How to make ibooks in Russian. IBooks: books for iPhone, we make and read. How to Download Books to iPad Using iTunes

It is not only a standard and free solution on iOS, but also one of the most advanced readers in the entire App Store. In this material we will tell you how to download books using iTunes, as well as directly from iPhone, iPod touch or iPad without Mac/PC.

In contact with

One of the main drawbacks was the supported formats - there are only two of them: and . Despite this enough important nuance, ePub has gained popularity, and there are plenty of books in this format (even more so, you can do it yourself).

So, we have a book on our Mac/PC hard drive that you want to move to the iBooks application via iTunes, and then to your iOS device.

How to download free books to iBooks directly on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad without a computer

1. Open your default browser Safari on iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.

2. In the search query, enter the query you are interested in or an already known resource.

3. Select a book and click " Download ePub».

4. In the page that appears, tap “ Open in iBooks».

5. Enjoy reading!

How to upload books to iBooks via iTunes on a MacOS computer

With the arrival of OS X Mavericks, the company Apple decided to separate Books from all iTunes (this did not affect audiobooks). That is why a separate program appeared iBooks for Mac, which allows you not only to manage existing books, but also to read them directly from macOS-based computers. There are also more disadvantages: all books from iTunes are automatically moved to the desktop one, which makes synchronization with mobile devices somewhat more difficult, and the ability to add a cover and change some information about a book has been removed, which is a pity.

1. Open -> Shop -> Authorize this computer... and enter your Apple ID And password.

Here you need to check the box next to “ Sync bookmarks, highlighted text, and collections across devices».

3. Move a book to iBooks, to do this, simply open the ePub file in Finder or drag it into an open iBooks window.

4. Open iTunes -> Shop -> Authorize this computer... and enter your Apple ID And password.

5. Connect iPhone, iPod touch or iPad to Mac using a USB cable.

6. Go to the connected device tab.

7. In the side menu, open the “ Books».

8. In the window that appears, check the box next to “ Sync books" and select one of two options (" All books" or " Selected books»).

9. In the lower right corner, click the button Synchronize».

10 . Open iBooks in iPhone, iPod touch or iPad and you will see the added book with a blue mark " New».

10. Colombia

11. Costa Rica

13. Czech Republic

15. Dominican Republic

16. Ecuador

17. El Salvador

18. Estonia

19. Finland

20. France

21. Germany

22. Greece

23. Guatemala

24. Honduras

25. Hungary

26. Ireland

27. Italy

28. Japan

29. Latvia

31. Luxembourg

32. Malta

33. Mexico

34. Netherlands

35. New Zealand

36. Nicaragua

37. Norway

38. Panama

39. Paraguay

41. Poland

42. Portugal

43. Romania

44. Slovakia

45. Slovenia

46. ​​Spain

47. Sweden

48. Switzerland

49. England

51. Venezuela

II. Apple currently does not allow Russian books to be posted in the following countries:

1. Argentina

2. Bolivia

3. Brazil

5. Colombia

6. Costa Rica

7. Dominican Republic

8. Ecuador

9. El Salvador

10. Guatemala

11. Honduras

12. Japan

13. Mexico

14. New Zealand

15. Nicaragua

16. Panama

17. Paraguay

19. Venezuela

III. There is no Russian iBooks Store yet. Only the test version is valid. Therefore, Russian books are mainly bought by Russian-speaking foreigners in the iBooks Store of their countries. The demand is small, but there is.

The delay in opening the Russian iBooks Store is not due to Apple, but to Russian officials.

IV. You can only buy a book in the iBooks Store of the country where you live and where your credit card is registered with the bank. This is Apple's tax policy. This also applies to receiving books as a gift and using promotional codes.

V. A short digression about the credit card. Why credit and not debit? Because in this case, your bank guarantees the seller payment for the goods. Moreover, the bank itself converts the funds into the required currency and transfers it to the seller.

IN Lately The convenient and fast system of international payments “PayPal” has become widespread, including in Russia. Anyone with a credit card (Visa...) can register with it. So, you don’t even need to have money in your PayPal account to pay for some product. It is enough that a credit card is linked to your PayPal account, for which the bank is responsible. And, if your credit conditions allow, payment for the selected product is made. The main thing is that payment is almost instant and you don’t have to worry about currency conversion. Simply pay in the currency required by the seller (service provider). And the banks will figure it out themselves. In general, these are the usual conditions for using a credit card for purchases.

VI. In anticipation of the opening of the iBooks Store in Russia, all well-known Russian publishing houses are accumulating electronic versions of their books there. There are already several thousand of them. Just type the name of the publisher in the iBooks Store search to see the corresponding list of books.

For example, here is a scan of the list of business books published by Alpina Publisher, which I once posted in the iBooks Store:

VII. Can a person living in Russia buy a book in Russian, for example, in the American iBooks Store? There is such a possibility, but it’s not easy:

1. You need to create an account in the American iBooks Store without a credit card. Apple allows this and even allows you to have up to 10 accounts (in different countries) on 1 Apple device. How to do this is explained by Apple Support:

Nuance! When registering, while in the American iBooks Store (iTunes Store, App Store), pretend that you are going to buy some free thing. Otherwise, you will not see the credit card, which is called “No Credit Card”.

2. Some companies offer to buy American gift cards. You can use them to buy books (and more) in the American iBooks Store. I won’t say how legal this method is. But it exists.

3. Anyone you know who has an American bank account can give you money (to your American account). Apple will take this money into account. You will see them when you enter the American iBooks Store and use them to purchase books. Instead of money, your “American friend” can give you a book of your choice.

Instead of a US account, you can create an account in any country specified in paragraph I (at the beginning of the article).

4. How to get a book from the iBooks Store using a promo code or gift card:

Do not forget! To receive promotional codes or a gift card, you need an account in the country where the giver is registered.

VIII. Posting books in the iBooks Store:

1. Books must meet Apple's requirements:

2. ISBN is not required. Apple assigns its own internal number to the book.

3. Books in the iBooks Store have Apple DRM protection against unauthorized copying.

4. Apple does not charge a fee for posting books.

5. For the sale of books, Apple takes 30-33% of the price stated by the author.

6. It is rare when a book is published and published by one company. Usually it is published by one, and posted by another, registered with Apple as a bookseller (having an account in an American bank). Only on the book’s web page in the American iBooks Store can you see who its publisher is and who its seller is.

7. The book seller usually charges a small flat fee for listing the book and 7-10 percent of the book's price per sale for follow-up services. The seller determines the transfer of money that comes from the iBooks Store to the publisher or the author of the book.

IX. Relations with publishers

1. Choose publishing houses that do not surround their business with secrecy and make the answers to the questions posed public domain. Secrecy is the first sign of fraud.

2. An e-book should not be made “on the knee,” i.e. using Word file conversion or other simple programs. For solid commercial layout there are professional programs: Adobe InDesign, QuarkXPress, with which you can, if necessary, quickly convert your book into a paper version for printing in a printing house.

3. At the beginning of the book there must be correct imprint: copyright symbol, author, title, abstract, artist, copyright, publisher, year of publication...

5. The text of the book must maintain the necessary indents (red line). Instead of a “Russian” long dash, a hyphen should not be used. In children's books, where necessary, the letter “ё” should be used, not “e”...

6. Automation of footnotes—following a footnote and returning to the main text—should function properly.

7. It is specified: who is the book seller; receiving information about the sale, receiving 250 free promotional codes, transferring money, the ability to correct the price, posting a new version of the book.

iBooks - this name already makes it clear what we will talk about today, and for those who have not yet understood, then it’s time to continue reading. For many iPad users, this is primarily a convenient device for reading a variety of books. No surprise - great iBooks book reader will give a hundred points ahead to all other tablet readers. And in terms of ease of use and comfort, the tablet, especially with a Retina screen, and even with an installed iBook, is quite comparable to E-ink devices. Sometimes it even becomes surprising how software developers even exist in the iOS ecosystem if there is such a program unsurpassed in its characteristics. Except that they can offer the opportunity to open more formats. And there are no equal iBooks. Why, we will figure it out now.

The main window of this application is designed in the form of a stylish shelf on which books stand with their covers facing you. One screen fits 24 books, if you have more of them, then there is a scroll bar. You cannot sort or rearrange books, you can only delete them. Books in PDF format posted in a separate section. True, there is also an alternative mode in the form of a list, where sorting is already available, but usually no one uses it.

In order to start reading a book, you just need to tap on it once. After this, the book will open from the beginning or from the place where you left off last time. You can read in portrait or landscape orientation. Moreover, the reading window is made in the form of an open book in which your text is displayed.

How functional is iBooks? The only thing she doesn’t quite understand with this is the format. ePub or PDF. But in general, downloading or purchasing books in this format will not be difficult. And if you have a large collection of books in fb2, then you can also convert them without problems; there are a lot of programs for such a procedure.

At all ePub– a very good format for e-books, as it allows for the most flexible navigation within the application and optimal text formatting. Properly made books have a table of contents, a lot of hyperlinks, footnotes and other joys of life, including a bunch of illustrations, including interactive ones. The American App Store has many interactive books for iBooks, which, unfortunately, are not yet available in the Russian store. In our iBooks Store service There is access only to free books that have long been open to public access.

Their You can download books to your iPad via iTunes or downloading from the network from public libraries . If you tell the Safari browser to download a book in the correct format, it will will automatically transfer it to iBooks and after everything is completed, a new book will appear on your bookshelf.

The user can choose one of several fonts and adjust its size to make it more convenient to read. This application also has brightness adjustment, you can customize everything to suit your eyes.

The navigation is very carefully and elegantly done. Everything possible was done to make the book as easy to navigate as possible. From anywhere in the book you can quickly return to the table of contents and view your bookmarks. You can go to the desired location using the scroll bar; for many, this option is the most convenient. You just need to move your finger along the bar at the bottom of the page and thus sort through the chapters and pages. And iBooks turns pages very beautifully and confidently, smoothly and quickly works with any volume of text. You can turn pages by flipping through the tablet screen like a book or by tapping on the edges of the screen.

iBooks for iPad great program, the mass of advantages of which completely compensates for some of the paucity of formats available for use. Moreover, in reality, this relative scarcity causes almost no inconvenience - everything you need can be successfully found on the Internet for free or for money.

What formats does iBooks support?

As mentioned above, iBooks supports two formats such as:

Unfortunately, it does not accept other formats.

How to add a book to iBooks

There are several ways to download a book to IBooks:

  1. Download directly to your tablet. Open a browser, such as Safari, go to any site that gives away free books in PDF or ePub format, download the one you like, and the iBook application will automatically appear in the field.
  2. Through a computer, iTunes program (Tuna). Connect your tablet to your computer after enabling iTunes on it, then drag and drop files in the correct format onto your device, which should appear in Tuna. All.
  3. Via email. If you have connected mail to your tablet, then you can send books from your computer to your email inbox. Next, you need to go to your mailbox through the tablet, find the letter with your books and open them one by one. Your tablet will automatically prompt you to add these books to iBooks. All.

How to download iBooks for iPad

In order to download the iBook program on iPad you need from your device, follow this link, then click on the button "Install" and in a few minutes the application icon will appear on your desktop. The size of the iBook is 43.1 MB. The application is free.

Requirements: Requires iOS 5.0 or later.

If you love books, then the proprietary iBooks application in iOS is one of the best solutions for reading electronic copies of your favorite works. But what if you prefer listening to reading? iBooks can do this too, you just need to teach it.

Apple has always thought about people. Including people with disabilities. Therefore, with the release of iOS (originally iPhone OS), a system of additional gestures, options for customizing the display of colors and sounds was carefully thought out for each gadget from Cupertino, designed to improve the lives of its users. However, the possibilities of universal access are not limited to what makes the lives of people with limited abilities easier. A prime example of this is the VoiceOver feature, which can be used to teach your iOS device to read books aloud to you.

To do this, you need to perform a few simple steps.

1. Go to Settings -> General -> Accessibility and scroll down to the Keyboard shortcuts section.

2. In the Keyboard shortcut menu, check the box next to VoiceOver. Now you can activate the speaking function by triple clicking on the Home button.

3. Now return to the Settings menu -> General -> Accessibility -> VoiceOver and adjust the speech speed slider to suit you. To check, triple-click to turn voiceover on and off.

4. Go to iBooks and select any of your books, in English or Russian, and then click on the Home button three times to enable the speaking function.

5. Make a single tap anywhere in the center of the page, and then swipe down with two fingers to start reading the entire text.

That's it, in just a few steps you can teach your standard e-book reading application on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch to reproduce the text displayed on the screen. Happy reading and listening!

website If you love books, then the proprietary iBooks application in iOS is one of the best solutions for reading electronic copies of your favorite works. But what if you prefer listening to reading? iBooks can do this too, you just need to teach it. Apple has always thought about people. Including people with disabilities...

There are many different book reading apps on the App Store. However, most of them are either inconvenient to use, in particular when loading books into the application, or are paid. Not everyone knows that there is no need to look for a specialized tool for reading books on the iPhone. iOS has an excellent app for this. This manual, as you already understand, is about iBooks.

iBooks is the official Apple app for reading books. Over the past few years, iBooks has evolved from a not-so-good e-reader into an excellent tool that is both flexibly customizable and allows you to download books in the fastest possible way. Surprised to hear this about iBooks? This means you haven’t tried to use it for a long time, but now we’ll explain everything.

This is what makes iBooks scary at first glance. Lack of Russian books in the store. But this is not a problem at all.

What book formats does iBooks support?

iBooks works with two file formats - EPUB and PDF. The currently popular FB2 book format is not supported by the application, but finding an alternative on the Internet is not difficult for almost all books. Also at your service are various converters that instantly convert one file format to another without much loss of quality.

How to upload books to iBooks via iTunes

Step 1: Launch iTunes and go to " Books" If iTunes is not installed on your computer, you can download the latest version of the utility on the official Apple website.

Note: if the section " Books" is not displayed, click " Edit menu" and activate the section by clicking on the switch of the same name.

Step 2. Go to the tab Media library» and transfer books or documents in EPUB or PDF formats to the iTunes window. If suddenly for some reason the transfer fails, add books manually using the menu " File» → « Add a file to your library" (or " Add a folder to your media library"if you want to download several books at once, which are collected in one directory).

Step 3: Connect your iPhone to your computer and select it in iTunes.

Step 4: Select the " Books" and activate the switch " Sync books».

Step 5: Click " All books" to transfer all books to iPhone or " Selected books» to transfer specific ones.

Step 6. After finishing the selection, click " Ready" When you open iBooks after synchronization is complete, you will see books arranged on the shelves that you can already read.

As you can see, downloading books to iBooks cannot be called the easiest operation, in particular due to the fact that you have to connect the iPhone to the computer using a cable. Fortunately, you can ditch the wires.

How to upload books to iBooks via iTunes over Wi-Fi

Step 1: Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes.

Step 2: Select your device and on the " Review» activate the switch « Sync this iPad over Wi-Fi».

Step 3: Click " Ready».

After applying the settings, you can disconnect your iPhone from your computer - the connection with iTunes will not be broken. This means that you can download books to iBooks without having to connect the device to a PC or Mac using a cable. You can also delete books from iPhone over Wi-Fi.

How to Download Books to iBooks via Mobile Safari

Step 1: Open Safari and go to the website of any online library with the ability to download books in EPUB or PDF format (for example,