“Young people in librarianship” - New for you - Review of exhibitions and events - Golyshmanovskaya Central Library. Republican forum “Young in librarianship Young in librarianship” magazine read online


Editor's column

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

Our magazine “Young in Librarianship” becomes a means of uniting and transmitting new knowledge about young people and for young people to the library community. In July 2010, the magazine will celebrate its seventh anniversary. Is this a lot or a little for a professional magazine? The answer may be ambiguous, but one thing can be said: some conclusions can be drawn. This small anniversary gives us the opportunity to talk about what has worked, what can be improved, and what our reserves are. What has been done gives us the right to present the magazine widely, through electronic space.

We hope that the declared ideology of the magazine is being realized, but it has remained unchanged:

the energy of young professionals, bringing constructive changes, must find its way out the magazine will bring the ideas of young leaders to the library community; older and middle generation librarians are ready to pass on their accumulated experience and acquired skills the journal will provide them with the opportunity to develop the professionalism of young ones; New ideas are constantly emerging in the professional creative environment The magazine will provide them with its pages.

By shape

The journal is published in two formats: in the form of a magazine and in the form of scientific and practical collections, so-called special issues.

In turn, special issues differ in:

Thematic: " Professional creativity"(No. 56 2003), "Competitions" (No. 910 2004), "Ekaterinburg: Career. Image" (No. 56 2005), "Social Issues" (No. 56 2006), "On the eve of the Forum of Young Librarians of Russia" (No. 23 2006), "Competition "The Best in Russian Libraries" (No. 10 11, No. 12 2008); Regional: “Stavropol Territory”, “Siberia” (No. 3-4 2004, No. 7 2005, No. 9-10 2006, No. 9-10 2007), “Omsk Region” (No. 5-6 2004), “Perm Region” (910 2005), “Library Kazakhstan” (No. 23 2008), “Young people in librarianship: foreign accent” No. 1112 2009).

In regional special issues, an attempt is made to reveal the material available in the field of view of the editors on a particular issue, through the activities of young specialists and their events, to highlight achievements in the field of librarianship in a particular region. In special issues, whenever possible, we publish a section “Cultural program”, dedicated to the sights of the regions in which certain conferences, schools, and seminars were held. Librarians, when inviting colleagues, want to show not only their professional achievements, but also to reveal the cultural environment in which the library atmosphere of the region is formed. Ancient monuments and modern architectural ensembles, museums and museum complexes everything that the host region is rich in is presented on the pages of our magazine.

It should be noted that the editors are gaining experience in preparing and publishing regional issues with shared funding from regional cultural departments or departments, regional sponsors and the magazine’s editorial staff. This makes it possible to increase the circulation in order to transfer this issue of the journal free of charge to every library in the region represented. The special issues “Omsk Region” and “Perm Region” were prepared precisely under these conditions.

You probably already noticed that the magazine has its own thematic preferences, and these are, first of all, FRAMEWORK and everything connected with them. From the choice of a librarian's profession to the retirement life of library specialists. We try to consider many phenomena through the prism personnel issues. Not everything planned has yet been reflected on the pages of our magazine, but we are only at the beginning of the journey. I think that with your help we will be able to discuss and, perhaps, find solutions to pressing issues. The second direction of publications DEVELOPMENT OF LIBRARY BUSINESS, IMPROVEMENT OF THE LIBRARY in the context of personnel, social and financial policies of the country. The PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS OF LIBRARIANS block stands out separately, reflecting our professional press and professional events.

The ideology of the journal, together with the editor-in-chief, is carried out by the editorial board, however, it does not represent an editorial board in the traditional sense. During the past period, work was underway to find specialists who would be interested in working in a journal of this type. Someone came to the magazine, someone left. We continue to search for interesting columns and those who can and want to run them. So a group of like-minded people leading columns scientists and specialists rallied around the magazine highly qualified, which due to job responsibilities or scientific preferences develop topics of interest to the journal. These specialists are the editorial board of the journal.

During this period, the magazine developed and improved: new authors appeared, new sections were created. Here are some figures for today: over 80 columns, about a thousand authors, most of them young, who saw their works for the first time on the pages of our magazine, over 800 published articles and other materials from many cities and villages in Russia and abroad.

Currently, many federal, regional levels, are carried out Scientific research, projects are being developed in which young specialists take an active part. Some conferences, festivals, and trainings are aimed specifically at the category of young professionals. The materials of these conferences, studies and projects, although of interest to the Russian library community, remain unclaimed due to the lack of information about them. Everything new, young, and emerging in librarianship is ours. New professional knowledge, promoting the development of specialists of a new formation, the basis of our magazine. We hope that we can do this.

The amount of information that is being accumulated by the library community, and which we would like to convey to you, the readers, does not always fit into the journal framework. Therefore, the editors are planning to release journal supplements. For now it’s just a dream, but we once dreamed about magazine offices. Today this is already a reality. The “first sign” in this direction was the correspondent point Scientific library Ulyanovsk State University.

This is the magazine today. How do you want to see him tomorrow? Dear fellow readers, let's talk about this! So:

Which leading librarianship specialist would you like to see on the pages of our magazine, in particular in the “Public Lecture” section? Maybe you wanted to talk with some of the representatives of government structures, party leaders, and politicians of our country? What professional problems would you like to be featured on the pages of a magazine? What other professional issues would you like to talk about on the pages of our magazine? What problems, in your opinion, should be devoted to special issues? Are you satisfied with the design and printing use of the magazine? What would you change about it? What materials would you like to receive as a supplement to the magazine?

We look forward to your feedback and fruitful cooperation!

Editor in Chief
"Young people in librarianship"
Tatyana Sergeevna Makarenko

Section “Young people in librarianship”

Edition: RBA Newsletter. - 2013. - No. 67. - P.68-69.

member of the Standing Committee of the Section “Young in Librarianship”, member of the Standing Committee of the Section on Library Services to Youth, Deputy Director of the Russian State Library for Youth

The meeting of the section “Young people in librarianship”, held on May 15, attracted more than 40 participants from 18 cities of Russia (Berezovsky, Vladimir, Volgograd, Voronezh, Izhevsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Ryazan, Samara, Severodvinsk, Stavropol, Togliatti, Tomsk, Tyumen, Cheboksary, Chelyabinsk), as well as Penza and the Penza region.

Theme of the meeting 2013 “Youth library movement in Russia: 20 years of search and concrete actions.” 13 reports and messages were heard and discussed on various aspects of personnel policy in the library field and the activities of young employees.

The basic report and summing up the 20-year activities of the “Young in Librarianship” program was made by its creator, long-term Chairman of the Section T.S. Makarenko. At the initial stage of the program, the task was to create a system of social and professional support for young librarians. The program was implemented in various areas: holding competitions and conferences, organizing internships, including foreign ones, and much more. The main idea of ​​the youth library movement is not the formation of a professional reservation of young librarians, but their involvement in the activities of the Russian library community. The results of the 20th anniversary of the program can be briefly described as follows: the problems of the personnel situation in the industry as a whole have been highlighted; Not only problems, but also the affairs of young people are brought up for broad discussion among the library community; a youth library movement has been created and is developing, its self-development is taking place; The movement has crossed the borders of Russia and is actively developing in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Belarus, etc.

It is logical that a number of reports in the first part of the meeting were devoted to the history, formation and development of the “Young in Librarianship” program. Representatives of the so-called “first wave” of the program from Omsk, Stavropol, Novosibirsk, Kaliningrad, Moscow recalled how it all began, analyzed what had been done and accomplished, summed up the results of the program, explained the reasons for the emergence and such rapid development of the youth library movement in those years.

M.P. made a problem-analytic report “Youth as a special category of library employees: problems and prospects.” Zakharenko. It also presented the main directions of further work of the Section “Young in Librarianship” of the RBA, including: conducting sociological research and monitoring on the problems of young employees in the industry; the formation of a multi-level and multi-aspect (in forms and content) system of vocational training (including online); creation of an effective corporate virtual communication platform with the aim of information support library youth; compiling and maintaining an electronic register of youth library associations for the purpose of their corporate interaction, establishing interregional and international connections with associations of young industry employees; development of grant support for library youth through the RBA and humanitarian foundations for participation in major professional forums; development of exemplary local regulations on socio-economic support for young library employees; Preparation methodological recommendations for inclusion in the Collective and employment contracts points by social protection young library workers; integration of library youth into the all-Russian youth movement and holding professional intersectoral events; identifying young library leaders and supporting their initiatives, wide popularization better experience working with young people in libraries.

The successful holding of periodic forums of young librarians in Russia and professional competitions within their framework was noted, and this direction will certainly be continued. This year, the V Forum will be held in Ryazan in September, and the next one is scheduled for Irkutsk.

In the second part of the meeting, young colleagues spoke. Elena Komelkova (Tyumen Regional Universal Scientific Library named after D.M. Mendeleev) introduced the 5-year activities of the Tyumen Regional Library Movement. It is distinguished by understanding and serious support of initiatives from the regional authorities. The speech of Elena Agarina (Novosibirsk regional youth library) about searching for new opportunities professional growth as part of the activities of the Guild of Young Librarians, which she heads. Members of the youth organization travel a lot to the municipalities of the region with seminars, trainings, and lectures, thereby providing a tremendous opportunity for advanced training for employees of municipal libraries, increasing their competence. Directors and middle managers of libraries often become active participants in such professional events. It is gratifying that there is complete mutual understanding and support between managers and young employees; there is no intergenerational conflict, which is quite often observed in library teams.

At the meeting, the results of the elections to the Standing Committee (SC) of the Section “Young in Librarianship” for the period 2013–2016 were presented. Members of the PC Section were: M.P. Zakharenko, Deputy Director for Scientific and Methodological Work of the Russian State Library for Youth, elected Chairman of the Section; N.S. Vyropaeva, Chairman of the Ryazan Regional Council of Young Librarians, Head of the Center for Youth Innovation of the Ryazan Regional Universal Scientific Library named after M. Gorky; ON THE. Dolgopolova, Chairman of the Youth Council of Omsk Municipal Libraries; leading specialist of the Central City Library of Omsk; A.V. Chuvilsky, Chairman of the Industry Youth Council (Moscow), Head of Department of the Central Universal Scientific Library named after N.A. Nekrasov city of Moscow. The new composition of the Standing Committee, in accordance with the rules adopted by the RBA, took office after the end of the Congress.

At the final Plenary meeting of the All-Russian Library Congress, on the initiative of the Section, the solemn ceremony “Initiation into the Profession” was held for the second time. It was led by the chairman of the Youth Council of the Penza Regional Scientific Library named after M.Yu. Lermontova Ekaterina Aksyonova. The RBA professional certificate was awarded to ten young employees of libraries in the Penza region. RBA President V.R. addressed parting words to library youth. Firsov.

Golyshmanovsky district is located in the center of the southern part of the Tyumen region. There are 26,056 thousand people living in the district. District center – r.p. Golyshmanovo (formerly Katyshka) is located on the Katyshka River (Irtysh basin) 225 km. east of Tyumen, with a population of 14,123 thousand people. In 2011, the village celebrated its 100th anniversary.

To the municipal autonomous institution“Golyshmanovskaya Central Library” includes 19 libraries (Central District Library, 18 rural libraries) and a local history museum. In 2011, the Central District Library turned 85 years old; in 2012, the Golyshmanovskaya Central Library celebrated its 35th anniversary. In total, the library system employs 37 specialists.

In March 2010, the Young Initiative Group “MIG” was created at the Golyshmanovskaya Central Library Association, which included young proactive, creative librarians under 35 years of age: Oleg Petrovich Khlystov, system administrator of the Central Library; Agamirova Nadezhda Mikhailovna, chief librarian of the reading room of the information and legal department; Astakhova Yulia Sergeevna, chief librarian for work with youth; Buslaeva Galina Sergeevna, chief librarian of the service department, Gorbunova Svetlana Vladimirovna, Ovchinnikova Marina Aleksandrovna. Now the composition of the group has changed, there are 12 people in total:

  • Astakhova Yulia Sergeevna, leading librarian of the information and analytical department of the central regional library, chairman of the youth association “MIG”;
  • Alekseeva Anastasia Valerievna, chief librarian of the Gladilovsky rural library;
  • Bashmakov Alexander Sergeevich, Chief Engineer MAU "Golyshmanovskaya TsBS";
  • Dyukov Denis Georgievich, software engineer;
  • Egunova Ksenia Vasilievna, category II librarian of the reading room of the service department of the central regional library;
  • Denisova Ksenia Igorevna, legal consultant;
  • Sinelnikova Svetlana Sergeevna, chief librarian of the Srednechirkovsky rural library;
  • Sharokha Anna Vladimirovna, librarian of the reading room of the children's department of the central regional library;
  • Shilkova Marina Anatolyevna, chief librarian of the Ust-Lamensky rural library;
  • Murzina Alena Nikolaevna, category II librarian of the Zemlyanovo Rural Library;
  • Ilminskaya Olga Alekseevna, chief librarian of the Razhevskaya rural library;
  • Tkachuk Antonina Andreevna, chief librarian of the Korolevskaya rural library.

The group’s motto: “We are young, which means we can handle all tasks!”

All group members pay great attention to self-education, improvement professional excellence. They are characterized by high social, civic and political activity. MIG – supporters of the United Russia party.

In 2010, at the II open meeting of young librarians “Young specialists are the main strategic resource of a modern library,” the MIL group took an active part and was awarded a Diploma in the “Generator of Ideas” nomination for the introduction of new forms and methods into the work of libraries and a certificate for 30 thousand rubles .

In 2011, at the III open meeting of young librarians of the Tyumen region “Library of the XXI century: new opportunities and development technologies”, the group received a II degree diploma in the “Computer Pro” nomination for the project “Website - business card libraries" and a certificate for 20 thousand rubles.

In 2012, at the IV open meeting of young librarians of the Tyumen region “The Library as a socio-cultural and information Center"The group took 3rd place in the nomination "More than a library" for the project "Keeping up with the times."

At the V open meeting of young librarians of the Tyumen region “Youth. Professionalism. Career" professional association of young specialists of the Golyshmanov library system "MIG" received a 1st degree diploma in the nomination "There will be a book!" for the “Book Trailer” project, created by the chief librarian of the Srednechirkovsky rural library, Svetlana Sergeevna Sinelnikova.

In 2014, at the VI open meeting of young librarians of the Tyumen region “Modern library in new formats”, the youth initiative group “MIG” received a diploma for participation in the competition and a valuable prize.

At the last rally, Golyshmanov librarians took first place in the category “More than a library” for their work “The Feat of the Golyshmanov People during the Great Patriotic War" The large-scale project to create an electronic Memory Book operating in the central library building has been appreciated. The MIG association was also awarded a certificate worth 30 thousand rubles. Golyshmanovskaya TsBS was awarded Letter of thanks Union of Writers of Russia.


Young people in the library

How to attract them and how to keep them

The rapid aging of library staff is alarming. There are few young staff in the libraries of the Perm region. There are even fewer reasons for optimism. It is unlikely that it will be possible to answer the three eternal Russian questions: who is to blame for this? where to begin? what to do? But let's look at the statistics and talk about what is already being done to change this situation.

Tatyana Valentinovna Vinogradova, chief librarian of ONIMR State Institution "Perm State Order of the Badge of Honor" regional universal library named after A. M. Gorky

In the MUNICIPAL libraries of the Perm region at the beginning of 2008 there were 2194 library worker. There are 234 young librarians under the age of 30 (10.7%). There are no particular differences in the indicators of the regional center and a remote rural area, for example, Yurlinsky (10.7% and 10%, respectively).

For comparison, we present data as of 01/01/2002.1 Despite the fact that since then the territorial boundaries of the Perm region have increased due to the annexation of 6 districts and the city of Kudymkar of the Komi-Permyak Okrug, the Perm Territory was formed, at that time there were more young librarians - 447 ( 21.4%).

If we compare the number of specialists with specialized education then and now, the picture looks like this (see diagram). Librarians with higher education in 2002 -

100 (22.4%), in 2007 - 29 (12.4%). There were 117 (26.2%) librarians with secondary specialized education in 2002, and 33 (14.1%) in 2007.

Diagram. Young librarians with library education

In 2007, not a single specialist who graduated from the full-time department of the Perm State Institute of Arts and Culture (PGIK) came to the municipal libraries; Only two came from the College of Culture. General educational level of applicants

Table 1.

Level of education of young librarians in the Perm region (as of 01/01/2008)

Year of birth Total bibliography - Higher bibliography - Secondary vocational - Secondary and Higher

tekarey library cial library non-core non-library

lyotechnoe special

1980 22 2 4 10 6

1981 32 4 5 18 5

1982 20 1 3 11 5

1983 26 3 8 15 -

1984 20 1 3 15 1

1985 17 1 2 11 3

1986 12 1 1 10 -

1987 15 1 1 13 -

1988 12 1 1 10 -

^¡bzY #22 *2008

The number of students entering college is decreasing every year, which is reflected in their academic performance. There are cases when, after such “specialists” have completed practical training, they are rejected from libraries. Given these bleak facts, it should still be noted: college graduates are easier to enter labor collectives, many of them stay in libraries for a long time and continue their correspondence studies at a university.

Of the analyzed group, 36.4% of librarians who had specialized secondary education entered the PSHIK. This figure cannot be considered high. Currently, there is no competition for library departments in universities, and motivation to master the library profession is low. Having received a good free liberal arts education, having mastered modern technologies and having acquired communication skills, graduates of these faculties can easily find a job - the labor market in the regional center provides great opportunities for choice in this regard. Young specialists - winners of various competitions (local, regional), participants and organizers of major events, who have successfully made a library career, have made a name for themselves, and receive lucrative offers from local administrations and other organizations. Increasing salaries to 7-13 thousand rubles will not solve the issue either. Real life well known to young people. The needs of young professionals and the opportunities provided by libraries do not yet coincide. Modern youth strive to live today, and do not hope for a bright tomorrow, no matter how rosy they paint it.

The largest group consists of young library employees with secondary and secondary specialized non-core education - 137 (58.5%) in 2007, 203 (45.4%) in 2002. 18 people with secondary education receive correspondence education at PGIK (13 ,1%). These librarians, in most cases, are ordinary employees in the acquisition and maintenance departments, and represent the “face” of the library before an army of thousands of readers. It’s a shame, but most often the image of the profession is formed during such meetings.

We must also take into account that today’s “schoolchildren of yesterday” and the graduates of 30 years ago are very different from each other. The modern generation of school graduates are computer literate, but the formation of their personality took place during a period when the attitude to reading and books was no longer the dominant factor in determining an educated person, even at an average level. Let's not deny: among librarians different ages and level of training, there are not many true reading lovers who have a deep knowledge of literature. Meanwhile, for librarians without special education, independent educational reading skills are of particular importance. The lack of incentives for self-development negatively affects the level of competence of personnel.

The number of librarians with higher non-core education in 2002 and 2007 is almost the same - 27 and 29. These are either temporary workers waiting for more advantageous offers, or workers who, for a number of reasons, have not proven themselves in their initially chosen profession. Library activities It’s still foreign to them, but there is a chance that for some of them it will become a lifelong endeavor.

The department of scientific research and methodological work has been conducting for more than 10 years electronic database“Personnel” data, which allows you to track changes in the staffing situation. Thus, it can be stated that a decrease in the educational level affects the ranks occupied in the UTS.

Table 2. ETS ranks of young librarians (as of 01/01/2008)

ETS category Number of employees, %

was less (18% and 8.7%, respectively).

The distribution of positions is as follows:

Methodist - 3 (1.3%);

Librarian - 155 (66.2%);

Bibliographer - 10 (4.3%);

Head library branch - 13 (5.6%);

Head department, sector - 11 (4.7%);

Chief librarian, bibliographer - 7 (3%);

Leading librarian, bibliographer - 11 (4.7%);

Deputy directors - 4 (1.7%);

Programmer - 20 (8.5%). a ■

In 2002, there were more librarians of the 8th and 10th grades (23.5% and 13.4%, respectively); librarians of the 6th and 7th categories, on the contrary, number

Presentation of diplomas to the winners of the competition

There are examples when the positions of methodologists, bibliographers, heads. rural branches are occupied by persons without appropriate education. The number of programmers has increased; as a rule, these are students correspondence departments colleges, universities.

From statistics to action

Many studies staffing end with conclusions, less often - with specific proposals, programs of activities aimed at positively changing the situation. Therefore, the activities of the creators of the Russian program “Young in Librarianship”, the organizers of international and Russian forums, gatherings, scientific and practical conferences of young specialists deserve the highest assessment. The formation and unity of a professional youth elite is a wonderful task. Many years of experience in this direction have been accumulated in the Perm region.

Start youth movement librarians of the Kama region were initiated by the regional scientific and practical conference “New technologies in library and information practice and[|>

personnel training" in 1998. Since 2002, the regional interdepartmental competition “Young in Librarianship” has been organized with the same frequency. Materials from these two events are reflected in special collections.

In April 2008, the VI NPC was held, at which the results of the IV regional competition were summed up. In the IV regional interdepartmental competition, the evaluation

Speech by A. Belov, programmer of the scientific library of Perm State Technical University

There were 44 works by 43 participants (29 works were submitted to the 1st competition in 2002). Librarians from 20 territories of the region took part in the competition. Age composition of the contestants: under 25 years old - 21%, under 30 years old - 35%, under 35 years old - 44%. Of these: methodologists - 9%, bibliographers - 19%, heads of sectors, departments, branches of libraries - 28%, chief specialists - 12%, deputy directors - 7%. Nine librarians represented 4 libraries of state universities.

The nominations “Applied Developments” and “Ideas, Innovative Proposals” are still very popular. The number of submitted works in the “Research” category has increased. The problems raised by young specialists are quite relevant and correspond to modern trends library science and practice: “Methodology for assessing the quality of a library website” (A. Belov, programmer of the Scientific Library of PSTU); "Usage multimedia presentation to attract to educational reading" (I. Zhuravleva, leading librarian of the service department of the Central City Hospital named after N. Ostrovsky, Berezniki); "The profession of a librarian in information society and the knowledge society" (Yu. Golysheva, fifth-year student of the faculty of DIC PGIK); “School for Young Consumers: Experience in Legal Education”

living in the library" (S. Babushkina, chief librarian of the Central Research Institute of the Municipal Institution "Vereshchaginskaya Central District Hospital"); “Literature of the Russian fantasy genre: philological, sociological, library and bibliographic aspects” (I. Zubova, bibliographer of the State Cultural Institution “Komi-Permyak National central Library them. M. P. Likhacheva", Kudymkar).

In addition to the above nominations, the “Path to Success” nomination is included in the competition for the second time. The content of the work here is determined in advance. In 2006, library publications, essays, and articles dedicated to veteran librarians, honored cultural workers, library dynasties, laureates of territorial competitions and awards in the field of culture were considered. In 2006, in the competition of young professional bibs

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