4 tips for a new entrepreneur. Useful tips for beginning entrepreneurs. LLC "Project-studio "Our City"

Beginning entrepreneurs often face problems. Due to their inexperience, fear of problems and difficult situations, they make banal, one might even say standard, mistakes. After talking with dozens of different entrepreneurs who started, or are still working, in the field of online commerce, we tried to highlight 9 basic recommendations that can help any aspiring online entrepreneur.
They say that you need to learn from mistakes, but let them not be your mistakes. Believe me, even the most successful, most famous businessmen found themselves in very difficult situations in their lives, and did not always find the right solution to get out of them. But they all learned a good lesson and gained knowledge, which we will share with you today.
So, advice from practitioners and 9 recommendations for beginning online entrepreneurs.

Those of you who read our article “Tips for Beginning Businessmen” may have noticed that it contained a similar point. Starting any business, no matter whether it is online or offline, is preceded by drawing up a good, clear and detailed business plan.
Many startupers believe that a business plan is a waste of time, that if the project is excellent and promising, then it will “take off” without any planning. A large number of startups never begin to operate normally precisely because the founders neglected planning, and at some point they don’t know at all how to behave, what to do, where to move.

A business must make a profit, and if profits do not cover expenses for a long time, then you need to think that something is going wrong. When drawing up a business plan, it is best to calculate all the pros, cons and risks that may appear during the development of the project.
Also don't forget about yourself. Of course, you can sit on a starvation diet for some time, deny yourself a salary for the benefit of the company’s development, but you won’t last long like that. Over time, motivation will begin to decline and you will abandon the business.

Don't take on more than you can handle in the near future. Don't come up with a brilliant plan to push Apple out of the market while occupying their multi-billion dollar niche. Believe me, even the most interesting and brilliant idea, in your opinion, cannot always be translated into a good startup. What you and your team like is not necessarily what everyone else likes.
Before entering the market, you need to do serious work to study demand, competitiveness of the industry, forecasts and prospects for this industry, study the activities of competitors and understand what problems they face, and prepare yourself for possible difficulties.

No matter how promising and interesting an idea is, it is worth nothing if you do not understand how to implement it. If you cannot make sharp, firm, informed decisions regarding the course of action and the future of the company, then no amount of money will help.

In the previous article “How to attract an investor,” we already talked about the fact that you should not be afraid of competition. If it exists, it means the niche is interesting, someone is working in it and making money. This way you too have the opportunity to earn your money. It is much worse if there is no competition. This is where it’s worth being wary and analyzing why this is happening.
But let's return to the advice itself - evaluate the competition. See if the market is overfilled with supply (as it is now with plastic windows and doors), look at how your competitors work, what methods they use, and how they attract customers. Be sure to pay attention to their websites, traffic, and traffic sources. You need to study your competitors in detail and present your products much better.

To implement a promising and large project, you need a good, motivated, purposeful, and most importantly, experienced team. Involve only those who already have work experience. Understand, there is no time to teach someone, try something, test, make mistakes on small things. You need to take it and work today, and get your first arrival tomorrow. This is only possible if there are good and professional personnel.
If you are all amateurs, or the key functions are performed by those who have never encountered this, then in 95% of cases there will be failure.

Good startups, as a rule, receive certain sums for development. This could be money from investors, or it could be collected by the founders of the project themselves. But it doesn’t matter who, how and under what conditions agrees to invest money in a startup. What is more important is how to manage this money. You must calculate all the costs, all the risks, understand what, how and when you will do with the money. Very often, young entrepreneurs spend start-up capital on completely unnecessary things - expensive advertising, PR work, some specialists, etc., without completely understanding what they want to see as a result of such work.
Try not to invest large sums until the project begins to bring at least a small profit.

No startup will reach the required level without good advertising. And if we are talking about online business, then advertising is simply necessary. Be sure to think through various methods, use search engines and use all the possibilities of social networks, affiliate and banner advertising on other sites. But do everything wisely, study each advertising platform in detail and calculate the potential benefits of cooperation with them.

Know how to wait for your finest hour. There is one wonderful Chinese proverb that captures the essence of most startups today:
“The temptation to give up is especially great when there is one step left before victory”
And in fact, the reason for the closure of most startups is not bankruptcy, not the departure of a key person from the team, but apathy. People stop believing in themselves, their strengths, their capabilities, and give up. Perhaps they just had to take one step and everyone would be talking about their project. But no, they give up and leave sadly hanging their noses.

I will give you one piece of advice, always remember. He was 30 years old when the board of directors kicked Steve out of the company he created. He himself admitted that he didn’t want to do anything, that he didn’t believe in himself, but he collected his thoughts, and... and then you know what happened. Apple and Pixar, the companies he created, are known all over the world. Of course, the example is not ideal, but it shows that even in the most difficult situation you can find a way out.
In general, we advise you to read our section in which you will find the best thoughts about money, business, success, aspiration from the most famous and successful people in the world. Pay special attention to the thoughts of Steve Jobs and other successful businessmen who made their billions in high technology.

Andrew Griffiths

Andrew Griffiths is an unusual businessman. His parents left him six months after birth, so Andrew does not know the exact date of his birth. A difficult childhood did not stop Griffiths from realizing his own dreams. Now he is a famous business coach and consultant, helping entrepreneurs earn the coveted million. His portfolio includes speaking engagements at the Million Dollar Round Table, TEDx, and 11 best-selling books on marketing and entrepreneurship.

1. Don't listen to the naysayers

Andrew Griffiths admits that most of his friends in the marketing world were adamant and advised against it. However, he ignored the skeptical comments and did what he wanted. The first book was finally written and published. It became a commercial success around the world and brought Griffiths fame and fortune. Since then, he has published 10 more bestsellers.

2. Pursue your goals

When you get out of bed in the morning, you must clearly know why you are doing it. Review your goals and aspirations daily. Sometimes you will feel that your desires are changing. In this case, you must definitely find out why this is happening.

Your daily routine and activities should be organized according to the overall goal. If she changes, so will your schedule.

3. Don't make common mistakes

Modern entrepreneurs are impatient and often give up long before their business becomes successful. You need to find your niche and do everything to occupy it. Then the business will work.

Another common mistake: entrepreneurs do not talk about themselves and their business. But many consumers want to know everything about it.

By the way, Angela Ahrendts, Apple's senior vice president of retail and online commerce, also speaks about the importance of telling a story about your own company:

As the world becomes both more complex and connected, stories gain a tremendous power to educate, connect, and inspire. I believe that with the tools of the digital age at our disposal, the future of storytelling can be even richer and more significant than its past.

Andrew Griffiths advises that you need to understand how your business is different from everyone else and tell your customers about it to stand out from others.

4. See problems as opportunities.

A problem must be seen as a new opportunity. But you need to be prepared for this. Identify bad scenarios and figure out how you can respond to them in each case. What will be the biggest damage? Maybe your company will only get better in the face of disaster? It shouldn’t be taken as a sign that it’s time for your business to change. You need to learn how to use critical situations to grow your company.

When I was 20 years old, I lost $50,000. A little later I realized that this was an investment in the future that would save me a fortune in a few years.

Andrew Griffiths

5. Don't forget about reputation

Honesty and a good reputation are very important for an entrepreneur: they will feed you. Therefore, be careful when choosing partners. Respect people. Constantly . Lay the foundation for future steps and prospects. Be patient. Make connections.

Help people get what they want, and they will definitely give you what you want.

6. Learn to empathize

Put yourself in other people's shoes. Think not about yourself, but about how to help the people listening to you. Before you speak, ask yourself what you can do for the other person.

11 Commandments for the Beginning Entrepreneur


Readiness for business... This is such a state... When you understand that you want it or when you decide that you want to work for yourself and only for yourself. When you don’t work day and night for some guy... When you are ready to devote yourself to this business... When you are ready to face problems. When you live the idea, when you breathe it, then you are ready...


Confidence in the idea. In your future business. What you want to open must be successful. It cannot be otherwise. When you definitely tell everyone interested, all employees, friends - YES, I will do it. YES, I will definitely do this. And only then take the idea. If you're not ready to talk, if you're not sure, don't even try. If there is a fixed idea in your brain, accompanied by the words - I want or it seems to me that I will do it - this is not the case. When you are burning with an idea, when you are confident in it, then take it.


You must be a "non-employee". You must be a businessman. You have to organize things. You must lead people with you. You should be seen as an entrepreneur. Feel it in conversation and in business. You must see ideas, you must take everything you need... You must be ideological. You must be enterprising. Remember this.


Business requires money. You must realize that this is a huge risk. You should not take money without understanding that this is a huge responsibility! Many people around me committed suicide because of debt. This causes marriages to break up. As a result, friends are lost and loved ones are turned away. If you take money, you must give it back. Please understand that this is a huge responsibility and that there are huge risks involved! Do not take out a loan if you are not 100% sure of repayment. Is it dangerous.


You must know your field. Must understand what it is and how it works. It’s great if the company’s field of activity is your favorite. You understand this. You know the loopholes... Imagine a grandmother who wants to do web design rather than sewing. Not so simple.

Business plan

No matter how much it may seem to you that everything is so simple, clear and wonderful, you must write a business plan or something similar... A brief strategy. If you open a business without a business plan, you will make a big mistake. Without an action plan, don't do it. You must know your clients. Must see the big picture. No matter how stupid it may look, write it. That's better.


Don't bring friends on your staff. You will realize your mistake as soon as you do this. Friends will not be suitable for positions in the same way as hired workers. Friends won't cope. Friends will want more than others. Friends can put pressure on you. Friends will drag your company down. You can't fire them out of a sense of duty. If you hire a friend, you will make a big mistake. A true old saying: “If you want to lose a friend, lend him a loan.” So it is here. Don't take friends. You can cooperate with them, but do not hire them as employees.


If you are a good partner, you can be relied upon. You do everything on time, you don’t let anyone down, you don’t abandon anyone. Your partners will stay with you. They will most likely repay in kind. Don't throw it! You said it, you did it. Keep your words! And people will be drawn to you. But still, don’t forget that in business everyone gets scammed and scammed... Caution never hurts.


Don't spend all your money. If a company brings in amazing income, don't get used to it. It could just be some kind of luck, temporary success, or you just got a bad client. If you have a company, you need better clothes. Entertainment is more expensive. The car is cooler. You'll be busy chasing it. In this pursuit, you will forget about business. And if he brings even less, you will consider that life is over. And remember - “it’s easier to earn than to save.”


This is not what they teach you in universities!!! the performance is not the same! We are forced to believe that a company has a corporate culture, when everywhere there is European-quality renovation, white walls, new furniture and cool equipment! All wrong! Save! No need for fancy equipment! Everything is minimal! Why offices for employees? Basements, Pentium1, ordinary students working for pennies. These are the realities of business. There will be no cool company. You need to save money everywhere! Everything is minimal!


You can't be friends with your own employees. Keep your distance. Don't let them get close to you. You're in charge. You are the boss, you are the director. For example, you don’t have to switch to “you”. In my opinion, this will elevate you, and employees will feel more and more responsibility.

I hope you read these tips and see a more complete picture of the business world. If you only have one desire, it's not a business. Use the advice. Take this seriously.

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Every entrepreneur dreams of how to improve the performance of his enterprise. But not everyone can clearly formulate exactly what indicators can be used to judge that an enterprise has become successful.

In this publication I want to look at the most common mistakes of new entrepreneurs and give some tips on how to avoid them and not repeat the bitter experiences of others. I think that this topic is quite important, because, as statistics say, not everyone who decides to start their own business succeeds.

Many of them leave entrepreneurship and return to business, having received not only negative experiences, but also financial losses. Often the culprit for this is precisely those mistakes that will be discussed below.

So, I will describe the main mistakes and allow myself to give some useful ones. advice for aspiring entrepreneurs about how to avoid them.

Error 1. Focusing on the success of others without taking into account the details. Very often, a new entrepreneur makes a decision based on the results of someone else's work. These could be some success stories read on the Internet or books, or personal observations of the development of a business project in your city or on the World Wide Web.

Of course, the positive experiences of other people can serve as good help and motivation for a budding entrepreneur. But the problem is that in most cases he sees only the “tip of the iceberg” and does not know how things are in reality: what difficulties the now successful businessman had to face and how he overcame them. Very often it may turn out that success in business depended on some subjective factors that were inherent in a successful businessman and which a novice entrepreneur does not have.

A trivial example: A novice entrepreneur sees how a certain store is successfully developing, opens his own similar one, but immediately “falls” under a bunch of inspections by regulatory authorities, who find a lot of violations and literally do not allow them to work, and even issue huge fines. In fact, it turns out that the owner of the store taken as an example is the son of a major official, that’s why they “don’t touch him,” and he himself sent all these checks to eliminate his competitor.

Advice: if you decide to build a business based on someone else’s example, you need to carefully study all the “ins and outs” of it, not only visible, but also hidden, and only then make a conclusion whether you can repeat such success.

Error 2. The desire to make money by selling a business idea. Another common mistake that new entrepreneurs make is believing that they have come up with some super-profitable business idea that the richest investors in the world should literally fight over. An aspiring entrepreneur tries, but it turns out that those who are able to invest money in his idea do not even take him seriously.

In fact, selling a business idea to an investor is one of the myths that aspiring entrepreneurs believe. In fact, there are many resources on the Internet filled with business ideas and even ready-made business plans, access to which is absolutely free. Question: Why would an investor buy something that can be easily found for free, and, quite possibly, even in better condition?

Advice: If you want to make money by selling a business idea, you need to start implementing it, even in small quantities, so that you can see the actual, and not the predicted, result from its implementation. This is one of the most important conditions for (you can read about the rest by following the link). Yes, in this case you will have to risk your money - there is no other way. Even if you yourself are not ready for this, then the investor is even more so.

Error 3. Perfectionism. Very often, a novice entrepreneur strives to create an ideal business, which is basically impossible. Now literally every business will necessarily have its own shortcomings and vulnerabilities. Therefore, by waiting for the ideal opportunity to open a business, a novice businessman will, at a minimum, lose a huge amount of time and potential profit, and most likely will never open it at all. Meanwhile, competitors who do not strive for ideals will capture the market and make money.

Advice: A new entrepreneur does not need to strive for perfection; perfectionism is his worst enemy. If you want to develop the perfect business idea, find the ideal conditions, the ideal time to open a business, most likely you will never start your own business. Therefore, open not an ideal, but a profitable business.

Error 4. The desire to grab as much as possible. Of course, in most cases, an aspiring entrepreneur opens a business primarily to make money. This is normal and there is nothing wrong with it, the main goal of business is to make a profit. But the mistake here is when a novice businessman thinks about nothing more than money; money literally blinds his eyes and turns off his brain.

The fact is that what happens when a business, as they say, “got into the groove” and brings in a good income, which one could once only dream of. The aspiring entrepreneur rejoices at this and “basks in money.” However, this phenomenon is almost always short-term in nature; soon the trend may change, and the business will turn from super-profitable to super-unprofitable. And all because the aspiring entrepreneur, making mistakes, did not think about the development of his business, did not invest money in it, but used all the profits for personal needs.

Advice: A business whose main goal is to “squeeze” as much profit as possible out of it will never be durable. If you want your business not to be focused on one-time profits, but to become a source of constant cash flow, you also need to constantly take care of its development, investing labor, time and, of course, capital.

Error 5. Mixing business and friendship. It often happens that a novice entrepreneur, not knowing how to say “no,” takes on to work with him (or even worse, as a partner) some friend, relative, relative of a friend, etc., who, in fact, is completely not suitable for this role. In the future, he is forced to constantly face the problems that he creates and suffer losses from this, because he feels obliged to this person and cannot say goodbye to him, so as not to lose a friend.

Tip: There is a saying: “Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship.” An aspiring entrepreneur must understand this and share business with friendship, so as not to end up losing both.

Error 6. Opening a business without preliminary market analysis. Another important and common mistake of new entrepreneurs is that they introduce their business idea to the market without conducting preliminary research and without knowing whether the market needs it? That is, they are confident in what is needed, but this is just their self-confidence and nothing more.

It also often happens that one business idea may be in great demand in one place, but absolutely not in demand in another. All this, of course, leads the novice businessman to losses.

Some people believe that market research is a waste of money, which is already not enough to open a business, but here it, in fact, goes nowhere. This is the deepest misconception. Look at the world's most successful companies - they regularly spend enormous amounts of money on marketing research, millions and billions of dollars, and therefore they always know exactly what their consumers need and strive to satisfy their needs as much as possible. Don't you think this is a big part of the secret to their success?

Advice: before opening your business, you definitely need to research the market to determine how much it is in demand, and whether it is in demand at all. Moreover, with a small scale of business, this is easy to do on your own and even at virtually no cost. For example, by conducting surveys on social networks.

Error 7. Excessive self-confidence. A novice entrepreneur is sometimes overconfident, believing that his business idea has no equal and its implementation will be successful. A positive attitude is one thing, but excessive self-confidence and, as a consequence, loss of vigilance on this basis is another.

Only a few out of millions manage to create something completely new and in demand. If what you have in mind is not yet on the market, perhaps it is not because no one else has thought of it before, but because there is no demand for it, and previous attempts to introduce a similar product to the market ended in failure?

Advice: Never, under any circumstances, in business should you be overly self-confident and let down your guard. Perhaps your competitors are just waiting for this to force you out of the market - do not give them this opportunity. If you are not able to objectively evaluate your actions and capabilities on your own (sometimes this can be really difficult), ask other people to do this. If their opinion differs from yours, perhaps there is reason to think about it.

Error 8. Don't take on several things at once. The well-known saying “If you chase two birds with one stone, you won’t catch either” can be fully applied to starting a business. Very often, a novice entrepreneur tries himself in different areas at once, but as a result, he fails to develop well in any of them.

On the one hand, this is always a plus. But, on the other hand, business is a business that requires, in addition to capital investment, large investments of labor and time. And one person simply physically cannot use his labor and time in several areas of business at the same time.

If you want to open a business in several directions at once, then do not start all these directions at the same time. It is better to first bring at least one task to a level that will allow you to devote less time and labor to it, and only after that switch some of your attention to the second task, etc. This will be much more effective.

Error 9. Forgetting about clients. I have already written more than once, and I will repeat again, that one of the main factors of success in business, without which it is unlikely that you will be able to open your own business at all, is a client-oriented approach. That is, first of all, a new businessman must think about the interests of his clients and how he can satisfy them.

However, it often happens that at some stage of business development, when profits are already beginning to flow, the entrepreneur forgets about clients, stops paying special attention to them, thinking that they already exist, and then “it will go on like that.” This is a huge mistake that can easily lead to ruin.

Advice: Under no circumstances should you forget about the interests of your clients and stop focusing your business on them, even if you already have a million of these clients. Once consumers of your products and services feel that your product no longer satisfies their interests on at least one important criterion, you will begin a downward trend that can be very difficult to stop.

Error 10. Lack of a specific target audience. Very often, a novice entrepreneur opens a business without a clear idea of ​​who it is aimed at. He may reason something like “the more clients there are, the better.” This is a very serious mistake, because in this case there will be, on the contrary, not more, but fewer clients, perhaps even critically few.

Advice: Any business must be aimed at a specific target audience, otherwise who is it for? No audience - no business.

These are the typical mistakes of novice entrepreneurs and tips for eliminating them. You must understand that all of the above is the result of the negative experience of a huge number of beginning businessmen, which cost them huge financial losses. In business, as in any business, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own. So take this information seriously and take note.

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Your own business is better than any job. Many people are ready to start a business, but in order not to burn out, you must first study the theory. One of the important points is studying the opinions of those who have already become entrepreneurs.

Practical advice and recommendations will help not only ensure an effective start, but also successful development.

We have collected useful tips for beginning entrepreneurs on this page. In order to do so, you need to start “spinning” as early as possible. Businessmen periodically fail, and this happens for one reason - they choose the wrong strategy and do not listen to the words of experienced people.

  1. Don't give in to the urge to spend the first money you receive from your business. You need to put all your profits into circulation so that you don’t have to ask to stay with friends later.
  2. Most people who don't become entrepreneurs complain that they don't have time for it. If you do something you really enjoy, you will miraculously find the time you need.
  3. It is necessary to work on your environment, communicate with the same purposeful people who want to open their own business. The Internet is ideal for this.
  4. The decision to go full-time into business and give up work is difficult to accept. You need to be brave and do it. Burn all bridges so that there is nowhere to return. You will start working actively out of despair.
  5. Forget about embarrassment, don’t care what others say. If you have an interesting idea in your head, you need to implement it. Stop being afraid of ridicule, refusals, looks, your financial situation is much more important.
  6. You need to believe in your own strengths and be 100% sure that the chosen idea will work and bring a lot of money. Don’t stop repeating to yourself - soon things will go uphill.

Overcoming fears is difficult, as is breaking your usual lifestyle. No one will ever take the first step for you, you need to push yourself to do this and set yourself up for success.

It’s hard to even imagine how wide the opportunities each person has. Only one uses them, and the other is skeptical about every thought about starting a business.

  1. You cannot be afraid of competitors; it is not the idea that is important, but its execution. Even if there are at least 100 food deliveries operating in your area, if you are the best, you will attract all the customers to you.
  2. Beginning businessmen spend too much time learning. Reading articles like this is certainly helpful, but the amount of action taken needs to be greater.
  3. As soon as you learn about something, come up with an idea, find an interesting strategy, immediately start testing it. Only your own check will help you draw the right conclusions.
  4. Each of us has our own quirks, they distinguish us from the crowd. Use them to stand out with bright colors against the background of competitors. Feel free to use non-standard methods (advertising, promotion, promotion).
  5. Think about your brand more often; constant thoughts will help in advertising. Brand promotion is important now, since it is no longer possible to lure customers with prices or quality.
  6. When you launch an advertisement for your “brainchild,” give up the boring list of characteristics. Create emotional outbursts by telling how life will improve, how it will change, and what the client will gain.

It becomes more difficult to break through among competitors every year. But right now at this second the competition is lower than it will be tomorrow. The best moment to open a business has already arrived, it's time to act.

Having your own business is not only profitable, but also prestigious. People dream of becoming their own boss, choosing their working hours, managing important matters, and so on. But you can do it too.

  1. Few people manage to immediately reach the pinnacle of success, so if you stumble once, you should not give up. Read the stories of successful people, you will understand that many did not achieve their goals the first time.
  2. Business books suggest working at least an hour a day, but consistently. This is nonsense, at this rate you will only achieve good results in old age. You need to work hard and the more effort you put in, the better.
  3. It is useful to record your thoughts and thoroughly understand certain topics. You can, just don’t look for additional income from this, first of all, the site will be useful to you.
  4. An aspiring entrepreneur must learn a simple truth. To build a successful business, you either need to work hard or invest a lot.
  5. Business is not just about money. A competent entrepreneur sees in him his own values ​​- freedom from work, stability, implementation of bold ideas and much more.
  6. From time to time, fate gives us gifts. Random money, useful contacts, facing problems. All this should be used as an impetus to start a business.

There are many subtleties and delays in business, and until you understand them, it is unlikely that you will be able to make your business profitable. It is necessary to treat your activities not as work, but as a goal in life.

Advice for an aspiring entrepreneur starting his own business

Thousands of people open businesses every day, each with their own thoughts, strategies, starting money, and so on. You need to act wisely otherwise the abyss of bankruptcy will swallow you too.

  1. It is impossible to do all the work yourself; you need to look for workers. There is one true rule here - hire long, fire quickly. Candidates need to be scrutinized, and if they can’t do the job, they should be fired immediately.
  2. One of the problems that you encounter only after starting a business is stress. You need to be prepared in advance for stress, both mental and physical.
  3. It is not necessary to implement the idea right away; you can test it on a small scale. For example, check how much interest there is in a product on the Internet.
  4. You need to turn your company into a public favorite. Ardent fans will become regular customers, and at the same time turn into the best promoters.
  5. Integrate modern technologies into your business. The same Internet helps to conduct large-scale advertising campaigns and gain popularity.
  6. Every person has preferences, you must first get to know yourself in order to choose the best strategy, choose the right working hours and determine other important points.

When you just start launching your own business, doubts arise and it’s difficult to adjust to a new way of life. There will only be more problems, but solving them should be fun.

Business experience is invaluable, even if he is sad. That is why you should always act without worrying about the result. Whatever it is, the entrepreneur will still receive his benefit.

  1. Real professionals use the 1000 days rule, in which during this period a lot changes in business and almost everything remains unchanged in normal work.
  2. If your business starts to feel like you're at work, something needs to change. Make the right choice - work to do what you love or do what you love to earn money.
  3. Almost all ways to get rich quickly lead to disastrous results. Don't try to get rich quickly; it's better to choose a cautious strategy.
  4. It's normal to be afraid of negative outcomes, don't try to overcome this fear. Experiences force you to do everything right and keep track of things.
  5. In any business, clients play an important role. It is necessary to find the right approach to them; experts advise treating them like family members.
  6. Over time, business becomes a part of life, so you need to think through the idea in advance and decide whether you agree to merge with your business.

Find the time and energy right now to take the first step. In just a few months, you will be able to give your business advice to beginners. Just take your time, think through every step.

Experienced entrepreneurs constantly share their secrets and thereby help newcomers develop. All the tips presented will become the basis for starting your own business, regardless of what you do.

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