A story from the life of a Dead Boy. Statuses about the bitterness and pain of losing a loved one

You will have to live with the pain of loss. There is no escape from this pain. You can't hide from it, you can't run away. Sooner or later it hits again and you want only one thing - deliverance.

THE DEATH of a loved one is the most terrible grief that can befall a person. The pain of loss sometimes seems unbearable.

Life and death are just two moments, only our pain is endless.

Ah, I... I regret... I'm Calling... I'm Crying!!!

Everyone died, what's the point of denying it now? But how can you understand this with your heart?

Take me, Lord, instead of him, and leave him on earth!

The first time you experience loss loved one, then you understand the price of life and the inevitability of death.

Denial of death. Family members may act as if their loved one is not dead; waiting for him, talking to him.

No matter how sad it sounds, our lives are short and sooner or later we will all fade into oblivion.

The feeling of loss gives rise to torment similar to the torment of a person thrown overboard a ship...

Take care of those you love!!! Appreciate the minutes spent together! Know how to forgive! So that later there will be no excruciating pain for unspoken words, for unperformed actions!

Probably, if you truly love a loved one, you will never come to terms with their loss.

There was a poem carved on the stone wall of the temple called “Loss”, it only has three words and it has only three words. But the poet scraped them off. Loss cannot be read… it can only be felt.

People do not regret what was or is. People regret lost opportunities.

The loss of a loved one shatters our familiar world.

Time may heal, but they don’t live long enough to forget someone who was dear to them.

Death passes through the Earth, separating loved ones so that later they can unite in eternity.

Friends always live in each other's hearts, even after one dies, he will remain in the heart of the other forever.

You left so suddenly... It’s unthinkable that your life was interrupted like that, all we were left with were tears and the truth: Remember and pray all the time.

There is no life on earth where there is no child. Why do I live on earth if children are dying?

It is impossible to return, it is impossible to forget... Time is inexorable!!! Half a year has already passed. Life flows by... Realization has not come!!!

Giving up your love is the most terrible betrayal, an eternal loss that cannot be compensated either in time or in eternity.

We mourn for Lokomotiv, we feel sorry for the guys, but we were waiting for them in Minsk... Life is very unpredictable...

The most important man in my life is you, daddy, and no matter how old I get, I will always remain daddy’s little daughter for you, and you are my main man, no one can replace you. May you rest in peace.

As soon as we lose faith in our strength, we lose ourselves. Statuses about the bitterness and pain of losing a loved one

It is very painful and scary to lose loved ones, relatives, loved ones, but with each loss the feelings become dull and the heart becomes colder...

We must pray for those who have gone into the dream world of silent silence. So that tears do not flow from heaven, for us... for sinners... they.

They say that time heals... It seems to me that it simply tears out pieces of our memory, with blood...

It hurts to look into your eyes and realize that you can’t help... It hurts to be close and know that this is the last night... When the doctor declares death... The pain from the loss of those closest to you is unbearable! ... There is no replacement for them!!!

Damn... it’s so scary... you see a person, say hello to him... and a couple of days later they call you and say that he’s no longer there... Scary...

When a loved one dies, you feel like you have lost a part of yourself.

Don't try to avoid painful experiences. Don't hold back your tears. What happened is a real tragedy. It must be felt, experienced.

The memory of the deceased can become an incentive for further life.

Only when we lose do we begin to appreciate... only when we are late do we learn to hurry... Only by not loving can we let go... Only by seeing death do we learn to live...

Somehow I came to terms with fate... there were two of us... and you were alone there. We stocked up on a pound of salt with you... now my son and I eat it...

Life is too short to have time to understand its meaning, death comes too quickly without having time to understand that there is only one life given.

This status is for all those who once foolishly lost their soulmate and, because of pride, missed the moment when they could get them back.

How to relieve the pain when a loved one leaves where there is no way back???

Do you know why people look at the sky when it hurts them? So they try to hold back their tears...

It's sad when people die!!! It’s even worse when the scum that killed them is still alive!!!

Talk about the past in the past tense.

I have a lot to do today: I need to completely kill my memory, I need my soul to petrify, I need to learn to live again.
Anna Akhmatova.

And I burned everything that I worshiped, I worshiped everything that I burned.

How often, for the sake of fidelity, you are tormented by loneliness, your love is not needed by the dead, your love is needed by the living.

Loss of illusions - is it a profit or a loss?

The worst thing is to lose what you believed in, hoped for, and then bam! and a black hole formed inside.

The person cannot accept the loss. He experiences shock, which manifests itself in a complete lack of feelings.

It’s just... periodically... it happens... your messages and voice are not enough... I ask... don’t forget me... gradually turning into the past...

What heart can bear it??? All the pain and sorrow cannot be expressed in words. No one can love like a mother. How painful it is to lose your mommy.

Departed feelings can still return, but a departed loved one never does.

When one person dies, it is a sad loss, but the death of millions of souls is a statistic.

A person can come to terms with the thought of his own death, but not with the absence of those he loves.

The highest wisdom is in accepting death. It is important to understand that life does not end. We are all immortal. Our death is a tragedy only for our loved ones. - Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

You left the pain in my heart forever! Gone from this life forever! Dear, sweet and gentle, my beloved mother!

I can’t live without you... My heart cries and my soul groans... I, too, my dear, have “GONE” from life.

I recognize you... in the touch of a birch branch, I recognize you... in the river with seething water, I recognize you... in the dew that looks like tears, I know darling!!! you're near me.

You may be 14, 20, 30, 42, 50... You will still cry when dear people leave.

Getting attached to a person is a huge risk; when they leave, they take your soul with them.

Those who have known the sadness of loss appreciate the joy of what is found.

I love and remember. We remember those who left us, We remember those who closed their beloved eyes forever.

Getting out of depression gradually becomes possible, mental pain becomes less. A person begins to look for solutions psychological problems, not related to loss.

Nobody dies too early, everyone dies on time.

Statuses about the bitterness and pain of losing a loved one

Again and again I burst into poetry and anxiously await the stitchers...
...And in the depths of their souls, the creepy dead boys lost their breath.
My boys, you are buried in the dark, walled up with your screams.
No spells can give you freedom, you are suffocating with stanzas,
What is born in the mind falls into crumbs. You are their forced creators,
And each of my poems cuts like a knife, it hurts you, it hurts you, it hurts you.
My terrible muses, iron-captured, but I’m also chained with you...
You pricked my fingers with spindles, in my chest with hot tin,
It’s as if you’re burning through my lungs, hitting me with creeping branches.
There, in the depths of my soul, you are decaying, while I am tormented by nightmares.
And at night I hear: you are crying furiously, as if you have gone crazy...
That's enough, quiet. You are very beautiful boys. Only you are already dead.


Hello! It’s very sad, well, if you don’t know that you are Lady Lyaya hairdresser, men’s master, and when you’re not in the mood you’re a little tougher
you snap your hair with scissors - boys - screw you - scream, and then fly around with cut-off dead hair...))))

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Once upon a time there lived a Dead Boy. Not that he lived, but he was definitely there. As a child, he was, of course, alive. An ordinary boy. That is, he was born alive. In general, he was born and screamed, and everyone decided that he was alive. And his mom and dad told everyone that they were finally expecting their first child. They didn’t tell anyone what they were thinking. Grandmother was also silent. She always thought one thing, said another, and did a third. However, like everyone else.
Mom and Dad brought the Boy to his grandmother and immediately went to work. They always went to work. And the Boy was left alone with his grandmother. Grandma was busy with housework and kept disappearing somewhere. Not exactly, but rather haphazardly: it will disappear, then it will appear. She usually appeared to feed her something healthy, in her opinion, but tasteless or disgusting. No matter how much the Boy resisted, he had to eat everything. Then the Boy got a brother. The baby was very small, he couldn’t walk, he couldn’t even eat porridge from a plate by himself. That's when everyone began to forget about the Boy. They remembered only if something extraordinary happened - he refused to eat something, he simply didn’t listen, he hit his brother, he ran off to the river with the boys, in general, something for which they would whip him with a belt. His brother, on the contrary, grew up to be a good boy, obedient and correct. He told his parents about the Boy’s misdeeds and read books all the time.

No one noticed when the Boy died. Not quite to death, but somehow strange. It seems that he went to school, slept, talked with friends, and his Soul flew away. He didn’t feel that people around him weren’t like him, he didn’t understand, and he didn’t try. One day he met a girl - sweet, gentle, cheerful. He suddenly saw that their Souls were kissing, that they felt good together. But something went wrong and she disappeared. His Soul was taken and disappeared. The boy did not understand anything - why it hurt, why it was cold and sad. And he died again.

The boy became big, even an adult. But he still remained a Dead Boy. He accidentally married the Strange Girl, but this did not bring him happiness. And she wasn't happy either. Not right away, of course. First they had children, lovely lively boys. And, oh, miracle! - The boy, playing with his sons, began to come to life. Just as nature awakens from its winter sleep, coloring the shadows on the snow with the color of the sky, just as the sounds and smells of spring awaken with the first drop, so a child’s laughter returned the Soul to the Dead Boy. He began to feel beauty, hear birds singing, notice flowers blooming and smell them.
But the Strange Girl took the children and disappeared. The boy died again.

This is how he lived long years, communicating with the world of dead machines and technology. He remembered his children, he really wanted to come to life again, he was looking for a Woman who would revive him with her love and give him the crystal bells of childish voices. And he met her. Surprisingly, and perhaps quite naturally, she worked as a doctor, where people were between worlds. Thanks to her big and pure Soul, her professionalism, they came to life and returned to this world. So thought the Dead Boy hopefully.
Yes, she became interested in him, automatically, out of work habit, she tried to breathe life into him. And he felt that hot blood was flowing in his veins, that he was no longer a boy, but a Man. He wanted to embody a new feeling into a new little life, into a little person - a baby or little girl, and raise him together with this amazing Woman. He wanted to come to life. He felt the strength and desire to live. But she said that she had been dead for a long time and therefore had been killing her children for a long time. Even his children...

And then he died forever. I stopped feeling colors and colors, smelling aromas and smells. And no one knew this - neither his parents, nor his brother, nor his random girlfriends, nor the people who were next to him.

He went to virtual reality, where the same dead boys and girls lived.

For us he is alive and somewhere nearby,
In memories, in heart and in dreams
The soul is always alive, it knows everything
And he sees how we are suffering now!
There is more than one angel in the sky,
And this is obvious, I know for sure!
Today, tomorrow and throughout life
We remember, love and mourn!

I asked God to return everything,
It was as if he didn't want to hear me,
Passed short life path,
We won't be able to see you again...

When we met secretly,
When we played checkers
Everything was cool then
You were with us Arkashka!

Now you're not there,
Imbued with sadness
I remember all the time
And I really miss you...

Perhaps you came
Well, for God's sake I ask you:
"You come to me more often,
I'm always looking forward to seeing you!"

I feel bad without him... Unbearable
I just exist, I don't live
Oh, Lord, give me some strength!
I don't ask for more anymore

Separation is cutting more and more, suffocating
No air. Only bitter blue smoke
All sounds strain the ear and soul,
And the world somehow became empty and gray

Closing my eyes, I imagine that he is nearby,
Will make your heart tremble in your chest,
His face with an empty and sad look
And quietly I whisper: "Don't go..."

The soul shrinks into a ball,
He was given a short sentence...
And he couldn't do much
Although I wanted to live and could continue to live,
But alas...
The time is over and life is too short...
And it’s not easy to part, but you can’t get anything back,
And a sharp knife for the heart...
And it’s better not to touch anything,
Wanted to help? well...
There's nothing you can do to help
And the strip of the knife will not grow together
You're dying slowly
You scream as if you're not breathing
But all in vain... He left for another world forever...

You left, the whole world went dark...
my heart is beating barely audibly...
I don't believe you're gone.
Why did it all turn out this way?
You left, taking everything with you...
Tears froze in my eyes...
But in my heart there is only silent pain...
We will forever remember YOU...

Hearts burn and candles cry
According to our dear, dear ones.
And early in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening
We remember them, yearn and mourn
We ask for eternal rest for their souls
Let's keep the love and memory
And we pray on our knees
And again we yearn and mourn.

All poems are for you, my angel,
Pain pierces them every word,
And the soul cannot find its peace
Until we are together again.

You will live in eternal memory,
And no matter what anyone says,
There, behind the cemetery fence,
The world keeps your memory.
People like you will not be forgotten so easily,
Your eyes will remain shiny with tears.
And for a very long time people will still be
Carry you bouquets of scarlet roses.
Are you sleeping. But everything is so unusual.
Everything reminds me of you.
And only the rain is so quiet, barely audible
Knocking. As if he were saying hello.

It's so hard for me to live without you,
And you - you tease and worry.
You can't replace me
The whole world... But it seems that you can.
I have my own in the world:
Deeds, successes and misfortunes.
I just miss you
For complete human happiness.
It's so hard for me to live without you:
Everything is uncomfortable, everything is worrying...
You cannot replace the world, -
But he can’t do you either!

Our loved ones don't die -
They return with warm rain.
They even return from paradise,
To see how we love and wait.
Running through the gardens and across the field,
Having watered both the flowers and the forests,
Having breathed plenty of native air,
They rise up into the heavens.
They rise up with evaporation,
Turning into a cloud again.
And they spill again - like a downpour,
To see our love.
Our loved ones don't die.

There was a man and suddenly he was gone.
His heart stopped beating.
Mom is crying, my beloved is crying,
What have you done, you ruined him.
But everything could have been different
And don’t help your grief by crying.
You don’t know how to continue to live,
Only during life do you forget to love.

I can't hear my native voice,
No kind, sweet eyes are visible.
Why was fate cruel?
How early you left us!
The Great Tribulation cannot be measured,
Tears won't help me,
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.
Nobody could save you
Died too early.
But the bright image is your dear
We will always remember...

When someone closest to you leaves,
Dear, beloved person.
The whole world will appear as a bitter drama
Where everything turns black, even the snow.
And never! Nothing in the world
The warmth of their hands cannot be replaced.
While you're alive, don't skimp
Give your love to your family...

You have gone into holy eternity,
And our pain cannot be helped,
And the name of pain is infinity...
You left us for another world - there,
From where there is no return,
Leaving a memory of yourself, love,
Sadness and pain of loss.
You reign in heaven,
And we should bring roses to the grave.
May the earth rest in peace to you,
And the soul - eternal peace.

Words cannot express the pain of loss,
Nobody knows when trouble will come.
Fate alone is to blame for this,
That You left us forever, forever.
May it be easy for you there,
And the memory of You will remain here with us.
Sleep well, swan's down to you,
And for the soul - the Kingdom of Heaven.

You have gone into holy eternity, and our pain cannot be helped,
and the name of pain is infinity...
You left us for another world - where there is no return,
leaving memories of yourself, love, sadness and pain of loss.
You reign in heaven, and we carry roses to the grave.
May the earth rest in peace to you and eternal peace to your soul.

Before the celebration begins, songs from the war years are played.
Darkening in the hall, glare from a mirror ball.
Soundtrack of the bell.

1st: What is this? Can you hear?
2nd: These are bells. Bells of memory...
1st: Memory? Do such things really exist?
2nd : They happen, look!

Phonogram: Albinoni “Adagio” (women in black with candles come on stage, freeze in different poses. A reader is illuminated from the darkness with a beam).

Reader: I knew what a lame postman meant,
Which everyone was waiting for and fearing

1 woman: What if mine comes like this too?!

2nd woman: And, suddenly, completely... (pause).

Reader: There were whispers in the streets
A heart-rending scream soared over the village.
And a heavy word:

3 woman : (loudly) Killed!

Reader: I remember "first" and also "buried"
And it also seems “in a damp grave”
The postman walked like a raven without a wing.
His crutch creaked from hut to hut.
So every day (pause). Half a village left
Of those who wait until their grief is enough."

Complete blackout in the hall. The women leave. Male readers are snatched out of the darkness one by one by a ray of light

1 reader: The sun was bleeding in the smoky darkness.
A red shell struck. (pause) They were no longer on earth, but it was.

Reader 2: The waves rushed from rock to rock,
The sea crushed the granite! (pause) They were no longer on earth, but it was.

3 reader : The tree walked on damp ground,
Roots digging up the earth! (pause) They weren’t already on earth, but it was.”

Z darkness in the hall, glare from the mirror ball. Phonogram "Roads" (A. Novikov, L. Oshanin.)

Voice behind the scene: Listen to letters from the war years!
These are letters from the dead to their relatives, friends and loved ones.
They wrote under bullets. And under bullets they don’t lie.
Listen to letters from the war years.

P complete silence in the hall. There is a smoke machine on stage. Spotlight beams run across the hall.

Voice 1: I am writing you a letter.
Although the paths between us are not close.
Human-sized weeds,
And besides, notebook leaves,
Very temporary material.
Well, okay, let it be - it doesn’t matter!
But for now earth Man,
Millions of my fellow citizens
Writing letters to the thirtieth century!

Voice 2: I'll die tomorrow, mom. You lived 50 years, and I only lived 24. I want to live. After all, I did so little! I want to live to defeat the hated fascists. I know my death will be avenged. Don't cry, mom. I die knowing that I gave everything to victory. It's not scary to die for the people. How I would like to live and see what life will be like next...

The voice falls silent. Phonogram of the second verse of the song "Dark Night", shots. A girl and a boy are on stage. The spotlight illuminates them one by one.

He: How painful, honey, how strange,
Akin to the ground, intertwined with branches.
How painful, honey, how strange,
Splitting under the saw.
The wound on the heart will not heal,
Sheds a pure tear.
The wound on the heart will not heal!
It will spill out like fiery resin.

She: As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you,
Soul and blood are inseparable!
As long as I'm alive, I'll be with you,
Love and death are always together!
Don't forget me, darling!
You will carry it with you everywhere,
Native land, father's house.

He: But if I have nothing to hide with
From incurable pity,
But if I have nothing to hide with
From the cold and darkness?
She: After parting there will be a meeting,
Don't forget me, darling,
After parting there will be a meeting,
Let's both come back: you and me.

He: But if I disappear into obscurity
In the cold light of daylight?
But if I disappear into obscurity
beyond the star belt, into the milky house?
She: I will pray for you,
Don't forget me, darling,
I will pray for you,
May you return unharmed

The light goes out, the girl and the boy slowly walk away in different directions. A beam of light is directed at the reader on stage

Reader: Superhuman force in one winepress cripples everyone,
Superhuman force threw earthly things from the earth
And she didn’t protect anyone, in the distance the promised meeting,
And no one was protected, a hand calling in the distance.

Reader 1 slowly leaves, at which time Reader 2 enters the stage

Reader 2: Call me by a bright name,
Give me a clean name.
It will come like a song on the wind,
to the trenches the voice of love.
I'll hear you through the noise,
I'll take a dream for reality
Rain down on the old roof,

Reader 2 slowly leaves, Reader 3 enters the stage

Reader 3: Call me by a bright name,
Give me a clean name.
It will come like a song on the wind,
To the trenches the voice of love.
I'll hear through the noise
I will take a dream for reality.
Rain down on the old roof,
At night, open the shutters in the house.

Reader 3 slowly leaves, at which time Reader 4 enters the stage.

Reader 4: The bullet will fall in the crimson steppe -
Hold back the dry wind at least for a moment!
Remember me with a kind word,
I'll be freezing with warmth.
Appear, clear away the fogs,
come down on the grass with me,
Breathe on fresh wounds -
I will feel it, I will come alive.

Blackout. Reader 4 leaves.
Phonogram - melody from the opera "Orpheus" (H.V. Gluck)
Full light in the hall. There are two on stage.

1st: Hospital. Everything is in white.
The walls smell of damp chalk.
Swaddled us tightly in a blanket
and making fun of how small we are.
The sister bent over and stirred water on the floor.
And we looked at the floors
And blue flew into our eyes,
Water, floors, my head was spinning.
The words swirled:

2nd: Friend, what is it like these days? Saturday?
I haven’t seen you for twenty days...

1st: The floor is blue in the water, and the air is smoky...

2nd: Listen, friend...

1st: And everything about her. About her
But sister, dictate letters to her!

2nd : She can't, friend,
There is a difficulty here.

1st: What a difficulty, don’t think about it...

2nd: You should take it!

1st: I!?

2nd: After all, there are hands!?

1st: I can not!

2nd: You can!

1st: I don't know the words.

2nd: I'll give the words

1st: I didn't love

2nd: Love! I will teach you by remembering...

1st: I took the pen and he said:

2nd : "Dear..."

1st: I wrote it down. He:

2nd: "Think you've been killed..."

1st: “I’m alive,” I wrote. He:

2nd: "No need to cry"...

1st: I led my pen to the truth.
“Wait for my reward”... He:

2nd: "Will not come back"...

1st: And I - “I’ll come! I’ll come!”
There were letters from her. He sang and cried
He held the letter before his enlightened eyes!
Now the whole board asked for:

2nd: Write!

1st: They might have been offended by my refusal.

2nd: Write!

1st: But you can use your left hand yourself!

2nd: Write!

1st: But you can see for yourself!

2nd: Write!

1st: Everything is in white. The walls smell of damp chalk.
Where is it all? Not a sound, not a soul.

The lights go out, the readers leave. Darkness in the hall. The reflections of a mirror ball. A spotlight shines on a girl and a boy. Live performance of the song "You Wake Me Up at Dawn".
The light is the same.
Phonogram: "Chaconne" (Yu. Levitin, suite for chamber orchestra).

Reader: Boys, how do I talk about the dead, about you... (pause)
Wild reflections on the red snow
The wind will set at the desk now.
The corners will be thrown up by the broken glare
How terribly they shine around,
How these walls scream unbearably!
And suddenly silence... (pause)
Die sound! The black pantomime begins!
The black streets wander silently,
Black shadows fall by
Black branches twisted into a rope
Black hands stared at the sky!
Boys, you are no longer on earth,
mouths will not open, feet will not step.
This whole night took away from us all at once,
there were comrades, there were mothers.
Birds looking from under their wings,
at passing cars.
The wounded city was frozen by the cold,
The telegraph pole hit the lightning.
Boys, how hard it is for me without you!
How can I finish this page?
Mothers will harness the sled now
Coffin after coffin, into the night, through the blizzard,
Why are you shouting, crazy land mine?
Why are you rushing around in mortal circles?
Housing comes out like a fiery cry,
There is no peace for me, no edge, no edge,
Boys, my gray grief.
My eternal pain, my eternal wound,
Your mothers are still waiting for you at night,
It’s like they’re running out, but they can’t keep warm
They would have to break through to the underground springs.
They would reach the filial heart!
They would like to see their boys,
Moms! Don't cry, please! No need!

The soundtrack ends.
This is where my terrible verse ends.
Twentieth century evil ballad"
Darkening in the hall. The reflections of a mirror ball. Phonogram: bells.

1st: But is memory ever alive?

2nd: Don't you believe it? A man can die twice
There on the battlefield, when a bullet catches up with him,
And the second time - in people's memory.
Dying the second time is worse.
The second time a person must live!

Phonogram: "Lacrimosa" (W.A. Mozart, "Requiem"). There are three readers on stage. The light is the same. Ray on the speaker.

Reader 1: The wheat is ripe,
The dawn floats quietly.
Everything you could have done,
Guys who aren't there!

Reader 2: Mothers are tired of crying,
But after many years
They look at us carefully
Guys who aren't there!

Reader 3 : As if bending over destinies!
As if stepping forward
They became our destinies -
Guys who aren't there!"

The light goes out. The readers leave the stage.