Charcoal production: modern technology and features of use. What equipment is required to make charcoal Coal business

Charcoal is considered a universal material. Its use is not limited to fuel production. Coal is widely used in construction as an insulation material, in agriculture as an additive and as an element in livestock feed.

Charcoal is successfully used in metallurgical production and the chemical industry. This material consists entirely of carbon, which makes it environmentally friendly and efficient. By all measures, the production of a product is a profitable undertaking that requires the use of special equipment and materials.

Types and areas of use

Before choosing equipment for the production of charcoal, you need to decide on the type of material that will be used in the process. There are three types of charcoal:

  • white, obtained from ash, oak, acacia, birch (hardwood);
  • black, obtained from willow, poplar, aspen, linden (softwood);
  • red, made exclusively from coniferous wood.

The latter type is produced using a special method. Soft carbonization of the material occurs. During the process, the raw material is placed in a special oven, where it burns at a temperature of 355 0 C without air access. The raw materials burn, but not completely, forming coals.

In most cases, the black type is used for industrial activities.

The scope of application is quite wide. Raw materials are universal materials used in many industries:

  • in the form of fertilizer in agriculture;
  • as a material for smoke powder;
  • as a raw material for the production of activated carbon used in medicine;
  • as a reducing agent in industry;
  • as a purifying material for water, gas emissions and wastewater from chemical plants;
  • in the form of feed for livestock in livestock farming;
  • for smelting rare metals;
  • for the production of gas masks as a means of trapping poisonous gases;
  • in the manufacture of electrodes;
  • in the production of paints;
  • for polishing printing parts;
  • in the production of plastics;
  • in the manufacture of resistances and contacts installed in electrical engineering;
  • in glass production;
  • as a building insulating material.

Equipment used

The production of charcoal requires the use of equipment:

  • electrical energy generator;
  • device for splitting firewood of hydraulic type;
  • charcoal kiln;
  • chainsaw;
  • scales.

The main equipment for the production of charcoal is a charcoal kiln. It is a mechanism in which wood burns to form coals.

The peculiarity of the technology is the need to use a special pyrolysis oven. In the process of pyrolysis, carbon decomposes with a small amount of oxygen. In special charcoal kilns, pyrolysis technology is used, in which the wood burns out, but does not burn completely, turning into coal.

The minimum cost of such stoves is 20-100 thousand rubles. These prices apply to equipment that has already been used. New furnaces with high productivity will cost several times more. Their price reaches 2 million rubles. Modern models are capable of processing wood down to the formation of coal dust, which is in high demand in a number of production areas.

The cost of a standard electricity generator is 20 thousand rubles. The minimum price for a chainsaw and scales starts from 5 thousand rubles. The average cost of all equipment is 150-450 thousand rubles. The final price depends on the quality and performance of the equipment.

Coal production technology

For coal production, a special technology is provided, consisting of 4 stages:

  • exposure of wood to fire under certain conditions (pyrolysis);
  • calcination;
  • cooling.

At the first stage, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the incoming raw materials. Damp wood does not smolder well. Before lighting it, a drying procedure is required. The raw materials are placed in a special block of the charcoal kiln. Flue gas heated to 150 0 C is supplied to it. The duration of the procedure depends on the humidity of the wood used. The higher its humidity, the longer it takes to process it with gas.

After drying, the moisture content of the raw materials should be minimal. For pyrolysis, which occurs at the second stage of coal production, raw materials with a maximum moisture content of 5% are suitable.

The pyrolysis process goes through several stages:

  • the temperature in the oven increases to 300 0 C;
  • at the specified value, the percentage of moisture in the raw material reaches zero, it actively absorbs heat;
  • wood charring occurs;
  • the charred material is exposed to elevated temperatures reaching 400 0 C;
  • smoldering of raw materials occurs with active release of heat;
  • when smoldering, the material becomes charcoal.

At the end of the pyrolysis process, raw materials with a high carbon content are obtained. Its level reaches 75%.

After pyrolysis, the resulting coal undergoes calcination. At this stage, the gases and resins contained in it are separated from the raw material.

At the final stage, the coal production technology involves its cooling. The procedure involves reducing the temperature inside the oven. Unloading coal from it is possible when the raw material does not spontaneously ignite when exposed to oxygen. The optimal temperature for coal with the possibility of unloading it is considered to be 40 0 ​​C. Sometimes unloading begins already at 85 0 C.

Schemes for making charcoal at home

Three schemes for making it at home will help to significantly simplify the coal production process and avoid significant financial expenses on equipment:

  • based on a wood stove;
  • in a hole;
  • using a barrel.

The first method is considered the simplest and has the lowest costs. It is not recommended to use this method in enclosed spaces. The production of charcoal requires the tightness of the equipment used and the absence of oxygen in the furnace. It is not recommended to stay indoors while wood is burning. It actively releases carbon dioxide, which is dangerous to humans, leading to poisoning.

Wood is placed in a conventional stove and set on fire. As soon as the wood burns, it is necessary to close the ash pit along with the doors. Thanks to this, conditions will be created inside the furnace similar to the conditions inside a specialized charcoal kiln. It takes about 15-20 minutes for the coal to smolder. The raw materials will need to be cooled.

Making coal in a pit is the most primitive, but useful method. If a number of conditions are met, it is possible to achieve a final product with good properties.

The procedure for making coal in a pit consists of the following steps:

  1. on an open plot of land, a cylindrical hole is dug 0.8 m wide and 0.5 m deep;
  2. the bottom of the pit is filled with a sand-clay mixture and carefully compacted to avoid mixing the raw materials with the ground;
  3. material for ignition is laid out at the bottom of the pit, which can be small brushwood with birch bark;
  4. the first small portion of firewood without bark is added to the brushwood mixture;
  5. wood materials previously cleared of bark and chopped into pieces measuring 30 cm each are added to the firewood;
  6. a new portion of firewood is added to the burnt-out portion until the pit is filled to the very top;
  7. in the process of burning firewood, it is necessary to move it carefully, due to this the density of its fit increases;
  8. it takes about 1.5 hours to burn the wood, after which the pit will need to be sealed, covered with a layer of thick sheet metal that can stop oxygen from entering the pit;
  9. cooling of the coal in the pit lasts several days;
  10. the finished raw materials are taken out of the pit, sifted and packaged.

Making coal in a barrel

This method is considered more advanced. The equipment used for it is a concrete barrel, on the bottom of which fire-resistant bricks are laid in a vertical position. Kindling material is laid between the bricks, and a metal grate is installed on top of them, on which chopped firewood is laid out.

As the firewood flares up, the top of the barrel is covered with a dense layer of sheet metal. Producing charcoal in this way requires the barrel used to be particularly sealed. Tight sealing is necessary when the smoke from burning wood acquires a bluish tint. The barrel remains in the closed position until it cools down.

At the last stage, the finished coal is taken out of the container, sorted and packaged.

Man uses different types of energy every day. And, which is typical, the need for it increases more and more every year. Therefore, the need for fuel that generates this energy increases.

Charcoal is a biological fuel, environmentally friendly and absolutely safe for the atmosphere. This explains its popularity among consumers and the feasibility of organizing an enterprise for its production.

  • This type of fuel is irreplaceable in industrial production as a reducing agent in the smelting of especially rare valuable metals.
  • With the direct participation of charcoal, the processes of regeneration of water and air are carried out in a confined space.
  • Activated carbon, known to everyone, is a wood processing product that saves you from poisoning.
  • It is indispensable for cleaning gas emissions from enterprises and industrial wastewater.
  • The material is widely used in agriculture - for feeding cattle, pigs, poultry, and as a fertilizer for growing crops.
  • In everyday life, charcoal is used in fireplaces and barbecues.

As you can see, the scope of coal use is extremely diverse, which explains the rapidly growing demand for it.

Selection of premises and equipment

Ideally, the knowledge should be located close to the sources of raw materials, this will significantly reduce transport costs.

In order to start purchasing equipment, you should have at least a general understanding of the charcoal production process. In special ovens, the raw materials are subjected to oxygen-free combustion and then dried. Next, all that’s left to do is package the coals and pack them (by hand or using specialized equipment).

Oven production capacity suitable for small businesses – up to 400 kg per day. As practice shows, manual packaging is extremely labor-intensive and ineffective. Therefore, in addition to the combustion furnace (costing 800-850 thousand rubles), packaging equipment is added to the list of necessary equipment.

It is not advisable to purchase a high-performance furnace right away. At the stage of business development, it will be difficult to find buyers willing to purchase charcoal in large quantities.

Necessary raw materials, their main varieties

The main raw material for the manufacture of the described products is wood waste. The specific type of raw material should be selected depending on the region where the business is located. As a rule, workshop owners enter into agreements with forestry enterprises for the supply of wood. It would be a good idea to establish contacts with a furniture factory or sawmill, if there are any nearby.

The quality and characteristics of the resulting finished product depend on the type of raw materials used in production.

There are three types of charcoal:

  • Red– its production is based on only coniferous tree species. The finished product is obtained by soft charcoaling at a minimum temperature.
  • White– a product of processing of hardwood trees (deciduous: elm, poplar, stone wood, hazel, maple, etc.).
  • Black– it’s easy to guess that this type of coal is produced by simmering soft wood (deciduous: chestnut, willow, aspen, alder, etc.).

The tree varieties described above are divided into groups based on wood density. For example, the yield of coal from linden or aspen will be much less than from acacia or birch.

Technology and production stages

Today, there are several technologies for producing wood fuel. The choice of a particular one is determined by the raw materials used and the desired quality of the finished product.

The basis of any of the technological processes is the use retort type charcoal kiln. This stage is aimed at burning wood without oxygen. This process is called pyrolysis. This stage involves placing the wood in retorts, as well as sending them to the pyrolysis drying chamber. Upon reaching a certain temperature in the combustion chamber, wood combustion begins without oxygen. The gases that are released during the heat treatment are used to maintain combustion inside the chamber.

Upon completion of pyrolysis, the retorts with coal are moved to metal grates, where they are finally cooled.

The equipment, the use of which is necessary to ensure coal production, does not contain heaters and fans. This minimizes energy costs.

The ultra-modern method of producing coal is aimed at processing wood briquettes (and not solid wood, as standard technology assumes). The resulting finished product is of higher quality, and its production can be called waste-free.

You can find out exactly how these products are manufactured from the following video:

Product sales channels

In our country, the consumption of such coal is at a low level. Therefore, the optimal sales option would be to search for foreign partners. In European countries, such products are very popular and in incredible demand. If you do not have “exits” to a foreign market, you can find buyers in your own country:

  • One option is to organize wholesale sales.
  • Don't forget about smelters and forges.
  • You can safely add gas stations, grill bars, restaurants and kebab shops, as well as specialized stores for country holidays to the list of potential partners. Demand will be seasonal. In summer it will be twice as high as in winter.

An important condition for business development is the creation of a memorable company logo, which must be applied to each bag. So, having used your product once, the buyer is more likely to prefer it again.

You should also maintain an active marketing policy, place advertisements on billboards and on the Internet, where buyers will find you themselves.

Financial plan and production profitability

This business is relatively new for our country, but, without a doubt, promising. General promotion of environmental protection stimulates the transition to the use of charcoal. Starting a business does not require significant expenses. The production technology is quite simple and does not require the construction of large-scale complexes.

Essential equipment to produce 32-35 tons of products will cost a month 500 thousand rubles, this amount includes:

  • retort-type charcoal kiln costing 35-82 thousand rubles;
  • an industrial measuring device worth up to 10 thousand rubles;
  • petrol or electric saws costing 10-12 thousand rubles;
  • an electric generator costing 25-35 thousand rubles;
  • additionally: hydraulic device for splitting firewood and packaging equipment - as needed.

Don't forget about the legal side of the issue. Registration will take no more than a month. With the expected income, the entrepreneur will transfer taxes to the state according to.

To produce 32-35 tons of coal monthly, the following raw materials will be required:

  • chopped firewood – 1.5-2 thousand rubles/cubic meter;
  • bags (mesh) for packaging finished products – 12-15 rubles/piece.

The remuneration of working personnel (5 people will be enough to start with) will be 85-100 thousand rubles monthly. Advertising and transport costs may vary slightly from month to month.

Subject to the implementation of the planned implementation plan, monthly income will be 75-80 thousand rubles at a cost of finished products of 20-25 rubles/kg.

The objective advantage of the business for the production and sale of charcoal is the small initial investment, as well as minimal competition in this market segment. Even if problems arise with the sale of products, Project payback period – 2 years. If we manage to establish an export option, the investment can pay off in just six months.

Charcoal is a completely organic material used as fuel. Its high environmental properties are known for the fact that when smoldering it does not emit poisonous and toxic fumes, since it consists entirely of carbon.

In industry, it is widely used by metallurgical complexes and chemical plants; in agriculture, it is used as a mineral additive. Such a high demand for carbon fuel, combined with its unique qualities, contributed to the development of technological processes for its production.

Charcoal is produced using a soft charcoal system, which is characterized by a low temperature regime. There are three main types of charcoal:

  1. Black, obtained from the processing of soft wood.
  2. White, made from hardwood.
  3. Red, produced from coniferous trees.

When producing coal, any wood waste (paper waste, furniture industry waste, stumps, twigs) is used as a consumable material. Moreover, white coal is valued in Japan, and red coal is valued for private use.

This universal product has found adequate application in almost all spheres of human activity. Being an alternative type of fuel, it is still actively used in households. The industrial dimensions of its application are huge and multifaceted, they affect the following areas of its active use:

  • metal smelting;
  • water purification;
  • as a trap of harmful and toxic gases;
  • in medicine for poisoning;
  • feed for animals and birds;
  • in public catering systems;
  • as a fertilizer.

Depending on the quality, it is divided into three grades, assigning letter designations A, B, C.
The technological process for obtaining this product is simple, but requires additional knowledge and skills. Therefore, this type of activity is often used as a profitable business. But it should be borne in mind that with a clear understanding of the role of correct compliance with all stages of the process, the percentage of yield of a quality product increases.

The charcoal production technology typically includes 4 main stages: drying, pyrolysis, calcination, cooling. Until recently, its production caused serious harm to the environment. But modern technologies have solved this problem by introducing new unique equipment.

Equipment for the production of

The basis of the production process for the production of charcoal is the following mechanisms:

  1. Device for splitting firewood using hydraulics.
  2. Chainsaws.
  3. Scales.
  4. Charcoal kiln.
  5. Electricity generator.

To construct the furnace, an open and level area should be equipped; the furnace itself must be of high quality, ensuring that oxygen cannot penetrate. Otherwise, some of the raw materials will not be processed, but will burn.

Video: furnace for making charcoal.

A good furnace is designed in such a way that the gases produced during oxidation are fed into the firebox, burned there and directed to maintain the required temperature. This energy saving is environmentally friendly and economical.

There is also equipment in which it is possible to use only one container. In this case, the process of continuity of technological production of charcoal is disrupted and downtime occurs. This situation is solved by the presence of removable containers in which you can separately dry, oxidize firewood and leave it to burn out.

Modern technologies used to make charcoal are waste-free, environmentally friendly and ergonomic. The equipment does not require additional or specific maintenance. In production, as a rule, 3 people work, responsible for the continuity of the process and the automatic adjustment of machines.

The equipment differs in its variability, but they can be grouped into 3 main types:

  1. Mobile installations;
  2. Stationary mechanisms;
  3. Auxiliary equipment.

The first and second groups of equipment differ from each other in the presence and absence of the ability to transfer it. Moreover, some types of equipment have a single function for performing drying and pyrolysis.

Charcoal kilns weigh from 6 to 80 tons. When choosing mobile equipment, you should choose small models that will allow you to change their location. The choice in their favor is due to the lack of opportunity to systematically supply consumables to a specific location. Mobile units consist of modules and are quickly assembled and dismantled. They can be located without creating additional canopies and protective spaces.

Stationary installations, on the contrary, require the allocation of a separate adapted room, which can be used simultaneously as a storage facility for finished products.

Installation of equipment must be carried out by specialists and comply with the provisions of GOST. All installations must meet safety and environmental requirements, since waste and carbon residues are burned in the furnaces.

Auxiliary equipment is desirable to purchase because it significantly reduces costs, primarily of a temporary nature. These types of mechanisms include a weighing and filling dispenser and a separator.

Using the oven

The central mechanism of the entire process is the oven. A modern charcoal kiln, or, as it is also called, a retort kiln, differs significantly from its predecessor at the beginning of the twentieth century. Its transformations took place against the backdrop of growing scientific and technical knowledge, as a result of which the equipment now used is excellent both in external characteristics and in the quality of product output.

Various modifications of furnaces are used, differing from each other in the way the coolant is supplied to the raw materials. Since it is located in an isolated chamber, contact with the flue gas is leveled. The material supply process is carried out through the loading hopper and the activation compartment. To supply raw materials, a trolley is used as an auxiliary mechanism.

Loading depends on the type of equipment selected and may involve manual or automatic feeding. In automatic mode, it is produced using a mechanical conveyor. After being fully loaded, the trolley is driven into a chamber for drying-pyrolysis.

The chambers, equipped with separate furnaces, can accommodate three trolleys at a time.
After laying, the raw materials are dried, the gases released during the process are transported to a separate chamber and burned there.

In order to increase production efficiency, the heat remaining from the pyrolysis compartment is directed to the drying chamber. Next, the chambers change roles and drying performs the functions of pyrolysis. All condensate is discharged through specially equipped pipes. Thus, the dual functioning of these cameras saves time and energy resources. After this technological stage is completed, the trolleys leave the chambers with the finished product.

The separator helps sort the finished product into piece sizes. Using a weighing dispenser, you can quickly package large coal into bags. If the production involves the use of a packaging dispenser, then fine coal is used for packaging and it is carried out in an open package.

The finished material can also be briquetted, for which auxiliary equipment is used.

The production of charcoal briquettes also consists of the order of following stages - grinding coal, creating briquette mass, pressing briquettes, drying and calcination.

Today, charcoal is quite in demand - it is bought by restaurants and cafes for cooking, chemical and metallurgical plants for production processes, and people for barbecuing and grilling. Charcoal production as a business - a great solution if you live in wooded areas. The procedure does not require major investments and quickly pays off with the right approach. In this article we will look at how to open your own charcoal making business and give an example of calculation.


Charcoal is a high-carbon material that is obtained by pyrolyzing various types of wood while limiting the flow of air. To produce it, you need a special oven, which can be placed either in your own garage, in the open air, or in a specially equipped workshop.

Charcoal is a profitable business

As of 2017, in Russia there is an average saturation of the market with these products, so any businessman can easily start production and find points of sale for finished products. The main thing is to calculate and think through everything correctly, analyze the consumer market, and think about where it is more profitable to sell products in bulk. Create a detailed business plan and stick to it as you implement your idea.

Types of coal

Many people think that all charcoal sold in supermarkets and gas stations is the same, but in fact there are many varieties. It can be divided into:

  1. Red. It is made from coniferous trees using a special technology by soft charcoaling.
  2. White. To create it, hardwood is used, such as oak, birch, elm, hornbeam, etc.
  3. Black. To create it, soft wood is used: linden, aspen, poplar, alder, willow, etc.

Many entrepreneurs produce only classic black coal, but if you want to capture the market, the range should be expanded. You should focus on what kind of raw materials you can get: if oak forests grow in your area, then you will have to use this particular material, etc. You should also know that there are three grades according to GOST 7657-84 A, B and C. The higher the grade , the higher the quality of the coal and the more willingly they will purchase it, so try to make only a high-quality product.

Note: a large number of entrepreneurs use various production waste from woodworking and furniture companies, as well as rotten logs and bars as raw materials. This is not recommended, since the quality of coal from such raw materials will be extremely low.

Of course, you can earn more this way. But customers will not like your products and in the end this will damage the image of the young business.

You should also consider in what packaging to sell the product. It is usually packaged in paper bags and plastic bags with a capacity of 2 to 50 kg. The most popular among the population are bags weighing 5-10 kg, while restaurants and enterprises buy it in 50 kg bags to reduce the cost of raw materials.

Dryer to improve the quality of raw materials

How to make charcoal

Next, we will analyze the technology for producing charcoal. There is nothing complicated about it - the process is based on the principle of pyrolysis. The finished raw material is burned at a given temperature without access to air and turns into coal. The production algorithm is as follows:

  1. Raw materials are manually loaded into the oven.
  2. The oven turns on, burning occurs.
  3. The coal is unloaded, cooled, packaged and sent to the warehouse.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure, but during production you should strictly monitor safety precautions. Be sure to follow fire safety, install an alarm and have several fire extinguishers on hand so that if a fire occurs, it can be quickly extinguished.

The best raw material for making coal is wood in lumps, cut into pieces of 40-60 cm. If you plan to purchase logs, you will have to hire a special person who will grind them to a given size. The cheapest way to buy raw materials is from a supplier or at woodworking plants - they are available in almost all regions of Russia. Agree with them about wholesale supplies - The cheaper you can buy raw materials, the greater your profit will be.


Let's consider whatmust be purchased. Today the market offers entrepreneurs a wide range of specialized equipment, from inexpensive manually loaded ovens to automated lines capable of producing tens of cubic meters of finished product per shift. The main equipment for production is a pyrolysis oven. We do not recommend starting a business with professional stoves - first, purchase a small one, master the process, find clients, and then calculate how much coal you can sell, and based on this, select a new device. When choosing, consider the following factors:

  1. Available area. Entry-to-mid-level ovens take up about 40 m2, so consider whether you can place it on your site or in a workshop.
  2. How much raw material can you load at one time? Keep in mind that to produce 1 ton of coal you need 7-9 tons. The higher quality the loaded wood is, the better the product will come out.
  3. Duration of pyrolysis. On average, one cycle lasts about 50 hours, but it all depends on the type of wood, the selected equipment and the volume of the furnace.
  4. Power of the pyrolysis furnace. Power is how much coal can be created in one cycle. There are models on the market with a capacity from 100 to 2000 kilograms of finished products.

Pyrolysis oven for manufacturing

What you need to get started

Next we will consider charcoal production technology and equipment , which is needed to start. The main thing in this matter is the oven. The price depends on its power - in 2017, a small 100-kilogram stove can be bought for 50,000, a full-fledged 2-ton stove for 1,000,000 rubles. Thanks to this division, you can choose the option that suits you both in terms of price and performance. Many entrepreneurs start their journey with a 300-500 kg stove, after which, if necessary, they buy a second one or exchange it for a more powerful one. Note that not only pyrolysis, but also retort furnaces are available on the market, but they are of worse quality, so they should not be considered as an alternative. To get started you will also need:

  1. Electronic scales 5-7,000 rubles.
  2. Packaging device - 100-150,000 rubles.
  3. Chainsaw - 10,000 rubles.

This is the minimum set of equipment to get started - it is quite enough for beginners and small workshops. In the future, you may need separators for grinding, dryers to improve the quality of raw materials, dispensers to automate the process, special supply lines, etc., but this equipment is usually used in large enterprises, so you shouldn’t think about it yet. You can save even more by purchasing not a ready-made stove, but by ordering the manufacture of a barrel for pyrolysis from local craftsmen, but this is an option for those who have a seriously limited budget - it is better to immediately buy a high-quality and specialized stove.

How profitable is it?

Universal business plan for charcoal production no - it all depends on where exactly you will purchase raw materials, what the price will be for it, how you will organize sales, etc., but on average, the industry figures are known. We recommend not to get involved with retail sales; as a last resort, you can simply sell bags in the workshop without organizing your own retail outlets.

Quality charcoal

Look for those who will purchase products in bulk:

  1. Supermarkets or local retail chains.
  2. Gas stations.
  3. Restaurants and cafes.
  4. Wholesale stores and bases.
  5. Various industrial enterprises that need coal for technical processes.

Practice shows that in almost any region of Russia there are places where coal from the manufacturer will be popular and can be sold in bulk. Therefore, before you start, think about where you can rent it out, try to communicate with potential buyers to determine their expectations and the required volumes. It often happens that an entrepreneur works with one wholesaler, handing over to him all the products he produces.

  1. Registration with the tax authorities - 15,000 rubles.
  2. Purchase of a set of equipment - 1,000,000 rubles.
  3. Rent of premises, repair work - 400,000 rubles per year.
  4. Purchase of wood for processing - 300,000 rubles.

In total, to open a business you will need approximately 1,700,000 rubles. Note that in this case we are talking about professional equipment and a medium-sized workshop that produces about 20 tons of coal per month. If there is no such budget, then you can get by with a cheaper set of equipment and a garage - this will require an investment of approximately 300,000 rubles with a productivity of 2 tons per month. Also, for the delivery of finished products, it is advisable to have a car - even an inexpensive GAZelle, capable of carrying about a ton of cargo, will do.

Next, let's calculate the profit. The selling wholesale price of birch charcoal in 2017 is 100 rubles per kilogram, while its cost is approximately 60, taking into account all expenses. On 1 kilogram you earn 40 rubles, on 2 tons of sold products (home workshop) - 80 thousand rubles, for a full-fledged enterprise producing 20 tons per month - 800,000 rubles. Thus, the investments made pay off in 2-4 months, although in practice the full payback occurs in 4-6 months (additional costs inevitably arise).

In contact with

Such a unique material as charcoal, the production technology of which has been known to the world since ancient times, began to be actively used as an energy source only in the last century.

Charcoal, which is almost 100% carbon, has many advantages and does not harm the environment when burned. The demand for this type of fuel is constantly increasing, which cannot but attract entrepreneurs who are looking for a profitable business idea.

Areas of application of the product

Charcoal has many uses:

  1. Heating a private house.
  2. In the production process of crystal, glass, paints, aluminum, boron, electrodes and semiconductors.
  3. As reducing agents in metallurgical production.
  4. Used as fertilizer and as food additives for animal feed.
  5. In the process of grinding and polishing parts used in printing.
  6. As an insulator in construction.
  7. As a substitute for graphite in plastic production.

Also, acetic acid, solvents, methyl alcohol and turpentine are made from by-products that are released during the production process.

The main advantage of the charcoal production business is the rapid return on initial capital.

The prospects of the direction are based on the following factors:

  1. Firstly, business does not require large and unaffordable investments for the entrepreneur.
  2. Secondly, raw materials are “waste” from wood processing enterprises, which can be purchased at a minimal price.
  3. Third, the final product is in high demand and has a high markup.

In addition, an entrepreneur does not need to have a special education, and anyone can learn production technology.

Organizational aspects

Depending on the type of wood used in the production process, the following results are obtained: types of charcoal:

  1. "White coal obtained from hardwood (acacia, oak, hornbeam, birch, ash, etc.). It is considered the highest quality type of coal.
  2. "Black" coal made from soft wood (alder, willow, linden, aspen, poplar).
  3. "Red" coal made exclusively from coniferous wood.

The ideal raw material for the production of charcoal is firewood, but their use is expensive.

More often, production uses waste generated during the processing and harvesting of wood. The presence of modern equipment will allow us to use even peat and sawdust as raw materials.


Although coal production technology is not complicated, an entrepreneur it is necessary to obtain certain knowledge and gain practical skills. Otherwise, there is a risk of deterioration in quality and a decrease in the “yield” of the final product from raw materials.

Modern technologies simplify the production process without causing any harm to the environment.

The charcoal production process consists of the following steps:

  1. Drying. The raw materials are dried so that the wood smolders better in the oven.
  2. Pyrolysis. Key stage of the process.
  3. Calcination, which is needed to separate gases and resins from charcoal.
  4. Cooling down.

The pyrolysis technology used in the production process involves burning wood:

  1. occurs in a closed container in which there should be no access to oxygen,
  2. at temperatures reaching 500 degrees.

During the combustion process, gases are formed that remain in the chamber and maintain the desired combustion temperature.

Pyrolysis can be carried out exclusively in charcoal kilns (retorts), in which sensors are installed that monitor the degree of combustion and combustion temperature.

The process itself consists of several stages:

  1. To begin with, the retort is heated to 150 degrees, due to which the wood is dried.
  2. Next, the temperature rises to 350 degrees, at which the release of gases and charring of the raw material begins.
  3. By raising the temperature to 500 degrees, we achieve separation of tar and non-condensable gases from the primary coal.

After cooling, the finished charcoal is crushed into small pieces and packaged in bags.

Within a month, you can run from 7 to 30 coal production cycles. The exact number of cycles depends on the volume of raw materials loaded into the oven.

Is it possible to set up the process at home?

You can start organizing the coal production process at home, but in this case the requirements for raw materials increase. Coal can be produced in this way only from solid wood.

Firing in a container:

  1. The logs need to be cleared of bark, cut into small shapes and placed in a barrel (bucket). Openings are made in the container to remove gases and resin, then it is tightly closed and placed over a fire, where it is heated to 350 degrees.
  2. After reaching the desired temperature, the barrel is held over the fire for another 2.5 hours. Then it is removed from the fire, and the lid is opened only after it has completely cooled.

Firing in a pit:

Instead of a barrel, you can also dig a hole and cover it with a sheet of iron. The process of burning wood in a pit also lasts for 2.5 hours.

How the process of producing charcoal in a pit takes place, watch the video:

From 1 m3 of wood, which costs an average of 800 rubles, you can get up to 300 kg of charcoal. If you sell 1 kg of coal for 20 rubles, then in the end you will get 5,200 rubles. income.

The above methods are an excellent option for starting your own business, if the entrepreneur does not have money for modern equipment.

What do you need to get started?

After studying the production process, analyzing the market and making the final decision to start a business, the entrepreneur must draw up a business plan that includes all the stages of creating his own enterprise.


The positive thing is that charcoal production activities are not subject to mandatory licensing.

However, an entrepreneur needs to go through the process of mandatory state registration:

  1. As organizational form You can choose an individual entrepreneur or LLC (at the discretion of the entrepreneur).
  2. Suitable tax regime is the Simplified Taxation System. The choice of object for tax (Revenue - 6% or Profit - 15%) depends on the marginal policy.
    If you are going to set a large markup, then it is more profitable to choose “profit” as the object. But if you are going to take the market at the expense of a low markup, then it is more profitable to choose “revenue”.

Workshops and premises

Although modern technologies provide a high level of environmental safety, production must be located outside the city limits. It is better to place it near factories involved in the harvesting and processing of wood, which will reduce the cost of time and money for transporting raw materials.

  1. The workshop must be located more than 300 meters from residential premises.
  2. The production area (land plot) must be at least 200 m2.
  3. The stoves are placed on a plot of land, in the fresh air.
  4. It is necessary to prepare a place on the site for a warehouse for raw materials and a warehouse for finished products.
  5. It is also necessary to prepare premises for staff.

To save on running costs It is better to purchase a plot of land.


In order to organize a coal production workshop The following set of equipment is required:

  1. Charcoal kiln– 120,000 rub.
    It is the main element of the production process by which waste wood is processed into charcoal. Stationary (installed in one place) and mobile (can be moved from place to place) ovens are available on the market.
  2. Weight dispensers– 20,000 rub.
  3. Electric generators– 30,000 rub.
  4. Wood splitter(hydraulic) – 90,000 rub.
  5. Chainsaw– 15,000 rub.
  6. Packing machine– 100,000 rub.

Above is a complete set of equipment necessary for organizing a workshop. At the initial stage, you can do without a packaging machine and a wood splitter, which will save significant resources at the stage of starting a business.

Raw materials

The issue of the types of wood used was discussed above.

Here we will give table of wood consumption and charcoal yield.

As can be seen from the table the average “yield” of coal from wood is approximately 28%.

Based on this indicator and the production standards, you can plan raw material inventories. It is also worth considering that the consumption of raw materials depends on the equipment used.

If for 1 ton of coal produced in a single-chamber furnace, the consumption is 7 cubic meters of wood, then for three-chamber furnaces the consumption will be much less.

Financial planning

The demand for charcoal is constantly growing, and the markup on finished products is very high. According to entrepreneurs, the charcoal production business is very profitable and has great prospects.

Capital investments - 485,000 rubles.

  1. Registration – 10,000 rub.
  2. Equipment – ​​375,000 rub.
  3. Purchase of raw materials – 100,000 rubles.

Current expenses – 180,000 rub.

  1. Land rent – ​​50,000 rub.
  2. Salary (3 employees) – 80,000 rub.
  3. Transport costs – 20,000 rub.
  4. Utilities – 20,000 rub.
  5. Other expenses - 10,000 rubles.

Profit calculation

Under normal workload of the workshop within a month the minimum output of charcoal will be about 15 tons.

The average cost of 1 kg is 25 rubles. Net income in the case of wholesale sales of the entire batch at the minimum price is 375,000 rubles.

To produce 1 ton, a maximum of 7 m3 of wood is required, costing 8,400 rubles. (7m3*1200 RUR/m3). The total cost of raw materials to obtain 15 m3 of products will be 126,000 rubles.

Net profit= 375,000 rub.-126,000 rub.-180,000 rub. = 69,000 rub. per month.