What drives a person to kill? Test Are you capable of killing a person?

Incredible facts

What makes a person end another person's life? Is there a special type of person “born to kill,” or is this potential inherent in each of us? Does this behavior depend on the situation and scenario? Or maybe we are all born killers who suppress our essence, or we must break all social and psychological barriers in order to be able to take the life of another person?

These are the questions that humanity has been trying to answer for many centuries. There are different types of killers. There are mentally unstable killers who exhibit psychopathic and sociopathic abnormalities. These people appear to have "limited resistance" to murder. There are murderers and assassins who kill for profit or to maintain their status in the group. There are those who kill in self-defense. There are soldiers whose job is to kill the enemy in battle.

However, do they have anything in common? Or does each type have its own characteristics? There is a lot of controversy regarding this. The soldier would probably object to being placed in the same category as a serial killer. However, going deeper into the question, how does a soldier who purposefully kills a person, even an enemy, differ from one who also deliberately kills a person, but does it for other reasons?

These are questions that are very difficult to answer. In fact, there are no clear answers to them, however, scientists, psychologists and neuroscientists have proposed several hypotheses about why we kill and what pushes us to do it. We will break the proposed arguments into two categories: nature (genetics) and nurture. Genetic arguments suggest that we all have the ability to kill because we evolved that way.

Evolutionary psychology

In psychology, there is a somewhat controversial approach that suggests that some of our behavior is deeply embedded in us. According to this theory, humans evolved with certain behavioral characteristics that they passed on to subsequent generations. Over time, these types of behavior change. This approach is part of evolutionary psychology.

Unfortunately, even among supporters of evolutionary psychology there is no consensus. According to David Sloan Wilson, one of the reasons for this debate lies in the previously popular theory of Led Cosmides and John Tooby. Wilson claims that their theory of vision for evolutionary psychology is very narrow and misleading. Among the shortcomings of their theory, he notes the limitations of the evolutionary environment of adaptation, namely the range of conditions in which people lived during the evolutionary process. As a result, the authors concluded that the human mind has developed many behavioral patterns designed to solve certain problems that arise under certain conditions.

Wilson says Cosmides and Tooby oversimplified elements human nature, dividing them into masculine and feminine principles. In addition, he is also critical of the scope of their theory, arguing that they did not take into account differences between groups of people and the rapid evolution of the brain over a relatively short period of time. Wilson notes that there are many other approaches to explaining human behavior from an evolutionary perspective.

In David Buss and Joshua Dunley's book Evolutionary Psychology and Violence, in the section on homicide, the authors suggest that aggression is a trait that has been inherited by humans since prehistory. People were forced to compete with each other for resources. Sometimes this competition led to violence. As a result, people who survived developed a parallel "skill set." One set of skills helped a person cope with aggression, the other helped to cause more harm to the enemy.

According to this hypothesis, people have become more adept at both avoiding aggression and causing harm. Moreover, skills were passed on from generation to generation. Based on this theory, we can say that we are all capable of killing. Many proponents of evolutionary psychology do not deny that others, no less important factors have an impact on a person becoming a killer. They admit that environment and circumstances play an important role. However, our essence is that, in essence, we are all killers.

Critics of evolutionary psychology say that our consciousness is not as cruel as psychologists say it is. They indicate how quickly our minds have evolved since prehistoric times—much faster than the popular narrative of evolutionary psychology “conveys.” Critics also argue that humans are too complex to be analyzed in this way by evolutionary psychology.

However, what is the other side of the coin? What makes a person become a killer?

If, however, we assume that not all of us are murderers and refrain from this type of behavior due to the presence of social and psychological restrictions, then What exactly “creates” a killer? According to soldiers, it is a process that involves four strategies: abuse, classical conditioning, operant conditioning and role model.

Cruelty (“brutality”) is a process during which a person loses his sense of self-worth as a person. Within military structures, this is a very regulated process. New recruits go through it hard, sometimes even having their sense of individuality knocked out of them in humiliating ways. This helps the military reduce the resistance of most people when they are confronted with the concept of ending someone else's life.

In classical conditioning, the goal is to associate a desired behavior with a reward. Grossman says that this is not used often in the American process. military training, because it seems morally reprehensible to associate violence with obtaining a reward. In operant conditioning, soldiers are trained under artificial conditions to develop automatic responses to specific stimuli. An example is shooting at targets in the form of a human body.

The role model for the military is the combat leader. This is precisely his job - to show and teach aggression while maintaining discipline. Thus, over time, soldiers begin to look to the combatant as a model of behavior. This combined approach would, in theory, create a soldier capable of killing an enemy in combat.

It is possible that killers who have never been soldiers, including serial killers, have the same experience as a military recruit. The main difference is that they did not gain their experience in a controlled environment. The underlying motive behind the actions of many murderers is cruelty. In a number of cases, the killers began to implement their plans on those who were weaker than them, thus demonstrating their strength and power.

Look at the characteristics of serial killers and you will begin to notice some common elements. Many people who eventually became serial killers suffered serious trauma in childhood or were victims of abuse themselves. Of course, this is a gross oversimplification of the problem, however, there is no doubt that there is a strong correlation between a traumatic childhood and the corresponding behavior of a serial killer.

Many killers have a pronounced sense of alienation, and before moving on to active actions, they, as a rule, fantasize a lot about this topic. In some cases, the killer suffers from a mental disorder or brain damage that either inhibits or completely deprives the person of the social and psychological restrictions that keep normal people from such behavior.

Thus, regardless of the reason for a person’s adoption of this path, in any case, he needs a catalyst, which pushes him to murder. Identifying and understanding the elements that can turn a person into a killer can help the global community prevent future tragedies.

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Donovan Tavera: "I never thought I'd make a living this way"

Mexico is one of the countries with the most high rate number of murders per capita. Who cleans up traces of blood at a crime scene after the police and investigators leave? Donovan Tavera is the nation's first forensic pathologist. According to him, he experienced an inexplicable interest in blood and everything connected with it from early childhood.

What happens to blood after death? This question bothered me for many years until I finally found the answer myself.

The first time I saw a dead person was when I was 12 years old. One morning we heard that on our street, not far from the apartment building where I lived, someone had been killed.

We went to have a look. There were obvious signs of violent death. The man was not wearing a shirt. What struck me most was the streams of blood that flowed down the street.

But I wasn't scared - I was just very curious. That's when I felt this strange craving for blood.

Besides us, there were police officers and investigators at the crime scene. I waited for someone to come and clean up the blood, but no one showed up. Some blood reached our house, and my mother washed it off with water.

I asked her: “Who cleans up the blood after a murder?” That day I asked her many questions.

When my father came home from work, I asked him: “What happens to blood after death? How to remove it?”

I continued asking questions for several days until he said, "Please stop talking about this. Enough is enough!"

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Donovan Tavera: “Before I come, I ask questions: what happened, where is the body?”

And then I decided to look for answers on my own. I went to the library and took out some book on medicine, but it was too general. Then I found a book on forensic medicine. I read about what the death process is and what happens to the corpse. I learned a lot.

Murder is different from an accident - there is much more blood in murder. And diseases can be transmitted through blood. It seemed to me that since someone is picking up corpses from the streets, there must be a special person who cleans the crime scene of blood.

At the age of 17 I started experimenting. I went to the butcher, bought cow liver and bones, and at home began researching how to remove traces of blood.

That's how I became a forensic cleaner.

Over the years, I have invented over 300 different formulas that can be used to cleanse blood various surfaces. Some I gradually improved, others remained unchanged.

Nessesary to use various methods depending on what exactly you are cleaning - the carpet in the car, for example, or personal items such as watches or rings.

Much depends on how and when the person died. Maybe someone lay dead for a week in a bathtub, in a humid environment. And someone hanged himself with his tie - then it is necessary to take into account other bodily fluids and secretions, such as semen or feces.

Before I come, I ask questions: what happened, where is the body? I also need to know whether the deceased had any illness and whether there is a possibility of infection. This way I can plan my actions in advance.

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Donovan Tavera: "Opera helps me relax, concentrate, mentally prepare for work"

I - last man who comes to the crime scene. I come after the police have left, after the funeral has taken place.

I am the last person associated with what happened, and often the family of the deceased turns to me partly as a psychotherapist. At first I took everything to heart, but now I listen to them politely and then get on with my work.

I usually do my work with headphones on because music helps me concentrate. I always listen to the same three pieces: "Tristan and Isolde" by Wagner, "666 is the number of the beast" by Iron Maiden and "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath.

Opera helps me relax, concentrate, and mentally prepare for work. But when I put on my uniform and start cleaning, I want to listen to heavy metal.

My work begins only after the authorities give permission to a person not involved in the police investigation to be present at the crime scene. I can’t do my job without this piece of paper.

Several times people called me and asked me to work, but when I asked about necessary documents, they didn’t have any. Instead, they offered me money, a lot of money.

Then I would tell them that I could not work without the necessary permission, and they would immediately hang up. Perhaps they were criminals, or maybe someone was just joking like that, I don’t know.

Illustration copyright Alamy Image caption Donovan Tavera: "I'm the last person to arrive at a crime scene"

People who seek my services are usually in a very difficult situation. From the moment the body is found until I finish my work, they are forced to constantly see blood - on the floor, on the walls, in the bathroom. And she smells.

Once the house is clean and the smell goes away, their mood changes. Often they cry with relief, as if a heavy burden has been lifted from their shoulders. They no longer need to see this horror around them. Of course, they are still in a lot of pain, but at least they have one less problem.

The most brutal crime I had to clean up after was the murder of four people in Mexico City. They were stabbed to death with cold steel. The traces I found suggested that the victims were panicking and trying to defend themselves. There was so much anger and despair at the crime scene.

It took more than 10 hours to clean everything - the work had to be completed that same day. My client was completely depressed and devastated, but in the end we rented him a house in which there was not a single hint of what had happened. My work helped him somehow come to his senses, and after that he thanked me very nicely. The atmosphere was completely different - a kind of lightness, as if everything had happened a long time ago, like a distant memory.

I never thought I would make a living this way. I didn’t even know that such a profession existed until I mastered it on my own.

Pavel Sinkin,” the policeman announced.
“So-so,” the civilian flipped through the pages in his folder, “Pavel Sinkin, registered on the X-forum under the pseudonym Lone Wolf.” On April 14, you wrote in a topic dedicated to the shooting of stray dogs to a user registered under the pseudonym Stalker, and I quote: “Yes, you yourself should be shot.” Is everything right?
“P-probably,” Pasha liked what was happening less and less. First of all, he didn't understand what was happening. And secondly, the policeman stayed behind him, and the military man slid in like a snake - I don’t remember exactly... there was a lot of things...
“Okay,” the civilian slammed the daddy and opened the door to the adjacent room, “this way, please.”
Pasha came in and was stunned. A bound man sat on a chair in front of him. The man twitched, his eyes rolled wildly, and desperate grunts could be heard from under the gag.
“This is the Stalker, known in the world as Leonid Strizhikov,” the civilian explained, “but it doesn’t matter.” Dima, come on.
Pasha jerked back, but ran into a military man. Meanwhile, the policeman locked the door, returned and handed Pasha a pistol. Handle forward. A small pistol with a large silencer.
“The cartridge is in the barrel, the safety has been removed, all that remains is to press the trigger,” he explained.
- What are you talking about?! - Pasha squealed, jerking his hands away, - have you gone completely crazy? What's going on here?!!
“You said that you need to kill him,” the civilian muttered coldly, “so take the gun and kill him.”
The bound man groaned even louder and shook his head desperately.
- What are you doing? - Pasha croaked, - you... what are you? This is figurative... this is... meh... metaphorical!
“There were no metaphors,” the civilian said, “there was a direct statement that it was necessary to kill.” Now it's time to back up your words with action. Kill him! Now.
Pasha heard a click behind him and turned around. This was the second pistol, the military man was holding it and he was looking straight into Pasha’s forehead.
“Now,” the man repeated.
Chatting his teeth, Pasha extended a trembling hand and took the policeman’s pistol. He turned to the chair and began to raise his weapon. The bound man no longer twitched, but only trembled violently.
“It’s better to shoot in the heart,” the military man suddenly suggested, “otherwise it will be painfully dirty in the head.”
“Vova, what are you talking about,” the policeman shook his head, “look at him - will he really hit the heart?” Don't worry, guy, shoot in the head - we'll clean it up later.
The bound man made a puddle under himself. Pasha had an unbearable desire to do the same. He tried to take aim, but his hand was shaking so that the front sight was dancing in front of his eyes, and his finger on the trigger seemed to turn into wood.
- Come on, shoot! - the policeman encouraged.
“Shoot,” the civilian ordered.
“Shoot,” said the military man. He took a few steps to the side and now stood to the side, - shoot... or - balabol?
At these words, the muzzle of his pistol dropped slightly.
And Pasha grabbed this word like a straw.
- Me not! I'm a balabol! Yes, I'm a balabol! Just don't! No need to shoot!
“Okay,” the civilian smiled dryly. The pistol immediately disappeared from Pasha’s hands, and in its place a daddy appeared with a blank sheet of paper and a pen.
- Write: I, Pavel Sinkin aka Lone Wolf, sincerely admit that I am a balabol, not responsible for my words. Number. Signature. Order.
The military man took the signed piece of paper from Pasha’s hands and filed it in a thick folder on the table standing in the corner. Meanwhile, the policeman was untying Stalker. The civilian looked through his daddy and frowned.
- Leonid Viktorovich, you are free... And for you, Pavel Evgenievich, one more question. On April 11th, a user registered under the pseudonym Dry Tree, in a topic dedicated to the ban on abortion, wrote to you, I quote: “people like you should be killed”...
Pasha felt strong hands grab him and drag him to the vacant chair.
- No way! - he howled.
“Don’t piss,” the policeman winked, “it’s unlikely... that is, he... or she, I don’t know... it’s unlikely, in general, that he’ll be able to shoot you.”
- What if he can?! - Pasha whined.
“Hmm, in principle, it could happen that it can,” the policeman said thoughtfully, inserting a gag into Pasha’s mouth. But then his face brightened and patted him on the shoulder.
- Well, then you will be the first one!
And he smiled encouragingly.

Allah Almighty said:

“For this reason (the killing of one son of Adam by another) We have decreed for the children of Israel: Whoever kills a person not for murder or for spreading mischief on earth, it is as if he had killed all people!”

Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Avoid (committing) the seven destructive (sins).” (People) asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what are these (sins)?” He said: “Worshipping others along with Allah, witchcraft, killing a person whom Allah has forbidden to kill except by right, usury, eating the property of an orphan, apostasy on the day of the attack and accusing chaste believing women of adultery who do not even think about such things.”. This hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari, 2766 and others.

It is reported that ‘Abdullah (ibn Mas’ud), may Allah be pleased with him, said:

“(Once) I asked the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “What is the greatest sin before Allah?” He replied: “Equating anyone with Allah, Who created you.” I said: “This is indeed a great (sin,” and) asked: “And then?” (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Killing your own son out of fear that he will eat with you." I asked, “And then?” (The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Committing adultery with your neighbor’s wife.”

This hadith was reported by al-Bukhari, 4477; Muslim, 86; Abu Dawud, 2310; at-Tirmidhi, 3181 and others.

Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have said:

“Hearing the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “If two Muslims meet (in battle, crossing) their swords, then both the killer and the killed will end up in hell,” I asked: “O Messenger of Allah, ( It will be fair if the one who killed gets there, but why is he killed?!” He replied: “After all, he wanted to kill his comrade!”

This hadith was reported by al-Bukhari, 31; Muslim, 2888; Abu Dawud, 4368; an-Nasai, 7/165; ibn Majah, 3964 and others.

Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“A believer will not be constrained in his religion until he sheds forbidden blood.”

This hadith was reported by al-Bukhari, 6862; Ahmad, 2/94.

It is reported from the words of Jarir, may Allah be pleased with him, that during the farewell pilgrimage, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, told him:

“Tell people to be quiet and listen!” after which he said: “After me, do not become infidels who cut off each other’s heads!”

This hadith was reported by al-Bukhari, 121; Muslim, 65 and others.

“The killing of a believer is more grievous in the sight of Allah than the disappearance of this world.”

This hadith was reported by an-Nasai and ad-Diya al-Madisi from the words of Buraidah.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 4361.

It is reported from the words of ‘Abdullah, may Allah be pleased with him, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“(On the Day of Resurrection) the first to be judged will be those people between whom there was blood.”

This hadith was reported by al-Bukhari, 6533; Muslim, 1678.

It is reported from the words of Uqba ibn Malik that (once) the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said three times:

“Verily, the Great and Almighty Allah will renounce the murderer of a believer!” This hadith was narrated by Ahmad 4/110, 5/288-289, an-Nasai in al-Siyar 1/39/1, Ibn Sa'd in at-Tabaqat 7/48-49, and al-Hakim 1 /18-19, who said: “A reliable hadith according to the conditions of Muslim,” az-Dhahabi agreed with him on this, and this is as they said. See al-Silsila al-sahiha, 2/303.

It is reported from the words of ‘Abdullah (ibn Mas’ud), may Allah be pleased with him, that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Whoever is killed unjustly, the first son of Adam will certainly bear part of the (burden of sin for shed) blood, for he initiated the murders.”

It is reported from the words of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr, may Allah be pleased with them both, that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Whoever kills a mu’ahad (an infidel who is in an agreement with Muslims) will not feel the fragrance of Paradise, although its fragrance will be felt at a distance of forty years (journey).”

This hadith was narrated by Ahmad 2/186, al-Bukhari 3166, an-Nasai 8/25 and Ibn Majah 2686. See Sahih al-Jami' as-saghir 6457.

It is reported that Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever helps to kill a Muslim with even half a word will meet the Great and Almighty Allah with the inscription between his eyes: “Despairing of the mercy of Allah.”
Sheikh al-Albani in “Silsila ad-da’ifa wal-maudu’a” (2/2) said:

“This hadith is reported by Ibn Majah (2/134), al-'Uqayli in ad-Du'afa (457), al-Bayhaqi 8/22 along the path of Yazid ibn Ziyad, who reported from az-Zuhri, who reported from Sa' Ida ibn al-Musayyib, who reported from the words of Abu Huraira, as ascending to the prophet. Al-‘Uqayli said: “This is Yazid (ibn Ziyad) about whom al-Bukhari said: “His hadiths are rejected.” He (al-‘Uqayli) also said: “No one supports his hadith except those who are like him!” Al-Bayhaqi said: “Yazid’s hadiths are rejected.”

I (al-Albani) say:

- In his words, which were given (above), al-Bukhari explained that it is not permissible to (transmit) rivayat (hadith) from him (Yazid. approx. per.) and he, in his opinion, is accused of lying, as was stated said earlier. Al-Dhahabi mentioned in his biography that Abu Hatim said: “ This hadith is false, made up!” and al-Dhahabi (himself) approved of this. Ibn al-Jawzi cited it in his “al-Mawdu'at” (2/104) from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah, 'Umar and Abu Sa'id, and calling them all weak, he said: “Ahmad said: “This hadith is unreliable.” , and Ibn Hibban said: “ This hadith is made up and it has no basis in hadith from reliable narrators."

Allah knows about all this better than anyone!

Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Truly, whoever killed a mu’ahad who was under the protection of Allah and His Messenger, he violated the agreement given by Allah, and he will not smell the smell of paradise, although its smell will be felt already at a distance of seventy years (of the journey).” This hadith was narrated by at-Tirmidhi 1403, Ibn Majah 2687 and al-Hakim 2/127.

Abu ‘Isa (at-Tirmidhi) said: “A good authentic hadith.”

Al-Hakim said: “It is an authentic hadith according to the conditions of Muslim,” and al-Dhahabi agreed with him.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Sahih Ibn Majah” 2193, “Sahih at-targhib wa-t-tarhib” 3009.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is reported to have said:

“It is possible that Allah will forgive any sin except (the sin of) one who died as a polytheist or (the sin of that) believer who deliberately killed (another) believer.”

Sheikh al-Albani in al-Silsila al-sahiha (2/24) said:

- (This hadith) was reported by Abu Dawud 4270, Ibn Hibban 51, al-Hakim 4/351, Ibn 'Asakir in “Tarikh Dimashq” 5/209/2 ... from the words of Abu ad-Darda, who said: “I heard how The Messenger of Allah said: “...” and he conveyed this hadith. The text (of this hadith) belongs to Abu Dawud. Al-Hakim said: “Isnad (hadith) is reliable,” al-Dhahabi agreed with him, and this is as they said, since all his narrators are trustworthy.

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Avoid (committing) the seven destructive (sins): Worshiping others along with Allah, killing a person, retreating on the day of attack, eating the property of an orphan, eating what is obtained from usury, accusing a chaste woman of adultery, and becoming a Bedouin after migrating /Hijras/.”

This hadith was reported by at-Tabarani in “Mu'jam al-Kabir” 5636 from the words of Sahl ibn Abu Hasma.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith good. See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 145.

It is reported from ‘Imran ibn Husayn that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“If a person says to his brother (in Islam): “O infidel!”, then he is like the one who killed him, and cursing a believer is like killing him.”

This hadith was reported by at-Tabarani in Mu'jam al-Kabir 18/193.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 710.

Abu Musa al-Ash'ari is reported to have said:

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “This is my community - a community to which mercy will be shown. She will not be punished in the Hereafter, but punishment will befall her in this world. (These will be) trials/fitan/, earthquakes, murders and (all sorts of) disasters.” This hadith was reported by Ahmad 4/410, 418, Abu Dawud 4278, at-Tabarani in “Mu’jam as-Saghir” 5, al-Hakim 4/444, al-Bayhaqi in “Shu’ab al-Iman” 9799.

Al-Hakim called the isnad of this hadith authentic and al-Dhahabi agreed with him.

Hafiz ibn Hajar in Basl al-Ma'un (2/54) said: “His isnad is good.”

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 1396, “as-Silsilya as-sahiha” 959.

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Verily, Allah Almighty has made killing a punishment for this community in this world.”

This hadith was reported by Abu Nu’aym in “Hilyatul-Auliya” 8/308 from the words of ‘Abdullah ibn Yazid al-Ansari.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 1738, “as-Silsilya as-sahiha” 959.

Abu Musa al-Ash'ari reported that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Before the Day of Judgment comes the Kharj.” He was asked: “What is kharj?” He said, "Murder." People asked: “Will they really kill more than we do? We kill more than seventy thousand people a year." The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “These will not be battles with polytheists. You will kill each other." People asked, “Are we going to be sane?” He replied: “Most of the people of that time will be deprived of reason, and only a few will retain it. Many people will think that they are right, although in reality they will be far from the truth.". This hadith was narrated by Ahmad 4/391 and Ibn Majah 3959, and Sheikh al-Albani called it authentic. See “Silsila al-ahadith al-sahiha” 1682.

Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“I swear by the One in whose hand my soul is! The end of the world will not come until the time comes when the murderer will not know why he committed the murder, and the murdered will not know why he was killed.” He was asked: “How will this happen?” He said: “These will be such murders that both the killer and the killed will end up in hell.”.

This hadith was reported by Muslim 2908.

It is reported from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“Faith keeps (a person from treacherous) murder! A believer does not kill treacherously!” This hadith was reported by Ahmad 1/166, al-Bukhari in at-Tarikh 1268, Abu Dawud 2769, al-Hakim 4/352, who said: “A reliable hadith consistent with the conditions of Muslim” and al-Dahabi agreed with him.

Sheikh Ahmad Shakir and Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Musnad Ahmad” 3/19, “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 2802, “Mishkat al-masabih” 3479.


In the version of this hadith narrated by Ahmad from al-Hasan, he is reported to have said: “When al-Zubayr was in Basra, a man came to him and said: “Let me kill ‘Ali!” (Az-Zubair) asked: “How are you going to kill him, because he has an army with him?!” He replied: “I will join him, but I will be on your side, and then I will suddenly attack him.” Then (al-Zubayr) said: “Verily, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Faith prevents (a person from treacherously) killing! A believer does not kill treacherously!”

Ibn Abi Sheiba 7/486, Ahmad 1/166, Ibn al-Ja'd 1/463. Hafiz al-Busyri called all the transmitters of the hadith reliable, and Sheikh Ahmad Shakir and Shu'ayb al-Arnaut called the hadith authentic. See “al-Ithaf” 1/126, “Tahrij al-Musnad” 1426.

Shu'ayb al-Arnaut said: “Authentic (hadith), its transmitters are reliable, from whom both sheikhs (al-Bukhari and Muslim), except al-Mubarak ibn Fadal, transmitted hadiths.”

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Five things have no atonement: associating partners with Allah; killing a soul is not right; slander against a believer; flight from the battlefield; and a false oath, with the help of which they appropriate someone else’s property without right!”

This hadith was narrated by Ahmad, Abu ash-Sheikh in al-Taubih, ad-Dailami.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith good. See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 3247.

It is reported that al-Bara' ibn 'Azib, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

“The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Killing a believer without right is worse for Allah than the destruction of this world.”

This hadith was reported Ibn Majah 2619, al-Bayhaqi in “Shu'ab al-Iman” 5345, al-Asbahani in “at-targhib wa-t-tarhib” 2295.

The authenticity of the hadith was confirmed by Hafiz al-Busyri, Sheikh Ahmad Shakir and Sheikh al-Albani. See “Sahih at-targhib wa-t-tarhib” 2438, See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 5078.


‘Umar ibn al-Khattab told the Muslims: “I swear by the One in whose hand my soul is, even if you conquer a city with four thousand troops, and at the same time lose at least one Muslim, it will not make me happy!” al-Shafi'i in “al-Umm” 4/252.

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“A father is not executed for (killing his) son”.

This hadith was narrated by Abu Dawud from the words of ‘Umar and Ibn Majah 2661 from the words of Ibn ‘Abbas.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 7749.

It is reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“A Muslim is not executed for (killing) an infidel”. This hadith was narrated by Ahmad, at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Majah 2659 from ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr.

Sheikh al-Albani called the hadith authentic. See “Sahih al-jami’ as-saghir” 7752.


It is reported that Abu Juhaifa said: “(Once) I asked ‘Ali, may Allah be pleased with him: “Do you have any book?” He replied: “We have nothing except the Book of Allah, the understanding that a Muslim is endowed with, and what is written on this piece of paper.” (Abu Juhaifa) said: “I asked: “What (is written) on this piece of paper?” He replied: “(What should be paid) to the viru for blood, to release captives and that a Muslim should not be killed for (killing) an infidel.” This hadith was narrated by Ahmad 1/79, al-Bukhari 111, Muslim 1703, Abu Dawud 2034, 4530, at-Tirmidhi 1412, an-Nasai 4734-4735, 4744-4746, Ibn Majah 2658, ad-Darimi 2356.

That is, among the members of the family of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.

That is, what you took from the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, which was written apart from the revelation sent down to him. This is indicated by the version of the author (al-Bukhari) in a book on jihad: “Have you any revelation other than what is in the Book of Allah?” And also in his book about ransoms: “Do you have anything that is not in the Koran?” Abu Juhaifa asked him about this because a group of Shiites claimed that the inhabitants of the house had something from the revelation that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) separately communicated to them, bypassing others.” See "Fathul-Bari" 1/248-249.

That is, there is nothing recorded in writing.

“Aql” or “diya” is compensation for murder paid to the closest relatives of the murdered person.

It is narrated from the words of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him, that in the year of the conquest of Mecca, (people) from the Khuzaa tribe killed a person from among the Banu Laith, who killed someone from among them, and when the prophet was informed about this, may Allah bless him and greet him, he sat on his mount and preached and said:

“Verily, Allah does not allow killings in Mecca (or: did not allow an elephant to approach it), but He gave power over them to the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, and to the believers. Verily, no one before me was allowed (to fight) in (this city) and no one will be allowed to do so after me! Indeed, for me too, this became permissible only for a certain time during the day, and now (Mecca) is undoubtedly (again) a sacred territory, where one cannot cut thorns, nor cut down trees, nor raise what is found, unless one does this is to announce your find (to the people). If someone is killed, then (his closest relatives) can choose one of two things: either receive a ransom /diya/ for the murdered person, or give equal reward to the killer.”

(Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him,) said: “Then a man from Yemen came up and said: “Write (these words) for me, O Messenger of Allah,” and then he ordered: “Write (this for him).” And after this, one Quraish exclaimed: “Except for fragrant reed, O Messenger of Allah, because we use it in our homes and on our graves!” - and then the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Except for the fragrant reed, except for the fragrant reed.”

Abu ‘Abdullah (al-Bukhari) was asked: “What did he write down for him?” He replied, “He wrote down this sermon for him.” This hadith was narrated by Ahmad 2/212, al-Bukhari 112, Muslim 1355, Abu Dawud 2017, 3649, Ibn Majah 2624, ad-Darimi 2600.

The doubt of the transmitter, who had several copies of this hadith, is most likely explained by a copyist's error, since the difference in the spelling of the Arabic words “qatl” (killing) and “fil” (elephant) consists only in the location and number of diacritics under letters having the same shape or above them. The mention of an elephant relates to reports that took place in 570 AD. the march to Mecca of the Ethiopian army led by Abraha al-Ashram, which ended in the complete destruction of his entire army. This event is mentioned in the 105th sura of the Koran “Elephant”.

This refers to the infidels who lived in Mecca.

This ransom or vira for blood was paid in camels, which were of particular value to the inhabitants of Arabia at that time. The animals were shackled and left in the yard of the deceased's house.

It was Abu Shah and his name will be named in the book about the discovery. See "Fathul-Bari" 1/256.

It was al-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abdul-Muttalib, as will be discussed in the book about the find. See "Fathul-Bari" 1/256.

That is, they ordered that nothing should be cut or cut down except fragrant reeds.

The Arabs covered the roofs of houses with fragrant reeds and plugged holes between the bricks from which grave niches were laid.

It is reported from the words of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar, may Allah be pleased with both of them, that, when during one of the military campaigns of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, a murdered woman was found, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, expressed his condemnation of the killing of women and children .

This hadith was reported by al-Bukhari 3014.

This means that they should not be harmed unless they are taking part in hostilities.

It is reported that Abu Ma'bad al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad, may Allah be pleased with him, said:

- (Once) I asked the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace: “Tell me if I meet one of the infidels and we fight with him, and he cuts off my hand with a sword, and then (try) to escape from me (climbing) up a tree and will say: “I have submitted to Allah!” “Then can I kill him, O Messenger of Allah, after he says this?” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “You should not kill him.” I said: “O Messenger of Allah, but he cut off my hand and said these words only after he had done this!” (To this) the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “You should not kill him, for if you kill him, he will become the same as you were before killing him, and you will become the same as he was.” before I said those words!”

This hadith was narrated by al-Bukhari 4019 and Muslim 95.


The words “he will become the same as you were” mean: his life will be inviolable and he should be judged by the fact that he accepted Islam; the words “you will become the same as he was” mean: his heirs will have the right to kill you as retribution to equals /kysas/. And (the words of the prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) do not mean: you will become the same infidel as he was, and Allah knows better about this.

In the commentary of this hadith, Imam an-Nawawi says: “This means that his blood becomes inviolable and it is forbidden to kill him after he has said “there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.” He became like you before you killed him. And you, after you killed him, your blood ceased to be inviolable, and it is not forbidden to kill you, like him before he said “there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah.” See Sharh Sahih Muslim 1/467.

In other words, he will declare that he accepts Islam.

Devin Weston will come to Franklin and try to induce him to kill Michael, for whom he has a personal enmity. After he leaves, you have to decide how to finish the game, however, you should know that if you kill one of the key characters, you will never complete the game 100%, and the task of killing Trevor or Michael is much more boring than that prepared by the developers in the “Save Both” option.

The last mission and final game in GTA 5

Save both

Go to Lester and watch a short game video where he comes up with a scenario where you kill all the game's antagonists and live happily ever after.

Head to the Murrieta Heights Foundry, but first bring your friend Lamar with you.

As soon as you arrive at the place, you will have to watch the most entertaining cut-scene: Michael and Trevor, whom you are trying to save at the cost of your own skin, have pointed weapons at each other, and a little more, and the irreparable will happen. Franklin, who arrives in time, barely manages to resolve the difficult situation by uniting former friends in the fight against a common enemy. The FIB agents are already close, so it's time to take positions and prepare for the attack. During the shootout, do not forget to switch between characters.

Once you clear the building, switch to Franklin and go help Lamar.

When the prompt appears, switch to Trevor/Michael, all the main characters should be on the street. The longest and most epic firefight in the game awaits you, so don’t forget to stock up on body armor before completing the final mission of GTA 5.

So, after you kill all the agents, general meeting you will decide that it is worth forever silencing everyone who crosses your path. You have 4 targets to destroy: Wei Chen, Harold Joseph (Stretch), Steve Haynes and Devin Weston.

Murder of Mr. Chen

Before killing the triad leader, visit Ammu-Nation and purchase body armor and a sticky bomb.

The best option is to wait until your target gets onto the highway, drive up to him on a motorcycle using Franklin's special ability, throw a sticky bomb and detonate it, and then hide from the triads.

Murder of Stretch

Control will switch to Michael. Just drive to the basketball court where your target is, walk up to Stretch and kill him. Now all that remains is to hide from the Ballas gang.

Murder of Stephen Haynes

Head to Del Perro Pier, where FIB's most corrupt agent films his show. Take a sniper rifle and kill the most annoying asshole in the game with a precise headshot.

Now all that remains is to hide from the police.

Murder of Devin Weston

This is the only sub-task in the mission in which you may have difficulty. Before you go to deal with the main antagonist of GTA 5, visit Ammu-Nation to replenish your ammunition and purchase body armor - a great shootout awaits you. Get to the mansion where the asshole billionaire lives and use a sniper rifle to destroy some of the Merryweather fighters who are guarding Weston.

Then infiltrate local area, knock out Devin and load him into the trunk of the car.

Drive to the designated place where Michael and Franklin are waiting for you so that you can all deal with this big thorn together. The task will end with you pushing the car off a cliff.

To complete the mission The Last Dash - Save both of them 100% (Gold Medal) you need:

  1. At least 20 opponents must die from an accurate headshot.
  2. Mr. Chen's car is to be blown up with a sticky bomb.
  3. Haynes should die from a gunshot to the head.
  4. Harold Joseph must die in close combat.
  5. The accuracy of your shots should be at least 70%.
  6. The passage time should not exceed 21 minutes and 30 seconds.

Kill Michael in GTA 5

If for some reason you dislike this deceitful and slippery character of the game, then you can end him without a twinge of conscience.

When Michael arrives to meet Franklin, you will watch a heartbreaking cutscene in which his wife calls him and tells him that Tracy is going to go to college, but Franklin is still trying to kill him. The bullet hits the car and Michael manages to escape. Get in the car and catch up with him.

The chase will cause you to take Michael by surprise and throw him over the tower railing, but he will grab your arm. You will have a choice - reset it or save it. No matter what option you choose, it will still fall.

Franklin then calls Lamar and walks off into the sunset.

Kill Trevor in GTA 5

The essence of the mission is the same: Trevor comes to the meeting, but Franklin misses the opportunity to kill him, and a chase begins.

Now all you have to do is shoot the gasoline in which Trevor lies.

If your game crashes while completing this mission, read all the recommendations in this section.

If you still haven’t decided who to kill in GTA 5, then choose “Save everyone”. It seems that the developers deliberately did not make the tasks of killing one of the main characters epic. This completes the storyline, but don’t worry, there are still collecting tasks.

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