Business trainer training. How do business coaches live? Personal work with a mentor

More and more people are attracted by the prospect of running their own business. If successful, your business can generate good, stable income. Moreover, not only newcomers join the ranks of businessmen, but also those already experienced in this business may be interested in improving their skills.

For such cases, there is such a specialist as a business coach. Who is he? What he really is? And how to become a business coach? Answers to these questions and many others will follow below.

Who is a business coach?

The term coach itself is familiar to everyone and usually refers to various sports. This is a specialist who deals with the physical training of athletes. He works to train, improve and develop the physical skills and abilities of his charges.

Almost the same applies to a business coach. Only he “trains” not athletes, but people directly related to the business environment. It helps employees or managers improve their personal and business skills.

Profession of a business coach

Before you think about how, and most importantly, whether it is worth becoming such a specialist, you need to find out what this profession is. It is worth noting that she is still young. However, despite this, it is already in high demand in the modern business sector.

For the most part, the work of a business coach is directly related to the field of sales. In modern competitive conditions, it is necessary not only to sell your products, but to do it faster and more efficiently than your rivals. This profession teaches such subtleties.

Consultation with a specialist is carried out not only for new employees who have just been hired, but also for experienced ones. The whole task comes down to ensuring that the staff learn new, more effective methods of interacting with potential clients.

For any company, the main thing is to increase profits in general and stay afloat as long as possible. And to achieve this, it is necessary for each of its employees to feel comfortable in their workplace, which leads to more efficient work. A lot also depends on the company's management. In this case, a business coach will help you interact competently with staff.

Business trainers are needed by those companies that are directly related to the sale of goods and services, training centers and consulting companies.

Thus, a clearer picture that clearly shows who a business coach is. First of all, this is a person who already has his own business and can protect others from mistakes, knows many nuances and subtleties. He is well aware of such concepts as marketing, trading, management and many others.

Moreover, this person is well versed in the psychology of people and can guess their behavior. He can express his thoughts and assumptions competently, clearly and with confidence in his voice. And most importantly, such a person, even if his business collapses, will not be lost, since his level of qualifications will allow him to find any way out of the current situation.

Basic requirements for a business coach

It is not enough to have a desire: how to become a professional business coach, you need to understand what main qualities a future specialist should have and what requirements are imposed on a future specialist. Despite the relative youth of this profession, the following professional requirements are imposed on a business coach:

  • image;
  • experience;
  • education;
  • Foreign language skills.

A professional image can tell a lot about a person, what personal qualities he has, how he runs his business, and much more. By and large, the image consists of a person’s personal characteristics.

In any job, experience is welcome, and in the work of a business coach this is especially important. Experience in sales would be suitable.

The same can be said about education. If it is higher, then it will be easier to understand the work further.

Knowledge of a foreign language, and maybe more than one, is still not a basic, but a desirable requirement. This will expand the audience and find foreign partners.

The main personal qualities of a business coach

In addition to the main professional qualities, a business coach must also have some of his own characteristics that are unique to him. Such features are expressed by his personal values:

  • personality;
  • confidence;
  • optimism and sense of humor;
  • positive;
  • self-development.

Personality. A future professional must arouse interest among the public around him not only as a person well versed in the topic, but also as a person. Many of the training participants are already successful and bright people. The performing coach should not stand out much from their background, but at the same time must have the qualities of a leader and the right to lead.

Confidence. The most important quality in a person is his confidence. It is worth remembering that you cannot play this feeling - it must be real. And you shouldn’t hide behind external confidence; those around you will feel it, which usually leads to a loss of dignity in front of the group. But restoring it is no longer so easy.

Where can you get confidence if you don't have it? As practice shows, following your goal and awareness of your mission serves a good purpose. And if all feelings are not feigned, but sincere, then those around them believe the person who wants to help them.

If everyone sees how a person treats his work with calm and dignity, does not get lost, and always finds a way out, then they will trust him.

Optimism and sense of humor. As you know, optimism is always better than a pessimistic attitude and criticism. You should not present everything only in the form of criticism or present everything in a bright light. In the first case, students will have difficulty accepting information, and in the second, they may lose motivation and purpose. And in order for everything to be perceived easily and naturally, it is worth seasoning it with a certain amount of humor. Goal setting coupled with optimism always brings positive results.

During the first sessions of the training, many of its participants may have a “mess in the head.” Here, the support of a coach will help out, who will create an optimistic atmosphere of confidence in using the acquired skills and abilities in the future.

Positive. An equally important value for a business coach is to extract positive aspects from almost everything. Sincerity in communication is also important here. It is necessary to maintain a certain distance when communicating, otherwise the person will feel awkward. Also, you should not have “favorites” (favorites) in the group, but you should treat all participants in the training with respect and equally. This helps create a supportive and safe environment.

It is important that all those present understand that they are at a business meeting to exchange experience, and not in the ring and are not competing with each other. And that they are confident that they will be heard and supported, without exception.

All these qualities contribute to rapid and positive changes in students. However, such a positive attitude must still be maintained for a long time. A business coach should take this into account, since it is part of his job. And if this succeeds, then you can organize entire brainstorming sessions, during which you can find new solutions to the tasks at hand.

Where to begin?

Nothing is impossible in our world. And anyone who has the desire, aspiration, and regardless of gender can become a business coach from scratch. It will be easy for those who have a higher pedagogical, psychological or humanities education and some skills in teaching to an adult audience. But the most important thing is to be a successful person, so that when you look at him, you want to become just as successful in the future.

Currently, you can choose one of several paths:

  • self-education;
  • mentor;
  • assistant business coach;
  • specialized educational institution.

An already accomplished specialist in any field (usually marketing) can engage in self-education. Such professionals are always needed and they are worth their weight in gold. It is possible that this will take a lot of time.

In order to find a mentor, you will have to fork out some money, since the services of a good specialist are not cheap. And the one who takes little or agrees for practically nothing will not give anything worthwhile in return. And since further personal growth will depend on this, you should not save. In addition, an individual approach will be provided.

You can get a job as an assistant to some professional business coach. However, in this case, most of the work on systematizing your knowledge will need to be done independently. And the quality of such training will depend on the competence of the “teacher”.

You can use special educational institutions. Here the knowledge is already systematized. Education is usually carried out in the form of training sessions. In other words, in the same form in which each future specialist will work independently. Such group training allows you to see more broadly how the business coach and the participants around him interact with each other.

Thus, everyone will be able to choose where to start mastering the profession of a business coach.

The most important thing, regardless of the path chosen to gain experience, is not to stop and continue to develop. For this purpose, it will not hurt to attend relevant events (seminars, webinars) and study relevant literature.

How much can a business coach earn?

It’s worth touching on a pleasant topic and finding out how much a business coach can earn according to approximate standards. The initial mark can start from 35 thousand and it can reach up to 100 thousand rubles. It all depends on the knowledge and skills of the specialist himself, as well as on the region where he “teaches”. If a business coach works as a freelancer, then his earnings can be even higher. If he is on the staff of a company, then the average salary is 65 thousand rubles.

A few tips that will be useful for beginners when training to become a business coach. The most important thing is to constantly work on yourself and learn at every opportunity. You don’t need to consider yourself an accomplished specialist. This opinion is always wrong and does not lead to anything good.

Learn strategic thinking, be flexible towards a clearly defined goal and not be afraid of experiments. Learn to take a responsible approach to business and adhere to faith not only in yourself, but also in the team, in the common cause and in success in general.

In our modern times, full of stressful situations, it is simply necessary to have at least a small amount of humor. And humor will help a potential business coach to establish himself on the good side.

Constantly work on your image. You shouldn’t take a lot of orders in order to get more money. In addition to income, trainings should bring something else: useful contacts and sources of information, personal development, and so on. The most important thing is to love your job and be good at it. For a professional business coach, it is necessary to love and respect everyone with whom he will come into contact during lectures.

Today, more and more people are striving to choose a job related to self-development and communication, so the profession of a business coach is very popular. It involves continuous learning, meeting interesting people, multifaceted professional experience, and, most importantly, a high level of income. The decision to master this profession must be justified internally, because teaching other people to be successful is not easy work, which must certainly be effective. You should start your path with a clear understanding of what your chosen profession is, how to master it, and whether it really is your calling, so the instructions below should be useful to you.

Before mastering any profession, the question “why” is relevant. How often do people realize that they made a mistake after studying for 2 years at a university or after working for several years in some organization. And all because the person did not think seriously in a timely manner about what he really wants to do, how he can bring maximum benefit to society, his family, and himself. It’s not enough to just make a decision, you need to justify it, so answer yourself the question of why you want to become a business coach.

It is better to do this in writing and in as much detail as possible. Describe to yourself all the delights of your chosen specialty, what will change in your life for the worse and for the better, what kind of future you see when working as a business coach. Many people, thinking about all these nuances, suddenly realize that they want a completely different future for themselves and find a better employment option than the one they initially aimed for. By answering this question honestly, you may save your time and money spent on training, which may later become a burden to you, not to mention the work itself.

What makes you unique as a future coach?

Having made sure that your choice is correct, now answer the following question: what is your uniqueness, how will you be useful to your listeners, how will your trainings compare favorably with others. These are extremely important points, because coaching does not involve lecturing, but an active conversation with the client, innovative ideas and practical knowledge. A business coach is a person who makes you believe in yourself, admire yourself and always return with gratitude and the desire to conquer another level of success. However, the quantity and quality of knowledge is not the only thing the audience requires. She wants to see you as a special person, to be inspired by the training and to understand that dreams are tangible.

Your specialty can be anything: humor, non-standard conditions for holding meetings, the ability to motivate and captivate people, extremely informative trainings and provision of handouts, whatever. The main thing is that you can use this in your work and benefit your clients, because a business coach, first of all, stimulates others to self-development, increasing their professional level and income. Your individuality is the key to organizing your future work in the field of coaching, so take the time to understand yourself, your talents and shortcomings, as most of us never find time for this.

How to become a business coach

Mastering this profession is possible in three different ways:

  • training in a specialized school;
  • self-study;
  • individual work with a mentor.

Advantages of studying at a business trainer school:

  • information is provided easily and clearly, students receive the most necessary knowledge, selected by dozens of trainers over a long period of time;
  • group trainings involve the work of not only the trainer, but also the participants, which allows you to better assimilate the material, express your ideas, and learn from the experience of others. Subsequently, this will greatly simplify your work, because you will easily communicate with people and learn to hear them;
  • You will be able to discuss a lot with your mentor, receive practical recommendations from him and invaluable help;
  • All the time of your training will be spent usefully, since the training programs are systematized and as rich as possible, which will allow you to gain a huge base of knowledge and experience in the shortest possible time.

Disadvantages of studying at school:

  • many refuse this option because of its cost, believing that it is overpriced. However, think about how much information you really need and what kind of future will open up for you after studying with professionals. In addition, later, having become a coach, you will recoup your investment quite quickly, because very soon you will be able to earn money as your mentor;
  • The duration of the course can be up to six months and many people think that this is too long. The profession of a business coach is more difficult than some others, which take 5 years to master at universities. Think about it: in just a few months, you can become the professional coach you want to live.

Benefits of self-study:

  • lower financial costs, although they are inversely proportional to time costs - so think about what is more important to you;
  • An independent search for materials to study will ensure targeted development in the chosen field, that is, thorough mastery of it.

Disadvantages of self-study:

  • if you are not a professional in your chosen field, you will have to spend a huge amount of time becoming one;
  • the need to systematize scattered information. Even in reliable scientific works, the opinions of the authors may differ, and the search for what is truly true is difficult and lengthy work;
  • lack of practice will force you not only to worry at the beginning of your professional activity, but also to make mistakes. The most common is the most important thing - the inability to conduct training, which does not imply a seminar or a lecture, but the organization of a dynamic process in which each participant in the event is involved;
  • Lack of feedback from your mentor and colleagues limits your ability to receive good advice or ideas that are extremely important in your chosen profession.

Individual work with a mentor is the best option, combining the advantages of the two described above. The main advantage is that the learning process will be based on you: your talents, pace of learning, knowledge, abilities and experience. The price of this option is, of course, high, but it is pointless to even discuss its value. An individual approach to training will allow you to reduce training time and gain maximum useful and unique knowledge. A mentor can also help you find a place to do an internship, so that you become a real professional and even conduct your first trainings at the highest level.

What does it mean to be a business coach?

Once you figure out how to become a business coach from scratch and start learning, you will never stop. Coaching is continuous self-development, because this is the only way you can give your clients new knowledge, advice and understand them. By choosing this field of activity, you will constantly:

  • read a wide variety of literature, ranging from unique ancient works to articles by modern business trainers;
  • attend webinars, seminars and attend trainings of your colleagues to share experiences, ideas and even clients;
  • listen and watch educational recordings, interesting interviews that can surprise and motivate you;
  • study. You will be able to see something valuable for yourself everywhere and always: in life situations on the street, in the experiences of your students and mentors, even in religious booklets;
  • work with different people, some of whom will admire you, while others will complain about the mediocrity of your training. You also need to be prepared for this, but at the same time do not despair of finding an approach to such clients, because you are a business coach.

When choosing this profession, you must understand and analyze all this, evaluate your capabilities and strengths. You will need to learn to identify valuable sources of information, find what is most important in them, and deliver it all to your audience. By taking this path, you will not only become smarter, you can change as a person, since you will need to understand yourself and your perception of the world, society, education, life goals and other things. Limitless opportunities for self-development, finding motivation, success, and happiness will open up for you. May all this only bring you joy - after all, this is it!

How to become a business coach: 5 necessary personal qualities + 4 ways to master the profession + 5 mistakes of novice coaches.

If the laurels of Robert Kiyosaki and Brian Tracy keep you up at night, and reading Richard Branson’s books, you mentally exclaim: “That’s news to me too! I knew this myself, and I could have told it more interestingly!”, it’s time to study the issue, how to become a business coach.

Yes, not just any way, but in demand, so that the queue of people who ordered trainings was scheduled for a year in advance, and there were long queues of people wanting to “enlighten themselves” for books.

The main thing is that the suit fits: what do you need to know before becoming a business coach?

A training specialist is a kind of “magician and sorcerer” who transfers his experience and knowledge to the management of the company or its personnel. Can engage in private practice, work on the staff of an enterprise or consulting company.

1) What kind of person are you? 4 professional requirements for someone who intends to become a professional trainer

    It is unlikely that anyone would want to order training from a person with the manners and appearance of a peasant from the Middle Ages;

    experience is very important.

    Oh, this magic word is like honey to the ears of your potential clients!

    One has only to say that you practically “raised” a well-known corporation from its knees - and you will be considered a demigod;


    You understand that with a diploma from a construction vocational school with a specialty in plumbing, you can’t count on a career as a business trainer?

    So you will have to gnaw on the granite of science in more serious institutions.

    Customers especially favor higher pedagogical or psychological education. Experience teaching adults will also be a big plus;

    knowledge of foreign languages.

    It will be very useful if you are going to not only teach Uncle Misha how to manage his auto repair shop, but also intend to go international with your training.

2) “Athlete, Komsomol member, activist...”: 5 main personal qualities necessary for someone who has firmly decided to become a business coach

    Must be a bright, charismatic person.

    No one wants to pay two kopecks for the training of a nondescript speaker who mumbles something boring under his breath.

    Must exude confidence.

    Well, how are you going to teach others at the training to “sell” a product or “resolve” conflicts with a client if you yourself are afraid to call potential customers?

    A sense of humor and optimism should never leave.

    It’s not necessary to overshadow the glory of Evgeny Petrosyan at the training with jokes and jokes, but it goes without saying that you’ll include something like that so that the listeners don’t doze off.

    No, my dear, with a sad face that looks like the muzzle of a basset hound, you won’t see clients for trainings, no matter how wonderful a business coach you dream of becoming.


    For representatives of this profession, it is very important to constantly improve themselves, otherwise you will not see high fees like your ears.

3) What will we do? 5 main job responsibilities of a business coach

So that you don’t think that the work of a business coach is all “blah blah blah” and an eternal celebration of life, and most importantly, that anyone can become one, we suggest you take a look at the list of his functions:

North-South, East-West: 4 ways to become a business coach

In order to become a business coach, you don’t need to make a wish for the New Year or turn to the gypsy Aza for help to “sew” good luck on you, because we know more effective methods:


    If you are very organized and purposeful, and your friends admire your self-discipline, this path is for you.

    But to do this, you must be a real “doctor” in some business issue, and with additional knowledge you must only “polish the diamond,” that is, systematize your knowledge and bring it into a “digestible” form for your customer;

    work as an assistant to a business trainer.

    No, we do not propose, as if in a film about martial arts, to go to serve the Teacher for 15 years.

    But why not work for 2-3 years in training for someone who has already managed to become a famous business trainer. And then your finest hour will come!

    find yourself a mentor who will teach you how to conduct trainings.

    Here you will have to fork out some money, but the result is worth it: a successful mentor will grow you into a coach for a long time and carefully, tinker with you like Michurin with a new variety of apple tree;

    complete special courses.

    The beauty of this method is that you will be taught in the same format in which you want to convey information - in the form of trainings.

    Therefore, you will get used to working in a group and will not be frozen with horror in front of an audience.

    All you have to do is arm yourself with patience, reviews and find someone to whom you are willing to entrust your money, time and brain.

Bad advice: 5 main mistakes of those who are going to become a business coach

We are firmly confident that thanks to our tips and your bright head, you will figure out how to become a business coach, but pay attention to the offensive “jambs” that beginners most often make:

    “Everything at once” during the training.

    Did you become a business coach after leaving the teaching path, where you tried to explain the basics of philosophy to lazy students?

    Or did you previously work as a psychological consultant, dealing with midlife crises and hormonal “storms” in teenagers?

    Be that as it may, if you have a very vague idea of ​​the structure, do not clutch at straws like a drowning man for all the training - time management and sales techniques, personnel selection and team building, as well as other “tidbits”.

    It’s better to “acquire” knowledge gradually – with feeling, sense, and arrangement.

    It has finally happened - you have received your first customer for training!

    But don't rush to open the champagne!

    Even if it seems to you that your task as a business trainer is clear, like the sky on a fine day, you need maximum information from the customer (field of activity, organizational structure, expected result after the training, wishes, as well as the rest of the “lyrics”).

    All examples and exercises in the training should not be “out of the blue”, but understandable to your audience.

    “A few months ago, our boss gave us some customer service training.
    A 25-year-old lady from a business school arrived and spent half a day talking about how to work correctly in!
    But we have a network of beauty salons, and these, as they say in Odessa, are “two big differences”!
    It was terribly disappointing for the lost time and money,” Kiev resident Tatyana shared her impressions.

    "Do not trust, do not fear, do not ask" before preparing for the training.

    Sometimes it seems that it is more difficult for a business coach to understand the internal processes in a customer’s company than the structure of a space rocket. But try!

    Dig as deep as you can.

    Otherwise, a situation may arise when a business trainer was invited, and the problem is solved not by training methods, but, for example, by administrative ones (tightening labor discipline, delegation of authority, etc.).

    In this case, save your (and other people’s) time and bow out with the dignity of an English gentleman.

    “And that’ll do!”

    Yesterday you and your friend Kolya celebrated the 508th day of your acquaintance, and therefore you woke up at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, hastily sketched out a training plan for the customer and, with a clear conscience, went to the kitchen to “improve your health”?

    Stop it! You, as a business coach, cannot take your work carelessly.

    Besides, you don’t want the customer to remember you with a “kind, quiet word” after training?

    "Life is pain!"

    If after the first unsuccessful training or critical remark from the customer you become like a dying swan (and in your eyes - “hopelessness”), then you definitely will not become a great business coach.

    Believe in yourself!

I would become a trainer, let them teach me: 30 gurus for those who want to become a business trainer

Do you dream of leading entire corporations into a brighter future with the help of your trainings? Here is a list of stellar business trainers from whom you should follow an example:

No.Business trainerTraining topics
1 Anthony Robbinsmotivation, personal growth
2 Robert Kiyosakifinancial literacy
3 Brian Tracysales, organization of business processes
4 Tim Ferrissoutsourcing, personal efficiency
5 Robin Sharmamotivation, leadership
6 Jim Rohnpersonal growth, success
7 Stephen Coveymanagement, leadership, business processes
8 Bodo SchaeferFinancial independence
9 Robert Allenpersonal growth, financial literacy
10 Seth Godinmarketing, leadership
11 Guy Kawasakistartups, investments
12 Harv Ekersuccess, motivation
13 Jack Canfieldsuccess, motivation, personal growth
14 Jay Abrahamsales, marketing, business processes
15 Frank KernInternet Marketing
16 Bill Bartmanentrepreneurship, personal growth
17 Dale Carnegieoratory
18 David Schwartzpersonal growth, motivation
19 Mike Michalowitzstartups, business processes, motivation
20 Michael Gerberentrepreneurship, motivation
21 Vishen Lakhianipersonal growth, motivation
22 Joe Robbsoncopywriting, internet marketing
23 Carmine Gallooratory, public speaking
24 Lee Iacoccamanagement
25 Chopra Deepakpersonal growth, motivation
26 Jack Troutmarketing
27 Jack Welchmanagement, personal growth, business processes
28 Gleb Arkhangelskytime management
29 Igor Vaginbusiness psychology, business negotiations, sales
30 Vladimir Dovganmotivation, leadership, personal growth, business processes

Top 10 best books that anyone who decides to become a business coach simply must read

In order not to get your own “bumps” on the way to millions in fees and grateful customers, we recommend, which will clearly explain how to become a successful business coach:

No.Author, title
1 “Personnel – technology: selection and training of managers” (V. Tarasov)
2 “Everyone can win” (H. Cornelius and S. Fair)
3 "Psychotraining. Sociodynamics. Exercises. Games" (Bolshakov V.)
4 “Psycho-gymnastics in training” (Khryashcheva N.)
5 “The Coach’s Path” (Zh. Zavyalova)
6 “Sales at 100%. Effective techniques for promoting goods and services” (audiobook) (Ivanova S.)
7 “Motivation is 100% And where is his button?” (S. Ivanova)
8 “First-class service” (D. Shoal)
9 “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” (S. Covey)
10 “Kama Sutra for the speaker. Ten chapters on how to receive and give pleasure while speaking in public" (R. Gandapas)

25 great films for those who dream of becoming a business coach: personnel is everything!

You can learn how to become a great business coach while enjoying watching great films about business in general, sales, marketing and the ability to persuade:

No.Title, year of release
1 "Miss Sloane" (2016)
2 "Boiler Room" (2000)
3 "The Wolf of Wall Street" (2013)
4 "12 Angry Men" (1957)
5 "Death of a Salesman" (1951)
6 "Tommy the Hulk" (1995)
7 "Glengarry Glen Ross" (1992)
8 "The Social Network" (2010)
9 "Pirates of Silicon Valley" (1999)
10 "Baron of Arms" (2005)
11 "Generation P" (2011)
12 "Love and Other Medicines" (2010)
13 "The Pursuit of Happiness" (2006)
14 "Baby Boom" (1987)
15 "They Smoke Here" (2005)
16 "Jerry Maguire" (1996)
17 "Seize the Day" (1986)
18 "Used Cars" (1980)
19 "Salesman" (2009)
20 "Boy, you got it" (2001)
21 "Sweet November" (2001)
22 "Rocket Singh: Salesman of the Year" (2009)
23 "Pyrammmid" (2011)
24 "Can't Be" (1975)
25 "A Thousand Words" (2012)

How to build a career as a business coach?

Having studied the question, how to become a business coach, do not miss an important point: in addition to experience, a huge store of knowledge and the ability to present information in an interesting way, you will need charisma and a sincere love for people...

….Yes, yes, even to that pimply assistant manager who pesters you with stupid questions during training.

After all, that’s why you are a business coach, so that, like a teacher, you can bring “bright, eternal, good” to everyone... And if with your help you can increase the company’s profit, then you have no price even on market day.

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After reading the main program, the business coach usually answers questions, conducts surveys and tests the listeners. In some cases, the trainer can monitor the implementation of recommendations and the entire process of introducing changes in the company.

Famous business coaches

  1. How to become a business coach and where to start?


  • Communication with different people.
  • Creative profession.
  • High income.


  • Stress.
  • Publicity.

  • Don't deviate from the given topic.
  • Ability to train other people.
  • Communication skills.
  • Ability to speak in public.
  • Stress resistance.

Where to look for work?

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2) Don’t fornicate - engaging in idle chatter that is not related to the topic.

3) Don't get personal. Do not insult the coach or participants. You will be kicked out and blacklisted. It's not nice to make a coach angry either.

4) It is better to ask questions at the end or when the coach gives time for “answers to questions”. Otherwise, the training flies in different directions and you only get 40-50% of what they could tell you.

5) Get involved in the process as much as possible and complete tasks. But before that, set yourself a goal...


If you want to get results from training, you should write 3 goals for participation at the very beginning of any training.

1. The goal must be measurable.

2. The training must have a criterion by which you evaluate your effectiveness. For example, the training is about increasing sales - therefore, you implement the information received in the training exactly as the trainer says. Don't optimize the process. Otherwise, the result is also optimized. It should be remembered that nothing appears from simply listening.

3. A coach can give you strategies. But forcing someone to stand over you with a stick is only done in person. Take an adult, conscious position and implement. This is the only way you will get results.

4. The goal should be on three levels.

5. — Plan A: if everything goes wrong for you. Suitable people will come on their own. The right people will say yes to you.

6. — Plan B: if everything is going well for you. If you work, you get results. Everything is as usual and the results are also ordinary.

7. — Plan X: if everything goes wrong. This is the lowest result. If something doesn’t work out for you, take a step back and look: did you do everything right? After this, ask the coach a question: he is not a telepath and cannot read minds. But if you ask a specific question, where exactly is your stagnation, you will always get an answer. And move on!

8. Don't make marriage your goal. Often marriage is needed to solve your problems or get another toy. Focus on your problems. It is best to set the goal “to obtain mutual pleasure from communication, to help solve problem X for Y person in time Z.” In this context, Love appears to you “automatically”. People are not interested in your financial problems. They are looking for those who will help them solve THEIR problems.

9. If the training is not about money, but about health or relationships, then you should also shift the focus of your attention from the problem to the solution. For example, not “Find a husband in 3 weeks,” but “Become interesting to men of a certain circle.” Not “Get rid of 20 kg”, but “Run a 20 km marathon in X time”. Then the goal is again achieved automatically.


There are 4 types of trainings. And, depending on the type, their results also vary.


The lecturer gives you maximum information.

How to become a business coach: where to start?

As a result, you get sequential steps of what to do. If this is a free training, the lecturer has the right not to disclose all the details until the paid program. This is the price of his knowledge and it is fair that he is willing to share it for money. If it’s a paid one, then they give you not just steps WHAT to do, but also HOW exactly to do it, they share tricks and secrets. Here everything is already without concealment.


The trainer gives you step-by-step strategies to achieve results. What the result will be - he usually tells you about this in a sales letter. Most often, the result is measured in quantity. Typically such trainings last from 10 to 90 days. Depending on the program.

Transformational trainings

These are trainings aimed at changing the structure of your personality. Here the result may be different. For example: improving a specific skill, changing your picture of the world, working on a mission, working on your attitude, developing leadership qualities, self-discipline or creativity. All this depends on your goals and training program.

Coaching groups

Classes with a group with varying degrees of intensity: from simple weekly answers to questions to daily work on results. This is a hybrid model of all three of the above forms of training. Sometimes the trainer adds individual Skype calls here.

How to choose a trainer, coach or mentor

A. Look at the results he himself achieved. If a coach talks about success, look at what successful projects he has implemented. If it’s about health, what does he know about whether he’s healthy? The coach must be a player. Know the game from the inside. Otherwise it will be good advice without results.

B. Look at the results of his students. The presence of video reviews should dispel doubts. Just in case, you can chat with them. If they tell you that the result is real, then feel free to contact us.

C. See how the person suits you according to the “world map”. For example, if you often get angry, then it is better to work with an aggressive coach: you will find a common language of strength. The more aggressive the trainer is for you, the higher your results will be. If you are soft by nature, you should find a mentor who is soft towards people, but tough in business. Trainers who are not demanding of deadlines and quality of work, who only encourage, should be avoided.

Golden Rules for completing the training

1. Each step in the training should be followed. Even if you know this exercise. And especially if you are uncomfortable doing it. You have already paid the money - therefore, “recoup” your investment. Take action every day. Don't wait for the weekend or a free day when you cover your tails. It’s better to do a little bit every day than to do it all at once. This is a destructive tactic.

2. Post your homework at least 1 hour before the training. This is the only way you can get quality feedback. A coach often needs time to read, think and give the best solution, rather than say the first thing that comes to mind.

3. Do not criticize the reports of other participants. You can cheer up, write something positive. And unsolicited advice usually offends or even angers people. Create a better favorable atmosphere in the training.

4. Allowed to “model”: If you see someone in a group doing outstanding homework, think about how you can apply that to your situation. It's stupid to write one-to-one. Be creative, everyone has it. Especially if you think otherwise.

5. If a coach gives you hard truth as feedback, just accept it. See what you can fix. Even if you were lightly bullied, there is no need to be offended. A sense of humor is, first of all, the ability to laugh at oneself. And only then the jokes. A person without a sense of humor is disabled. He will accept everything as a humiliation of his EGO. Take off your crown, especially if you are a coach yourself. Put on the student's uniform and judge by the output.

6. Feedback in training is not given to everyone individually, otherwise it would be coaching. The coach usually notes common mistakes in the group using the example of one of the students: the one who, in his opinion, did the task incorrectly. And he also usually cites 1-2 people as an example of the correct execution of a task. If you want more attention to your person, ask a direct question by signing up for individual training.

7. You listened to the task from the trainer, caught his energy - do the tasks immediately after the training. This is the KEY to successfully completing ANY TRAINING. A big mistake is to do “important things” after the training and postpone the task until later. Then you will have another important matter. And in a couple of weeks it will be almost the same as zero. Do everything at once. Here and now.

The most important

Completing training is not rocket science. As a rule, the trainer gives you all tasks in a simple form. Most often, they are designed to ensure that even if a Neanderthal enrolls in the program, he too will get results :)


Here are collected frequently used words in this “bird language”


Definition: It is a form of education. Sometimes with audio, sometimes with video, with presentations, screen sharing, browser. Some venues have the opportunity to hold conferences with the simultaneous participation of several speakers.

Context: Yesterday we trained until the morning, our brains were completely blown. Now I know how to solve my personal problems and become a magnet for the opposite sex.

Go overboard

Definition: Do not do homework in training in the hope that results will appear on their own. There is often some kind of excuse like “there was no time.”

Context: I got lost in the training because I didn’t have time, it seemed too difficult to me, it turned out that I had to do new actions, but I want to do everything the old way, but have new results. I guess I need to look for a magic pill. Or wait until everything appears on its own. Don't even know. Help.


Definition: Complete all tasks and reach the end of the training. Get the result. Context: I completed the training with Yanina Radievna Merkulova, now I am proud of myself, and I have made many new friends and acquaintances. I'm tired, but it's a pleasant tiredness :)

Launch, launch, release

Definition: mass sale of training.

Context: I managed to fit in the launch of a new program and am happy as an elephant. My hands are itching in anticipation of the start of training :)))

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Profession business coach

Business coaches teach business owners, managers and staff knowledge and skills useful for business development. For example, working with customers, managing people, organizing a control system within the company. This is a relatively new profession for Russia. It is suitable for people who like to motivate and convince others, who are ready to constantly develop, learn new things and pass on knowledge to other people.

In this article you will learn how to become a business coach and where to start, where and how to look for work in this field.

Who is a business coach and what does he do?

Let's take a closer look at what the essence of the work of a business coach is and what does such a specialist do? The main task of the trainer is to teach useful business skills so that students can increase the efficiency of their companies and the level of profit.

Business training programs may include training in the following areas:

  • Training in new business methods.
  • Marketing and advertising training.
  • Time management (time management).
  • Motivation and stress management programs.
  • Oratory training.
  • Management, personnel management.
  • Other areas related to running a business.

A business trainer prepares training programs and conducts seminars for employees, trainings, and personal consultations. This position may be full-time, for example, in large companies. Specialists may also be invited to conduct individual or periodic trainings.

How does a business coach conduct seminars?

Before the start of the seminars, business trainers develop programs and presentations that make training more interesting and visual. Seminars can be conducted individually or in groups.

After reading the main program, the business coach usually answers questions, conducts surveys and checks on the listeners.

How to become a business coach

In some cases, the trainer can monitor the implementation of recommendations and the entire process of introducing changes in the company.

Famous business coaches

Despite the youth of the business coaching profession, there are many well-known specialists in various fields in Russia. The list below contains the most famous business coaches:

  1. Vladimir Konstantinovich Tarasov - without exaggeration, he can be called the founder of this profession.
  2. Alexander Fridman is an expert in the field of management.
  3. Konstantin Baksht – sales specialist.
  4. Sergey Azimov is a business coach in the field of sales.
  5. Igor Mann. The professional field of a business coach is marketing.
  6. Gleb Arkhangelsky is a specialist in time management.
  7. Radislav Gandapas is one of the most famous business trainers in Russia. Leadership Specialist.

Pros and cons of being a business coach


  • Diversified personality development.
  • Communication with different people.
  • Creative profession.
  • High demand for experienced business consultants.
  • Possibility of flexible work schedule.
  • High income.


  • The traveling nature of the work, since trainings are conducted in different cities and countries.
  • Difficulty starting. It takes time to obtain expert status, promotion, and attract clients.
  • The need to constantly prove that you are the best in your profession.
  • Stress.
  • Publicity.

How to become a business coach, what skills do you need to have?

For any business coach, it is important to have good command of oral speech, to be able to attract the listener and interest him. It is important to answer questions clearly and concisely, be able to quickly respond to unusual situations, and generally communicate well with the audience.

For the developed program to be effective, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Limit speaking time.
  • Include practical examples in the program.
  • Don't deviate from the given topic.
  • Accompany your speech with a presentation and photographs.
  • Prepare a speech taking into account current and modern data, methods, and computer programs.

In general, a business coach is required to have the following skills and knowledge:

  • Deep knowledge in your professional field (marketing, advertising, management, time management and others) and practical experience.
  • Ability to train other people.
  • Communication skills.
  • Mastery of oratory.
  • Ability to speak in public.
  • Stress resistance.
  • General PC literacy. Ability to use tools to create presentations and handouts.
  • Willingness to take responsibility for given recommendations and getting results for clients.

Knowledge of foreign languages, especially English, will also be an indisputable advantage.

Where to study to become a business coach?

Special education, other than professional in the field of knowledge in which you are consulting, is not required. However, it won’t hurt to take training in public speaking, learn how to speak, and how to behave in public.

Some business coaches are practicing businessmen and simply pass on their own experience to their students.

How much do business coaches earn?

The average salary of a full-time business coach is about 65,000 rubles. Its level depends on knowledge, experience and the region in which the specialist works. The maximum salary of an employee is about 100,000 rubles, and the minimum is 25,000 rubles.

The income of private business coaches can be significantly higher. A ticket to a training can cost from several thousand to tens of thousands of rubles. Business coaches can receive additional income from publishing their own books.

Where to look for work?

The profession of a business coach is most popular in the field of sales, consulting, and working with customers, but in other professional areas it is often impossible to do without the help of a business coach.

Some large companies have full-time positions, and some of them hire employees of special educational centers, where business trainers work.

When you take the path of business consulting, you will most likely need to build a personal brand and engage in private practice as a freelancer. You can look for your first clients through friends, as well as using advertising on social networks.

Useful articles

How do people become business coaches? As in any other business, there are long paths and short ones. I myself have been selling my business training since 2011, so I can tell you about the fastest ways to become a business trainer from scratch.

Why do people become business trainers?

I remember how for the first time I myself wanted to go out in front of the audience and start explaining to them some complex and intelligent things in simple words. This happened after I went to business training for the first time.

Yes, this is exactly how, in the vast majority of cases, the desire to teach others and make money from it is born. The profession of a business coach combines several strong “motivators”:

  • To be rich. You, too, have probably calculated how much money the business coach earned approximately for three hours of speaking, based on the number of people in the hall and the cost of the entrance ticket.
  • Be popular. When a person stands on stage and says something, and everyone else listens to him, there is some kind of magic in this, you must agree.
  • Have a lot of free time. It's great to perform just once a week, instead of going to work at 9 am every day.

And this is all really... true. But provided that you become a successful and sought-after business coach. Otherwise, you will have to share the fate of thousands of poor people who plow for pennies around the clock in all cities of Russia. So they see nothing except the plane and hotels.

And in order to become successful and in demand and expensive, you need to start right away right away.

3 quick ways to become a business coach from scratch

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose the one that best suits your character and personality.

Option #1 - “Springboard”

What is the most important thing for a business coach? A piece of paper. That is, diplomas, certificates and other signs that he is truly a business coach. I used to think that every business coach is a successful owner of his own transnational business (at least). But in reality everything turned out much simpler.

You don't need to have your own business, and you don't even have to understand business processes. The main thing is that you have a piece of paper, and that the logo on this piece of paper is known.

And the first quick way is that you go to some kind of “training for trainers” at a large well-known training company. There you will be taught various interesting things, but this is not the main thing for us.

It is very important for us that we have the opportunity to “get hooked” on this training company. Most often, large customers do not look for trainers individually. They contact a large “name” training company, and they are offered several trainers to choose from.

And now you need to become at least one of these “optional” trainers. Of course, you can just come to the same company “from the street” and say that you would like to work for them, and all that. But they have a lot of trainers, and they don’t know you at all.

Accordingly, there is a very high probability that they will forget about you as soon as you leave their office. But to prevent this from happening, we first pay them money. In general, this is probably the fastest, but also the most expensive way to become a business coach. Because the price tag for such trainings can be 200 - 300 thousand rubles.

But they will definitely recognize you there, and then you will be able to continue your career in the same agency. Calculate approximately how many trainings you will need to conduct to recoup the costs of training. It may well turn out that this is a profitable activity.

Method #2 - “Your own boss”

If in the first option we “tied” ourselves to the training company and are very dependent on it, then here it’s the other way around - we are on our own, and we don’t need anyone.

This method consists in the fact that you find clients for yourself, organize trainings yourself, and conduct them yourself. This is done approximately this way. You choose a list of small companies that could benefit from your services.

At a meeting with the manager, you show yourself in all your glory and offer him two options for how you can further cooperate. Option one is expensive consulting, where you come to the campaign once or twice a week and help set up some processes. It usually costs from 150 thousand rubles a month, and few managers like it.

The second option is that you invite a manager to your training, where you will tell everything that you would tell in consulting, but not individually, but to a small group of people (5-10 people). And all this costs just a few pennies - around 15 - 20 thousand rubles for the entire training.

So you methodically visit several dozen companies per month and recruit one training group. As a result, the earnings are quite good.

Of course, here you have to have a suitable topic, and almost all the time you will have to do personal selling. But this is a very good alternative to classic coaching through a campaign. Besides, who knows, maybe someone will order full-fledged consulting from you.

If you are interested in the option of promoting your business trainings yourself, but you don’t want to spend all your time visiting clients, then pay attention to the third option.

Business coach online

Are you familiar with the word “information business”? It’s probably familiar, and with a 90% chance it causes you a vague negative reaction. But there’s really nothing wrong with this type of activity. It's just the same business coaching, but only through the Internet.

Of course, there are rules here. I want to tell you about them in more detail.

Firstly, it is much more difficult to sell trainings and courses on the Internet than in person. People are ready to pay 10-15 thousand rubles for a living person to come out in front of them and start telling something. Even if this “something” is complete nonsense. But this won’t work on the Internet.

And this is connected with two things. Firstly, the very fact that a person comes out in person and says and does something evokes respect. We see his “work”. And on the Internet we are most often offered some kind of recordings. We will download them for free via torrent, right? And we won’t suffer any remorse for this, because it’s just a recording.

Secondly, people on the Internet and in the real world are completely different. In the real world they are "wild". They don’t know anything, they don’t see the proposals of their competitors’ coaches. And on the Internet they are literally inundated with offers to take courses, trainings, get a million rubles, get rich without leaving the couch - from all sides.

Is it easier or more difficult to be an online trainer?

On the one hand, it’s easier on the Internet, but on the other hand, it’s more difficult. Personally, I almost immediately came to the conclusion that online training was for me. Yes, I had to learn all sorts of new things. For example, how to advertise on the Internet, how to write selling texts, how to conduct an email newsletter.

But the result was definitely worth it. Now I can sell and conduct my trainings without leaving home. And this is a very cool feeling.

And the first thing you need to do if you decide to engage in information business is to choose the right niche. You see what’s the matter, business trainers from the “real world” come to me almost every week and say that they would like to earn money through the Internet. They are tired of flying around all the cities of Russia on planes, and now they just want to calmly share the secrets of their wisdom with people on the balcony of their hotel.

And almost none of these business trainers stay online. The problem is that they are trying to teach the same thing as offline. I ask them, “What topic are you going to sell training on?” They answer: “On the topic of sales.”

But this will not work on the Internet. The rules of the game are much stricter here. “Sales” - such a topic does not exist in our world. Offline, you can easily gather a whole room of small business leaders with clear and innocent eyes on the topic “Sales for your business.”

And on the Internet you must first clarify. Are we talking about sales through webinars? Or about sales through texts? Or about selling through social networks? Or about sales through landing pages? These are all completely different topics, and they need to be sold in different ways and to different people.

If you still want to start a career as an online business coach, I recommend reading my free book first. It will help you a lot at the initial stage. And then look at the article and. There I described in great detail how and what first steps you need to take.


Let us now, by tradition, summarize all of the above for memorization.

  • If you want to become a business coach, then you have three quick ways to choose from: “springboard”, “be your own boss” and “online business coach”.
  • The “springboard” option means that you undergo training at some large training company, and then you “stick” to them, and they start giving you orders. The disadvantage of this method is expensive training and dependence on the employing company.
  • The second option, “being your own boss,” allows you to be completely independent. However, you will have to look for orders and organize training yourself. Such independent business trainers gather 10-12 people a month for trainings costing 12-20 thousand rubles. Or they sell expensive individual consulting.
  • The third option - "online business coach" - is an information business. A special word was invented to denote this type of activity, because it is completely different from traditional business coaching. Here you will have to learn a lot and face tough competition before you can earn money “sitting on the balcony”.

I hope this short review was helpful to you. Share the article with your friends, let them find it useful too. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (a summary from personal experience over 10 years =)