The Ultimate Guide to DJI SPARK: Everything You Need to Know. Spark continues to use PLC Can I record photos or videos without a Micro SD card

Innovative systems from sPARK Technology are chosen by car owners interested in a high level of road safety. Our developers are ready to offer customers a new highly functional system - sARK-Speed ​​parking sensors. How is it different from previous devices?

Features of Speed ​​Control parking sensors

This parking system has a speed sensor input and is activated depending on the speed of the vehicle - turning on at low speeds and turning off when a preset speed threshold is exceeded. The parking sensors are turned on automatically after the car reaches the set lower speed threshold. Speed ​​parking sensors turn off:

  • when the specified threshold is exceeded;
  • two minutes after stopping vehicle during which it functions;
  • in manual mode. To do this, the driver needs to light the hazard warning lamps once by pressing the emergency stop button twice.

If movement is resumed, the system turns on automatically.

Why do drivers decide to buy a new system?

In traditional ones, the front sensors are turned on by pressing an additional button or by disengaging the reverse gear. However, this is not always convenient for the driver, which was the reason for the creation of more advanced modifications of systems, the price of which is affordable. This algorithm for activating parking sensors with a speed sensor is most convenient for the driver; there is no need to manually activate the parking sensors for parking. The operation of the speed sensor in Spark parking sensors is programmed for a specific vehicle.

Some models, which can be purchased in the online store, are equipped. They have their own mode of activating and disabling the system based on specified speed thresholds. The BiZON mode allows you to control the presence of passing vehicles in your blind spots.

Every driver can purchase innovative developments at an affordable price in the sPARK online market, as well as perform independent installation. Qualified consultants are ready to provide detailed information about the features of the system, as well as the nuances of its connection and installation. After communicating with them, the client will be able to choose the appropriate solution for his car and buy parking sensors that fully correspond to the features of his car. Placing an order and delivering products to any region of the country is carried out in as soon as possible. If difficulties arise during system installation, company representatives are ready to provide assistance and solve problems regardless of the level of complexity.

Be sure to think about purchasing such equipment. Its cost is quite affordable.

Rostov-on-Don Back in the 20s, I don’t remember what year we conducted a spark without a modem, by wire. Since then, every year the connection was lost several times a year. Of course, on the second or third day I called there. I listened to music and waited for an answer. I talked to girls who asked, “Is the computer turned on? Is the wire plugged in? Click “fix.” Then they switched me to another number where they answered me...another girl.. then another one happily reported, “We checked - you have no connection!” !!" I say that I already know this and ask to connect me with specialists. The offended girl says that she is also a specialist, but then switches to the boy. He is silent for a long time on the phone, clicks the keys and says, “For some reason your access is disabled ...the bird should be TURNED OFF." I say, "I don't have any debt? Then turn it on." He- "Turn it on" I "The Internet has appeared" thank you, goodbye. _______________________ PART TWO: Next year. The Internet disappeared for a week, after turning off the lights in the house. I, realizing that I just need to turn on the equipment on the roof, call, they say, let's have the Internet! Negotiations again, girls... they don't give the specialists a phone number anymore, they lie that there is no such phone number. A couple of days later they say that access to the roof is closed with a lock. I say, call the housing department, the janitor, the elevator operator. Again there is silence. I call again to them and I say that the elevator operator’s number is written both on the elevator and in the elevator, they say: should we come to you and read the number of your elevator operator??!! Okay, I dictate the number myself. The next day two people come and, judging by the hours of their work (5 minutes) they press the button with their finger. That's it. All the repairs. ________________ Part three, normal situation Some more period passed. Something more serious burned out. We waited a week, the boys changed something in their equipment. The Internet went down. And now the most interesting thing !The 30th of the last month, that is, January 2013. Snowfall, collapse. The Internet is gone. I'm calling on the 4th. The answering machine says "Your house is undergoing work.....blah blah blah." For three days, there were untouched snowdrifts on the roof, the lock was encased in ice - it clearly had not been opened. I’m going to Spark, they say the catchphrase “you don’t have Internet.” I demand internet, tell these new little people what it’s like every year, I say that no one is doing any work. They tell me that equipment was removed from your house for the purpose of repairs. I say it’s nonsense, no one climbed onto the roof, and two LEDs on my network card are lit and blinking: a clear sign of the equipment working, the presence of a “white background” and it is clear that access is simply denied. These children say: We don’t know, we don’t understand!! I ask for the phone number of the specialists - there is no such thing! I ask for the phone number of the bosses - we have bosses only in Moscow. I ask for a Moscow number, but they give me the same one with stupid music 8-800..... They promise to fix it within 4 days. 8th. I go there and yell at them. I set the phone to dial in front of them (number 8-8--.. free), wait 30 minutes on speakerphone. Nobody picks up the phone, only sometimes the robot says that work is going on at my address. These managers are sitting crap. I'm leaving. I'll call you at home! The conversation is recorded and I use this to tell everything and complain!! An hour later they call, seemingly from Moscow, asking sympathetic questions, finding out the address and contract number. Muscovite says: I’ll check the information now, don’t hang up. I hear him pressing buttons and saying something to someone. About 10 minutes later (!!!) he says to me in the tone of a savior: “....Yes, you have no connection! That’s what! But work is going on at your house.” I sob and laugh hysterically into the phone! I ask who he received the information from, and he says I called Rostov...After I said that I thought about them, they promised me that there would DEFINITELY be Internet, but not earlier than the 16th!!! 16th... I finally got a call from a technical specialist from Rostov!! Well, as expected, he asked for his last name, contract number, address, and told me the news that we don’t have Internet in our house. He asked me to pull out the cable, plug it in again... pull it out again, click FIX.... in short, he said that the problem would be solved within another week. I say, maybe your access is turned off for me again? Silent, clicking. Then he says, so condescendingly: Not just you, but the whole house! I say... so... turn it on. He found where it turned on, turned it on, and said that it didn’t help. Meanwhile, the whole house got Internet and work began! Glory to the specialists! Glory to the managers! In our house there are 5 providers in addition to Spark, I think I’ll connect to another Internet again, and since I’m the head of the homeowners association, we’ll completely sever relations with Spark, and we’ll dismantle the equipment ourselves if Spark balks.

The Spark company, specializing in providing Internet access services in various regions of Russia, announced the expansion of its communication network in Taganrog. provided the technical ability to connect 28 houses in the city to its services.

Spark positions itself as the first and currently only Russian market an operator that uses PLC “last mile” technology in its activities. Its peculiarity is the transmission of data through the electrical wiring of the building. In conditions where laying fiber optic or coaxial cable into the home is not possible, PLC becomes a tempting alternative for the operator.

The advantages of using technology are obvious: the house already has the necessary infrastructure, which means there is no need to spend money on installation work and deploying your own networks in the home.

As a rule, PLC is widely used to organize data transmission at large commercial facilities. In home communications, technology has long been considered in the context of the idea of ​​a “smart home”. However, in terms of providing Internet access, PLC does not have any advantages, other than those indicated above, over Ethernet, except that the user has access to the Internet from any corner of his own home. It is worth noting that Spark itself is implementing “ innovative technology"Not as active as we would like. Of the connected houses, only 5 are connected via PLC, while the remaining 23 are connected via Ethernet technology.

In Russian realities, in order to organize Internet access via PLC, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the existing power lines in the house. Worn-out electrical wiring in houses built during Soviet times is unlikely to meet the needs of Internet users. One of the characteristic problems of this technology is the occurrence of impulse noise. Considering this, PLC is more suitable for new buildings. It is worth considering that the quality of communication can also be negatively affected by cheap energy-saving lamps, switching power supplies and chargers. In this case, the Internet access speed decreases by up to 5%.

Perhaps PLC has its advantages for the operator over classical technologies for providing Internet access. But at the moment it does not look so attractive to users, taking into account all the possible problems.

  • Sandisk 16 GB UHS-1 Micro SDHC
  • Sandisk 32 GB UHS-1 Micro SDHC
  • Sandisk 64 GB UHS-1 Micro SDHC
  • Kingston 16 GB UHS-1 Micro SDHC
  • Kingston 32 GB UHS-1 Micro SDHC
  • Kingston 64 GB UHS-1 Micro SDHC
  • Samsung 16GB UHS-I Micro SDHC
  • Samsung 32GB UHS-I Micro SDHC
  • Samsung 64GB UHS-I Micro SDXC

2. Can I record photos or videos without a Micro SD card?

Yes you can. Aircraft will save photos and videos to your mobile device. In this case, the captured images will actually be taken during the live broadcast, with a photo resolution of 1024x768 and a video resolution of 1280x720.


1. What is the maximum speed and distance at which it can detect obstacles?

No. Just fold the propellers.

2. What happens if the propellers are not fully deployed before flight?

As soon as the motors begin to rotate, the centrifugal force itself will automatically open the propellers to the correct position.

3. What wind speed can it withstand?

720p 30 fps.

2. How long is the video transmission delay?

The latency for video transmission to your device is around 200ms. It all depends on the performance of your mobile device and whether there is interference in the signal.

3. What is the effective transmission range?

While connected to the remote control remote control:

2.4 GHz FCC: 1.2 miles (2 km); CE: 0.3 miles (500 m); SRRC: 0.3 miles (500 m) (unobstructed and interference-free)

5.8 GHz FCC: 1.2 miles (2 km); CE: 0.18 miles (300 m); SRRC: 0.7 miles (1.2 km) (unobstructed and uninterrupted)

While connected directly to a mobile device:
Maximum height 50 m and distance 100 m.

4. Can frequency bands be manually adjusted when transmitting video?

Yes. Users can manually select between 2.4 GHz and 5.8 GHz or let DJI GO 4 select the frequency band automatically.

5. Where can I find the aircraft Wi-Fi username and password?

There are three places where you can find this information:

1. On the battery compartment of the aircraft (there you can see the default Wi-Fi username and password);

2. In the Settings section of the DJI Assistant 2 or DJI GO 4 app;

3. On the outer foam packaging (there you can see the default Wi-Fi username and password).


1. How long does it take to fully charge the battery?

When using a standard USB charger, it takes 80 minutes to fully charge the battery.

When using the Charge Hub, it takes 52 minutes to fully charge one battery, 55 minutes when charging two batteries, and 85.2 minutes when charging three batteries simultaneously.

2. How often should I fully charge the batteries?

3. When does the battery go into hibernation mode?

When the battery is less than 10% charged, it will enter hibernation mode after approximately six hours of non-use.

When the battery is completely discharged, it will go into hibernation mode within 10 minutes after turning off.

4. What functions can the power button perform?

  • Turning the battery on and off: Press the power button once and
    then press and hold it again for at least two seconds to
    turn the battery on or off.
  • Checking the current battery level: Press the Power button once to check the current battery level.
  • The Spark pairing and remote control are successfully paired and you can find Wi-Fi on your mobile device.
  • Reset Wi-Fi username and password: Press and hold the Power button for nine seconds and release after beeping three times. Wi-Fi settings will be reset to factory defaults.
  • PalmLaunch: Turn it on and place it on your palm with the camera facing you. Make sure your toes are lower than your wings. Press the power button twice when the flight indicators start flashing green. The lights will change to slowly flashing yellow and FaceAware will begin recognizing your face. If detection is successful, the front indicators will turn green and PalmLaunch will be activated. If not, the indicators will flash red.

5. What can I do with the two USB ports in the Charging Hub?

You can charge two mobile devices or yours.