Chemical industry. Global chemical industry And everything is good, friends

Chemical industry of the world

Presentation prepared by Kuriy S.A., geography teacher, Makushinskaya Secondary School No. 1

Chemical industry

  • the second leading industry after electronics, which most quickly ensures the introduction of scientific and technological progress into all spheres of the economy and helps accelerate the development of productive forces in each country.
  • A feature of the modern chemical industry is the orientation of the main high-tech industries (pharmaceuticals, polymer materials, reagents and highly pure substances), as well as products of perfumery, cosmetics, household chemicals, etc. to ensure the daily needs of a person and his health.

Features of the chemical industry

  • high research costs
  • continuous improvement of technological processes
  • use of an increasingly diverse range of raw materials and intermediate products
  • chemicalization of household and everyday life
  • There is practically no area of ​​human activity where chemical products are not widely used

Sectoral structure of the chemical industry

  • mining and chemical industry associated with the extraction and enrichment of mining chemical raw materials - phosphorites, table and potassium salts, sulfur, etc.;
  • basic chemical industry (production of mineral fertilizers, acids, salts, alkalis, etc.);
  • industry of polymer materials, based primarily on organic synthesis and including the production of synthetic resins and plastics, chemical fibers, synthetic rubber, synthetic dyes, etc.

Placement factors

  • mining chemical and basic chemical industries - in developing countries
  • organic synthesis - in developed countries
  • many chemical enterprises in Asia, Africa and Latin America actually belong to the largest multinationals of Western countries, such as DuPont, Dow Chemical (USA), Bayer, BASF, Hoechst (Germany), Imperial Chemical Industries (Great Britain), Montadison (Italy)

Sulfuric acid production

  • The top ten countries for the production of sulfuric acid include developed Western countries (USA, Japan, Canada, France, Germany, Spain), countries with economies in transition (Russia, Ukraine), and developing countries (China, Brazil).

Production of mineral fertilizers

  • in first place is foreign Asia (about 40%),
  • in second place is North America (25),
  • third - CIS countries (15)
  • in fourth place is Western Europe (12%).

Plastics production

  • Main features of geography:
  • 1) strong concentration of their production - ten industrialized countries of the world produce 3/4 of plastics, and the three largest ones - more than 1/2;
  • 2) the US maintaining its leading role throughout 1950-1995;
  • 3) a change in the composition of the ten leading countries (for the first time they included a number of newly industrialized countries and the PRC);
  • 4) the role of Asia in the industry has sharply increased: this region is close to North America and is ahead of Western Europe.

Chemical fiber industry

  • The scope of their application in the economy and household consumption is constantly growing.
  • The production of these fibers per capita in the world has increased significantly: in 1950 - only 0.7 kg, in 1995 - about 4 kg.
  • In some countries they were even greater: Japan and Germany - 13 kg each, USA - 14, Austria - 17, Republic of Korea - 41, o. Taiwan - 116 kg (in Russia - 1.5 kg, China - 2.2 kg).

Synthetic rubber industry

  • Almost every region has now become a producer of synthetic rubber
  • The concentration of production in leading countries is high: our country, the USA and Japan together produced more than half of the synthetic rubber in the world.

Phosphate Fertilizer Industry

  • The best quality type of phosphorus raw material - apatite (the content of useful substance in its concentrate reaches 40%) is developed in Russia (Khibiny), and phosphorites that are inferior in quality (up to 30% of useful substance with admixtures of other elements) are developed in addition to other CIS countries mined in China, North America (USA), and African countries.
  • As a result of the migration of phosphate fertilizer production, it moved from the leading region - the leader in 1950 - Western Europe to Asia. North America retained its role. In 1995, two regions - Asia and North America - began to produce over 2/3 of all phosphate fertilizers in the world.
  • The United States retains leadership in the world production of this type of fertilizer, but the role of China, India and Brazil is rapidly increasing.

Potash industry

  • North America (Canada, USA), Eastern Europe (Russia, Belarus) and, to a lesser extent, Western Europe (Germany, France), as well as Asia (Middle East, China), are especially notable for their resources.
  • The location of the production of potash fertilizers is much more confined to deposits of potassium salts.

Pharmaceutical industry

  • the cost of 1 ton of its products is the highest in the chemical industry.
  • There are a large number of companies in the pharmaceutical industry: in the USA - more than 1100, among them many large ones, in Japan - 1500 companies, but 75% of them are small companies.
  • Most of the large ones are TNCs with firms and enterprises in other countries. The world's top 20 TNCs account for 60% of drug sales.

Rubber industry.

  • The concentration of their production by country and region is very high: the ten leading countries produce more than 3/4 of the world's tires, and the four leading countries produce more than 1/2. North America has been and remains the leading region, and Asia is rapidly catching up with it.

Three main regions of the world

  • a region of foreign Europe that produces approximately 1/3 of all products in this industry. (Great Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, partly France).
  • North America region (30%), the leading role in which belongs to the USA
  • East and Southeast Asia. Its core is Japan (18%), where a powerful petrochemical industry emerged in seaports based on imported oil.

The chemical industry is one of the vanguard industries that ensures economic development in the era of scientific and technological revolution. The development of the entire economy depends on its development, since it provides other industries with new materials, agriculture with mineral fertilizers and plant protection products, and the population with a variety of household chemicals.

Qualitative changes in the chemical industry under the influence of scientific and technological revolution: 1. The transition of many industries from coal raw materials to oil and gas; 2. The emergence of chemical products with predetermined properties, which may be better than products made from natural raw materials; 3. Organic synthesis chemistry products have taken a leading position in the industry; 4. Significant updating of the range of chemical products; 5. Constant modernization of technological processes.

The chemical industry has a complex industrial composition. Branches of the chemical industry Location principles Examples of developed countries Examples of developing countries Mining chemical: extraction and processing of rock and potassium salts, phosphorites, apatites, nepheline, sulfur, nitrate, barite, etc. Raw materials USA Canada Russia South Africa Spain Portugal Chile Peru Morocco India Brazil Mexico

Branches of the chemical industry Location principles Examples of developed countries Examples of developing countries Basic chemistry: 1. Production of sulfuric acid Consumer USA China Russia Japan Ukraine France Morocco India Brazil 2. Production of potash fertilizers Raw materials, consumer Russia USA Israel Jordan Chile Brazil Cuba 3. Production of phosphate fertilizers Raw materials USA Russia Portugal South Africa Morocco Chile 4. Production of nitrogen fertilizers Consumer USA Russia China Canada Japan India Brazil

Chemical industry sectors Location principles Examples of developed countries Examples of developing countries Organic synthesis chemistry: production of plastics, synthetic fibers and synthetic rubber Consumer USA Japan Germany France Netherlands Italy Russia Brazil Mexico India Venezuela

There are four main regions in the global chemical industry: the USA, Foreign Europe, the CIS and Japan. In developing countries, until recently, this industry was represented mainly by the extraction of raw materials. However, since the energy crisis, the chemical industry has grown much faster in countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, especially those rich in oil and gas resources. Large petrochemical complexes came into operation in the countries of the Persian Gulf, North Africa, Mexico and Venezuela.

Conclusions The chemistry of organic synthesis and the production of sulfuric acid are represented mainly in developed countries. In developing countries, until recently, this industry was represented mainly by the extraction of raw materials. However, since the energy crisis, the chemical industry has grown much faster in countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, especially those rich in oil and gas resources. Large petrochemical complexes came into operation in the countries of the Persian Gulf, North Africa, Mexico and Venezuela.

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The chemical industry is a complex industry that uses raw materials of organic and inorganic origin to create new materials with specified properties. Raw Materials

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The chemical industry is one of the vanguard industries that ensures economic development in the era of scientific and technological revolution. The development of the entire economy depends on its development, since it provides other industries with new materials, agriculture with mineral fertilizers and plant protection products, and the population with a variety of household chemicals.

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Qualitative changes in the chemical industry under the influence of scientific and technological revolution: 1. The transition of many industries from coal raw materials to oil and gas; 2. The emergence of chemical products with predetermined properties, which may be better than products made from natural raw materials; 3. Organic synthesis chemistry products have taken a leading position in the industry; 4. Significant updating of the range of chemical products; 5. Constant modernization of technological processes.

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The chemical industry has a complex industrial composition. Branches of the chemical industry Placement principles Examples of developed countries Examples of developing countries Mining and chemical: extraction and processing of rock and potassium salts, phosphorites, apatites, nepheline, sulfur, nitrate, barite, etc. Raw materials USA Canada Russia South Africa Spain Portugal Chile Peru Morocco India Brazil Mexico

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Branches of the chemical industry Placement principles Examples of developed countries Examples of developing countries Basic chemistry: 1. Production of sulfuric acid Consumer USA China Russia Japan Ukraine France Morocco India Brazil 2. Production of potash fertilizers Raw materials, consumer Russia USA Israel Jordan Chile Brazil Cuba 3. Production of phosphate fertilizers Raw materials USA Russia Portugal South Africa Morocco Chile 4. Production of nitrogen fertilizers Consumer USA Russia China Canada Japan India Brazil

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Chemical industry sectors Location principles Examples of developed countries Examples of developing countries Organic synthesis chemistry: production of plastics, synthetic fibers and synthetic rubber Consumer USA Japan Germany France Netherlands Italy Russia Brazil Mexico India Venezuela

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There are four main regions in the global chemical industry: the USA, Foreign Europe, the CIS and Japan. In developing countries, until recently, this industry was represented mainly by the extraction of raw materials. However, since the energy crisis, the chemical industry has grown much faster in countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, especially those rich in oil and gas resources. Large petrochemical complexes came into operation in the countries of the Persian Gulf, North Africa, Mexico and Venezuela.

Slide 9

Conclusions The chemistry of organic synthesis and the production of sulfuric acid are represented mainly in developed countries. In developing countries, until recently, this industry was represented mainly by the extraction of raw materials. However, since the energy crisis, the chemical industry has grown much faster in countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, especially those rich in oil and gas resources. Large petrochemical complexes came into operation in the countries of the Persian Gulf, North Africa, Mexico and Venezuela.

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Class 10 "G"

Topic of the open lesson: Chemical, forestry and light industry of the world.

The purpose of the lesson: form an idea of ​​the global chemical, forestry and light industry.

Lesson objectives:

- Educational – characterize the composition, features of the development and location of the chemical, forestry and light industries of the world;

- Developmental – develop the ability to determine patterns of location of certain industries, the ability to work with atlas maps;

- Educational – to cultivate an understanding of the importance of studying geography, curiosity about the subject and a local history approach.

Equipment: political map of the world, atlas, textbook, handouts, presentation, videos.

Lesson type: learning new material.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time.

Greeting students. Checking equipment and teaching materials on desks.

II. Checking homework.

Test tasks(3, 4 slide)

1. Industry is the main branch of material production. Depending on the raw materials used,...

A) Mining and chemical industry

B) Manufacturing and engineering industry

C) Mining and manufacturing industry

D) Coal and oil and gas industry

2. How many people are employed in global industry?

A) 400 thousand

B) 500 million

C) 200 million

D) 700 thousand

3. Depending on the time of origin, industries are divided into 3 groups. Which?

A) old, new, newest

B) large, new, newest

C) large, knowledge-intensive, new

D) old, new, complex

4. The largest number of industrial areas are concentrated....

A) South America, CIS, Russia

B) Europe, USA, Canada, East Asia, CIS

C) Europe, USA, Russia, Germany

D) USA, Canada, East Asia, Central Asia

5. The fastest growing branch of global mechanical engineering is….

A) Mechanical engineering and metalworking

B) Mechanical engineering and chemical industry

C) Light industry

D) Electronic and electrical industry.

I II. Communicating the topic, purpose, objectives of the lesson and motivation for learning activities.

Modern industrialoutwealth is a component of the world economy, a leading industry in the production sector, and the main producer of material goods. But it was not always so. The first industrial enterprises were built approximately 240 years ago. These were weaving factories in England, an advanced Western European country at that time. It was Western Europe, and then the United States, that were the first to go through all the main stages of industrial development. This was manifested in a consistent change in industries that were leaders in the economy.

I V. Learning new material.

Chemical industry is one of the vanguard industries ensuring economic development in the era of scientific and technological revolution. The development of the entire economy depends on its development, since it provides other industries with new materials, mineral fertilizers and plant protection products, and the populationa variety of household chemicals.

The chemical industry has a complex industrial composition. It includes:

    mining (extraction of raw materials: sulfur, apatites, phosphorites, salts);

    basic chemistry (production of salts, acids, alkalis, mineral fertilizers);

    chemistry of organic synthesis (production of polymers - plastics, synthetic rubber, chemical fibers);

    other industries (household chemicals, perfumery, microbiology, etc.).(6, 7 slide)

Forest industry of the world.

The timber and wood processing industry is one of the oldest industries. For a long time, it provided other industries with construction materials and raw materials.

Includes: logging, primary forest processing, pulp and paper industry and furniture manufacturing.(8, 9 slide)

Light industry of the world.

Light industry meets the needs of the population in fabrics, clothing, footwear, as well as other industries with specialized materials.

Light industry includes 30 large industries, which are combined into groups:

    primary processing of raw materials;

    textile industry;

    clothing industry;

    shoe industry.

The most important industry is textile.

The main placement factors are:

    raw materials (for industries of primary processing of raw materials);

    consumer (for clothing and footwear);

    a combination of the first two (depending on the production stages of the textile industry).(11, 12 slide)

Videos(Finland, Italy)

Group assignment. ( Slide 13 )

1. Name all accommodation centers:

1. Chemical industry (1st group)

2. Forestry industry (group 2)

3. Light industry (3 Group)

2. What is the significance for life, for people, etc.

V . Consolidation of the studied material.

QUIZ (14 slide)

1. Name the factors for the location of production in the chemical industry.

Mining chemistry – raw materials

Basic Chemistry – raw materials and consumer

Chemistry of organic synthesis – transport and consumer

Household chemicals and pharmaceuticals – consumer

2. Name the four main regions of the world chemical industry.

Europe, North America, East and Southeast Asia.

3. Name the countries that produce complex, high-tech products.

USA, Western Europe (Germany), Japan.

4. Which countries are the largest producers of coniferous wood?

Russia, Canada, Sweden, Finland.

5. What are the leading countries in the production of paper and cardboard?

China, USA, Japan, Germany, Finland, Canada, Sweden.

6. Which country leads in paper production per share of population?


7. Name the five main regions of the global textile industry.

East Asia, South Asia, CIS, foreign Europe and the USA.

8. The main region for the development of the textile industry is….

Asia, which today produces about 70% of the total amount of fabrics.

9. Name the developed countries that specialize in the production of fashion and customized products?

USA, France, Italy.

VI . Reflection.

In today's lesson, we learned to characterize the location of the chemical, forestry and light industries.

“Plus-minus-interesting ». Column “P” - “plus” - records everything that you liked during the lesson, information and forms of work that aroused positive emotions, or, in the student’s opinion, may be useful to him in achieving some goals. In column “M” - “minus” - everything that was not liked in the lesson, seemed boring, caused hostility, remained incomprehensible, or information that, in the student’s opinion, turned out to be useless for him, is written down. In the column “I” - “interesting” - students write down all the interesting facts that they learned about in class, what else they would like to know about this problem, questions for the teacher.(15 slide)




I wish you to bloom, grow,

Save money, improve your health.

It is for a long journey -

The most important condition.

Let every day and every hour

It will be new for you

May your mind be good.

And the heart will be smart.

I wish you from the bottom of my heart,

Friends, all the best.

And all is good, friends,

It doesn't come cheap to us. (S. Marshak)(16 slide)

VII . Homework.

§ 39-40. Prepare an essay on the topic: “Chemical industry of the world”, “Forest industry of the world”, “Light industry of the world” (optional)(17 slide)