The script for the day of animation in the library. Game event in elementary school on the topic: Cartoons. Competition You can't throw words out of a song

Information minute "Our Feathered Friends"

April 4 this year in the reading room children's department of MBUK Semikarakorsky district "MCB" a meeting was held with students of 3 "G" class MBOU secondary school No. 1.

Information minute "Our Feathered Friends" conducted by the librarian Gnidina Olga Petrovna, was dedicated international day birds .

At the event, the children participated in the contest "Give me a word", where they agreed on the end of poems about birds. With great interest they took part in the quiz "Do you know birds?". We listened to the voices of the birds "Who sings like that?". We got acquainted with the poetry of Russian and modern writers who sang birds in their poems, remembered the songs written about birds, then watched the video clip for the song “Free Bird”, spent a “Merry Minute” with pleasure, answering questions in unison.

Throughout the event, the presentation “Birds are our friends” prepared by bibliographer Galina Nikolaevna Leonova was demonstrated.

Of course, not without fairy tales and cartoons. The guys actively listed the names of fairy tales in which the heroes were birds, and then watched the cartoon “Wings, Legs and Tails” and took books from the open viewing “We can’t live without birds, birds are our best friends!”

Finally, the call was made:

We know a lot about birds

And at the same time, little

And everyone needs: both you and us, -

For more of them...

attended 25 people

Director of "MCB" I.V. Belokur

Journey game

April 2- birthday of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen . This day, since the distant 1967, on the initiative and decision of the International Council, is celebrated all over the world as International Children's Book Day.

On the eve of this holiday April 1 this year in the reading room of the children's department MBUK Semikarakorsky district "MCB" for students of 4 "D" class MBOU "Secondary School No. 1 named after. B.N. Kulikov” was held travel game "Famous storyteller from Denmark" , based on the most interesting fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen. The guys watched the book trailer about the work of G.Kh. Andersen and plunged into the world of fairy tales. Then the children's librarian Rybalko Daria Alekseevna she told about the difficult life of the storyteller, about the difficulties, failures, injustice that befell him. He dreamed of becoming a famous actor, but became a great storyteller. In his fairy tales, all real life the writer himself. Until the end of his life, the storyteller was a good wizard, writing wonderful stories. At the end of the event, students answered with interest the questions of the literary quiz “Tales of G.Kh. Andersen". The open screening of “The most fabulous writer - G.Kh. Andersen”, organized in the reading room of the children's department.

Andersen's fairy tales were able to overcome borders and time. They are read by adults and children around the world. These stories inspire readers and take them to the world of goodness and justice.

attended 23 people

Director of "MCB" I.V. Belokur

cartoon parade "In the land of Multlandia"

Childhood is the most wonderful time in a person's life. But what is most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! 5th of April V children's department of MBUK Semikarakorsky district "MCB" for students of grade 1 MBOU secondary school No. 1 named after B.N. Kulikov "passed cartoon parade "In the land of Multlandia" , who continued the cycle of library events to Year of Russian cinema.

From the presenter, bibliographer Galina Nikolaevna Leonova, the children learned that on April 6, the whole world celebrates Cartoon Day. The International Animated Film Association established this holiday in 2002. It is believed that the beginning of animation was laid on July 20, 1877 in France, when the French artist and inventor Emile Reynaud demonstrated to the public hand-drawn and hand-colored pantomimes up to 15 minutes long - moving images that can be considered the prototype of cartoons. And even then, sound accompaniment synchronized with the image could be used. In Russia, the first cartoons were staged in the early 1910s. And in 1936, the Soyuzmultfilm film studio was founded in the USSR, releasing great amount cartoons.

After watching a video about the creation of modern cartoons, the guys learned that today the technology of creating cartoons has advanced a lot, and although new special effects no longer surprise anyone, animators create more and more new pictures that intrigue and inspire no less than back in 1892.

Animation Day has been celebrated in Russia since 2007. The premiere of the celebration of World Animation Day in Russia was dedicated to the memory of the untimely deceased that year, director-animator Alexander Tatarsky - the author of the popular cartoons "Plasticine Crow", "Mountains of Gems", "Koloboks are investigating", "Last year's snow was falling" and the founder of the largest country of the animation studio "Pilot".

Attracted the attention of schoolchildren and open viewing "Favorite fairy tale - a cool cartoon", which invited them to visit the fairy tales on which cartoons were shot. Then the children enthusiastically participated in the multiquiz "Cartoon Heroes" and watched the cartoon "The Magic Wand"

attended 15 people

Director of "MCB" I.V. Belokur

Target: development of creative abilities, ingenuity, speed of reaction.

Equipment: audio equipment with recordings of melodies from cartoons, musical accompaniment, paper flags according to the number of participants, cardboard stars.

Characters: presenter, two teams of participants, jury.

The hall is decorated with drawings with episodes from children's favorite cartoons drawn during drawing lessons. The song "Hello, childhood!" to the words of M. Yasnov, the music of I. Kosmachev from the cartoon "Scarecrow-Meow".

The leader of the holiday comes out.


Hello dear guys. Today we have gathered to remember our favorite animated films and their characters. This holiday will be held in the form of a competition between two teams. The teams came up with a name and motto in advance.

Participants of the competition come out, introduce themselves, call their motto.


Our first competition is called “Guess the Melody”. You will listen to short excerpts of melodies from cartoons. Whoever guesses the name of the cartoon first raises his flag. For each correctly named cartoon, the team receives an asterisk. The team with the most stars wins. Attention! You must remember the full correct name of the cartoon. The jury will keep track of who raised the flag first and help us in all contentious issues.

The contest "Guess the melody" is held.


Our next competition is called "You can't throw words out of a song." Now you will hear the words from the songs that the cartoon characters sing. You need to name the hero and the name of the cartoon in which this song is sung. For each correctly guessed song, the team receives an asterisk.

Competition You can't throw words out of a song

“There is water inside of me. Well, what to do with me? ( water from m / f "Flying Ship");

“But I don’t want, I don’t want by calculation! And I want it for love, for love!” ( Princess Fun from the movie "Flying Ship");

“The rain passed barefoot on the ground, the maples clapped on the shoulders” ( Leopold from the film "Summer of the Cat Leopold");

"I'm lying in the sun, I'm looking at the sun, I'm lying and lying" ( lion cub from m / f "How the lion cub and the turtle sang a song");

"Do you want a cake, do you want an ice cream" ( Vovka from the m / f "Vovka in the Far Far Away Kingdom");

“Oh, my poor Trumpet Fool, look how thin the figure has become! I will take care of you!” ( the king from the m / f "In the footsteps of the Bremen town musicians");

“I’m not bored at all, I sing when I want! How cheerful I am, and my song! ( mouse from m / f "Mouse Song");

“I don’t know how to think with my straw, I would like to ask Goodwin’s mind” ( Scarecrow from m / f "The Wizard of the Emerald City");

“Neither the waves nor the wind frighten me, I am sailing to the only mother in the world” ( mammoth from m / f "Mom for a mammoth");

“Finally all dreams come true, my best gift is you” ( wolf from m / f "Well, hare, wait a minute!");

“And it doesn’t matter what he’s doing if he doesn’t lose weight, and he will never lose weight! Yes!" ( Winnie the Pooh from the movie "Winnie the Pooh");

“You made an omission, you can see the wolf entered the room” ( goat from m / f "The Wolf and the Seven Kids");

“We are sailing on an ice floe as on a brigantine across the gray, harsh seas” ( mother of the bear cub Umka from the film "Umka");

“If there were no winter in cities and villages, we would never know these merry days” ( Uncle Fyodor's mother from the film "Winter in Prostokvashino").


And now we will hold a contest "With Baba Yaga". Teams are given three minutes to think. During this time, they must remember as many cartoons as possible with the participation of Baba Yaga. Then the teams take turns calling cartoons, the same one cannot be called twice. For each named cartoon, the team receives an asterisk. The winner of this competition is the team that scores more stars than the rivals.

The competition "With Baba Yaga" is held.


Our next competition is called "All the way around". A small excerpt from the song has been changed, all phrases have been replaced with opposite ones. The one who first guesses which song is encrypted raises the flag. For each correctly guessed song, the team receives an asterisk.

Competition All the way around

Underground the cloud smiles, smiles, smiles
Someday the sun will rise, someday the sun will rise
(A cloud in the sky frowns, frowns, frowns,
Thunder will come soon, thunder will come soon

Sivka-Burka died sadly,
Sivka-Burka read the opera.
(Chunga-Changa lives happily,
Chunga-Changa sings songs.)

The pink tram is standing, spinning,
The slow ship slows down.
(The blue wagon runs, swings,
The fast train is picking up speed.)

To tears-hailstones in three streams
A merry downpour will laugh.
(From a smile it will become brighter for everyone,
The saddest rain will stop crying.)

They do not want to differ from flying pigs,
They do not want to differ - looking, looking.
(They want to be like dancing ducklings,
They want to be like not in vain, not in vain.)


Our fifth competition is called Description. You will now hear a description of a cartoon character. You have to guess who it is. For each correctly guessed hero, the team is entitled to an asterisk.

Competition Description

A small creature with very good hearing, he has a big green friend ( Cheburashka);

Sniper, weather forecaster, big bear's little friend ( Piglet);

Little eared sly and prankster, all the time leaves his enemy with a nose ( hare from m / f "Well, hare, wait a minute!");

Big white mama's little white child, dreams of finding a friend bear cub Umka);

Boa constrictor measure ( parrot from m / f "38 parrots");

A very honest sailor Captain Vrungel);

Harmful woman, she has a rat with a human name ( old woman Shapoklyak).


The next competition is called "Song of Friendship". Competitors in five minutes need to remember as many songs about friendship as possible. Teams will take turns naming songs, for each song the team receives a star.

The competition "Song of Friendship" is held.


This competition is called "Names". Teams are given five minutes to remember as many human names of cartoon characters as possible. Then the teams take turns calling the name and title of the cartoon, for each name the team receives an asterisk.

The competition "Names" is held.


Our last competition is called “Unspeakable” and is held as follows: the team stands in a row and turns away from the auditorium. I show the first player in a row a picture of some character from a fairy tale. The neighboring player turns, the first one depicts a fairy-tale hero with gestures, and so on in a chain. The last one in the chain calls out loud the hero he has guessed. Attention! You can’t repeat the gestures with which you were portrayed by a fairy-tale character, you need to come up with something of your own! Teams play in turn. For a correctly recognized hero, the team receives an asterisk.

The teams take turns depicting the following heroes: Pinocchio and Cheburashka.


This is where our game ends, I ask the teams to hand over the earned stars to the jury, who must count them and name the winning team.

The jury announces the winner, all players receive memorable prizes, dressed up girls perform ditties Babok Ezhek from the film "Flying Ship".

Stretch the furs, harmonica!
Eh, play-play!
Sing ditties, grandmother Ezhka,
Sing, don't talk!
I was tipsy
And she flew on a broom.

Oh, I don't believe myself
These superstitions!
Walked along the forest side
The devil followed me.
Spit on his baldness
And sent to the devil!

Walked along the forest side
The devil is following me again.
Thought it was a man.
What the hell is this!

The most harmful of people -
This is a villainous storyteller.
Here's a skillful liar ...
Too bad it's not tasty.

Stretch the furs, harmonica!
Eh, play-play!
Sing ditties, grandmother Ezhka,
Sing, don't talk!

Elena Pereverzova

October 28 is international cartoon day. And how can you miss such a wonderful day. Finally, this is a small I got the event.

I called it "Journey to the country animation"

Target Events: to generalize and consolidate children's knowledge of acquaintances cartoons.


develop memory, thinking, speech of children;

develop communication skills, skills of interaction with each other;

cultivate interest and love for cartoons;

introduce children to such a genre of cinema as animation;

develop the ability to recognize cartoons and cartoon characters image and musical accompaniment.

Equipment: computer, presentation "How to create cartoons", records with children's songs from cartoons, split pictures "Collect cartoon character"for each child, pictures with heroes cartoons and scenes from cartoons to create a collective collage, whatman paper, scissors and glue for each child, a disk with cartoons.

Event progress:

caregiver: Children, October 28 was international cartoon day. Tell me do you love cartoons? (children's answers)

caregiver: What is your favorite cartoon? (Children talk about their favorite cartoons)

caregiver: Do you want to know how and who creates cartoons? (Yes). Then I propose to go to the camp " Animation"

Showing the presentation "" How to create cartoons"

After watching, we discussed the presentation we watched with the children.

caregiver: And now, I propose to complete a few tasks since we are in a magical land " cartoons"

1st task "Collect cartoon character"

On the tables were plates with split pictures on which are depicted cartoon characters, children collected a picture.

Having collected the picture, they named the hero and what he is from cartoon.

2nd musical task "Guess which cartoon song»

The children listened to songs from cartoons(singing happily) and guessed

3rd task creating a collage "We love cartoons

Children cut out pictures with the image cartoon characters or cartoon scenes and pasted on whatman paper creating a collective collage.

at the end of our little journey to stan" cartoons", having completed three tasks, I propose to choose cartoon to view and watch it. On this our the event is over. The children were delighted!

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Childhood is the most wonderful time in a person's life. But what is most connected with it? Of course, cartoons! October 23 V children's library-branch №3 held a book presentation exhibition "Favorite fairy tale - a cool cartoon» , dedicated to world day cartoons. This holiday is celebrated all over the world on October 28. The exhibition invites children to visit the fairy tales based on which cartoons were made.

During the conversation with the children, the librarians learned that children like to watch not only modern cartoons (“Naughty Family”, Pirate Captain”, “Barbie”, “Smeshariki”, “Luntik”, etc.), but also old ones (“ Well, wait a minute! ”,“ Prostokvashino ”,“ Kitten named Woof ”, etc.). These and many other cartoon books have found their place at our exhibition.

It is believed that the heroes of books can come to life. The children witnessed this miracle. Baba Yaga herself, who became the heroine of many fairy tales and cartoons, came to visit the library to greet the children.

Within the walls of the library was created booklet " Interesting Facts about Soviet cartoons" which young readers enjoy.

Read fairy tales, look at pictures, watch instructive and kind cartoons!

“Cartoons are central to every child's childhood. They not only convey ideas about the values, features, traditions of national culture that have developed over many generations, but have a significant impact on the formation of a picture of the world of children, their ideas about the moral norms of interaction.

Animation Salon

"Favorite cartoon book characters"

Compiled by:

Gordeeva Natalya Viktorovna

(Syzran, GBOU secondary school No. 2)


Introduce the history of cinema, cartoons, based on personal experience and children's knowledge of children's literature.


1. Introduce the history of the creation of cinema.

2. To form the skills of an attentive viewer who knows how to empathize, learn from the positive examples of movie characters.

3. Develop the skills of a smart viewer who knows how to take care of their health by observing eye hygiene and watching their posture while watching TV or a computer. To develop speech, memory, creativity, mutual understanding, cooperation.

4. Promote the joint work of pupils with parents on creative work, project.

Event progress.

Children's drawings “My portrait with my favorite movie character”, a photo exhibition “Cinema inexhaustible and unique”, disks with recordings of cartoons and fairy tales are being prepared for this event.

The lesson begins with a talk about the history of cinema with a presentation.

And then the squad is divided into 2 teams in order not only to watch your favorite cartoons, but also to compete, because. for children there should be a spark of rivalry, interest and curiosity. For competitions, you can determine the time regulations.

Competition "Connoisseurs of Cinema".

The children need to name cartoons that talk about plants, for example: “Scarlet Flower”, “Flower-Semitsvetik”, etc., naming the book based on which the film was created and the author of the book. For the correct answer, teams answering in turn receive flower badges. The team with the most badges wins.

Competition "Musical ring".

Children are offered musical recordings from cartoons in which animals play the main role, for example: “Hedgehog in the Fog”, “Yellow Stork”, “Cat's House”, etc. For the correct answer, teams responding in turn receive note badges. The team with the most badges wins.

Parents can take part in the break between these competitions.

Role audition competition.

From each team, 2 people are selected who would like to try themselves for a role in a movie. One of them will get an envelope with the task of reading a tongue twister, and the other a poem. While the contestants are preparing, the rest of the guys play a game with the words and gestures “A ball is flying across the sky” or others (Physical minutes may come up).

The balloon flies across the sky,

A ball of years across the sky,

But we know that this ball

It won't reach us.

(They show the ball, the sky, us with their hands. Repeating the lines next time, the children replace one of the words only with movement.)

For the best role, the child is awarded with a lyre badge. The team with the most badges wins.

Competition "Polkadra".

The children are shown half of the picture-frame from various cartoons, if the answer is correct, then the second half opens. The drawings are shown to the teams in turn. The winners receive camera badges.

Guess the Contest.

The children are offered riddles, the answers are hidden in an inverted film.

A good girl is walking through the forest,
But the girl does not know that danger awaits.
Behind the bushes glows a pair of angry eyes -
Someone terrible will meet the girl now.
Who will ask the girl about her path?
Who will deceive the grandmother to enter the house?
(Wolf from Little Red Riding Hood)

He was born in Italy
He was proud of his family.
He's not just an onion boy
He is a reliable, loyal friend.

wandering artists,
They are agile and fast.
Known for their talents:
Singers and musicians.
Cat, rooster, donkey, dog

Never know fear.
Who is this? Guess!
And give me an answer quickly.

(The Bremen Town Musicians)

girl sitting in a basket
On the back of the bear
He, without knowing it,
Carries her home.
So, did you solve the riddle?
Then answer quickly!
The title of that story...
(Masha and the Bear)

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children?
(Seven kids)

Competition "Portrait".

You need to find out the cartoon character by listening to his description.

He was born in Italy
He was proud of his family.
He's not just an onion boy
He is a reliable, loyal friend.
. (?)

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Kind doctor…(?)

Remember the story quickly
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Snow Queen
Freeze your heart
But the girl is tender
Didn't leave the boy
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food, bed.
She went to help a friend.
What is the name of his girlfriend? (?)

Competition "Erudite".

The most attentive should have guessed that each competition was dedicated to one of the professions that is needed to make a film.

From each team, 1 erudite child is selected. The erudite of the team must write on a piece of paper all the professions of cinema. Whoever writes correctly and more professions, he becomes the winner in this competition.

While the guys are getting ready, Parent Competition.

Parents should write or draw (they can agree on the form) rules for watching television for children. This competition is creative. Parents are warned about it in advance, so that they come to the event ready to perform. This competition is one of the most interesting for children. And parents are encouraged by prizes.


Guys, today you got acquainted with the history of cinema, the professions of cinema, developed memory, speech, ingenuity, creativity, competed honestly and fairly. It's time to take stock.

All badges scored by the teams are counted, the winners are awarded. After lunch, with the onset of heat on the street of Multsalon, it continues with watching a movie in the camp or staging your favorite cartoons. It all depends on the creativity of children!


    Krat V. A., Bylkova S. V. Influence of animated films on children's audience (moral aspect) // Philology and Linguistics. - 2015. - No. 2. - S. 19-25.

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