Pdf functions of public library model standards. On the model standard for public library activities. Public library in the life of the local community


About the Model Public Library Performance Standard

Having heard and discussed the report of the State Secretary - Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation G.P. Ivliev on the goals and objectives of the Model Standard for the Activities of a Public Library (hereinafter referred to as the Model Standard), sent to the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as recommendations for the further development of the activities of public libraries in the country , the board notes that the main goal of this document is to strengthen the cultural and educational mission of the country's public libraries. The Ministry, together with the professional community, managed to make significant progress in systematic activities to increase the role of libraries as educational, information, and cultural centers and propose a new model for library activities.

The development and adoption of the Model Standard, which defines the role and place of the public library in the modern world, is one of the significant events of the Year of Culture.

activities of regional and municipal libraries Model standard.

Control over the implementation and monitoring of the implementation of the Model Standard will be assigned to the Department of Science and Education of the Ministry of Culture of Russia (A.O. Arakelova). Term - once every six months, starting from July 1, 2015.

2. Instruct the Department of Science and Education of the Ministry of Culture of Russia (A.O. Arakelov) together with the Academy for Retraining of Workers of Art, Culture and Tourism (V.V. Duda):

to develop, by February 1, 2015, a monitoring system for the implementation of the provisions of the Model Standard in the activities of regional and municipal libraries. To analyze, before July 1, 2015, the criteria for the effectiveness of implementation and the system of measures for the implementation of the Model Standard in the activities of libraries;

to create, by October 1, 2015, three pilot sites on the basis of municipal libraries, one of them on the basis of the municipal libraries of the Republic of Crimea (Sudak), having coordinated this issue with the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea (A.V. Novoselskaya).

3. The Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Crimea (A.V. Novoselskaya) must submit, before March 1, 2015, to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation a “road map” for the implementation of the provisions of the Model Standard in the activities of the pilot site - one of the municipal libraries of the Republic of Crimea (Sudak) .

4. Control over the implementation of this decision shall be entrusted to the State Secretary-Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation G.P. Ivlieva.

Chairman of the Board, Minister V.R. Medinsky

On October 31, 2014, the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation approved the “Model Standard for the Operation of a Public Library.” We publish the text of the document signed by V. R. Medinsky.

On the picture: presentation and signing of the Model Standard for Public Library Operations at the Russian State Library

The standard, developed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, is addressed as recommendations to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. The RBA, specialists from public and central libraries subjects of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that many proposals from the professional community have been taken into account: increased attention has been paid to the cultural and educational activities of libraries, provisions have been added defining the provision of services to special groups of users (children and youth, people with disabilities), etc. It is very important that the addressee of the recommendations has been changed: this is already not the libraries themselves, but their founders - authorities at the regional and local levels. In accordance with current legislation, they are responsible for library services to the population.

However, the professional community made a fundamental proposal, without which the model standard cannot play the role that is assigned to it as important document in the system of state legal regulation. We are talking about the absence of requirements in the standard for the resource provision of libraries: without standards for the placement of a network of libraries, the provision of book and other resources, material and technical base, etc., the “standard” hangs in the air, because it does not provide the indicators necessary for the authorities to implement it on practice.

According to professionals, without standards for resource provision of libraries, the standard can lead to negative consequences. Why? The activities of libraries will be arbitrarily assessed by the founders who exercise the authority to organize library services to the population. At the same time, minimum, but if you read the provisions of the standard, quite high requirements for various types of work and services provided by public libraries are fixed. It can be assumed that if the library’s activities do not meet the requirements of the model standard, it can simply be closed. Which, unfortunately, is what is happening today in many regions of the country, where the authorities are using any means to fulfill the indicators of the “road maps” and Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 597. Thus, in 2013, there were 700 fewer public libraries in the country, which means there were more libraries connected to the Internet and fewer librarians receiving low wages.

As part of the analytical reports of libraries in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, it is important to trace how authorities and local governments will use the “Model Standard” in various regions of Russia, and what consequences this will lead to for the library network. We will be grateful for prompt information on the implementation of the model standard in your region.

Considering that the “Model Standard for Public Library Operations” was approved by the Minister of Culture and became part of the system of advisory regulations at the federal level, it seems important to determine ways to benefit from this document and eliminate possible “excesses” in relation to public libraries. It is necessary to continue to use the RBA Model Standard for Public Library Operations (2008), which, firstly, remains a valid advisory document and, secondly, significantly complements the new document in terms of resource provision for libraries.

Fundamentals of state cultural policy The most important task is to expand the accessibility for citizens of works of classical and modern, domestic and world literature, literature for children, works created in the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia, for which it is necessary to develop the activities of libraries 2

Fundamentals of state cultural policy Modern libraries, while remaining centers of cultural education, must be provided with well-paid, well-educated specialists, organize serious cultural and educational events with the participation of scientists, politicians, teachers, writers, bibliophiles, provide information services in legal, environmental, consumer and other areas. Libraries should be a social club, make perfect use of modern information and communication technologies, and create their own local history content reflecting local history. 3

Structure of the Model Standard 4 1. General provisions 2. Terms used 3. Activities of a public library: tasks, types and principles 4. Main directions of development of public libraries 5. Minimum requirements for the types and quality of provision of state or municipal services and performance of work by a public library 5.1. Services 5.2. Works 5.3. Types of activities (services and works) priority for each level of libraries 6. Legislative and regulatory framework

The model standard establishes requirements for: goals, content, principles, structure, conditions for the implementation of library and information services to the country's population by public libraries, clause 6 of Art. 15 Federal Law-78 “... establishing state library standards and regulations...” 5

The need to develop a Model Standard Currently, libraries are the most important information infrastructure that supports the economic growth of their states and retains the role of the largest depositories, providing for public use the results of the development of civilization, treasures of history, culture, science and technological development of public libraries in the country (including 8 federal) and 747 libraries of the KFO 7

The basis of the activities of public libraries is the recognition of the inalienable right of all citizens to high-quality, timely, adequate provision of requested (required) socially significant information, the method of obtaining which is specially organized library and information services 8

The main functions of libraries are an educational center - a communication platform for intellectual development, education and cultural leisure of the country's citizens; an active agent in the Internet space provides access to both its own and global information resources, provides navigation through them, provides professional advice in choosing sources of information and expertise their qualities and values, the custodian of the cultural heritage embodied in funds and other resources makes them available to everyone (freely, legally, free of charge) 9

Library services Library and information services: Provide the opportunity to obtain books and other types of documents in paper, audiovisual and electronic formats for temporary use How? library loan (lending books to your home), library reading room, interlibrary loan (ILA), exchange of books between readers, access to full-text databases, other forms of library and information services... 10

Library services Reference and bibliographic: Provide the opportunity to receive the necessary reference, bibliographic and consulting assistance How? bibliographic references and consultations consultations with employees on obtaining public library services consultations provided within the framework of the activities of the Public Centers for Legal and Other Socially Significant Information (PCLI), other centers consultations with invited specialists - lawyers, psychologists, doctors, ecologists, representatives of government and management bodies , internal affairs bodies, election commissions, military registration and enlistment offices, etc. 12

Library services Reference and bibliographic: Provide the opportunity to use government services and other socially significant(additional) services How? access to the website of public services and e-government, other social services through terminals located in library premises 13

Works of libraries Enlightenment ( socio-cultural): Get the opportunity to conduct intellectual leisure and communication, discuss what you have read and seen, improve your qualifications and level of education How? Creation of intellectual centers, interest clubs, communication platforms, literary studios, Conducting mind games, meetings with writers and other cultural figures, Organization of concerts, exhibitions in library premises or through online services; Watching movies, etc. 15

Works of libraries Educational (educational and cultural): Provide the opportunity for intellectual leisure and communication, advanced training and level of education How? Organization and conduct of lectures, seminars, scientific discussions, organization of language learning courses, information literacy, advanced training, etc., including in cooperation with educational and other institutions 16

Additional features provided by libraries Book: Provide the opportunity to purchase new publishing products and periodicals How? buy publications of interest in a bookstore (kiosk) located on the library premises, if there are material and technical capabilities (on the basis of renting premises in the library by a third-party bookstore) 17

Important: 18 The proposed set reflects the interpretation social demands to modern library and information activities and for regional and municipal libraries should be clarified in each specific case. To develop public libraries, it is necessary to create a library space (physical and virtual) that changes in accordance with user requirements and necessarily provides users with the listed opportunities...

The result is providing guaranteed access to the country's population to accumulated documented information; information support for research in all fields of knowledge; creating, organizing and enabling the use of an increasing body of knowledge; enriching cultural life by making the best examples of literature and science available to everyone; preservation for future users of historically significant examples of intellectual and cultural heritage. 19

New models of libraries - System of certification and retraining of personnel - System of normative and regulatory documents - Changes in the lists of services and work performed by libraries 20

Relevance of developing a Model Standard for Public Library Operations

Maksakova E.A., teacher

GBPOU "Bryansk Regional College of Arts"

In order to implement the state cultural policy, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation inIn October 2014, the “Model Standard for the Operation of a Public Library” was approved, which outlined the role and place of the library in society and established the minimum requirements for the goals, content, structure and conditions for the implementation of library and information services to the population. The main goal of this document is to strengthen the cultural and educational mission of the country's public libraries.

For centuries, libraries have been the collectors of the intellectual memory of nations and states. Currently, libraries are the largest depositories capable of providing for public use the results of the development of civilization - treasures of history, culture, science and technological development.

The increasing dynamics of technological, economic, social and cultural changes pose new challenges for libraries.Public libraries should become centers of cultural education and training, including organizing cultural and educational events with the participation of scientists, politicians, teachers, writers, bibliophiles, making perfect use of modern information and communication technologies, providing information services in various spheres of public life, creating their own local history content reflecting local history.

Public libraries should participate in the implementation of state cultural policy, contribute to the formation of a moral, independently creative, educated individual, and instill civic responsibility and patriotism.

The relevance of developing a Model Standard for the activities of a public library is due to technological innovations in modern society, in which the processes of creation, storage, access and dissemination of information, knowledge and cultural values ​​undergo dramatic changes. The purpose of this Model Standard is to develop the library and information industry, streamline the activities of libraries in the context of constant social changes, define different types activities of libraries.

The standard represents recommendations to government authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities. The document spells out the main tasks and principles of libraries. The standard assumes the further development of libraries as active information agents, equal actors in the network, virtual space; as guardians of the cultural heritage embodied in its funds and other information resources; as cultural and educational centers - communication platforms for intellectual development and cultural leisure of the country's population.

This Model Standard establishes the minimum requirements for the goals, content, structure and conditions for the implementation of library and information services to the population of the country by public libraries. The activities of public libraries should be based on the recognition of the inalienable right of all residents of the country to high-quality, timely provision of the requested (required) information, the method of obtaining which is a specially organized library and information service, and the result is an increase in the level of culture and personal involvement in cultural and social life.

The standard developed by the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation is addressed not to the libraries themselves, but to their founders - the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments. In accordance with current legislation, they are responsible for library services to the population.It is fundamentally important for libraries that the Model Standard is tied to the practice of working in reform conditions - fulfilling state and municipal tasks through services and work. This approach complies with the uniform requirements for the organization of library and information services to the population, defined in the latest regulatory documents: National Standard GOST R 7.0.20.-2014 “Library statistics: indicators and units of calculation”, Basic (industry) list of state and municipal services and works (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 26, 2014 No. 151).I will dwell on the main provisions of this document.

According to the signed document in modern conditions Public libraries should develop in three main directions:

Library as a cultural and educational center;

The library as an active information agent;

The library as a custodian of cultural heritage.

To develop public libraries, it is necessary to create a library space (physical and virtual) that changes in accordance with user requirements and provides the opportunity to:

- receiving books and other types of documents in paper, audiovisual and electronic formats;

Purchasing new publishing products and periodicals;

Access to a single national electronic resource formed in the NEB (National digital library);

Obtaining the necessary consulting assistance;

Using government services and receiving other socially significant and additional services;

Obtaining the opportunity to conduct intellectual leisure and communication, discuss what you read and see, improve your skills and level of education.

At the same time, minimum and at the same time quite high requirements are established for various types of work and services provided by public libraries.

The transformation of public libraries in the Model Standard is proposed to be achieved through:

Technological development, implementation information systems in working with users and internal business processes of libraries;

Adapting the internal space of libraries to the modern needs of users, creating conditions for barrier-free communication;

Staffing public libraries with personnel who meet the technological and information challenges of the time, including through training and retraining of personnel.

By decision of the board of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation No. 21 of December 6, 2014, the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation were recommended to implement the Model Standard in the activities of regional and municipal libraries. The document was sent to the Heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as recommendations for the further development of the activities of public libraries.

Bryansk regional science Library them. F.I. Tyutchev represented by director S.S. Grandfathers andThe chairmen of the section of central libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, having examined and discussed the project, prepared the following review:

The adoption of the Model Public Library Standard is significant and important factor, ensuring the development of the most numerous library system, providing access to socially significant information for all categories of Russian citizens, taking into account modern requirements for this public institution.

The project reflects changes affecting the activities of the public library in accordance with its level (type). It is especially important that a list of minimum mandatory requirements for the types and quality of provision of state and municipal services and performance of work is formulated and determined. The project reflects modern trends characteristic of the activities of public libraries and associated primarily with participation in the creation of a single integrator of the country's electronic library resource in the digitization of library collections and providing open access to them (national electronic library, NEB).

Any standard requires clarity and unambiguity. And we note that the document is declarative in nature and needs to be improved, in particular, on the organization of library space, requirements for library staff, as well as detailed regulation of all library processes. For example, this document does not provide a standard for receiving new revenues. The phrase “purchase new publishing products and periodicals” will not be perceived by the founder and financiers as a necessary condition for the existence of the library.

It is alarming that the document does not reflect one of the most important areas in the activities of public libraries at the regional and municipal level - local history activities. Unfortunately, in the minds of modern managers there is a stable image of a modern library associated only with electronic information and the number of digitized publications. Based on many years of experience, we are convinced that the main values ​​of a public rural library continue to be the local history aspect and the book as a material carrier of book culture.

It must be taken into account that this document must fully regulate the activities of the public library. The standard is a document that local community leaders and library founders should be guided by. In addition to regulatory and normative functions, this document is of great importance in terms of defending the interests of libraries and their users in ensuring full access to information resources, which is provided by internal library processes. Recently, under pressure from local authorities and with the consent of the founders, leisure and recreational functions have dominated in public libraries. The model standard should establish and normatively provide for a variety of activities to perform all the functions of a public library.

We propose to take as a basis the current Model Standard for the activities of a public library (2008), supplementing and reflecting in it modern changes and requirements for the activities of public libraries (currently not adopted in the Bryansk region).

The model standard of a public library is a recommendation from the Ministry of Culture to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities for implementation. This is not only a proposal on how to organize library work, but also recommendations for assisting the work of libraries in those parameters that allow preserving the library as a custodian of cultural heritage, including it in the modern information space and giving it new socio-cultural functions as a body in which The cultural life of the population is concentrated locally.

The implementation of the “Model Standard” in the regions of Russia is at various stages. In various areas, monitoring of the implementation of the Model Standard is carried out, which allows library specialists to look at their work from a different angle, conduct an audit of their activities, or assess the degree of compliance of municipal libraries in the region with the requirements of the Model Standard.

Libraries are ready to implement the Model Standard and there are already certain developments, but it is necessary to establish some mandatory standard of material, technical and human resources that a public library must have to perform the services and works specified by the standard, taking into account the status of public libraries, and so that this Standard is mandatory for execution by authorities.


    Bryansk Regional Scientific Universal Library named after. F.I. Tyutchev [Electronic resource]. –URL: .

    Model standard for the activities of a public library [Text]: approved by the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky October 31, 2014

    Model standard for public library activities [Text]: adopted by the Conference of the Russian Library Association, XIII Annual Session, May 22, 2008.

    Russian Library Association[Electronic resource]. –URLhttp://www.rba.ru.

Adopted by the Conference
Russian Library Association,
XIIIAnnual session
May 22, 2008, Ulyanovsk

The new edition of the “Model Standard for Public Library Operations” was carried out by the Russian Library Association in the context of ongoing socio-economic and demographic changes in Russia, the modernization of library technologies and resources, and takes into account comments and suggestions received during a wide professional discussion of the document.

The Russian Library Association recommends that regional authorities and local governments use this Model Standard when developing regional standards for resource provision for public library services and determining their own strategy for the development of library services to the population, reflecting the information and cultural needs of the local community.

  • A. Foundation.
  • B. Electronic resources.


1.1. The public library is publicly accessible to all categories and groups of citizens, ensures and protects their rights to access knowledge, information and culture, and is one of the most important prerequisites for lifelong education and self-education and cultural development.

The library develops its activities as a publicly accessible center of information and culture, providing users with relevant materials and information support at all stages of their life.

Thanks to its accessibility, the library helps eliminate information inequality, create conditions for the realization of intellectual freedom, preservation of democratic values ​​and universal civil rights, and improvement of the quality of life.

1.2. The library makes an important contribution to the daily life and socio-economic development of the local community, and contributes through its means to the comprehensive development of its city or rural settlement with its unique characteristics and local specifics.

It plays a leading role in the collection, preservation, study and popularization of regional and local culture, in the preservation of ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious diversity and identity.

1.3. The public library ensures the rights of access to information and to the achievements of domestic and world culture of special groups of the population: children, youth, people with health limitations (visually disabled, hearing impaired, with musculoskeletal disorders, disabled people of other categories), elderly people age and other problem groups.

In order to most fully realize their rights, the library identifies socially excluded citizens, places of their concentration and organizations (social protection bodies, rehabilitation centers, etc.) dealing with their problems, establishes connections with them, and also cooperates with specialized libraries, scientific and educational special organizations.

1.4. The modern public library is constantly responding to events social change, actively cooperates with local authorities, interacts with partners in cultural activities, with social movements and organizations, funds mass media, develops business and creative connections with cultural figures, artists, and business representatives.

The library openly demonstrates its values, advantages and capabilities, informs the public about the goals and objectives of its activities, and the services provided; declares its participation in social, cultural, educational projects and programs that promote the involvement of various population groups in active public life; participates in advertising campaigns and public campaigns to protect the rights of local residents to access knowledge, information and culture, etc.

The library promptly informs residents about operating hours (opening hours, breaks, weekends, sanitary days) and conditions for obtaining library services, promptly notifies of significant changes in its activities.

1.5. The library regularly reports to the local community on its work, publishes and distributes an annual report on its activities to residents and local governments.

2.1. The public library formulates a clear policy and development strategy, defines priorities and services, and provides for the availability of adequate resources.

The strategic plan, programs and projects that the library develops and implements must cover various areas of activity and reflect the needs and expectations of actual and potential users in the field of information and librarianship.

2.2. One of the most important activities of the library is to provide users with all types of information to support education and self-education, for competent participation in the discussion of important problems and decision-making.

2.3. The library participates in organizing meaningful leisure time for citizens, promotes the development of their creative abilities, and introduces them to cultural heritage.

Independently or jointly with other organizations, the library implements educational, informational and other programs and projects, conducts cultural events (evenings, meetings, concerts, lectures, festivals, competitions, etc.).

2.4. The participation of the library in the formation of a culture of interpersonal and interethnic communication is carried out by ensuring access of ethnic groups of local residents to information and knowledge in their native language.

The library identifies needs for literature and information in the languages ​​of ethnic groups, cooperates with national cultural centers and communities on its territory and abroad, and exchanges professional information with national libraries of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with regional and local methodological centers.

2.5. The library actively participates in the formation of the cultural and historical consciousness of the local community, primarily in the process of local history activities. For this library:

  • collects and stores literature on local life issues;
  • most fully reflects local topics in the reference and bibliographic apparatus;
  • compiles and publishes local history bibliographic manuals, reference books, prospectuses, guidebooks, booklets on various information media;
  • together with other organizations, participates in the preservation of local oral traditions, in the search for genealogical information, in the study of genealogy and history of individual families and clans, creates chronicles and biographical descriptions of local attractions, famous personalities, and the most significant events;
  • organizes the work of local history associations.

In the absence of a local history museum, the public library takes the lead in collecting material items (works of folk crafts, household items, photographs, etc.), which become the basis of museum exhibitions at the library.

2.6. One of the most important activities of a public library is the development of the information culture of users. To this end, the library:

  • organizes special lessons, seminars and trainings on computer use and the basics of working on the Internet, with electronic resources, with training programs;
  • conducts library lessons in the library and in educational institutions;
  • conducts regular excursions around the library, introduces visitors to the collections, reference and bibliographic apparatus, technical means and technological capabilities.

2.7. The public library forms and develops the reading culture of users, the reading competence of children, youth and adults, supports and nurtures their need for reading and education throughout their lives.

2.8. User service in a public library is built taking into account the characteristics, needs and capabilities of residents of cities and rural areas.

The library serves all categories of citizens, provides them with a range of library, information and service services in the most convenient mode for them: in the library itself or outside the library, as well as by telephone or e-mail.

Information technologies allow the public library to introduce and use new forms of service, to provide access to its own and corporate information resources to any user, regardless of his location.

2.9. A modern library is designed to provide the following main forms of service:

  • stationary form of service (all types of library services provided to the user within the library);
  • non-stationary form of service (delivery of documents to the user and provision of other library services at the place of residence, work, study);
  • remote maintenance (service to the user in remote access based on information and communication technologies).

In the absence of specialized children's libraries, services for children are organized in departments of the public library.

2.10. In any accessible form, the library provides services to those who, for one reason or another, cannot visit it as usual, socially excluded groups of citizens or those at risk of such exclusion: visually impaired, hearing impaired, with lesions of the musculoskeletal system, disabled people other categories; elderly people; persons with poor command of the Russian language; patients of hospitals and special medical institutions; children kept in orphanages; prisoners.

In these cases, together with special libraries, various forms of service are used: literature lending points, home service, remote access service, interlibrary lending, etc.

2.11. Blind and visually impaired users are provided with access to electronic information resources through computer technology, technical and software, namely: hardware and software, adapted for users with complete or partial loss of vision (scanner, screen access program, speech synthesizer, speech output devices for independent reading of texts from the monitor screen, converters).

If there are places of compact residence for visually impaired people, it is advisable to have a service department or a specialized department where books of special formats for the blind are collected.

2.12. Of particular importance is the organization of library services for residents of remote areas or those categories of citizens who cannot use a stationary library due to the nature of their labor activity or living conditions. In these cases, the library uses mobile devices (bibliobus).

The library bus must be equipped with a constantly updated book collection, legal and other specialized databases, modern equipment, Internet access.

2.13. A promising form of organizing library services is one in which, having received a document in one library, the user has the opportunity to return it to any other library, or order delivery of a document from another library to the one he uses, on the basis of a single library card.

This form of library service assumes a high level of cooperation between libraries on a modern technological basis: associations on a single information portal electronic resources participating libraries, as well as organizing direct delivery of documents from library to library with the issuance of documents at home (as opposed to an interlibrary loan, under which documents are issued for use in the reading room).

2.14. Each library independently determines the list of services and the conditions for their provision, taking into account both the needs and interests of users and the capabilities of the library.

In any case, the library is obliged to provide citizens with the most complete range of services in its conditions, and strive to significantly improve the quality of library services.

2.15. The main free (budget) services of a public library include:

  • providing reference and consulting assistance in searching and selecting specific documents and other sources of information;
  • providing information on the composition of the library collection and the availability of specific documents in the library collection through a system of catalogues, card files and other forms of library information;
  • issuing documents from the library collection for temporary use in accordance with the rules for using the library;
  • satisfying a request using the resources of other libraries using interlibrary loan, intrasystem exchange, or electronic document delivery.

2.16. Library and information services for multilingual communities are essential services and should always respond to local or specific needs.

2.17. The universal standard of service in a public library is the maximum accessible collection of documents.

Taking into account the capabilities of the library premises, the collection should be disclosed as much as possible and presented in the public domain. When organizing access to children's literature collections, one should take into account the features of classification and cataloging of literature for children, facilitating their use of library resources.

Valuable or rare titles that the library is proud of and especially cherishes may be displayed for public viewing in glass cases, shelving, in special exhibitions or on the library's website.

2.18. Modern form user services and an operational channel for access to information and library resources becomes the public library website.

The public library website is provided with user-friendly navigation systems and is complemented by navigation systems that ensure its accessibility for persons with visual and hearing impairments. It can be used comprehensively, including for placing an electronic order for literature, extending the period of its use, obtaining certificates, etc.

A separate web page is being created for children.

2.19. In the process of servicing various categories of users, the library identifies and takes into account their suggestions and comments addressed to it, and analyzes unmet demand.

The assessment of the quality and effectiveness of library services is carried out by the library at all stages of their provision: identifying needs, studying demand, planning, development, advertising, use, and satisfaction analysis.

The overall assessment includes characteristics of library services such as:

  • compliance with demand and efficiency of execution;
  • information content and content;
  • modern methods and methods of execution and delivery;
  • the number and uniqueness of services for special groups of users (for children and youth, for people with visual impairments and hearing impairments, with damage to the musculoskeletal system and other disabilities.

General characteristics should be supplemented by indicators that the library uses to assess the quality and effectiveness of its activities.

2.20. One of effective tools quality management of library activities, including user service and provision of services, is the development of a complex internal standards, regulatory (or reference!) requirements.


3.1. The main library and information resource of a modern public library remains the library collection, which includes publications in various formats and on various media: books, periodicals, audiovisual and electronic documents.

3.2. The collection of each library is a library and information resource of a specific territory (municipal entity) and part of the national library and information resource of the Russian Federation.

The main characteristics of the public library collection are compliance with needs and demand, constant renewal.

A modern public library focuses on access to all available information, and not just its own resources, and ensures the replenishment of its collection also through the use of channels of interlibrary interaction: intrasystem exchange, interlibrary loan, electronic delivery of documents.

3.3. The volume of the public library collection is based on the average book supply of one resident of the Russian Federation, including 5-7 volumes in the city; in rural areas 7-9 volumes.

However, the average volume of the collection can be adjusted depending on the needs of local residents, the specifics of a particular library, the proximity of other libraries, access to external resources, and financial capabilities.

3.4. The collection of the public library, serving all categories of local residents, is universal in content and includes a wide range of documents in different formats and on various media.

A public library, which has the right to receive local legal deposit, as well as official documents accepted by local governments, forms the most complete collection available to residents of the entire territory (municipal entity).

A specialized collection (for example, children's literature or problem-oriented literature) of a public library is formed most fully with documents of various formats and on various media in accordance with the priorities of its activities.

3.5. In the universal collection of a public library (if there is no specialized children's library in the service area), literature for children under the age of 14 inclusive makes up at least 30% of the total library collection and contains documents on various media, including educational and developmental programs, games, etc.

The fund of sound recordings (speech and music) and video recordings for children should include the best examples of domestic and foreign children's musical classics and film classics.

The library collection should also include “talking books”, including works of modern and classical Russian and foreign literature.

3.6. The library collection should contain special formats for the blind: books in raised dot font, “talking” books, audio books, relief aids, tactile handicraft publications, publications in digital format, as well as audiovisual materials with sign language translation or accompanied by printed text for the deaf and hard of hearing.

3.7. The public library includes in its collection documents for ethnic groups of users (taking into account international practice: with a population of 500 ethno-national representatives - 100 volumes; with a population of up to 2000 - at the rate of 1 volume per 10 people).

3.8. It is mandatory that the public library receive copies of local and regional newspapers and magazines, as well as major central publications, by subscription. The collection of periodicals should include publications for children, as well as professional publications for librarians.

3.9. The volume of the collection of reference and bibliographic publications must be at least 10% of the total collection of the public library.

It should contain universal and industry-specific encyclopedias, explanatory and language dictionaries, local history and tourist reference books, atlases, route maps, address books, information manuals, programs to assist training, education and development for all residents of a particular territory (municipal entity).

3.10. To maintain the significance of the public library collection, it is necessary to constantly replenish it, taking into account territorial specifics based on:

  • according to the recommendation of IFLA/UNESCO - 250 new arrivals per 1000 inhabitants;
  • according to the methodology proposed by the Russian National Library - 3.8% of new receipts to the total book issue for the year;
  • based on maintaining the level of average book supply per capita accepted in Russia.

3.11. The renewal of the public library collection is determined both by the rate of their replenishment and the timely removal and write-off of documents. It is mandatory for the library to write off dilapidated and outdated publications, especially reference materials, as well as publications that have lost their relevance and are not in demand from users.

Documents of enduring significance for a given area should remain in the library's collection permanently. A single copy of such documents can be stored in traditional form or reproduced on another storage medium (microfilm or electronic form).

3.12. The library is obliged to ensure the safety of the collection and the normal physical condition of documents in accordance with established standards of placement, lighting, temperature and humidity conditions, fire safety, etc.

B. Electronic resources

3.13. In order to form electronic resources, develop new forms of service and ensure the availability of information at a qualitatively new level, consistent informatization of the public library is being carried out on the basis of an automated information library system (AIBS). It includes:

  • creation of a material and technical base, including determining the required number of automated workstations for employees and users;
  • acquisition of licensed software products, formation of a local computer network (LAN), connection to the Internet;
  • automation of all basic library processes: managerial, technological (acquisition, processing and cataloging, creation of reference and bibliographic apparatus, etc.), library services, information support readers, library (library system) management;
  • implementation of new technological opportunities, including the formation and expansion of electronic information resources, creation of a library website to post information about resources and services, provision of remote access to electronic resources and virtual services, participation in corporate projects.

3.14. The main electronic resource that the library creates independently, either jointly with other libraries, or through the use of a corporate resource, is the electronic catalog for the library’s collections.

3.15. In addition to the electronic catalogue, the public library can independently create a variety of databases: bibliographic, factual, full-text, including a database of official documents accepted by local governments.

Without fail, the library creates a local history electronic resource: thematic databases reflecting the directions of development of the local community and its historical memory.

To provide more complete and high-quality service to users, taking into account their information needs, the library must purchase ready-made databases.

3.16. The largest public library can participate in the implementation of “digital” projects and create its own electronic collection.

3.17. The participation of the public library in corporate projects, in the creation of unified information networks (regional, interregional, federal, international) is carried out on the basis of interaction with libraries of different departments, with cultural, educational, information centers and other organizations.

The main activities within the framework of corporate interaction are aimed at expanding the capabilities of the library to meet the needs of users .

In addition to the electronic resources available in the library, its website may contain collections of useful Internet links, lists of Internet addresses, information navigators that provide new library and information forms of work, including a virtual reference service, electronic presentations information resources and library services, etc.

3.18. The level of provision of a library with computer equipment should depend not only on financial capabilities, but on the tasks facing the library in the field of introducing new technologies and on the needs of users for new resources and services.

In accordance with the needs, the library should be provided with automated workstations for employees and for users, united in a LAN, equipment for organizing a LAN, an Internet access device, a scanner, printers, a licensed operating system, including one that provides access to electronic resources for blind users, a package of licensed office programs.

All software (as well as audio and video materials) must be accompanied by licenses for its use.

Connection to the Internet can be carried out using technology provided by operators cellular communication, either via a wired telephone line or via satellite communications.

3.19. The software for automated places for blind users should be adapted in accordance with the recommendations of the Consortium World Wide Web(C3W) to ensure software accessibility for the blind and visually impaired.

3.20. Equipment and software support for information systems in a public library must be updated in accordance with the requirements of information and telecommunication technologies - at least once every five years.


4.1. The presence of a public library in each settlement of the territory (municipal entity) is mandatory.

4.2. Each public library is located taking into account its maximum accessibility (no more than 15-20 minutes in time for a local resident to get to the library).

The accessibility of the public library to all local residents is also ensured by its convenient location: in the most frequently visited cultural, shopping, and business centers, at the intersection of pedestrian routes, and close to transport links.

Visibility of the library is achieved by the presence of such elements as:

  • free approaches to the library and cleanliness of the surrounding area;
  • visible and easily recognizable library name and competent advertising;
  • street signage system;
  • equipped with sound orientation indicators for people with disabilities

vision in accordance with GOST standards (signs indicating the presence of blind pedestrians at street crossings);

  • parking for vehicles, including ambulances and fire engines.

It is advisable that there is a kindergarten or square next to the library, as well as places for children to play.

4.3. A public library can be located in a separate building, in a cluster-type building under the same roof with other institutions and organizations, as well as in a special extension to another building (residential or public).

The most desirable is placement in a separate building, specially designed and built for a library according to individual project in compliance with the norms and standards of sanitary, fire and anti-terrorist safety.

It is less desirable to locate the library in a suitable premises of a residential (especially in buildings managed by an HOA) or public building.

4.4. With any option for locating a public library, a convenient and free approach for the public and access for the production purposes of the library itself and fire transport must be provided.

When located in the same building as educational institution(school, college, etc.) the library must have an autonomous entrance and exit for free access of visitors and ensure the safety of funds; When located in a socio-cultural complex, special premises must be provided to ensure the functional specificity of the library, the safety of its collections and a comfortable environment for its users.

4.5. The public library should also be accessible to that part of local residents who are at risk of social exclusion, especially low-mobility groups: people with disabilities with musculoskeletal disorders, people with visual and hearing impairments, the elderly, and people with prams , pregnant women, etc.

For wheelchair users, the entrance to the library should be equipped with ramps at the entrance and exit, at level transitions; Door openings must comply with construction GOST standards for the free passage of strollers into the library premises, as well as to the library collections. The library must be equipped with special holders, fences, elevators, special chairs for work, and have sanitary areas for the disabled.

4.6. The layout and placement of library departments and services should ensure ease of use and work in it. The principle of flexible layout of premises will allow you to vary their ratio taking into account changing needs and library technology.

Premises for reference and bibliographic apparatus are best located in a convenient connection with the lobby (no higher than the second floor), in conjunction with the premises of a specialized reference and bibliographic department.

Premises for storing funds should have convenient connections with the issuing departments, the processing department and directly communicate with the office premises of the storage department.

4.7. The dimensions of the areas of library premises are determined taking into account their functional purpose based on accepted standards.

The dimensions of areas for user services are determined in accordance with the standards:

  • area for placing the subscription fund at the rate of at least 5 sq. m for 1000 volumes;
  • area for placing the reading room stock at the rate of 10 sq. m for 1000 volumes;
  • area for specialized departments at the rate of 5 sq. m per 1000 storage units;
  • area for placing a reference and information apparatus (catalogues) at the rate of at least 3.5 sq. m for 1 catalog cabinet;
  • area for departments of receiving and issuing literature at the rate of 4.5 sq. m for 1 department;
  • area for placing automated workstations at a rate of at least 6.0 square meters. m per 1 user;
  • The number of seats in the library is determined at the rate of 2.5 square meters. m for one place; about 10% of seating for users should be in the seating area;
  • to accommodate exhibitions, the area of ​​one of the main divisions of the library (subscription, reading room) requires an increase of up to 10%;
  • To hold cultural events, you must have a separate room of at least 25 square meters. m;
  • lobby area at the rate of 0.2 sq. m for 1 visitor;
  • wardrobe area based on 0.08 sq. m for 1 hook of a cantilever hanger.

The size of premises for servicing persons with disabilities requires an increase in area at the rate of 2.7-3.0 square meters. m per 1 user of a specialized department.

The dimensions of the storage space for library collections are determined in accordance with the following standards:

  • for books and magazines at least 2.5 sq. m for 1000 volumes;
  • for newspaper files no less than 14 sq. m for 1000 files;
  • for audiovisual documents at least 3 sq. m for 1000 copies.

4.8. The number of office premises depends on the number of full-time employees and the functions they perform, but the area they occupy must be at least 20% of the area of ​​the reading area.

The dimensions of the areas of the main production areas are determined in accordance with their purpose and on the basis of established standards. For example:

  • area of ​​1 workplace for personnel involved in the processes of acquisition and processing of funds - 9-12 sq. m;
  • for scientific and methodological service personnel - 9 sq. m;
  • for administrative staff - 5-6 sq. m, including for the director, deputy director - from 15 to 40 sq. m. m.

4.9. Workplaces equipped with technical means, both for production purposes and for servicing users, must be located in specially adapted premises with access to the power grid, and be provided with protective equipment for operation, equipped and equipped in accordance with the norms of Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (SanPiN).

Office premises should have a convenient functional connection between each other and with user service departments.

4.10. The library must be provided with fire and security equipment: 1 fire extinguisher per 50 sq. m of floor, but not less than 1 for each room, alarm system.

4.11. A comfortable stay in the library and use of its services is achieved using various components, such as:

  • availability of indicative information for the free movement of users;
  • availability various types and types of documents, media and telecommunications;
  • functional equipment, simple and easy to use;
  • design that creates comfort and is conducive to work, communication and relaxation;
  • professional ethics of staff, respect for user rights.

4.12. Children need a library space that they can perceive as their own childhood.

The children's area of ​​a public library should be an easily recognizable, friendly, attractive and comfortable place for children, distinguished by its functionality and unusualness: special furniture, color and decorative design, etc.

4.13. The operating hours of the public library are set taking into account the needs of local residents and the intensity of its visits.

Library opening hours should not completely coincide with the working hours of the general population.

The opening hours of library points (and mobile forms of service) are regulated depending on local conditions.


5.1. Public library staff must have professional knowledge, skills and abilities; improve your professional level, develop the ability for creative and constructive activities. Everyone should be familiar with their job responsibilities and rights.

All employees must clearly understand the goals and objectives, problems and prospects for the development of their library. Each employee should have the opportunity to participate in the development of the strategy of their library, in project activities, and come up with proactive proposals for improving library services.

5.2. The library management and its founder must ensure a sufficient number of employees.

The number of full-time employees is determined based on one of the existing calculation options.

Option 1 (universal). The standard need for full-time employees is determined on the basis of calculations taking into account the working time budget and time standards for work performed in libraries, based on the main performance indicators: the number of readers and the intensity of visits, the volume of services provided, the number of structural divisions, branches and non-stationary forms, etc. .

Option 2. The regulatory need for full-time employees is determined based on the need to ensure basic library processes:

  • acquisition and processing of documents - at the rate of 0.7-1 people per 1000 copies;
  • organization of the fund - at the rate of 1-1.2 people per 60 thousand copies;
  • user service - at the rate of 3-3.5 people per 1000 inhabitants;
  • reference and bibliographic and information activities- at the rate of 1-1.5 people per 1000 inhabitants.

Option 3. The standard need for full-time employees is determined based on the population size:

  • in cities with a population of up to 50,000 - at the rate of 1 employee per 2,000 inhabitants;
  • in cities with a population of 50,000 or more - at the rate of 1 employee per 2,500 inhabitants;
  • and also - 1 employee per 1000 residents under the age of 14;
  • in rural areas - at the rate of 1 employee per 500 - 1000 inhabitants;
  • and also - 1 employee per 500 residents under the age of 14 years.

5.3. Library management must ensure that the library staff has specialists with the special knowledge necessary to perform various functional responsibilities:

  • to serve special user groups (children, youth, ethnic groups, elderly people, disabled people and other problem categories);
  • for working with certain types of documents (electronic documents, audio materials, music publications, art publications, literature on foreign languages, materials of relief dot font, etc.);
  • for the implementation and use of information and telecommunication technologies, the creation of electronic resources, the provision information services.

5.4. The basic education of library specialists is determined by state educational standards. Librarians must undergo additional professional training, both at the municipal, regional and federal levels, at least once every 3 years.

The amount of financial resources allocated for training library staff must be at least 0.5% of the budget items allocated for wages.

5.5. The management of the library and its founder ensure the implementation of a continuing education program for all staff, focusing on various forms of advanced training in various directions professional activity, including organizing internships for librarians within the region, within the country and abroad.

Professional development programs for librarians at all levels should include issues of integrated services for people with disabilities and be carried out within the framework of joint projects with a special library in the region.

5.7. The management of the library and its founder provide social and professional protection public library workers, take care of creating satisfactory working conditions for employees, provide support to young specialists, and promote their professional growth.


6.1. The stable operation of public libraries is ensured by federal and regional legislation, the adoption of local regulations, as well as guaranteed funding from local sources.

6.2. Organs government controlled and local governments play an important role in promoting the development of the library network, library and information services needed by the population, in the modernization of public libraries and in the construction of modern library buildings.

The activities of a public library should be an essential component of a long-term strategy in the field of culture and education, information development territory (municipal entity).

6.3. Financing of a public library should be carried out on a planned basis at all stages of its operation and contribute to the successful implementation of goals, objectives and priority areas activities.

At the present stage, special attention is required to support the informatization of public libraries as the most important direction of their development, the main means of modernizing library services to citizens.

The public library's budget should reflect its needs for training library staff and users, updating technology and resources, and improving library services.

Financial support is also required for public libraries in their work with people with disabilities and other problem groups.

6.4. Additional funds for its development from various other possible sources (for example, budgets of higher levels, grants, funds from sponsors and philanthropists, own commercial activity) the library actively attracts on its own, as well as with the support of government and local governments.

6.5. The head of the library must competently justify the need for obtaining necessary funds and justify the costs.

State and local government bodies must objectively determine the parameters of the work of public libraries and establish benchmark criteria for assessing the results of their activities.

In preparation new edition“Model Standard for Public Library Operations” used:

Social and professional documents and documents of non-governmental organizations

UNESCO Information for All Program.

PULMAN program. 2002-2003.

Project CALIMERA. 2004.

Declaration on Libraries, Information Services and Intellectual Freedom. Adopted by the Council of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA) in Glasgow (August 2002).

Copenhagen Declaration on Public Libraries. Adopted in Copenhagen at the international meeting of policymakers “The Role of Public Libraries in the Information Society” (October, 1999).

Tunisian Program for the Information Society. (Document WSIS-05/TUNIS/DOC/6(Rev.1)-R. November 15, 2005).

The Alexandrian Manifesto on Libraries. Information society In action. (Accepted by IFLA on November 11, 2005 at the Bibliotheca Alexandrina, Alexandria, Egypt).

Convention on the Rights of the Child (ratified by the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on June 13, 1990. Came into force for the Russian Federation on September 15, 1990).

IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto. 1994.

RBA manifesto on the public library. 2003.

IFLA Internet Manifesto. 2002.

IFLA Manifesto on a Multicultural Library. 2008.

Code professional ethics Russian librarian. RBA. 1996.

Model standard for public library activities. RBA. 2001.

IFLA/UNESCO Guide to the Development of Public Library Services. 2002.

IFLA/UNESCO Guide to the IFLA Internet Manifesto. 2006.

IFLA Guide for Children's Libraries. 2003.

Guide to local history activities of municipal libraries (centralized library systems). RBA. 2005.

Basic standards for organizing a network and providing resources for public libraries in municipalities. RBA. 2007.

Official documents

Constitution of the Russian Federation. 1993.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On librarianship"(No. 78-FZ). 1994.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Mandatory Deposit of Documents” (No. 77-FZ). 1994 (as amended by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 28-FZ of March 20, 2008 “On Amendments to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Legal Deposit of Documents””.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation” (No. 124-FZ). 1998.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Information, information technology and on the protection of information" (No. 149-FZ). 2006.

Public buildings and structures. SNiP 2.08.02-89 (approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated May 16, 1989 No. 78).

Instructions for the design of libraries SN 548-82 (approved by order of the State Committee for Civil Engineering and Architecture under the USSR State Construction Committee dated February 20, 1982 No. 63).

Normals of planning elements of residential and public buildings. Vol. NP 5.4.1-74. Libraries.

Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization. Sanitary rules and standards (SanPiN) 2.2.2/2.4 1340-03.

Intersectoral time standards for work performed in libraries (approved by resolution of the Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation from 03.02. 1997 No. 6).