Download March 8 nursery group. “Having fun with moms.” Puppet show “Lubyanaya Izbushka”

Children enter to the music and sit on chairs

Ved. The sun smiled tenderly at us,

The holiday is coming

Holiday of our mothers.

Is everything ready for the holiday?

So what are we waiting for?

We are a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday.

The song “We love mommy very much” is performed

Ved. Mom is a precious word!
That word contains warmth and light!
On the glorious day of the eighth of March
To our mothers - ours

Children... Hello!

Let our mothers hear
How we sing a song!
You, our dear mothers,
Happy Women's Day!

The song "Oh, what a mother" is performed

Ved. And now we'll dance

The holiday will be more beautiful!

Performed "Polechka for Mommy"
children sit on chairs.

Ved. A gentle spring stream

March the prankster is knocking,

He brought the beautiful spring

And good mother's holiday.

Eighth of March, Mother's Day

“Knock-knock!” - knocking on our doors!

Hurry up, everyone sit down

And have fun with us!

Little Red Riding Hood enters with a basket.

Little Red Riding Hood:Hello guys!

Presenter : Hello, Little Red Riding Hood! How did you end up here?

Little Red Riding Hood : I went to congratulate my grandmother on Women’s Day. She lives nearby, in a small forest, an old house. Do you love your grandmothers?

Presenter : Of course we love you? We even know a song about grandma!

The song "About Grandma" is performed

Presenter: Little Red Riding Hood, why are you sad?

Little Red Riding Hood : Yes, I was walking through the forest, walking and suddenly I saw a wolf! I got scared and ran, and he followed me! I barely ran away from him and got lost! (crying)

Presenter : Don't be upset, we will help you find your way. In the meantime, stay with us, today is our March 8th holiday!

Little Red Riding Hood : Oh, how great! I probably won't stay long.

Leading : Let's dance - celebrate Women's Day!

The dance "Top, top hands to the side" is performed.

Presenter : Did you like it, Little Red Riding Hood?

Little Red Riding Hood : Yes, I liked it!

Music plays and a wolf appears with a bag.

Little Red Riding Hood is hiding behind the leader.

Presenter : Hello, hello, wolf-wolf! Why are you scouring the forest?
Wolf : Oh, and I’m angry from hunger! The third day my belly feels empty. I really want to eat, I won’t listen to anyone!

Presenter : You’d better not growl, but play with the children!

Wolf : I was bringing beads to my mother as a gift, and they scattered along the road. What to do? Maybe you can help me collect them?

Playing the game "Collect the beads"

(pyramid and rope)

Wolf : My bag is empty again, I’ll go to bed hungry again (lowers his head and is sad)

Presenter : Don’t be so sad, little wolf, take away the bag quickly. Come visit us at kindergarten Everyone will be happy for you. We will give you cutlets, semolina porridge for lunch, borscht, noodles, compote with cheesecake, and the wolf cubs will each have a toy!

Wolf : Well, thank you! I am so glad that I will go to kindergarten!

Presenter : Wolf is a top, let’s be friends with us!

Wolf: What does it mean to be “friends”?

Presenter : Now we will teach you. Stand in a circle with us and your partner will be Little Red Riding Hood. We will teach you to put up...

Dance “We quarreled and made up”

Wolf : Oh, thank you guys! You are all so wonderful. I'm even ashamed that I wanted to eat you. Forgive me, forgive me, Little Red Riding Hood! I won't do this again! How can I correct my guilt?

Little Red Riding Hood
: Help me find the way to my grandmother, otherwise I’m lost!

Wolf : Of course, I will help you find the way! Now I'm kind and decent, handsome Gray wolf. And on this spring, festive day I give you a flower.

Little Red Riding Hood . Thank you.

Ved . Wolf, do you happen to have any more flowers for our children, but they will please you with a merry dance...

A dance with flowers is performed.

Little Red Riding Hood.Thanks guys. It was a lot of fun at your party. But it’s time for me to leave and congratulate my grandmother on the holiday.

Wolf. Come on Little Red Riding Hood, I'll show you the way... Goodbye.

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf leave.

Presenter : So our guests have left, oh, and do you hear, I think someone is coming to us!

Music sounds and spring comes.

Spring. I open my buds
I'm waking up flowers in the fields.
I dress the trees
I water the crops
I'm full of sunshine
My name is Vesna.
Sounding laughter here and there, how glad I am, children! I see you are happy to see me too! For children, there is no better reward than the sound of drops, the noise of birds, a ray of sun in the morning, the awakening of the first grass and the blossoming of snowdrops.
Presenter : Hello Spring - beauty! We were waiting for you and prepared a gift for you!

The song "Radiant Sun" is performed

Spring: What a beautiful song! What else can you please me with?

Round dance game "Me and the Sun"


Grandmothers, girls, mothers!

I wish you happiness and joy

Both big and little ones.

To you, girls and boys,

Fidgets, naughty girls,

I want to give flowers

Unprecedented beauty!

To see them first

Everyone needs to close their eyes!

Children close their eyes, Spring lays out flowers on the floor (flat, with candies attached to the back); music sounds.

Once! Two! Three! Four! Five!

You can open your eyes!

Leading. What a miracle! Look, guys, what a beautiful flower meadow!


And these flowers are not simple, they have a surprise!

Well, guys, don't yawn,

Take it apart, flower by flower!

Music is playing, children are sorting out the flowers.

Spring. Well, it’s time for me to go, goodbye kids.

Music is playing. Children enter the hall.

Presenter: A warm wind is blowing.

The sun shines brightly,

Reflecting in puddles.

No need for a scarf anymore.

Winter is leaving,

Spring is coming to visit us!

Spring comes to the music .

Spring: I open my buds

I'm waking up flowers in the fields.

I dress the trees

I water the crops

I'm full of sunshine

My name is spring!

Hello! Winter has been conjuring its magic for a long time, pouring snow for a long time. But the time has come for her to give way to me, spring.

Presenter: IN cThe sun was melting, I looked out the window, and here our children were playing, welcoming spring.

Dance: “Red spring is coming”

Presenter: And spring comes not alone, but with a holiday. Yes, the holiday is special - warm, affectionate, when we congratulate our most important, most beloved mothers, sisters and grandmothers. What kind of holiday is this?

Children: March 8!


Spring is beginning.

Mother's Day - March 8th -

The whole country is celebrating!

2.Mom is the sun, the flower,

Mom is a breath of air.

Mom is joy, mom is laughter,

Our mothers are the best.

3.I’ll get up early in the morning,

I'll kiss my mom.

I'll give you a bouquet of flowers,

There is no better friend than mom.

4. We promise to listen to mom,

Wash, eat porridge.

We will grow quickly

Mommy will bloom.

Spring: Sun yellow rays

March is very hot!

Disassemble the rays quickly!

Play with the rays more fun.

Game: “Collecting the sun”

Presenter: Let's give mom a song,

It rings and flows,

Let mom have fun

And mom will smile!

Song “What an elegant kindergarten”

Spring: Dili-dili, dili-don.

What a strange chime.

It can be heard from all sides.

Dili-dili, dili-don.

Someone is in a hurry to visit us,

And it rings and rattles.

Matryoshka comes to the music .

Matryoshka: Hello guys!

I am a smart doll,

Everyone was bored at the window.

But where is this good?

I want to have fun!

I came to your holiday,

To congratulate your mothers!

And also all grandmothers and girls!

And there are my girlfriends in the hall,

Everyone looks alike.

They ask to play music,

that means they will dance.

Hey, girlfriends, come out.

And all of you will dance with me!

Dance “We are nesting dolls”

Presenter: Do you know, guys, that even animals in the forest congratulate their mothers on March 8th! Now you will see a fairy tale about this!

puppet show"Gift for Mom"

Necessary toys: flowers, Hedgehog, Hare, Fox, Hedgehog's mother.

Spring: There lived an ordinary prickly hedgehog in the forest. Every winter he slept for a long, long time with his mother in his forest house.

And in the spring he woke up, went out into the clearing and rejoiced in the sun.

A hedgehog comes out into the clearing to the music.

Hedgehog: FR FR FR...Hello, sunshine! Hello, spring streams! Hello, first flowers!

A bunny jumps out to the music.

Hare: Hello Hedgehog!

Hedgehog: Hello, bunny! What is this in your hands?

Presenter: Wow, well done hedgehog, he congratulated his mother and gave her a gift. Guys, what do we usually give our mothers and grandmothers for the holiday? Let's give a song!

Song "I bake, bake, bake"

Presenter: And although it's frosty,

And the snowdrifts under the window,

But fluffy mimosas,

They are already selling all around!

Matryoshka: We stayed with you for a long time. It's time for us to go home in the spring.

And at parting we will treat you to a treat.

To the music, the matryoshka and spring hand out sweets or give the basket to the host.

Spring: Goodbye, guys!

They leave to the music.

Presenter: Drops sunlight,

Splashes of sunny summer,

We are bringing it into the house today,

We give to grandmother and mother,

Happy Women's Day!

Snezhana Bushueva
Magic cap. Scenario of the matinee on March 8 for the nursery group.


There is a screen in the hall. Near the screen, rings from a large pyramid are laid out on the floor. If desired, the screen can be decorated and soft toys can be placed on soft modules.

Children and mothers enter the hall to the music.

HOST: Look outside the window,

It became a little warmer there.

Mom's holiday is coming

The sun meets him.

We take mom by the hand,

Let's sing a song to mom.

SONG "WE'RE ALREADY SINGING" sl. and music Ya. Zhabko

HOST: We take mom by the hand, and we’ll go for a walk.

DANCE "WALKING AND Dancing""Ladushki. A holiday every day", junior group.

HOST: We came to the clearing,

Found the magic cap.

The presenter lifts her off the carpet cap. The cap is starting"jump, twitch" in the hands of the presenter.

HOST: What is it, I don’t understand?

Why and why

The cap is dancing,

All the people are rejoicing!

Puts screen cap, on the other side of the screen, a basket with balls of balls is hidden under it. The presenter raises cap, takes the basket.

HOST: Oh guys, that's it wanted to show us the cap. What is this?


HOST: And in it? He takes out and shows the ball.

CHILDREN: Glomeruli.

HOST: And the balls are bright! Just a sight for sore eyes! Look, guys, how beautiful the balls are in the basket. Tilts and "accidentally" knocks over the basket.

Oh, the balls rolled away, spun, swirled! Oh no no no!

And we will not be upset, but will collect the balls back into the basket.


The presenter scatters the balls, and the children collect them back into the basket. At this time, mothers help wind up the balls, if they have unwound, and encourage the children to play.

HOST: Guys, whose basket do you think this is? Children's answers.

Grandmother enters the hall to the music.

GRANDMOTHER: I'm Granny-Funny, hello guys! I am Grandma-Funny, hello, grandchildren! You have a lot of fun, but where is the fun dance? Looks around.

HOST: Grandma, we didn’t dance, we played with the guys.

With colorful balls. Look, isn't it yours?

GRANDMOTHER: Oh, my. I wanted to knit socks for my grandchildren, but the kittens lost the balls. So thank you guys. Now I'll knit a lot of socks.

HOST: Grandma, sit down, tie it up, look at the kids.


Any dance is at the discretion of the music director.

After the dance, the presenter draws attention to cap, who again wants to show something. He puts it on the screen. Under cap Parsley appears - a toy

PARSLEY: I am a toy, I am Parsley, a spoiled man, a prankster!

I am Parsley, I am a toy, I have come to you for a holiday!

Do you sing and act?

Congratulations to your beloved mothers?


PARSLEY: Do you want to play with me?


PARSLEY: I have a toy, but not a rattle.

A big pyramid, but it’s just a shame -

She's stubborn! It’s not going back to me!

HOST: And we will help you, Petrushka! Guys, let's build a pyramid together.


PARSLEY: You played so wonderfully! It's very interesting to be with you! But it’s time for me to run, I need to congratulate my mother! Thank you! Bye guys!

GRANDMOTHER: And while you were playing here,

I finished knitting my socks.

I suggest you play

Look for a pair of socks.

Lays out socks cut out of cardboard. Children need to find a pair.


HOST: They played a lot of fun, sang songs, danced.

Grandmother pays attention to cap.

GRANDMOTHER: Guys, huh the cap is jumping again.

Puts screen cap, picks it up, and there’s a treat for the guys.

The grandmother treats the children, takes the basket, says goodbye and leaves.

HOST: Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye,

It's a pity, of course, to part.

Come visit us again

We will be glad to have guests!

Dmitrenko Inna Vyacheslavovna, teacher.
Place of work: Nursery-garden No. 4 “Nightingale”, Novoazovsk, Donetsk region

Purpose: The scenario is intended for the celebration of March 8 in kindergarten in the younger group.
Target: to evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday of mothers, grandmothers, girls, to cultivate attention, love and respect for loved ones.
-congratulate mothers and grandmothers on March 8th;
-develop memory, speech technique, communication skills;
- bring up creative imagination, friendly communication.

Children enter in threes to Assol’s song “Mama”. The boys take the girls out, blow their mothers a kiss, wave and go to their seats.

Presenter: Today is a special day,
There are so many smiles, gifts and bouquets in it
And affectionate “thank you”
Whose day is it? Answer me.
Well, guess for yourself,
Spring day on the calendar. Whose is it?

Children: Mom's

Presenter: Our beloved grandmothers and mothers!
It's so good that you are with us today!
We congratulate you on Women's Day
And let's start our unusual concert.

Child: On the eighth of March I congratulate
Neighbor, grandmother and mother,
And even Murka our cat -
She's a bit of a woman.

Child: Something strange is happening:
Mom is sleeping, but dad is not.
He woke up very early,
As soon as dawn came.

I quickly ran for flowers,
And he brought a delicious cake.
And in her hands is a colored bag...
He was something very proud.

Dressed me up in a shirt
And he handed me a piece of paper.
“Congratulations on March 8th!”
I'll tell my mom a poem.

Child: Mom, I love you so much that I don’t really know you.
I will name the big ship “Mama”

Child: On this bright, bright day we gathered in the hall,
We tried very hard to please all mothers.

Child: My mother is made of warmth and affection,
I often fall asleep with my mother's fairy tale.

Child: Kittens, calves, and ducklings love their mothers,
Sparrows and bear cubs, and, of course, all the guys.
On a spring day, on a wonderful day, we will give mom a song!

Song about mom

Presenter: Our boys prepared poems for their mothers.

Child: I take care of my mother’s work and help as much as I can!
Mom made cutlets for lunch today.
And she said: “Listen, help me, eat!”
I ate a little, isn't that a help?

Child: Really, mom, I'm big? I put on my shoes myself
And I wash my palms with cold water.
And I haven’t cried since the morning (scratched the back of my head), maybe it’s time for me to go to school?

Child: In spring, like snowdrops, mothers bloom,
Well, dads just freeze with delight!

Child: Dad and I decided a long time ago
Surprise mom on holiday.
Washed, ironed, cooked
And, of course, we were surprised
What can I say about this!
Mom praised us
And... I started cleaning.

Child: My sister and I together
We'll clean the whole apartment.
Let's bake a rosy pie,
We'll wait for mom's arrival.
Only mom is on the doorstep -
And our pie is ready!

Child: There are many mothers in this world.
Children love them with all their hearts.
There is only one mother,
She is dearer to me than anyone else.
Who is she? I will answer:
This is my mom.

Presenter: And our girls prepared a skit called
"Three Moms"
Presenter: Tanyusha came back from a walk in the evening and asked the doll:

1st girl:“How are you, daughter?” Again you climbed under the table, fidget,
Again I sat all day without lunch. These daughters are just a disaster!
Soon you will become as thin as a matchstick. Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today.

Presenter: Tanya’s mother came home from work and asked Tanya:

2nd girl: How are you, daughter?
Playing again, probably in the garden?
Have you managed to forget about food again?
Granny called for dinner a thousand times,
And you answered: “Now” and “Now.”
These daughters are just a disaster,
Soon you will be as thin as a match!
Go have lunch, spinner,
Cheesecake for lunch today! (feeds daughter)

Presenter: Then my grandmother and mother’s mother came and asked my mother:

3rd girl: How are you, daughter?
Probably in the hospital for a whole day
Again there wasn’t even a minute for food,
And in the evening I ate a dry sandwich.
You can't sit all day without lunch,
She’s already become a doctor, but she’s still restless.
These daughters are just a disaster, (shake your head with your hands)
Soon you will be as thin as a matchstick.
Go have lunch, spinner,
Today for lunch cheesecake (arranges the dishes, sits down)

Presenter: Three mothers are sitting in the dining room,
Three mothers look at their daughters.
What to do with stubborn daughters?

All girls: Oh, how difficult it is to be a mother!

Presenter: Grandmothers raise mothers, mothers raise daughters, and daughters raise their dolls. And now they will dance
"Dance with Dolls"

Presenter: Who caresses you the most? Who loves you, adores you?
Does he buy you toys, books, ribbons, rattles?
Who bakes pancakes?

Children: These are our grandmothers!

Child: My grandmother and I are old friends,
How funny my grandmother is.
He knows so many fairy tales that he can’t count them.
And there is always a new one in stock.

Child: My dear grandmother, my dear,
More than anyone in the world, I love you.
I’ll run my hand over your wrinkles...
There is no grandmother like her in the whole world.
I will never upset you.
Just be healthy, my grandmother!

Child: We help each other.
She... cooks dinner for me,
For her, I... eat everything.

I lead her by the hand.
A passerby will not always understand,
Is my grandmother my granddaughter?
Either I'm a child after all.

Child: For you, dear grandmothers,
Just for you.
Let's sing a funny song now!

Song about grandma

Child: We thought for a long time and decided:
What should we give our mothers?
After all, it’s a gift, we were told,
Must be the best!

Child: We cannot give a jacuzzi,
And we can’t buy a ticket to Cyprus.
What should we give our mothers?
And the answer came by itself:
We'll give you a theater ticket!

Child: We will perform all the roles here ourselves,
We are giving the performance as a gift to mom!
Sorry if something is wrong
Being an artist is no small matter.

Presenter: Present to your attention
musical fairy tale "The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats in a New Way"

Once upon a time there lived a Goat with her kids in a bast hut on the forest edge. One day The goat speaks (sings):
Oh, goats, you guys,
You are left without a mother.
I go to the market to buy cabbage,
Maybe a wolf will come, I feel it in my heart!
We must sit, do you hear?
Quieter than water, below the grass.
We must sit, do you hear?
Quieter than water, below the grass.

Goats: La la la la la la……
You lock yourself with seven locks,
Just respond to my voice,
Oh, I'm afraid for you guys,
Oh, the signs wouldn't come out.
We must sit, do you hear?
Quieter than water, below the grass.
We must sit, do you hear?
Quieter than water, below the grass.

Kid: Don't worry mommy
Everything will be fine.
We know from a fairy tale -
The wolf is terribly ugly.

Presenter: Mother Goat left. The kids were left alone in the house. And mischievous music thundered throughout the forest.

Goats: la-la-la-la-la-la-la......

Presenter: Suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Who could it be? Isn't it a Wolf?

Wolf: Open the door for mommy as soon as possible!
I'm tired, I'm hungry like an animal!

Wolf: I fed you, gave you milk,
And now you don’t even know your voice!

Wolf: Apparently I’ll die at the threshold!
You don't let your own mother come home!

Wolf: I brought you cabbage from afar,
I'm tired and slightly cold.

Goats: Your voice doesn't sound like your mother's at all,
You sing out of tune with a thick voice!

Presenter: The kids didn’t believe the Wolf and didn’t let him into the house. He realized that you couldn’t fool the cunning kids if you sang in such a rough voice.

Wolf: The rooster will help me learn to sing!
A bear stepped on my ear as a child!

Presenter: And he rushed to Pete the Rooster, the famous singing teacher. The Rooster did not know what the Wolf had planned and helped and taught. The Wolf runs to the Goat’s hut, worried, nervous. What if it doesn't work out? He knocked on the door and sang in a thin voice:

Wolf: I have returned home, little goats,
With a bag overflowing with cabbage.

Presenter: That's how I learned to sing! Exactly like a goat. And the kids believed and opened the door.

Wolf: That's it, little ones, the dancing is over.

Kid: Where is our music? Sing, brothers!

Goats: La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la......
(The wolf takes the kids away)

Presenter: Time passed... The Goat returned home. The door is wide open! There's no one in the house! No one can eat cabbage!

Goat (singing):
Oh, little goats, where have they disappeared to?
Who did you leave me for?
Didn't listen to your mother
They seem to have lost their caution.
Oh oh oh..
Have you forgotten your mother's voice?
The result was a sign,
All my orders have been violated,
You were probably eaten by the Wolf!
Oh oh oh..

Presenter: And suddenly the Goat hears... Surely these are not her kids? The goat rushed into the forest clearing... And she saw her kids dancing in the clearing, and the Wolf was stamping her feet.

Goats and Wolf: La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la……

Presenter: This is what the magical power of music did to the wolf!

Presenter: And now it’s time for us to play, kids.
To make it more fun, invite moms soon!
The game begins, let's go fast!

Game "Swaddle the doll"

Child: Let's continue the concert.
We brought you spring flowers for the holiday,
Congratulations dear ladies, we wish you happiness
And we have a gift: a song and a spring waltz!

Song about mom
(The boys are given flowers and they stand in a circle)
Presenter: Look - flowers have grown in our meadow!

Boys dance with flowers

March 8 Children 1 ml g . enter the hall with bells
So the sun has risen. It suddenly became very warm.
The sound of drops can be heard everywhere: “Ding-la-la, ding-la-la!”
We're tired of snowstorms! Ding-la-la, ding-la-la!
These droplets sang their song.
This is how they always greet the spring maiden.

Song exercise "Drops" played with bells

Spring comes out with a basket of flowers.
Spring . Hello my friends,
I'm glad to see you all. Birds hover here and there in the heights,
They sing a sonorous song about spring. handing out flowers to children.
Spring In the clearing near Spring, flowers of unprecedented beauty are blooming and leading their round dance. Here!

perform a dance with flowers.
Child . On this day we tried:
They combed their hair neatly, washed, got dressed,
To make mothers smile

Leading . Look how we dressed up
How beautifully the hall was decorated.
We invited the sun to visit, so that mother’s day would shine.
We congratulate our mothers and wish with all our hearts
Be healthy, happy and cheerful, beautiful.

Song “The kids congratulate mom”

Child . We are funny guys
We call ourselves chickens. CHICKEN DANCE

Enter the matryoshka: Hello guys!

I didn’t come to you alone, I brought my girlfriends

We put on mittens and we all sing a song!

Song-game with a mitten “Russian Matryoshkas”
Come here everyone. I have handkerchiefs.
All handkerchiefs are different, blue and yellow,
Green and red. Our children have different scarves,
We’ll dance merrily with them, like nesting dolls.
Matryoshka Dance
Matryoshka: Drops are ringing in the yard,

Today is a holiday - Mother's Day.
A sparrow sat on a branch and sang a song loudly. .

Leading. The sun is shining bright,
Lighting up everything around. Birds flutter merrily
Gathering in a motley circle. The sparrow is flying, flying.
He sees a puddle glittering... It’s good to splash around in it,
The little sparrow has to go for a swim. Dip in, shake off,
And then have another drink. It's good to live with spring.
Spring . The sun is shining bright, bright.
Streams run and ring. I invite you, I invite you
Play with yourself guys.

Game "Birds".

Leading : And now we will congratulate the grandmothers, we will sing a song to them

"Song about Grandma"

That's how we walked, We played merrily.
The music is playing now Look at us!
We will dance together for you!

Dance in pairs “Oh daisies, oh insects”

Spring and matryoshka : It’s time to end our holiday “Goodbye kids!” /everyone leaves Host: Congratulations to all women on March 8th... wishes.