Job description specialist in personnel sample. Job description specialist in personnel and office work. Sample of the job instructions from the Petrol Personal Production Petrol

Personnel specialist refers to the category of technical performers.

A person with a secondary special or higher professional education is appointed to the position of specialist in personnel without presentation of work on experience.

Appointment to the position of specialist in personnel and exemption from it is carried out by order general Director According to the personnel director.

Personnel specialist should know:

  • organization of office work in the enterprise;
  • organizational structure of the enterprise;
  • basics of Labor Organization;
  • the rules of the internal labor regulation;
  • rules and norms of labor protection;
  • legislative and regulatory legal acts;
  • methodical materials on personnel management;
  • labor legislation;
  • the procedure for determining the prospective and current need for personnel;
  • sources of enterprise support by personnel;
  • methods for analyzing the professional qualification structure of frames;
  • provisions on certification and qualifying tests;
  • order of election (appointment) to the position;
  • the procedure for designing and storing documentation related to personnel and their movement;
  • the procedure for the formation and maintenance of a bank of the company's personnel;
  • the procedure for compiling reporting on personnel; Basics of psychology and sociology of labor;
  • basics of the economy, organization of labor and management; labor legislation;
  • computer equipment, program 1 S.
  • rules and norms of labor protection;
  • the main provisions of the quality management system in the enterprise.

Specialist in personnel is subject directly to the personnel director.

During the absence of a personnel specialist (disease, vacation, pr.) His responsibilities performs the personnel manager or a person appointed by the Order of the Director General.

Official duties

HR Specialist:

  • Organizes work with staff in accordance with common goals The development of the enterprise and specific directions of personnel policy to achieve the effective use and professional improvement of employees.
  • Brings information on personnel issues and personnel solutions to the staff of the enterprise.
  • Declares all documents, together with the heads of structural units associated with the issues of hiring, transfer, promotion, lowering in positions, imposing administrative penalties, as well as dismissal of workers.
  • It makes timely design of reception, translation and dismissal of employees, issuing information about their true and past work, compliance with the rules of storage and filling labor books, preparation of documents for establishing benefits and compensation, making pensions to employees and other established personnel documentation, as well as making relevant information to the Bank's personnel data bank (including in electronic program 1C).
  • Leads all the necessary personnel journals and registers on personnel documents.
  • Makes up and draws up labor contracts and agreements to them, conducts personal affairs of employees and other personnel documentation.
  • Carries out work with personnel (consulting employees on labor law issues, issuing certificates, copies of labor books, etc.).
  • Preparing necessary materials For qualifying, attestation, competitive commissions and submission to employees to promotions and awards.
  • Makes up established reports.
  • He keeps accounting a personal composition, its divisions, makes relevant information on the quantitative, qualitative composition of employees and their movement to the data bank's data bank, monitors its timely update and replenishment (including in the 1C electronic program).
  • It makes the necessary applications with administrative staff to provide personnel with overalls and an electronic access card and accounting of working time.
  • Participation in the creation of personnel documents: instructions, provisions and agreements.
  • Maintaining personnel document management archive.
  • Performs individual tasks and instructions of its direct supervisor.


Personnel specialist has the right:

  • Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.
  • Make proposals for improving the work related to the obligations provided for by this Instruction.
  • Within its competence, to inform their direct leadership about all the disadvantages identified in the process and make proposals to eliminate them.
  • Request personally or on behalf of the leadership from managers of enterprises and specialists information and documents necessary to fulfill its duties.
  • Require from the management of the enterprise to assist in the fulfillment of his official duties and rights.


Specialist in personnel is responsible:

  • For improper performance or non-fulfillment of its official duties, provided for in this official instruction - within the limits defined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • For offenses committed in the process of carrying out their activities - within the limits defined by the current administrative, criminal and civil law of the Russian Federation.
  • For causing material damage - within the limits defined by the current labor and civil law of the Russian Federation.

Job description Developed in accordance with:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account changes and additions.
  • Decree of the Ministry of Labor and social Development RF of 21.08.98 " Qualification directory posts of managers, specialists and other employees. "
  • Charter of the enterprise.
  • The quality management standards of the enterprise.

I approve the head "_________________" _________________ (____________)


personnel specialist


1.1. This job instruction determines functional responsibilities, the rights and responsibility of the personnel specialist "________________" (hereinafter - "Organization").

1.2. Specialist in personnel is appointed and exempt from the position in the procedure established by the current labor law by order of the head of the organization.

1.3. Specialist in personnel is subject directly __________________ Organization.

1.4. A person who has a higher professional education is appointed to the position of specialist in personnel without presentation of work on experience.

1.5. Personnel specialist should know:

Legislative and regulatory legal acts, methodological materials on personnel management;

Labor legislation;

The structure and state of the organization, its profile, specialization and development prospects;

The procedure for determining the prospective and current need for personnel;

Sources of providing organizations in personnel;

Methods for analyzing a professionally qualifying frame structure;

Provisions on certification and qualifying tests;

Order of election (appointment) to the position;

The procedure for designing and storing documentation related to personnel and their movement;

The procedure for the formation and maintenance of a bank of the organization's personnel;

The procedure for compiling reporting on personnel;

Basics of psychology and sociology of labor;

Basics of the economy, organization of labor and management;

Labor legislation;

Means of computing equipment, communications and communications;

Rules and norms of labor protection.

1.6. During the temporary absence of a personnel specialist, his duties are assigned to ___________________________.

2. Functional duties

Specialist in personnel performs the following duties:

Performs the work on the recruitment of the organization of the required professions, specialties and qualifications.

Takes part in the work on the selection, selection, personnel alignment.

The analysis and analysis of the official and professional qualification structure of the staff of the organization and its divisions, established documentation on the accounting of personnel related to the reception, translation, labor activity and dismissal of workers, the results of certification of workers and their assessment business Qualities In order to determine the current and promising personnel need, preparation of proposals for substitution vacant posts and the creation of a reserve for extension.

Participates in studying the labor market to determine the sources of meeting the need for frames, establishing and maintaining direct relations with educational institutions, contacts with enterprises of a similar profile.

Informs employees of the organization about available vacancies.

Takes part in the development of promising and current work plans.

Carries out control over the placement and placement of young professionals and young workers in accordance with the educational institution by the profession and specialty, their internships, takes part in the work on the adaptation of newly accepted workers to production activities.

Participates in the preparation of proposals for the development of personnel, business career planning, training and advanced training, as well as in assessing the effectiveness of learning.

Takes part in organizing work, methodical and informational support qualifying, attestation, competitive commissions, the design of their decisions.

Analyzes the state of labor discipline and the execution of employees of the organization of the rules of the internal labor regulation, the movement of personnel, participates in the development of measures to reduce the fluidity and improvement of labor discipline.

Controls the timely design of the reception, translation and dismissal of workers, issuing information about their present and past work, compliance with the rules for the storage and filling of labor books, preparation of documents for establishing benefits and compensation, pensions to employees and other established personnel documentation, as well as making the appropriate Information to the Bank's Personnel Bank Bank.

Makes up established reports.

Personnel specialist has the right:

3.1. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the activities of a personnel specialist.

3.2. To make a relationship with the divisions of third-party institutions and organizations to solve operational issues of production activities within the competence of a personnel specialist.

3.3. Represent the interests of the organization in third-party organizations on issues related to its professional activities.

4. Responsibility

Specialist in personnel is responsible for:

4.1. The need to fulfill its functional duties.

4.2. Invalid information about the status of work.

4.3. Failure to comply with orders, orders and instructions of the head of the organization.

4.4. Failing measures to curb the violations of safety regulations, fire-fighting and other rules that make a threat to the activities of the organization and its employees.

4.5. The need of observance of labor discipline.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The mode of operation of a personnel specialist is determined in accordance with the rules of the internal employment regulations established in the organization.

5.2. In connection with the production need, personnel specialist is obliged to travel to office business trips (including local importance).

6. The right signature

6.1. Personnel specialist to ensure its activities is given the right to sign organizational and administrative documents on issues included in its functional duties.

Introduced with the instruction __________________ / ________________ /

Read 6 min. Views 215. Published 12.08.2018

The personnel service is one of the main structural divisions of each organization. The task of workers who workers in this department is to manage labor resources. Among the functional responsibilities of personnel workers should be noted such tasks as execution of documents on the admission and dismissal of employees, preparation of orders on personnel displacements between departments, as well as drawing up work schedules. In this article, we propose to consider what the personnel specialist is engaged in and carefully examine the job description of this employee.

Personnel is a company personnel specialist

Specialist in personnel: the essence of the profession

The position of a personnel department implies work with documents related to company personnel. The scope of activities of these workers includes both the accounting of the work of each employee and the elements of the office work. It is important to draw attention to the fact that modern business There are several job positions that have a high similarity with the profession under consideration. These positions include:

  • administrator of the personnel department;
  • managing staff;
  • HR manager.

First personnel workers appeared in the times of the USSR. Their main task was to filling out workers' personal cases, monitoring the observance of the safety regulations of the employment process. In addition, the responsibility of specialists included the compilation of job descriptions for other employees of the enterprise. Today, the official duties of a personnel specialist include much more different functions. The main cause of innovations is the widespread introduction of modern technologies into the production process.

Pros of work

Each company that has more than fifty employees in its state needs the organization of the personnel department. Employees representing this unit take part of the company's document management, doing personal affairs of personnel. In addition, the task of "personnel" is the development of personnel policy aimed at improving professional skills of employees.

The main advantage of this profession is its demand. As practice shows, personnel management managers are required by each company, regardless of its structure or selected field of activity. Another advantage of this area is the lack of the need for a special education. With the everyday tasks, the personnel can cope with a person, both with technical and humanitarian education.

The only requirement of many employers is the passage of a short training course at special lectures intended for retraining of specialists.

This work implies the standard five-day working week. The main task Recruitment worker is the formation of various documents, ranging from official notifications and ending with orders on behalf of the leadership.

There are different names of this profession - a manager or director of personnel management, a personnel department administrator, HR-manager

Cons of activity

Despite all the advantages above, work with personnel has a number of significant drawbacks. In order to obtain the position in question, the applicant for the vacancy must be carefully learned Labor Code. Ignorance of standards established by control bodies may result in an error that violates the rules established by the legislation. Such an error may result in legal proceedings, which will negatively affect the company's image.

A personnel employee acts as a link between ordinary employees and the administration of the company. This factor becomes the reason that personnel management managers often face conflict situations. Purpose disciplinary penalties, the execution of the aid and the dismissal of workers leads to inevitable conflicts, which sometimes develop into litigation. It is important to draw attention to the fact that the leaders of this department are financially responsible. In case of violation of the rules, established by law, head personnel service Waiting for penalties.

Employees of this service must comply with high professional standards. Professional standard - A certain level of qualifications necessary for working work.

Official duties for cadprovika

The job description of a personnel specialist differs depending on the position held by him. This means that the responsibilities of a worker occupying a rank position will differ from the commitment of the head of the department.

Specialist of the personnel department

To begin with, we suggest to consider the official instructions of an ordinary specialist. The primary task of the personnel management manager is the accounting of personnel. This means that personnel workers are responsible for the formation of personal documents, issuing various certificates and acts. One of the tasks of "Kadrovikov" is the design of vacations and fixing the movement of workers between different departments.

As mentioned above, the task of the HR-Department includes the design of labor books and managing orders. After edition of the order, the leading specialist of the department under consideration is obliged to familiarize all the workers with the content of the document. Often, employees are entrusted staff schedule and development of work schedules.

Inspector on personnel

According to the established rules, this position may take a challenger who has no professional experience. The internal instruction is a kind of regulations governing the responsibilities of the official.

The name of the profession - "Personnel" - comes from Soviet times

Specialist in personnel - Professandard, established for personnel inspectors:

  1. Accounting for personnel operations.
  2. Formation of personal workers.
  3. Amendments and adjustments to personnel documents.
  4. Processing of incoming documents.
  5. Processing documentation related to the appointment of output benefits, compensatory payments and pensions.
  6. Formation e-Base Data and archiving documentation.

All of the above functional responsibilities refer to office work. In addition, the personnel inspector conducts interviews with applicants for free job positions by checking their level of professional knowledge.

When conducting recruitment of personnel operations, a special calculation is used. Calculator for personnel specialist - special software that allows short term Calculate the value of compensation payments, the duration of the vacation, the number of working days in the reporting period and the magnitude of the employee's insurance experience.

Head of Personnel Department

To take the post of head of the department can an employee who has higher education. In addition, it is necessary to have a certain practical experience. As a rule, the administrator general director of the company is engaged in appointing an employee to the post of manager. Also, the highest management of the Organization provides the functions of controlling the activities of the head of the personnel service.

The task of this employee includes the management of the personnel and the development of the Company's internal policy towards employees. Often, this official person is entrusted to analyze the needs of the company in restructuring or traveling personnel. In addition to the above functions, the chief OK deals with the certification of employees in order to identify the level of professional conformity of the position.

As a rule, the head of control over the department entrusted to him is imposed. This means that the head of OK must conduct a systematic analysis of the activities of employees in order to identify employees with high performance of work. Based on this analysis, a list of workers who have a premium payment or other encouragement is drawn up.

All documents destined to the head of the company are closely interrelated with personnel issues, must necessarily be approved by the head of the personnel department. Also level of management competence structural unit It applies to solving various issues related to personnel activities. An employee occupying this post should know all the rules of the Civil and Labor Code. These standards must necessarily be taken into account when forming documents and regulating various conflicts between workers and top management.

The profession of personnel specialist has become very relevant in connection with the appearance of many Western firms in Russia, together with which the concept has come corporate ethics

Conclusions (+ video)

In contact with

The success of any enterprise depends on the personnel. Employees of the personnel department are managed by by human resourses. They are obliged to provide employees to obtain the necessary qualifying skills, are responsible for their movement between the company's divisions, receiving work or dismissal.

These employees keep records of spent hours, vacations and weekends. In order to be able to regulate the relationship of the authorities with subordinates, the job description of a personnel office workshop is used. It contains all the necessary information for the company's normal operation.


An employee adopted for this position is a specialist. It requires a certificate of completion of the highest vocational education. Employers usually require work experience from three years and above. Only Director General, whose direct submission can be appointed or dismissed. In its activities, the working man should take into account the leadership materials, orders of the authorities, the charter of the company and the official instruction of a personnel office workshop.


The employee is obliged to explore the legislative and regulationsThrough which the Company's activities are governed in which it is employed. It should be familiar with the labor legislation, objectives and development strategics. In addition, an employee should know which methods of high-quality and quantitative analysis of the company's personnel exist, as forecasting and planning the need to hire new employees.

Official instruction of a personnel office workshop suggests that he knows the foundations of sociology, economics and labor psychology, follows modern trends The development of personnel management is capable of applying their knowledge in practice.

Other knowledge

The employee must understand the forms and payment systems of labor activity, to know the methods of stimulation efficient work. From this specialist requires knowledge relating to the preparation and development of contracts and labor contracts, as well as the ability to regulate spores in this area. The job description of a personnel office specialist suggests that he knows how to evaluate the company's employees and the results of their work.

It should be good to understand the standards and unified forms of personnel documents, in production pedagogy, conflictology. This is due to the fact that during its activities, he will have to prevent and eliminate conflicts. He is also obliged to know labor protection, well focus on the market work force, advanced training services, understand which methods and forms of training and educational work with employees of the company.


The tasks of this specialist include developing corporate policies and concepts regarding personnel management under the guidance of the general director of the company. Also, with his assistance, an employee must form corporate culture, participate in its development. According to personnel office proceedings, it assumes that its task is to carry out decisions on hiring, translation, movement in the company's employees service.

He also decides who to declare thanks, encouragement, and who to impose a recovery to downgrade or dismiss from it. He is managed by control social processes In the organization, including the creation of a favorable climate in the team, resolution of conflicts and labor disputes.

Other tasks

The job description of the leading personnel officer specialist suggests that the employee's tasks include managing work aimed at forming a personnel reserve based on the current staff. Also, the tasks of this employee include working with the labor market, namely the search and selection of professions, qualifications and specialties, required companies.

He must take part in the development of plans for monitoring the effectiveness of personnel, based on current data and calculates the future. He is engaged in organizing staff training, coordinates measures to improve their qualifications, is engaged in the development of their business career. In addition, the employee's tasks include the organization of the necessary personnel accounting and office work, taking into account state standards and legislative requirements, the leadership of subordinate to him by employees and so on.


Official duties Specialist in personnel office work includes planning your own activities on the basis of the company's strategic objectives, the real situation in the organization. It makes it in accordance with the semi-annual, quarterly and monthly reporting in accordance with the concept and corporate policy of the company, where it is employed.

This includes learning and analysis of labor market conditions, written reports, including an overview. wages In competitive structures of such posts, taking into account all systems and levels. This employee is engaged in finding staff using own forces And, if it is provided for by the company's budget, attracting state and private structures occupied in this area. Works are carried out on the search for personnel, taking into account the procedure taken in the organization and the applications received from departments and services.


The functions of a personnel workshop specialist include preliminary work with applicants for work. This includes the survey, interviews, and so on. It is this employee who must take the most promising workers and send them to an interview with her supervisory guidance. He also performs adaptation events. Meaning the acquaintance of new employees with a team, a company, formal and informal rules of the organization, labor regulations and other traditions, company values.

It is engaged in quality control, completeness and other factors affecting the entry into position, conducts examination checks of the conformity of employees. It prepares and conducts annual professional certification, develops its plans and the program, is graphics, requests an assessment of the effectiveness of subordinates from the leadership. In addition, he is engaged in the selection of promising employees to enroll them in personnel reserve and further nomination for senior positions.

Other functions

Employee monitoring includes monitoring of the atmosphere in the team from the point of view of social and psychological aspects. It analyzes business, functional, moral and psychological qualities of personnel. Motivates employees, ensures that they are satisfied with the quality and working conditions. Represents reports every quarter about personnel and social issues. If there are problems requiring akin to sprinkle intervention, reports this guide with personal solutions.

Together with the bosses, plans for training and training seminars approximately every six months at the time of the formation of the company's budget. It attracts to this employees of its department, if there is a need for this, and controls the implementation of the planned events. It should be thought out and offer methods of motivation of employees, improving working conditions, rationalization of payments and financial incentives. It develops job descriptions for personnel, follows the implementation of labor discipline. Consultations for heads of departments and branches, as well as workers regarding labor law issues and social protection.

Other duties

The official instruction of a personnel and office work specialist suggests that he performs work on monitoring the observance of labor legislation, ensures the solution of personnel issues, developing provisions on personnel. This employee must approve contracts and prepare them in accordance with the current legislation and the rules of the company. Does and leads accounting documentation for state bodies. An employee must carry out techniques, translations and dismissal of personnel, taking into account labor legislation, instructions, provisions and orders that are adopted in the company.

Other functions

The job description of the leading personnel specialist suggests that it is engaged in the formation and management of personal workers of the company, while in a timely manner in them the necessary changes. It is engaged in filling, taking into account and storing labor books, counting experience workers, and issues certificates regarding the current and past activities of the company's employees.

He has accounting documentation regarding conscripts and servicemen among the personnel of the company, is engaged in the archive of personal deeds, prepares documentation regarding the expiration of the time of safety or data transfer to state bodies. In addition, he must transmit personal data from employees to the accounting department for tax inspectoration. It helps accounting workers to draw up documentation to obtain benefits, benefits, pensions and other social payments to employees of the company and their families, followed by transfer to the relevant authorities.

Other duties

A sample of official personnel instructions is presented in the article. This document assumes that the employee is developing vacation schedules, studies the causes of personnel turnover and offers methods for improving the situation. Forms estimated documentation, it leads all reporting forms, ensures the safety of commercial secrets and the confidentiality of the information received. Here we mean data on turnover and financial relations Between the company and suppliers, about the internal financial documentation of the company, information about addresses and phones of all employees and company managers, about the size of wages and other data subject to secrecy.


There are a number of rights that have a specialist in office work. The job instruction is obliged to include their full list. The employee is entitled to represent the interests of the company in state and commercial institutions For all issues, which relate to the development, use or formation of labor. It has the right to conduct an independent correspondence within its competence, to participate in the preparation of projects and orders relating to its activities, request the necessary information from the heads of departments.

He may request preparation and creation of documentation without leaving the limits of its competent opportunities. The employee is entitled to sign and sight documentation, to offer the leadership of encouragement or recovery from employees. He has the right to ensure normal conditions labor, receiving access to technical means and other social guarantees. He also has the right to receive assistance from leadership in fulfilling his duties.


According to the sample of the official instruction of a personnel specialist, its activities include the responsibility that is entrusted to the employee in the course of their duties. It is responsible for the inadequate or incomplete fulfillment of functions assigned to it within current legislation country. He can be attracted to the answer if he violated the labor, administrative or criminal code, as well as for the application of material damage and the commission of other mistakes in the course of his work.

The employee can attract the answer for a violation of commercial secrets, disclosing confidential information or leakage of the company's financial documentation. He is also responsible for the excess of its powers or their use for personal purposes. Other liability items may also be taken into account, depending on the needs of the company and personal guidelines.