Full-length selfie without face. How to take a good selfie

However, not always, when there is a desire to capture yourself in an interesting place, there is a person nearby who can help. But this is not a reason to abandon the idea, because you can always take a selfie! And we asked the photographer about how to photograph yourself correctly so that the pictures turn out beautiful and interesting Arkady Sobolev.

- Essentially, a selfie is the same self-portrait. There is nothing new, except for the name, in this method of photography,- says Arkady. - Nowadays it is generally accepted that a selfie is just a photo with a face in the frame. But any photo can be made interesting. For example, you can put the camera on a tripod or any suitable surface, set a timer, step away - and also take a selfie.

As Arkady rightly noted, a selfie is regular photography, therefore the rules for these shooting methods will be almost the same.


You should always consider what technique you use to take a selfie - your phone can come to the rescue GoPro camera, a regular point-and-shoot camera or a professional camera. When capturing yourself on your phone, you need to take into account that the front camera is always worse than the rear one, so the conditions for shooting are better for it.

- The advantage of the front camera is that you can see yourself while shooting. But it also has serious drawbacks. For example, most often the camera located on the front of the phone is wide-angle, which may result in some distortion. For example, if you raise the phone higher than your head, your forehead will automatically become wider and your chin narrower. The opposite effect will occur if you lower the phone down,- Arkady enlightens us. - Considering all these factors, it is better to hold the phone at approximately eye level while taking pictures. You can slightly adjust the angle to hide any imperfections if necessary, but you should always remember that a large angle greatly distorts the proportions of the face.


-The best friend and at the same time enemy of any photographer is light,- says Arkady. - You should always try not to take pictures against the sun to avoid squinting your eyes. Having moved into the shadow, it is better to turn your back to the source of this shadow - then there will be no sudden changes in light. Otherwise, you risk getting a bleached background.

If you take a selfie indoors, you need to take into account that the light most often comes from lamps on the ceiling, and they create hard shadows under the nose, under the eyes - in general, under all protruding parts of the face. Based on this, you need to look for a place where the lighting will be as even as possible. “You need to look for balance in everything and avoid changes in light. It’s better to take pictures either completely in the shade or completely in the light - but not when you can’t open your eyes normally from the sun. Remember that the camera always focuses on the brightest."


- You should always remember that in a selfie the main character should still be the “selfie-maker”, so the key to a good photograph is the absence of unnecessary objects and unnecessary people in the frame,- Arkady warns. - You should always keep an eye on what's behind you. And when setting up the composition, pay attention to the fact that nothing sticks out from your head, for example.

When shooting - be it a selfie or a regular photograph - you always need to use your head, come up with original poses, and look for interesting “backdrops”. Because the same type and monotonous photographs quickly get boring. Selfies in which something is happening around a person always attract attention. Include your surroundings. Pictures whose composition is focused on the center of the frame always look best - for example, if you are photographing on railway tracks, then it is better to choose an angle in which the perspective lines (that is, the rails) will converge on your head.

Selfie in the mirror

- The main rule that you need to remember when photographing yourself in the mirror is not to look at yourself in the phone, as for some reason most girls do. Pictures turn out much more interesting if you look into the camera lens through reflection - then contact with the viewer occurs and the photo looks much more advantageous - Arkady repeats several times.

As for the phone itself, it can be moved to the side or played around so that it also becomes an actor in the frame. This is where imagination and hard training will come to the rescue.

And a little about the concept

- As a photographer with 10 years of experience, I have nothing against selfies. The only thing I don't like is the pictures with elongated lips. Is not cool! A million identical “duckfaces”, when each subsequent photo does not tell anything new about a person, is boring. And considering that such photographs are usually taken by girls, I, as a man, can say that no one likes these “ducks”.

A selfie is about showing a person somewhere. This is a kind of check-in with the help of photography, so it’s always interesting to look at original photographs. Don’t be afraid to come up with new concepts and create entire photo projects, as a girl from Russia did, using a selfie to show her mother’s everyday life small child. It's cool when photography goes beyond just fun and turns into something more.

As for people who consider selfies to be degradation and something abnormal, Arkady says this: “If you want to take a selfie, do it. If you don't want to, don't do it. And if you want to, but don’t do it, then it’s already something in your head.”

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Most often Russians search for search engine Yandex. Not only ordinary users, but also show business stars love to take selfies. The latter, one might say, are trendsetters in selfies: it is celebrities that most users of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram take as an example.

Dmitry Medvedev, Alena Vodonaeva, Nikita Dzhigurda, Riana, Anna Sedokova, Jim Carrey, Sasha Gray and others know best how to take a selfie correctly and what types of “selfies” exist.

So what is a selfie? Selfie(“self-shot”, “crossbow”) is a type of self-portrait: when the photographer captures himself on camera. Despite the fact that the word “selfie” has existed since approximately 2002, and the greatest interest in it around the world was recorded in 2013, the phenomenon of self-photography cannot be called new. The fashion for “self-photos” arose long before the advent of iPhones, iPads and smartphones.

One of the first self-portraits was taken in 1900 When did portable cameras come out? Kodak Brownie. It looked like this:

Photo - Wikipedia

Today it looks different. An example of a classic selfie is given by the frontman of an alternative band, known for the films “Requiem for a Dream”, “Mr. Nobody” and “Dallas Buyers Club”, - Jared Leto.

There are a huge variety of selfies. We have compiled Top 20 most popular types of selfies, which are found on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook in almost every self-respecting celebrity.

1. Liftoluk- a self-portrait made using a mirror located in the elevator. Alena Vodonaeva and Anna Sedokova like to photograph their reflection in the elevator. But the author of the most famous elevator bow is the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

The selfie was taken due to numerous requests from subscribers on June 11, 2014 in the elevator of the Government House of the Russian Federation. Liftoluk from Dmitry Medvedev was appreciated by 185 thousand users of the Instagram network.

2. Duckselfie, or Duckface, is another trend in depicting oneself as a loved one. Most often, girls resort to it: when taking self-portraits, they artificially protrude their lips forward. As a result, the “bow lips” resemble nothing more than a duck’s beak. Glamorous chicks think it's sexy. However, Internet users perceive such selfies very negatively.

Stars also often pout, “like ducks.” For example, Riana:

3. Groofy, or Group Panoramic Selfie, - panoramic group selfie, trend of 2015. The Chinese have already invented a smartphone that allows you to fit more people, landscapes and interiors into photos. But the vast majority of users still have to use their hands or a selfie stick.

Nikita Dzhigurda- god of grufi. His Instagram page is filled with images of himself against the backdrop of a raging crowd of fans.

4. Fitness selfie, or selfie from the gym, is gaining momentum. Tina Kandelaki has already shown herself beloved, slender and beautiful in indecently tight shorts and a short top against the backdrop of punching bags.

But in terms of the number of likes, they were ahead of a young pop singer from Canada -. An inimitable smile, an innocent look, flawless abs - and all this against the background gym. 1.2 million subscribers simply could not resist this photo...

5. Relfie, or relationship selfie,- self-portrait with a loved one. Research shows that this type of selfie most often turns users off from myself. However, the photo With Brad Pitt, rather, refers to successful selfies. How can this be unnerving?

6. Toilet bow- a self-portrait taken in the bathroom or toilet in front of the mirror. When taking a selfie in the bathroom, you need to remember that the more body you see, the better. A good example from:

7. Belphie, or Butt-selfie, but in Russian it’s simple popo selfie. When photographing your butt, do not forget that you need to show it in all its glory. For example, as an American socialite Kim Kardashian:

Scientists believe that melfi is one of the manifestations of narcissism. Hashtags of a shocking singer, stylist and hairdresser Sergei Zverev and a poem by an unpredictable singer, actor and director Nikita Dzhigurda raises some suspicions...

Doctors are also confident that men who take photos of themselves and post them on social networks are prone to psychopathy. Let's hope this syndrome never befalls our favorite show business stars.

9. Beefy, or Bikini Selfie, - selfie in a bikini, most often on the beach. The undoubted leader in the number of selfies in a bikini is Kim Kardashian. She has so many of them that she managed to annoy her users with them. Therefore, we cite our Russian as an example Nyusha, who also likes to pose in a swimsuit on her smartphone’s camera.

10. Felfi, or Farmer Selfie. Although the term refers to photographs of farmers with their animals, it is often perceived as a selfie with their beloved pets (not every celebrity can boast of farming).

He often posts photos of his beloved dog Tarzan on Instagram: “She understands me perfectly and enjoys every meeting”.

11. Shufis, or Shoes Selfie, - a photo of your feet in your favorite shoes against the background of asphalt, sea, sky, mountains and much more, for which the author of the selfie has enough imagination. Shufis showed such a cute thing to her fans Riana:

12. “Just woke up”, or Wake Up Selfie. When taking such a selfie, the main thing is to pretend that you really just woke up. The head is on the pillow, the body is under the blanket, the hair is slightly disheveled. And mascara on the eyelashes and eyeliner on the eyes are the last thing. Well, you never know how someone falls asleep...

Vera Brezhneva I just woke up and immediately reached for my phone:

13. Selfie in the bathroom, or Bath Selfie. More bubbles, more rose petals, more candles on the side of the bathtub. The frame should include pedicured nails, preferably covered with red or burgundy varnish. Like that:

Photo - vk.com

Well, this option is okay too. Miley Cyrus, as always, with his inimitable sense of self-irony, demonstrates his skills in Photoshop:

14. Sagli, or Uglies Selfie, in other words - an ugly selfie. Entertainment for those who like to make faces, and for those who are disgusted by “duck selfies” and other cutesy things. It so happens that to describe this type of selfie from the stars Marilyn Manson came up the most.

15. Selfie after sex, or After-Sex-Selfie. The photo shows the happy, or not so happy (if the “crossbow” is dedicated to the “rapid shooter”), the faces of the lovers. You can do it alone, if it’s already clear what the “self-shooter” was doing before the selfie.

“Long morning,” she captioned the image.Alena Vodonaeva:

Incredible facts

Have you ever taken a selfie and then looked at it and thought, “Is this really what I look like?”

Most likely, the problem is the wide-angle distortion of the smartphone lens and other overly wide cameras that portray us as strange and caricature-like.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to solve the problem if you understand the optics of these devices.

It's quite difficult to look normal in photos, and smartphones don't make it any easier.

Smartphone manufacturers create them with wide-view lenses that distort and stretch the face in an unsightly manner.

This is because the focal length of the camera lens changes the curvature of the object it is photographing. A wide-angle lens makes your face look cartoonish, while super-long lenses make you look flat and squished.

This is why photographers tend to use a lens with a focal length of 85mm - which is much longer than on any smartphone.

How to make a good slefie

But you can take smartphone photos in a way that will make you look good in the photos.

The trick is to understand that Most of the distortion is at the edge of the frame and is emphasized by any part of the body protruding towards the camera.

For example, in this photo the girl's jaw looks much larger than in reality, as it is pointed at the camera.

Move back a little, move your head a little closer to the center of the frame and keep your chin and forehead equidistant from the camera. As a result, the selfie will look much more like what your face looks like to other people.

Smartphone photos that place your head in the center of the frame and a little further away than usual tend to make you look more glamourous.

How to take a beautiful selfie

Here are some more tips to help you look your best in selfie photos.

Follow the one third rule

This means that you need to position your face so that your eyes are approximately level with one third from the top of the photo.

Tilt your head at an angle

This simple trick highlights your cheekbones and makes your eyes appear larger, giving you a cute look.

Find good lighting

Good lighting will make your skin look nice and your hair will look shiny. It's best to take a selfie next to a window or outside in natural light.

You can use a curtain to diffuse sunlight or other light source. This softens your facial features and makes your smile more attractive.

Hold the camera slightly above your head

This will give you a more artistic look and will allow you to show off your cleavage and beautiful outfit.

Photograph the attractive side

Every person has a more attractive side that is more balanced and symmetrical.

Stretch your neck

Avoid a double chin or lack of a chin. Lift your chin slightly and lengthen your neck. This will highlight the face, especially the jawline.

Use two hands

Most selfies are taken with one hand, but sometimes it's easier to get the right angle if you hold the phone with both hands. Using a selfie stick can help in the same way.

Pay attention to your shoulders

We often don't notice, but when we pose for a selfie, our shoulders are often hunched or in an unattractive position.

Instead of keeping the camera parallel to the camera, turn them slightly to the left or right.

Don't be too serious

The more you enjoy taking a photo, the more it will be to you and the others. Plus, you can look back at the photo and remember the fun times.

Among my friends, the only people who don’t indulge in selfies are those who still just have mobile phones, not smartphones. Those who have a phone with a more or less normal camera and Instagram have sent at least one selfie into this world. For me personally, a selfie used to be something like salvation, that is, here I am in some wonderful place, but there is no one nearby, and I really want a photo of myself against its background, so I had to get out of it (sometimes in the literal sense of the word), to capture this moment. However, now this type of photography has become so popular that psychologists have become interested in it, and some have even classified it as a mental disorder. So is the selfie a painful manifestation of narcissism or a way of self-expression, and how can overindulgence in this form of self-expression affect your life?

Psychologists' opinion

According to psychologists, most selfies have a sexual connotation, and their purpose is to attract attention and create an image that is often completely inconsistent with reality.

In principle, this is logical, since Instagram is a social network, which means it is quite suitable for creating the desired virtual image. People who are too carried away by this type of self-expression begin to feel depressed if they collect too few likes, if they receive bad comments, or if someone they know has collected more attention.

Peggy Drexler, Ph.D., a research psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, wrote an entire article and gave examples of revelations shared by selfie-takers. Some people do it to feel more confident, like 40-year-old Sarabeth. Chief Operating Officer in a media company. Lena Dunham thus protests against Hollywood beauty standards, taking selfies under the slogan “Love me for who I am” (sometimes in the nude). The listed selfies in moderation are not a deviation, but if we are talking about huge quantities and obsession, then problems begin.

Negative sides

Yet selfies are an obsession with appearance and a manifestation of narcissism. People feel like the main characters of the reality show “Behind the Glass” with inflated self-esteem. It's like looking at yourself in the mirror all day. Research has shown that taking too many selfies can have a negative impact on your relationships within your family (or with a loved one), parenting, your work environment, and may even cause violent outbursts.

Another study has shown that an excessive passion for posting self-portraits (that is, selfies) on the Internet leads to the fact that in reality a person becomes less attractive to others, the degree of warmth in real relationships also decreases and people move away from each other.

Positive aspects, or How to use selfies for good

  • However, not everything is so gloomy, since in skillful hands and with the right approach, selfies can be a wonderful tool for working on yourself. They can help you understand yourself, open up new qualities and spaces for creativity, and also allow a person to be multifaceted.
  • A selfie doesn’t necessarily sell a specific person. It may well sell a brand, show new fashion trends, or have a certain artistic value if it is not just people doing it to satisfy their vanity, but real creators.
  • Celebrity selfies make their fans feel closer to their idols. Stars share a piece of their lives, write responses and create an impression of relative closeness with their fans. Whether this is good or bad for the fans is difficult for me to judge, but for the stars it is definitely good.
  • Also, selfies can influence modern ideals of beauty and show how beautiful naturalness can be, and not these images corrected first with makeup and then with Photoshop (for example, photos before and after makeup).
  • And finally, selfies can act as a personal chronicler. They show your history of change and development, remind you of the past and can help you avoid past mistakes. If translated into normal language, these are thoughts in the style of “Hmm, red color obviously doesn’t suit me...”, “What a terrible haircut!”, “Mommies, who is this?!”, “So, you need to remember that after the second glass beer, you need to hide your phone! And so on and so forth. ;)
  • I almost forgot about sports selfies in the “before and after” style - it’s also very motivating!

Some observations and statistics

I went to Instagram and searched for the hashtag #selfie to understand the scale of the disaster. As a result, I got this picture:

By the time I finished writing the article, the number for the #selfie hashtag had changed from 151,691,246 to 151,713,655, that is, in about an hour, 22,409 photos with this hashtag appeared. How many such photos actually appeared (not everyone uses the necessary hashtags) - one can only guess.

Incredible facts

Do you like to take pictures of yourself and post them on the Internet? Experts say that people who constantly looking for the right angle to photograph themselves, may suffer from a mental disorder.

British psychiatrist Dr. David Veal(David Veale) states that most patients with the disorder known as dysmorphophobia They often take selfies – pictures of themselves.

"Two out of three patients who come to me with body dysmorphic disorder, with the growing popularity of phone cameras, have an obsessive desire to constantly take selfies and post them on social networks", he said.

What is a selfie?

Selfie is a term used to describe photos of yourself with the aim of publishing it on the website social networks or sharing photos, such as Facebook or Instagram.. To take a selfie, most often the photo is taken by extending the right or left hand, turning the camera towards you.

Selfie fans can spending hours taking a photo of yourself, which would not show their flaws in appearance, which they see, while others may not notice at all.
These people often take multiple photos until they find the best angle or pose, and they are very picky about even the smallest imperfections.

Selfie photo

So in one extreme case, a British teenager Danny Bowman(Danny Bowman) attempted suicide because he was unhappy with his appearance in photographs of himself which he did.

He was so desperate to attract girls that he spent 10 hours a day taking more than 200 selfies, trying to find the perfect shot.

The habit, which he began at age 15, led to him dropping out of school and losing 12 kilograms. He didn't leave the house for 6 months, and when he couldn't take a perfect photo, he tried to kill himself with an overdose. Fortunately, his mother managed to save her son.

Experts also say that preoccupation with selfies can be a sign that a person is either narcissistic or very insecure.

The desire to follow published photos, those who liked them or those who comment on them, the desire to achieve the largest number of “likes” - may be signs that selfies are causing psychological problems.


Body dysmorphic disorder is a disorder characterized by the fact that a person excessively concerned about one or more flaws in one's appearance, which are invisible to others.

Although everyone has something in their appearance that they may be dissatisfied with - a crooked nose, an uneven smile, eyes that are too big or too small, these features do not interfere with our lives. At the same time, people with body dysmorphic disorder think about their real or imagined shortcomings every day for many hours.