Astrology. Editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Astrologer" - Kopylov Vladimir Mikhailovich Exclusive advertising in the magazine

People learned to make astrological forecasts many centuries ago in order to be better prepared for the surprises that fate has in store for us. Orientation in real life by celestial bodies is one of the ways to lift the veil of the future. The stars are able to tell us about upcoming events and determine our actions.

Everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to believe or not to believe in an astrological forecast, but the fact that astrology is a real science with its own research methods and indisputable results is beyond doubt. No astrological forecast claims to be perceived as the only possible truth. Star predictions provide us with a guide, something to think about and recommendations that may or may not be carried out depending on the individual's personal wishes. Everyone is free to build their destiny according to their own scenario, but the stars can help us avoid some mistakes, seize a lucky chance in time and simply make life a little easier and brighter.

Professional magazine "Astrology" published regularly since 1997 every quarter and is aimed at people seriously interested in astrology - both professional astrologers and those studying astrology to satisfy their own needs.
Due to its volume, the magazine "Astrology" allows you to cover the entire spectrum of astrology from A to Z, from methodological materials to fundamental works.
The magazine “Astrology” also publishes materials on areas close to astrology: psychology, TAROT, spiritual practices, occultism, feng shui, mantle, etc.
The magazine "Astrology" is registered by the Russian Federation Press Committee, registration certificate No. 015012 dated June 24, 1996

Chief Editor magazine "Astrology" - Kopylov Vladimir Mikhailovich.

Archive of the magazine "Astrology"


  • Subscription at post offices (at the post office)
  • For subscription to the magazine "Astrology" for 2019 and its delivery must be contacted to post offices (by post office) and CRPA "Rospechat", as well as to shops and kiosks"Rospechat" or other distributors.

    Catalog index "Rospechat" (it has a red, blue and white cover):

    For current subscription - 71726

    For an annual subscription - 45940

  • Address subscription
  • - Addressed subscription through the editorial office

    To the magazine "Astrology" for 2019 You can subscribe to the editorial office. In this case, you will receive the next issues by mail at the conventions.

    Cost of subscription to the magazine "Astrology" for 2019 For Russia/

    CIS (Belarus and Kazakhstan) for 1 room - 400/650 rubles, for six months (2 rooms) - 800/1300 rubles, for the whole of 2019 - 1800/2600 rubles.

    You can also order any of the issues of Astrology magazine that you missed or did not receive in due time.
    The cost of 1 copy of the magazine "Astrology", published in 1997-2006 gg., with mailing for Russia/CIS is 340/570 rubles, issued in 2007-2012 gg. - 350/580 rub.

    for 2013-17 for Russia/CIS for 1 issue - 360/590 rubles, for six months (set - 2 issues) - 720/1180 rubles, for the entire year 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 or 2017 (set - 4 issues) - 1400/ 2300 rub.

    The cost of ordering already published issues of the magazine “Astrology” in 2018 for Russia/CIS for 1 issue - 370/600 rubles, for six months (set - 2 issues) - 720/1200 rubles, for the whole of 2018 (set - 4 issues) - 1400/2300 rubles.

    Money for an address subscription must be transferred to the editorial office:

    119048, Moscow, PO Box 151

    Kopylov Vladimir Mikhailovich

    by postal, telegraphic or electronic transfer, in which you clearly and in detail indicate your address and what the money was transferred for.

    ATTENTION: We now accept payments via electronic payment systems !

    Now you can, without leaving your home and from behind your computer, order and pay for the programs, books, topics of our Correspondence School of Astrology, consultations with an astrologer and our other services that interest you.

    Payment must be made on Yandex-Money ruble account, which we will inform you upon your request after agreeing on your order.

    - Address subscription at post offices (at the post office)

    A targeted subscription to the magazine “Astrology” for 2019 can also be obtained by "United catalogue" Postal Department of the Ministry of Communications Russian Federation(it has a green cover)


    Index - 42489.

  • Subscription via INTERNET
  • A special offer for those who are already accustomed to living on the INTERNET. Now you can subscribe to our publications via the INTERNET.

    Internet address (there are other addresses) where you can subscribe to our publications - the Astrologer newspaper and Astrology magazine (follow the site instructions):

    We draw the attention of visitors to this site to the fact that this website is exclusively informational in nature and under no circumstances do the information materials and prices posted on the site constitute a public offer as defined by the provisions of Articles 435 and 437 Civil Code RF.

    We do not distribute content. All materials are presented for informational purposes only. Reproduction of materials from this site is possible only with our written permission.

    For urgent, prompt communication with the editors, when landline phones don't work You can call a specially designated mobile phone: 8-963-666-82-24.

    - discoverer of Russian astrology (the newspaper “Astrologer” is registered by the State Committee for Press, registration certificate No. 577 dated October 17, 1990),
    - works in real time, promptly informing its readers about the past, present and future.
    The Astrologer newspaper is published regularly 27 years Once a month (6 times every six months or 12 times a year) at the end of each month of the year.

    The editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Astrologer" is Vladimir Mikhailovich Kopylov.

    Archive of the newspaper "Astrologer"

  • The newspaper "Astrologer" in 1999
  • Subscription

  • Subscription at post offices (at the post office)

  • For questions about subscribing to the newspaper “Astrologer” for 2019 and its delivery must be contacted to post offices (by post office) and CRPA "Rospechat", as well as to shops and kiosks"Rospechat" or other distributors.

    Catalog index "Rospechat" (it has a red, blue and white cover):

    For current subscription - 50076

    For an annual subscription - 32628

  • Address subscription

  • - Addressed subscription through the editorial office

    To the newspaper "Astrologer" for 2019 You can subscribe to the editorial office. In this case, you will receive the next issues by mail at the conventions.

    Cost of subscription to the newspaper “Astrologer” for 2019 for Russia/CIS for 1 issue - 100/180 rubles, for six months (6 issues) - 600/1080 rubles, for the whole of 2019 - 1200/2160 rubles.

    You can also order any of the issues of the Astrologer newspaper that you missed or did not receive in due time.

    The cost of 1 copy of the newspaper “Astrologer”, published before 01/01/2002, with mailing for Russia/CIS, is 80/140 rubles, published in 2002-

    2012 - 85/150 rub.

    The cost of ordering already published issues of the newspaper “Astrologer” for 2013-15 for Russia/CIS for 1 issue - 90/160 rubles, for six months (set - 6 issues) - 540/960 rubles, for the entire 2013, 2014 or 2015 (set - 12 issues) - 1000/1800 rubles, for 2016-2018 for Russia/CIS for 1 issue - 95/170 rubles, for six months (6 issues) - 570/1020 rubles, for the entire 2016, 2017 or 2018 (annual set - 12 issues) - 1050/1900 rubles.

    When paying and ordering annual kits

    already published issues of the newspaper "Astrologer" there is an opportunity to save a little (about 10 percent) by reducing postage costs for sending an entire annual set of the newspaper "Astrologer" compared to the costs of sending the same number of newspapers "Astrologer" annual set separately by post each number.

    Money for “addressed subscription through the editorial office” must be transferred to the editorial office address:

    119048, Moscow, PO Box 151

    Kopylov Vladimir Mikhailovich

    by postal, telegraphic or electronic transfer, in which you clearly and in detail indicate your address and what the money was transferred for.

    ATTENTION: We now accept payments via electronic payment systems !

    Now you can, without leaving your home and from behind your computer, order and pay for the programs, books, topics of our Correspondence School of Astrology, consultations with an astrologer and our other services that interest you.

    Payment must be made on Yandex-Money ruble account, which we will inform you upon your request after agreeing on your order.

    - Address subscription at post offices (at the post office)

    A targeted subscription to the Astrologer newspaper for 2019 can also be obtained by "United catalogue" Postal Department of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation

    (it has a green cover) .

    Index - 42488.

  • Subscription via INTERNET

  • A special offer for those who are already accustomed to living on the INTERNET. Now you can subscribe to our publications via the INTERNET.

    Address on the Internet (there are other addresses) where you can subscribe to our publications - the Astrologer newspaper and the magazine Astrology "(follow the instructions on the site):

    We draw the attention of visitors to this site to the fact that this website is for informational purposes only and under no circumstances do the information materials and prices posted on the site constitute a public offer as defined by the provisions of Articles 435 and 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

    We do not distribute content. All materials are presented for informational purposes only. Reproduction of materials from this site is possible only with our written permission.

    Help and additional information

    Circulation: 295,000 copies. Format: A4. R distribution: Russia. 1 time per month

    Exclusive advertising in the magazine

    Monthly "Secrets of Astrology" - produced since 2012, publishing house S-Media. Over the course of several years, the publication has already developed a circle of regular readers who are interested in astrology, horoscopes, and fortune telling.

    The word astrology translated from Old Slavonic means starology, and translated from Ancient Greek means star, thought, reason. Many people are fascinated by the starry sky, people wonder what influence the stars can have on their lives, and whether it is possible to learn about their future, and about the future of loved ones, by studying the relationship of stars and planets in the sky at key moments in a person’s life. And this is where astrology comes in! People are switching to new level understanding similar, cyclical events, both in heaven and on earth. The following is the conclusion that there are correlations between processes unfolding in parallel. In other words, first, patterns in recurring events on Earth and in the sky are identified, then they are systematized, and then future events on Earth are predicted.

    Magazine "Secrets of Astrology", namely, for such a readership, thinking and enthusiastic. Among the regular columns of the magazine: the secrets of the Universe and fantastic discoveries, astrology and magic, the past, present and future of our planet; celestial news; long-term astrological influences and practical recommendations; astrological chronicles; news reports and historical references; astrological health calendar; forecast of planetary influence. A reader's forum is organized on the pages of the publication. A professional astrologer answers letters from readers. In addition, in the newspaper you can find classical and financial horoscopes, news of astronomy, astrophysics and astronautics. There is even a section “Astrologer's School”, where practical lessons on astrology are organized for readers.

    Magazine "Secrets of Astrology" Published once a month, on 32 pages in A4 format. The publication's circulation is distributed throughout Russia, by subscription and retail, in largest networks press sales, in grocery stores Dixy and Magnit, as well as in 42,000 branches of the Russian Post, have recently amounted to 295,000 copies. In the magazine "Secrets of Astrology" it is appropriate to advertise goods and services, as well as dietary supplements that contribute to the health of the human body.