are poured into an extension with a bottom made of a dividing grid. His uterus is used at discretion. In a former swarm colony that has already switched to collecting honey, by this time there may be no open brood or there may be very little of it, since the young swarm queen barely has time to mate and begin laying eggs. Now, strengthened by the swarm, it will consist mainly of bees capable of collecting honey. Such families also become honey growers.

The productivity of swarms can be increased by strengthening them with flight reserves and printed brood remaining in the maternal colonies. To do this, the hive with the swarm family is set aside, a hive for the swarm is placed in its place and populated. The next day, sister bees will fly to him. After another 2-3 days, frames with mature brood at the exit are transferred to the swarm nest from the mother hive, and the hive with the remaining nest and flightless bees is brought closer to the hive with the swarm. There is no need to leave large reserves in the maternal family, since its main function is to temporarily preserve the young queen and raise brood from her.

With the end of the honey harvest and before the apiary is transported to new sources, the maternal family is eliminated and added to the swarm. The old queen is destroyed.

The guys are told
That the train is leaving
Sends immediately
From Moscow station
Up to the first letter - “A”.

The steam is separated by the locomotive,
I lit two lanterns
And rushes with the roar of wheels
According to the lines of the primer.

We drove off
From Moscow station
And finally we arrived
Up to the first letter - “A”.


Here are two pillars diagonally,
And between them there is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
In front of you is the letter "A".
Here is the marble arch
Leads to the park alley.
The alley goes to the gate,
And the bus is waiting at the gate.

Where on the smooth pavement
Shall we go now?
Every person knows:
Starting with the letter "A" (capital)
Artek begins
The children's camp is wonderful.

As soon as the scarlet ball rises
In the morning at dawn,
The clear sound of fanfare awakens
Camp on the mountain.
Under Mount Ayu-Dag
Young Pioneer
Raises the scarlet flag
USSR flag.

At the letter "A" we will stand
At least three minutes.
Let's eat, brothers,
Until the beep sounds.
We have food in the bag
Ten days' journey.
But fruit would be nice
Save for the road.

Yes, here is a fruit store!
They have it in store for us here.
Antonovka and orange,
Watermelon and pineapple.
Here's an apricot, and here's a quince...
What delicious words
And everything starts with the letter “A”!

But it is announced again
That the train is leaving
Goes on the road
Line by line, sheet by sheet.
Guys, take your places!

Let's go, let's go,
No minutes have passed
On a pillar in front of us
Big letter "B".


Look: who is he?
Blocking the road
Stands with outstretched hand
Bend your leg like a steering wheel?

He calls you and me to his place
And he says: “I am the letter “B.”
Here's a whole class - fourth "B"
Gathered on the lawn.

Boris plays the trumpet
Bogdan - on the balalaika.
The button accordion sings loudly
Now in bass, now in treble,
And the echoing drum echoes
Cheerful musicians.

This class came with a bouquet
To the station threshold,
To see you and me off
On a long journey.
Is there a bakery here?
Yes, here she is! Look:
Loaves, rolls are sold,
Bagels, crackers.
Mountain of loaves, bagels
And baked goods of all kinds.

Up to the third letter - “B”.
Here the letter "B" is visible in the distance
Beautiful, twisted,
It's like they baked a pretzel,
Waiting for visitors.
Let's walk on the mown grass
And let's get to the letter "B".


Here is the water pump. Here is the station.
Cars, trolleys.
There's a freight locomotive there
On the farthest branch.
One train disappeared in the distance,
The second is at the semaphore.
From Sevastopol express,
Vladivostok ambulance...

Is there a carriage that can take us
Deliver to the sea in the Caucasus.
And if you want in a day
See wet lilacs
And the waves on the balcony,
Step from platform to step
This carriage here.

We have a great country
One sixth of the light.
It's still spring in the north,
And it's summer in the south.

But the train is leaving
Goes on the road
On the way he bends,
It rushes in an arc.
And soon it appears
Before us is the letter "G".
Yes, we have the letter “G” in front of us
It stands like a poker.


At the end of the road near the mountain
Machines digging the soil.
And here the potters are preparing
Red clay pots.
Potter sitting at a workbench
And crushes a soft lump with his hands,
Spinning on a disk
And the lump becomes a pot,
Jug or bowl.

So that the clay becomes hard,
So that the water leaves it,
There are pots and mugs
On shelves to dry.

And in order to become beautiful
Red clay pot,
After drying it, we must
Cover with clear glaze.

Now it's time to burn the pot,
And for the first time he goes into the oven.
The pot comes out of the fire
More rosy and beautiful
Ready from tomorrow
Cook borscht and porridge.

There are pots in each other,
And they are waiting for dispatch.
Trucks will carry them
To the door of the china shop.

Here are geese with a brood of goslings
They cackle and hiss like snakes.
They threaten the truck
Stretching our necks.

But not scary for a truck
A flock of loud-mouthed geese.
He threatens the gander with his horn,
Clearing the road.

Look: doves are flying,
And silver snow
Their white wings shine,
Flashing in the clear sky.

It's like the wind blew the snow away
Under the very sky...
But our locomotive is humming again,
It's time for us to get on the trains!

We drove away from the station.
Where will we get out?
We'll get out at the station,
Where will the letter "D" be?
Visible outside the windows of the house
And children on the paths.
And here is the letter “D” itself
On samovar legs.


There is an oak forest near the road,
This forest is up to our shoulder.
And someday Dubrova
Here he will spread his canopy.
There will be foxes here.
The bear will find honey in the hollow,
There will be birds in the trees
Build nests and sing songs.

These are acorns once upon a time
The guys put me here
To grow to the skies
Bogatyr is a dense forest.

A house is being built near the same letter
Large, multi-window.
It rises floor by floor
Iron and concrete.

In the heat, and in the cold, and in the fog
Workers are building a house.
They are served by a crane
Cement, brick, etc.

The giant house is growing,
It has grown almost to the roof.
And every day the crane
Goes higher, higher...

But here we go again
On a narrow gauge
And finally we arrived
To the station with the letter "E".


The letter “E” is also “p”
Like a bookcase.
(The middle shelf is
Not quite up to standard.)

We got off at the letter "E"
We sat on the bench.
We ate blackberries
And in the river between the reeds
They wanted to catch sturgeon
And they caught three ruffs.

This place is very caustic
Everything you pick up:
The Christmas tree pricks our palms,
Blackberry, ruff and hedgehog.

We came across a hedgehog in the forest.
But, having lifted him from the ground,
His head and legs
We couldn't see it.

He bristled with needles,
Like the needles of an old Christmas tree,
Hid my legs, hide my nose
And the prickly one curled up into a ball,
It's like it's covered in feathers.

I let go untouched.
But enough about the hedgehog.
It's time for us to hit the road again.
We are leaving for the letter "Zh".


This letter is wide
And it looks like a beetle.
Yes, at the same time, just like a beetle,
Makes a buzzing sound:

Humming over a meadow on a hot day
Swirling bees
And the hairy bumblebee, and the horsefly,
And the cockchafer is heavy.

But there is another buzzing sound:
It’s not a gadfly or a beetle that’s buzzing,
Not a friendly swarm of bees,
Not a red bumblebee or a mosquito...
With a buzzing rushes towards the fire
Car after car.

Everyone must have seen the house
Two floors or higher
With a large yard and garage
And a tower on the roof.
Look - on the top floor
The firefighters are sitting.
And below - in a bright garage
Cars are looking at the door.

The duty officer gives a signal,
And in a moment one
Runs out of the gate
Squad of vehicles.

The child may be in a hut,
Jokingly, he lit the fire.
Or soot flared up in the pipe,
Or the haystack caught fire,
A house or barn is on fire
In the silence of the night or during the day,
A buzzing bullet to the fire
Firefighters are flying.

Finish off the fire - the evil robber,
And now it’s back
Daringly rushes together
Firefighters squad.

But a cloud rises in the sky.
Surely there will be a storm.
It's time for us to get on the plane
We are flying to the letter “3”.


Look at this letter
She's just like the number three.
You will find the letter “Z” in the star,
And in gold and in rose,
In the earth, in diamond, in turquoise,
At dawn, in winter, in frost.
And in the ringing greenery of birches,
And in ripe strawberries...

And we are flying with you to the collective farm,
Where everything is green.
The collective farm gardens are noisy,
The green grass is ringing,
And even in the mirror of water
There is greenery reflected.
The thunderstorm will not scare us,
We are flying above the clouds.
And our eyes are blinded along the way
Long sunset ray.

There's a big collective farm across the river,
Green meadows.
In the silence of a herd of cows and goats
They chew with their horns bowed.

The boys lit a fire
From herbs and dried wood,
So that the mosquitoes fly away
From the bluish haze.
We're on green grass
We sit down between the guys.
We invite them to come to Moscow.
- In winter! - They say.

We bake potatoes in ash.
But we have to leave.
And, scattering across the ground,
We're taking off again.
We're flying up, we're flying forward
Through the storm clouds
And they flew to the factory,
What does it give to our homeland?

There are a lot of people working here
Creating machines.
Built from many parts
Three-ton cargo truck.
Built from many parts
Motor, gearbox,
Both the body and the cabin,
Bridges - and the whole car.

All of these parts
You can't assemble it with your hands.
They are on a movable tape
They go to each other themselves.
And the tape moves forward
And days and nights long.
And now, when the time comes,
The motor will sit in place.
It's on the master's frame
They will adjust it carefully.

Now there is a motor on the frame,
The cabin where the driver sits.
The body will be installed now
For transportation of goods.

Having put on the wheels, the tank will be filled with
On the first path to gasoline.
Then they hand it over to the tester
Ready car.
The engine will start
And leaves the gate.

And for us, friends, it’s time to fly.
The weather has improved.
Be healthy, masters,
Factory workers!
The road runs like a snake,
And rivers are like streams.
Where is our path now?
Of course, to the letter “I”.


Descending smoothly from the heights,
We find a site.
The flags are already visible at the bottom.
We're about to land.

Having let go of your wheels,
Our steel bird
Not far from the letter "I"
It sits among the fields.

You are familiar with this letter.
There are two pegs standing side by side,
And between them there is a belt,
Extended obliquely.

Above the river at the cliff,
Hanging my head,
The willow glistens
Silver leaves.
On every branch flexible
Trembling in the breeze
Leaves like fish
In the fisherman's nets.

Trees rustle with leaves
Above the rippling waters.
Floats to the pier berths
Capital steamship.

And there on the hill above the river
Work goes on day after day,
The shavings crawl like a snake.
Cooking for children in the workshop
Wooden toys.

Artfully carved horse
Standing, ready for battle.
Just touch him for a reason
He will rush after you.

Here is a self-propelled steamer
And a train with a driver.
Just start it and it will go,
Yes, how else - with a whistle!

The masters showed us
Great job.
But it’s time for us to hit the road.
We're going to the plane.
We started the engine again
And, taking off from the ground,
We fly over the smooth steppe,
And suddenly we saw in the distance
A huge “And a short one.”


At the station "I Brief"
We were greeted with a riddle.
“Read and guess:
What to miss
So that you can have a bunny
Turn into a stutterer?

One of us for about three minutes
I thought about the solution
And he answered: “Erase the hook.”
Above the letter “And short”!

And at this time above the ground
A buzzing swarm of bees rushed by.
They fly like bullets.
The bees are flying and the forest is thick,
To build a new hive.
A swarm of bees flew up onto the maple tree,
Hanging in the green thicket.
And we will take the empty bag,
Let's catch the buzzing swarm.
The guys will carry the bag
As a gift for a beekeeper.
Let him store it on the collective farm
More honey for us.

And we'll go for now
To the next letter - to the letter "K".
We're flying through the clouds again.
But we have to get down
Here in front of us is the letter “K”.
It's hot. Not a breeze.
Let's go to the river to swim.


Bushes on steep banks
We are covered with shadow.
And we undressed - and bang!
We swam with the current.

We swam in the river for a long time,
We dug in the soft mud.
Then we rode in a shuttle
And they caught crucian carp.

Among the thick reeds,
Like along a forest path,
The shuttle slid, rustling slightly,
Water lilies were blooming all around.

And suddenly we hear in the distance
It's like a shot of a chase.
They go down from the mountain to the river
The trot of a light horse.

The guys are chasing the foals
Go swimming on the nearby beach,
And they play and play pranks,
They strive to bite each other
And well, roll in the sand.

Here is a black-maned bay horse
I drove the wave in circles,
Wandering underwater
With nimble feet.

A whirlpool boils in the river,
There is splashing and neighing,
While it goes under the willows
Fun swimming.

We stood by the river
Ready to go,
Watching how the haircuts
They splash water.

The cuckoo sang "cuckoo" to us
But we said goodbye
Horses, cuckoos, reeds
And a boat on the pier.

The pilot sat in the cockpit again,
Started my engines
And our plane took off
Into the heavenly spaces.
Where did he go now?
To the nearest letter - the letter "L".


On the grass of a forest clearing
Summer camp linen.
Look: in any tent
Things are folded in order.
There are no lazy people and sluts
In pioneer camps!

On the site with a light snake
The scarlet flag flies up.
This morning on the line
The pioneers gathered.

The sun rose with them,
Looks down at the guys
And in the rays of a strip of scarlet
Hundreds of ties are on fire.

Above the dining room there is a dome of the sky,
There is no ceiling above it.
They serve us loaves of bread
And jugs of milk.

We drank and ate
And, having said thank you to everyone,
We flew by car
TO new letter- to the letter "M".


The feather runs up and down,
Drawing the letter "M"
It's like going down to the Metro
And then you go up.

In the Metro on marble and granite
A soft light falls.
The staircase itself runs here
And there is no end to it.

One of the stairs rushes up,
The other one is going down.
You can walk along it yourself
If you want, stop, don’t move:
The step will take you!

Flashing, trains are rushing
On the rails near Moscow.
It's never hot in the Metro
There are no frosts in winter.

Walking between concrete walls
Silent breeze.
But visit the letter “N”
Our time has long come.


You will find the letter "N" in lead,
Both in nickel and zinc.
You will find it at the beginning and at the end,
And also in the middle.

You will find it in the sun and in the moon,
And in the blue ocean.
You will find in complete silence,
And in a ringing drum.

Can't exist without the letter "N"
The bottom of the barrel, the walls of the house.
Near the letter “N” is a typesetting shop.
He prepares books for everyone.

The writer wrote a story
And new riddles.
But I only wrote them once
Ink in a notebook.
You can't have a thick notebook
Rewrite it a hundred thousand times!
Books need to be printed.

Experienced people in typing
Type letters for a book
From a box without a lid.
A typesetter looks in the workshop
In an open notebook,
And letters with a careful hand
He puts them in a row - one to the other
On the plank - a workbench.

Carved lead letters
He places them in ranks deftly.
I reached the end of the page
And tied it with a rope.

But tiresome on the eyes
Antique typesetting work.
Let him work for us
Typesetting machine.

She will type the lines,
And he will cast it into records.
And you work like the one
Who writes on a typewriter?

Line to line, line to line,
The cast set fits.
And now it sparkles on the board
Lead page.

She will go to the next room,
It will fit firmly in the car.
And there’s a wet shaft in the car
The page will be smeared with paint.

The driver started the car,
And leaned a little on the blank sheet
Painted set
Paper has become a fairy tale!

So leaf by leaf is prepared,
Then they intertwine
And new fairy tales, a thick volume
Readers read.

At the letter “N” we will interrupt our hike.
We need to rest.
At "N" we will celebrate the New Year,
Winter will pass, spring will pass,
And then we hit the road again!


We see the school garden.
It is watered with fresh water.
People care about him
Spuds, flight.

There are windows on the ground here.
The glass shines in the sun.
Under them the onions grow in the warmth,
Radishes, carrots and beets.

Look, fresh cucumber
Lying sideways in the garden bed.
Hiding between the leaves, the sly one,
Plays hide and seek with us.

Here are the tomatoes, here is the salad,
But curly dill.
Vegetables won't be drowned here
Overgrown grass.
Let's go down the path from here
And we'll get to the letter "P".


Before us are birds from different countries.
There's a whole city of birds here!
Here is a pinkish pelican.
It has a pocket under its beak
For caught prey.

Here's a waddling penguin
The sea swimmer is agile.
And next to it is a blue peacock
Patterned tail spread out.

There's a parrot looking at you
Clicking his humpback beak,
And right there the quail sits
With speckled quail.

The same letter "P"
Turning right along the path,
This is what you will see:
Above the door there is an inscription: “Mail”.

Your letter arrived here,
And the postman delivered
It has a postage stamp on it
And he immediately sent him on his way.

It was given, for example,
Potapov Andrey.
And it’s time for us to get to the letter “R”
Get there quickly!


We met a student
And on his overcoat,
On the corners of the collar,
Two letters - "RU" - glittered.

And on a cap with a visor
Shiny key with a hammer.
Guys like him
The school can be proud of:
He is also a champion at work,
Both in dancing and in football.

No wonder the same student
Was the first one in the world
Penetrated into the vastness of space
On a rocket ship.

To all our young masters
Any rank, workshop
Builders and carpenters,
Electricians and painters
We wish you success!

But a locomotive whistle is heard,
We board the express train.
And our fellow driver
Will deliver to the letter "C".


A garden is being planted at the letter “C”
Guys from the hundredth school.
By spring the leaves will rustle
Newly established trees.

There will be grass and bushes here,
And poplars and maples.
And the sun will look from above
Green through every leaf.

A large flower garden was destroyed by a detachment
Nearby new school.
Let them fly from garden to garden
There are bees across the road!

Let every garden and square shine
With your colorful outfit.
Let there be the whole USSR
A continuous blooming garden!

The letter “C” has a pine forest.
Pine to pine, as if to match.
Thick trunks were cut down
And turned into boards
And the carpenters make tables from them
And they put together chairs.

And the most slender, flexible trunk
Went to serve on a sailboat
And the mast in the blue sea
Walking in the open air.

There is a zoo next door.
There behind the bars of the fences
Owls and owls live
Tits, ostriches, marmots,
Elephants, humpbacked bulls,
Shaggy cows.

Reindeer grazing
And the sable sleeps on the shelf.
And like dogs on a hot day,
The wolves are sitting, bored.

Cowardly gopher near the wall
Scurries about, rustling in the straw.
Huge elephants are standing
In your elephant house.

An old elephant sleeps calmly
And flaps his ears.
And there is a rumor that at night he
Tremble in front of mice.

Here are the gray ears sticking out
A well-fed hare.
And there is a family of bear cubs
Tumbling in the hay.

Hangs swinging by its tail
Funny monkey.
But it’s time for us to start with a “T.”
Let's run to the stop!


We've been on this journey for so long.
Our mothers miss you.
We should go to the telegraph office,
Send them telegrams!

A telegraph operator looks out from our window
Gives a thin sheet of paper,
And we write three words:
"Be healthy, be healthy."

They charge us for a telegram
The required fee.
And after a few minutes,
Knocking with the key, they pass
Words on the device.

They tell us that in an hour
Telegrams will be delivered.
But mom won't hear us...
I wish I could talk to my mom!

Before the carriage started,
We had time for a minute
We'll run to the phone.
And then they call us into the booth.

The telephone operator gives Moscow,
And we ourselves say:
- Goodbye! We're going to the letter "U"!
We shout into the phone to mom.


We go to school for an hour.
There are rows of desks,
And answer your lesson
Students at the map.

Here is the first schoolboy showed
Seas with your pointer.
Another found the Urals on it,
Then the Caucasian ridge.

The Urals are very small on the map,
Four fingers long.
There are no gorges or rocks on the map
And there are no factories where there is metal
The Urals are cooking for us.

The teacher read the story
And it’s like in the Urals
In the mines this hour
We visited you.

We stood by the stoves
Plant on Magnitka,
Where, like a sparkling stream,
Cast iron flows liquid.

Iron ore in the ground
I slept for countless years
Hidden in the depths of the dark,
But the miner got her,
And then the metal began to gurgle
In huge ovens

Now it will flow into buckets,
Covering us with heat.
Then into the open hearth furnace
He will go to the steelworkers.

But here the lesson ends.
The boys are going for a walk.
And naked in your living corner
Two youths are taken away.

Snakes live in the corner here.
We take them without fear.
But frogs and hedgehogs,
Hoopoe and turtle.

The turtle is the boss
Yunnat Uglov Volodya.
But it’s time for us to start with the letter “F”.
We are sailing on a ship.


Fanfares are heard in the distance:
On the pier at the pier
They came to meet our ship
Football fans.

Teams of two military schools
We came to play football.
Let's go watch this match.
Suvorov soldiers from the raid,
Having opened the game, they scored a goal
Nakhimovites at the gate.

And it’s good that it’s not your own!
But the judge's menacing whistle is heard.
The judge calls to order
Football ground.

Hot football game!
For the account equation
Nakhimov team scored a goal
Suvorovites are off to the door.

The game isn't over yet
And we get a whistle from the harbor
Reminds you that it's time
Set sail again.

Our ship sails all night.
The sea surface is calm.
And suddenly on the way we see a fleet
Soviet whaling.

He moves quickly towards the ground.
I miss home.
And a flag on every ship
I'm glad for the dear breeze.
Factory ships were sailing
Almost to the very pole.
They are often with mountains of ice
And they fought the storms.

And the whale is a wandering giant
A wave washed over them
And the fountain threw up
Five meters high.

The flotilla is taking it to the Union
Whale oil, whalebone,
The loot isn't bad!
We escorted the ships
And they went to the harbor themselves
To the nearest letter "X".


Not far from the letter "X"
The heaps turn white like snow
Cleaned cotton.

Where is this snow coming from?
It gives a wonderful fruit
Cotton box.
Box full of fiber.
Seeds are ripening in the box.
When in the fall does she
He will open his doors,
Cleaning days are coming.

Cleaning is hard work.
The cotton will be picked diligently
Collective farms-cotton growers.
Then they will take it to the warehouses,
From there - to the factories.

But again we are going to the collective farm.
We met the artist.
He brought a box of paints
And your own machine - a tripod.

The artist brought a notebook,
And white canvas on the frame,
He began to draw with charcoal,
And we use pencils.

We drew from the hill
Collective farm fields, houses.
Harvesting grain in the fields
And the sky is above the fields.
Drew a shepherd
On the porch of the house.
Then, leaving the letter "X",
We went to the letter "C".


At the letter "C", taking out a ticket,
We visited the circus.
The bear drives a motorcycle
And herons are passengers.

And here is the circus rider
Prancing on a donkey.
Feet up, head down
He stands on the saddle.

Here are two bear brothers
The chain was pulled
And the acrobat monkey
Rocking on the chair.

On the monkey's shoulder
Dog dancer...
But it’s time for us to start with the letter “C”
Hurry up from here!


On the way we got thirsty.
And suddenly in the dense thicket
We see a thin thread
The forest stream is babbling.

What sweet water
Here - in a thicket unfamiliar!
We have never had such water
Haven't tried it at home.

Having filled the kettle over the edge,
We boiled the water
And very tasty, fresh tea
In the forest they drank from cups.

Then we went, slowly,
To the next letter - to the letter “Ш”.


Let's walk, walk, step by step
All day without stopping.
And so we came to the department store
Buy new clothes for your relatives.

Sellers in a department store
They showed us scarves
Various silk samples
And woolen shawls
There are hats, hats for the guys
They are in the same section
In another they hang on hangers
And fur coats and overcoats...

In the stall to the right there is chocolate.
There is lemonade in the stall to the left.
There is just no borscht for us here.
We’ll find it at the letter “Ш”!


At this hissing letter
Cabbage soup and borscht are boiling in cauldrons.
How many beets, how many rutabaga
And cabbages on the tables!

How many onions
In a big frying pan!
Bream and carp, crucian carp and pike
They float quietly in the water.

Before each new shift
They clean it up here.
They wash the floor and walls for a long time,
Clean the stove with brushes.

Everything is polished to a shine.
Light streams from the pots.
Here is a meat cutting machine
Chops meat for cutlets.

Machine peels vegetables
Grinds coffee, cuts cheese,
And with a long ribbon of potatoes
The uniform itself is removed.

Food fresh and healthy
Feeds the people to their full
This roast factory
Rich cabbage soup plant!

We had a nice lunch
The generous letter "Ш".
In total we tasted here:
And pike and borscht.

And early in the morning on an empty stomach
We went to the letter “Solid Sign”.
But they couldn't find it
Not a solid sign
Not a soft sign...

b, b

We thought for a long time on the way,
Where can we find these signs?
And after reflection
We decided to send to the press
This ad:
Not a dog
And two
Printed sign.
Finding them nearby is tricky.
But maybe, however,
One word will be found,
Where will both signs be?

In one of the morning newspapers
We read the answer a day later
From schoolboy Listov
From the city of Rostov.

Ilya Listov responded like this:
"Both a hard sign and a soft sign
You'll find it in an instant.
You will find them
When you read it
Your own announcement!

We have read the advertisement
And they found both signs in him.
And we wrote to Rostov:
“Thank you, Ilya Listov!”
Then in the car
We drove down the mountain
And they drove quickly
To the station "Ery".

That's what she's been called for hundreds of years
Before us, in the old days.
And now this letter we
We usually call it "Y".


We look - at the station "Ery"
Painters paint fences.
We asked the painters:
- Tell me, painters,
Where to find a dozen words
Which ones have “eras”?

The painters answered us:
- There is no such case,
So that this very “era”
Was at the beginning of the word.

This letter happens
At the end and in the middle.
At the end of cabbage, rutabaga
And in the middle of the melon.

You can easily find "eras"
In the words “bonfires” and “axes”.
In the “bottle” and in the “trough”.
Three more words starting with "er"
You choose it yourself!

Saying thank you to the painters,
We drove through the mountains
They rushed off like feathers
On a smooth, even track
And they saw the letter "E"
Similar to the ear.


He brought us to this letter
Not a steam locomotive - an electric locomotive.
He got us home in a short time.
He was pushed by an electric current.

The power grid carries us current,
So that the light bulbs can burn,
So that until dawn
The lanterns were shining brightly.

We entered the bright hall in single file,
There, lined up in a row,
Cars buzz like bumblebees
They hum mysteriously.

They don't weave, they don't sew
And they don’t spin for us.
And what they give us
Invisible to the eye.

Wires coming from the house
To the west, to the east.
Along them to collective farms and cities
Electric current is running.

That's why we are this home
We call it a power plant.
The same letter has a screen
Large canvas.

Before you board the airplane,
We watched a movie.
We saw a newsreel
Chapaevtsev in battle.
Then the bus rushed us away
To the main airport terminal.
We fly to the letter "U".


On the way, in an unknown land
The compass is our best friend.
One capital letter "U"
South is marked on it.

And the arrow is light - a magnet
It looks towards the North with its tip.
The North is enough for me to find,
And I will in a short time
I can determine on the way,
Where are the West, South, East.

We're flying above the clouds
South by compass,
To the seashore, to Southern Crimea,
Where there are no blizzards in winter.
In the South we went to the sea.
The shafts are running and making noise.
We look: he is launching ships
A group of guys.

One of them showed us
The structure of the ship.
“This,” he says, “is the steering wheel.”
Or the steering wheel.
- Here are the decks! - said the sailor.
The front one's name is
In our nautical language, it’s “tank”,
And the stern one is “yut”.

And long with the young sailor
We had a conversation.
He is very familiar with the sea
And he knows ships.

He told us along the way
What the Navy loves so much
And he’s thinking about going to yoongi,
He's just growing up a little.

The daring Chernomorets and I
We parted as friends.
And, leaving Southern Crimea,
Let's rush to the letter "I".


From the letter "A" to the letter "Z"
The Amu Darya river flows.
The Amu Darya is full of water.
Her mighty stream
He will go to where he is now
Still deserted lands,
Sandy deserts.

Let it be in the sands, where the spiders are
Yes, lizards lived
The beeps echo
And cotton soft bales
Cars are being transported.

May this land be rich in grain,
Anhydrous and barren.
Let the apples and berries harvest
Brings every year!

From the letter "A" to the letter "Z"
The Amu Darya river flows.
From the letter "A" to the letter "Z"
My alphabet is coming.

Trains carried us along it,
Sea ships.
We've seen cities
Collective farms and factories.

We were flying on an airplane,
They went down, they flew up.
We sailed on a light boat,
Shaking in the car.

And here we are, friends,
We are down to the last letter - “I”.
And this letter is why
Considered to be the last
What are you doing to yourself?
Don't put it in the front row.

They can’t wait in our country
Honor, glory, honor
Those who have “I” and “me”
They come first!

The people are smart and not in vain
Arranged the letters of the primer.
Memorize these letters.
There are more than three dozen of them,
And for you they are the keys
To all good books.

Don't forget to take it on the road
A bunch of magic keys.
You will find a way into any story,
You will enter any fairy tale.

Will you read books about animals?
Plants and machines.
You will visit the seas
And on gray peaks.

You will find an example of courage
In your favorite book.
You will see the entire USSR,
The whole Earth from this tower.

Wonderful lands for you
Will open the path from “A” to “Z”.

Swarming is a process during which the old queen, together with some of the worker bees, leaves the hive to found a new colony. If after her exit there are still many insects left in the home, then the emergence of several sub-swarms (secondary swarms) consisting of barren queens and worker bees is possible.

If the catch is successful, the swarm will help expand the apiary and bring good profit: swarms are famous for their rapid increase in numbers. In addition, such a “hunt” is quite interesting and exciting.

Particularly valuable are wandering swarms of wild insects. They are characterized by excellent performance, increased resistance to various diseases and adverse weather conditions. As a result, it is possible to create many bee families, differing in genotype.

In modern beekeeping, the ancient method of catching bees has been almost forgotten. Now beekeepers are trying to prevent swarming, as it often leads to the loss of a bee colony.

Catching a swarm will benefit not only the beekeeper, but also the bees. Many insects, having left the apiary, die because they do not find a home or do not have time to stock up on honey for the winter. In such cases, catching the swarm saves the bees' lives.

The best option is to catch swarms with traps, but other methods are also known. Now let's take a closer look at how to catch a swarm of bees.

How to catch a swarm with a trap

A trap is an ordinary wooden box with frames placed inside. You can buy it either. For correct installation This design will have to stock up on rope, wire and a ladder.

First you need to carefully examine the tree and find a shady place on it, hidden from prying eyes. The trap is then pulled to the selected position with a rope and firmly secured with wire so that the structure can withstand strong winds. Then you need to walk around the tree, looking up to make sure that the trap is invisible from below.

How to find the right place

Where should traps be installed? There are several options.

In the forest

The most common place when catching a wild swarm is a tree growing in a forest or forest plantation. The box for catching the swarm is placed at a height of 5-7 meters so that predators cannot reach it. If it is not possible to raise the trap high enough, then you can place it at a height of 3-4 meters.

You need to choose a strong and tall tree (preferably well branched) so that it is noticeable and does not sway too much in the wind. Optimal choice pine or oak will become, especially if they grow near a clearing with honey plants or a clearing. If possible, it is advisable to hang the trap on a tall tree growing alone on the shore of a reservoir.

Near the field

If there are no forests nearby, then a field is suitable for catching a swarm, because this is where the bees fly for nectar. You should install the hive at the edge of the field or attach the trap to a tree growing nearby.

In the garden

It is not necessary to go to the forest or field for a swarm. You can try to catch bees in your garden during the flowering period of fruit trees. Flowers of plants serve as a source of delicacy for insects - nectar. Therefore, you can attach a trap to them or simply place a beehive with bait in the garden.

If there are no fruit plants in the garden, but there are linden trees, then the bees will also fly into the yard.

When to set traps

You need to know not only where to set bee traps, but also when to set them. This work should be done in May. It is in this month that swarming begins. It lasts until August.

Traps should be inspected frequently. The faster a swarm can be moved to an apiary, the higher the likelihood that a new swarm will fall into a trap located in a good location.

How to attract a swarm

The trap should be placed in the shade so that it is not too stuffy inside. It is necessary to ensure that the entrance is not covered by branches and is easily accessible. There should be no holes or anthills under the tree.

Disguise made from camouflage fabric or branches and bark will help attract bees. It is recommended to anoint the walls of the trap with propolis tincture or rub with basil, peppermint or lemon mint.

Good bait would be honey, wax, propolis, sugar syrup or special preparations (Apiroy, Sanroy, Uniroy).

Removing Traps

Traps should be checked periodically (every 7-8 days). If you notice bees during the inspection, you should leave and return before sunset. But don’t immediately remove the trap. First, it is better to put your ear to it and lightly tap on the wall.

If a loud buzzing sound is detected, then you can congratulate yourself on your success - a swarm has flown into the box. If the buzzing is weak or generally quiet inside, then scouts flew to the trap during the day, and the swarm will appear in 1-5 days. But only if the scouts decided that the living conditions were suitable.

If the swarm is trapped, then at dusk you need to climb a tree, close the entrance with a fine mesh using a stapler, and remove the house down (manually or on a rope). For illumination, you will need a flashlight with a red light (the eyes of bees do not perceive it).

Important! If the apiary is located at a distance of less than 5 kilometers from the place of capture, then the trap must be transported 7-8 kilometers in the opposite direction and left there for 7 days. If you immediately take the swarm to the apiary, the insects will return to the place where they were caught.

How to catch a swarm using a beehive

You don't have to make a trap. You can also use a beehive, which will greatly simplify the work and will not take much time. How to catch a swarm of bees in an empty hive?

You should take a simple hive, consisting of one body, and place 6 frames in it: this number is considered optimal. If there are a lot of frames, then only a small family will be able to live in the hive, and if there are few, then the insects will most likely fly by. It is also advisable to give the walls of the house, like the traps, a scent attractive to bees.

Wild bees are more attracted to old structures. Domestic insects can also settle on new frames. The hive should be checked regularly. But you shouldn't move it to another place. It is possible that the scouts had previously noticed the hive, and due to its rearrangement, the family will not be able to move into it.

When insects populate the hive, it is better not to rush to transfer it to the apiary. It is advisable to give the bees time to get comfortable and get used to the new house.

How to catch a swarm without a trap

Experienced apiary owners are on duty during the swarming period in order to catch the swarm flying out of the hive. How to catch bees if a swarm has landed on a branch? To catch it, you will need several simple devices: a swarm (the so-called special net for catching bees), an empty hive, a spray bottle filled with water, a ladder and a pole equipped with a hook.

If a swarm lands on a tree, the beekeeper climbs the stairs to the scion and treats the bees with water. Then he attaches the scythe to the pole, hooks it on a branch and kills the wet insects that are unable to fly. You need to try to shake off as many bees as possible the first time.

If the queen gets into the swarm, then the rest of the insects will fly after her. The swarm is usually left near the tree for a couple of hours. During this time, all the bees will gather in it, after which they can be moved into a new home.

It makes catching a swarm much easier if it forms near the ground. It is enough to spray the bees with water and then collect them with a scoop into a swarm. The following video will help you see how to catch a swarm of bees for a beginner.

To properly catch a swarm, you need to remember a few secrets:

  • To place the trap, it is necessary to select quiet areas, away from noisy roads, farms and animal habitats.
  • In the forest, you should choose trees growing near the edges, near clearings, on the banks of lakes or streams.
  • Traps should be installed so that they are invisible to random passers-by.
  • When installing trap boxes, you should take into account the flight routes of bees to the honey collection.
  • It is advisable to place traps not far from the apiary (but not on it) or near the habitat of wild bees. Also a good option– flowering gardens or fields with honey plants. There should be a pond nearby (at a distance of 100-200 meters).
  • It is recommended to make the walls of the trap light to avoid overheating.
  • Some manuals indicate that the entrance should be directed south. In reality, the direction of the tap hole does not really matter.
  • It is better to place a swarm trap in advance, since the scouts begin searching for the swarming site half a month before leaving the hive.
  • To find out that a swarm has settled in a trap, you need to constantly listen to it.
  • If a swarm has flown into a trap, then after sunset you need to cover the entrance and then carefully transfer the insects to the apiary.
  • The released trap can be installed back, having previously smeared its front part and the entrance with a decoction of herbs or wax.
  • To ensure that insects do not suffer from heat during transportation, it is necessary to ensure the supply of air to them. To do this, lift the lid, tie it and the upper part of the body with gauze. Then, loosening the gauze, the lid is pulled out.

When catching bees, you should mainly rely on luck, since it is impossible to predict the result. You can spend a lot of time and not catch a single swarm. But if luck smiles on you, you will be able to form an apiary without significant costs.