What is Trump's wife doing now? Melania Trump. Personal care

Melania Trump is known not only for being the wife of the US President, but also for being a public figure. The wife of the American head can be called a real example of a purposeful and strong-willed woman. She is the most ordinary Yugoslav girl, she could work in a small town and not live the most prosperous life. But she made it into the world, built her own career and achieved success in every way even before she got married.

Knowing full well that leaving Yugoslavia and moving up would be very difficult, Melania went to work at sixteen. Over the next years, she grew to become a famous model, earning money from shows of the world's most famous and expensive brands. Which, in fact, was how she was able to attract Donald’s attention. Currently, a woman can boast not just a high position in society, but also the status of first lady.

Height, weight, age. How old is Melania Trump

Let us note that the rich man’s wife attracted the attention of ordinary people even before Trump became president. In particular, people were interested in her height, weight, and age. How old is Melania Trump? It’s a simple question. She is 20 years younger than her husband. And currently the former model is already 48 years old. But she's just as good as ever. You can verify this by comparing photos of Melania Trump in her youth and now. This is a luxurious woman with a stunning figure. With a height of 180 centimeters, Melania weighs 64 kilograms.

It is worth saying that, while still a child, she had complexes about her height, because she was much taller than her friends. But, having matured, the future model realized that there was a way to turn her “disadvantage” into an advantage, and then she went to study at a modeling school. Today she no longer appears on the podium. Instead, he designs jewelry.

Biography and personal life of Melania Trump

Melania was born in 1970. The little girl studied well at school, did not miss school, and loved literature. She also often sat in her room for a long time and drew or made paper crafts.

The girl's parents were ordinary people. Her father, Victor Knavs, worked in the used car market. And my mother, Amalia Knavs, was a factory seamstress.

After graduating from school, the girl entered a university in another city, the Faculty of Design. While still in her first year, she met a photographer named Stane Erko, who invited her to participate in a photo shoot.

Having seen the finished pictures, Melania thought that she could try her luck in modeling. Therefore, without regret, she left the university and went to conquer Milan, where her modeling career began. Despite the fact that she became truly successful and acted frequently, the girl still had complexes regarding her appearance. She was not attracted to her own face. At the same time, she noticed that girls with a different appearance than hers were more popular. That’s why I decided to go under the plastic surgeon’s knife. The result, as they say, is “obvious.” Melania began to feel much more confident, and besides, she began to be invited to men's magazines. Thus, by the age of 25, Melania was able to become a famous model in Europe. It was then that she decided that it was time to conquer the United States. In 1996, she arrived in New York, where she continued her modeling career and began appearing at all sorts of parties and receptions.

The biography and personal life of Melania Trump are taking new turns in connection with her move to the States. This is how the future first lady met Donald Trump. The model was 28 at the time, and her fan was 20 years older. Besides, he was already married. As soon as the billionaire became interested in Melania, her photographs began to appear on the covers of the most prestigious magazines, like Vogue or Bazaar. Many publications wanted to interview the model, and she was often invited on air. Melania was even lucky enough to play a small role in the film. Although her name was not written in the credits.

Family and children of Melania Trump

As a child, Melania lived with her parents in a small town whose population did not exceed 17 thousand people. Therefore, the younger generation had almost nowhere to get a job. Currently, most of the residents of this town have moved to other cities or even gone abroad. According to statistics for 2012, only 5 thousand people lived there. Naturally, the young girl wanted to go to a place where there were more opportunities.

Melania and Donald dated for six years. The billionaire spent the last five of them divorced from his then-wife. And yet he was in no hurry to officially invite Melania to marry. But at some point the model realized that she was no longer young, and she wanted more stability. Melania Trump's families and children loomed on the horizon when the woman was already 36. The couple announced their engagement and got married a year later. According to reporters, the impressive wedding cost Trump more than 40 million, and Melania’s wedding dress - 100 thousand. Particularly noted was Melania’s engagement ring with a 12-carat diamond, which costs 1.5 million.

Melania Trump's son - Barron Trump

Shortly after the couple's wedding, it became known that Mrs. Trump was expecting a child, and in the spring she gave birth to her first child. Melania Trump's son, Barron Trump, is the first child for this woman, but the fifth for Mr. Trump. In his first marriage, Donald had three children, and his second wife gave him another daughter. Shortly after the birth of his youngest son, Trump met with reporters and said that the child was healthy and everything was fine.

The baby was baptized in the church where the Trump family had previously had their wedding. Baby Barron watched the unveiling of his daddy's star on the Walk of Fame with his mom. By the way, shortly before the presidential elections, the star was damaged by unknown vandals. A year ago, Trump’s wife and her child moved to the White House, which she announced on Twitter.

Melania Trump's husband - Donald Trump

Melania Trump's husband, Donald Trump, doesn't really need a separate introduction. He lived in a wealthy family. In 1971 he created his own conglomerate in several types of business. Today, Trump's financial balance totals billions, he owns a huge number of all kinds of real estate and companies throughout the country, and even as a personal entertainment, he was the founder of the Miss Universe beauty pageant for about twenty years.

About three years ago, he decided to launch a large-scale campaign to become president of the United States. His main competitor in this fight was Hilary Clinton. However, a couple of years later, when the results were announced, it became clear that Trump would win. Before Melania, he married twice. He lived with his first wife for fifteen years, with his second for six.

After Donald Trump became president, he and Melania often visit other countries, where they meet with other presidents and other high-ranking officials. On these trips, people, of course, pay attention, among other things, to how the wife of the head of the United States is dressed.

Melania Trump's outfits (photos and videos) from all ceremonial meetings and conferences are always luxurious and look very stylish. It cannot be denied that Melania is not without good taste. For example, over the past year she has been able to attract the attention of the public with beautiful suits and business-style dresses from such famous fashion brands, coats with flowers from D&G. In addition, the press pays attention to the woman’s shoes. Take, for example, shoes from the Manolo Blahnik brand. But the silver dress from D&G that Melania wore to attend the La Scala opera received the highest praise from designers and the press. The cost of this dress reaches 40 thousand dollars.

There is no reason to deny that Mrs. Trump took part in explicit photo shoots in her younger years. She especially often posed completely naked at the beginning of her career in order to immediately make a statement. Years later, these photos resurfaced, causing a minor scandal during the election campaign of her husband, Donald Trump. Having undergone facial plastic surgery, she began to appear more often in men's magazines. However, you won’t find Melania Trump’s photo in Playboy magazine, since the girl never posed for him.

Currently, Melania is the first lady of America and an exemplary wife. All her latest appearances, images, outfits, news - everything is now under the gaze of the public. And therefore, the frank aspects of a modeling career are forgotten.

As a model, this woman did everything to attract as much attention as possible in order to be famous. That’s why photos of Melania Trump in her youth could often be seen not only on the spreads of fashion magazines, but also on their covers. And after plastic surgery, she stopped being shy about taking even candid photos. But the photos of Melania Trump for Playboy magazine were never taken. But on the cover of GQ at one time the girl appeared completely naked. But more often, of course, one could see photographs on spreads, where she posed mainly in a swimsuit or some branded lingerie. But especially in her younger years, Melania was a popular model for men's magazines like Playboy.

And although during the elections the photos of the president’s wife were used as compromising evidence against her husband, it should be noted that Donald himself is also not without “sin.” So in the nineties, he was also depicted on the cover of Playboy in the company of one of the models of this magazine.

Instagram and Wikipedia Melania Trump

Despite the fact that people have mixed feelings about the presidential wife, it is still quite difficult not to admit that she has a strong character and good performance. Melania also has a positive outlook on life and good fortitude. She has known a poor life and achieved everything she has now on her own, without outside support. Today she is rich and successful and is no longer afraid of having to work hard again just to get by.

The former model has personal profiles on social networks. True, Melania Trump’s Instagram and Wikipedia do not contain much information about her. The presidential wife has a Twitter page. And it is there that she communicates with people, tells news, shares various photos. Article found on alabanza.ru

Melania Knavs, today much better known as Melania Trump, is the First Lady of the United States, wife of the elected 45th President of the United States. But it cannot be said that Melania Trump’s biography is connected exclusively with her famous husband. Even in her youth, she achieved considerable success as a fashion model, posing, among other things, for men's magazines. In addition, the new first lady tried herself as an actress and starred in the comedy film Zoolander.

Donald Trump's wife was born in 1970 in the Slovenian town of Sevnica, which at that time was part of Yugoslavia. Melania's father, Victor Knavs, repaired and sold used cars, and Amalia's mother worked at a local textile factory. As a child, Melania Trump lived in a poor neighborhood, in a high-rise building surrounded by factory chimneys. The Knavs family was quite poor.

At the same time, the girl was diligent, purposeful and disciplined. She studied well at school, teachers and classmates today first of all remember that Melania Knavs was always polite, and not a single person heard a bad word from her. After graduating from school, the girl moves to the capital of Slovenia, where she becomes a student at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana.

However, the student was not destined to graduate: she soon met professional photographer Stane Erko, who convinced the girl to start a career in the modeling business. Six months later, Melania Knaus slightly alters her surname in a Western manner and, under the name Melania Knaus, leaves first for Milan and then for Paris.


To be more in demand in the fashion world, Melania Trump had plastic surgery: she changed the shape of her nose, increased her lip volume and breast size. The fashion model gained popularity through erotic photo shoots for magazines such as GQ and Max. You can still find her “naked” photos on the Internet. Later, the girl appeared on the covers of printed publications “Vogue”, “In Style”, “Glamour”, “Elle” and many others.

In the second half of the 90s, photos of Melania Trump began to be published in America, where the girl moved for permanent residence and settled in New York. She continues her modeling career and also tries herself as an actress. Trump's future wife Melania appeared in the comedy Zoolander directed by actor Ben Stiller, but the young woman's name was not mentioned in the credits.

In 2010, Melania launched her own jewelry line. Her signature brand is gradually conquering the world, and in addition to the jewelry itself, Trump creates designs for wristwatches, and also produces perfumes and cosmetics for women.

Personal life

In 1999, at a photo shoot for Allure magazine, the model met Donald Trump. This meeting radically changed Melania's personal life. They began dating, and the public learned about the affair between Donald Trump and Melania during their radio appearance on The Howard Stern Show. The future US president called the girl “the love of his life.” For their engagement, he gave her an 11-carat diamond ring, the price of which was $1.2 million.

In January 2005, a wedding took place in Florida, and Melania became the wife of Donald Trump. By the way, Trump’s future opponent for the presidency was present at the wedding ceremony. As a wedding gift from friends, the couple received the song “The Lady and the Tramp,” a reworked composition from the cartoon “Beauty and the Beast.”

The wedding ceremony was widely covered by the press. The public was primarily attracted by the luxury of the celebration. Melania Trump's dress was estimated at $200 thousand. It was worked on by someone who was then working for a French brand. Tailors hand-embroidered the dress with stones and pearls. It is not surprising that his weight was as much as 27 kilograms. And the wedding cake, more than 1.5 meters high, was decorated with three thousand confectionery roses.

A year later, a son was born into the Trump family, who was named. And if this child was the first for Donald Trump’s wife, then for the man it is already the fifth: from two previous marriages, President Trump has sons Donald Jr. and Eric, as well as daughters and. His father and mother dedicated a 20-minute appearance to Barron on the radio show “Imus in the Morning.”

Melania, like many successful women, is an avid fitness fan. She enjoys cardio exercises, as well as Pilates and tennis. It is noteworthy that the first lady does not adhere to any diets and allows herself to eat both fried and sweet foods, including her favorite ice cream. At the same time, she looks stunning - with a height of 178 cm, her weight is about 60 kg.

During a speech at the 2016 Republican National Convention, Mrs. Trump expressed support for her husband as a candidate for the presidency of the United States. Her speech was a success, but later journalists compared the text of the speech of Donald Trump's wife with what Michelle Obama, the president's wife, said eight years ago. It turned out that some paragraphs coincide almost word for word. However, representatives of the Trumps rejected the accusation of plagiarism.

However, in any case, that performance did not stop Melania from becoming after the announcement in November 2016.

True, one can hardly say from a woman’s face that she is happy. More and more often, Melania was caught on television cameras with a sad expression on her face. Later it became known that she. But it turned out that the reason for this was that she wanted her son to be able to finish the school year in peace. The family reunited in the summer of 2017. But the public stood its ground - Melania is unhappy.

With the beginning of Trump's presidency, various unpleasant details of his life began to emerge more and more often. In January 2018, the US President found himself at the center of another. The media found out that even before the start of the election race, Trump paid porn actress Stephanie Clifford $130 thousand for her silence, so that the girl would not tell anyone that they had a close relationship in 2006 - a year after Donald entered into an official marriage with Melania.

The First Lady did not comment on this situation, but through her behavior she made her offense clear. For some time she did not go out into the world and did not appear in the company of her husband. There were rumors on the Internet that a divorce was imminent. But in February 2018, Melania and Donald appeared before the public again - together and quite happy.

From insider information it became known that the woman had to forgive her unfaithful husband and forget about the divorce due to the fact that she did not want to create a scandal, as this could negatively affect their son Barron.

Melania Trump now

It’s unlikely that anyone will argue that Melania Trump is one of the most stylish first ladies. Every outfit, piece of clothing or accessory she wears is actively discussed on the Internet. There is even an Instagram dedicated exclusively to the images of the First Lady of the United States. The wife of the French President is considered her main “rival” in fashion. However, Melania and Brigitte themselves seem to be far from rivalry, and even vice versa. At the G20 summit they once again demonstrated their impeccable style.

In May 2018, the wife of the President. The White House said the surgery was planned earlier, everything went well, and there were no complications. No other details about Melania's health were disclosed. American doctors interviewed by the media suggested that the cause of the operation could be angiomyolipoma, a benign tumor in the kidneys.

This news surprised some, since the week before, Melania Trump appeared in public and announced the launch of her social program “Be Best”. She said that she would teach children to deal with the difficulties of the modern world. And she looked healthy and happy at the ceremony.

In turn, Donald Trump was filled with a sense of pride for his wife. And he did not hide his warm feelings for her - he kissed Melania in front of everyone. And she did not resist this (after the scandal with the porn actress, she did not even allow her husband to take her hand).

Melania Trump - First Lady of the United States

Born in the small Slovenian town of Novo Mesto, then part of Yugoslavia, the girl hardly thought that she would someday become the first lady of the United States. But fate has prepared just such a future for Melania Knavs.

Melania Trump, nee Knavs (Slovenian Knavs) or Knauss (English Knauss) was born on April 26, 1970 in the city of Novo Mesto in Slovenia, which was part of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. She grew up in Sevnica, a settlement north of Novo Mesto, which today has a population of less than 5 thousand people.

Melania Trump's parents

Melania's father Viktor Knavs is from the nearest town of Radeche, and her mother Amalia is from the village of Raka in the vicinity of Sevnitsa. Victor Knavs sold cars and motorcycles in a state company, and Amalia worked as a children's clothing designer at the Jutranjka factory.

Melania (second from right) as a child (Photo: instagram.com)

Fashion model career

Melania Trump entered the University of Ljubljana with a degree in architecture and design, but dropped out after the first year, moving to Milan. The girl’s life was radically changed by a meeting with photographer Stane Erko, who appreciated the potential of the tall (Melania Trump’s height is 178 cm) blue-eyed beauty in the modeling business.

She began her modeling career at the age of sixteen, performing at shows in Milan and Paris. Photos of Melania were published in many magazines. It is curious that Yerko noted Melania’s shyness in her youth, but after becoming a fashion model, the girl posed nude. Photos of naked Melania subsequently played a role during Donald Trump's election campaign. Only the naked Melania Trump in the photos that surfaced in Max magazine, apparently, only added whists to her husband in the election fight.

Melania at 16 years old (Photo: instagram.com)

Photos of Melania Trump were published on the covers of such publications as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Ocean Drive, In Style, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vanity Fair, Self, Glamour, Elle and in 2000 appeared in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue " She also starred in the 2001 film Zoolander, appearing among many other celebrities.

Personal life of Melania Trump

In 1998, Melania met Donald Trump. As the future first lady of the United States described the meeting, the odious billionaire asked for her phone number while he was pretty drunk. For this reason, the model did not give her number.

However, a persistent connoisseur of female beauty, Donald Trump, still achieved what he wanted. Their relationship became public after the launch of Trump's successful and business-oriented reality show "The Apprentice" and also after Knavs' appearance with Trump on The Howard Stern Show, where Trump spoke about the "love of his life." Her increased fame led Knavs to collaborate with British GQ magazine, for which she posed naked, and her nude photo appeared on the cover of the magazine's January 2000 issue.

Melania with Donald Trump before the wedding (Photo: instagram.com)

In general, there are various rumors about the life of Melania Trump, for example, in August 2016, Melania filed a lawsuit against the American blogger Webster Tarpley and the British tabloid Daily Mail, who wrote that she worked as an escort in the 1990s. They retracted their words and apologized.

Melania Trump's wedding

Trump and Knavs became engaged in 2004 and married on January 22, 2005 at Bethesda-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church in Palm Beach.

The reception was held at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate. Among the guests at the wedding of Melania and Donald Trump was Hillary Clinton.

The wedding ceremony of Melania and Donald was widely covered by media agencies, and the Christian Dior brand Knavs wedding dress worth two hundred thousand dollars is often mentioned. The wedding cake, measuring over one and a half meters on a side and filled with Grand Marnier, was covered with three thousand roses made by the chef of the estate.

Wedding of Melania and Donald Trump (Photo: instagram.com)

Donald Trump, explaining why he divorced his previous wives and was married twice before Melania, said: “My wives couldn’t compete with my work.” Melania, apparently, succeeded.

“If you need Viagra, you may be with the wrong woman,” billionaire and future US President Donald Trump commented on his personal life.

In 2006, Melania Trump became a US citizen. On March 20, 2006, the couple had a son, Barron William Trump. He became Trump's fifth child. After his birth, Donald Trump made a twenty-minute statement over the phone on the radio show “Imus in the Morning,” saying that “everything is perfect.”

About her son, Melania says: “He loves to build something, then tear it down and build something else... Sometimes I call him “little Donald.” Judging by her stories, Barron is more like a father than his brothers and sisters, in particular the well-known Ivanka Trump.

Melania Trump's parents with her son Barron (Photo: instagram.com)

The young heir to an empire is said to prefer suits and has an entire floor at his parents' penthouse in Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in midtown Manhattan. The Trump Organization, a family-owned company, is headquartered there.

Melania Trump doesn't focus on being a housewife. In February 2010, she announced the launch of a jewelry collection of her own design.

Melania Trump - the president's wife

The wedding to Trump made Melania truly famous; after the wedding, she starred in a comic television advertisement for the insurance corporation Aflac along with the company's mascot, a duck voiced by comedian Gilbert Gottfried.

However, even greater fame came to Melania when her husband became President of the United States. This led to close attention to all her words and even her looks. In 2016, Melania Trump was accused of saying that two paragraphs of her speech at the Republican National Convention were almost word for word identical to Michelle Obama's speech at a similar event at the 2008 Democratic National Convention.

After the inauguration of Donald Trump, sad Melania became an Internet meme. Vigilant spectators of the ceremony, especially among supporters of Hillary Clinton, who lost to Donald, launched the hashtags #SadMelania and #FreeMelania, noting some of the severity of the look of the wife of the new US president in the photo.

At the ceremony announcing the election results (Photo: Zuma/TASS)

If someone concentrated on the look of Trump's wife, then the general public was interested in her dress. For the inauguration, Melania chose a blue Ralph Lauren closed dress paired with long gloves and jewelry from Tiffany & Co. Many compared Melania Trump's dress to that of another first lady, Jacqueline Kennedy. Melania appeared in another Ralph Lauren dress - a white jumpsuit - after the results of the presidential election were announced.

It is worth noting that many American designers refused to design clothes for Melania for political reasons, feeling affection for Donald Trump's rival Hillary Clinton. In particular, Sophie Tellet, who dressed Michelle Obama, said that she would not collaborate with the future first lady, although Melania may not have had the desire to order dresses from her.

Melania Trump plastic surgery

Melania Trump claims that she has never done anything to herself, but experts do not believe that the fashion model did without plastic surgery. In their opinion, Melania enlarged her breasts. Melania also had rhinoplasty, correcting the shape of her nose, and a rejuvenating circular facelift. Perhaps all this is just evil tongues and Donald Trump’s wife simply looks so good by her Slovenian nature.

The November 2016 US presidential election was watched with interest around the world. Billionaire Donald Trump won 77 more votes than Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College vote to become America's oldest first-time president.

But it was not only Donald’s age that interested active Internet users. Every day his colorful figure acquires more and more interesting and even piquant information, the lion's share of which concerns him Melania Trump's wife. Let me note that she is 24 years younger than her influential husband... I want to tell my dear readers about this mysterious woman...

Photo of Melania with her husband Donald Trump

Melania Trump's childhood, youth and career

Looking at the Wikipedia pages, I found out that Trump's wife Melania born into an ordinary Slovenian family on April 26, 1970. Her father sold cars, and her mother worked in the textile industry. After graduating from school, the girl wanted to become a designer, but after studying for only a year, she decided to conquer the modeling business and went to Milan. The young model’s excellent appearance captivated Italian photographers. Her face and figure fully met the strict standards of this industry - Melania Trump's height is 1 m 80 cm, weight 64 kg, and the volumes are ideal even after many years (85-65-92).

Photo of young Melania Trump

one more thing

It is not surprising that already at the age of sixteen Melania demonstrated clothes at shows of the world's leading fashion centers - in Milan and Paris, and starred in candid photo shoots of famous world magazines such as Vogue, Glamour, Elle, etc.

Photos from Melania Trump's candid photo shoot

Could she have thought then that these sexy photos would be known to the whole world?

Meeting and marrying Donald Trump

Melania first met her future husband in 1999, during a photo shoot for Allure magazine. The beautiful brown-haired girl conquered him with her refusal! The girl recalls that Donald asked for her phone number while walking arm-in-arm with an attractive companion. The future Mrs. Trump did not like this, and she turned around and walked away. This intriguing act aroused a burning interest in the heart of the loving billionaire. He's not used to being rejected!

The only woman who did not date Donald is the late Princess Diana. During the interview, Trump recalls her strong character and indomitable nature.

What do all Trump's wives have in common?

Looking through photographs of Donald's women and studying his biographies, I learned that he is a well-known connoisseur of female beauty. His first wife was Czechoslovakian supermodel Ivana Zelnichkova, who bore him three children.

Photo of Trump's first wife, young Ivanka

Donald Trump with his first wife Ivana and children

The tycoon's second wife was attractive actress Marla Maples, who bore him a daughter.

Marla Maples with Donald Trump and daughter Tiffany

It is clear that Donald does not change his taste. All his wives are stunning beauties!

There was a time when Donald met with Carla Bruni - famous top model, poet, singer and actress. But their relationship did not work out. After some time, Carla married Nicolas Sarkazy.

Carla Bruni and Donald Trump

And, of course, the famous photo of Trump's wife Melania at the wedding ceremony.

Wedding of Melania and Donald Trump

Melania Trump in a wedding dress worth 200 thousand dollars

Melania Trump's wedding dress

Let me note that the billionaire paid 200 thousand dollars for his wife’s wedding dress.

Melania Trump: before and after plastic surgery

I think you will agree that women like Mrs. Trump simply have to look perfect. Unfortunately, the elixir of eternal youth has not yet been found ((That’s why many famous people decide to go under the plastic surgeon’s knife. Was Melania an exception? I did a little research using photos from the Internet, and this is what I came up with.

Photos of Melania Trump in her youth and now

Judging by this photo, it looks like some minor plastic manipulation was done. And although Melania stubbornly denies it, the photographs don’t lie.

In Mrs. Trump's defense, I would like to say that her style embodies the height of elegance and excellent taste. All her outfits are impeccable. In addition, Donald characterizes his wife as a wonderful mother. She spends a lot of time with her son, and can leave him for a while only when she is sure that he is under reliable supervision.

Will you share your impressions with me? What emotions does the current First Lady of the United States evoke in you?

There is even more interest in Donald Trump's wife Melania Trump than in the new president himself. Former model Melania Trump photo, height, weight, age, biography, her son and of course, Melania Trump before and after plastic surgery, candid photos, everything is of interest, because. there has never been a First Lady with Slavic roots and a scandalous past. Melania and Donald Trump's wedding is similar to Cinderella's wedding to the prince.

The more I learn about this woman, the more for some reason I feel sorry for her, I don’t think Melania Trump’s restraint is her innate feeling of not showing her emotions and experiences in public, it’s more reminiscent of hidden pain, fear and not very good acting in connection with this. Now Melania Trump is 46 years old; her age and status oblige her to respectability and she positions herself as a mother and a designer of watches and jewelry.

Melania Trump biography

Melania Trump was born Knavs (later changed her name to Knauss) on April 26, 1970 in the small town of Sevnica in Slovenia. Melania's parents were modest workers in a communist state: her mother Amalia worked at a local knitting factory, and her father Viktor Knavs worked as a driver and later sold used cars. Melania Trump's father was a supporter of communist views, like most people at that time, and, to the displeasure of relatives, did not allow the child to be baptized.

After graduating from school, she entered the University of Ljubljana to major in Architecture and Design, however, it’s not surprising because Melania’s zodiac sign is Taurus, but her creativity apparently wasn’t so strong in her early years and Melania, after finishing her first year, quits studying at the university and moved to Milan, because in her first academic year she was devoted not only to the study of architecture and design, but to building a career as a model. It should be noted that incomplete education did not prevent Melania from learning English, French, German, Italian, Serbo-Croatian languages, and of course, she speaks her native Slovenian language.

Model Melania Knauss

The career of model Melania Knavs began in 1987, photographer Stane Jerko saw her on the streets of Ljubljana, he was the first to teach her winning angles for photos. As they say, she “became widely known in narrow circles,” now we can assume that someone instilled in young Melania greater confidence in herself and her abilities, because. the girl decides to quit her studies and go to conquer the fashion capital Milan.

At that time, Melania Trump's measurements were: height 176.5 cm.

chest volume 85 cm.

waist size 65cm.

hip volume 93 cm.

It’s funny that now almost all publications indicate that Melania Trump’s height is 180 cm, has she really grown since then?!

Arriving in Milan, Melania signed a contract with a modeling agency. In 1992, in Ljubljana, she took second place in the “Look of the Year” competition and signed a contract with an international modeling agency; now Melania Knavs conquered the catwalks of Milan and Paris.

Photo of Melania Trump before she had breast augmentation and had plastic surgery on her nose and lips.

This is what Melania Trump looked like in her youth.

In 1996, Melania Trump comes to conquer America in New York. And changes his last name to Knauss. Her career began to develop rapidly after meeting Donald Trump. Melania Knauss has been on the covers of the most famous magazines - Harper's Bazaar (Bulgaria), Ocean Drive, In Style Weddings, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vanity Fair (Italy), Vogue (after her marriage to Donald Trump) and GQ ( Great Britain).

In 2000, she posed for the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue and had a contract with Trump Model Management.

Thanks to her career as a model and her “extraordinary abilities,” it was not until 2001 that Melania was granted permanent residency and became a US citizen in 2006. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the connection between Melania Knauss and Donald Trump became widely known to the public in 2000, but despite their relationship, engagement and wedding in 2005, Melania was not given citizenship.

How Melania and Donald Trump met

When Melania arrived in New York, she participated in a show at New York Fashion Week, after the show, as usual, there was a party there and the future president and his first lady met; Trump, by the way, was with his companion. However, when asked by billionaire Donald Trump to give him the phone, Melania refused, they say he was dead drunk. But she invited the billionaire to give her his phone, Donald left her all his phones, including his work one, Melania Knauss called Donald Trump a week later.

Later they met again, their meeting was inevitable because... Melania in New York signed a contract with Trump Model Management. In addition, Donald Trump's first wife was a model, his second wife was an actress, so it is obvious that the billionaire had a weakness for women of model appearance. Back in 1999, Trump enthusiastically said on one of his radio broadcasts that this girl was the love of his life, after which divorce proceedings began with his second wife.

When the affair began between Melania Knauss and Donald Trump, he was still married to actress and model Maila Mapels, with whom he also began a relationship while he was still married to his first wife, Ivanna Zelnichkova.

Donald Trump's first wife— Ivanna Zelnichkova bore him three children: Donald, Ivanka and Eric, their marriage lasted 13 years and they divorced due to the fact that Donald Trump started an affair with Maila Mapels, took her on business trips, etc. During the divorce, Ivanna managed to sue her husband for 25 million dollars, 650 thousand monthly for the maintenance of children, a luxurious mansion, and after that she got married twice.

Donald Trump's second wife Myla Mapels, they had a daughter, Tiffany, in their marriage; their legal relationship lasted only six years. Maila received 2.5 million dollars and a daughter. The reason for the divorce was an affair with Melania Knauss.

When Melania and Donald Trump started dating Melania was just starting her modeling career in America at that time, and there are suggestions that she was not just among her competitors. Perhaps, at that time, Melania agreed to a job that now compromises her as the first lady; there are pictures where Melania Knauss was still filmed naked and they say that then she provided escort services. Now, when someone takes it upon himself to talk about this, Melania’s lawyers sue him and that’s where the conversations end.

Later, when the relationship between Trump and Melania developed, their connection became known, Melania Knauss’s modeling career in America began to develop rapidly; her photos were published by the most famous and popular magazines in America and around the world, including her posing nude for men’s magazines. During the election campaign, Donald Trump had to repeatedly deflect attacks on his wife for these nude photo shoots, he defended and made excuses for his wife. Perhaps I’m wrong, but I got the feeling that at that time Donald Trump already had a relationship with Melania, but considered it possible for her to participate in such filming, maybe he was proud and wanted to show off that his beauty was almost a quarter of a century younger than him? Maybe at that time, the billionaire did not plan to build a serious relationship with the model, did not intend to run for the presidency? Alien soul of darkness...

In 2004, Donald Trump spoke on one of his reality shows about his long courtship with Melania and that, in his opinion, they are very suitable for each other and therefore they get along.