Why write a letter in a dream? Letter from a dream book. Letter from the Family Dream Book

There are no accidents in dreams. Everything that we see in dreams, and even more so everything that is remembered from a dream, is very significant.

Whether the vision was unusual and bright, or whether you dreamed about something familiar and simple - both cases need to be deciphered, and in both cases the meaning of the dream may surprise you a lot. After all, signs are always hidden, unusual and very associative. And especially such a bright sign as a letter.

Deciphering what a letter means in a dream is actually not easy. Because this symbol is very deep and multifaceted, it can have several meanings at once, and during the interpretation you should be very careful, not miss the nuances and listen to your intuition.

This symbol can have a direct meaning, and indicate a connection with a certain person, to receive important information or news.

Or it may be otherwise - and in a dream, a letter can indicate events that are not directly related to it, for example, changes, acquaintances, conflicts or a love affair. It all depends on the actions of the dreamer - news in a dream can be received or sent, written or read, and so on.

The dream book describes the following options:

  • Just seeing some letter or envelope.
  • Receive it in a dream from a specific person you know in reality.
  • Just receive a message in an envelope or a telegram.
  • Write a message to someone in your dreams.
  • Read a funny or funny letter.
  • Just read a message from someone.
  • Tearing it in a dream.
  • Burn the letter.
  • Dreaming of a postage stamp.
  • I saw a postman.
  • Receive good things in a dream, good letter, with good news.
  • The message was written on colored paper or in a colored envelope.
  • Steal or read someone else's writing.
  • Receive a message in a dream from a loved one.

The options are so diverse that there is no doubt that their meanings are very different. It happens, and often, that a dream allows you to combine two or even more options - suppose you could receive or write a letter, and on colored paper.

These are two meanings, and you should skillfully combine them to obtain the correct interpretation. Let's find out from the dream book what a letter is about in a dream, and what to prepare for in real life.

A letter in an envelope...

We will probably soon forget what a message on paper is. E-mail has replaced traditional mail, and, perhaps, dreams are the only place where you can still receive a real message written on a piece of paper.

Remember, was it pleasant for you in a dream? What did you experience? Joy, fear or something else? This, believe me, is also extremely important, and your emotions will color the meaning of the dream in appropriate tones.

Joy will bring some positivity to the interpretation, while fear or anger, on the contrary, will make it possible to understand that even in a favorable interpretation there is some danger. Here it is worth listening to your intuition and making imaginative, associative thinking work. There is no way without him.

1. As the dream book says, a letter simply seen in a dream, lying on a table, for example, is a symbol of new information. But the information is not direct, but hidden.

This is an indication that you should be more attentive in everyday life, look closely at the signs and notice them, and not miss the hints that the universe gives. After all, information, sometimes very important, comes not directly, but hidden, through the signs that surround us in reality.

2. It’s curious why you dream of a letter from a specific person who exists in reality. This is a symbol of some imperceptible strong connection with him, and you have this same connection, astral, spiritual, invisible.

It’s as if you are distantly communicating with him indirectly, there is a certain thread that connects you. Perhaps he wants to convey something to you, but he does not dare, and he seems to be left writing to you in a dream. He communicates with you only in his thoughts, conducts a mental dialogue with you.

3. Receiving a message in your dreams is also a symbol that in reality you will receive a brilliant solution to some complex problem. You don't need to miss an idea or a decision, but embrace it.

4. Writing a message to someone in a dream is a symbol of haste. The interpreter hints that you are in a hurry, fussing in vain, in vain. You should be more relaxed and streamline your actions, do everything gradually.

Haste will only hinder your implementation; everything will turn out haphazardly. If you happen to write a message in a dream, think about it, perhaps you have something to change in yourself.

5. Such a dream, in which the letter you received turned out to be funny, foreshadows unexpected changes in your everyday life. It is the unexpected that can frighten or take you by surprise, but be prepared for them - and nothing will make you worry.

6. Just reading a certain message means that in reality you will receive help from people, and in many ways it will consist of communication. It is communication, contact with others that is what you need now. So - don't close yourself!

7. Tearing a message is a symbol of vain, empty expectations. A useful dream - it’s worth thinking about what you really hope for, where you build illusions and expect too much. It’s better to look at this soberly now, so as not to be disappointed later.

8. And a dream where you had to burn a letter for some reason warns of quarrels. If you can avoid them, then do everything possible to do so. This will be wise and correct.

9. A postage stamp is a symbol of the fact that in reality a new person will soon appear next to you, in your close immediate environment.

10. And the postman is a sign that you absolutely should not rush to make a decision in reality. Wait for information, some sign or indication, take your time. If time allows, wait, the solution will come later and it will be correct. And now it's too much big chance to make a mistake.

11. Such a dream, in which the letter turned out to be kind, good, and carried good news, is an excellent sign. Very joyful events and happiness await you.

12. A dream where the letter turned out to be written on colored paper, or came in a colored envelope, promises bright adventures in love. Perhaps even some intrigue and interweaving. You definitely won’t be bored, the main thing is to take care of your honor and do not stoop to unworthy, even low, actions.

14. The message that came to you from your loved one in your dreams promises real news from him, and indicates your strong connection.

A letter is one of the most interesting and complex symbols in the dream book. Take your time when deciphering a dream, so as not to make a mistake, take into account all the nuances and be careful.

But also, listen to your heart - it will tell you how to act as correctly as possible.
Author: Vasilina Serova

1. Letter- (Dream Interpretation Medium miss Xacce)
Receive - big money; write - receive news of interest; seal - you have a secret; find - you will get a promotion; read - write a warning; with a black outline - sadness; to lose is bad news; print - beware of thieves; breaking up is an angry conversation. Emergency - danger awaits you; urgent - I must correct the wrong you have done; receiving or writing a postcard - laziness will bring you losses
2. Letter- (Modern dream book)
Dreaming about letters almost always brings disappointment. If you dream ordered letter, then in real life money issues will destroy long-established connections. For a young woman, such a dream predicts that she will be offered a job that will be illegal and will not be characterized by a commitment to high morality. Perhaps others will judge her for this. For a lover, such a dream promises difficult forebodings of an unsuccessful union. His chosen one will prefer the attention and gifts of others. A dream about an anonymous letter predicts that you will be offended by those from whom you least expected it. If you dream that you are writing an anonymous letter, then in real life you will be jealous of your opponent, considering him more worthy. Receiving a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means difficulties in life and illness. If the news is pleasant, then you will have something to thank fate for. If the letter is tender and written on colored paper, then you will be neglected, both in love and in commercial matters. Your soul will be filled with despair. Blue ink is a sign of constancy and love, as well as bright luck. The color red in the letter implies alienation and coldness caused by jealousy. This conflict can be resolved by reasonable actions of one of the parties. If a young woman dreams that she is receiving a letter from her lover and keeping it close to her heart, then she will be greatly upset by the appearance of a beautiful rival. Trust often goes hand in hand with jealousy. If in a dream you are unable to read a letter, then expect losses in business or social life. If you dream that your letter has been intercepted, then your rivals and enemies are using all their strength to discredit you. To dream that you are trying to hide a letter from your lover or wife means that you will be interested in trivial matters. Seeing a letter with a black border foretells troubles and misfortunes with someone close to you. To receive a letter written on black paper with white ink means that darkness and disappointment will fill your soul, but friendly participation will give you a little relief. If correspondence occurs between husband and wife, then in reality they will separate due to scandalous accusations. If lovers had such a dream, they should be wary of quarrels and threats of suicide. Business people such a dream portends envy and greed. Writing a letter is a harbinger that in reality you will rush to make hasty accusations, but will soon regret it. A torn letter is a sign of a hopeless mistake that can ruin your reputation. Taking the letter you receive in your hands means that you will not be generous to your loved one and companions, and you will not conduct business honestly. If you often dream that you receive a letter from a friend, then the dream predicts his imminent arrival, or the receipt of a letter from him - one way or another, you will hear about him.
3. Letter- (Miller's Dream Book)
In a dream, receiving a registered letter means that a financial problem that has arisen will destroy old ties. If a young woman dreams that she has received a registered letter, this is a sign that she will be offered financial support, but neither law nor morality will be the basis of this offer; people may judge her. For a lover, such a dream will bring difficult forebodings of an unhappy marriage. His lover will look for signs of appreciation from others, not from him. Seeing an anonymous letter means that you will be insulted by an unknown person. Writing such a letter is a sign that you are jealous of an opponent whom you consider more worthy. Seeing a letter with unpleasant news in a dream means upcoming difficulties or illness. If in a dream the news received in a letter is joyful, many events will happen to you for which you will thank fate. If the letter is affectionate, but written on green or colored paper, you will experience neglect in love and failure in business. Despair will take over you. Blue ink is a sign of constancy, love and brilliant luck. The color red in a letter foreshadows separation due to suspicion and jealousy, but your reasonable behavior can reconcile you. If a young woman dreams that she is hiding a letter from her lover close to her heart, this promises her worries about her rival. Loyalty is often rewarded with jealousy. If you were unable to read the letter you received in a dream, you will lose something in business or public opinion. A letter almost always brings sadness. If your letter is intercepted, in reality jealous ill-wishers will try to slander you. To dream that you are trying to steal a letter addressed to your lover or wife is a sign that you will develop unworthy interests. Seeing a letter with a mourning frame in a dream foretells the illness or death of a relative. Receiving a letter written on black paper with white ink is a sign of despondency that will take possession of you, but friends will help you with their participation. If a husband and wife pass a letter to one another, this means a divorce with sensational accusations, and for lovers - a quarrel. Seeing that you are writing a letter means that you will hastily condemn someone for suspicion, which you will very soon repent of. A torn letter warns that hopeless mistakes can ruin your reputation. Taking a letter in your hands means that you are being unfair to your loved ones. Often dreaming that you are receiving a letter from a friend foreshadows his appearance or news from him.
4. Letter- (Dream Book of Sigmund Freud)
The letter is a symbol of a woman or female genital organs. Receiving or sending a letter symbolizes sexual intercourse. If you received a letter from a representative of the opposite sex, then you are striving for intense sexual experiences and sensations. If a man received a letter from a man, then this indicates your desire to expand your sexual sensations and engage in, for example, threesome love. If it’s just some kind of letter, then you are overcome by the desire to immediately enter into sexual contact with someone. If a woman receives the letter, then she dreams of lesbian love. If you write a letter to a member of the opposite sex on good paper, then you are satisfied with your sex life and your sexual partner. If you write the same letter to a representative of the same sex, then this indicates a predisposition to homosexual (or lesbian) contacts. If you write a letter on a piece of paper, carelessly or in a hurry, then you are experiencing a feeling of dissatisfaction with your sex life. Tearing a letter means violent sexual contact. If a woman is expecting a letter, then she strives for lesbian love. If a man is expecting a letter, then he strives for sexual contact with the woman he loves.
5. Letter- (Esoteric dream book)
To receive is to lead from afar. To write a letter yourself - distant friends remember you.

Letters can be different: electronic and paper, your own and others, opened and sealed. Each specific option has its own meaning, often not even close to the rest.

The easier it is to figure it out, the more details about it are preserved in memory. Minor little things can greatly influence the decoding of a dream and give a seemingly logical version a mirror meaning.

An envelope is a sign of secrecy and secrecy. See or send letters in an envelope in a dream– have many secrets and try to keep as many details about your life unknown.

To seal an envelope is to hide your own feelings from some person.

Feelings can be both positive and negative. This can only be known to the dreamer. The more carefully the envelope is sealed, the stronger the desire and, perhaps, the need to be a secretive person.

In a dirty envelope

See in a dream letter in a dirty crumpled envelope means to take part in an unpleasant conversation.

If the sender of the letter in a dream is known, then the conversation will be with him. If there are several letters, then more than two people will take part in the conversation.

If the sender is the dreamer, then he will initiate a conversation that is uncomfortable for several people. Smoothing and cleaning a crumpled envelope from dirt means acting as a conciliator and mediator in a quarrel between loved ones.

Drop a letter in the mailbox– be irreconcilable with other people’s opinions, avoid the company of other people, criticize positions that are not similar to your own.

Taking an envelope with a letter from the mailbox means changing your opinion about a loved one, looking at him from a different perspective, with a new look.

If the letter is difficult to get out of the box, the dreamer will learn a secret that they did not want to tell him or will become an unwanted witness. It was easy to retrieve the letter - reassessment of values ​​would be a logical continuation of one of life's stages.

See there are a lot of letters in a dream- to household chores. The dream suggests that a person who dreamed of many letters is drowning in a whirlpool of household chores. Fatigue from everyday life and worries can cause stress and prolonged depression. The dream warns that the time has come to relax, to be alone with your thoughts, freed from worries. Ahead best time for relax.

It is best to go to the coast or to the forest, where you can feel unity with nature and listen to your inner voice.

Letters from a loved one

A dream in which there is letters from, partly can be interpreted literally: a loved one thinks about the dreamer, experiences tender feelings and a desire to develop relationships. The dream is a warning that you should not force events and artificially try to transfer the relationship to new level. Development should proceed evenly, without jumps, so that there are no falls. Do not doubt the sincerity of your loved one.

Receive anonymous letters in a dream- to gossip and unflattering rumors about one’s own person. Although the situation is very unpleasant, it will not cause severe damage to your reputation. Sending anonymous letters in a dream means being a distributor of rumors and false evidence. Such actions can lead to the opposite effect, and all the lies will turn against its distributor. This threatens a damaged reputation and image that cannot be restored

From the dead

Receive in a dream letters from people who are no longer alive– find a solution to a problem that has been bothering you for a long time or condemn someone close to you. The details should be interpreted based on who the deceased was to the dreamer, what place he occupied in his life, whether he was a relative or not.

Sometimes such dreams may not mean anything, since deceased people often remind themselves of themselves through dreams.

See or read in a dream other people's letters- a sign of loss of independence in career matters. The more letters, the less weight the dreamer’s opinion has in business matters. In order to increase the value of one’s own position, a person who has had such a dream needs to improve their competencies and develop skills that have not received enough attention before.

The future period of life is the time for self-development and self-improvement.


If dream of checking email, emails mean it’s worth checking whether important Internet messages have actually arrived.

Also, such stories can indicate the dreamer’s strong virtual addiction. Emails and messages are a sign of affection for business and work, to receive news related to the career field, perhaps an invitation to new position or to another company.


See registered letters in a dream– make unexpected expenses and experience financial difficulties in the near future.

If the letters are addressed to the dreamer, it means that the expenses will be large and will hit the budget hard.

If the addressee is another person, then in order to repay the amount you will have to bind yourself to debt obligations. Sending a registered letter means shifting your own debts onto someone else’s shoulders. The dream warns that it is worth saving own funds and do not succumb to spontaneous waste.


Keep old letters in a dream– miss the past times and be offended by a person from the past. Finding old letters means an unexpected meeting.

If you see letters of a positive nature in a dream, it means that in reality pleasant changes in your career will occur.

Read letters

Read a letter in a dream– feel the support of family and friends in the near future. In difficult times they will provide assistance, which will help resolve the difficult situation. Positive news from the letter guarantees unexpected profits. And unpleasant news is a sign that the dreamer will have time and the opportunity to prepare as much as possible to overcome obstacles.

Letter in a dream - There is good news in the letter- soon you will be pleased with gifts of fate, happy accidents. An anonymous letter has arrived - a stranger will insult you in reality, and you won’t even be able to stand up for yourself.
You dream that you are writing a letter yourself- it means you are judging some person incorrectly. It is worth looking at your surroundings, there is someone you are underestimating.
Seeing a letter in a dream means receiving news.
In a dream, a letter that you have never read can speak of losses awaiting you in reality.
A girl receives a letter in a dream- a wealthy man will propose to her, but her loved ones will not approve of such a relationship. She might have to choose between them and a man.
Hold the letter in your hands- it means you are not fair to your loved ones.
If in a dream the contents of the letter pleased you with good news, then in reality expect incredible gifts from fate.
If you dreamed of a letter with unpleasant news, then difficulties await you in real life. Therefore, it is worth undergoing a medical examination and exercising caution in any endeavors.
If you dreamed that you received a letter, but, without even opening it, threw it away or burned it, it means that in reality you lack friendly, warm relations.
If in a dream your wife or husband hands over an envelope, then divorce proceedings await you; perhaps your other half is planning to break up with you.
If in a dream you wrote a letter with your own hand, then in reality this will lead to erroneous thoughts about something.
If in a dream you write a letter to someone, it means that you will soon have new plans. Sending a letter in a dream means progress in business.
If in a dream you write a letter with threats, in reality it threatens to result in a major scandal. If you manage to restrain your emotions at work, all the negativity will result in a major quarrel in the family.
If you read a letter in a dream, it means that you will soon find out what was hidden from you.
If in a dream someone read your letter without your permission, it means that you cannot avoid gossip.
If the arrival of a letter was hidden from you in a dream, it means that your enemies are not asleep. You need to beware of them.
If in a dream the contents of the letter upset you, it means that in reality, experiences await you.
If you are waiting for a letter from loved one, then it was probably your thoughts about him that provoked this dream, which cannot be called prophetic.
If you yourself write a letter to someone, then in real life you really want to influence someone’s destiny. You want to play a major role in the life of either your children or your loved one. You should give your loved ones more freedom of action so as not to harm them.
If a girl dreamed that she received a letter from her boyfriend, it means that he is thinking about her.
If you received a letter on a piece of paper and it is written in uneven handwriting, then there is a high probability of a major financial failure.
If the letter is written in beautiful handwriting and on good expensive paper, then the news will most likely be related to the resolution of financial issues in your favor. It might even be an unexpected inheritance.
If the letter you receive turns out to be empty, then you will have to start all over again in life. First of all, this concerns personal life. For those who are not married, such a dream promises disappointment in the opposite sex. Those who have been married for more than one year will have to admit the failure of the relationship and file for divorce.
Sealing a letter- you have a secret.
Find a letter- get a raise.
Write a letter and then tear it up in a dream- To uncertain actions.
The intercepted letter will oblige you to make excuses to loved ones due to the spread of rumors about your person.
Writing a letter to a loved one in a dream- to a quarrel with him.
Write a letter- receive the news you are interested in.
A letter without specifying the addressee foreshadows an insult from a stranger, for which you will not have a worthy answer.
A letter with good news in a dream- to luck and joy.
A letter written in an affectionate tone, but on colored paper, promises you disdain from a person you know well, which can make you depressed.
A letter telling about unpleasant news often means that in reality you will face difficulties. It is worth carefully monitoring your health and, if possible, visiting a doctor.
Receiving a letter from afar in a dream- to good news or to a meeting with an old acquaintance.
Receive an anonymous letter in a dream- unfortunately.
Receive a registered letter in a dream- to financial problems.
Receive a letter from a stranger in a dream- to trouble.
Receive a letter in a dream- unexpected news or big money will fall on you.
Receive a letter from the hands of a postman in a dream- to disturbing news.
To send a letter- meeting with a friend.
Lose a letter- bad news.
Lose a letter in a dream- to disappointment.
A torn letter threatens you with losses, as in financial issue, and in relation to the purity of your reputation.
Tear up the letter- angry conversation.
Print the letter- beware of thieves.
Letter with black outline- sadness.
Hasty letter- you must correct the injustice you have committed.
We saw a torn letter- your position in society can be ruined by absurd mistakes; it is recommended to be more careful in your words and actions.
A letter seen in a dream may be a harbinger of news, the contents of which will radically change your life.
Read the letter- warning.
Reading someone else's letter in a dream- to receive a reprimand.
Emergency letter- danger awaits you.

Some dreams are so vivid that they seem to say - this is an important sign! Waking up, we feel that this is an important message, the dream is not simple, but means and promises something, and we must definitely find an interpretation. Such a dream can be called one in which a letter is dreamed. Nowadays, many have already forgotten what letters look like on paper and in envelopes, we have switched to email And social media. But dreams are dreams, everything in them is filled with signs. Let's see what the letter means in a dream, let's try to interpret this vision as accurately as possible.

The letter itself in your dream can be a symbol of news or news, and also often indicates an invisible connection with a specific person. But in order to understand more precisely what the letter means in a dream, it is worth remembering it in detail, as well as what you did and what happened in the dream. Examples:

  • Receive it in an envelope or by email.
  • Seeing, receiving, or reading a message from a friend, a stranger, an ex, or a deceased person.
  • Write or send a message.
  • Tear, burn, throw away the letter.

Remember, were there any details in the dream, what happened there, and what emotions did you experience? Remember that if the dream was pleasant, and you woke up the next morning with good feelings, then expect good news and pleasant events, no matter what the dream book says.

What is it and from whom?

Let's consider dreams in which you had to see or read a letter. Do you remember who it came from? What was it like, what feelings did it evoke? Let's find out what the dream book says about this.

The first thing a letter means in a dream is new information. If it was just some abstract letter, not from anyone in particular, and you didn't read it, then that's the meaning. You'll get new information, very important. Also, pay attention to the signs around you, there are a lot of them, the Universe sends them to you to give you important knowledge. Try to see and notice them.

If it was from a person you know - a friend, etc., this indicates a connection between you. You communicate with this person on a subtle level, conduct invisible astral dialogues, and, simply put, think about each other. The dream book also advises not to rush. A message on paper may indicate a rush that will not lead to good results. Be consistent, don't rush things, don't fuss. Everything has its time.

Receiving a message from a dead person is a scary or at least strange dream, but it has important. News from the deceased should be interpreted as messages from above. This is how higher powers contact you, they want to point out something. If you remember the content of the message, be sure to analyze it, try to understand what the Universe is telling you.

If the paper or envelope was colored and bright, then in reality expect bright events and unusual changes. Your life will not be gray and monotonous; there will be events in it that will be impossible to miss or forget. You won't be bored!


What did you do with the letter? If you not only saw, but also read, wrote, tore, burned - look what the interpreter says about this.

Receiving a message from someone in a dream is a symbol of good news. Especially if in the dream you experienced joy and pleasant surprise, and the message itself was good. Expect joy in reality!

If you received long-awaited news in your dreams, from which you were very happy, then in reality a pleasant surprise awaits you. You don’t even suspect what pleasant and joyful news awaits you soon! But don't try to guess and guess, because if you wait, you will be disappointed. Just know that fate will not hurt you!

If you tore up a letter in a dream, then in reality you are in vain hoping and counting on something or someone. Don’t live in illusions, take your affairs into your own hands. Did you burn the envelope? The time has come to say goodbye to the past, to old, unnecessary connections. Take this bold step, and a great future will immediately open up before you.

Take your time and think about what the higher powers want to tell you, what message to give. The Universe takes care of us, remember this - and draw the right conclusions from what the interpreter says.