Dou projects I explore the world. The practically significant project “I am exploring the world. "Sala Intersettlement Central Library"

Regina Eliseeva
Project “I explore the world”

Passport of the project “I explore the world”

Type of project Short-term, group

Cognitive and creative

Project developers Eliseeva R. A. - teacher

Objective of the project:

Project implementation timeframe 09.01.2017 – 09.02.2017

Project implementation stages Preparatory – identify participants, outline a work plan, select forms of work and methodological base.

The main one is carrying out events according to the chosen plan.

The final one is to organize an exhibition of children's encyclopedias and creative works of children on the topic of the project; holding the final event “Obvious-Incredible”; presentation of the project at the preschool educational institution. Paperwork.

Project participants: Children older than school age, teachers of group No. 2, parents.

Expected results

Development of creative imagination;

Increasing interest in books, promoting family reading;

Replenishing the group’s library with encyclopedias and educational magazines, fiction about nature.

Relevance and brief summary of the project.

Thousands of different living creatures live on Earth. Some of them are giants, such as blue whales, elephants, baobabs, cedars and oaks, while others are very tiny: insects, mice, hamsters, algae, mosses, fungi and bacteria. The habitat of animals and plants affects their structure, lifestyle and behavior. There is no person who does not love animals and birds, admire plants and take care of them.

Preschool childhood is a very important period of learning about the world around us. Listening to children's stories about the impressions and observations they receive from their parents, from watching TV, in kindergarten, I discovered that most often children talk about plants, animals, insects and birds in their immediate environment. This suggests that children simply do not know the other natural world, nor do they know the sources of this knowledge. Realizing this, I decided to “open” for the children such a source of knowledge as an encyclopedia and introduce my students to the unusual inhabitants of the world of plants and animals.

At the beginning of the project, my parents and I prepared a selection of the most interesting copies of encyclopedias about nature. As soon as the children saw the new books in the group, they had many questions, the answers to which we together looked for in the books of naturalist writers, in fiction, in magazines and encyclopedias. The children also looked for these answers together with their parents at home. During the project, the guys and I met some “record-breaking” animals and plants and learned a lot about the life of living creatures in water, underground and in the air. The children drew and sculpted various animals and plants, and also took part in the fantastic exhibition “Nonexistent Animal”. At the end of the project, I invited the children to take part in the television program “Obvious-Incredible” with reports about unusual animals and plants. Everyone tried to find some interesting natural object and talk about it. The importance and pride with which the boys presented their messages is difficult to convey.

Throughout the entire project there was close cooperation with the parents of the students. They actively participated in the search and selection of encyclopedias and educational magazines for the project, found the information the children needed, and prepared interesting messages with the children. Not only the boys and I, but also our parents “rediscovered” the vast world of nature.

Objective of the project:

Expanding preschoolers’ ideas about the world around them, developing cognitive interest in nature, developing a sense of surprise and admiration for the world of animals and plants.


Expanding knowledge about the diversity of flora and fauna of our planet, its unusual representatives;

Increasing cognitive and speech activity of preschool children;

Development of children's memory, thinking and creative imagination;

Increasing children's interest in books, promoting family reading;

Involving parents in pedagogical process Preschool educational institution, strengthening the interest of parents in cooperation with preschool educational institution;

Replenishing the group library with encyclopedias and educational magazines

Expected results:

Knowledge about the diversity of flora and fauna on our planet and its unusual representatives has expanded;

The cognitive and speech activity of preschoolers has increased;

Children develop memory, thinking and creative imagination;

Children's interest in books and family reading has increased;

Parents are actively involved in pedagogical DOW process, the interest of parents in cooperation with preschool educational institutions is strengthened;

Design of an exhibition of children's creative works;

The group's library was replenished with encyclopedias, educational magazines, and fiction about nature.

Project Implementation Plan

Stage 1 – preparatory

Identification of participants;

Drawing up an activity plan, identifying those responsible;

Cooperation with parents;

Selection of literary and musical works on the topic of the project;

Preparing a series of conversations.

Stage 2 – basic, organizational and practical

Consultation for parents on the topic: “Project: I explore the world”, “Books are a source of knowledge”, “About nature from books”


"Our helpers!"

NOD “Our Little Brothers” (cognition and modeling)

Acquaintance with encyclopedias, fiction about nature and educational magazines

Replenishing the literary corner with books about nature; reading and discussing works about animals and plants; viewing illustrations, photographs, albums

Exhibition of book material on the project topic

Children making crafts “Our Little Brothers”

GCD on the topic: “Giants and dwarfs”

A series of conversations and activities “In the garden, in the vegetable garden”

Listening to music from the “Sounds of Nature” series

Application “Underwater inhabitants”

D/s on the topic “Plants and Animals”

Quiz "Mysteries of the natural world"

P/i “Owl”, “Day and Night”, “Cat and Mouse”, “Animal Relay Races”, etc.

Speech riddles “Guess who (what) I will describe” and “Describe what I will show”

Preparing child-parent messages for the final event

Introduce animals and plants of different sizes, characteristics and their habitats. Expanding knowledge about the natural world.

Expanding knowledge about the characteristics of plants and their adaptations to their environment. Introduce unusual medicinal plants.

Development of auditory perception, expansion of knowledge about nature

Cultivating feelings of goodness, justice, purity

Consolidating and expanding knowledge about plants and animals

Increasing cognitive interest, developing memory, thinking, creative imagination

Increasing physical activity, consolidating knowledge about animal habits

Speech development, vocabulary activation, attention and memory development.

Individual and group consultations on the preparation of children's and child-parent messages

Stage 3 – final

Exhibition of drawings “Non-existent animal”;

Exhibition of encyclopedias, books and magazines on the topic of the project;

Presentation of child-parent messages in the form of the television program “Obvious-Incredible”;

Presentation of the project for parents and teachers of preschool educational institutions;


2 Fundamental question: A child on the street. What to do? Problematic questions: 1. How to behave in city transport? 2.Why are they needed? road signs? 3.What should I do if I get lost? Study questions: 1. To whom should you give up your seat in transport? 2. Do we need ethics in transport? 3. Where did the road signs come from? 4. What do the road signs say? 5. Who am I? 6. Who will help?

Project abstract Introduce children to the rules: enter through the back door, exit through the front door, children should not ride alone in transport without adults; you need to talk in such a way as not to disturb others; You can’t stand at the door; you cannot lean out or stick your hands out of open windows; It is customary to give up seats to the elderly and disabled. Introduce children to various road signs. The child must know f. And. O. yours and your parents’ address, your phone number, seek help only from a policeman or military man. 3

Expected results: After completing the project, students will be able to: use the rules safe behavior in city transport; distinguish and understand what some road signs mean; must learn that if they are lost on the street, then they cannot turn to any adult for help, but only to a policeman or military man. It’s good to know your home address, your phone number and your parents’. 4

Topics of independent research: 1. Study of rules of conduct in transport, roadway design. 2. Prepare to meet various life situations. 3. Compliance with the rules of safe behavior on the street. Presentation results: Student presentation. The following materials have been developed for the project: Cards “Preschooler and the Road”, printed board games, library “School of Dunno”. Questionnaires for children. Assessment documents: Table Z-I-U Project Participant Journal 5

Stages and timing of the project " Brainstorm"(formulation of research topics for students), Forming groups to conduct research, putting forward hypotheses for solving problems - 3 lessons. Choosing a creative name for the project (together with the students) – 1 lesson. Discussion of the work plan with students in the group - 2 lessons. Discussion with students of possible sources of information - 1 lesson. Independent work of students to discuss the assignment of each person in the group - 1 month. Independent work of groups to complete tasks – 6 months. Preparation by students of a presentation on a report on the work done - 1 month. Protection of the obtained results and conclusions – role-playing game in the form of a conference. 6

Informational resources: 7 1.N.N. Avdeeva, O.L. Knyazeva, R.B. Sterkin “Safety” 2. “Road rules for children preschool age"edited by E.A. Romanova, A.B. Malyushkina 3. and road& and road&stype=simage& %2Fthumbs%2F 0df b750d9970c-800whttp: // b750d9970c-800w 6. %2Fthumbs%2F _ _5 .jp

Project “I explore the world.”

Objective of the project: create conditions for the formation of integrative qualities in students: inquisitive, emotionally responsive, able to manage their behavior, cognitive skills research activities through expanding ideas about the world around us various types activities, adult - children's experimentation.


1. Expand children's understanding of the animal and underwater world.

2. Form a primary research interest through experimentation with various materials.

3. Exercise children in the ability to draw basic conclusions based on the results of the experiment.

4. To develop children's powers of observation, the ability to examine objects, compare them, and notice minor differences in their characteristics (color, shape, size, material); develop the ability to recognize an animal, plant by description, and solve riddles.

5.Encourage children to active search information on a topic of interest in understanding the world around us.

6.Form ideas about the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature.

7.Cultivate curiosity and emotional responsiveness.

8.Cultivate a desire to understand the world around us.

Relevance of this project is the development of cognitive interest through the development of the child’s research skills. “It is more natural and therefore much easier for a child to comprehend new things by conducting his own research - observing, conducting experiments, making his own judgments and conclusions based on them, than to receive knowledge already obtained by someone in a “ready-made form.” (A.I. Savenkov). Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of research teaching methods in the educational process.

The proposed project contains a variety of forms research work, takes into account the joint cognitive-search activity of children, teachers and parents.


Children do not have enough ideas and knowledge about the animal and underwater world of our planet;

- there are not enough ideas about how and where you can find the information you are interested in, and who to turn to for help;

Observation and experimentation skills are insufficiently developed;

They do not know how to independently draw conclusions based on the results of the experiment;

Many children do not show curiosity in learning about the world around them;

They find it difficult to establish relationships in living and inanimate nature.

Project participants : pupils middle group No. 2, teachers Kurmanenko L.I., Konshina N.R., parents, music director.

Project type : cognitive and research.

Dates: from 01/13/2014 until 02/07/2014.

Final activities:

1. educational game “Our home is planet Earth”;

2. photo exhibition “We want to know everything.”

Expected Result:


- showing curiosity to understand the world around him;

- having ideas about the animals of our planet, about the underwater world;

- capable search for information on a specific topic;

Demonstrating research skills;

Able to draw conclusions based on the results of an experiment;

Able to establish relationships in living and inanimate nature.


76% of parents taking an active part in the implementation of the project;

62% of parents who consolidate the information received about the world around them in family education;

80% of parents who raisedpedagogical competence in organizing and conducting research activities.

Long-term plan for the project “I explore the world” in the middle group.


What is water?

Where did the bread come from?

Who lives under water.

In the animal world (comparison of wild, domestic).

Animals of hot countries.


Examination of the painting “Underwater World”.

Writing a descriptive story about wild animals.

Artistic and aesthetic development.


Fish in an aquarium (collective).

Draw a pet.

We draw animals from hot countries.


Pies for grandma.

Gold fish.



Underwater world (collective).

A beautiful napkin for the table.


Let's arrange a room for the doll Masha.

Teremok for animals.


Conversation “Take care of our home.”

Conversation "Don't hurt animals."


Conversation "Home Alone".

Conversation "Our safety at home."

Conversation “Beware of animals.”

The theme of the project: “I explore the world.”

Project implementation period: from 01/13/2014. until 02/07/2014.

Social and personal development:

1.Repeat and reinforce the rules of behavior in nature at home with your children.

2. Cultivate a caring attitude towards animals. Form in children an understanding of the need to protect and preserve nature, animal world of our planet. Set an example of caring for living nature and other people.

3. Expand children’s understanding of the simplest relationships in living and inanimate nature.

Cognitive development:

1. Talk to children about the world around them, tell stories, introduce the child to basic knowledge from various fields of science.

2. Encourage your child to engage in various activities: observations, manipulation with objects, basic experimentation.

Exercise children in the ability to examine objects and compare them according to various characteristics (color, shape, size, material).

3.Participate in experimental activities with children: conduct experiments and experiments. To keep children interested in experimenting, remember the following:

Encourage curiosity, which generates the need for new experiences, inquisitiveness;

Provide the child with the opportunity to act with different objects and materials, encourage experimentation with them, forming in children a motive associated with internal desires to learn new things;

Explain to your child the reasons for your prohibitions and help determine what is possible or how it is possible;

Positively evaluate the child’s activities, his volitional efforts and activity.

4. Talk with your child about his intentions and goals. Ask about the results of the activity, how the child achieved them (at the same time, the child develops speech, the ability to formulate conclusions, and reason).

5. Expand children's horizons and curiosity through reading fiction, looking at encyclopedias, watching films and educational programs together, visiting a museum or library.

6.Encourage children to actively search for information that interests them.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

1. Practice your ability to draw (animals, plants, etc.)

2. Make applications with your child, sculpt, draw, what interests the child, his impressions of something new.

Physical development:

1. Develop children’s motor activity through various outdoor games, imitation games, imitation games.

Considered at the meeting “Agreed”: “I approve”:

MO beginning classes Deputy Director for HR Director of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2

Sheptukhina L.V. Ryazheva G.N. Nazmetdinova G.M.

………….. . ………………….. ……………………….

Protocol No._________.

From ______________20___ From ______________20___ From ______________20___

Working programm for extracurricular activities

"I'm exploring the world"

For children 7-8 years old studying according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Program implementation period – 1 year

Teacher implementing the program: Inzhevatova N.N.

2015-2016 academic year


The work program for extracurricular activities of junior schoolchildren in the direction of “project activities” has been developed in accordance with Federal law RF “On education in Russian Federation» No. 273-F3, School Charter, with the basic educational program of primary general education.

The ongoing changes in modern society require the development of new methods of education, pedagogical technologies aimed at individual development personality, creative initiation, developing the skill of independent navigation in information fields, developing in students a universal ability to pose and solve problems to resolve problems that arise in life - professional activity, self-determination, everyday life. It becomes extremely important to educate a truly free personality, to develop in children the ability to think independently, acquire and apply knowledge, carefully consider decisions made and clearly plan actions, effectively collaborate in groups of diverse composition and profile, and be open to new contacts and cultural connections.

The environmental program forms in the child an understanding of life as the greatest value, which is achieved through direct communication with living things (houseplants, birds, animals, etc.), and through ideal (imaginary) interaction with natural objects.

The child’s awareness that the biosphere is not only a person, but also the entire diversity of living matter, which is an indispensable condition not only for the existence, but also for the development of humanity.

This program not only helps to expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the world around them, but also forms holistic view about nature based on the development of intellectual potential, mental state and physical health of children of primary school age, developing the environmental aspect of modern culture.

Focus additional educational program - general intellectual. This program is a mechanism for integration, ensuring the completeness and integrity of the content of programs in subjects, expanding and enriching it. Project activities at the educational complex “School of Russia” are mandatory and provide for the participation of all students in the class in the work of educational clubs of various directions.

Relevance program is due to its methodological significance. The knowledge and skills necessary for organizing project and research activities will in the future become the basis for organizing research activities in universities, colleges, technical schools, etc.

The pedagogical feasibility of the “I Explore the World” club program includes project activities in the content of various courses and extracurricular activities. The program allows you to implement currently relevant competency-based, personality-oriented, activity-based approaches.

This program integrates and complements content of subject programs of the surrounding world, literary reading, mathematics, music, fine arts.

Target programs – formation of information literacy of students on the basis of independent research of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world and scientific knowledge. Personal development and foundation creative potential students.

Development of appropriate behavior in younger schoolchildren.


1. Formation of knowledge about the patterns and interrelations of natural phenomena, the unity of inanimate and living nature, society and humans.

2. Formation of conscious ideas about the norms and rules of behavior in nature and habits of observing them in one’s life.

3. Formation of environmental value orientations in children’s activities.

4. Fostering a responsible attitude towards health, nature, life

5. Becoming aware of the uniqueness, inimitability and irreplaceability of any natural object, recognizing the intrinsic value of Nature.

6. Development of the ability to form scientific, aesthetic, moral and legal judgments on environmental issues.

7. Development: alternative thinking in choosing ways to solve environmental problems, perception of the beautiful and the ugly, feelings of satisfaction and indignation from the behavior and actions of people in relation to health and the natural world.

8. Development of the need for the necessity and possibility of solving environmental problems available to primary schoolchildren, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, striving for an active practical activities on protection environment.

9. Development of knowledge and skills in assessing and forecasting the state and protection of the natural environment.

Expected results.

Personal results is the formation of the following skills:

    Evaluate life situations(people's actions) from the point of view of generally accepted norms and values: in the proposed situations, note specific actions that can be assessed as good or bad.

    Explain from the perspective of universal human moral values, why specific actions can be assessed as good or bad.

    On one's own determine And express the simplest rules of behavior common to all people (the foundations of universal moral values).

    In the proposed situations, relying on simple rules of behavior common to all, make a choice.

Meta-subject results is the formation of the following universal learning actions (UAL)

Regulatory UUD:

    Define And formulate the purpose of the activity together with the teacher.

    pronounce sequencing.

    Study express your guess (version).

    Study work according to the plan proposed by the teacher.

    Study differ a correctly completed task from an incorrect one.

    Learn together with the teacher and other students to give emotional assessment activities.

Cognitive UUD : Navigate your knowledge system: differ new from what is already known with the help of a teacher. Make a preliminary selection of information sources.

    Gain new knowledge: find answers answer questions using your life experience.

    draw conclusions as a result of joint work of the whole class.

    Process the information received: compare And group objects and their images.

    Convert information from one form to another: details retell small texts, name their topic.

Communication UUD: Communicate your position to others: draw up your thoughts in oral and written speech (at the level of a sentence or small text).

    Listen And understand speech of others.

    Jointly agree on the rules of communication and behavior at school and follow them.

Forms for summing up implementation results

    feedback from participants about the project

    creation of projects

    exhibitions of drawings and crafts


General characteristics of the program.

“I Explore the World” is an integrated course for primary schoolchildren, the content of which examines the variety of manifestations of forms, colors, interconnections of the natural world, the basic methods and ways of understanding it, and develops the aesthetic perception and artistic thinking of primary schoolchildren. The study of this course creates conditions for the formation of a value-based attitude of primary schoolchildren towards nature, instilling the fundamentals of environmental responsibility as an essential component of environmental culture.

The course program complements and expands the content of individual topics in the subject area “The World around us” due to interdisciplinary integration: knowledge of a natural science nature is enriched through the introduction of elements of knowledge from the ecological and humanitarian-aesthetic cycles.

The object of study of the course is the natural and socio-natural environment of the primary school student. The main emphasis in the content of the course is on the development of observation skills in younger schoolchildren and the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships. The course content includes information about such methods of understanding nature as observation, research, and systematization of knowledge.

The program includes excursions and practical classes in the immediate natural and socio-natural environment.

The educational function is to develop in a primary school student the need to understand the world around him and his connections with it, environmentally sound needs, interests, norms and rules (primarily a humane attitude towards the natural environment, towards living beings). Training and education in the process of studying the course will contribute to development. Emotional sphere younger schoolchild, his ability to empathize and compassion.

Children need to be given the opportunity to talk about their work, show what they have done, and hear praise addressed to them. It would be good if not only other children, but also parents were present at the presentation of the project results.

Value guidelines.

Contents of the course program “I explore the world” directed to:

    development of students’ aesthetic perception of the world around them;

    formation of ideas about nature as a universal value;

    studying folk traditions that reflect the attitude of the local population to nature;

    development of skills related to the study of the environment;

Place in educational activities.

The content of the “I Explore the World” program is related to many academic subjects, in particular: mathematics, literary reading, and the world around us.

The course is included in the section of the curriculum “Extracurricular Activities”, the direction is “Project Activities”.

Age children participating in the implementation of this additional educational program: 8 – 9 years old.

Program implementation period : 1 year(2015 – 2016 academic year).

Forms of lesson mode club "I explore the world" 2 hoursin Week in the classroom, in museums of various types, libraries, in the school grounds, at various city sites (parks, squares, streets, architectural landmarks, etc.) project activities include experiments, observations, excursions for junior schoolchildren, Olympiads, project implementation, etc. .d. Project activities involve searching for the necessary missing information in encyclopedias, reference books, books, electronic media, the Internet, the media, etc. The source of the necessary information can be adults: representatives various professions, parents, enthusiastic people, as well as other children.

Criteria for assessing the development of communicative competence

Level I (primary school)

1 point

2 points

Written communication

The student presented the question in compliance with the text formatting standards specified in the sample.

The student presented the question in compliance with the standards for text formatting and supporting graphics specified in the sample.

Oral presentation

The student built his speech in accordance with the norms of the Russian language, referring to the text compiled with the help of the teacher or independently.

The student built his speech in accordance with the norms of the Russian language, referring to a plan drawn up with the help of the teacher or independently.

The student repeated the desired fragment of his speech in response to a clarifying question.

The student brought Additional information in response to a clarifying question.

Productive communication (group work)

Students spoke according to the topic and procedure of the discussion, if the teacher acted as a facilitator of the discussion.

Students largely independently followed the discussion procedure set by the teacher.

Students expressed ideas that arose directly during the discussion, or their attitude towards the ideas of other group members, if the teacher encouraged them to do so.

The student expressed ideas prepared in advance.

Criteria for assessing the development of information competence

Level I (primary school)

1 point

2 points

Search for information

The student asked questions indicating missing information while performing an activity that required the information.

The student asked questions indicating a lack of specific information during a discussion with the supervisor about the overall project plan.

The student demonstrated mastery of information from the source indicated by the teacher.

The student recorded comprehensive information from the source indicated by the teacher.

Data processing

The student presented the information received.

The student presented those pieces of information received that were new to him or asked questions for understanding.

The student reproduced the argumentation and conclusion contained in the studied source of information.

The student gave an example confirming the conclusion borrowed from the source of information.

Criteria for assessing the development of problem-solving competence

Level I (primary school)

1 point

2 points

Formulation of the problem

The student confirmed his understanding of the problem formulated by the teacher.

The student explained the reasons why he began to solve the problem formulated by the teacher.

Goal setting and planning

The student confirmed his understanding of the purpose and objectives of the project as formulated by the teacher.

The student, with the help of the teacher, formulated tasks that corresponded to the goals of the project.

After completing the project, the student shared what was done during the project.

After completing the project, the student described the sequence and relationship of the actions taken.

After completing the project, the student described the resulting product.

At the planning stage, the student described the product he expected to receive.

Result evaluation

The student expressed an evaluative attitude towards the resulting product.

The student presented an argument confirming the validity of the expressed evaluative attitude.

The student expressed his impression of working on the project.

The student named the difficulties he encountered while working on the project.




List of sections

Number of hours





First steps along ecological paths.





Wonders of nature.





Me and the world around.





In a healthy body healthy mind.












Section 1. First steps along ecological paths. 8 hours

Theory 4 hours – introduction to project activities, formation of the concept of “project activity”, development of cooperation skills. Introduction to the rules of teamwork: What is a team? How to work in a team?

Children get acquainted with the science of ecology and get an idea of ​​the basic concepts of elementary natural history. Consider environmental problems, disasters and look for an answer to the question; “How can I help nature?”

Object of study: ecology.

Practice 4 hours

Creating projects:

Project on the topic: “We are the inhabitants of planet Earth

Album of essays “How can I help nature” (design technology, first public speaking skills)

Section 2.Wonders of nature 38 hours

Theory 19 hours – Object of study: objects and natural phenomena. Obtaining knowledge about plant reproduction, natural phenomena, and the life of rare plants; planning and performing simple observations of natural objects;

compiling a description of natural objects based on the proposed algorithm; finding examples in the immediate natural environment that confirm the relationship between plants and animals.

Practice 19:00

Ecological albums “Plant World”, “Animal World”

The project “Sun on the Palm” (sunflower applique) is about the role of sunflowers in the lives of people and animals of the field.

Campaign “Help the birds in winter” (preparing seeds for bird feed)

Mini-encyclopedias: “White-trunked beauty”, “How do plants and birds predict the weather?”, “Medicinal plants”.

Presentation “Bread is the head of everything!”

Section 3.Me and the world around. 16 hours

Theory 8 hours – observation of seasonal changes in nature. Acquaintance with artists who depicted nature, research on the problem of deforestation, broadening one’s horizons (gathering the necessary information, the ability to work with scientific material.

Practice 8 hours - study and develop the capabilities of the senses as a source of information about the environment; work with various instruments and equipment necessary for carrying out observations and measurements in nature; express your emotions and feelings that arise during communication with nature, with the help of artistic expression, drawing, and small plastic forms; messages; creation of the project “Blossoming Window Sill”, release of propaganda leaflets “Be a Readable City”, feeding birds, etc.

Section 4. A healthy mind in a healthy body. 5h

Theory 2 hours – introduction to the system of valeological knowledge, skills and abilities; personal hygiene skills; knowledge in the field of healthy lifestyle; prevention and overcoming bad habits. Rules for healthy eating.

Practice 3 hours - project “The Road to Good Health” (bad and healthy habits), project “Vitamins are our friends and helpers” (vegetables and fruits - vitamin products used in food), presentation of projects.

Basic concepts of the course being studied:

Projects various directions serve as a continuation of the lesson and provide for the participation of all students in club work, are reflected on the pages of textbooks, notebooks for independent work and anthologies. Project method – pedagogical technology, the goal of which is focused not only on the integration of existing factual knowledge, but also the acquisition of new ones (sometimes through self-education). Project – literally “thrown forward”, i.e. prototype, prototype of any object or type of activity. Student Project is a didactic means of activating cognitive activity, developing creativity and at the same time forming certain personal qualities, which the Federal State Educational Standard 2010 defines as the result of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

Work on the project is preceded by the necessary stage - work on the topic, during which children are asked to collect a wide variety of information on a general topic. In this case, students themselves choose what exactly they would like to learn within the framework of this topic. During further work on projects, the compiled general encyclopedia or card index can serve as one of the main sources of information on the topic.

Suggested course of action:

1. Introducing the class to the topic.

2. Selection of subtopics (areas of knowledge).

3. Collection of information.

4. Selection of projects.

5. Work on projects.

6. Presentation of projects.

The teacher chooses a general topic or organizes its choice by students. The criterion for choosing a topic may be the desire to implement any project related in plot to any topic.

When choosing a subtopic, the teacher not only offers a large number of subtopics, but also suggests to the students how they can formulate them themselves.

Classic sources of information - encyclopedias and other books, including from the school library. In addition, these are videotapes, encyclopedias and other materials on CDs, stories from adults, and excursions.

The stories of adults mean not only the stories of parents to their children, but also conversations and interviews with specialists in some field of activity, including during specially organized meetings of specialists with children at school.

Possible excursions are excursions either to museums or to operating enterprises.

In addition, adults can help children obtain information from the Internet.

After information on most of the subtopics has been collected, the teacher states this fact, reminds those who are late to hurry up, and discusses with the children what projects (crafts, research and activities) are possible based on the results of studying the topic.

Creative works can be, for example: a drawing, a postcard, a craft, a sculpture, a toy, a story, a counting rhyme, a riddle, a quiz, KVN, a newspaper, a book, a photo album, stand design, electronic presentation, holiday, etc..

Children themselves choose a topic that interests them or propose their own topic. The teacher does not force the children; he must keep in mind that children who do not participate in this project can take part in the next one.

It is advisable to make successful discoveries while working on the project the property of the whole class, this can increase interest and attract other children to work on the project

Each project must be brought to successful completion, leaving the child with a sense of pride in the result. After completing the project, children should be given the opportunity to talk about their work, show what they did, and hear praise addressed to them. It would be good if not only other children, but also parents were present at the presentation of the project results.

Summing up forms program implementation may bepresented through project presentations, participation in competitions and olympiads in various fields, exhibitions, drawings, crafts, etc.


Primary education differs significantly from all subsequent stages of education, during which systematic courses are studied. In this regard, the equipment of the educational process at this educational level has its own characteristics, determined by the specifics of training and education of junior schoolchildren in general.

IN primary school the foundations are laid for the subsequent study of systematic courses in physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history and social science. The course “I explore the world” contains elementary information about living and inanimate nature that is accessible to primary school age students; man, his biological nature and social essence; society, its history and culture. Therefore, the principle of visibility is one of the leading principles of teaching in primary school, since it is visibility that underlies the formation of ideas about the objects of nature and culture of human society.

In this regard, the main role is played by teaching aids, including visual aids:

1) natural living benefits- houseplants; animals kept in an aquarium or wildlife area;

2) herbariums; insect collections; wet preparations; stuffed animals and skeletons of representatives of various systematic groups; microslides;

3) collections rocks, minerals, minerals;

4) geographical and historical maps;

5) items, representing the life of a traditional and modern family, its household, everyday, festive life and much more from the life of society.

Another means of clarity is equipment formultimedia demonstrations ( computer, media projector, DVD projector, VCR etc.) andmeans of recording the surrounding world ( photo and video camera ). Thanks to the Internet and a unified collection of digital educational resources (for example, ) allows you to provide a visual representation of the vast majority of course topics. The use of a variety of teaching aids in combination allows one to form correct ideas about the objects being studied.

Along with the principle of clarity in studying a course in primary school, the principle of subjectivity plays an important role, in accordance with which students carry out various actions with studied objects. In the course of such activities, students develop practical skills and abilities, and ensure conscious assimilation of the material being studied.

In elementary school, students begin to develop cognitive interests and cognitive motivation. At this age, most schoolchildren express an interest in studying nature. This is greatly facilitated by the activity-based, practice-oriented nature of the course content, as well as the use of a variety of teaching tools during its study. These include primarily a set of encyclopedias for primary schoolchildren, allowing you to organize a search for information that interests children. In addition, an important role belongs to excursions.

Description of the material and technical support of the program.

Logistics support.

1. Large children's encyclopedia (6-12 years old). [ Electronic resource] (09.03.11)

2. A. Likum - Children's encyclopedia. [Electronic resource] (09.03.11)

3. Why and therefore. Children's encyclopedia. [Electronic resource] (09.03.11)

4. Great Children's Encyclopedia. Russian language. [Electronic resource] (09.03.11)

5. Extracurricular activities in primary school in terms of the content of the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education. Can a textbook become an assistant? [Electronic resource]


1. Grigoriev D.V. Extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. Methodological designer: a manual for teachers / D.V. Grigoriev, P.V Stepanov. – M: Education, 2010.

2. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of a Russian citizen. – M.: Enlightenment, 2010.

3. Mokienko V.M. Into the depths of sayings: Stories about the origin of popular words and figurative expressions. – St. Petersburg: Avalon, ABC-classics, 2008.

4. Otkupshchikov Yu.V. To the origins of the word: Stories about the origin of words. St. Petersburg: Avalon, ABC-classics, 2008.

5. Pakhomova N.Yu. Method educational project in an educational institution. – M.: Arkti, 2003.

6. Polivanova K.N. Project activities for schoolchildren: a manual for teachers / K.N. Polivanov. – M.: Education, 2008.

7. Sample programs of extracurricular activities. Primary and basic education / (V.A. Gorsky, A.A. Timofeev, D.V. Smirnov, etc.) - M.: Education, 2010.

8. Four-year primary school programs: “Promising primary school” / R.G. Churakova, M.L. Kalenchuk, N.A. Churakova, A.L. Chekin and others; Comp. R.G. Churakova. – M,: Academbook/Textbook, 2010.

9. Design tasks in elementary school: a manual for teachers / (A.B. Vorontsov, V.M. Zaslavsky, S.E. Egorkina, etc.); edited by A.B. Vorontsova. – M.: Education, 2010.

10. Savenkov A.I. Methods of research teaching for junior schoolchildren. – Samara: Publishing House"Fedorov", 2010.

11. Learning mathematics with passion./Auth.-comp. A.V. Kochergina, L.I. Gaidina. – M,: 5 for knowledge, 2008.

12. Federal state educational standard for primary general education / Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M.: Education, 2010.

List of literature for children.

1. Likum A. Everything about everything. Children's encyclopedia. M., 1997.

2. Sukhin I.G. Moidodyr, Chernomor, Snowman. – M., 1996.

3. Children's encyclopedias.

4. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary.

5. Pleshakov A.A. Atlas of nature.


on educational work

mug “I explore the world” for the 2015-2016 academic year.






Learning Tool


First steps along ecological paths (8 hours)

What is ecology?

Excursion into nature.


The ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior.

How do we understand the world?

Collection of data on environmental issues.

Collection of information. Project “We love nature”.

Selection required material on a given topic.

Wonders of nature (38 hours).

What's happened? Who it?



Goal setting –

The ability to set tasks based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is still unknown;

- planning result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

- grade– identification and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation;

- self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to volitional effort (to make a choice in a situation of motivational

Excursion. Observing seasonal changes in nature. Making crafts from natural materials.

Drawing competition “We draw nature.”

Miracles and secrets of nature.

Working with reference literature. Collecting information about amazing natural phenomena. Unusual plants and animals of the planet.

Save nature.

Making posters about nature conservation.

Research work.

What does a plant give to a person?

Research work.

conflict) and overcoming obstacles.


Identification and formulation of a cognitive goal; search and selection of necessary information;

Acquaintance with plants that need protection. Drawing up leaflets on nature conservation.

Gathering information, making presentations.

Eco-practice “Guess the mushroom”.

Collection of information. Drawing up the project “Mushroom Glade”.

Collection of information. Preparation of booklets.

Collection of information.

Animals of the forest

Project "Animals of Forests".

They want to live!

Collecting information about insects. Harmful and beneficial insects. Drawing up a project.

Life in the water.

Collection of information. Compilation of the project.

Human and nature.

SQS workshop. Production of posters on nature conservation.

Me and the world around (16 hours).

Excursion. Seasonal changes in nature. Drawing from impressions (application).

Application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools; structuring knowledge;

Modeling; analysis of objects in order to identify features - synthesis - composing a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

Construction of a logical chain of reasoning;


Proposing hypotheses and their substantiation.


Cooperation with the teacher and peers, the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Collection of information (stories, poems). Bird feeding.

Live, Christmas tree!

Consider the problem of cutting down Christmas trees in new year holidays. Campaign “Live, Christmas tree!” Making Christmas trees from different materials.

Nature through the eyes of artists.

Getting to know artists and works of art. Game “We are Artists”

Collecting information (poems, riddles, sayings about spring), designing the project.

On forest thawed patches.


Collecting information about primroses. Campaign “Save the flowers!”

Collection of information. Project "Blossoming window sill".


SQS workshop.




Environmental action. Production of propaganda leaflets “The city should be clean!”

In a healthy body healthy mind! (5 o'clock).





Investigate the effect of vitamins on the development of the body.

Gathering the necessary information.


Visiting Dr. Aibolit.




Rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle. Drawing up a memo.




Watching a video.


Final lesson.




Summing up the results for the year.

Calendar-thematic planning.



Number of hours



What is ecology?




How do we understand the world?




We are inhabitants of planet Earth. What is an environmental problem?




Ecological knowledge in proverbs, sayings, legends.




Learning to work with an encyclopedia




What's happened? Who it?




Phenological observations “Autumn in nature




Lesson – discussion “Can we live without nature”




Miracles and secrets of nature.




Save nature.




When did plants appear on Earth?




What does a plant give to a person?




What treasures does the forest hide? Rare and endangered plants.




Eco-practicum “Do you know berries?




Eco-practice “Guess the mushroom”.




Eco-practicum Poisonous plants of the forest"




How do plants and animals predict the weather?




Animals of the forest


11.01, 18.01


They want to live!


25.01, 01.02


Life in the water.


08.02, 15.02


Human and nature.




Phenological observations “Winter - dormancy”




“My titmouse is in good hands”




Live, Christmas tree!




Nature through the eyes of artists.




Phenological observations “Spring – the awakening of nature”




On forest thawed patches.





What does a houseplant give to a person?





SQS workshop.





Conversation-workshop “Vegetables, berries and fruits are the most vitamin-rich foods!”

Visiting Dr. Aibolit.






What dangers await us?




Final lesson.



Project “I explore the world”

(using the example of the work of a school cycling club " Velos ", MBOU "1-Khomustakh secondary school", Namsky ulus, Republic of Sakha Yakutia)
In the Law “On the Fundamentals tourism activities in the Russian Federation" the following basic definitions and concepts are given:

  • tourism- temporary departures (travels) of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter referred to as citizens) from their permanent place of residence for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities in the country (place) of temporary stay;

  • tourism amateur - travel using active modes of transportation, organized by tourists independently;

  • tourist- a citizen visiting the country (place) of temporary stay for health, educational, professional, business, sports, religious and other purposes without engaging in paid activities for a period from 24 hours to 6 months in a row or spending at least one overnight stay.
Historically, tourism has developed as an objective social phenomenon, satisfying human needs for education, knowledge, communication, and recreation. Therefore, it is advisable to define tourism as special kind activities during travel, in free time from work to meet human needs in physical and moral education, knowledge of the environment, communication, recreation using tourism resources in achieving tourist goals: recreational, sports, cultural and educational, local history and research, professional business, etc.

An analysis of work experience in organizing cycling tourism for teenagers showed that the means of tourism include: bike rides, excursions, hikes and travel, rallies and competitions, complex tours and camps by type of cycling tourism, tourist entertainment and active recreation, tourist expeditions, tourist local history, etc. .

An experimental test of the effectiveness of the formation of cognitive activity of adolescents in the process of cycling tourism was carried out in the practice of the Altair tourist and local history camp, which began operating in 2005.

The main task of the tourist and local history camp "Altair" is to create conditions for improving the health of children, implementing health, sports, cultural and leisure programs, as well as realizing the needs and interests of students through active cognitive activity through bicycle tourism.

  • developing teenagers' knowledge of cycling;

  • formation of a set of teenagers’ skills in implementing cycling tourism;

  • activation of the socially oriented position of adolescents.
The first and most important task was to develop a project in the process of cycling tourism as an intensive development activity.

The social and pedagogical potential of the tourist and local history camp “Altair” is determined by:

  • the possibility of expanding the boundaries of a teenager’s interaction with the outside world, macro- and microenvironment;

  • the presence of diversity in the content of the activities of tourist associations, which contributes to the development of teenagers’ knowledge of cycling tourism;

  • providing a living space in which self-knowledge occurs in social circumstances.
As a first step, we thoroughly studied the level of demand for cycling tourism implemented in the Altair tourist and local history camp.

At the beginning of the experimental work, in order to identify the level of demand for bicycle tourism as a sphere of additional educational services, we conducted a survey and studied the needs of students at the 1-Khomustakh secondary school, in which 145 schoolchildren in grades 5-11 took part. The results of the survey showed that many types of additional educational services are in demand among schoolchildren.

Studying social demand for educational services was carried out not only on the basis of studying the needs of children in their development, but also on the basis of an analysis of statistical indicators of the activity of the Altair camp from the moment it began its activities, i.e. since 2005, as well as identifying parents’ opinions on the impact of cycling tourism on the development of adolescents. The survey and observations show that the rating of the Altair tourist and local history camp is increasing every year.

As a result of the analysis of parents’ attitudes about the influence of cycling tourism on the development of adolescents, it was revealed that 33% of parents define cycling as a favorite activity, and 30% as an opportunity to improve health, 37% of parents noted the importance of cycling tourism in the social education of adolescents.

Of particular interest is the opinion of parents about the role of cycling tourism in the life of a teenager: making life more interesting - 59.3%, preparing a teenager for life in all respects - 40%, supplementing school with education - 16%, taking a teenager away from street groups - 33.7%, teach a profession - 24.6%, teach humanity and morality - 26.2%, cycling is not needed - 0.8%, found it difficult to answer - 2.5%.

During the ascertaining and transformative stages of the experiment, we conducted studies of the motivational readiness of 20 schoolchildren - participants in the local history cycling club, which showed that interests in the chosen activity became more stable (Table 1).

Table 1
Dynamics of children's motivational orientation tourist and local history camp "Altair"

When designing the content of social education in the Altair tourist and local history camp, we relied on the scientifically substantiated relationship and interdependence of goal setting, design, forecasting, and modeling.

Local history activities, built on the study of material monuments of history and culture, have a number of specific features that allow it to be considered a comprehensive means of comprehensive personal development. Built on interest in the history of the native land, it carries the educational function of developing patriotism and love for one’s small and large Motherland. Forming interest in the educational subject “History”, it involves the development of the cultural experience accumulated by humanity and the formation of value orientations and beliefs of students based on a personal understanding of the experience of history.

Project of the program “Development of cognitive activity of adolescents through cycling tourism”

Project concept . Having conducted a comprehensive study of the region’s tourism resources and an analysis of the tourism market of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), we saw that in Namsky ulus there is everything the necessary conditions for the development of educational cycling tourism. Cycling tourism in the region can have great dynamics and develop exponentially because in the ulus there are opportunities to organize intermediate stops and tent camps in the village. Nikoltsy and in the village. Khatyn-Aryy, which makes it possible to create one-day and multi-day cycling tours, you can also create routes taking into account the wishes of the participants, for example: send several groups with a small gap and add a playful nature to the cycling tour; create themed bike tours; make educational bicycle tours, for example, for collecting medicinal herbs; leave bicycle tours for mushroom pickers, berry pickers, etc.

In other words, this project can be widely used in practice, since the proposed program and the bike tours included in it are novel, cost-effective and can be used for cultural, educational, health, entertainment and recreational purposes. The draft program can serve as the basis for the development of new educational cycling tours for teenagers within this republic. Bicycle tourism for teenagers can be used to conduct and organize trips for the purpose of recreation, entertainment, and knowledge, which include visiting museums, historical places, cultural monuments of the republic, etc.

Audience characteristics:

The developed program and the bike tours included in it are aimed at a specific market segment – ​​teenagers. This category of the population does not have financial income, has certain interests and needs more in communication and self-expression than in learning something new. Teenagers focus on active recreation that does not require large mental and material costs.

The main idea of ​​the project – use historical, ethnic, cultural, educational, natural and entertainment resources of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) with the purpose of developing the cognitive activity of adolescents, through cycling tourism, provide teenagers with the opportunity to get acquainted with history, culture, ethnography and nature, and see the beauty of their native land. Bicycle tours have specially designed programs, which include visits to various excursion sites, acquaintance with uluses, villages, and their customs. Bike tours will take the form of well-organized programs, but at the same time free. These tours include excursion services, accommodation, and guide services.

Objective of the project: to develop a cycling tour program aimed at teenagers in order to develop their cognitive and social activity, making maximum use of the cultural and educational potential of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).


  1. Identify the specifics of bike tours for teenagers;

  2. Identify the interests and needs of teenagers for travel.

  3. Formation of intellectual, communicative and practice-oriented competencies.

  4. Forming an attitude towards cognitive activity as a value.

  5. Explore the tourist resources of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Range of services provided:

Cultural program - during bicycle tours, a rich excursion, cultural and educational program is provided with visits to both natural and cultural-historical sites, as well as communication with peers: holding games, discos, competitions.

By transportation – mode of transport – bicycle

Accommodation: tent camps, motels.

For food - full meals in motels and teahouses.

Project implementation stages:

1.Search and research stage

Project topics:

  • "Lensky prison";

  • "Wooden architecture of antiquity";

  • "Monuments of ethnography."
2. Technological stage:

  • Drawing up a project for organizing a bike tour;

  • documentation development;

  • drawing up bicycle tour routes, alternative solutions;

  • recruitment;

  • implementation of bicycle tours.
3. Final stage:

  • economic calculation;

  • preparation of project materials and research works;

  • protection of the bike tour project;

  • implementation of the project.
Main directions of pedagogical and educational activities when organizing educational bike tours:

1. Development of cognitive activity of adolescents, receiving additional knowledge in history, local history, broadening the horizons of students.

2.Development of social and public activity. Educational tasks are successfully solved only if the children’s activities have a socially useful orientation, and the results of their work are practical use(speech in front of the school community, parents, sponsors; making souvenirs for the sponsored kindergarten; organization of trips; performances of the propaganda team in other schools, organization of work with younger schoolchildren etc.).

3 . Development of initiative and creativity.

  • All work must be based on self-management, voluntariness and initiative.

  • To develop the creative abilities of cycling tour participants, we organize propaganda teams, groups of designers, poets, artists, photographers, correspondents, etc. “Difficult” teenagers also find their place in such groups, because they can demonstrate their capabilities, show themselves with positive side, gain authority, assert oneself in school life based on positive experience.
4. Formation public opinion based on communication.

  • The role of a bicycle tour as a center of communication is great. It is here that the guys have the opportunity to freely and easily discuss current life issues and all sorts of problems that concern them personally.
5. Organization of cultural recreation and entertainment.

  • All functions of a bike tour are interconnected. Solving educational and educational problems only benefits from organizing good rest and entertainment.
Project implementation mechanisms:

To achieve the main goals and solve problems it is necessary:

  • Contacts with institutions and officials of the healthcare system, education and other organizations;

  • Allocation of vouchers for children's health;

  • Involving children in a local history expedition;

  • Search for specialists for meetings, lectures, sports competitions;

  • Interaction with the media;

  • Interaction educational institutions Megino-Kangalassky. Churapchinsky and Tattinsky uluses;

  • Acquiring and reading literature about the Tattinsky, Churapchinsky, Megino-Kangalassky uluses;

  • Drawing up travel routes;

  • Making pennants and a booklet about the camp

Routes change annually.

  • 1-Khomustakh - Grafskiy Bereg - Khatas - Buoyun - Sottintsy - Uodei - 1-Khomustakh - 140 km;

  • 1-Khomustakh-Norogana-Mugudai-Churapcha-Cherkeeh-1-Khomustakh - 269 ​​km

  • 1-Khomustakh-Kildyamtsy-Yakutsk-Oktetemtsy-Pokrovsk-Kachikatsy-Samartai-Nizhny Bestyakh-1-Khomustakh - 283km

  • Khomustaakh-Maya-Emis-Amma-Botun -Aba5a -Sahyl Syhyy--Khomustaakh" - 532 km and others.
Personnel resource for bicycle tours:

  • Bike tour organizer,

  • 2 teachers,

  • club workers,

  • cook,

  • driver,

  • honey. worker.
In order to develop the cognitive activity of adolescents, our program has developed schoolchildren's research projects followed by discussion of them at school conferences.

Topics of research projects for students based on the results of the cycling tour for the academic year:

  • “Historical sketches of the past: “Lensky fort”;

  • “Eduard Karlovich Pekarsky is the creator of the fundamental “Dictionary of the Yakut Language”;

  • “Suorun Omolloon is the initiator and leader of the work on organizing a museum of political exile”;

  • “Tatta is the birthplace of P.A. Oyunsky”;

  • "Alumni Square":

  • “The fate of a writer is the fate of the people”;

  • “Report on a trip to Tattinsky ulus”;

  • "Linguist Semyon Andreevich Novgorodov"

  • "Political exile Korolenko"

  • “The first secretary of the Komsomol cell is Timofey Nikolaevich Okhlopkov (Sottoy)”

  • "Museum of Cosmonautics in Yakutia"

  • "The Sofronov Brothers"

Conclusions on implementation program “Development of cognitive activity of adolescents through cycling tourism”:

During the camp, historical and memorable places Namsky, Megino-Kangalassky, Churapchinsky, Tattinsky, Khangalassky, Amginsky uluses;

During the planned cycling route “Monuments of Ethnography,” participants visit and study the historical and cultural resources of the region: the M.K. Amosov, tourist ethnographic-architectural complex “Urduk Iire”, historical places and monuments, museums of Megino-Kangalassky, Churapchinsky, Tattinsky, Khangalasssky, Ust-Aldansky, Gorny uluses, Chorkokhi Historical and Ethnographic Museum, etc.;

Based on the bike tours, presentation material “Historical sketches from the past of the Namsky ulus”, “Tatta-land of Olonkho” is being compiled. This includes all materials based on the results of the bike tour. Videos are filmed along the entire route.

Conditions are created for organizing interesting, physically active leisure for teenagers in the summer.

To organize the life of teenagers in a tourist camp, not a set of entertainment was developed, but a serious, real work, on which the success of the trip and the well-being of tourist life depended.

Thanks to communication with nature and involvement in active tourism activities, the children conducted physical training and learned the basics of safe life in natural conditions, comprehended ways to achieve maximum efficiency in solving non-standard situations, and realized their interests related to the romance of adventure.

In the process of organizing bicycle tours, conditions are created for creating interesting, physically active leisure for teenagers in the summer.

Main routes of the club:

  • 2005 1-Khomustakh – Grafsky – Bereg- 2-Khomustakh-Sottintsy-1-Khomustakh. 140 km

  • 2007 1-Khomustakh-Khatyn-Aryy-Betyuntsy-Khatyryk – “Urduk Iire” - 1-Khomustakh 110 km.

  • 2008 1-Khomustakh-Norogana-Mugudai-Churapcha-Cherkeeh-1-Khomustakh - 269 km

  • 2009 1-Khomustakh-Kildyamtsy-Yakutsk-Oktetyomtsy-Pokrovsk-Kachikattsy – Samartai-Nizhny Bestyakh-1-Khomustakh - 283 km

  • 2010 Khomustaakh-Maya-Emis-Amma-Botun -Aba5a -Sahyl Syhyy--Khomustaakh" - 532 km

  • 2011 Khomustaakh-1 Kangalassy-Sottintsy-Tumul-Kapteni-Dyupsya-Khomustakh-288 km

  • 2012 1-Khomustakh - Yakutsk - Magaras - Berdigestyakh - Dikimdya - Ebe - 1-Khomustakh - 564 km (125 km by bike)
Over the years, only 2189 km have been covered. paths, of which 1747 km by bicycle.

Bicycle tourism has a number of advantages compared to other ways of developing the cognitive activity of adolescents.

The main results of the study can be presented in the form of provisions:

1. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has natural, recreational, historical and cultural resources for the active development of bicycle tourism.

2. Teenage cycling tourism in conditions characteristic of a given territory is the optimal form for activity in this direction.

3. A set of tourism programs is proposed to ensure the cultural and physical development of adolescents, focused on the material capabilities of this segment of consumers of the tourism product.

4. During the implementation of this program, the process of developing the cognitive activity of participants (teenagers) took place in several areas:

A). Cultural and educational - through excursions to historical places and museums.

B). Ecological – through communication with nature;

IN). Wellness – with the help of physical training while cycling along developed routes;

G). Communicative and cognitive - in the process of communication and mutual assistance when a group of teenagers travels a tourist route.

The following criteria and their results serve as indicators of the influence of the activities of the cycling club on the socialization of schoolchildren:

Stability in the choice of value orientations;

Communication knowledge, skills and abilities;

The need to demonstrate organizational skills;

Positive changes in the relationship between children and parents;

Increased participation of children in organizing and conducting socially useful events;

Personal growth of each participant in the educational process.

Personal achievements are experience, a base that allows a child to move to a higher level of development; this is a guarantee of the success of further movement.
Head of the club " Velos » Krivoshapkina Zhanna Anatolyevna,

Teacher of the highest category,