Presentation "Robotics and Artificial Intelligence" in physics - project, report. Presentation "history and prospects for the development of robotics" Robotics basic concepts presentation

Lego robot program for elementary school students “Already at school, children should have the opportunity to reveal their abilities, prepare for life in a high-tech competitive world” D. A. Medvedev Speech by Head. ODOD, additional education teacher Vagenik I.Yu. GBOU lyceum 144 of the Kalininsky district, St. Petersburg, 2013

Robot design - what is it? Another fashion trend or a requirement of the times? What do schoolchildren do in Lego circles - design: play or study? To study technology and informatics To increase motivation to study these subjects, as well as mechanics, physics, mathematics, as well as the development of cognitive, research activities students.

Lego allows students to: study together within the same group; distribute responsibilities in your group; show increased attention to the culture and ethics of communication; show a creative approach to solving the problem; create models of real objects and processes; see the real results of your work.

WHAT WE DID IN THE CLASSES One lesson is two lessons of 45 minutes each. Typically, a two-person team works with one design kit and one laptop. According to the instructions, we assemble the model, draw up a program for it, and conduct tests. The models are very original, you can’t come up with these yourself! With some models, you can experiment, and with some - games. For each model, you can write several versions of programs, add sound and graphic accompaniment.

WHAT MORE? It is easy to assemble the model according to the instructions. It is important to understand what mechanisms allow it to move. We have studied the principles of operation of a motor that rotates an axle, a lever, a cam. Get acquainted with gear and belt drives. We learned what a pulley and a worm wheel are. Now in new models we will be able to use these mechanisms.

Robotics and Legoconstruction

  • Robotics is quickly becoming an integral part of the educational process because it easily fits into the school curriculum in technical subjects. Key experiments in physics and mathematics can be visualized with the help of Lego robots.
  • Robotics encourages children to think creatively, analyze situations, and apply critical thinking to real-world problems. Teamwork and cooperation strengthens the team, and competition in competitions provides an incentive to study. The ability to make and correct mistakes at work on their own forces students to find solutions without losing respect among their peers. The robot does not grade and does not give homework, but it makes you work mentally and constantly.
  • Playing with robots can be fun and the learning process is faster. Robotics at school teaches children to look at problems more broadly and solve them in a complex. The created model always finds an analogue in the real world. The tasks that students set for the robot are extremely specific, but in the process of creating a machine, previously unpredictable properties of the device are discovered or new possibilities for its use are opened.
  • Various programming languages ​​with graphic elements help schoolchildren to think logically and consider the variance of the robot's action. Processing information using sensors and configuring sensors give students an idea of various options understanding and perception of the world by living systems.
Robotics (from robot and technology; English robotics) - applied Science engaged in the development of automated technical systems.
  • This presentation introduces the designer Pervo Robot LEGOWeDo
  • This construction set allows students to work as young researchers, engineers, mathematicians and even writers, providing them with instructions, tools and tasks for cross-curricular projects. Students assemble and program working models, and then use them to complete tasks that are essentially exercises in science, technology, math, and speech development courses.
Why do we need robots in schools?
  • Robot Design - What is it?
  • Another fashion trend or a requirement of the times?
  • What do students do in lego construction classes: play or study?
Program goal:
  • Developing children's interest in technical creativity and teaching their design through the creation of simple models, the management of finished models using simple computer programs.
LEGO allows students to:
  • study together within the same group;
  • distribute responsibilities in your group;
  • show increased attention to the culture and ethics of communication;
  • show a creative approach to solving the problem;
  • create models of real objects and processes;
  • see the real results of your work.
The Lego Robot program is based on the LEGO WeDo Primal Robot course. The classes use the LEGO WeDo constructor, which allows you to assemble 12 original models, and special software.
  • The constructor has 158 elements, from which 12 basic models can be constructed.
  • The LEGO WeDo PervoRobot constructor is designed primarily for elementary school (grades 2-4). It can also be used to work with senior classes. Working individually, in pairs, or in teams, students of all ages can learn by building and programming models, doing research, writing reports, and discussing ideas that arise while working with these models.
What we do in class:
  • One lesson is two lessons of 30 minutes each. Typically, a two-person team works with one design kit and one laptop.
  • According to the instructions, we assemble the model, draw up a program for it, and conduct tests.
  • The models are very original, you can’t come up with these yourself! With some models, you can experiment, and with some - games.
  • For each model, you can write several versions of programs, add sound and graphic support
  • extracurricular activities on the basis of 2-3 classes. There are 12 students. Of these, 8 boys and 4 girls. My main goal was to involve the activities of these guys.
The general course of the lesson looks something like this:
  • Formulation of the problem
  • Ways to solve it in a logical way and determine which commands the robot should execute
  • Construction of a robot with the necessary blocks, motors and sensors
  • Programming
  • Working off
  • Reflection on what can be improved or changed in the design of the robot or program to better solve the problem.
  • In preparation for exhibitions and competitions, analysis of the rules of the event and specifications required robots.
And also:
  • It is easy to assemble the model according to the instructions. It is important to understand what mechanisms allow it to move. We have studied the principles of operation of a motor that rotates an axle, a lever, a cam. Get acquainted with gear and belt drives. We learned what a pulley and a worm wheel are. Now in new models we will be able to use these mechanisms.
  • We study the basics of algorithmization.
  • We build flowcharts, compare programming methods
  • WeDo PervoBot provides teachers with the tools to achieve a range of educational goals:
  • * Development vocabulary and communication skills in explaining how the model works.
  • * Establish cause-and-effect relationships.
  • * Analysis of results and search for new solutions.
  • * Collective development of ideas, perseverance in the implementation of some of them.
  • * Experimental study, assessment (measurement) of the influence of individual factors.
  • * Carrying out systematic observations and measurements.
  • * Use tables to display and analyze data.
  • * Logical thinking and programming of the given behavior of the model.
  • Summing up, we can say that the introduction of the course "Educational Robotics in primary school' has just begun. Methodological and didactic materials are to be finalized. But I understand that the direction of educational robotics has great development prospects. It can be implemented not only in extracurricular activities, but also in such academic subjects as technology, the world around in elementary school. That is, over time, you need systems approach schools to embedding robotics in the educational space of the school.
Our first achievements Our first achievements Our first achievements Our first achievements

Experience and prospects for the development of the Association "Robotic Design"

Teacher of additional education


« Vladimir Institute for Advanced Studies of Educational Workers named after L.I. Novikova"

Kalitina Alla Nikolaevna

Course Teaching Methodology

  • The classes of the association "Robotic Design" introduce the technologies of the 21st century to the pupils, contribute to the development of their communication skills, develop the skills of interaction, independence in decision-making, and reveal their creative potential.

Features of the association "Robotic design"

  • The most modern direction;
  • Combining various areas of technical knowledge and sciences;
  • The need to study programming and algorithmization;
  • The need to study electrical engineering;
  • Accompanying the study of computer skills and computer programs;
  • High interest from the public.

Material and technical equipment

  • Computer class (projector, internet); Robotic kits;
  • Android robots;
  • Radio details;
  • Tools, soldering irons;
  • Training rooms;
  • Competition fields.

Robots Lego Mindstorms

Lego tools

Lego Digital Designer - virtual robot design environment

NXT-G - programming environment

Optional equipment



  • Pneumatics
  • Renewable energy sources
  • Technology and physics
  • simple mechanisms

A series of microcontroller devices distributed under the openHardware scheme - the specifications and schemes of the boards are completely open for use, copying and modification.

  • As close as possible to electrical engineering and electronics;
  • Two programming environments: for beginners and professionals;
  • The ability to combine both with robotic designers (including Lego Mindstorms), and with completely homemade projects;
  • A wide range of expansion and switching boards;
  • Developed audience of users, professional support and information coverage.

single board computer

Computing power corresponds to a modern phone:

  • ARM9 processor
  • 256 MB RAM
  • memory cards
  • Ethernet (LAN)
  • audio jack
  • OS – Linux, Android, Windows


  • Embedded Systems
  • Control complexes
  • Smart home systems
  • Pattern Recognition: Video and Audio
  • Mobile robots in a changing environment

Android robots

Modeling humans and other living beings

The program "Robotics: Engineering and Technical Personnel of Innovative Russia" has been implemented since 2008 at the initiative of the Oleg Deripaska Foundation "Volnoe Delo" and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh).

Program Objectives:

  • Involvement of children and youth in scientific and technical creativity, early career guidance;
  • Ensuring equal access for children and youth to the development of advanced technologies, obtaining practical skills in their application;
  • Identification, training, selection, support of talented youth;
  • Promoting and ensuring the realization of professional potential and leadership qualities.




Computer literacy

Knowledge in the field of mechanics, programming, electronics

Ability to self-learn

The need for courses and training

Personal activity


out of the box thinking

Tracking current issues

[email protected] www.RostovRobor.RU


Requirements :

  • Over 10 years old
  • Interest in technology
  • Interest in information technology

They know and are able :

  • Fundamentals of construction and calculation of mathematical models
  • Fundamentals of Mechanical Systems Design
  • Drawing up algorithms and programs
  • Ability to solve actual problems
  • Computer knowledge

Our leisure activities

  • 1 . Excursion to the historical places of the city of Vladimir ("Theater Square", the Golden Gate - the oldest monument of fortification architecture in Russia, the Red Trinity Old Believer Church and the building of the Drama Theater, "Cathedral Square", architectural monuments of the XII century - Assumption. Dmitrievsky Cathedrals, St. Princess Monastery.
  • 2. Excursion train to the Forestry technical school of the settlement "Muromtsevo" of the Sudogodsky district of the Vladimir region.

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Robotics in our life
Completed by: Sarvanov A.A. Head: Romadanov K.N.

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3 generations of robots: Software. Hard-coded program (cyclogram). Adaptive. The ability to automatically reprogram (adapt) depending on the situation. Initially, only the basics of the program of action are set. Intelligent. The task is entered in a general form, and the robot itself has the ability to make decisions or plan its actions in an uncertain or complex environment that it recognizes.
A robot is a machine with anthropomorphic (human-like) behavior, which partially or completely performs the functions of a person (sometimes an animal) when interacting with the outside world.

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Architecture of intelligent robots
Executive organs Sensors Control system World model Recognition system Action planning system Action execution system Goal management system

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Domestic robots
Orientation and movement in a confined space with a changing environment (objects in the house can change their location), opening and closing doors when moving around the house. Manipulating objects of complex and sometimes unknown shape, such as dishes in the kitchen or things in rooms. Active interaction with a person in natural language and acceptance of commands in a general form
Tasks of home intelligent robots:
Mahru and Ahra (Korea, KIST)

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Home Robots - PR2 (Willow Garage)
PR2 can plug a plug into an outlet
Scientists from the University of California at Berkeley (UC Berkeley) have for the first time trained a robot to interact with deformable objects. Oddly enough, but only now it was possible to teach the machine to work with soft and, most importantly, objects that easily and unpredictably change shape.

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military robots
DARPA plans to rearm the army: By 2015, one third Vehicle will be unmanned Over 6 years from 2006, it is planned to spend $ 14.78 billion By 2025, it is planned to switch to a full-fledged robotic army

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Unmanned aircrafts(UAV)
32 countries around the world produce about 250 types of unmanned aircraft and helicopters
RQ-7 Shadow
RQ-4Global Hawk
A160T Hummingbird
Air Force and US Army drones: 2000 - 50 units 2010 - 6800 units (136 times)
RQ-11 Raven
In 2010, the US Air Force, for the first time in its history, intends to acquire more unmanned aerial vehicles than manned aircraft. By 2035, all helicopters will be unmanned.
Drone market: 2010 - $4.4 billion 2020 - $8.7 billion US share - 72% of the total market

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Ground fighting robots
Transport robot BigDog (Boston Dynamics)
Fighting robot MAARS
Robot-sapper PackBot 1700 units in service
Robot Tank BlackKnight
Tasks performed: demining reconnaissance laying of communication lines transportation of military cargo protection of the territory

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Marine robots
Underwater robot REMUS 100 (Hydroid) created 200 copies.
Tasks performed: Detection and destruction of submarines Patrol of the water area Fight against sea pirates Detection and destruction of mines Cartography of the seabed
By 2020, 1,142 devices will be produced in the world for a total of $2.3 billion, of which $1.1 billion will be spent by the military. 394 large, 285 medium and 463 miniature submersibles will be produced. In the case of an optimistic development of events, the volume of sales will reach 3.8 billion dollars, and in "piece" terms - 1870 robots.
US Navy boat Protector

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Industrial robots
By 2010, more than 270 models of industrial robots have been developed in the world, 1 million robots have been produced. 178,000 robots have been introduced in the United States In 2005, 370,000 robots worked in Japan - 40 percent of the total number worldwide. There were 32 robots for every thousand human factory employees By 2025, due to the aging population of Japan, 3.5 million jobs will be in robots Modern high-precision production is impossible without the use of robots Russia lost its industrial robot fleet in the 90s. There is no mass production of robots.

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space robots
Robonaut -2 went to the ISS in September 2010 (developer by General Motors) and will become a permanent member of the crew.
EUROBOT at the booth
The DEXTRE robot has been operating on the ISS since 2008.

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Security robots
Street patrolling Premises and building security Air surveillance (UAV)
SGR-1 (Korean border guard)
Security robot Reborg-Q (Japan)

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"Nanorobots", or "nanobots" - robots comparable in size to a molecule (less than 10 nm), with the functions of movement, processing and transmission of information, execution of programs.

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Robots for medicine
Hospital services Patient care
MRK-03 medicine carrier (Japan)

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Robots for medicine - surgical robots
Robot surgeon Da Vinci Developer - INTUITIVE SURGICAL INC (USA) 2006 - 140 clinics 2010 - 860 clinics In Russia - 5 installations
The operator works in a non-sterile area at the control console. The tool arms are only activated if the operator's head is correctly positioned by the robot. A 3D image of the surgical field is used. The movements of the operator's hands are accurately transferred to the very precise movements of the operating instruments. Seven degrees of freedom of movement of the tools provide the operator with possibilities never seen before.

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Robots for medicine - prostheses
Bionic hand prosthesis i-Limb (Touch Bionics) holds up to 90 kilograms of load Serially produced since 2008, 1200 patients worldwide.
The prosthesis is controlled by myoelectric currents in the limb, and for a person it looks almost like a control real hand. Together with the “pulsating grip”, this allows the disabled person to perform more precise manipulations, up to tying shoelaces or fastening a belt.

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Exoskeletons (Japan)
HAL-5 , 23 kg, 1.6m 2.5 hours of operation Increases force from 2 to 10 times Serial production since 2009
The adaptive control system, receiving bioelectric signals taken from the surface of the human body, calculates what kind of movement and with what power the person is going to make. Based on these data, the level of required additional power of movement is calculated, which will be generated by the servos of the exoskeleton. The speed and response of the system are such that human muscles and automated parts of the exoskeleton move in perfect unison.
The Robot Suit Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) by Cyberdyne

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Exoskeletons (Japan)
Honda Walking assist - manufactured since 2009, weight - 6.5 kilograms (including shoes and lithium-ion battery), operating time on a single charge - 2 hours. Application - for the elderly, facilitating the work of workers on the conveyor.
Farmer Exoskeleton (University of Tokyo Agriculture and technologies)