Statistical card 1.2. How to fill out an employee's personal card header

Subject: "Expression Comparison"

Subject: "Adding a Number to a Sum"

(Explanation of new material)

Required tasks:

  1. Solve the example in different ways:

(4 + 3) + 2

1) first calculate the sum, then add the number 2 to it:

(4 + 3) + 2 =

2) First add the number 2 to the first term, and then to the result

Add the second term:

(4 + 3) + 2 =

3) First add the number 2 to the second term, and then the result

Add to the first:

(4 + 3) + 2 =

II. Finish writing and solve the example:

(40 + 5) + 3 = (50 + 1) + 9 =

(40 + 3) + 30 = (70 + 8) + 10 =

(6 + 4) + 3 =

Additional tasks:

  1. Calculate the amount in a convenient way:

(6 + 9) + 4 (20 + 5) + 50

(590 + 3) + 6 (7 + 3) + 9

2) Fill in the missing numbers so that the entries are correct.

(15 +) + 5 = 27 (18 + 5) + = 25

Subject: "Addition and subtraction of numbers with the transition through the discharge"

Subject: "Division of Round Numbers"

Required tasks

  1. Explain the example solution:

3710: 7 = 3710: 7 = 350

3710 7 Verification:

35 530 530

21 * 700

21 371000

2) Using the example, solve the examples and check:

6950: 50 632160: 40

272000: 80 184200: 600

Additional tasks:

Write an equation and solve it.

  1. What number must be multiplied by 80 to get 58800?
  2. What number should 720630 be divided by to get 90?

Cards with elements of self-control

Work in a static pair.

Card 1.

35 – 17 36 + 12

30 – 16 19 + 12

72 – 37 47 - 28

65 – 50 38 – 18

1 student - write down all the examples in which the answer is even numbers.

2 to the student - write down all the examples in which the answer is odd numbers. Sum up your answers. If the result is the number 100, then the task is completed correctly. Mutual verification.

Card 2.

Write down the numbers:

25, 22, 6, 9, 31, 13, 3, 7.

1 student - increase each digit by 3 times.

2 student - reduce each two-digit number by 4. compare the results. If you get the same numbers, then the actions are performed correctly.

Level quest cards

Subject: "Addition and subtraction within 100"

24 + 34 31 – 16 65 + 19 - 15

38 + 12 81 – 62 49 + 28 - 29

46 – 14 62 – 28 45 + 26 - 47

56 + 40 73 – 56 80 – 58 - 22

69 – 14 17 + 64 74 + 19 - 58

55 – 33 15 + 47 93 – 36 + 39

2) 1 level. Find the meaning of expressions:

73 + 19 46 – 27 57 + 29

67 + 28 70 – 21 38 + 27

2nd level. Find the meaning of expressions

87 - (16 + 24) 84 – (26 + 14) 57 – 26 + 5

48 – (27 + 8) (48 + 7) – 5 36 – (12 + 7)

3rd level. Write the equations without brackets so that their values ​​do not change:

87 - (16 + 24) 84 – (26 + 14)

48 – (27 + 8) (48 + 7) – 5

3) 1 level. Three teams collected 84 kg of acorns. The first detachment collected 29 kg, the third - 31 kg. How many kilograms of acorns did the second detachment collect?

2nd level. Three teams collected 84 kg of acorns. The first detachment collected 29 kg. How many kilograms of acorns was collected by the second, if it is known that the third group collected 2 kg more than the first?

3rd level. Three teams collected 84 kg of acorns. The first detachment collected 29 kg. How many kilograms of acorns did the second group collect, if it is known that the first group collected 2 kg less than the third?

Subject: "Out-of-table multiplication and division"

1) 1st level 2nd level 3rd level

28: 2 64: 2 + 8 28: 2 + 56: 8

46: 2 48: 4 + 26 12 * 4 – 46: 2

64: 2 0 + 63: 3 63: 7 + 36: 3

96: 3

2) 1st level 2nd level 3rd level

26 * 3 36 * 2 96: (64 – 58) 56 – 12 * 4 + 19

96: 8 78: 6 (36 + 52) : 8 48: 6 + 26 * 2

42: 3 84: 7 4 * 16 + 27: 3

17 * 5 52 – 13 * 3 + 16

Subject: Multiplication of multi-digit numbers by single-digit

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

312 * 3 615 * 3 9347 * 7

908 * 5 80690 * 4 7 * 18396

60500 * 3 40620 * 5 33977 * 4

Subject: "Division of multi-digit numbers by one-digit"

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

974: 2 6060: 6 9033: 3

518: 7 4800: 3 39060: 6

252: 4 54242: 6 86700: 3

5625: 5 4518: 9 98560: 7

8560: 54 5250: 5 624080: 8

Personal cards of employees are used by institutions for the purpose of complete accounting of personnel. The law obliges managers to take care of creating such a card for each employee. The form for these documents is the T-2 form. It was approved and unified by Decree No. 1 of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and has retained its original structure since January 2004.

Sample and blank form of the employee's personal card


How the form is arranged. Key Features

Personal cards of employees are the necessary basis for creating a file cabinet for all employees of the institution. They are stored in alphabetical order. If there are many employees in the institution, then the documents can be structured by departments. There are no clear legal requirements for the design of a card index. Only one thing is needed - that each employee has a personal card in the form of T-2.

Form T-2 consists of 4 pages. The information in it is divided into 11 thematic blocks. The card must be filled out by a person from the personnel service, and if for some reason this is not possible - by the head of the institution

Form T-2 has several important features:

  • 1 and 2 pages are filled in at the time of taking a person to a position, and 3 and 4 - in the process of his work;(the images below and the sample itself are sharpened specifically for the document that you form when an employee enters your job;
  • the card is created based on a number of documents presented by the employee himself;
  • for easier and more convenient filling, the use of computer programs is allowed;
  • issuance of a T-2 card by the employee himself is not allowed.

Important! Only entrepreneurs are released from the obligation to create personal cards. But even they often lead the cards own will to use them in management work.

General information about filling out the card

The legislation does not set clear deadlines for creating a T-2 card. The best option- create it at the time of taking a person to a position, but you can wait. The main thing is that the mark in the workbook about taking on a position should be duplicated in the card.

For successful creation T-2 cards require a number of papers:

  • employment contract;
  • an order issued by the employer;
  • passport;
  • work book (or other way to confirm work experience);
  • certificate of pension insurance;
  • diploma or other evidence of education, qualifications, special knowledge;
  • for persons who may be drafted into the army - military registration documents;
  • CV (optional - the employee can submit information orally).

Important! The specifics of the work for which a person is accepted sometimes necessitates the provision of additional papers. The employer is required to request them so that the information on the T-2 card is complete.

To complete section 2, which contains information about military registration, you will need the following documents:

  • for people in the reserve - a temporary certificate or a full-fledged military ID;
  • for people who can be called - confirmation that a person is subject to a call.

Filling. Detailed example

Form T-2 is pretty large document, so we will consider filling it out separately for each of the 11 subsections. To better understand the structure of the map and to know what subsections exist, . This document in *.xls format does not contain errors and can be safely used both for informational purposes and in the direct work of the personnel department.

How to fill out an employee's personal card header

The header contains codes OKUD and . In this case, OKUD is the code of the card itself, and OKPO is the code of the institution based on statistical data. In addition, you must enter the full name of the institution (abbreviations are not allowed). After the name, you need to put a comma and write the address (better actual, not legal). This is at your discretion, we did not indicate in the example.

The date is entered in the format DD.MM.YYYY (for example, 08/01/2016).
Personnel Number- this is the serial number assigned to the employee in the institution.
TIN not required to enter. A person is not required to provide it when applying for a job, so the field can be left blank.
(insurance number) is required. A person must provide it in connection with Part 1 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If this is his debut employment, then in connection with part 4 of the same article, SNILS must be issued by the employer.
"Alphabet" is a field for entering the initial letter of the employee's last name.
The nature of the work is entered based on the order of the employer. It is either permanent or temporary.
Floor you can indicate the letter M / F, or you can write the whole word.

Important! The type of work indicated in T-2 can be only one - the main one. If a person will work part-time, then a card is not created for him, because she is at her main job.

Filling out the T-2 form by sections

Section 1. General Information

This section must be completed with information from the worker's passport. Information must be entered legibly, without abbreviating anything. There are features that must be taken into account when filling out:

The date of birth is entered in its entirety (for example, May 23, 1982), and in the "Code" field it is duplicated in the format DD.MM.YY (05/23/82).
The place of birth entry cannot be longer than 100 characters. You can use geographical abbreviations (city, region, settlement, etc.), but words such as village, village, kishlak, aul must be written in full.
With dual citizenship, you must indicate the name of the country of which the employee is a citizen.
Name educational institution, which the employee has completed, can be shortened without compromising the meaning.
The length of service must be calculated on the basis of paragraph 61 of the Instruction, which was approved by Resolution No. 192p of the PFR Board.
Full names of family members are entered in full, without abbreviations.

If registration and place of actual residence are identical, then the address does not need to be duplicated. The second column is simply not filled.

The most difficult point of section 1 is encodings. Errors in them are not allowed:

OKATO- the code of the settlement, approved by Decree No. 413 of the State Standard of the Russian Federation;
OKIN- code of the employee's citizenship (citizenship of the Russian Federation - 1, dual - 2, foreigner - 3, statelessness - 4);
OKSO- code of the profession or specialty received by the employee in the process of education;
is another form of specialty code.

Important! The HR worker has access to all encodings. He cannot demand these codes from the person for whom the card is being created.

Section 2. Information about military registration

To complete this section, military records are used. There should be no difficulties in filling out, because the requirements of the T-2 card are extremely clear. However, there are several important features:

Item 1 does not need to be filled out if the person applying for a job is a reserve officer.
Item 3 is filled out without any abbreviations.
Item 7 may change, so fill it in in pencil.
Section 2 must be checked and signed by the Human Resources Inspector.
In addition to the signature, its transcript and the position of the inspector must be indicated.
The employee must also sign this section.

Section 3. Hiring. Translations

The length of service of the employee depends entirely on this section, so errors are unacceptable. The main document to fill out is the order of the head. All information indicated in section 3 must be duplicated in the workbook. The employee must certify with a signature all entries in the section.

Section 4. Attestation

The main point of this section is "Decision of the Commission". This column should contain official wording, such as "corresponds to the position held." In case of non-compliance, “does not comply” is written, and if recertification is necessary, this is indicated in the decision of the special commission.

The dates of the certification and the creation of the protocol are recorded in the format DD.MM.YYYY. The basis for filling out the section is the document issued to the person at the time of certification.

Sections 5-6. Training. Professional retraining

These sections are filled out according to the documents of the person applying for a job, or according to the information of the personnel training department. There are no particular difficulties in filling them out. Dates must be entered in the format DD.MM.YYYY. Completing all sections is mandatory (except when there is nothing to write - for example, in the absence of qualifications or retraining).

Section 7. Awards

This section includes any kind of incentives that the employee received in the process labor activity. The grounds are Article 191 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local acts. In addition to awards and honorary titles, they must be listed. Abbreviations are acceptable if they do not entail a loss of meaning.

Section 8 Vacation

This section indicates data on each vacation that was received by the employee:

  • regular annual leave;
  • leave without pay;
  • parental leave.

It is imperative to indicate the type of leave, its time frame, duration and grounds for granting. If the vacation was used in parts, the working year is still calculated in full.

Important! If an employee works in an institution for a long time, then the vacation section will overflow. After that, an "Addition to the employee's personal card" is created. This add-on should have a header similar to the header of the main document, as well as a tabular part of the missing section.

Section 9 Social Benefits

This section includes all information about the benefits provided to the employee in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Section 10 Additional Information

In this section, you can not write anything at all. The only reason for filling it out is the desire of the employer. This may contain information about the employee's studies, about attending some courses, about the disability group, etc.

Section 11. Termination of an employment contract

The features of filling out this section are the same as those of section 3. There is only one difference - not only the employee, but also the HR inspector must sign. The date of dismissal is considered the day when the employee last actually performed his work.

Common mistakes when filling out the T-2 form

It happens that personnel officers make mistakes in the employee's personal card. It does not have any special consequences, and the employee himself does not harm. But if there are many errors, then with external verification personnel service may be penalized for poor performance.

The main mistakes that occur most often:

Using special characters

Slash (/) , colon (:) , equal sign (=) and other special characters cannot be used in the T-2 form. They are especially strictly prohibited in the coding zone.
Inaccurate filling. The text can go outside the intended margins if needed. But it should not go into the coding zone. If at least one letter appears in this zone, the card will formally be considered damaged, and it will need to be rewritten.


This common mistake is caused by the fact that dashes are allowed or even required in many other documents. They should not be in the T-2 form. If there is nothing to write in the column, then it should be left completely empty.

Filling out a form on a computer

The initial filling of T-2 (when applying for a job) can be carried out on a computer or manually. But the records made in the course of work employee must be done by hand! The employee must be familiarized with these records against receipt.

Important! A damaged card (see error 2) can be rewritten only during the initial filling. If the document was damaged during subsequent entries, then it cannot be rewritten or reprinted.

We hope this material helped you to issue a personal employee card. Don't forget to save the page to in social networks- come in handy!

Mechanisms for converting one type of movement into another ( general information)

In this textbook "Machine Parts" within curriculum lever, cam and ratchet mechanisms are considered: purpose, principle of operation, device, scope.

The topic of § 4 is studied in detail in the course "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines".

Lever mechanisms.

Link mechanisms designed to convert one type of movement into another, oscillatory along or around the axis. The most common lever mechanisms are articulated four-link, crank-but-slider and rocker.

Hinged four-link mechanism(Fig. 1.10) consists of a crank 7, connecting rod 2 and rockers 3. Depending on the ratio of the lengths of the levers 1, 2, 3 the mechanism and its links will perform different functions. The mechanism shown in fig. 1.10, with link 1, the shortest of all is called single crank. When rotating the crank. 1 around axis O, rocker 3 oscillates around an axis Oh 2, connecting rod 2 performs complex plane-parallel motion.

Crank-slider mechanism obtained from a hinged four-link when replacing the rocker 3 crawler 3 (Fig. 1.11). In this case, the rotation of the crank 1, creeper 3 performs an oscillatory rectilinear motion along the slider guide. in engines internal combustion, such a slider is a piston, and a guide is a cylinder.

rocker mechanisms serve to convert the uniform rotational movement of the crank into the rocking movement of the backstage or the uneven rectilinear oscillatory (reciprocating) movement of the slider. Rocker mechanisms are used in planers when the work stroke (chip removal) is slow and the non-work stroke (cutter return) is fast. On fig. 1.12 shows a diagram of a rocker mechanism with an input piston on a connecting rod. Such a scheme is used in the mechanisms of rotary type hydraulic pumps with rotating blades, as well as in various hydraulic or pneumatic drives of the mechanism with an input piston. 3 on a connecting rod sliding in a rocking (or rotating) cylinder.

Rice. 1.10. Hinged four-link mechanism:

1 - crank; 2 - connecting rod; 3 - rocker

Rice. 1.11. Crank

mechanism: 1 - crank; 2 -

connecting rod; 3 - creeper

Rice. 1.12. Rocker mechanism: / - crank; 2 - connecting rod; 3 - piston

Cam mechanisms.

Cam mechanisms designed to convert the rotational motion of the leading link (cam) into a predetermined law of reciprocating motion of the driven link (pusher). Cam mechanisms are widely used in sewing machines, internal combustion engines, automatic machines and allow you to get a predetermined law of movement of the pusher, as well as provide temporary stops of the driven link with continuous movement of the leader.

On fig. 1.13 shows flat cam mechanisms. The cam mechanism consists of three links: cam /, pusher 2 and racks (supports) 3. To reduce friction, a roller is introduced into the cam mechanism. The leading link in the cam mechanism is the cam. The cam can perform both rotational and translational motion. The movement of the driven link - the pusher - can be translational and rotational.

Rice. 1.13. Cam mechanisms: / - cam; 2 - pusher; 3 - stand (support)

Disadvantages of cam mechanisms: high specific pressures, increased wear of the links of the mechanism, the need to ensure the closure of the links, which leads to additional loads on the links and to the complexity of the design.

Ratchet mechanisms.

Ratchets refer to intermittent action mechanisms that provide the movement of the driven link in one direction with periodic stops. Structurally, ratchet mechanisms are divided into non-reversible with internal gearing and with a ratchet wheel, as well as reversible in the form of a gear rack.

Irreversible ratchet mechanism with internal gearing (Fig. 1.14). The leading link can be either an internal gear / ratchet wheel connected to an external gear wheel or a sleeve 4 with a dog attached to it 3, spring-loaded to the teeth of the ratchet wheel 1 spring 2.

Rice. 1.14. Non-reversible internal gear ratchet:

1 - ratchet wheel; 2 - spring; 3 - dog; 4 - sleeve

In non-reversible mechanisms (Fig. 1.15), the ratchet wheel is made in the form of a rail 1 in the guides, and then the doggy 2 informs the rack with a ratchet tooth intermittent rectilinear movement. In this case, it provides a device that returns the rail to its original position.

Rice. 1.15 Non-reversible ratchet: Fig. 1.16. Reversible ratchet:

1 - rail; 2 - dog 1 - ratchet; 2 - leading lever; 3 - dog

Reversible ratchet mechanisms (fig. 1.16) have: ratchet wheel 1 with teeth of an involute profile, and on the leading lever 2 articulated doggy 3, which, if necessary, reverse is thrown around the axis Oh.

In mechanical engineering and instrumentation, ratchet mechanisms are used, in which the mechanism (driven link) moves in one direction with periodic stops (metalworking machines, the rear drive hub of a bicycle, etc.).