Melania Trump. Melania Trump How old is Melania Trump

Melania Trump is known not only for being the wife of the US President, but also for being a public figure. The wife of the American head can be called a real example of a purposeful and strong-willed woman. She is the most ordinary Yugoslav girl, she could work in a small town and not live the most prosperous life. But she made it into the world, built her own career and achieved success in every way even before she got married.

Knowing full well that leaving Yugoslavia and moving up would be very difficult, Melania went to work at sixteen. Over the next years, she grew to become a famous model, earning money from shows of the world's most famous and expensive brands. Which, in fact, was how she was able to attract Donald’s attention. Currently, a woman can boast not just a high position in society, but also the status of first lady.

Height, weight, age. How old is Melania Trump

Let us note that the rich man’s wife attracted the attention of ordinary people even before Trump became president. In particular, people were interested in her height, weight, and age. How old is Melania Trump? It’s a simple question. She is 20 years younger than her husband. And currently the former model is already 48 years old. But she's just as good as ever. You can verify this by comparing photos of Melania Trump in her youth and now. This is a luxurious woman with a stunning figure. With a height of 180 centimeters, Melania weighs 64 kilograms.

It is worth saying that, while still a child, she had complexes about her height, because she was much taller than her friends. But, having matured, the future model realized that there was a way to turn her “disadvantage” into an advantage, and then she went to study at a modeling school. Today she no longer appears on the podium. Instead, he designs jewelry.

Biography and personal life of Melania Trump

Melania was born in 1970. The little girl studied well at school, did not miss school, and loved literature. She also often sat in her room for a long time and drew or made paper crafts.

The girl's parents were ordinary people. Her father, Victor Knavs, worked in the used car market. And my mother, Amalia Knavs, was a factory seamstress.

After graduating from school, the girl entered a university in another city, the Faculty of Design. While still in her first year, she met a photographer named Stane Erko, who invited her to participate in a photo shoot.

Having seen the finished pictures, Melania thought that she could try her luck in modeling. Therefore, without regret, she left the university and went to conquer Milan, where her modeling career began. Despite the fact that she became truly successful and acted frequently, the girl still had complexes regarding her appearance. She was not attracted to her own face. At the same time, she noticed that girls with a different appearance than hers were more popular. That’s why I decided to go under the plastic surgeon’s knife. The result, as they say, is “obvious.” Melania began to feel much more confident, and besides, she began to be invited to men's magazines. Thus, by the age of 25, Melania was able to become a famous model in Europe. It was then that she decided that it was time to conquer the United States. In 1996, she arrived in New York, where she continued her modeling career and began appearing at all sorts of parties and receptions.

The biography and personal life of Melania Trump are taking new turns in connection with her move to the States. This is how the future first lady met Donald Trump. The model was 28 at the time, and her fan was 20 years older. Besides, he was already married. As soon as the billionaire became interested in Melania, her photographs began to appear on the covers of the most prestigious magazines, like Vogue or Bazaar. Many publications wanted to interview the model, and she was often invited on air. Melania was even lucky enough to play a small role in the film. Although her name was not written in the credits.

Family and children of Melania Trump

As a child, Melania lived with her parents in a small town whose population did not exceed 17 thousand people. Therefore, the younger generation had almost nowhere to get a job. Currently, most of the residents of this town have moved to other cities or even gone abroad. According to statistics for 2012, only 5 thousand people lived there. Naturally, the young girl wanted to go to a place where there were more opportunities.

Melania and Donald dated for six years. The billionaire spent the last five of them divorced from his then-wife. And yet he was in no hurry to officially invite Melania to marry. But at some point the model realized that she was no longer young, and she wanted more stability. Melania Trump's families and children loomed on the horizon when the woman was already 36. The couple announced their engagement and got married a year later. According to reporters, the impressive wedding cost Trump more than 40 million, and Melania’s wedding dress - 100 thousand. Particularly noted was Melania’s engagement ring with a 12-carat diamond, which costs 1.5 million.

Melania Trump's son - Barron Trump

Shortly after the couple's wedding, it became known that Mrs. Trump was expecting a child, and in the spring she gave birth to her first child. Melania Trump's son, Barron Trump, is the first child for this woman, but the fifth for Mr. Trump. In his first marriage, Donald had three children, and his second wife gave him another daughter. Shortly after the birth of his youngest son, Trump met with reporters and said that the child was healthy and everything was fine.

The baby was baptized in the church where the Trump family had previously had their wedding. Baby Barron watched the unveiling of his daddy's star on the Walk of Fame with his mom. By the way, shortly before the presidential elections, the star was damaged by unknown vandals. A year ago, Trump’s wife and her child moved to the White House, which she announced on Twitter.

Melania Trump's husband - Donald Trump

Melania Trump's husband, Donald Trump, doesn't really need a separate introduction. He lived in a wealthy family. In 1971 he created his own conglomerate in several types of business. Today, Trump's financial balance totals billions, he owns a huge number of all kinds of real estate and companies throughout the country, and even as a personal entertainment, he was the founder of the Miss Universe beauty pageant for about twenty years.

About three years ago, he decided to launch a large-scale campaign to become president of the United States. His main competitor in this fight was Hilary Clinton. However, a couple of years later, when the results were announced, it became clear that Trump would win. Before Melania, he married twice. He lived with his first wife for fifteen years, with his second for six.

After Donald Trump became president, he and Melania often visit other countries, where they meet with other presidents and other high-ranking officials. On these trips, people, of course, pay attention, among other things, to how the wife of the head of the United States is dressed.

Melania Trump's outfits (photos and videos) from all ceremonial meetings and conferences are always luxurious and look very stylish. It cannot be denied that Melania is not without good taste. For example, over the past year she has been able to attract the attention of the public with beautiful suits and business-style dresses from such famous fashion brands, coats with flowers from D&G. In addition, the press pays attention to the woman’s shoes. Take, for example, shoes from the Manolo Blahnik brand. But the silver dress from D&G that Melania wore to attend the La Scala opera received the highest praise from designers and the press. The cost of this dress reaches 40 thousand dollars.

There is no reason to deny that Mrs. Trump took part in explicit photo shoots in her younger years. She especially often posed completely naked at the beginning of her career in order to immediately make a statement. Years later, these photos resurfaced, causing a minor scandal during the election campaign of her husband, Donald Trump. Having undergone facial plastic surgery, she began to appear more often in men's magazines. However, you won’t find Melania Trump’s photo in Playboy magazine, since the girl never posed for him.

Currently, Melania is the first lady of America and an exemplary wife. All her latest appearances, images, outfits, news - everything is now under the gaze of the public. And therefore, the frank aspects of a modeling career are forgotten.

As a model, this woman did everything to attract as much attention as possible in order to be famous. That’s why photos of Melania Trump in her youth could often be seen not only on the spreads of fashion magazines, but also on their covers. And after plastic surgery, she stopped being shy about taking even candid photos. But the photos of Melania Trump for Playboy magazine were never taken. But on the cover of GQ at one time the girl appeared completely naked. But more often, of course, one could see photographs on spreads, where she posed mainly in a swimsuit or some branded lingerie. But especially in her younger years, Melania was a popular model for men's magazines like Playboy.

And although during the elections the photos of the president’s wife were used as compromising evidence against her husband, it should be noted that Donald himself is also not without “sin”. So in the nineties, he was also depicted on the cover of Playboy in the company of one of the models of this magazine.

Instagram and Wikipedia Melania Trump

Despite the fact that people have mixed feelings about the presidential wife, it is still quite difficult not to admit that she has a strong character and good performance. Melania also has a positive outlook on life and good fortitude. She has known a poor life and achieved everything she has now on her own, without outside support. Today she is rich and successful and is no longer afraid of having to work hard again just to get by.

The former model has personal profiles on social networks. True, Melania Trump’s Instagram and Wikipedia do not contain much information about her. The presidential wife has a Twitter page. And it is there that she communicates with people, tells news, shares various photos. Article found on

Victor and Amalia Knavs

The current first lady of the United States is not one of those who tried to quickly occupy an apartment on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington. Mrs. Trump delayed until the last minute, and last year, during the move from New York's Trump Tower to the White House, Melania and Barron Trump were accompanied by 74-year-old Viktor Knauss and 72-year-old Amalia Knauss. Since then, Melania Trump's parents have become quite recognizable faces for residents of the American capital. We tell you the most interesting things about them.

1. Frequently travel with the First Family

Victor and Amalia can often be seen on board No. 1, in particular, Mrs. Knavs was recently spotted on the presidential plane during the family's return to Washington from Mar-a-Lago, where Trump and his family spent the Easter weekend.

2. Soon to become US citizens

Now the couple has the status of permanent residents (this means that Victor and Amalia have green cards), and they, according to the law, are waiting to take the oath of allegiance, immigration lawyer Michael Walds, who represents the interests of the couple, previously explained to the Washington Post.

Amalia Knavs with Ivanka Trump

3. Live in the White House (sometimes)

Barron is very close to his grandparents (and is rumored to communicate with them in Slovenian). According to Politico, Amalia and Victor are “highly involved” in the boy’s life. The same publication writes that Melania’s parents literally became their own in the White House, and draws an analogy with Michelle Obama’s mother, Mariah Robinson, who at one time actually moved into the residence of the First Family. However, the White House itself does not comment on this matter, citing the fact that the First Lady’s parents are private individuals and their privacy must be respected.

4. Participate in all family formal events

For example, at the traditional Thanksgiving turkey ceremony last November, the couple sat next to Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. And then, together with the Trumps, they flew to Mar-a-Lago to celebrate Thanksgiving with their families.

Knavs in the White House (2017)

5. Always “somewhere nearby”

Recently, the Knavs have been spending time between Trump Tower, Mar-a-Lago and Bedminster (where Trump's private golf club, Trump National Golf Club, is located). In general, the couple try to support their daughter Melania and stay nearby.

6. Don’t forget about your small homeland

Melania was born in the city of Sevnica, located near the capital of Slovenia, Ljubljana. The city's population is only about 5,000 inhabitants. Knavs do not forget about their homeland. “They still own the house (in Sevnica – editor's note) and visit it two or three times a year,” reports the Western press.

Sevnica, Slovenia

7. Long time together

The parents of the future first lady met in the city where Melania was born. This happened in 1966. At that time, Victor worked as a driver for the head of the administration of the city of Sevnitsa, and Amalia worked as a fashion designer at a children's clothing factory.

Knavsy then

And now

8. They didn’t grab the stars from the sky

The Knavs started out quite modestly: in Sevnitsa, the couple lived in an ordinary apartment with only two bedrooms. Over time, they have become incomparably richer, but they don’t seem to brag about it.

Knavs with the Trumps at the Republican National Convention (2016)

9. Not interested in politics

Having finished his career as a driver, Victor began working as a traveling salesman representing a state-owned automobile company. “Unlike the majority of the population, who suffered a lot of hardships under the communists, the Knavs family lived well: Victor collected a collection of Mercedes sedans and dreamed of a Maserati, Amalia was always impeccably dressed and had a good hairstyle,” writes GQ magazine. According to some reports, Viktor Knavs was a member of the local Council of the Communist Party, but Trump representatives never tire of emphasizing that the president’s father-in-law was never an “active member of the party.”

10. Peers are busy

Donald Trump (born 1946) is only a couple of years younger than his father-in-law, Victor, and almost the same age as his mother-in-law, Amalia.

Victor Knavs (2017)

11. Have two daughters

The couple's firstborn, Ines, is a year older than Melania. Inez can be seen from time to time among the guests of the presidential villa at Mar-a-Lago. By the way, it was the sisters who in their youth decided to change their Slovenian maiden names Knavs to the German style ─ Knauss.

Iness Knauss and Melania Trump

12. They lured Trump to Slovenia

Donald Trump visited his wife's homeland only once. “I was there for about 13 minutes,” the billionaire said on The Larry King Show in 2005. According to the New Yorker, Donald and Melania arrived on Trump's personal Boeing 727 in Ljubljana at 8 pm and went to dinner with the Knavs couple at the Grand Hotel Toplice, located near Lake Blejsko. The meeting did not last too long - the billionaire returned to the airport before midnight.

Amalia Knavs (left) with Melania at the Zac Posen fashion show, February 2004

13. Attended the engagement

Amalia and Victor first visited the United States in February 2004. Then the couple visited New York and visited Mar-a-Lago, where, according to rumors, Trump asked for blessings on his marriage to Melania. The billionaire proposed at the annual Met Gala in April.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

The main character of this day is, of course, the new US President Donald Trump. However, no less attention has been drawn to the country's first lady. Some people feel sympathy for Melania Trump, some are skeptical towards her, and for others, she generally causes irritation. We suggest not to judge a person superficially, but rather to get to know Melania better. Who did she work before meeting Donald, how a girl born into a simple family in Slovenia was able to meet an influential media tycoon and win his heart, what ring Donald gave Melania for her engagement... Answers to these and other questions are in the material HELLO.RU .

Melania Trump

Her father worked as a manager at a car dealership, and her mother was a seamstress at a children's clothing company.

Melania Trump at one of her first shows, 1977

At the age of 16, Melania entered the Faculty of Architecture and Design, but after the first year she left her studies, choosing a modeling career. And she was not mistaken: after moving to Milan, her career really took off - Melania almost immediately began taking part in fashion shows not only in Italy, but also in France.

Melania has appeared on the covers of almost all the most famous magazines: Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Ocean Drive, In Style, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vanity Fair, Self, Glamour, Elle. In addition, the model did not refuse candid shoots Just look at the covers of GQ and Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2000.

Melania speaks 5 languages: Slovenian, English, French, Serbian and German.

She also tried herself in the acting field, but things didn’t work out very well, at least not yet. She starred in a cameo role in the film Zoolander and was not even listed in the credits.

After her modeling career began to decline in Europe, Melania decided to move to the United States. She was contracted by the owner of the modeling agency, Paolo Zampolli, who often sent his models to private parties with the participation of famous photographers, producers and rich people. It was at one of these parties that Melania and Donald Trump met. This happened in September 1998, during New York Fashion Week. Donald was 52 years old at that time, and Melania was 28 years old. But Trump did not make the expected impression on the model.

I didn't know much about who Donald Trump was. I had my own life, my own world. I didn't follow Donald and had no idea what kind of life he led.

Melania and Donald Trump, 1999

Although Melania says she didn't know much about Donald Trump, she can be credited with guile. It is known that in response to a request for a phone number, she refused Donald and asked him to give her his. According to Melania, she did this because she did not want to become “one of those whom he calls himself.”

I wanted to check his intentions, what phone he would give me - personal or work. A phone number can tell you a lot about a man's intentions. So Donald wrote me all his numbers. But I called him a week later. We immediately felt a kinship of souls, there was chemistry between us, but I was not in awe of him. And I think he noticed it immediately,” Melania told GQ magazine.

Melania, Donald and Ivanka Trump, 1999

In 2004, Melania and Donald got engaged. According to media reports, Donald presented Melania with a 12-carat diamond ring worth $1.5 million (not the most luxurious - Beyoncé, for example, has an 18-carat stone on her ring finger).

The couple’s luxurious wedding, which was covered in almost all media, took place in 2005. The ceremony took place at Bethesda-by-the-Sea Church and the dinner was held at the Mar-a-Lago residence. 350 guests were invited to the celebration, including Bill and Hillary Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Usher, Heidi Klum and Anna Wintour.

Melania entrusted the design of the main dress of the ceremony to the Dior brand. The result exceeded all expectations - not only the guests at the wedding, but also everyone on the cover of Vogue could appreciate the outfit. It took 23 days to create the dress - all the patterns were embroidered by hand - and $100,000. But Melania could hardly move freely in this outfit, so in the middle of the evening she changed it to a tight and light one from Vera Wang.

On March 20, 2006, Melania gave birth to Donald's son. For her, Barron William became the first-born, and for Trump, the fifth child. As Melania said in an interview, Barron is very similar to his father. Even though he is only 10 years old, he loves wearing business suits, playing golf and giving directions. So, he alternately fires his nannies and housekeepers, although after a short time he hires them back.

He is a very independent, very special, smart boy. He has his own opinion on everything; he won’t go out of his way to say anything. He always knows exactly what he wants. Sometimes I call him little Donald. Outwardly, he looks like both me and Donald, but in character he is the spitting image of his father,” quotes Melania.

Donald and Melania Trump with their son, 2007

Melania and Donald Trump with their son, 2015

Melania actively supports Donald Trump's ideas regarding illegal immigrants. She agrees that such people and their families should leave America "even if they have nowhere to return." This position of Melania surprises many, given the fact that a few years ago the model herself was in the same position.

Although Melania has always insisted that she came to America legally, according to documents provided by the Associated Press, between September 10 and October 15, 1996, she was paid $20,056 from 10 employers, although she did not have official permission at the time work within the country.

According to Melania, she often helps her husband with advice on political issues.

I shared my opinions with him on various issues many, many, many times. I don't agree with him on many things, but, you know, that's normal. I'm a different person, I tell him what I think. I stand firmly on my feet, I have my own understanding of the situation. And I think this is very important in a relationship,” Melania told CNN.

According to a Washington Post/ABC poll, Melania was voted the least popular spouse of a presidential candidate. But this doesn’t bother the model at all. In an interview, she admitted that she does not expect sympathy from anyone.

I am very strong... There is no need to feel sorry for me. I can handle anything.

From 2005 to 2009, Melania was a Goodwill Ambassador for the American Red Cross.

Melania Trump was no less famous in her youth, despite the fact that she was not yet married to the US President. Of course, her beauty was admired by celebrities, “celestials”, and ordinary citizens of the country. But how did this famous woman distinguish herself, and how did she manage to maintain her charm and beauty? We will talk about this and much more today.

Curriculum Vitae

Melania Trump became the third wife of a successful businessman, and now also the president. He is considered one of the richest and most powerful people in North America. Naturally, he was always the center of attention of women, including hunters of other people’s fortunes. The young model Melanie Knavs was among those who would like to become a man’s companion, and she was not at all hampered by the noticeable age difference.

It must be said that by the time he met the young lady, Donald already had two unsuccessful marriages behind him, in which four children were born - two sons and two daughters. And Melania’s life was not ideal. The press has repeatedly exposed to the public the juicy details of the scandals associated with her. This fact in no way gives her bonuses in the piggy bank called “mother of the nation.”

The now confident and strong lady was not always the way she positions herself today. In her youth, she managed to make a brilliant career as a model, working with many glossy magazines, including frank men's publications. She even managed to try herself as an actress, playing one of the roles in a piquant film with the telling title “Zoolander.”

If we talk about her development as a person, the girl was born in the small and forgotten town of Sevnica in Slovenia in 1970. At that time this country was part of Yugoslavia. My father was involved in repairs, restored and resold old cars. Mom worked at a weaving factory. Their income was modest, so the family huddled in a small apartment in an industrial area.

The girl did not cause any special problems for her parents, she was distinguished by her modesty and gentle disposition. She was polite and courteous with those around her, and showed only her best side in school classes. Poverty and constant savings developed in her a desire to get out of poverty at any cost and always achieve her goals. Immediately after school, she hurried to leave her hometown, went to the capital and entered the university. The young girl had a very developed artistic taste, so she had no doubt about choosing her future profession. In addition, she was pushed to some extent into the modeling business by her own mother, who worked all her life at a clothing factory as a women's clothing designer.

Now let's talk about the appearance of the bright and charming student Melania. I must say, she had all the data to become a successful model. This dream prompted her to quit her studies and plunge headlong into realizing her dreams. Why not? Her height allows (180 cm), the girl stood out from the crowd and captivated with the beauty of her blue eyes. In Ljubljana, she met photographer Stane Erko, who made her a portfolio and helped her break into the fashion industry.

The origin of the beauty, in her opinion, greatly hindered her in building a career, so she quickly and without hesitation changed her last name. From the age of seventeen, the young lady began to appear on the famous catwalks of Milan and Paris. Looking at herself in the mirror, she often turned away with disgust - it was unpleasant for her to look at her round, fresh face. But in order to achieve her goals, she was ready to do anything, so the ambitious person eliminated this shortcoming using plastic surgery, which was actively developing at that time. As a result of such manipulations, her nose acquired a more elegant and subtle outline, her breasts became more elastic and seductive. Such metamorphoses allowed the model to move to a new level, and now the best glossy publications fought for her photographs.

One way or another, Melania sincerely believed that the countries of old Europe were only a springboard, which would certainly be only the beginning of a long journey. That is why at the end of the last century she decides to conquer the USA. She settles in the fashion capital of the world, New York, where she works hard to become famous in all states of the country. At the same time, the young woman starred in the film “Zoolander.” Fortunately or unfortunately, her last name does not appear in the credits.

Advice!Melania met her future husband Donald in 1999. She then led a social lifestyle and always attended the most luxurious and luxurious parties. Trump came to one of the receptions accompanied by a companion, but when he saw the long-legged beauty, he immediately turned his attention to her. The model refused him that evening without even giving him a phone number. Soon, a fan found her again and began to help her in her career, which bribed the model. Since then, they have almost never been apart.

The rapid development of the novel

The couple did not mention a wedding for many years, although Donald constantly told the press that he had finally found his true love. But in 2005, the lovers nevertheless entered into the sacred bonds of marriage. The event took place on January 22 in Florida in a church built little known to the general public in Palm Beach. The lavish celebration continued at Donald Trump's estate.

Advice! Melania could not obtain citizenship for a long time, but in 2006, after her marriage, this problem was successfully resolved.

The entire American elite was present at the ceremony; even Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary failed to miss such a significant social event. Their gift in the form of a remade song from the animated film “Beauty and the Beast” caused mixed feelings. Who knows, maybe it was he who became the stumbling block, due to which the men ended their friendly relations and began exchanging sarcastic comments towards each other during the election race.

Naturally, the wedding became the center of concentration for almost all journalists in the country, and this is not surprising, because Donald was already considered a successful politician and businessman at that time. The reporters' attention was focused on everything that happened at this memorable event. For example, for a long time the press actively discussed a bride’s outfit worth 200 thousand dollars with a chic five-meter train. The groom gave his beloved a ring of incredible beauty with a huge emerald. Everyone was surprised by a 15-meter-high cake, a sea of ​​champagne, respectively, very expensive and elite, and mountains of black caviar.

In 2006, the newlyweds had a son, Barron William. His parents celebrated his birth with a performance on the radio. By the way, the baby became the first-born for Melania and the fifth heir to the president.

Secrets of seduction and eternal attractiveness

Of course, now the country's first lady can no longer boast of her youth, although her beauty only becomes brighter over the years. Looking at photographs taken in her youth, one cannot help but note the fact that the girl’s appearance can hardly be called ordinary and unoriginal. It must be said that the model was not limited in this matter only to what Mother Nature and heredity gave her. Melania did everything to become even more charming and perfect, sometimes even resorting to drastic decisions.

But besides plastic surgery, there are things that she took very seriously, believing that they would help her maintain her femininity and charm for many years. She has been involved in fitness for twenty years, plays tennis and torments herself on cardio equipment. But her natural slimness allowed her not to follow grueling diets. She enjoys fried and sweet foods and does not refuse anything high-calorie or fatty. Her favorite treat is ice cream with various additives.

Advice! Like any other lady, Trump hides from the public the fact that she resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. But if you analyze photographs of young Melania and today’s photographs, you can clearly see that the shape of the nose has changed, in fact, as has the shape of the eyes. In addition, there can be no doubt about the complete absence of wrinkles on the face of the famous model, and this at the age of 48!

This section is the most interesting, because it lists points that we have not written about before. So, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following interesting details from the life of the first lady of the United States.

  • Melania has her own business, the lion's share of the profits from which she donates to charitable foundations. She is involved in several projects at once, including the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. The woman is also an active member of the American Red Cross and the US Police Athletic League.
  • Trump's wife is the first president's wife to participate in overly revealing photo shoots. The pictures were actively broadcast in most media. Supporters of opponents even tried to use them against a candidate in the presidential election.

  • The girl is a native of another country, which Trump’s enemies again wanted to take advantage of. During his speeches, the man often stated that he wanted to significantly reduce the influx of emigrants, apparently forgetting that his wife received citizenship only in 2006.
  • In 2005, Melania made a prophetic statement, standing up for her husband, accused of once promiscuous relationships with women. She said her lover “has the mind and heart of a true leader.” Years later, he became the forty-fifth President of the United States of America.

There is a lot of talk and gossip constantly swirling around Melania Trump, but despite this, the beautiful and purposeful woman continues to act based on her own convictions, and not on public opinion and foundations. Who knows, maybe this is precisely the key to the success and popularity of this controversial person.

By the age of 70, Donald Trump had acquired not only an impressive fortune, but also a large number of heirs. In particular, the current President of the United States has five children from three wives and already eight grandchildren. All the details about the most popular family in America are in the ELLE material.

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Donald Trump Jr.

The future president decided to name his firstborn after himself. Donald Trump Jr. was born on December 31, 1977. He became the first of three children of the entrepreneur and his wife, Czech model Ivana Zelnichkova, with whom he lived for 15 years.

Donald currently serves as executive vice president of his father's company and is essentially his right-hand man. In addition, of all Trump’s children, Donald Jr. participated most in his election campaign, so it would not be surprising if the president wants his son to continue working in politics and, perhaps, repeat his “feat.”

By the way, Donald is similar to his famous parent even in the number of family members - Trump Jr. and his wife, model Vanessa Haydon, are raising five children: 9-year-old Kai Madison, 7-year-old Donald John III, 5-year-old Tristan Milosz, 4 1-year-old Spencer Frederick and 2-year-old Chloe Sophia.

Ivanka Trump

The second child of Donald and Ivana was Ivanka Marie Trump. As a teenager, the daughter of the future president decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps and try her hand at modeling. But the girl quickly got bored with posing for glossy publications, and she decided to devote herself to studying and writing books. Needless to say, as a true representative of the Trump family, whose members always try to achieve the maximum result, Ivanka graduated from the University of Pennsylvania School of Economics with honors.

Currently, Donald’s eldest daughter is the vice president of the Trump Organization, and also produces a collection of jewelry under her own brand, Ivanka Trump Collection.

As for Ivanka’s personal life, for the last seven years she has been married to businessman Jared Kushner and has three children with him - 5-year-old Arabella, 3-year-old Joseph and 7-month-old Theodore, who was born in the midst of the election race.

Eric Trump

Trump's third child and last from his first wife Ivana is Eric. Like his brother and sister, he works in his father's empire. In particular, he holds the post of executive vice president for development, mergers and acquisitions of the company. True, unlike the rest of his relatives, Eric does not really like to appear in public and give interviews.

Two years ago, Trump's third child married TV producer Lara Yunaska. It is worth noting that the groom’s father did not skimp on the celebration and organized a grand celebration in honor of the newlyweds, which was attended by more than 400 guests.

Tiffany Trump

Tiffany is the only child from Donald's marriage to actress Marla Maples, with whom he lived for 6 years and divorced in 1999. Like her older sister, with whom Tiffany is very close, she graduated from the University of Pennsylvania. But, unlike Ivanka, after graduation the girl is in no hurry to start building a career in the company of her famous father. Tiffany spends most of her time on social networks and dreams of conquering Hollywood.